President Elon Musk had a press conference in the Oval Office with his hostage

Yesterday, Donald Trump did a press conference in the Oval Office. It’s difficult for Trump to waddle into the White House press room, given his age, physical deterioration and bone spurs, so he makes the press come to him. There were a few dozen journalists crammed in there for an in-person briefing from the president. President Elon Musk, that is. Apartheid Clyde was also in the Oval, and he brought his son X, his oldest child with Grimes. Feeble old man Don quickly threw the briefing over to President Musk:

This has the feel of a parody, but it’s really happening to all of us here in America. This is what people wanted – a decrepit figurehead of an ignorant, hateful cult, slumped over the Resolute Desk while Space Karen and his merry band of Nazi youths dismantle the federal government. All people had to do to avoid this was vote for the Black lady, but here we are.

Some of this press conference was for Trump to sign over more power and authority to Space Karen and DOGE. Trump is basically giving President Musk the ultimate hiring and firing power within all of the federal bureaucracy. President Musk also denied that he was doing a “hostile takeover” of the country… while Trump looked like his impotent and frail hostage.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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116 Responses to “President Elon Musk had a press conference in the Oval Office with his hostage”

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  1. Mireille says:

    I see 2 hostages Kaiser, the bitter orange bitch and X, the son. May Grimes come get her son and may the other one rot in hell.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      M*sk has kept Grimes from seeing her baby, X, for going on 7 months now, while he drags him everywhere with him as a prop for good will. F M*sk forever.

    • Hiding behind his own child!!! He is giving Chuckles a run for his money on worst father ever.

      • Elizabeth Kerri Mahon says:

        Has anyone seen the video in which X tells Trump that he is not the President and needs to go away?

      • pottymouth pup says:

        Musk has referred to his son as his “emotional support human” which is, as far as I’m concerned, abusive & a really horrible way of grooming a child to feel responsible for their parent’s emotional wellbeing

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Elizabeth Kerri Mahon – What?! 🤣

    • Luna says:

      Unfortunately Grimes knew who Elon is when she chose to have even more kids with him so I feel for the kid even though he’ll never lack for money.

    • JRT says:

      Also if you could hear the things X, who is not a baby, said to the Orange Oompa Loompa is hilarious! The vids on TikTok about this is the best laugh ever!!!

      That kid is doomed for life with Space Karen as a parent!

  2. Meredith Vaughan says:

    Even aside from the fact that I like neither Trump nor Musk, I strongly dislike that a man who is not president or First Lady is permitted to address the nation from the Oval Office. It’s the principle of the thing, as silly as I know it sounds.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Musk has something gigantic on Trump or he never would have allowed this. It was obvious he wasn’t happy about the situation. And he was particularly annoyed by the kid’s presence.

      • Aevajohnson says:

        That huge thing is called money, and it’s their true god.

      • aang says:

        I honestly believe Musk f’d around with the votes using starlink.

      • elle says:

        This is all the proof I need that the election was stolen. In what other world would the big orange baby not be rage-posting over someone making him look weaker? He thought he could use Elno and get away with it – there were reports early on that he and his camp were sick of him and planning to marginalize him. Every such rumbling was met with more power for the muskrat. The rotten orange must know that he has nowhere to escape to other than Russia, while Starbaby could fuck off to Mars or wherever.

        I still hope the shouting match where they each reveal what they did for the other occurs, right before the leopards eat them.

      • Becks1 says:

        I think its something related to election fraud as well. Musk used his billions to buy that election for Trump and this is his reward. and Trump can’t do anything about it without Musk telling everyone the truth.

      • booboocita says:

        I’ve wondered if Putin gave Musk some kompromat on Cheeto. Between money, election fraud, and Russian blackmail material, Cheeto is truly f**ked. Too bad the rest of the country is f**ked along with him.

      • Betsy says:

        About a month ago I posted here that I was well convinced that Trump stole the election and at least one person said I was wrong, no way, not possible. Far, far too many people voted for treason and treachery, but I still do not believe that Trump won. There is enough anecdotal evidence that the GOP cheated and I cannot understand why Harris and the rest of the Democratic Party didn’t pay for recounts, audits and forensic analysis.

