Princess Kate’s spokesperson made a weird clarification to the ‘no fashion IDs’ thing

A few weekends ago, Kensington Palace announced that they would no longer release information about the Princess of Wales’s clothes. Royal sources huffed and puffed about how the time had finally come for Kate to be seen as a woman of substance, and that identifying which designers she wore distracted from the important busywork Kate does every now and then, when she feels like it. As I pointed out, this was not the first time KP had tried to pull this “don’t talk about Kate’s fashion” sh-t before, and they had to walk it back all of those other times too. Just like they’re doing now. It seems that several British papers published critical columns of Kate’s new “substance over style” complaint. So now Kate and her office are complaining and explaining, will you look at that.

Kate Middleton’s office is clarifying the official policy for releasing details about her clothing following recent backlash over new palace guidance. After a week of discussion surrounding the Princess of Wales’ clothing and the possibility of changing the formal policy on sharing her fashion details, Kensington Palace issued a rare statement.

This follows a Feb. 1 Sunday Times article titled “Princess of Wales: Focus on my work, not my wardrobe,” which quoted a royal source saying that Kate “wants the focus to be on the really important issues, the people and the causes she is spotlighting.”

On Tuesday, Feb. 11, a Kensington Palace spokesperson responded with a statement to PEOPLE: “Over the last week, I have received numerous questions about a story regarding The Princess of Wales’s clothing and how Kensington Palace shares information about her outfits. To clarify, the comments that appeared in the article were from me, not The Princess of Wales,” the statement continued. “The comments that were reported should not be directly attributed to The Princess of Wales. To be clear, there has been no change in our approach to sharing information about Her Royal Highness’s clothing.”

In response to the Sunday Times report, several op-eds criticized the notion that Kate’s style should be downplayed, emphasizing the vital role it plays in shining a spotlight on British designers and boosting the British fashion industry. Critics also pointed out that her fashion choices not only pay homage to the legacy of Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth but also serve as an important tool for connecting with the public and should not be minimized.

[From People]

This is bullsh-t, all the way around. First of all, the Times and other outlets made it clear that the “substance over style” quotes were not coming from Kate directly, but the quotes were attributed to an unnamed palace source. I knew what it meant – it was coming from Kate’s office or it was coming from Kensington Palace in general, meaning Prince William’s staffers might have had a hand in it too. Why was Kate’s spokesperson unable to go on the record the first time, when he or she ranted to the Times and other outlets about not releasing fashion IDs? Why complain and explain nearly two weeks later, but not even make a point of changing the new and unpopular policy? It’s basically just an acknowledgement that Kate’s idea is unpopular, that she doesn’t actually have much substance to begin with, and that Kate and her staff are boneheads for orchestrating this completely unnecessary mess. Kate’s staffers are too incompetent to even fall on their swords properly – this clarification just made things dumber.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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81 Responses to “Princess Kate’s spokesperson made a weird clarification to the ‘no fashion IDs’ thing”

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  1. AlexandraS says:

    Kensington Palace has THE WORST comms team: they appear to be bungling idiots. First they announce they want the emphasis OFF of Kate’s clothing and instead want to focus on Kate’s “work,” then they pretty much retract the statement. I have a feeling that the flip flop is not only down to an ineffective team, but I think Kensington Palace comms sees the back and forth as a way to keep Kate in the news cycle.
    Its a very short-sighted, nihilistic strategy.

    • Yup, Me says:

      If she really wanted the focus to be on her work, she COULD do a super revolutionary thing and just … work. Be seen more often. Present more substance over style for folks to talk about. Wear stylish clothes (because that serves a purpose) but have interesting and valuable things to say when she is seen.

      • Margot says:

        Yeah. Anne doesn’t struggle to have people focus on her work. Because she’s got work to focus on.

      • ML says:

        ITA she needs to up the work, and if she does that there will be more of a focus on what she does. However, I’d argue work hours aren’t enough if she doesn’t start doing stuff that makes a difference. She’s been on and off and off working on the early years, but I still do not have any idea what she’s specifically improved in Great Britain for young children.

