Duchess Meghan posted a lovely kiss photo with Harry for Valentine’s Day

Pour one out for the Derangers, the past ten days or so have been really difficult for them. Their blood pressure spiked when Prince Harry and Meghan referred to each other as “my husband/wife” publicly in Canada for the Invictus Games. They cried salty, bitter tears when Harry and Meghan held hands and kissed at a hockey game. They began wailing when Meghan leaned her head on Harry’s shoulder at the Opening Ceremony. In fact, I absolutely believe that Meghan and Harry’s very public loved-up vibe is why Prince William and Kate’s office made their first Valentine’s Day social media post in history. That was William and Kate “competing” with Harry and Meghan’s natural charisma and affection at Invictus. But then Meghan also posted a photo and message to her valentine on Friday. And I think we might have to do wellness checks on some of those salty Bs.

As you can see, above, Meghan posted a lovely photo where she and Harry are kissing. It’s not even a crazy-passionate, throw you down on the Invictus podium kiss! It’s just warm, sweet, cute and very much on brand. This is the message Meghan posted:

Back home taking care of our babies, and missing my Valentine, as he continues on at the Invictus Games, changing lives and reminding all of us of the power of healing and resilience through these incredible veterans and their families. Beyond proud of my husband and what he’s created.

My love, I will eat burgers & fries and fish & chips with you forever. Thank you for you.

As ever,

[From Meghan’s IG]

Remember how many years I begged Meghan to start posting on social media? This is why. She loves having this kind of outlet to post cute photos and messages to Harry. Of course she used the hashtag #LoveWins too. Sigh… she’s such a goober, and I’m saying that affectionately. Obviously, the Derangers believe that Meghan only posted the photo to “one-up” William and Kate’s awkward-ass kiss photo. As I said, I tend to believe the Wales photo was intended as a response to the Sussexes’ affection days earlier.

But that’s not all! Meghan also posted a very cute video where she’s cutting strawberries into hearts and putting them on bagels. You can see a glimpse of Lili’s arm, and the back of Archie’s head. They got special V-Day treats – bagels with strawberries.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Meghan’s IG.

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51 Responses to “Duchess Meghan posted a lovely kiss photo with Harry for Valentine’s Day”

  1. Chloe says:

    I keep seeing comments about how this post (and Meghan in general) is cheesy but i honestly think it’s sweet?

    They obviously adore one another. Something you can’t really say about those other 2, whose attempt at “affection” just makes me feel awkward

    • Eurydice says:

      Given the climate of pathological cynicism, I say “Embrace the Cheese!!”

    • sevenblue says:

      You can’t fake the real love. That is why W&K look so cringe anytime they try to do it for the cameras. H&M look natural and sweet. They don’t look like they are touching each other first time in months.

    • HeatherC says:

      Most holidays are inherently cheesy. I love that she embraced it

    • Bean says:


    • Aurora says:

      Too cheesy for someone about to launch a lifestyle brand, I’m afraid. I suspect Harry is the one whose love language is a bit cheesy, and she’s just delivering for him. Anyway, I’d take 1000 times ‘cheesy’ over nowadays ‘deranged’. Archie looks super tall for a boy going on 6yo!

      • Polly says:

        Idk, she did strawberry bagels herself and that pretty cheesy. I think she’s a sucker for a theme and I’m here for it.

    • L84Tea says:

      It most definitely IS cheesy, but that’s what is so cute about it.

  2. somebody says:

    Probably what some of the things on her show will be like. Simple things that anyone can do.

  3. Amy Bee says:

    I’ve come up with the theory that William and Kate anticipated a Valentine’s Day post from Meghan and that’s why they posted one. I think Meghan wanted to do a post for Valentine’s Day when she was a working royal and she was refused. There’s no doubt that KP is keeping tabs on Meghan’s account. Anyway, Meghan’s post to Harry was very sweet and I love the Instagram story of her and the children.

    • Lilpeppa40 says:

      YES! I’ve been thinking this since Friday. My tin foil hat theory is that this was planned in response to Meghan’s Instagram in general. I mean sure, it’s also in part against the Invictus games and the affection H&M always show but I suspect they thought M would post something and wanted to be in the conversation and make it seem as though M was copying (which, since Cali is several hours behind the UK it will always seem like they’re following. And even though I sincerely believe M isn’t paying them any attention, they’re going to try to take advantage of the time difference because you know they have someone glued to her Instagram).