        Because if, in fact, as the working theory suggests (again, no one has been able to forensically examine the tabulating machines and their coding), they hacked the tabulating machines in order to throw a certain percentage of Harris votes to Trump and Harris actually won in a decisive landslide – which I think she did – then none of this needs to be happening. And Elon wouldn’t be brazenly dismantling our government and all the hard fought progress.

      • elle says:

        @Betsy I 100% agree with you. Nothing we saw with our own eyes prior to the election supports what actually happened.

      • Normades says:

        @elle @becks1 @betsy
        Tots agree. The reports on the lines of voters in certain states doesn’t match the outcome.

        Afterwards that’s a hush hush topic even with my lib friends who say you have to accept the outcome

      • Kit says:

        @Betsy because Dems aren’t willing to be the Jan 6th mob.

        That’s why MAGAs prevailed. Look you have to hate people and your own government enough to form a mob and break laws.

        To counter Trump and Musk, you need more oppositional Trumps, Musks, Thiels, Bezos with deep pockets. But it’s hard to find a selfless billionaire. They are the rare unicorn.

        Look at Trump’s most loyal and longest backers, the billionaire Ulines who have enjoyed shipping Mexican workers to work in their US warehouses for $38/ day working under appalling conditions. Yet blue collar workers love Trump and notice the article is in the Guardian, AFTER the election. This wasn’t recent news or hidden. Dems knew about it, but which big media groups were going to print this before the election. Not Meta, Apple News, not AP, not NYT, not WaPo, not NBC nor CNN…..

      • Betsy says:

        @Kit No, you’re painting a false dichotomy. It’s not “accept it or riot,” there are a thousand gradations in between. For example I certainly would have donated money to the Harris campaign for recounts and audits. They could have actually performed forensic examination of the tabulating machines. And miss me if you don’t think at least some of this wasn’t caught by the big brother ears that listen to us all. One of the youngsters Elon hired to destroy the government from within literally wrote a program to spoof ballots. There’s a decent cover story as to why it was written – how to create a readable ballot when one is partially destroyed – but it doesn’t take a flying leap for “I have the votes, I don’t need the votes,” “you’ll never need to vote again,” “find the votes, Georgia,” “I have a little secret with Mike Johnson.”

        And no one did anything. People talked to people like me like we’re conspiracy theory mental people. I didn’t storm anything. I wrote to my representatives and begged them to take this seriously, that the guy who iworked with Russia would probably not stop at anything. People are finally tuning in, just a month or so too late. We can still get our country back, but we need to turn away from bad faith arguments like “accept it or riot.”

      • Kit says:

        It’s not about dichotomy. Dems, and the people, don’t have the rich backers and corporations behind them. Trump can offer trillion dollars worth of tax cuts at the cost of public services for the people, billions in government contracts, and wholesale gutting of government oversight that kept corporations/industries abuses in check.

        MAGA mob might be small in number, but the tactics are effective. Trump’s pardons give credence to power. You look at dictatorships around the world, it takes a small percentage of the population to check the power of the people.

        It’s one thing to risk your job, neck for families and loved ones. But it’s harder to risk your personal security, your job for groups of people you don’t know. As my white friends admitted at work, you don’t want to be the one to be called woke or a liberal. Unless it’s a strong pro labor/union state, labor laws and OSHA laws are being flouted/ignored . And with the complicity of SM and MSM bosses, it’s even harder to mobilize mass protest.

        It’s great you wrote to your reps, be they blue, red, or independent. But look at who’s being voted for Trump’s cabinets—the votes are along party line.

      • Betsy says:

        @Kit I’m not even sure what point you’re making. You made it sound like the choice is acquiesce or riot, now you’re saying no one can protest because the Democrats have no funders and people have no rights?

        My point is that our representative should be getting creative. If they are, as Chris Murphy says, being threatened, they need to band together and speak as one voice to say so. Because they have more of a platform than any of us little dorks, especially with most social media platforms working for the oligarchy and banning any phrase, keyword or discussion they don’t like or that they find threatening.

        Kamala won.

      • Kit says:

        @Betsy, my point is to push for overturning a US election because you think it was rigged to benefit Trump, you need friendly SM/MSM and monied backers. Otherwise, there’s no traction. MAGA wasn’t something that happened overnight. Its root is deep and long. Think Fox and Murdoch. Look at the Koch brothers and how they financed think tanks, non profits to turn SCOTUS rightward, all of their many non profits, PAC spinoffs that have been working for decades, you see the seeds were planted decades ago.

