Hairdresser: It’s time for Prince Harry to either get hairplugs or shave his head

Prince Harry has been losing his hair for many years. Unlike his brother, Harry has managed to maintain some hair up front, and then with each passing year, the “bald spot” just keeps getting bigger and wider. When the Duke and Duchess of Sussex first arrived in Canada for the Invictus Games, people began talking about the state of Harry’s hair. It wasn’t just the haters – I saw a lot of Sussex Squad peeps joking that it was time for Harry to either completely shave it off or get himself sorted out in Turkey. This tweet has over 5 million views:

Can I just say? I love how everyone talks about “going to Turkey” as slang for hair transplants/plugs these days. There have been several celebrities and athletes who truly have gone to Turkey to get their hair situation sorted out (and some of those guys look much better). If I’m being honest, I’ve wondered if Harry has tried plugs in past years, especially to maintain some ginger fluff in the front. But I don’t know. Given the state of his hair these days, probably not. Anyway, the Daily Beast’s Royalist ran a nasty piece about Harry’s hair situation.

Prince Harry should get a hair transplant, his boyhood hairdresser, who was also his mother’s hairstylist, has said. Sam McKnight, who cut Harry’s hair when he was a youngster, offered some blunt, if unsolicited, advice on Harry’s current look in an interview with the Daily Telegraph.

McKnight recalled cutting Harry’s thick, abundant locks as a child with his late mother, Princess Diana. However, he did not hold back when discussing the Duke of Sussex’s current hairstyle, suggesting that his thinning hair does him no favors.

“That fluff on his head is like a newborn chick, and it is just horrible,” McKnight said. “It says 1950s geography teacher. It doesn’t make a man look good.” He added: “He’s lost so much weight, he looks really fit, he’s in his prime – sort yourself out, mate.”

The legendary British hairstylist, who is known for his work with supermodels and celebrities, said he was speaking from experience, having lost his own hair in his early 30s. He advised Harry to either lean into his baldness by shaving his head, or opt for a hair transplant.

He said that living in Los Angeles would make plumping for the latter option a cinch, saying: “I’m sure some of his friends have really good ones, and he’s got plenty of time on his hands. He could have it done and hide away for a month, no one will notice.”

McKnight pointed out that a bitchy reference to Prince William’s hair loss in Harry’s memoir Spare, and his decision to put what looked like a retouched image of himself on the cover of that book both suggested he was bothered by hair loss. But McKnight argued it’s all about attitude, saying: “I don’t think you lose your looks because you go bald. You have to embrace it. Or you have to make the decision not to embrace it and have a hair transplant,” he said, before ending with a final piece of advice for the prince: “You see people and you think: ‘You’re hanging onto these little wisps, let it go and free yourself.’ Now’s the time to let it go.”

[From The Daily Beast]

These comments ARE very bitchy, but I can’t say I really disagree with them? Like… Harry has reached the fork in the road. It’s time to make a decision – plugs or a clean shave. I would advise Harry to look at his “alarmingly bald” brother too – William clings to his sad little struggle-wisps, and the man wanders around England looking like a Xenomorph from Aliens. Please note, CB loves baldies and she thinks Harry looks fine. I agree that Harry has a good face which can pull off some different hair looks (unlike his brother).

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Backgrid.

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109 Responses to “Hairdresser: It’s time for Prince Harry to either get hairplugs or shave his head”

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  1. Tessa says:

    Peg has the combovers of the strands of hair on top of his head. Is the media going to address that

  2. It’s his head and he can do whatever he wants. It doesn’t seem to bother him why is it anyone’s business to tell him what he should do with his hair!

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      Because he’s a handsome man and it’s just a shame that he’s letting his hair disappear when it’s just not necessary today. There are many options for hair replacement and medications for re-growth. No shame in Rogain. He should have started using something years ago; now the Daily Fail and its ilk would make fun of him for restoring his hair.

      • Coco says:

        Seriously? Who cares what any of the rags say. Have you not been following along? Harry divested himself of their opinions a long time ago.

      • MrsBanjo says:

        Rogaine isn’t a permanent solution – the hair would fall out again as soon as he stopped using it. And it comes with other complications.

        The only people whose opinions matter are Harry’s and Meghan’s, and in truth, it’s Harry’s body. Even Meghan’s opinion would only carry so much weight.

