Prince William & Kate wished everyone a happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day! Please wish me and my giant bag of peanut-butter M&Ms a very happy holiday. No, I also have my cats – an immortal ginger cat and a sweet baby panther. Obviously, people are going to celebrate the holiday in different ways. The Sussexes are spending the holiday apart, with Harry still in Canada for the Invictus Games, and Meghan in Montecito with the kids. Well, Prince William and Kate decided to wish everyone a happy holiday by posting a photo from that very weird video they made last summer, where they were groping each other in a forest.

I mean, I’ll stop being bitter for a moment and admit that it’s a cute photo and it’s a nice sentiment – just keep it breezy, use a heart emoji and keep moving. The comments on this post are… not great, or at least not when it first went up. I suspect that the social media team at Kensington Palace will quickly remove all of the photos of and references to Rose Hanbury. Do you think the Rose Hanbury story ruined roses for Kate? Like, if William brought a bouquet of roses home for Kate, would she raise an eyebrow, like “really, motherf–ker?”

Anyway, we probably won’t be hearing much from William and Kate for the next few weeks. They’re skipping the BAFTAs and their kids are on a school break. Something tells me the family will not be in Norfolk.

I’m including some of my favorite Wales photos in this post!

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Kensington Palace, Avalon Red.

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88 Responses to “Prince William & Kate wished everyone a happy Valentine’s Day”

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  1. ThatGirlThere says:

    William and Kate can publicly wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day, but apparently, they can’t extend the same kindness to the British Invictus Games team. What a disappointing duo.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Beyond disappointing. No new pictures either, of course. They’d show everyone once again that they look 20 years older than what they really are.

      • BlueNailsBettyj says:

        They do not look like they are in their 60’s. It’s fine to criticize their actions but there’s no need to make up stuff about their appearance.

      • kelleybelle says:

        @BlueNailsBetty … I think some days they do, at least late 50s for sure. Smoking and drinking to excess don’t help. Kate looks at least 15 years older than she is, and so does William. Sorry, 15 years maybe and not 20.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        They do seem to do one photo shoot for every 18-24 months and just parcel out different photos from that. Now they are doing truly horrible videos and just using stills from those old videos. Nothing about them is genuine or in the moment it’s all staged and choreographed and it looks stale and boring.. 🥱 the video was ridiculous and the stills from that video are no different. What a joke the BRF heir and his wife are.

      • kelleybelle says:

        Hypocrisy, agreed, totally. And the more I think about it, the more I think Will looks like he’s in his 60s with Kate not far behind.

    • Fawsia says:

      That is ok! No one wants to hear from them! Did you hear anyone asking or needing anything from these miserable people?

    • One photo Kate looked tense and anxious, and William’s jaw clenched tight. Not looking too happy that’s a definite.

  2. Me at home says:

    Is something wrong with her left ankle in this picture? Anyway, love your photo choices!

    • cerys says:

      Her ankle definitely looks weird. Probably a faulty AI programme.

    • ML says:

      I clicked on the link to see what you meant–it does look very, very, very sinewy.

      Have they ever done this before?? Wishing people you have no personal relationship with a Happy Valentine’s Day seems weird to me. Is this new?

      • Ginger says:

        I don’t think they have ever done this. They must think Meghan might post something for Valentine’s Day and wanted to post something. It’s very strange.

      • Weatherby says:

        I think Kate and her Mother are extremely obsessed with Kate’s image. Last year, even at Wimbledon, social media was ablaze with “this is giving divorce vibes” commentary.

        Kate and Carole, in traditional tacky fashion, felt the need to overcorrect, and in the process, have laid it on embarrassingly thick (embarrassing even for Prince William, who, we know did his best to distance himself from the toothpaste advert via his media mouthpieces). The forrest trollop video and now piece-mealing stills from it is Kate trying hard to polish her image.

        Her image is all she’s got, remember. In reality, she is a vacuous, unserious person who takes no interest in anything other than herself. This is why she must present a pristine veneer at all times even if it’s an obvious fake.

      • CherryBerry says:

        @ Ginger This is the sense I got as well. Kate/Carole expecting Meghan to post something (which she did), posted this as well. Was it to beat her to the punch and not make it so obvious she is copy keening her?

        @Weatheby You make very good points. Perhaps this overcorrection was also why Kate came out with her faux Kancer after being named the Royal racists in December ‘23? Something needed to be done because her image was really taking a hit. To add to that, I get the sense she is very thin skinned about criticism.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      We need to have some butt grabbing photos, in the Valentine’s Day spirt.

  3. Em says:

    Look at me! I can kiss my wife too!