        And next, British designers use royals to show their stuff, and they’ve done that for years. Like it or not, K’s silly announcement meant “less advertising” for (British) brands. Total own goal.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      So IOW, all the bashing Meghan got for the focus on her outfits was for no? Wow, look at that! KHate’s minions of derangers (that UK Vogue editor woman included) are all bumbling idiots that stuck their mouths on Kate’s arse but ended up getting burnt, once again. Them hypocrites never learn

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m wondering if maybe Kate had a personal secretary again if things might not go better? Eh, who am I kidding.

    • Josephine says:

      Their legacy of ineptitude continues. At least they are consistently bad, consistently backtrack, consistently make it clear that nothing they say can be trusted.

  2. sevenblue says:

    “To clarify, the comments that appeared in the article were from me, not The Princess of Wales”

    Isn’t this person representing Kate? I would assume, the comments were approved by Kate before going to the media. Of course, Kate wouldn’t say anything directly, she is communicating through her office. This isn’t a case of employee going rogue. So, it is weird, Kate doesn’t want any heat, because the words didn’t come from her mouth directly. If they weren’t tax-payer supported, this firm would bankrupt long long time ago due to their incompetence.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yeah that doesn’t make any sense. This came from you working in your capacity as her spokesperson. You weren’t just talking to someone at the pub and saying you wish people paid more attention to her good work. They realized that one, the media really only cares about her being photogenic and pretty and wearing clothes, and two that taking that ability away from the media leaves a gaping hole. She hasn’t given any speeches of substance, she doesn’t work a ton, she hasn’t even spoken at length and utilized her health issues to bring awareness in a way that would make her interesting for an interview subject. She doesn’t want to work, she doesn’t come out the house, and when she comes out she doesn’t want you to talk about her clothes. Um, okay?

      • Tara says:

        Looks like a power play behind the scenes. Fashion budget slashed, announcement out trying to force Kate into more substance, Kate shows up in terrible clothes, now they have to correct that it wasn’t Kate’s comments – as if she didn’t know about that statement. And she probably could have done something about it legally. It IS the war of the Waleses Part II – Only this time they keep the lid on, in the hope that the pot won’t spill over.

    • Becks1 says:

      This is all so weird and stupid. No one thought that Kate herself called the Sunday Times and gave that quote. Its clear they weren’t expecting the backlash to it. But its also just admitting that there is nothing else to discuss besides her clothes.

    • Princessk says:

      The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. What a shambles. I believe that Buckingham Palace have not been happy with the Kensington Palace operation for a long time.
      Lack of experience and no proper guidance. The messaging and strategy coming out of KP is all over the place.

  3. Maxine Branch says:

    To me it seems like another way to get this woman’s name in discussion. It does not help she was too dumb to know not to take an Chanel bag to a holocaust exhibit. At this point in the Windsor’s lives, any publicity is good publicity to them if it gets folks acknowledging their existence

  4. Me at home says:

    This is such a fumble. Obviously they had to pivot from their hard push of “she’s too frail to work” after the skiing-in-Switzerland debacle. So the new line is that she’s keen to work so focus on that you fashion-obsessed losers. But they should have thought a little more about the credibility and delivery of this new line. I guess it was successful in one respect, it got us to stop talking about frailty vs. skiing.

  5. Caitlin says:

    With all that’s going on in the world at the moment, it’s mind boggling that anyone would be interested in this ludicrous “clarification”.

    Maybe they’re afraid Meghan is getting too much attention at the Invictus games?

    • Gabby says:

      You’d think she would be grateful that M&H and Invictus are headlining right now, as it gives her cover for the long vacation we all know she’s about to take, right on the heels of her ski trip. The poor frail racist flower.

  6. Nanea says:

    Wow, this “substance over style” idea was so well thought out that it lasted a whole Scaramucci.

    Amateur hour at KP again, but seeing that Bulliam and Buttons are nothing but amateurs themselves, it doesn’t surprise me that their employees, sorry, the gold-plated advisers, aren’t any better at this than them.

    Their new motto should be “Never complain, never explain – always confuse, lie and obfuscate.”