      Anyways, in all honesty, we don’t know people’s marriages. I realise this is a gossip site but I’ve never really believed all the “they hate each other”, “they’re divorcing,” “they never see each other” jazz. That being said, it’s a fact that they were never demonstrative or publicly affectionate before H&M and now they’re clearly only doing it because of H&M. I’d honestly respect them more if they just stuck to being themselves instead of trying to turn everything into a competition. And clearly no one has a monopoly on any day but if they’ve never made a post for V-day before, it’s hard to think of any other reason why they would now.

      • Weird_cat says:

        I don’t think they’ll divorce now either. However, willy looks pained when she’s close to him. They are not natural around each other at all. My partner has autism and isn’t affectionate in public, but we’re comfortable together. He helps me down stairs, stuff like that – things willy never does. It’s been reported he is at kp most of the time given helicopter usage. We’ve seen them do a parent swap with Charlotte. I don’t believe they live together, but I don’t buy divorce any more. That ship likely sailed with Kate, patron Saint of cancer.

    • Magdalena says:

      I agree with your theory Amy Bee (and Lilpeppa40): Kensington Palace clearly anticipated that Meghan would post something on her instagram for Valentine’s day and decided to “compete” by pre-empting it. It so obvious, as someone posted on here yesterday in another thread. But as the saying goes, “You can’t compete where you don’t compare…”. I mean, the difference between the two posts is so glaring. One is authentic, while the other is just… ick. KP is so bad at this, one would think that after all these years of blatantly copying and ripping off everything about Meghan, they would stop trying. Who’s going to tell them?

    • Nic919 says:

      It was pretty likely that Meghan was going to post something on Valentine’s Day now that she’s returned to IG. Her history shows that she did this in the years before she met Harry.

      That William and Kate never had in the decade plus years of their marriage and then just half ass it with a screen cap from a PR shoot last summer just shows the lack of authenticity and sincerity and it really is a one sided competition.

  4. Ginger says:

    I adore the photo and lovely caption that she posted. It’s so sweet and I love how they are both smiling as they kiss. These two are clearly deeply in love. I love that Meghan is able to show some personal aspects of her life while maintaining her kids privacy.

    Will and Kates photo is awkward and forced. Will is straining to kiss Kate on the cheek. Plus, we have never seen them kiss on the lips except for their wedding day. Weird.
    And since they have never posted on Valentines Day it was clear they were trying to one up H&M. They are very insecure.

    • one of the marys says:

      that’s it exactly, they are insecure. what a place for them to be. They are the heirs, they have so much going for them but they can’t enjoy it because they can’t stop comparing their lives to H&M. it must be eating at them constantly

  5. Nanea says:

    Meghan and Harry are so cute together, like teenies with their first crush.

    It’s so wonderful to be able to witness his wife’s and her husband’s era of joy, kids and dogs included.

    And those bagels, with the red swirls in the dough, and cream cheese with strawberries, it looked so delicious.

    These past few days of Invictus and Meghan posting to Insta have conveyed so much love and peace and happiness and positivity, it’s no wonder the Derangers, including the British media, completely failed their mute challenge. Because their Left-Behinds won’t ever be able to measure up, especially as they aren’t willing to do the work, for starters.

    • Chloe says:

      It is actually really inspiring to see that this type of love DOES exist. The type where you are just mad for each other. Even almost 7 years into the marriage.

  6. A real photo of two people in love and sharing a kiss not some screen shot taken from an over produced feminine hygiene product like video. Bonus pictures of her making a lovely snack for her children. Let the derangers melt in all their tears.

    • Jais says:

      I’m still not over the screen shot. The BM is begging for Kate and William to give them something, so they say fine, here….and it’s a screen shot from a video that was 6months ago😂. The disrespect. Towards the media that covers up for them on the regular. Playing in their faces fr.

      • Yep. It’s all they have though because these two are not together unless they are making a fake video of a happy couple. So a screen shot it will have to be.