    • Hypocrisy says:

      First thing I thought also..🤭

    • They are so fake!!

      • Sam says:

        Omg these photos are so worn out and cringe. How many screenshots of that horrible video have they posted now??

        Judging by the likes, no one is falling for it anymore. And yes, the comments were really bad, but as we know KP, they’ve all disappeared now and the bots are everywhere in the comments.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Just went to look: comments already scrubbed to have sycophants/bots 10:1 So very sad and pathetic, really.

      • Tessa says:

        It’s amazing, DM must have a machine that churns out upvotes for sycophantic comments about the Keens. Some total 1.5 million upvotes.

      • Sam says:

        Btw I mean the insta post. Nobody cares about their profile on *Twitter*.

  4. Dee says:

    Someone said he’s kissing her where he put a new scar by her eye and I can’t unsee it now. Pretty telling that they had to go so far back to find a “loving photo” to share. This also speaks to their living apart. It would’ve been better for them to ignore this holiday.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I don’t have any comment on their weird marriage, it’s currently working for them so okay. But your point about the photo is very interesting to me. Because they constantly will take photos at some point and then use those photos for everything for the next year. That’s so odd to me. It’s not like I would expect them to share in depth behind the scenes personal photos all the time, but don’t you get new photos from every other person in that family who shares for each ” holiday”?

      Like right now they’ve used the same photo for everything for the last 5 months right? And before they used the photos from the Jordan trip for a full year until the kids were too old, then the denim commercial photo shoot walking in the country. This practice is just really weird to me.

      • Nic919 says:

        They do this because they don’t actually see each other daily. If they did it would be easy for Ms super photographer to grab a selfie from the last week.

      • ShazBot says:

        I agree, it’s very noticeable and I’m surprised the rota and other media put up with it, frankly.
        Previously, the RF would have rota photogs come in and take photos on the regular. William obviously hates them just as much as Harry, and W/K have been doing their own photoshoots and using just those photos their whole marriage. It’s a way to keep everyone at arm’s length because you’re just sharing one day.
        I get it, but also your entire life and position rests on your PR and this is only working for them because the media is inexplicably silent about it.

      • Christine says:

        I think it’s safe to call the marriage over when these two idiots don’t even care that they got roasted for this video. They are still merrily using screenshots so they don’t have to be in the same vicinity. Seriously, don’t they want people to forget about this?

  5. Pinocchio Princess says:

    “Groping each other in a forest”: 😅😂🤣😭. This one has me rolling.

    Happy Valentine to all the couples.
    Happy Valentine to all single women and men, who have learned to cultivate self-love, self-appreciation, and the serene strength that comes with knowing it takes only YOU to be complete.

  6. Eurydice says:

    Well, never mind them – Happy Valentine’s Day CBers!!

  7. Becks1 says:

    They’re getting a lot of mileage out of that video, aren’t they? Christmas card pic, Valentine’s Day – wonder what they’ll do for Mother’s Day, if we’ll get another frankenphoto or another still from this video.

    Happy Valentine’s Day CBers, however you celebrate (if at all!)

    • Eurydice says:

      My bet is that whatever holiday they’re on now for school break will be the new source of 2025 announcements.

      • Libra says:

        They are not on holiday. It’s an obligation to appear at Caroles 70 th birthday party in Mustique. They had no choice but to pack up and go when summoned. Family, you know.

      • Chrissy says:

        It’s not like they were dragged kicking and screaming away from cold and dark UK and their forgotten “work” obligations and forced to play in the sun and sand and drink ‘crack babies’ on the beach! Such a sacrifice they’re making! The UK taxpayers should be livid!

    • Nic919 says:

      The tension in his jaw for a peck on the cheek doesn’t really show comfortable affection but more like someone had to give grandma a kiss. They absolutely don’t get it. There is no casual affection between them and there hasn’t been probably ever. They always try to diminish H and M, but people relate to those two by how natural they are with each other, like that tubing video. There was zero PDA there but they interacted like a couple who don’t hate each other. We have never gotten that from W and K. Even in the early days they were always competitive and that was supposed to be cute.

      Also if you have to use a still from a video shoot half a year ago, then once again there is nothing real about this.

      I bet even Charles and Camilla could pull something more recent that shows some affection between each other.

      • Lucy says:

        Agreed. I remember C&C sending out a Christmas card that was maybe Charles looking affectionately at Camilla while she laughed? It was not staged, just a candid photo at one of the garden parties they go to. The closest these two come is Kate used to stare adoringly while William talked with other people.

        Some day we’ll hear all about what was going on, probably from Louis or Charlotte. I don’t know who will be able to accurately talk about what happened in this past year with all the fake photos and publicly missing time, but it will come out too.