    • Coco says:

      Agree! Rather like saying an older woman shouldnt have long hair. My hubs has male pattern baldness and I could care less. His father and grandfather had the same hair pattern. Why should our ancestral looks be eliminated for the sake of pure vanity. I hope Harry has more self worth than that and feel certain Meghan would love him no matter what he looked like now and in the future.

      • Nerd says:

        I agree and think it’s intrusive to say how someone should or shouldn’t make changes to their person to please others. She has been with him for all of these years that he has been going bald and never did that play a part in her loving, marrying and starting a family with him. It’s so superficial to tell others what they should do with their hair or body.

      • Ghjik says:

        He looks like he had his front done years ago and now needs to take care of his back. With the transplant the front wont go away but he probably had a bad experience the first time and doesn’t want to do it again.

        I think its fun that people are commenting on a man’s looks instead of just focusing on the women when the men are given a free pass and looking fat out of shape or dressed badly etc.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Harry’s hair pattern is the same as Charles: a bit in the front, big bald patch in the back ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Who cares?

    • Tashiro says:

      Agree 💯

    • sunnyside up says:

      The media should leave Harry’s hair alone. It’s Harry’s business, not ours and not the media’s. Harry will be aware of the options,

      • MMRB says:

        thank you ^^ I think Harry can do what ever he wants to do, I think he doesn’t need or desire “hairdresser” to give their unsolicited gatekeeping international opinion.

    • wendy says:

      Imagine if Harry were a woman and we were writing opinion pieces about how she needed to do something about her sagging ass — same with the other brother.

      Normalize keeping opinions off of other people’s bodies.

      • TikiChica says:

        Erm, no need to equate it to a woman’s sagging arse – let’s stick to hair discussions and how Kate gets mocked here on the daily for her extensions.

      • Square2 says:

        “…how Kate gets mocked here on the daily for her extensions.”

        People did not mock her for USING extensions and/or wigs, KKK8 is criticized for her publicly DENYING of using these products & refuses to hire some professionals who know how to put on extensions correctly. (And, for me, refuse to improve her inner substance, and just continue being a mean girl even after her health crisis.) Dolly said she wears wigs in public appearances and no one criticize her for using it.

        Harry’s hair is his business. Only he, his wife Meghan and his kids have to look at it everyday. If they don’t mind the ongoing baldness & are fine with Harry’s appearance, then that’s that.

      • sevenblue says:

        “how Kate gets mocked here on the daily for her extensions.”

        We are discussing how her team thinks we are stupid and makes statements about it is all her hair. That is how young women get insecurities thinking what they are seeing is real and achievable. I will point out anytime when something is fake, because I was also young once and believed that something was wrong with me since I didn’t have that.

    • Lawrenceville says:

      This form of body shaming (hair shaming in this case) is very alarming to me, TBH. Last week I went to see a doctor as a new patient and the first thing out of her mouth was how I “should consider losing weight because of [my] BMI” blah blah blah. I never went back for the second appointment. Like, do you even know if I want to be this size, or how much I have tried and failed, or even factored in the fact that there are other contributing factors to my weight that are beyond my control? Like, WTAF? People are just being so weird about Prince Harry’s hair, leave him alone. If it’s not okay to discuss people’s weight, turning it into some perceived “problem”, the kind of shaming Prince Harry is being subjected to is just not okay on any level. If it’s not okay for that guy Kriss Rock to hair shame Jada Smith, how is this any different? Regardless of whether Prince Harry is a guy, hair loss is a very sensitive topic and people need to lay off of this guy’s hair issues.

      • Ryan says:

        Harry has criticized his own brother’s hair in print himself, when he was already highly bald himself. Also, Will’s hair is neat and cut very shortly, he’s not trying to camoflage the hair loss. Harry has a lot of very scraggly bits instead of getting a trim.

      • changemysoul says:


        Harry wasn’t being mean spirited, that’s the difference. It was a an overall passage, about the passage of time. His hair, his looks and how he was compared to Diana. Please be real.

      • jais says:

        I don’t know that I think Harry’s hair looks scraggly? It looks pretty well-groomed to me. And for the record, I’ve giggled to myself every time I’ve written Harry’s hair. Yes, it’s immature but I’m trying to laugh somewhere these days.