        Re: 2024 election, Kamala already conceded. She doesn’t have an unrepentant mob ready to go to jail on her behalf. Nor does she have monied backers. Remember there were inter-party infightings over her nomination. She’s no saint but she won’t break laws either. The practical reality is whatever you or I fear happened with the election isn’t a goal dems have the leverage to act on.

        My BFF lives in a purple state and will be one of the most affected by mass federal layoffs. Her county was one of the few blue ones in the state. She lives in the poorer part of the county and the votes there went more Trump. And racism played a big part (state was part of the Confederacy and that stuff still reigns). We talked about strategy and she concluded it’s not yet the time to do a March in Washington. Why? Simply because there’s not enough momentum to risk it. She used the word “risk”. There’s no big push where I live either for a march in my city (unlike the first 2 years of Trump presidency- we had over 100,000 people marching). TBH, people here are tired. Cost of living has hit us hard along with rising unemployment. Trump’s win and the unrelenting bad news made many to turn off the newsfeed. I think people need time to get over the loss and all the bad news right now.

    • agirlandherdogs says:

      Another silly sounding thing to add, but he can’t even be bothered to remove his hat while in the White House? All these magats who screech about respecting the flag, respecting the country etc, etc, aren’t at all bothered when their puppet master disrespects the country by wearing a hat in the Oval? This rates a zero on the scale of his affronts to our nation. It’s just such blatant, overt disrespect. Imagine if a democratic president appeared with someone wearing a hat in the White House. The double standard is just unbelievable.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I’m old enough to remember when the media melted down over President Obama in shirtsleeves with his feet up in the Oval. Good times!

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        Remember the meltdown they had when Obama gave a press conference in a tan suit? “Too casual”, apparently.

    • BeanieBean says:

      It is truly disgusting. On a positive note, they didn’t give him a chair to sit on, he had to stand for the whole thing.

    • AR says:


      The scores were too even. They were neck and neck. Where did this sudden advantage come from..?

    • TheDtels says:

      It’s not silly at all. It’s unprecedented and it’s terrifying. We did not vote for this man. A foreign born oligarch is now running our country. Trump can say he’s an advisor but we all no who is in charge. This is a coup and it needs to be stopped.

    • workt says:

      It is NOT silly. That is the actual problem, despite all of the banter.

      A person who was not elected, appointed to lead a government agency that was created illegally, was never Senate confirmed and who has shocking conflicts of interest has carte blanche to use the highest levels of our government for his own ends. It’s a coup, and we’re just watching it happen.

  3. Aimee says:

    I didn’t like the kid being there. It was as if Musk was using him as a human shield.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Child abuse in plain sight.

    • Jennifer says:

      He’s been human shielding for quite some time. And it’s always only the favorite kid with the stupid name, not the other ones.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I also imagine the extreme jealousy in the trump family–trump wouldn’t let his own grandkids run around the Oval Office, but Leon’s kid? Yeah, sure, fine, whatever.

    • Betsy says:

      He *is* being used as a human shield.

      I braved the muck at the conservative subreddit. They almost entirely ignored this whole presser. There are a very few instances of how great the content was (yuck. But I guess when they’ve stewed themselves in right wing propaganda of course it looks great) and how cute the little kid is, never mind the weird optics at every level and how devastating it is to have a completely unelected illegal immigrat destroying our country for the tech bros to buy it all up.

    • Justjan says:

      The first thing my husband and I said to each other was that Elmo was wearing his son like a meat helmet. It sent shivers down my spine.

  4. MissF says:

    JFC, could you imagine if Clinton, Obama or Biden dragged a Rothschild billionaire or George Soros with a toddler in tow, handed over the most critical government clearances to him, and gave him carte blanche to do as he saw fit, the Republican party would be losing their minds, it would be a bloody state of emergency. Further, the Rothschilds and Mr. Soros are sane, well regarded people, unlike Space Karen.

    • wendy says:

      and MSM is falling all over themselves trying to make this look perfectly normal — I expected it from the Fox crowd — but CNN is starting to bring in more and more ‘Trump friendly’ voices to rationalize this shit.

