Cele|bitchy | Donald Trump left the Super Bowl early & probably got booed pretty hard

Donald Trump left the Super Bowl early & probably got booed pretty hard

I managed to time my Super Bowl viewership just right this year – I tuned in as the team walkouts were beginning, and I zoned out in the first two quarters, only really keeping my eye on the hilarious score as the Eagles went up 24-0 at the end of the second quarter. I was so zoned out, I didn’t even see anything about Donald Trump’s appearance, and most of my timeline was more focused on Taylor Swift getting booed and getting hyped for Kendrick Lamar. As it turned out, Trump didn’t even watch Kendrick’s Halftime show, and he left during the second quarter or immediately after the second quarter.

Donald Trump left the Super Bowl early after his pre-game prediction of a victory for the Kansas City Chiefs fell surprisingly short. The president was pictured getting back onboard Air Force One more than an hour before the conclusion of the Big Game, which ended in the Philadelphia Eagles triumphing with a decisive 40-22 win.

A White House spokesperson told The Independent that Trump had always planned to leave the event early and provided a copy of his schedule, which had him due to leave the Caesars Superdome at 8:05 p.m.

[From The Independent]

You might say, hey, it was probably nothing, maybe it was just a security issue. But it seems clear that Trump was depressed, sun-downing and bronzer-poisoned because the MAGA Chiefs were losing so badly. That’s probably one of the reasons why his post-Super Bowl social media was all about insulting the Chiefs and Taylor Swift too. He wrote: “The only one that had a tougher night than the Kansas City Chiefs was Taylor Swift. She got BOOED out of the Stadium. MAGA is very unforgiving!” What’s funny about that is… people did some digging and found raw footage from within the Superdome, and it turns out that people were booing the f–k out of one Donald J. Bigly too. There’s even some suggestions that Fox edited their footage and audio to create the false impression that more people were cheering and clapping for Trump too. Also: some Chiefs fans are blaming the team’s loss on Trump. He does have the anti-Midas Touch, so they might be onto something.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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35 Responses to “Donald Trump left the Super Bowl early & probably got booed pretty hard”

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  1. Amy Bee says:

    After hyping that he was going to be the first President to go to the Superbowl, he couldn’t even last the whole game? What a waste of time and money.

    • Flowerlake says:

      Apparently, it cost an enormous amount of tax payer money to have him there.

      • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

        All we do is pay for his BS existence, and all we get back is aggravation, chaos, and pain. My brother in law got laid off yesterday from the medical services company he worked for for 20 years, because of funding cuts due to the freeze on NIH payments. 3 weeks ago he was told he was in line for a promotion. Tr*mp and M*sk are going to tank our economy, but they’ll be just fine with their billions.

      • Kitten says:

        The cost, the security risk etc is why no other POTUS has attended but ya know, Orange Man special and all that.

      • Libra says:

        @hillaryisalwaysright, I feel for your BIL losing his job, my heart breaks for my granddaughter who has had her usaid position terminated. Not a good time to go job hunting .

      • Traveller says:

        It’s ridiculous that we have to pay enormous amounts for this subhuman and his entourage to go to a sporting event – a totally and completely unnecessary expenditure – and then the douche doesn’t even stay for the whole game. What an effing waste.
        Where is DOGE’s inefficiency cuts when you really need them.

    • budsbunny says:

      He’s such an entitled pig.

  2. Normades says:

    Did he leave before or after? I actually would be surprised if he stayed for even a bit of it. Like I mentioned in the other post apparently Samuel L. Jackson is a long time nemesis.

    Funny how he hasn’t mentioned anything in his hate filled tweets (or at least that I’ve seen). Probably because he knows the ratings were BIGLY.

  3. Normades says:

    I agree he is a bad mojo luck charm. I think there’s pictures of Mahomes mom (?) taking pictures with him. Haha suck it.
    Meanwhile Jill and the grandkids were having a great time. Bless. Go 🦅

  4. Mslove says:

    I agree. Planes are crashing, diseases are spreading, and there are rumors of war. It’s all on Trump.