      • Peaceful Warrior says:

        Going to a doctor and receiving medical advice is not body shaming.

    • Becks1 says:

      I mean how many comments are there on here every week about the state of William’s hair?

      • catherine says:

        I think the point is. How often do you see a mainstream media outlet write an article like this. The Daily Beast has never and would never make ANY reference to the state of Williams hair. What commenters write is not the same as what a main stream media outlet writes.

      • Rapunzel says:

        TBF, Becks, WIll’s hair gets made fun of mostly because he is clearly trying to sell himself aa the sexy poster boy of his youth. If he didn’t try so hard, he’d get far less mockery.

      • wendy says:

        those are inappropriate too .

      • Lawrenceville says:

        Just because someone else is made fun of doesn’t mean it’s appropriate. Let’s ask, how many of us here were in an uproar when Chris Rock made a not funny joke about Jada Pinkett Smith? So, Jada hair can’t be made fun of but Prince Harry’s can be because? TBH, I personally don’t even think this DB article should have been amplified in any way shape or form, I mean, why add any more oxygen and legitimize things like this shitty article? But that’s just me.

      • FHmom says:

        “I mean how many comments are there on here every week about the state of William’s hair?“
        Even today there are tons of comments.

        William’s vibe has been dorky dad for years. I don’t think he’s ever tried to sell himself as sexy. People read into that whenever the marriage rumors start.

        William lost his hair a long time ago. He went from hot to not pretty quickly. If it happened recently, I’m sure there would be write ups and editorial pieces in the DM.

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      The state of his scalp hair will never change the way his spouse sees him.
      It’s no one’s business but his.

    • PJ says:

      I agree. My hubs is a red head too and has lost the lustrous mane he had when I first met him. But he’s still handsome and even though he buzzes the sides so everything is close cropped, I wouldn’t ask him to get hair plugs. I’m sure that if HARRY was self-conscious about it or if Meghan thought he should, he might do something.

      Otherwise, I think the DM should quit fixating on every little thing about the Sussexes. Let him deal with his head in whatever way he wants.

    • Barrett says:

      I love him either way. From hair, teeth, to wrinkles it seems not all but more Brits than Americans embrace “au natural” culturally……

  3. Lilpeppa40 says:

    He doesn’t NEED to do anything. He’s clearly fine with it and the people who love him are clearly fine with it. It’s the source of jokes online and I’m sure he knows that but most of those jokes are fairly well meaning (I think). This guy is bitching for no reason. I also think the same for William tbh. He can be clowned for a lot of things but how he chooses to wear his hair doesn’t need to be one of them

    • It’s nobody’s business what he does with his hair whether he is handsome or not. I don’t think you would like to be told by the gutter press what to do with your hair.

  4. Nanea says:

    I don’t get these people who are so unprofessional that they’d risk their reputation by giving unsolicited advice via tabloids, of which the Torygraph has proudly become one in recent yers.

    The right time for plugs would have been during lock-down. But I don’t think this kind of Friar Tuck pattern of baldness could really be “cured”, unlike those who lose their hair in the front.

    If Meghan had a problem with Harry’s hair, I’m sure he’d have done something about it by now. But he hasn’t.

    • Yup, Me says:

      They actually could do quite a bit where they fill in the front more and just leave the bald spot in the center back. I’ve seen some surprising results with Harry’s degree of hair loss.

      I think another challenge, though, is that the plug results are often supplemented by tattooing the scalp as well and it takes multiple rounds for the results. With Harry’s hair color *and* degree of loss (*and* the fact that he’s actually working on things), it could be hard to take that much downtime.

      • MissF says:

        Harry is beautiful inside and out, however, Vancouver has the one of best hair transplant clinics in the world, a family member had a similar male pattern baldness to Harry, went to said clinic 2x, and has ridiculously thick hair like a teenager. I’m a bit jealous as a menopausal sister! So he’s in the right place for a consult.

  5. Yup, Me says:

    I’ve been noticing how pictures of him keep airbrushing his head so it’s got the fuzzy soft glow where it isn’t clear just how thin his hair is. But he has pale skin under fair hair so I’m sure it’s more striking in person.

  6. maisie says:

    personally, I hate shaved heads. (on white guys). HATE that look. I thought for a while Harry might be taking Propecia but maybe not.