      • Christine says:

        I am really shocked that the British media hasn’t snapped yet and started revealing the truth. They are getting absolutely nothing out of the Wails, after chasing Harry and Meghan, actual media darlings, to another continent. It is the most blatant example of cutting off your nose to spite your face I have ever witnessed.

  7. Over it says:

    Imagine being so delusional that after all these years you still walk around thinking it should have been me . I actually had a real chance of ever landing Harry as my husband and father of my children. I cry sad tears for these poor delusional bitter bitter betties . Like sweetie, Harry never wanted your white pepper as the seasoning in his life

    • Joanne says:

      Don’t malign white pepper, it’s a very fine seasoning. It has a real heat to it and is used frequently in Asian dishes and adds a real zing to food.

  8. First comment says:

    You see, this is how it’s done: post a nice recent photo of both of them, never seen before for Valentine’s day, write a loving message and give a little glimpse into their lifes and their children without showing their faces! Simple, cute and most importantly, authentic!

  9. SAS says:

    That cooking clip with the kids is supremely cute! And clearly very natural for them. Really can’t wait for her show.

    I’m sure I can recall a bizarre video of Kate doing some art or cooking “with the kids” that seemed as natural as Kendall Jenner chopping the cucumber lol.

    ETA: @FirstComment yes, authentic! Snap!

    • Harla says:

      Lili was putting the strawberry cream cheese on her bagel like a champ, very impressive for a 3 year old!! I loved seeing Mamma Mia, the beagle, jumping around Meghan’s feet as she’s carrying the tray, Mamma knows she’s going to get a little treat, adorable!!

      • Jais says:

        My 3 yr old niece is a chaos monster who still has to have her clothes taken off when she eats bc she gets food everywhere so I was v impressed with the spreading skills displayed.

      • ML says:

        That video was so cute, even though we barely saw anything of the kids! Lilibet has clearly inherited her Mom’s fine motor skills and will probably have beautiful handwriting. Archie has definitely grown. This and the kiss were lovely posts for Vday!

  10. Jais says:

    Aww. Did Meghan inspire me to cut heart strawberries for my nieces and nephews on Valentine’s Day? Yes she did. And did they think it was a very cool idea from their aunt? Yes they did. The picture was very cute and I obviously loved and got inspo from the video. So thanks, Meghan! Bring on, WLM.

    • kirk says:

      What a nice story about your nieces and nephews Auntie Jais! ❤️

    • Bean says:

      I’m totally doing it next Valentine’s Day!

    • ML says:

      I had a couple of picky eaters and used to turn food into little creatures, or faces, or flowers, or use cookie cutters for sandwiches or bento box shapers. It made everything taste better to them. Your nieces and nephews will have absolutely loved you did this for them, Jais. Nice!

    • Jais says:

      Thank you guys! It was a fun day for sure🥰

    • Abby says:

      My 9 year old wanted to cut up strawberries like hearts for our “fancy dinner” valentines last night. I remembered Meghan’s video, and cut the strawberries this way and it turned out really cute. She was thrilled. Thanks Meghan for the inspiration! I will watch any lifestyle stuff she puts out. ❤️

  11. Libra says:

    So amazing that 2 pictures can be interpreted with such vile. Our favorite tabloid writer called K and W pic chaste and in good taste while M and H were branded ” get a room”.

    • AR says:

      Sorry, Somewhere my signature says noAR. It’s just my mistake. I’m AR:)

      Someone on Celebitchy wrote that all you need to do is replace Harry and Meghan everywhere with William and Kate, and then everything will be real:)
      – Meghan’s pillow instead of pregnancy and surrogacy? – Wasn’t it Kate’s school friend years ago who blabbed that she had a female surgery in high school and wouldn’t be able to get pregnant (which doesn’t rule out having your own children, you just need a surrogate)
      – Harry runs away from his wife to a hotel in LA? – William goes on vacation without his family and has been living in KP for a long time, where he flies in by helicopter every day.
      – HM is getting divorced? – WK is getting divorced. Not yet, but everything is leading up to it..

  12. Me at home says:

    I love that both of them are smiling as they kiss. As opposed to William straining and clenching his jaw to go in for the kiss while Kate overacts like this is the most amazing thing that’s ever happened.