    • Me at home says:

      To be fair, I’d hate to be their Comms team. Kate is too frail to work. Ooops, Kate is skiing in Switzerland. Kate is keen to work and wants to be known for that and not for her designer labels. Ooops, we got called out on the fact that Kate doesn’t actually work. Possible next up: Kate is spending time with her kids on their break, ooops Kate is in Mustique. OK, back to our daily grind of keeping William and Kate in the news when they don’t do much that’s interesting. Couldn’t pay me enough for that job.

  7. Tarte au Citron says:

    Quite a few bungles for Kitty so far this year, hmm. Anyone else would have been cancelled and roasted for weeks for that Chanel blunder.

    • Chrissy says:

      That ‘oversight’ was an unforgivable blunder. She’s supposedly an university educated woman. Where were her ‘advisors’, not to mention her husband, who should have caught that disgraceful mistake. I imagine she just wanted to show off her expensive accessory as the POW, historical relevance be damned!

      • StarWonderful says:

        A woman who dresses like a Southern Bell for her birthday pictures and dons a Scarlet O’Hara dress at a Jamaican state event knows exactly what she’s doing by accessorizing with a Chanel bag at a Holocaust event.

  8. Mrs. Smith says:

    It’s so strange for the statement to literally say those (specific palace-approved) comments were attributable to “me” but then not name who “me” is. Like, what?

    • Jais says:

      Okay, yeah that stood out. Who exactly is me? Just a random unnamed KP spokesperson who is taking the fall for the decision but refusing to even give a name. It’s just a faceless entity? Okaaay. That makes it worse and feels like they’re just covering for Kate and her team. Bc they are.

    • Jay says:

      Same! I kept looking for the name of the official, like surely they’ll put a name to “me”!

    • BeanieBean says:

      I commented on that lower down. Exactly! Who’s the ‘me’?? That’s some crappy ‘journalism’ right there. And is this alleged spokesperson really a KP spokesperson? Or Kate spokesperson (too lazy to scroll back up to doublecheck)? Or do they cycle through so often they don’t bother to learn their names?

      • jais says:

        Lol, do they cycle through so much they don’t bother to learn their name? I don’t think it’s that. Saying “me” with no name is just a form of protection for the person and hiding who’s really the source talking to roya nikkah at the times. A source was obviously told to talk to roya at the times for their principles. A penny for roya’s thoughts on all this. The Times is supposed to be a broadsheet right? Murdoch’s version of an elevated newspaper that is not a tabloid and this makes it look silly.

  9. Whalesnark says:

    “We are terrible at our jobs, working for a woman who won’t do even the basic show-pony events that comprise her laughable excuse for a “job”. This has been proven for fifteen years plus, so that’s on you if you expect us to rise to the standards of minimal competency.:


  10. Well she has no substance so they have only her “style “ to discuss and it was taken from them and now they can discuss it again. The lies and confusion will continue because brain cells are in short supply at the palaces.

    • Jay says:

      That’s what is strange though, right? Because it was never a publication ban or media embargo or anything. Yes, KP not directly crediting designers would have made the media’s job a little harder and possibly led to confusion, but they certainly could have just quietly released the info. The fact that they are trying to clean up this story with an Official Statement from KP and restating their Official Policy tells me that there must have been some major pushback from the royal media.

  11. aquarius64 says:

    KP can’t provide clarification for Kate’s “cancer”, her “concerns” about Archie’s skin color, her meddling in Harry and Meghan’s wedding (Kate made Meghan cry not the original BS) but will send out the Royal mouthpiece when the press gives Kate heat for not being an official fashion model for British fashion. The BM knows Kate brings nothing to the table.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I can remember when it first happened the papers saying that Kate had given Meghan flowers to apologise, the story was only changed later. If, whoever changed it had kept quiet it would all be long forgotten. A few tears while preparing for the wedding of the year are to be expected. It can be very stressful.

      • Square2 says:

        “I can remember when it first happened the papers saying that Kate had given Meghan flowers to apologise, the story was only changed later. ”

        Nope. The original story, written by the liar Camilla T, after the Oceania Tour, was “Meg makes Kate cry” (which I though was coming from MamaMiddleton or Kate herself when the article was published. ) I didn’t believe the story back then, amd only assumed it was a lie to smear Meghan. It wasn’t until the Oprah interview that I (we) learned that it was worse than a simple lie, it was KP/Middleton PURPOSELY using KKKate’s bad behavior to redirect it onto Meghan. We also heard of the flowers and card apology at Oprah interview.