      • Jais says:

        Yeah, I can’t get over the use of a still shot from that video. Okaaay, sure? It feels like playing in people’s faces and honestly it’s something an intern could post. But sure, it’s cute? Basically this lazy screenshot with a heart is to let the rota spin stories and talk about the wales in comparison to the Sussexes. cuz you’re telling me their first ever V day post is the same year Meghan gets insta. Puh-lease.

    • Tessa says:

      Maybe because it was agreed the video would only be done once (William gritted his teeth through the video as it is).

  8. SueBarbri33 says:

    This is so embarrassing for both of them. William is barely kissing her on her cheek/scar, while Kate looks absolutely overwhelmed and thrilled by this paltry show of affection. They are so strange and they don’t even know it; so strange that Harry and Meghan’s normal amount of PDA is viewed as a personal affront.

  9. Inge says:

    Cute photo? This gives me the shivers.

    Meanwhile the can post this but they and other royals with their fake military honours and unearned medals dont care about injured veterans.

    • Nic919 says:

      It’s not even a real photo but a video still paused. It’s funny because the derangers are posting other photos of them and some include the polo match where William bolted from her clutches like a deer. Also someone posted a photo of William between rose and Kate.

  10. Anne-Marie says:

    If they normally celebrate Valentine’s Day on social media that’s fine. Otherwise it just feels like a response to Harry’s and Meghan’s PDA in Canada 🇨🇦

    • Nic919 says:

      They don’t. Someone is super insecure about what happened in Vancouver and whistler.

      • Jais says:

        But who? Kate? William? Both? Bc yep it another obvious example of game playing. And it’s like dudes, just live your life.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        Have you noticed the tabs in Little Britain go apoplectic whenever US/Canadian press post new Meghan pics the Salt Islanders never got access to, and KP flips out whenever accompanying articles describe Meghan as ‘glowing’?

        Because I’ve been noticing that since the trip to Nigeria last year.

  11. Amy Bee says:

    Is this the first time that William and Kate have put out a post for Valentine’s Day? A still from that video is disappointing. It would have great if they had put out one that we’ve never seen before. The people on GB News who get upset when Harry and Meghan are affectionate in public were swooning over this photo this morning. Why the different reactions from the press?

  12. Tessa says:

    I thought they would share the home made Valentine’s their kids gave them. But they put up shampoo commercial pics

  13. Lady Digby says:

    Caption “we are very much a happily married couple.”

  14. Eleonor says:

    Can you feel the passion?

  15. Maggie says:

    LMAO there isn’t love or passion in that pic. Awful

  16. Lady Digby says:

    Currently their PR is Kate is no longer a fashion plate, she is SERIOUS about SERIOUS issues SERIOUSLY. Result : twice a week, during school term time , she will tilt her head contemplatively at SERIOUS visits. At home, chez Bijou Cottage, Kate and William are busy exchanging festive glances and yes, the Windsor earth frequently moves for them!

  17. SarahCS says:

    Maybe this is his way of getting the message out to all his side-pieces as economically as possible.

    I’ve spent the day with lovely messages between friends saying how much we love each other so that’s been wonderful. Happy valentines to everyone out there!

    We’ve noped out of going anywhere near a restaurant and will be celebrating with a ‘wok party’ courtesy of our tefal crep’party and some mini woks I pricked up on another trip to France that sit on it where you would otherwise make your mini crepes. You each cook a whole series of mini woks of food so you can put different things in each time. It’s awesome and less calorie dense than a crep’party (although come on pancake day).

  18. L4Frimaire says:

    Personally not a big fan of Valentine’s day and the sentimental hype. We tend to avoid most restaurants because it’s always some overpriced menu. We do cards/flowers and nice dinner at home. My spouse is traveling this week and honestly not bothered. Did get a gorgeous bouquet before he left though. Anyway the Wales made a post with a shot from their summer advertising campaign. Ok then. The spontaneity of true love.

  19. Steph says:

    @kaiser we have the same cats! My orange is between 18&20 and doing relatively well. Then the baby little black panther. Not sure I would call her sweet but she’s definitely entertaining and cute.

  20. Lady Digby says:

    Caption: We love each other almost as much as we love working!
    This reminds me of Lina Lamont in Singing in The Rain telling a film premiere audience:
    “If we bring a little joy into your humdrum lives, it makes us feel as though our hard work ain’t been in vain for nothin'”

  21. Jaded says:

    They have about as much passion for each other as The Bickersons. Today I am making Tuscan Marry Me chicken, a divine dish, for our dinner. If that ain’t love I don’t know what is.

    Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone — married, single or somewhere in-between! 💖💖💖

  22. VilleRose says:

    They didn’t even wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day, they just up a single heart emoji. I suppose that is very in trend with what lots of people do on social media but how hard is it to say “We wish everyone a happy Valentine’s Day! W & C” I know I’m nitpicking their laziness but it was the first thing I noticed lol. As for the picture, it is a cute picture from an outsider’s perspective if you know nothing about Kate or William I guess. But that whole sequence of them in the woods on that picnic blanket was just so cringy in that video.

  23. Me at home says:

    When are they going to join the rest of the conscientious world and leave Twitter for Blue Sky, anyway?

  24. Over it says:

    Is pegg holding both of keen hands so she won’t grab his ass?

  25. Miss Scarlett says:

    This is such a cringey photo. It looks like they are acting instead of being genuine.

    I’m also tired of seeing the photos from this video on repeat. Can’t they hire a real photographer to take some more pictures?

  26. Nikki (Toronto) says:

    Meghan posted a kissing photo, too!!

    • Interested Gawker says:

      It’s adorable!🥰

    • Nic919 says:

      And a reel with heart shaped strawberries and the kids helping her.

      Meghan is just so much better at this.

    • Nerd says:

      Meghan’s Valentine photo and message was very loving. The part about hamburgers and fries and fish and chips was unique to their special relationship. There is a video by Michael Bublé of them in a car and Harry is playing with her fingers. It reminds me of how he was playing with her thumbs during their engagement interview and the video of them in a car while on tour in Morocco where they are holding hands and doing the same thing. Their love language is touch and I love that for them. Happy Valentines to all CBs ❤️.

      • Square2 says:

        Sorry, from the sleeve of the puff jacket, it showed that it was Buble & his wife in the car, not H&M.

        Meghan’s photo & the reel with kids helping her were so sweet. I’m guessing hamburgers and fries represent American food, and fish and chips are typical British dish. So glad she return to Instagram.

        As for the couple mention in this post, I have nothing (nice) to say.

  27. QuiteContrary says:

    My husband and I went out for dinner once on a Valentine’s Day years ago in London. We felt like we were on a stage, playing at romance, and noped out of the V-Day restaurant scene ever since.

    It’s going to be homemade waffles for us tonight … a real treat, as we don’t make them often.

    Whatever you do, however you celebrate, I hope it’s filled with real affection and care (be especially kind to yourself)! Follow Meghan’s lead, not whatever this sad excuse for a Valentine is.

  28. Cassie says:

    Been married for well over 50 years and never done Valentine’s Day .
    Just not us and it would feel like playing a game .

    Everyone is different I guess and every relationship is different .
    But hope you all had a lovely day celebrating in your own way ,

    • Liz -L says:

      Cassie – we’re the same. Glad to hear we’re not the only ones. Hope everyone had a nice day anyway!

  29. Blujfly says:

    Weatherby, I would take it a step further. I think Kate has been chafing to do a loved up bit since Rose. After all, William is Kate’s “man.” She was shot down to do something formal, hence the next 4-5 years of festive glances and butt grabs. I think it shook William and KP when so many people believed he was involved in Kate’s disappearance, and so many people used their body language toward each other as the reason why. And so she got the green light to do it but under the guise of the cancer free video. Alternatively, she took advantage of the cancer free video approval to do the loved up video she wanted. Either way, a decade and a half of carefully crafted comparisons to the Queen Mother should be gone.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      This photo reminds me of that picture from their 10th Anniversary. The absence of passion. Unbelievably dry. Kate is trying too hard to get a “moment” with William. He just doesn’t care about her at all. He doesn’t care enough to fake it.

    • Unblinkered says:

      @Blufly I’m inclined to your suggestion that KM took advantage of W’s agreement to a ‘cancer’ video to morph it into a loved-up vid – purely to get back at Rose.
      And not just Rose, others since then. She was rubbing their faces in it.

  30. SamuelWhiskers says:

    As a Brit, I would support crowning a gigantic bag of PB M&Ms as our next monarch. Who is with me?

  31. AC says:

    For a very public family, you’d think for better PR they would post newer photos.

  32. Lau says:

    Getting sick of seeing William’s skinny cricket legs.

  33. Hypocrisy says:

    Is celebitchy not doing podcasts anymore?

  34. Gabby says:

    I wonder if the British tabloids will take a break from sending their stalker “journalists” to Montecito and deploy someone to stake out Mustique and St. Barts?

  35. TheCrankyFairy says:

    Glad to know that Pumpkin, formerly known as Dexter, is still kicking it and living his best kitty life while, presumably, singing the song of his people at operatic volumes.