Noel Gallagher thinks Kendrick Lamar’s Halftime show was ‘absolute nonsense’

Noel Gallagher used to be known as one of the biggest haters in the world, and currently he’s mad because Kendrick Lamar has taken the Hater Crown. In recent years, Noel Gallagher has repeatedly slammed Adele, he’s called Prince Harry a “typical f–king woke snowflake,” and he’s mocked “slack-jawed f–kwit” Matt Healy. This week, Gallagher appeared on the talkSPORT show to talk about football (American football and British football). He was asked about the Super Bowl and Kendrick Lamar’s Halftime Show. He had some thoughts.

Kendrick Lamar’s set at the Superdome on Sunday was the most-watched Super Bowl Halftime Show ever, with 133.5 million viewers according to Roc Nation, and Kendrick’s company pgLang is calling it the “Most watched anything in the history of american television.” Among those watching was Noel Gallagher, the notorious hip-hop hater who claimed in 2008 that having rappers at Glastonbury was “wrong,” sparking a funny “Wonderwall” cover during Jay’s set. You won’t be surprised to learn that Gallagher also thought Kendrick’s Super Bowl performance was rubbish.

One thing the Oasis guitarist does love is Manchester City football. He went on Andy Goldstein and Darren Bent’s talkSPORT broadcast to discuss Man City and pivoted to some Super Bowl chatter at the end of his call. He revealed that he’s been a fan of American football since the ’80s and was pretty invested in this season’s playoffs despite not having a favorite team. (“I thought the Commanders were going to do it” — it did seem that way for a while, Noel!) Goldstein then asked Gallagher about Bent’s “hero,” Kendrick Lamar, and the Halftime Show.

“I had to switch it off,” Gallagher said. “It was absolute nonsense.” When pressed about why it was bad, Gallagher said, “It was like 300 people getting out of a car in the first three minutes.” He continued, “But no, I don’t like the halftime nonsense at all. It’s usually artists that I don’t like.” When pressed about his favorite Halftime Show, he said he never watches it. And when asked if he’d like to see that sort of grand production taking place during the UEFA Champions League final, Gallagher replied, “No, and it’s coming. Trust me, it’s coming. Americans are taking over our sport. They’re taking over the Premier League. They’ll take over the Champions League. And it’ll be — 20 years from now it’ll be nonsense.”

[From Sterogum]

I forgot about the “rappers at Glastonbury” thing and Jay-Z mocking Oasis. Kendrick played at Glastonbury too – he played the festival in 2022 to a rapturous crowd and widespread acclaim. I mean, honestly, it sounds like Noel Gallagher is just racist and he fancies himself a music gatekeeper. He doesn’t think rap is “real music,” just my guess. Anyway, Kendrick officially has the most-watched Halftime show in history, and the YouTube video is doing crazy numbers as well. Kendrick’s streaming numbers are going bonkers too. While there are obviously has-been haters like Noel, the overwhelming majority of casual Super Bowl viewers loved Kendrick’s show and they became even more interested in his music and his lore.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, screencap from the Super Bowl.

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55 Responses to “Noel Gallagher thinks Kendrick Lamar’s Halftime show was ‘absolute nonsense’”

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  1. Twinkles says:

    That was a big build up for a very anti climactic comment.

    • Yup, Me says:

      Imagine being someone people used to listen to primarily because of your talent and creativity and now basically only having people pay attention to the stuff you grump and complain about. What a sad place to be in life.

    • MMRB says:

      Noel Gallagher WHO???

      SIT DOWN grampa

  2. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    A white dude from Britain was not likely to get it. I’m a white woman from the US, and I did not get all of it, but I loved all of it just the same. Noel is not the target audience, and he’s just jealous of Kendrick’s success. The Oasis 2025 tour just got cancelled, and he knows he’ll never play to a crowd like this again without his brother.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Wait, the tour got cancelled?! 🤣.

    • Moneypenny424 says:

      It hasn’t been cancelled. Apparently Ticketmaster cancelled a ton of tickets they said were purchased by bots (but that were actually bought by humans).

      But, I had to check because I will be really surprised if they actually perform these shows!

  3. Nicole says:

    It was too Blackity black black black for him. Colonizers gonna colonize.

    • TQ says:

      100% this. Came here to say he’s just a racist being racist. Enough with the BS: ‘Notorious hip-hop hater’ = anti-Black racist.

    • jais says:

      I mean yeah pretty much. I didn’t remember him not wanting rappers at Glastonbury. Lordy.

    • jellitate says:

      🤣 @nicole it definitely was! made him uncomfortable… u know being uncomfortable is a no no with…

    • Angela mcbride says:

      How is he a coloniser any more than any of you? He comes from a working-class Irish family. You know the originally colonised people that escaped the tyranny of the British Empire by moving elsewhere around the world. He didn’t like a rap performance so he must be a racist. And apparently he doesn’t understand nuance!