        Oh, KP till this day still try different versions of stories to explain the “Bridesmaid DressGate”, when there’s only one truth.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Yes, remember KP told Meghan that they couldn’t correct stories in the press. Interesting that they can do it now that Kate is getting mildly attacked by the press. KP put Meghan’s life in danger by remaining silent.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Yeah, they’ll rouse themselves to straighten the record on this…nothingness…but important stuff? Nope. Utter silence.

  12. Eurydice says:

    This is confusing to me because the original statement never said that KP would not be releasing fashion ids – it just said, “…do we need to be officially always saying what she’s wearing? No.” Basically, they didn’t need to, not that they wouldn’t.

    And why it took 10 days for this “clarification,” I don’t know.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Well, it is a poorly worded statement. I mean, ‘to be officially always saying’—what the heck is that?

  13. Tessa says:

    She blundered going on that ski trip it was bound to come out

    • Me at home says:

      The ski trip torpedoed the whole pr line about how “she’s too frail to work more than part-time, if that.” The question is whether they’ve learned anything, or Kate is jetting off to Mustique for Carol’s 70th as soon as school break begins on Friday.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    Perhaps the spokesperson should be named in this piece and maybe there shouldn’t be exclusive briefings but regular press briefings with named spokespeople. It’s time for KP to become professional. Anyway the reason why Lee Thompson felt he needed to respond was because William and Kate didn’t like that she was getting bashed in the press. I believe the initial statement is what she truly believes and I also think it was an attempt to give the press permission and ammunition to attack Meghan who has always been into fashion and is now investing in smaller companies. KP didn’t expect to get backlash for the statement.

  15. Jais says:

    This is so incredibly messy I can’t get over it. From what I saw, it was being called an urgent clarification. Whew, they really couldn’t take the heat. They went on record for this?! So let’s summarize. They’ve gone on record to deny Kate’s hair pieces, Botox and now the ability to discuss her fashion choices. That’s a lot of surface shit. Meanwhile they cried victim bc oh poor us we just couldn’t correct the lie that Meghan made Kate cry . GTFOH. I never again want to hear the bullshit about how the poor royals just can’t stand up for themselves bc they never complain and never explain. That’s a lie.

    • Chrissy says:

      It’s like them telling us: “How dare anyone question anything we do or say! Don’t you know we don’t have to explain anything to mere PLEBS!” How dare they!!!

  16. QUERY says:

    Another way to interpret this is it was all orchestrated as a message from Kate to William in response to the fact that he appears to have slashed her clothing budget. She now has the proof she needs to buy what she wants.

    • Lizzie Bathory says:

      This is exactly how I interpreted it. William said no new clothes, so Kate put out the story that she’s substance over style now. Then stories crying about how she’s the savior of UK fashion (lol). And voila–an unnamed KP person backs off the initial story. So Kate’s crossing her fingers that she can start shopping again.

  17. ariel says:

    If the Duchess of Sussex decided on no fashion label ids, this would be the royal “media” take on it:

    Why is Duchess Difficult hellbent on DESTROYING small label designers with her refusal to give them credit for her wardrobe!!!!!

    • Christine says:

      That is exactly what would happen, and Meghan is smart enough to know that people pay attention to what she wears, and that translates to helping the designers she loves. This is such a stupid situation to bumble into in the first place, KP’s incompetence never fails to impress me.

  18. Jay says:

    We didn’t need confirmation that KP is terrible at communicating, but here it is: How to drag out a negative story even more and raise even more questions! Why release an “official” statement at all? They could have just quietly kept providing the fashion IDs (or made sure they got to the reporters) and went on their merry way. Nobody in the rota was going to criticize them for going back on their word! So why?

    I’ve thought all along that this whole “substance over style” has William written all over it, doesn’t it? It’s exactly the kind of thing he would do, trying desperately to be seen as substantive but not understanding how. He also has always hated how much coverage his wife gets for what she wears. I think this was his hamfisted attempt to try to minimize the attention on Kate and put the spotlight on his own “more important” work.