    • Lady Esther says:

      Sir Patrick Stewart would like a word 🙂 Just kidding, everyone has their preferences, I agree that many (most?) men can’t pull off a fully shaved head. Certainly not William which is why he’s probably clinging to his fluffies for as long as possible…

      I also agree that Harry may simply not want to put in the time to really do something about his hair, not to mention the upkeep as he gets older where it’s not like he’s fooling anyone about getting plugs or drugs or whatever? Kate’s “hair” is a great case in point.

      For me, Harry looks fine with the Friar Tuck (snort) for now and can delay deciding another few years….

      • Jaded says:

        And Stanley Tucci — Harry will always be hot, hair loss or not, and it’s his own business. He’s the type of person who concentrates on all the good things he’s doing, his lovely wife and children, and that he’s away from his blighted family. That’s what’s important to him.

    • Steph says:

      It’s messed up to say but when I see completely my bald white been I always think of skinheads and they terrify me. I have a hard time looking passed that to see if that are good looking.

      • maisie says:

        @steph so much this. I am so triggered by white guys with shaved heads & facial hair, particularly the big biceps, wraparound shades and prominent tattoos. skinheads, nazi symps, white supremacists, I don’t care what you call ’em, when I see cops that look like that I know trouble is coming.

        I do love Sir Patrick, though.

  7. Chaine says:

    Being a ginger seems like it’s part of his identity, so I’m sure it’s a big deal for him to even consider shaving it off. But he could still be a bald guy with a ginger beard so there’s that. I would personally want him to shave it, in those photos of him, kissing Megan from behind it looks alarmingly like William!

  8. Em says:

    The front cover of spare wasn’t airbrushed, he has front and side hair the issue is in the middle and he acknowledged that his was balding remember he said in spare William was balding and it was more alarming than his.

    Also are you sure this article isn’t for William because Harry hasn’t lost weight , he has always been lean and not bulky

    • Jais says:

      Right? the whole time reading all I could think about was are we sure this isn’t about William. Bc I haven’t noticed that Harry’s lost a significant amount of weight. But William sure has. Harry is fit with good posture. William is the one who has lost significant weight this year.

  9. Tuesday says:

    I’m not going to body shame him for being perfectly ok with himself in his natural state, just like I’d endeavor not to shame a woman.

    I think confidence is the best haircut.

  10. Moniquep says:

    People need to mind their own damn business! Harry looks fine with his hair as is. He would look weird bald.
    The media trolls just want him to do something that they can use to further attack Meghan. It would suddenly be because of her vanity that he had to do it.
    Because everything is her fault!

  11. Dee(2) says:

    I feel the same way about this as I do about Meghan wearing neutrals, they like it and it is what it is. He has the money and the ability to do something if he wants to. If it gets to the point where he cares he will and if he doesn’t it’s because he likes the way he looks.

  12. Aimee says:

    I like his hair such as it is. I say no to shaving. Go to turkey if you have to!!!

  13. TQ says:

    Harry should do or not do what he feels about his hair — it’s his business.

    But just came here to say that here in the UK, the Turkey for hairplugs is a definitely thing, They actually run package deals including flight UK to Turkey, hotel near the airport and transplant (this one they take hair from back of the neck and sew/plug it in). My ex had it done and texted me the pics throughout (including the bloody ones!). Not sure it worked for him though as he’s a cheapo and I think they were cheapo plugs. But I presume others are having more success with Turkey plugs!

    My dad also had that same transplant surgery (twice) in Thailand at that fancy meditourism hospital Bumrungrad International Hospital in Bangkok, and it maybe worked a little better?

    Anyways, David Beckham’s plugs look good — folks should use his surgeon. He probably didn’t do the cheapo option!

    • Jks says:

      Many of our friends had great success and experience going to Turkey for hair transplant. So much so, more and more friends are going after seeing the awesome results on other friends. No teasing nor shame among the guys. Only compliments and enthusiastic recommendations.

      My man doesn’t needs hair transplant yet, but he’s absolutely not opposed to the idea. Heck, I’m interested going myself!

  14. Ginger says:

    Harry is no doubt aware he is going bald and seems fine with it. He doesn’t strike me as a person that would get plugs or even shave it off. Meghan seems fine with it as well. My husband is slowly losing his hair and it doesn’t bother be at all. It’s all part of getting older.

