“David Schwimmer wanted Apartheid Clyde to ban Kanye West from X” links

Kanye West has been ranting about Hitler on Twitter, and now David Schwimmer is publicly asking Elon Musk to ban Kanye from the platform. [Socialite Life]
Kanye West already deleted his Twitter after his crazy Nazi rants! [Deadline]
It’s hilarious that Timothee Chalamet got to interview Kendrick Lamar. [LaineyGossip]
The best & worst Super Bowl commercials. [Pajiba]
Photos from the Costume Designers Guild Awards. [Go Fug Yourself]
There’s a new documentary about Rudolf Nureyev. [OMG Blog]
Celebrities were out in full force at the Super Bowl. [Just Jared]
Andrew Scott looked attractive at the Critics Choice Awards. [RCFA]
People are removing their nose rings because of the Final Destination Bloodlines trailer. Yeah, I would too if I had a nose ring. [Seriously OMG]
Reality star went on a MAGA rant. [Starcasm]
The CMT Awards have been canceled? [Hollywood Life]
Forget bridezillas, here are horror stories about bridesmaids. [Buzzfeed]

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21 Responses to ““David Schwimmer wanted Apartheid Clyde to ban Kanye West from X” links”

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  1. Normades says:

    I don’t mind a regular nose piercing but septum rings are so unattractive to me.

  2. Jais says:

    Someone needs to add Kate Middleton to that list of bridesmaids horror stories, just saying. Was she a bridesmaid technically? Hmm, no? But she told a bride struggling with her dad in front of the whole world to have a whole new dress made for her daughter days before the wedding and failed to show up to the pre-arranged final fitting bc she was demanding that her daughter get a whole new dress made. Her demands had the bride, who was leaving her job and moving to a whole new freaking country, in tears. Now that’s a horror story.

    • Chrissy says:

      I agree! That was a bitch move from Kate during an already stressful time. What a nightmare Meghan had to go through because of that jealous woman!

  3. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    I agree with David Schimmer 100%, however the problem is this is one of the reasons Musk bought Twitter: to radicalize people online like he was radicalized – i.e. insecure white men who are afraid of anyone who is not also a white man.

    • Blithe says:

      Yeah. I don’t disagree with Schwimmer, but the bigger issue is what Twitter has become under Musk’s leadership. And, in allowing Kanye to rant, do we know if Musk actually disapproves? *

      *I’ve never had a Twitter account, but I’m pretty sure it’s becoming increasingly awful under Musk’s watch. I’m also temporarily appropriating the MAGA habit of : “I’m only asking a question.” — since I haven’t read or heard Kanye’s exact comments.

  4. ThatGirlThere says:

    David is appealing to the same man who threw out the heil hitler salute in public and in front of cameras? That same guy?

    • Amy Bee says:

      I had the same thought and condoning of Musk’s actions has only enbolden others.

    • Nanea says:

      DS is also appealing to the same Apartheid Clyde who re-instated all those previously banned accounts, e.g. Felon47, all of the alt-right, — among them actual nazis, storm front and similar, “men’s rights”, incels, science deniers, Jan 6 deniers, deniers of election results, stalkers, conspiracy theorists, etc etc

      Just no, wrong number, wrong address, wrong everything.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      LOL point taken.

    • Robert Phillips says:

      Plus he’s doing it from Instagram. Which is twitters competitor.

    • mightymolly says:

      The bar is so low that I’m impressed David Schwimmer is taking a stand. We see Black and Jewish public figures like Ye and Zuck kissing the ring, so it’s actually nice to see a celebrity pointing out that Nazis are bad.

      • Caitlin says:

        Yet he was silent when Musk threw up a literal Nazil salute on national television???

        Its hard to wrap your mind around being outraged and horrified by one but being totally silent on the other. Especially considering Elon’s speech in Germany almost right after

      • mightymolly says:

        I have no idea if he was silent when that happened. This is the first time I’ve heard Schwimmer’s name in years, and I hardly look to him for leadership in political activism. As I said, the bar is low. Merely saying the morally correct thing is impressive at this point, but mygawd some people need to start using their influence to do something.

    • Kali says:

      Exactly! He’s appealing to a Nazi to ban another Nazi from X?? Dafuq? So Schwimmer has a problem with antisemitism when its coming from a Black person only. That’s some selective outrage right there.

      • Caitlin says:

        Musk is white he is not gonna be called out. He could have done and entire “Goose step” at the inauguration and the same ones outraged by Kanye would be silent.
        I’m glad people are paying attention to the very specific selective outrage.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        He’s been extremely active in protesting against antisemitism for years now. What you’re saying is simply completely untrue.

        It’s disturbing that people are turning “I personally didn’t see a headline about it” into “I didn’t see a headline about it ergo it never happened.”

        Spreading untruths about minorities is hardly the way forward here.

  5. SamuelWhiskers says:

    It’s a real shame to see so much hostility to minorities speaking out against racism in these comments.

    • Nico says:

      Agree. Schwimmer has done the work and some people are dismissing his concerns outright or, worse, trying to hint he’s racist.

  6. susiecue says:

    oh no, is that what we’re calling Elon? My cat’s name is Clyde. :'(