  19. Me at home says:

    Meanwhile the Mail is hellbent on keeping her BAFTAs absence in the headlines. Today it’s an article about her past BAFTA frocks. Wonder what they know?

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Me At Home also that super shady Fail article about “everybody fancies Rose Hanbury” plus Big Suze is Will ‘s fixer when he needs to “blow off steam!” Is the Fail huffing and puffing and about to blow someone’s house down??

    • Me at home says:

      @Lady Digby, for sure the Mail has steam coming out of its collective ears. The Rose Hanbury and Big Suze pieces were hilarious. Then there was the ridiculous article two days ago about how Sophie and Kate are silently supporting each other by wearing salmon-colored dresses five years apart. And today’s headline about how “Kate is always a style leaders at BAFTA (even if she’s not going this year).” Both of which, while not shady per se, scream “we’re throwing you to the wolves in the comments section.”

  20. Libra says:

    Kate and William must be protected at all cost. Why is that? If the future heirs have a secret, let the DM spill it now and manage the fallout before they assume the throne.

  21. Cathy says:

    When this first came out I thought it was done as a way of hiding what Kate gets for free? If KP don’t say what she’s wearing then it’s not Kate’s fault the company that provided the item say it’s their item? A way of merchandising without doing the sell? It’s obvious William has cut her clothing budget so Kate needs to get her clothes somehow and this is a way of paying the piper? Right? I suspect that Kate bought many many clothes while Charles paid the bills. And this is why Charles said he couldn’t afford to pay for Meghan too as he expected the same huge clothing bills from her. Meghan is different from a woman who never worked and expected others to pay for her

  22. Magdalena says:

    As long as Kate’s “spokesperson” remains unnamed, this person has still not gone “on the record”. It’s pretty much still an unnamed source. And the clarification has not clarified anything, it’s just made things more muddled. Why reporters fail to call such things out instead of sacrificing their reputations by attempting to sane-wash inane briefings is beyond me. They are not called stenographers for nothing.

  23. kelleybelle says:

    I think they’re painfully aware that Kate cannot compete with Meghan in the intellect department and this was an attempt to give Kate a semblance of intelligence … that backfired badly.

    • Tina says:

      Agreed. They knew Meghan would be appearing at Invictus and her fashion would inevitably get attention. This was a way to make Kate seem above it all. But it backfired. It only highlighted Kate’s lack of substance and her teams incompetence. Meanwhile Meghan looked nice at every event but her fashion did not overshadow anything at Invictus.

      • kelleybelle says:

        Yes, yes, and yes. And Meghan is the one who’s above it all. Kate clearly isn’t.

      • Jais says:

        Agree, I think it was also about the upcoming WLM. Everything she wears on the show will be just as closely scrutinized and they want the show to seem frivolous and not serious. From the food to the clothes to everything. So I can see this being part of the strategy. As in Kate would never do something like a lifestyle show bc she’s about the substance.

  24. SarahCS says:

    10/10 on the header pic. Outstanding work.

    As for the rest, I am loving what an ongoing mess this is. In the current state of the world where everything is dreadful I have come to appreciate pointless nonsense like this even more. I’m agreeing with the theories that this is a mix of ultimate level incompetence and warring factions between the Wails and their teams plus a dose of the press yanking their chains more generally because they have column inches to fill and get nothing from these useless and lazy grifters.

  25. Nic919 says:

    I don’t see KP staff going rogue so the directive to not discuss fashion either came from Kate or from William and then there was backlash. I think this is the same issue they were dealing with last year when kate disappeared and questions started to be asked.

    A while back there were articles where william had said he thought he was a PR expert. I suspect his need for absolute control is why the KP always looks like a joke and shows how BP remains much better.

  26. BeanieBean says:

    Ha! This is a gem, ‘… important busywork Kate does every now and then, when she feels like it’.🤣

    And for heaven’s sake, what is a spokesperson’s job other than to speak for their principal? And why would they write ‘a palace spokesperson’, quote that person as saying ‘I said it, Kate didn’t’, and not name that person???? That makes no sense!!