  4. Lala11_7 says:

    I’ve ALWAYS understood why his Brother CANNOT 🤬 with him…So glad these “Blokes” 😡 are coming off as the tired rascist haters they USED to keep on the DL! Perhaps he can lament about this over tea with Morrissey😯

  5. ❤️❤️❤️❤️SCAR says:

    When you stuff the ballot box (Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK and their territories past& present). Then plunder the wealth of others so that the same lands can vote for you. This doesn’t make your nonsense anything special. Nor does it give any weight to your opinion. Sit down and shut up with that Lennon boy.

  6. what says:

    Why do so many people, especially white men, feel the need to make a negative comment about everything they don’t like or understand? You can just be quiet and listen and learn occasionally because you are not in fact the center of the universe.

    • Deering24 says:

      Because those folks are used to rubber stamping what “culture” is about–and saying what’s good and what isn’t. They are losing control, and they aren’t going down without a fight.

  7. MC_TO says:

    old irrelevant white man says what?

  8. Another Englishman who loves to hate 24/7. He should go climb back under his rock.

  9. Gail Hirst says:

    My reaction to the headline was disgust. White man dissing a black musician? Noel G can go suck eggs. Sounds racist to me. If it looks like a racist, if it sounds like a racist, chances are racism is present. I didn’t understand a lot of what Kendrick’s show was about as I struggled to follow all his words. What I did understand was there was joy in Serena’s dance and that was my favourite part. The rest I’m watching over and over because I’m learning. It’s black history month and for NG to say a show like K’s is nonsense is just nonsensical. Ignorant, pouty little white boy noise IMO. I’m embarrassed to be white when I read noise like this adult male’s (my definition of a man is closer to someone like Pr H than a whiner like NG). This ‘Thumper’ needs to remember his mother’s admonishment “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Breaking news – a hater still hates.

  11. SIde Eye says:

    Kendrick is such a bad ass to have caused so many racists to have public meltdowns like he took their lunch and stomped on it and handed it back to them squished.

    “It was like 300 people getting out of a car” Well looks like somebody missed the significance of the US flag literally coming out of a clown car in the beginning of the show.

    There’s an episode of SpongeBob where Patrick hits his head and suddenly becomes intelligent and SpongeBob asks him questions and Patrick replies “must I explain everything?”

    That episode just came to mind.

  12. Amy Bee says:

    I wouldn’t expect a colonizer and Beatles superfan to understand or enjoy Kendrick’s Halftime show. The show really wasn’t for everybody much less the British.

    • North of Boston says:

      Beatles super fans can still appreciate other performers.

      And on the “not for everybody” front, there’s also the option of just not commenting on things that aren’t your thing.

      But this guy can’t uncenter himself in anything, not even a performance to an audience at an event he wasn’t at, an ocean away.

      It’s not that these racists don’t care for that kind of music, joy, it’s that they can’t stand it even exists.

    • Boxy Lady says:

      Aww, come on, please don’t malign us Beatles superfans! The Beatles are awesome! (I’m a black American woman, BTW.) When they came to America in 1964 and were playing shows in the South, they refused to play to segregated audiences. The fact that Noel Gallagher loves the Beatles is probably the least problematic thing about him. (Same goes for his brother.)

      • Normades says:

        Wasn’t Paul at the Super Bowl? He is THE most iconic English star yet outwardly kind and unproblematic (even doing the march for our lives and talking about gun violence). Huge Beatles fan sorry I didn’t like the reference.
        But Morrisey, Johnny Rotten…go for it. Just asshats now. I continue to listen to the smiths because Johnny marr continues to be awesome

      • Sue says:

        And Paul McCartney wrote the song Blackbird in the 1960s in support of Black women during the Civil Rights movement. It was beautiful that Beyonce covered the song on Cowboy Carter using Paul’s original backing music and featuring other Black female country musicians.

  13. ThatGirlThere says:

    lol…this from a washed up old hag who ended a decades long feud with his brother for a cash grab.

    Hey Noel…where’s your Pulitzer?

  14. Miranda says:

    Disliking rap music doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a racist. But calling it “nonsense” probably does.

  15. Cait says:

    He’s a Brit a lot of the nuance and subtext would be lost on him. I will never understand those across the ponds obsession with American celebrities. Especially when most of these Brits do not know a thing about American history, day to day American life or culture

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      Yeah, like, I don’t want to come off as snobby saying “I wouldn’t expect a foreigner to understand the nuances of the performance”, but I legitimately wouldn’t expect a foreigner to understand the nuances of the performance.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Well, technically, “American” slavery is British history, too.

      • Caitlon says:

        American Chattel Slavery that took place on American soil for centuries that was different than the slavery that went on in the British colonies.

        Plus Kendrick was not just talking about Chattel Slavery in that performance . The whole of the Black American experience from Chattel Slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, The Civil Rights movement to the present. I would not expect a Brit to get it or really understand what was being presented .
        They just do not have the point of reference

  16. Sparkle says:

    Shame Noel is so shite. The only good thing about him is he adopted Buttons, a beautiful Thai street dog, from We are happy doggo in Koh Samui.

  17. No name says:

    Who is this man? And I’m sorry he isn’t smart enough or educated enough to understand the meaningful art Kendrick put out.

    But I again ask who is this man and we care about his opinion because?