    On an unrelated and minor note, when are William and Kate going to leave Musk’s twitter for Blue Sky or somewhere else?

    • Mimi says:

      Seeing X in almost every post is making my butt itch. The only power we have against the oligarchy is our few dollars (through our eyeballs on that nazi platform). Whyyyyyyy are we still on there and tacitly supporting their horribleness?

      • Me at home says:

        Note to self: I really need to get off the DM and just read it here.

      • Libra says:

        I regret looking at the DM comments. Horrible and all trash Meghan for needing constant attention and living past her 15 minutes of fame and worse. Claim the children aren’t Archie and Lily etc. No more. I’m sick of it.

  13. mightymollly says:

    IDK about strawberries on bagels. I like my bagels savory, but I love the little strawberry hearts. So simple and yet I never thought of it.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Philadelphia brand makes spreadable cream cheese with flavors, one of which is strawberry. Looks like Meghan made her own version. I think they also do blueberry, not sure what else. It’s been a while since I’ve been in that part of the dairy section.

      • windyriver says:

        @BeanieBean I remembered garden vegetable and chive and onion from what I’ve seen in my local grocery store; it’s in the same aisle as the yogurt and I occasionally wander past to get my favorite, when a craving hits – smoked salmon. Seen strawberry but never blueberry so I went to the website to check and holy moly, they have a ton of different varieties. And apparently, they just released a cream cheese frosting! There’s also a no-bake cream cheese filling which I suspect has been around for a while. Now I’m hungry…

  14. QuiteContrary says:

    H&M are authentic in everything they do. I’m glad they found each other and didn’t let the vipers tear them apart.

  15. Lady Digby says:

    W seems introvert, formal, conscious of his status and not comfortable with PDAs in public. The September video showed him looking very uncomfortable with the embrace and her snuggling up to him. One of its purposes was to refute rumours of a split. During royal engagements all that is required of them is to be polite, pleasant and professional when making joint appearances. Instead Will has been shunning Kate, not even looking at her, rushing ahead and leaving her behind and allowing Tom Cruise to escort up the stairs?!! It is okay to be reserved but Will seems so detached from his wife that it has generated speculation that the marriage is troubled. RF PR is that this marriage is perfect hence the video and the Valentine Day post. The video looks forced and contradicted by Will ‘s behaviour towards Kate in public.

    • sevenblue says:

      Honestly looking at W&K’s previous videos, taken during the early years of their marriage, the body language changed immensely. They weren’t doing any PDA back then too, but Will was nice to Kate in front of the cameras at least. It isn’t just Will being shy or introvert (which he actually isn’t, we have videos of him publicly dancing with other women as a married man when he thought no one was recording him), he looks annoyed with his wife most of the time. Granted it isn’t nice that his wife tried to grope him a few times, but he could be more respectful to his wife publicly. He is treating Sophie better when they do engagements together.

      • Christine says:

        Agreed, he actually makes eye contact and smiles while Sophie is speaking. It is really telling when your public interactions with your aunt are much warmer than with your wife.

  16. AR says:

    William never respected her and treated her terribly in front of his colleagues. I remember one story from a garden party in the palace. William completely ignored her, as if he was ashamed in front of his colleagues that she was running after him like a puppy. Then he ordered her to bring drinks for the whole team and continued the attack. His colleagues called her “mattress”. Despite this, she continued running after him, what did she expect? The curtain fell on William when he found out that Middleton’s wealth was a fraud and putting his head on Carole’s lap was just a trick to get into the royal family. There are many movies and situations where William does not hide the fact that he can no longer stand Kate. It is sad that a mother sacrificed her daughter’s life for the crown, which Carole probably dreamed of more than Kate.

    • sevenblue says:

      @AR, I am not saying the guy was the prince charming, as we have photos of Kate with her baby in her arm going down the stairs and Will is just walking ahead, not helping her in any way. From a few old engagement videos I have seen, he was behaving a lot better to her. He didn’t look annoyed looking at her like he is doing now most of the time. In the past, he looked just indifferent and probably having Harry as the third wheel helped them as well.

  17. Sasha says:

    This is who Meghan is. I think it’s been clear for a long time now? She’s incredibly earnest. Glad she’s not trying to dim it in response to the haters. Live your best life Meghan!!

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