    • Chrissy says:

      I’m thinking that by not identifying herself, the spokesperson was trying to avoid overshadowing her boss and thus, risking her position!? Either way, chaos reigns supreme at KP as usual.

  27. tamsin says:

    Another example of a flunkey falling on their sword to protect the principals? Meghan doesn’t have to have her staff reveal what she’s wearing, but I think her spokesperson will answer a direct question. Of course, Archewell does not have to try to prop up jello.

  28. QuiteContrary says:

    “The comments that were reported should not be directly attributed to The Princess of Wales. To be clear, there has been no change in our approach to sharing information about Her Royal Highness’s clothing.”

    Do they use Mad Libs to write these statements? That’s as clear as mud — which was, coincidentally, the color of that godawful blazer Kate is wearing in these photos.

  29. Normades says:

    I know a lot of you don’t like Lainey’s coverage but I thought her article about this was perfectly summarized: “why are they so bad at this?”

    They are so bad at this because they surround themselves with yes people who are not professionally great and the messaging and direction is so muddled and all over the place.

    This of course might just be the Wales’ (waileses’) way to blame the backlash on someone else. But it’s their team ffs and eventually they need to find better people or just own up to it.

    • Me at home says:

      Supposedly palace staff work for peanuts and prestige. You work there for a few years and then trade on your experience for something better. So this is a job for new entrants to the workforce (I can’t imagine this performance will pay off later). It’s not a job for mid-career level experts with kids and a mortgage.

      • Normades says:


        So if these are young mid staffers they are either just blowing their mouths without authorization (which they should not be allowed to do) or are getting direction from people who don’t own up to it.

        Either way their team sucks at this.

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        The other major categories are lifers with family money (all for King and Country!), and lifers with ‘alternative revenue streams’ (grifting and blackmail).

        Obviously, competence is an optional extra.

  30. Me at home says:

    The Mail hasn’t covered this strange retraction yet. I wonder why not? Maybe because they never stopped talking about Kate’s clothes because, well, what else is there to talk about. Maybe because this is non-news, although People apparently thought it was news. After the articles about Rose and William’s confident-who-is-not-Kate, it’s hard to believe they’re faithfully shielding KP from its own incompetency.

  31. Princessk says:

    The left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. What a shambles. I believe that Buckingham Palace have not been happy with the Kensington Palace operation for a long time.
    Lack of experience and no proper guidance. The messaging and strategy coming out of KP is all over the place.

  32. VilleRose says:

    That People article with the “clarification” from the unnamed spokesperson for KP is the funniest blunder I think we’ve seen in awhile. I think Kate thinks she can ride on the goodwill from having survived an unspecified form of cancer and going through chemo forever. This is a brutal reminder to her and KP that she is sorely testing that goodwill. She was gone for a whole year and it’s been 6 months since chemo ended. People have short memories. While I can understand she sees things differently now and wants to prioritize things after her ordeal, maybe she shouldn’t have made her subpar fashion and lukewarm work commitments her entire personality for about 10 years. People are rightfully questioning the “substance” part of the equation. What substance? What kind of impact has Early Years contributed to early childhood development? (The answer: nothing!).

    And now that Kate’s kids have outgrown Early Years (which is probably the only reason she chose that in the first place), I can’t wait to hear her announce in a few years she’s pivoting to adolescent years since George is on the cusp of being a teenager. Mark my words that will happen!

    • Christine says:

      I hope it produces another pie chart, this time asking if people know teenagers are moody. She really is going to pretend to care about teen mental health in a few years.

      • Emptynester says:

        I think William yanked around with her clothing allowance and had a staffer announce that Kate was choosing substance over style now, as a joke on her. Kate’s way of getting even was by wearing that mismatched wrinkled outfit on the field trip. IMO Kate is the one who made the KP staffer admit she went rogue and made that announcement lol

  33. Lau says:

    Weird how this particular policy changed as soon as Meghan appeared and that her clothes were being identified.

  34. Tankerbelle says:

    Kate doesn’t have a stylist/ dresser right now, nor the budget to hire one or buy new clothes. That’s why there was a push to not talk about her clothes anymore.