  15. Cathy says:

    Maureen in a published “list of demands” before Harry could “come back” was that he demanded Harry shaved his head. I’m thinking this obsession with Harry’s locks say more about people like Richard Eden? Is HE worried about losing HIS hair? Harry will probably do something about it when he has time, he’s got a lot going on at the moment?

  16. Nutella toast says:

    Hair plugs are incredibly painful and don’t always work. Also….if someone was telling Meghan to get her weight sorted out, we would all be angry. My husband is pretty much in the same hair situation as Harry and it’s his head….i would never tell him to sort it out. It’s very hard on most men to lose their hair – I can’t believe the conversation we’re having here.

    • wendy says:

      We have this conversation a dozen times a week about W&K — we have become quite comfortable talking about bodies and hair .

      My husband is down to a few wisps on top and he carefully combs them back and sprays to keep them fluffy — and he would look TERRIBLE totally bald.

      • mblates says:

        @wendy-yeah all the pearl clutching about talking about harry’s hair is pretty hypocritical considering how many comment posts talk about william’s or kate’s hair (and weight and looks in general). i get it-i feel looks are off limits unless i hate someone, then suddenly it’s ok (let me explain all the ways trump and musk are hideous looking). end of day it’s his hair, and he can do what he wants with it. but also, looking like a 1950s geography teacher sends me a bit. that’s so oddly specific.

      • sunnyside up says:

        Probably do with wearing some kind of a cap, especially in California, he has very fair skin and could be susceptible to skin cancer. I had a small one removed last summer, luckily my glasses cover the scar and I have had the all clear.

      • Nic919 says:

        There is a difference about getting a hair cut or not doing a combover versus hair transplants. And why this article about Harry only when the whole male Windsor clan has been balding.

  17. windyriver says:

    I’ve been struck during these games by how truly happy Meghan seems to be (especially in the picture of her above in the blue sweater). Visibly lighter, as if a load has been lifted. Season of joy indeed. So nice to see her in what looks like such a good place after what she’s been through (and what continues to get shoveled her way). Hope we see more of her enjoying herself in her series.

    It’s a little silly for this guy to be pontificating only about Harry, when Will is so obviously – right there. But hey, what else is new.

  18. dawnchild says:

    Fwiw… I’ve known men with bald spots (from their 20s) where the spot will get wider as they age but the general look in front will stay more or less the same for decades well into 60s/70s.
    As hair greys, the texture changes too… often becoming coarser, thicker strands. Look at Charles… he looks fine with his hair still… though he is thin on the crown. Harry and William have different balding patterns. Harry may be more like his father

    • Nic919 says:

      Harry seems to have the same patterns as Charles, but since his hair is lighter, it is more obvious in certain lighting. Anyone from the UK writing articles about Harry only this issue, when every other Windsor man and Philip was blading is just another sign of how nasty they are. William gets the sexist balding man on earth dumb ass stories whereas they just criticize Harry and tell him to get hair plugs. That’s kind of the difference here.

  19. Nutella toast says:

    Hair plugs are incredibly painful and don’t always work. He has 2 adorable ginger kids and maybe he wants to be ginger as long as he can without taking medications – some of which have side effects. Also….if someone was telling Meghan to get her weight sorted out, we would all be angry. My husband is pretty much in the same hair situation as Harry and it’s his head….i would never tell him to sort it out. It’s very hard on most men to lose their hair – I can’t believe the conversation we’re having here.

  20. Amy Bee says:

    Harry can chose to do what he wants. Being bald takes a lot of work though.

  21. Mrs. Julien says:

    If he “went to Turkey” they would NEVER let him hear the end of it and there would be endless think pieces about how he’s “gone Californian” with side-by-side comparisons and somehow it would all be Meghan’s fault.

  22. Libra says:

    I wake up at night with worry and anxiety about so many important issues going on in world today and how it’s affected my family. Harry and his hair is not on the list.

  23. Renee says:

    A buzz cut is the way. I find it very sexy on men and way less maintenance than a shaved head.

  24. Bookie says:

    Hate to say it, but he definitely should consider “going to Turkey.”

