Serena Williams c-walked during Kendrick Lamar’s Halftime performance

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I saw that Serena Williams was in New Orleans for the Super Bowl hours before the game, but I thought she was just there to watch the game and watch Kendrick Lamar. A lot of famous women came out for Kendrick specifically, and I thought Serena would just be seated in the stands and enjoying the game. But no – Serena was part of Kendrick’s Halftime performance. She popped up on the Halftime set just as Kendrick performed “Not Like Us,” which mentioned her by name. Kendrick only performed part of the song, but Serena’s presence just reminded everyone of the unperformed lyrics: “F–ked on Wayne girl while he was in jail, that’s connivin’/Then get his face tatted like a bitch apologizin’/I’m glad DeRoz’ came home, y’all didn’t deserve him neither/From Alondra down to Central, n–a better not speak on Serena.”

Kendrick’s “better not speak on Serena” was actually referencing a long history between Drake and Serena. Drake and Serena used to date or fool around or be friendly more than a decade ago. Drake used to write love songs about Serena… and then she moved on to Alexis Ohanian. Then Drake referred to Alexis (Serena’s husband and father of her children) as a “groupie.” That’s why Serena has been all-in on “Not Like Us.” She made multiple references to it at last year’s ESPYs, which she hosted. Then she turned up within Kendrick’s Halftime performance… and she crip-walked. It was amazing. She hasn’t c-walked in public since the ESPYs and since she won gold at the London Olympics. Maria Sharapova was crying in her chair and Serena c-walked on Wimbledon’s Centre Court.

Photos courtesy of Serena’s IG and Getty.

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36 Responses to “Serena Williams c-walked during Kendrick Lamar’s Halftime performance”

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  1. Nanea says:

    Kendrick’s show, including Serena showing up, was a halftime show for the ages.

    It was so funny to read all those butthurt tweets that didn’t get the Serena/Drake history, especially the incident(s) you mentioned, Kaiser, Drake calling Alexis a groupie.

    And all those tennis “fans”, who still haven’t got over Serena doing her thing in Wimbledon ages ago, who crept out of their boltholes to complain again, together with the misogynoir racists.

  2. ML says:

    That’s awesome! I really enjoyed watching Serena!

    • Josephine says:

      I did as well. She looked fantastic. I never enjoy the half-time shows but I thought the whole thing was really well done.

  3. It Really Is You, Not Me says:

    No one believed me during the game when I said that was Serena! Epic burn!

    • Meghan says:

      Yes! I really like Kendrick Lamar but I’m not familiar with all his songs. As soon as I saw Serena I went “ooooh that must be a Drake burn!”

      I really enjoyed his halftime show!

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      It was so quick…my son said, was that SZA again? I said not unless she changed her wig and outfit real quick; I think that was Serena WIlliams?” Which he later confirmed for me. I didn’t know about her history with Drake though so it seemed so random to me LOL

      • sevenblue says:

        There was a protestor in the background. I assume that is why the camera switched quickly. Even the audience there didn’t have time to notice it was Serena.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      No one believed me either, @It really is you! I screamed!

  4. jellitate says:

    I got chills and tears in my eyes seeing Serena crip-walk, I couldn’t explain it to my 85 year old mom or 78 year old dad but it was a glorious feeling in mostly dark times.

  5. jais says:

    Serena!!! That was epic. Loved it.

  6. Walking the Walk says:

    Drake has talked mess on her, SZA, Rhianna, how many other Black women? I hope he stays in Australia.

    • sevenblue says:

      He went after a (white) youtube review guy, one of the first things he said, the guy had a black wife. He is really obsessed with black women.

    • MissMarirose says:

      Megan Thee Stallion too. Claiming she lied about being shot by Torey Lanez (another Canadian). Drake is basically an incel.

      • Crystal says:

        Ice Spice egged Nicki Minaj on when Nicki was harassing Megan thee Stallion so that was the Chiefs fan I wanted to see disappointed. Win!

    • Jaded says:

      Drake is a national embarrassment (I’m Canadian) and he’s burned too many bridges to even count. He’s a bitter Betty and back-stabber and I’m glad he’s getting dissed by KL and others. He deserves it.

  7. Alarmjaguar says:

    So, I feel like Celebitchy is a safe space to ask, I learn so much here from all you bitches— what is the significance of the c-walk?

    • FancyPants says:

      [hiding behind you, also needing explainer]

    • osito says:

      There are excellent YouTube videos about the significance and why, if you’re not affiliated, you shouldn’t do it, but the short story is that it’s a cultural artifact of gang culture from 1970s Compton/LA. It spells the name of the associated gang and was used as a signature of sorts.

      It wasn’t until the late 80s or early 90s that it started being noticeably used in performance art and then commodified by mainstream artists.

      Like any ceremonial behavior, I’m firmly for it being available to those who are from the culture that utilizes it however they want. It’s not for me to judge. I wouldn’t do it, and it looks crazy to me when I see unaffiliated people do it. Kind of like when people do rain dances or sage smudge.

    • PJ says:

      What Osito said!

      It’s a dance most recently made prominent by West Coast rappers (like Snoop Dogg) with it’s roots in the Crips and the Bloods gang warfare. Serena is from Compton and at the 2012 Olympics held in London, she c-walked after winning her singles gold medal match at Wimbledon. At the time, the press and some of the public expressed faux outrage (“she’s perpetuating gang culture” “it’s an inappropropriate dance” “what kind of example is she showing,” etc.) instead of acknowledging that she was doing a 10 second dance move that paid homage to where she grew up
      Kendrick is also from Compton and name dropped Serena in a song, pushing back against all the disparaging remarks by Drake. Serena and Drake dated before she was married and he called her husband Alexis, “a groupie.” Drake really is showing himself to be an Incel–he’s always saying bad things about women like Rihanna, Serena, Sza (also an ex of his) and Megan Thee Stallion.

      Serena also did a little c-walk to They Not Like Us at the Espys, where she was host. So, this time she and Kendrick got to c-walk over Drake’s corpse at the Super Bowl Half Time 🙂

  8. Michael says:

    I am sure Drake is happy he is on the other side of the world because he is getting stomped on worse than the Chiefs did. It is like he has no allies and all the people he screwed over are coming back for him

  9. Queenie says:

    Serena was my favorite part of Kendrick’s spectacular performance! She looked absolutely incredible.

  10. molly says:

    I love when rich people do stuff like this (instead of torching democracy.)

    Yes, have a reason to take your family to the Super Bowl, get into full glam, dance to your enemies on a global stage, and return on a pj to your mansion in Miami.

    • Jensies says:

      Curious why you have this energy for Serena and not all the other (white) celebrities there.

      This song, this show, is art and has cultural significance. And added bonus if being able to c-walk on an ex’s back. Why shouldn’t she do it.

      • molly says:

        I should have used more exclamation points because I TOTALLY applaud her for doing this! Get a little revenge on haters and an ex, all while looking great!! 10/10, no notes!

  11. Is that so? says:

    Some people were saying they wanted Kendrick to be more in your face political, but he had a whole lot of flags waving last night.

  12. pamspam says:

    Serena looked stunning!!

    Can we please stop linking to X? Eew.

  13. grace says:

    I LOVE Serena. Always.❤️

  14. Sue says:

    Love to see Serena Williams have more time on the field at the Super Bowl than Harrison Butker.

  15. BeanieBean says:

    Totally shallow comment: Serena’s got legs! The best legs!