  18. Sue says:

    Noel Gallagher has always been the grumpiest grump who has ever grumped, but his take down of Matt Healy and his shitty band was delightful.

  19. Thinking says:

    I think he doesn’t like anything except a narrow field of music, but it would have been interesting to see his reaction if someone had explained the meaning of the show to him.

    He’s good at his particular niche but he’s not a deep thinker in anything outside his own base of knowledge ( which I guess is working class Manchester). Sometimes I do get a little shocked at the self absorption though.

    • Sue says:

      “I think he doesn’t like anything except a narrow field of music” – that explains why all of his songs sound the same.

      • Thinking says:

        I like his music, but it’s true his music doesn’t vary. Even he acknowledges he’s good at only what he does, not much else.

        In this instance, I wish he had not spoken. It is possible for others to like more than one genre of music, and if not, to gain meaning and understanding from an artist they may not always listen to. In this case, I can tell Kendrick Lamar is extremely good at what he does in terms of the genre he’s in and his overall artistry, even if I don’t listen to him regularly.

        I am surprised Noel can’t recognize this either. Well, not really, but there are times it’s better to just keep quiet if you don’t have anything meaningful to add. This is one of those times.

    • Normades says:

      Even in his lane he hates everything.

      Which is fine. Sometimes I love grumpy old dudes like Hugh grant. Even hugh talked about leaving his comfort zone and loving the Tswift concert while downing shots with Trav.

      But when it’s really not your lane shutting up is great too. Liam is such a grumpy white man as well but is being better than his brother (at least right now ).

      • Christine says:

        For whatever reason, I find Hugh Grant’s grumping charming, but I cannot stand either Gallagher brother, even a little bit.

  20. Meghan says:

    Not racist. He intensely hates EVERYTHING in equal measure, except for the gases and congealed fodder he squeezes out of his own butt.

  21. Jaded says:

    Nasty wankers, both of them. Look, I’m an old, I don’t like rap, I don’t listen to it, but I was mesmerized by KL’s performance. The Gallaghers have always been mean, miserable, jealous bastards and their 15 minutes of fame ran out long ago. Time to sit down and STFU boys, you are irrelevant now.

  22. Sara says:

    all I can say is: I’m SO grateful that in the long ago days of the 90s, when I heard oasis my knee jerk 1st response to them was “we’ve already had the Beatles, we don’t need a cheap knock off version of them” i mean I do like some of their stuff but I have never and probably will never spend a penny on oasis

  23. Truthiness says:

    Noel needs to keep this up, Kendrick completely buried the last guy and he needs fresh meat.

    • Thinking says:

      I like Noel Gallagher’s music but I wouldn’t mind a diss track about Noel from Kendrick Lamar.

      To be honest, I’m not sure why Noel comments on genres that have nothing to do with the music genre makes. Not everyone has to like the same things.

  24. slippers4life says:

    Oasis had one good album and have spent the rest of their lives just being fucking miserable. Their best song was “Don’t Look Back in Anger”, which is hilarious, because that’s all they fucking do! And Champagne Supernova wasn’t all that!

  25. martha says:

    What a tool.

    Noel should stick to hatin’ on his brother. That’s always entertaining.

  26. Lau says:

    If this can be of any comfort : his beloved Manchester City is doing absolutely terribly in most competitions this season. I hope that he goes to Spain next week just to see them lose miserably against Real Madrid.

  27. terrah says:

    Desert Island discs is a long running radio prog in uk where all kinds of notable people are interviewed and choose the 8 records they would take to a desert island. It is blinkin fabulous and well worth getting the podcast editions – recently had Nick Cave, Cher and Stephen Spielberg. Over 2000 interviews in the archive…yer man grumpy Gallagher’s selection is instructive…
    Pretty Vacant: By the Sex Pistols
    Let’s Dance: By David Bowie
    Nobody Home: By Pink Floyd
    Hand in Glove: By the Smiths
    Voodoo Ray: By A Guy Called Gerald
    With or Without You: By U2
    Ticket to Ride: By the Beatles
    Be My Baby: The Ronettes
    Not exactly eclectic.
    He is additionally not.very.bright..But does well enough as a rent-a-curmudgeon

  28. JFerber says:

    Noel is a notoriously harsh critic (he even said his brother’s darling daughter was fathered by another man). But Noel is talking rubbish. He hasn’t got half the talent, knowledge or charisma as Kendrick Lamar (who also won a Pulitzer prize). What music has Noel even made in the last decade? Noel needs to shut his mouth about Kendrick, who is musically, culturally and politically important in our off-the-track, insane near-dictatorship country.

  29. AC says:

    Let’s see, Kendrick just swept the Grammys on every category, had the most watched SB halftime show, and after that is number 1 on global Spotify and trending #1 on YouTube. Not to mention also won the Pulitzer Prize. Noel can continue being a hater and eat 💩

  30. one of the marys says:

    I am going to say something completely shallow. If that was the most watched half time show ever then that ass got the most eye balls at half time, was the first thing popped into my head.

  31. Anon @ Work says:

    “When pressed about his favorite Halftime Show, he said he never watches it.” How and why is this news? 🤣🤣🤣