Duchess Meghan wore a $1250 Mackage coat & Moncler gloves in Whistler

With each and every photo from the Canadian Invictus Games, I can’t help but think “yeah, I get why they were so mad.” The Duke and Duchess of Sussex just have “it.” Charisma, charm, photogenic beauty, and they seem so happy, in love and well-suited for each other. That’s why those awful, salty people were so mad and why they haven’t been able to move on for over five f–king years.

These are photos from Monday, where Meghan and Harry went to Whistler to open up that part of the games (the competitions are divided between Vancouver and Whistler). Harry made a speech and he brought Meghan up to speak too. Meghan wore a new winter-weather ensemble – a maxi coat by Mackage, which retails for $1250. She also wore $680 gloves from Moncler and Sorel Joan of Arctic boots.

Before they arrived to this Whistler event, Harry and Meghan visited Squamish Nation and paid their respects to the First Nations community. Town & Country had a beautiful piece about the Sussexes’ visit and what it meant after decades of being ignored and marginalized by the Windsors.

“It’s a special day for us,” Wilson Williams, the spokesperson for Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish Nation), tells T&C. “I’ve been waiting to host them in our community. I’ve been a part of the [Invictus] journey for three years.”

That journey began when Vancouver and Whistler campaigned to host the Games, and made Indigenous voices a cornerstone of their bid, proclaiming that Four Host Nations— Lil̓wat7úl (Líl̓wat), xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations—would be at the center of the event.

Williams himself was instrumental in the bid, and he traveled to London as part of the pitch a few years ago. “The night before the bid, I called my auntie, who’s an elder matriarch of our language,” he recalls. “I said, ‘I’m in London for the Invictus Games. I’m representing the Four Host Nations for the Indigenous representative.’ And she started crying.”

Williams told his aunt about how Squamish’s Hereditary Chief Ian Campbell lent him regalia to wear in London. “He opened his closet to pick any of his regalia, and I knew what it meant. She told me that in 1906, when Chief Capilano went to address the King in London, he was the first person to leave our villages and territories and go overseas to do this. It was a big deal. So she was crying because she said the last time someone [from Squamish] walked the streets of London was when Chief Capilano was donning his regalia—just like I was going to do the next day. So that was a magical, intimate moment.”

The bidding process was anxiety-inducing, he remembers, but “I knew how special it was for Indigenous people to be part of Invictus—we all are unconquered. We are persevering and finding that healing. We are now part of the Invictus family—giving what we can to the games, and adding that healing and medicine and spiritual side of our culture, our traditions, and our language,” he continues. “So the Invictus Games now is that much more richer; Prince Harry knew right away.” When the Duke of Sussex announced that Vancouver and Whistler had won the bid, Williams remembers, Harry said it was with “the invitation and permission of the Indigenous people.”

Harry and Meghan have “embraced the moment,” Williams says. This morning, he drove with them from their hotel in Vancouver to Squamish Nation, and spoke to them about his people’s history with the royal family, telling them the story his aunt told him of Chief Capilano traveling to London in 1906 and how King Edward VII did not meet him and his delegation. Capilano “just left a petition there of our people that signed it, saying that we’re still here, please stop taking resources, land, and our rights away. We are here. We were becoming a diminishing people. A lot of our people were being decimated, in certain ways, of sicknesses.”

A few decades later, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth embarked on a 1939 tour of Canada, which ended in Vancouver. “Squamish Nation were advised that the royal family would stop,” Williams explains. “So Chief Capilano’s son carved two totem poles, and they built an arch over Marine Drive. The designs on the arch and the totem poles demonstrated Chief Capilano’s visit to London,” he says. “Our people had a bunch of gifts—when people come and visit, we gift them. They don’t leave empty handed, or leave with an empty stomach.”