      • Swaz says:

        I have just clicked the “do not recommend” for CNN on my YouTube feed 🧐

      • orangeowl says:

        Actually I was surprised at how candid NYT was about Musk’s lack of “proof of corruption in the bureaucracy” last night, and NPR today is scrutinizing it pretty hard. Are either of them doing enough, though, to shine a light on what’s actually happening? Definitely not. They don’t seem capable.

    • orangeowl says:

      This had to be one of the most surreal moments of the Trump era, and there have been so many. My brain could hardly compute what was happening with Musk, his poor child and Trump. I feel like in any other country this would be openly characterized as a full on coup.

    • Betsy says:

      Ah, but you see the oligarchs own 98% of the US media, and they’re certainly not going to raise any stink about this.

      Even though it’s obvious that Musk and whoever his interested parties are (Putin with the kompromat? other billionaires who have been funding the right wing for decades?) are running this show. Suggestions that something is wrong with this will not be made and will not be allowed to get taken up into the zeitgeist.

  5. heygingersnaps says:

    What is galling (although I really shouldn’t be surprised by now about all their antics) is the way that mainstream media is normalising this with their headlines. Critical thinking people can see how this is not normal and is a further erosion of the norms and democracy but maybe magats can’t stand to be wrong and would rather eat crap than call this and the dismantling of democracy out.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yes, the headlines are driving me crazy. There are lots of things like “Trump said X, that may have been misleading.” how about TRUMP LIED. MUSK LIED.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      It is infuriating.

      This needs to be called what it is: a coup by an unelected foreign billionaire.

      Musk wants to basically replace federal government with AI and plunder it for his personal enrichment. And by the time anyone stops him — if anyone will — it will be too late. His juvenile tech bros already have rewritten code in our government systems.

  6. Me at home says:

    Maybe I can get all my “news” here instead of having to deal with reality in the regular media. JK. *shivers in horror*

    • Betsy says:

      I have been taking news in via the home page of Reddit. Almost all the news is linked to a news organization if I want more information (or I just go look at the Guardian, which I donate to), and it keeps all this ridiculousness from eating my brain while still allowing me to be informed.

      I’m lucky in that my city still has a local-ish paper so I pay for that and consume that.

      • Me at home says:

        Thanks for the Reddit rec, will look at that. I donate to the Guardian too. My concern, like you, is that this insanity will eat my brain if I spend too much time on it. Which is a problem: 8 years ago I marched in a pink hat, went to science marches, and the rest, because I thought it would make a difference. This time I’m almost in hiding. I need to find a practical way to take in news and take action while retaining my sanity in this new insane world we live in. My friends all say the same.

    • Truthiness says:

      Props to Kaiser for not using a source that we witnessed sanewashing that grifting felon. It’d be glorious if we could make those media entities irrelevant.

  7. Tashiro says:

    Agree, I can’t with either of these two pieces of s**t.

  8. Yup, Me says:

    Revolutionaries who were demanding changes to this country that would actually benefit the poorest people in the nation have been unalived without compunction and their names and memories denigrated as they were labeled a threat to democracy and yet this dude roams around, pulling things apart like a chimp in a bar. I dearly hope consequence comes to him swiftly and absolutely.

  9. Nicole says:

    I personally know many who are sticking it out. It’s crazy scary.

  10. Eleonor says:

    This looks like a bad SNL sketch.

  11. Libra says:

    The emperor has no clothes.

  12. Brassy Rebel says:

    An unelected, ketamine addicted billionaire and his crew of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are wilding through sundry government agencies doing God knows what while the elected president (unfortunately!) and Republicans in Congress sit idly by. Part of me watches in horror, knows this is happening, and another part still can’t believe it. If you pitched this as a movie, it would be rejected as totally bonkers and unbelievable. This plot turn needs a rewrite. And fast!

    • Betsy says:

      I only have Democratic representatives, so that’s who I’m contacting, and I’m just appalled at their shruggsies over this. Their bland “we’ll get ‘em in 2026/2028” take is infuriating. Either they and their families are being threatened with death or they’re complicit. I can see no other excuse for the people who actually have a platform and a voice not doing anything. Chris Murphy has essentially said they’re being threatened, so… blow the effing whistle. By whom? With what? Come together, publicly, and start talking. If the US media is too compromised to do it, call in the international media.