  25. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

    Don’t believe either Harry or Meghan care about Harry’s hair. He has inherited his father’s balding pattern. While William inherited Diana’s dad’s balding pattern. His confidence makes his balding just fine. He cares about what us important

  26. Brassy Rebel says:

    This advice is harsh but 👍.

  27. Steph says:

    I a lot of ppl saying Harry should shave it all off. Does no one like heads that are shaven on top where he is thinning and keeping the rest well groomed?

  28. Jais says:

    Harry is such a ginger so I’d hate to see him shave what’s there. Yeah, the spot in the back is bigger but from the front it’s still hangin on. I think he looks good.

  29. TL says:

    If he does either it will be tons of articles of Oh, he shaved his head, just like his brother or Oh, he got plugs, he should have shaved his head. He can’t win either way.

  30. Nerd says:

    The post saying “If he loves her enough he would go to turkey for her” bothers me. There is something about trying to align his hair with how he or she feels or thinks. Similar to how some people avoid boundaries and think they have the right to touch a black persons hair or make the assumption about how one feels about their race is based on how one might style it. It bothers me in the same way that some have questioned whether black women are proud of their heritage based on whether their hair is straight, natural or braided. None of them define who a black person is or the experiences a black person has, but some people have allowed that to be a criteria of one’s pride. It’s disturbing to see that. She met, fell in love and married him when he was already balding, so to make such a comment even in jest seems to be others projecting their own fears or concerns if they were in that same position. It’s just an unnecessary thing to focus on.

  31. HeatherC says:

    Hair is hair. It is there until it’s not. What made me laugh is he should get hair plugs because he’s got so much time on his hands.

    The man is busy. He’s hustling: Invictus, Travelyst, he has an actual job, his other commitments…the one with time on his hands is the other brother, so I feel this was meant more for him.

  32. Over it says:

    After the way him and Meghan were so loved up on this trip, I bet he lost a few more strands. Lol

  33. Mel says:

    Why is it anyone’s business what he decides to do or not do with his hair? If people were making these kinds of comments about a woman it would be unacceptable. Same thing applies here.

  34. Sass says:

    I am not usually into bald/shaved head men but I think Harry would look great like that. He has the confidence, charm, charisma, and bone structure to pull it off.

    My grandpa rocked the horseshoe from 1970 until chemo took what remained in 2020. Like Harry, a bold choice that paid off because he had the personality to make it work. He managed to snag not one but two subsequent wives after his first divorce…with that horseshoe. Also I’m pretty sure he put oil on his skull bc man the bald spot was shiny 🤣

  35. Jojo says:

    Not my hair = Not my business. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  36. Grant says:

    He will look so good with a shaved head!! Especially with all that sexy scruff. Obviously he’ll look great with a head of hair via plugs too. I imagine that he would need a pretty large donor graft given his Norwood level but he certainly has the means. But yes, this look ain’t it.

    I don’t think most men realize how much better the bald look is than when they try to cling to what little hair they have remaining.

    • Grant says:

      When I say “the bald look” I meant a clean buzz!

      But men can be very sensitive about their hair loss (understandably) so it’s something he should decide in his own time.

  37. Lucy2 says:

    If I were him I’d probably do a buzz cut, but it’s his hair, he should do what makes him happy.
    The hair loss genes are strong in that family, huh?

  38. Is that so? says:

    I remember reading Harry said he wanted to get married before losing all his hair and he felt time was running out of time. Well he met his goal. Maybe having a wife means he is no longer concerned about his hair on his head.

  39. QuiteContrary says:

    “That fluff on his head is like a newborn chick, and it is just horrible,” McKnight said. “It says 1950s geography teacher. It doesn’t make a man look good.” He added: “He’s lost so much weight, he looks really fit, he’s in his prime – sort yourself out, mate.”

    “You see people and you think: ‘You’re hanging onto these little wisps, let it go and free yourself.’ Now’s the time to let it go.”

    These comments are 100% about William, not Harry.

    • jais says:

      Right?? That’s what has me tripping. I don’t even care about a debate on Harry’s hair but that’s not even what this article was. He has more fluff than a few whisps. Now I’m not at all saying he has a whole head but its much fluffier than a few whisps, come on now. Have a debate about Harry’s hair idc but this DB article is disingenuous. Talking about Harry having lost so much weight when he hasn’t. Talking about him having all this time on his hands when he’s at IG while William is skipping the Baftas bc its half term for the kids. GMAFB.