But, King George and Queen Elizabeth didn’t stop in the community. “It was heartbreaking for our people,” he says. He told Harry and Meghan this story as they drove over the Lions Gate Bridge, recalling a conversation he and Harry had in Düsseldorf at the Invictus Games in 2023. “I said, ‘Remember when we were talking about righting wrongs? This is the moment, here today, when we do that.’”

The Sussexes then arrived at Squamish Nation, stopping in the community where his great-grandparents did not. During their visit, they joined in a ceremony. Harry had a drum, Meghan had clappers, and they played music as children danced around them. Their visit “righted a wrong from the past, and it was a special moment in our community,” Williams says.

[From Town & Country]

This is the kind of thing which the British tabloids would snidely refer to as “woke” – as in, how dare Harry and Meghan show respect to the First Nations community, how dare they respect indigenous culture, how dare they do more than Harry’s colonialist relatives. It’s beautiful that Harry and Meghan were able to do this. Meanwhile, the left-behinds can’t be bothered to travel to Canada whatsoever – they’re too busy taking ski vacations and jetting off to Italy.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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68 Responses to “Duchess Meghan wore a $1250 Mackage coat & Moncler gloves in Whistler”

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  1. Inge says:

    I loved Meghans face when Harry asked her to join him on stage and then weent ‘and now Meghan will sing!’

    Meghan 😲

    • Jks says:

      She can sing! There’s a video on YouTube of her singing on stage.

    • Krista says:

      He is such a natural in front of the crowd! He made a cute dig at the Australians as well. I was a bit fan girly seeing them there, and Michael Buble too! And Jim Cuddy (I think mostly Canadians know him, but he’s a music icon up here!) I was frozen solid there but it’s a great vibe at Whistler!!

  2. Harla says:

    I’m so proud of Harry and Meghan!! They understand connection and tradition in ways that his family never will. 🖤💛🖤💛

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    Meghan must have a closet just for her coats . This new coat is stunning.

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      I could never afford it but I would wear the hell out of that coat in Maine winters!

      • Sunshine says:

        That runs about the same price as a Canada Goose. But it’s much prettier I love learning about new brands.

      • Andrea says:

        I have had a Mackage coat for 5-6 years now. Mine was $1100 after tax. The company is out of Montreal. My bf bought it for me as a Christmas present because he felt I really needed a good winter coat. It comes to my knees and is light grey with black leather trim and a hood. It is a tremendously good investment for me, since I live in Ottawa.

    • Moneypenny424 says:

      I’ve been wearing Mackage since 2008! They make beautiful, stylish coats. I wonder how warm this actually is–I’m always freezing and not all down is created equal.

      I’m in the market for a new full-length down coat…I might have to splurge on this one. Thanks, Meg!

      • Andrea says:

        I am quite warm in my Mackage, so maybe it is what you buy. Make sure it says like great in -25C or something.

    • Bean says:

      The Real Real has Mackage coats and they’re reasonable!

    • Sara says:

      I am not a fan of the royal family but it is honestly too bad Harry wasn’t the oldest. I think he would have made a lot of difference. This was so healing for the Indigenous people because they got to feel acknowledged after being ignored for so long or being mocked by horse face Camila. A truly wonderful moment. I give kudos also to his beautiful wife Meghan who was probably really supportive of meeting with the Elder and their community.

    • BeanieBean says:

      If I had to live that far north, I’d want a coat & boots like that!

  4. Jan says:

    The Sussexes are enjoying the games as much as the competitors.

  5. Jay says:

    It’s a small detail, but Harry explicitly talking about being invited and getting the permission of Indigenous people to be on their land feels like a shift in a good way.

  6. SURE says:

    The most revealing and significant part of this story was that in the eyes of the Squamish community, H&M righted a wrong carried out by his great grandparents. Unfortunately the title you chose for this article doesn’t mention that key detail. Instead, you chose to focus on the cost of M’s coat. Very interesting….