      (I think some of the GOP truly believe in this Curtis Yarvin nightmare but I also think some of them are being blackmailed. The GOP is who is at fault here, just saying that. I think the GOP has been stealing elections at all levels for years and I think that is one of the huge blackmailable things that Russia holds over the Republican Party, if we will all please remember that they hacked them in 2016 and again in 2024. That and pedophilia.)

    • Traveller says:

      Mind blowing, isn’t it.

  13. SIde Eye says:

    How is this even happening? I am having flashbacks to the first term when you would hear breaking news and your reaction would be “Oh FFS!!! What now?” But this is way, way worse.

    I remember a few months ago I said the thought of him winning was giving me panic attacks and some poster came on to be a sarcastic a-hole to insinuate it was all hyperbole and I just needed to calm down. Gaslighting is such a big part of fascism. They go hand in hand.

    Seriously eff anyone who voted for this. And eff anyone who is part of the gaslighting and keeps saying “he can’t” or “he won’t” do (insert whatever the crazy idea is being pushed at the moment: invade Canada, take Greenland by force, ban paper straws, put people in camps, blow up the world, or have Elon and a group of teens dismantle democracy), as if he is constrained by rules, reason, the Constitution, law, or any checks and balances. He does whatever the hell he wants and the press is normalizing all of it.

    What does Elon have on him? He has already bragged he used Elon to rig the election, and I seriously doubt there would be any consequences whatsoever if concrete evidence of the rigging came to light. So what is it?

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m with you. I’m a federal employee & when we talk about this at work I hear a lot of ‘he can’t do x, y, or z without blah blah blah’ and I think, pay attention! They’re not following laws or rules or custom anymore!! They can’t get rid of probationary employees without just cause? Yeah, well, they’re sending out the first letters in some agencies already. ‘They can’t’ , they are!!

      • Worktowander says:

        “pay attention! They’re not following laws or rules or custom anymore!! They can’t get rid of probationary employees without just cause? Yeah, well, they’re sending out the first letters in some agencies already. ‘They can’t’ , they are!!”

        THIS. It’s called “normalcy bias” and it’s killing our nation right before our very eyes.

  14. Dss says:

    He is using his child as a human bullet shield.

  15. LightPurple says:

    This is an oligarchy and it was not on the ballot.

    And his team has found NOTHING and he has broken so many laws by going into the finances of individuals.

  16. PunkyMomma says:

    At some point, Rasputin Musk will be gone, but the damage will have been done. Mango is decomposing before our eyes, so there’s that as well. Next at bat is the eyeliner guy, who of this trio, is the next truly dangerous threat—Vance could be in the Oval for eight years, overseeing Peter Thiel’s agenda.

    They’re all dangerous threats—😑

    • TN Democrat says:

      The only hope I see is that the poor/rural and the ultra rich components of maga are completely incompatible and have different agendas. The only person who units them is mango. The magats ran as magats and not Republicans in the last election cycle. The party will split into warring factions without the mango pit of humanity uniting them. That poor little boy is being used as a human shield in the oval office. Our country has sunk so far. Even in my scary dark red area of the world the cuts are beginning to hurt and register.

    • bisynaptic says:


  17. Diana says:

    A journalist challenged Musk about the ‘Condoms for Gaza’ story that he tweeted out. The condoms were actually for Gaza in Mozambique as part of HIV prevention.
    Musk said ‘not everything I say will be correct’.

    I am speechless.

    • BeanieBean says:

      And that was the end of the questioning?! Gah! Where’s the follow up?!

    • LightPurple says:

      And it wasn’t just condoms but all AIDS prevention and treatments for an area of the world where even Pope Benedict condoned use of condoms for prevention of HIV spread.

  18. Lucky Charm says:

    Was this the press conference he refused to allow an AP reporter in because they wouldn’t call the Gulf of Mexico by the new name Trump is using?

    • Swaz says:

      Yes it is, you’ve got to agree to say GULF OF USA 🇺🇸😳

    • Worktowander says:

      Thanks for mentioning the Gulf. It reminded me to go to Google Maps and make my daily “Report an issue” submission calling out their cowardice by complying with this farce.

  19. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    In one month we’ve gone from a stable world power to a government in disarray, hated around the world. Keep emailing your senators, representatives, your state government reps, no matter what their party is. Our representatives have to hear from us if there is going to be any stopping this clown show coup.