  40. kelleybelle says:

    And Harry’s hair affects this man’s lifestyle how? Ugh.

  41. Abby says:

    Ugh I hate that someone wrote this article! His hair is his own business!

    For what it’s worth, hair transplants can be done in the US. There’s at least one place that does a good job of it in my city. The procedure and recovery are kind of intense though. It’s like plastic surgery is I’d imagine. There’s wounds and scabbing, swelling on your face, recovery takes a bit! And sometimes you have to do it more than once, and then you still want to do maintenance and take medications to keep the rest of your hair.

  42. Pinocchio Princess says:

    That quest for physical perfection that includes lush hair, ideal body weight and tense facial skin is absolutely terrifying. How childish, unrealistic and masochistic do we have to be to place such unattainable demands on the human body, when we know darn well time cannot be reversed – unless you’re aiming for David B.’s newest plastic face.

    I don’t see anything esthetically wrong or even remotely shocking with Harry’s hair. Poking fun at Kate’s hair is more about underlining her poor taste and lack of self-awareness when it comes to which hairstyle would suit her age range and body type, that’s all. As for poking fun at William’s hair or lack thereof, I see it as a deliberate diversion to a comical aspect of him, as a way of avoiding the disturbing topic of his pathological jealousy and violent potential.

    Prince Harry’s natural empathy makes his balding look hot. Balding is so underrated.

  43. Arhus says:

    I truly do not mind the balder on top of head and hair around the sides. That is the direction my husband is going. Many men do not look good bald. I think it is bad to say the only other option is plugs.

  44. Mrs. Smith says:

    I like his hair the way it is? Of course, a shorter cut might ease the transition a bit and let him keep his hair a while longer. A shaved head seems like a major situation and it might accentuate the bald areas. Can they call in JVN for a consult? He knows what works!

  45. bisynaptic says:

    Harry has lost weight? Since when? What is this guy smoking?

  46. somebody says:

    Has he offered the same sort of advice to Phil when he was holding onto every strand, or Charles with his longer strands to try to cover, or Will or Ed with their fuzz? Why only the one member of the family? I think that Harry’s looks different at different times depending on how short he has it cut. When he lets it grow out the curls hide some of the bald area. It probably differs when he has been wearing a hat also.

  47. JFerber says:

    Prince Harry is amazing and I love to see all the happiness, love and good works. But I sheepishly agree about the ginger hair plugs. Probably every other male in California has them.

  48. Bronco says:

    This dude didn’t see Harry on James Corden. It’s obviously about willy. Harry is as fit as he’s always been

  49. monlette says:

    Personally, I think Harry would look best with a full head of hair, but that’s just my opinion and he looks just fine the way he is.

    What bothers me is that the double standard, which is appalling. William goes bald, and everyone either claims they find bald people hot, or treat this as some sort of evidence of his superior character, which transcends vanity. Meanwhile, Harry allows himself to be approximate half as bald, and people lose their minds and insist do something about it.

    I bet you anything that if Meghan bleached her hair blonde, people would have all sorts of nasty things to say about it, but if Kate went platinum blonde a month later, she would be reinventing the monarchy, and it would be totally relatable.

  50. ShoppeGirlMN says:

    I’d be fine if he keep his cute ginger curls as they are. I pray that when it finally goes he looks nothing like Peghead.

  51. Grace says:

    His hair, his choice , but once it starts looking “Bozo like”…time for a shave IMO. My husband is a baldy with a close shave and it looks sexy! (Bozo ref for us oldies)

  52. Jennifer says:

    In a world where we are trying to go for body shape acceptance, acceptance of differences (I don’t like flaws for what some see as flaws, some see as beautiful); why are we even worried about how this man chooses to wear HIS hair. Leave the man alone. Maybe he doesn’t want to shave his head. He should do that so other people will be happy? What the hell happened to You Do You? Obviously everyone is entitled to an opinion, but I can’t help but wonder why we can’t just let people be who they want to. At the end of the day, whether or not this person changes his hair has absolutely no impact upon life in general. But hey, at least it’s not another piece of ‘news’ about the idiot cheeto in Washington. Just my 2 cents.