    • Tankerbelle says:

      Yes, it made me pause and think about what Harry carries- how he’s the cycle breaker in so many ways, righting wrongs not just within his family, but also harms they’ve caused many other people.

    • Jais says:

      Come for the fashion, stay for the substance😃.

    • Yup, Me says:

      People are probably more likely to click on the “fashion title” post than the “righting wrongs” post. This way, we the readers are prevented from engaging in the same disrespectful behaviors toward this community as Harry’s ancestors repeatedly did.

    • Square2 says:

      “Instead, you chose to focus on the cost of M’s coat.”

      Yeah, I’m irked by mentioning the price in the headline. Kendrick Lamar’s Celine flare jeans cost $1300. Where’s his headline with price tag?

      • L4Frimaire says:

        Yeah that seems really unnecessary to headline that, especially when the article is about so much more. Why not just do a column focused on M’s wardrobe?

      • Queenie says:

        yeah I nearly missed the main bit about H&M paying their respects to the First Nation community. That’s the true headliner here

    • Athena says:

      @sure. I was think the same. The price of Meghan’s coat and gloves should not have been the title. Meghan’s team do not release what she’s wearing it’s others who find the information.

    • Magdalena says:

      I was surprised to see the price of the coat in the headline as well – that’s usually what the Daily Fail does. The headline would have been fine without the price.

      I really enjoyed reading about the significance of the Sussexes’ visit and Prince Harry’s hard work in ensuring that Invictus received the permission of the Indigenous peoples and their full inclusion. The mutual respect just shines through the spokesperson’s words.

  7. Amy Bee says:

    This is a beautiful story. If we’re to believe Tom Quinn, Harry being sensitive to the issues of marginalised communities is against the values and traditions of the royal family. It’s good that Harry and Meghan have shown respect to the indigenous peoples.

  8. Lady Esther says:

    What a beautiful article, mainly because the journalist let Williams speak for himself and his community, and he is so articulate. Definintely tearing up reading this!

  9. Anne-Marie says:

    It was sweet that Meghan gifted those gloves to a competitor that was feeling the cold

    • Cathy says:

      Yes. That was a beautiful thing to do. I reminds me of one of her first walk abouts where a woman dropped a glove (think it was a glove) and Meghan automatically bent down, picked it up and gave it back to her.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Wow, what an incredible story.

  11. Lynda says:

    And she gave her gloved always to a lady who was cold!!

    • Honey says:

      The $680 gloves? That was quite a gift! I can’t see them in the photos — her hands are either in her pockets or the gloves are off.

      • Chaine says:

        I want to know how a pair of gloves can even cost $680! Are they made of yeti skin?

      • L4Frimaire says:

        Montcler has ridiculous pricing. Even if those gloves are made to scale Mt. Everest, that’s way overpriced. Are they fur-lined or something? A really good pair of technical ski gloves would be in the $200 range. Anyway, we all have our indulgences and they must have been really warm. Accessories is where these high end brands make their profits.

      • Jazz Hands says:

        Meanwhile Kate didn’t want to give up her lipgloss. Meghan is good people.

      • Henny Penny says:

        I try to remember the hidden cost of human labor when assessing any price. Many hands are involved in making a pair of well-made gloves.

        Sure, we can all buy cheaper gloves from animals that haven’t been raised humanely, butchered in unsafe, unregulated factories, and sown together by a child chained to a sewing machine.

        I think Megan considers the human component when making her fashion choices. At least I hope she does.

      • alteya says:

        Very good point, henny penny. Ethical choices can cost much more. We’ve seen in many of her fashions that Meghan deliberately makes the ethical choice.

  12. Isa says:

    All of the controversies about royal etiquette like not crossing your legs, no dark nail polish, don’t close your own car door etc…. Meanwhile the royal family stood up an indigenous community that spent their time and resources to welcome them.

    • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

      And even when they do visit an Indigenous community, you get moments of Camilla smirking or laughing inappropriately.