  20. Miranda says:

    Ketamine, do your fucking worst. Fast.

    • trillion says:

      Come on, Ketamine and Cholesterol!

    • Carrie says:

      Can ketamine get tainted with fentanyl? PLEASE, can it??

    • Me at home says:

      Yeah, I never thought I’d be wishing someone had a heart attack. But here I am, wishing for exactly that….

    • Kit says:

      Add steroids, human growth hormones and all the latest snake oil goodies only the very rich can access.

      You know the likes of Musk, Thiel, Bezos and Paltrow are obsessed with finding the magical, fountain of youth pill.

  21. Becks1 says:

    The irony of Musk, standing in the Oval Office, ranting about federal workers being an unelected fourth branch that have too much power……

    The size of the federal workforce hasn’t significantly changed in something like 40, close to 50 years. But the US population HAS changed. The reason its taken you three years to get a final decision on disability? Its not because the employees are lazy, its because they are overwhelmed with applications. The reason you can’t get an appointment at the VA? Its because there are not enough doctors, nurses, caseworkers, etc. the reason you’re on hold with the IRS for two hours?

    You get the picture.

    • SIde Eye says:

      You nailed it! And now Russian bots are coming online with this “well I am all for dismantling it all and starting over from scratch” as if a fascist, nazi authoritarian alternative is better. And now MAGA. is parroting the exact talking points that Russian bots have been spewing all over the Internet.

      It takes about one week for all of them to get on the same page and repeat exactly what Russia has suggested.

      • Becks1 says:

        Threads is insane today with the MAGA bots!

      • Kit says:

        I’ve noticed a relationship between the pro-monarchy, love the small Willy and Kate fest crowd and MAGAs. It’s no coincidence Heritage Foundation is after Harry.

        Ginny Thomas is a type who comes to mind of these enthralled MAGAs.

    • LightPurple says:

      The 90-2 hour hold times on the phone for Social Security, the IRS, and the VA began in the first Trump administration and when you finally did get through to a human, the poor person was so overwhelmed and upset that they couldn’t actually do anything for the caller but transfer them elsewhere for another 90 minute hold. The time period for a veterans grave marker was 4 weeks prior to Trump but when we tried to get one for our dad, submitting a perfect complete form with all necessary documentation, it took almost a year with the help of my congressional rep in MA, my brother’s congressional rep, also in MA, the cemetery’s congressional rep in MA, my sister’s congressional rep in NH, and all 4 senators. And all the people who stayed through that nightmare are now 8 years closer to retirement and leaving.

  22. aquarius64 says:

    Musk is showing the earmarks of Rasputin, the puppeteer of Nicholas II, the last tsar of Russia. Rasputin has the imperial family enthralled until he was killed by monarchists. The stence of Rasputin’s influence still stayed with the tsar until the Russian Revolution and the end of the Romanovs. I know more was involved in the fall of the Russian monarchy. I’m fearing things will get so bad, someone or entity with the means and the money will think the only way to deal with Musk and Trump is with violence. There were two tries at Trump and Iran has it out for him. These are scary times here in the US.

    • Nina says:

      I truly think that Musk’s hubris will be his downfall. He thinks he’s untouchable. And with these other billionaire tech bros openly aligning themselves with Trump and Musk, they also think they’re invincible and that somehow Trump will protect them when shit gets real.

      But Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He won’t protect them. They’re making it clear to the entire world where they stand and painting giant red targets on their backs by doing so. In a country where people are rapidly getting screwed over by the current administration, and guns are so easy to get, the rich boys should really be worried.

      • Kit says:

        Even if the bromance breaks, with Musk’s access to US security secrets and citizens’ data, Musk is safe. Even if Trump uses him as the fall guy, Musk is the richest in the world, and owns a huge chunk of US comm (satellites) and security apparatus (government contracts) so divorce is messy and he won’t suffer. Plus he bought plenty of citizenships and lots of luxurious bolt holes to sit out.

        In any case, at that point, US will be severely weakened, the focus will be who survives among the rich, and the People’s welfare as usual is forgotten. People will either wake up and gain back some control peacefully and not turn the country into a killing field. But as the mob has only gotten bigger and bolder, turmoil is here to stay. Some states with enough economical leverage may be able to carve out some stability.