  5. Flowerlake says:

    Saw many clips on Bluesky where he was booed 😀

    • ML says:

      I love, absolutely love, the fact that X apparently did not censor tweets of Trump being booed. I also love the fnck you from fans included above! Leon (F/Elon) did not come through for CFDT.

    • Mimi says:

      Thanks for mentioning Bluesky, cause any promotion of X (literal nz platform) is just eew

  6. Jennifer Smith says:

    I know I am preaching to the choir, yet the choir is so good, I can’t resist. I hate this. I hate the fact that we don’t know for sure what the crowd reaction was. Instead, we have to piece together different snips of information–videos try to suss out what’s AI, accounts from news organizations and individuals and try to discern what’s manipulated by other means, and what’s reality. I would compound my rant by bringing in the legacy media but no one has time for that. Ugh.

    • Kitten says:

      I feel your frustration with the Disinformation Age but I think 50% is a good general rule. For now, Trump is still the polarizing figure he’s been for the past 10 years so I would expect that every nonpartisan space he visits will be filled with half boos and half applause. At least we can take comfort in knowing that it will never be more than 50% and with time, will likely be less than that.

    • Luna says:

      Even the guardian wrote that he got cheered. Would love for them to see the raw footage and correct the article if appropriate

  7. Dawn says:

    This has made my day…I can’t stop laughing….He deserved every bit of it….OLD PUTRID PUMPKIN!!!

  8. Brassy Rebel says:

    The game was televised by Fox. They anticipated the hostility and substituded cheers in the audio over the booing. Foreign media got the video feed from Fox but not the audio. So they had the booing and swearing live. Someone should be as petty as Trump was with CBS and sue Fox for the unedited audio.

    Keep it up, people! Boo him wherever he goes.

    • Emily says:

      I would love for Canadian news to broadcast the boos. We’re feeling patriotic right now.

    • Bronco says:

      Where I live we had the fox commentary so I assume audio? I’ve seen neutral outlets post he was cheered loudly. The glamour article posted on the swift page was a good read about toxic masculinity, Trump, swift and football.

  9. aquarius64 says:

    US media is not pushing the boo birds were out for Trump or mentioned his rage tweet on “Truth” Social like they usually do.

  10. ThatGirlThere says:

    Ivanka is disgusting. I cannot stand that heifer.

  11. Sue says:

    My 3 year old can only make it through most of the first half too. She gets bored and cranky and her 3 year old brain’s attention span can only take in so much. I wonder if they had to walk Bigly around the stadium a few times to keep him entertained.

  12. mblates says:

    that man yelling traitor with his whole chest almost made me cry. i kind of feel dumb about it, but also, all you hear these days is how everyone is capitulating. these tiny little moments where you know you’re not alone mean a lot.

  13. Becks1 says:

    Millions of taxpayer dollars for this stunt but federal funding for…..well, everything, it fees like…is being slashed.

  14. K says:

    In that top photo he is the exact color of the wall behind him. I am so happy the Eagles won.

  15. TN Democrat says:

    Thanks for reporting this, Kaiser. Unbiased media has fallen and a celebrity gossip site has more honest reporting than mainstream media. I refused to watch anything Super Bowl related when it was announced mango was attending. My feeds did not have one post that covered this and I didn’t see any news source that reported it, either. Every post/news report I saw was about TS being booed and implied the booing was caused because magats hate her, not because Philly fans booed everyone associated with the Chiefs. Please remember Google and Meta are altering our feeds deliberately to support Mango Mussolini’s agenda and omitting honest reporting.

  16. KC says:

    I doubt he can understand the game.

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    My nephews were at the game. They said the boos were overwhelming for Trump.

  18. Truthiness says:

    The guy who was screaming YOU’RE A F-KN TRAITOR at the top of his lungs to Trump is my spirit animal of the day. Said so much with so few words, 10/10.

  19. AC says:

    There were a bunch of fans sharing their experiences on SM. He was sooo booed loudly. Even on Fox live broadcast, he did not look happy.

  20. Anon @ Work says:

    What a waste of our tax money.