  13. Julie says:

    This is a beautiful testimony. Harry and Meghan embodies humanity, effortless and with dignity.

    • Giddy says:

      This is so true. They continually show respect for other’s traditions and values. They were the most charismatic members of the royal family when they traveled representing the crown. Now they represent themselves, their foundation, and Invictus and show others love and respect wherever they travel.

  14. somebody says:

    What a sad story, but I guess asking the monarchy to stop being thieving, racist colonizers was never going to work.

  15. NG_76 says:

    That jacket is amazing, if I could afford it I’d wear the sh*t out of it right now in Northern Ontario – it’s been -30 or more with the windchill for last month brrrr..

  16. Hypocrisy says:

    That coat is beautiful, I love the color.. but I’m definitely a winter white fan especially for coats.

    • Jais says:

      The coat is absolutely gorgeous and stunning in white. I would get it dirty in a second though😂. So I’d be cleaning it every day when I got home. But maybe be worth it bc it’s gorgeous.

    • Nicole says:

      I’m pretty meh on the coat. I wish I could absolve her of her love garments with waist sashes. She’s short waisted and it always cuts her wrong.

      • Jaded says:

        Why is that even a concern? She always looks fabulous, short-waisted and all. It’s her personality, her compassion, and her love for her family and her work that matters, not a coat.

      • jais says:

        I think she looks good in her coats, tied or not, short-waisted or not. It feels like minor quibbles. But hey, I’m admittedly biased. I fr think she looks cute in her tied coats.

  17. Jais says:

    What a moving story. It made me angry to hear about William’s people preparing all those gifts and then being ignored. And then for William to travel and bid for the games despite his nerves. Kudos to the T&C writer for sharing this story. The Four Nations Hosts are showcasing the games beautifully. They are setting a very high bar.

    • JanetDR says:


    • Dainty Daisy says:

      This is so moving. The fact that Williams does not sound resentful towards the 🇬🇧, and still wanted his people to be part of Invictus (an initiative started by a member of the🇬🇧 RF). I’m having flashbacks of the now Queen Consort giggling during a Katajjak or at the Samoan dancers. What a contrast! 🥹🥹🥹

  18. QuiteContrary says:

    Righting wrongs seems to be part of Harry’s and Meghan’s mission. I’m so glad the Squamish Nation is finally gets its due from these royals.

  19. Saucy&Sassy says:

    The Indigenous People are amazing. The treatment they got over many, many years, and yet they welcomed Invictus. It says so much about them as a People. It’s something everyone should aspire to.

  20. GrnieWnie says:

    oh, I almost bought those boots so many times. OF course she got them!

    Anyone who calls this woke has zero understanding of Canadian politics. I saw some American writing an article against “land acknowledgements” and how they’re meaningless and then they used Squamish Nation’s development of some urban property as an example of real change. And I’m like…don’t you think land acknowledgements fed into that? I can tell you that when you sit around acknowledging that the land you’re on belongs to someone else, it opens up doors for that someone else to actually be able to develop the land.

  21. VilleRose says:

    My mom has a similar long white puffer coat from LL Bean, she used to wear it when she worked in Boston for about 13 years (she had an apartment in the South End and worked at John Hancock) when it got very cold. Boston has some infamous wind tunnels so she’d also wear it on the very windy days. I’ve definitely made fun of her for wearing that coat and I don’t think Meghan pulls it off any better than my mom does lol. But no one looks fashionable in those maxi puffer coats. Also Harry making Meghan come over all the way to the podium only to prank her with “She’s going to sing” was hilarious. Now I understand why Michael Buble made that singing comment when they exited the stage and walked past him (I think that was from Meghan’s own Instagram).

    I’ve loved the inclusion of the First Nations and I loved the story in this article, thank you for sharing it!

  22. alteya says:

    Two colors of Joan of Arctic boots are on sale now (up to 50% off) on the Sorel site if anyone is in a shopping mood.