        Look at Brexit. It was easy to breakaway, but now it takes forever and expensive to renegotiate with the EU all the regulations and trade barriers all over again for the UK. It’s really easy to break things. Far harder to rebuild.

      • bisynaptic says:

        @Kit, Musk will need adequate warning to run to one of his bolt holes. He might not get that.

  23. Grant says:

    Lord, I need a trigger warning before seeing that melted orange face!

    They’re both such unbelievable pieces of shite, I can’t even.

  24. Normades says:

    What the hell is he even doing there? A non elected private citizen answering the questions directed to the administration. He is the de facto president

  25. JustBitchy says:

    SM is also suppressing info on protests. Get a blue sky and follow this account even on insta.

    • Kit says:

      Thank you for pointing this out. It’s no longer conspiracy theory or paranoid to avoid mainstream major SM. Their owners admit publicly to harvesting data and your privacy isn’t a guarantee.

      The old adage that history is written by winners is being proven right before our eyes.

      I believe whatever meaningful resistance will be organic, un-intentional even, and slow to form. If you read MSM and SM, you think Dems are only concerned about trans right (e.h. Headline news about trans lawsuit here and there). People need to accept so much that is happening is not being reported or is curated to control, demoralize, and undermine any opposition.

      Just like reporting by the Guardian that ICE is using old news reports of immigration arrests and round ups from years ago to fool the public that mass arrests are happening today. It’s classic propaganda which our major news media when taking ICE PR spin as “facts” and refusing to do any real verification.

    • Swaz says:

      And there will be no push back on X , everyone is scared to lose their blue checks so they are automatically SILENCED 🔕

  26. Lisa says:

    Someone in the Senate is starting a class action lawsuit against Musk. I will sign it.

  27. Tisme says:

    I unfortunately predict a civil war in the US…the government will literally need to be overthrown to restore justice. I hope I’m wrong.

  28. Angela says:

    I’ve seen footage of SM of baby Musk saying some disturbing things to F47 during the press conference!

  29. Courtney says:

    We are living in Blazing Saddles where Trump is President Lepetamane doing the bidding of Hedley Lamarr (in our case, Elon Musk). I hope there are a Bart and a Jim to rescue us.

  30. Swaz says:

    OMG, is it only me ??? Every time I listen to Elon Musk I think how can the richest man in the world speak so inarticulate, he sounds like mumbles 😀😀

    • Me at home says:

      And he repeats himself, again and again. Is he so arrogant he thinks he doesn’t need to prepare remarks?

  31. tamsin says:

    If everybody started referring to Musk as President Musk, Donald might react soon enough. He’s managed to debase the Oval Office itself. Disquieting farce.

  32. Deedee says:

    That little boy is a little cutie pie and the best part was when he was picking his nose in front of Trump.

    • Deborah1 says:

      If the child really did say those things to Trump that are being reported on SM, then he is a badly-behaved little brat and a chip off the old block (Musk). This whole thing puts me in mind of Prince Louis’s behaviour at QEII’s Jubilee which was far from cute IMO.

  33. JFerber says:

    I prefer to call him President Muskrat. I know Bush 2 relied heavily on his VP as did Bush 1 rely on (damn, I forgot his name, but not vp). But this is beyond. It really is like we have President Muskrat in the Oval Office.

  34. AC says:

    Haha , President Musk.
    Trump must hate it so much lol!

  35. blunt talker says:

    the usaid organization is really bothering me-to freeze funding for people with hiv means they will start dying in 8 to 12 weeks or days-that is being reported from a knowledgeable source- they are allowing food and medicine to rot on the docks in these poor countries that were relying on this to live and survive another day-it was reported today that the dying has already started in some countries-God have mercy on these poor souls. this country has decided who dies and who doesn’t-had tears in my eyes when read about this today.

  36. Call_Me_AL says:

    I know this is applying logical thinking to maniacs, but how does firing all the federal workforce help them catch more errors like the “150 year olds on social security”? And how much money is really being saved by all these chaotic initiatives? SHOW US THE DATA.

  37. Michelle says:

    @kaiser you are doing the Lord’s work with this post. I laughed, even cackled, while reading your account of the “press conference.” I am sharing with everyone I know because it’s so damn good. Thank you.