Mail: Prince William & Kate are skipping the BAFTAs because they’re in Mustique

Last week, Kensington Palace confirmed that Prince William and Kate would skip the BAFTAs, which are happening later today. William is the (honorary) president of BAFTA, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts, and by my running count, this will be the eighth time William has skipped the BAFTAs since becoming president in 2010. What makes their absence even more notable is that there was a real effort to hype their appearance in advance, almost like they were originally planned to attend this year. But they’re skipping and no reason was given by their office. Enter the Daily Mail – the Mail ran one smaller piece about how the BBC will be very disappointed not to see them, and now this. The Mail confirming that William and Kate jetted off to Mustique.

As President of Bafta, Prince William might have been expected to join the cream of the showbiz world for the academy’s annual film awards in London. However, the Prince of Wales will be 4,000 miles away, holidaying with his family in the exclusive Caribbean paradise of Mustique, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Prince William, Kate and their children flew to the privately owned island on Thursday, days after Kensington Palace announced that the couple would not be at the star-studded ceremony at the Royal Festival Hall. Instead, the family will be on their second holiday in as many months following a New Year ski break.

They are all believed to have flown business class on the same British Airways flight – the protocol that heirs to the throne fly separately having been relaxed in recent years.

A source says they flew to Saint Lucia before taking a private flight to Mustique, which was famously the favourite hideaway of the late Princess Margaret as well as a beloved escape for A-list celebrities. The late Queen and Prince Philip also visited in 1966, 1977, and 1985.

It is thought that Kate’s mother Carole Middleton, who also enjoys the privacy the island affords, is there too. She recently celebrated her 70th birthday and it’s thought she had been there for several days before her daughter arrived.

Mustique is owned by a private company and does not allow journalists or photographers to stay.
The island has no hotels and visitors must own a villa there – or have an invitation to stay in one. It has only one bar, Basil’s, where the clientele has included Mick Jagger, Daniel Craig, Noel Gallagher and Kate Moss.

Bafta insiders had originally hoped William and Kate would make a show-stopping joint appearance, marking a glorious return to the red carpet for Kate, 43.

[From The Daily Mail]

You don’t understand – this is the Mail choosing violence, choosing to call out William and Kate in a big way. “Instead, the family will be on their second holiday in as many months following a New Year ski break.” Woof. This is what the Mail and other outlets should have been doing for years though – William and Kate’s weeks-long absences and months-long absences have gone largely unexplained for years, with few reporters feeling the need to talk about why two forty-somethings refuse to do any work during their kids’ school breaks… and often refuse to do work while the kids are in school, because of the fakakta school run. Anyway, they really need to take the BAFTA presidency away from Work-shy Willy.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.

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170 Responses to “Mail: Prince William & Kate are skipping the BAFTAs because they’re in Mustique”

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  1. Afken says:

    This is nothing. They didn’t calculate the cost, the carbon footprint of the flight etc, they could’ve had a staycation which is more eco friendly for Mr Earthshot but no…
    This is mild criticism. Pays to have an eternal scapegoat, doesn’t it William?

    • Nanea says:

      This was my first thought too, where’s the outrage about Keenshot Earthflop’s carbon footprint, his eco credentials and the Willionaire Slumlord actually doing the job he gets paid to do.

      And: why did they leave on Thursday? The kids still had a day of school on Friday. But we’re always reminded how boringly normal and middle class the Wailses are, until they aren’t. E.g. when they use their privilege to take the kids out of school early.

      The hypocrites in the British media!

    • PEARL GREY says:

      Rather than “calling them out”, I think the Fail are actually trying to do them a favour. They don’t usually report on Bully and KKKate’s many holidays and flights/helicopter rides, and they definitely don’t go out of their way to expose Bully and KKKate jetting off abroad when they should have been at a “work” event, so why now? They clearly want everyone to think the Wails couple are taking lovely little family vacations together to quieten growing speculation that they are actually separated and have been for some time. If people think they are sunning themselves in Mustique or hitting the slopes in the Alps, they won’t think the marriage is in trouble. Unfortunately for the Fail, people at the ski holiday did not recall seeing any sign of William or George, the only anecdotes from onlookers were about Kate, Charlotte and Louis. They want people to believe they are on the very private and exclusive island where photographers are banned and regular people have no access, so they can explain away why no one saw them together and tell made up stories that no one can refute.

  2. Mustang Sally says:

    “…this is the Mail choosing violence…” – can someone please explain what this is supposed to mean in this context?

    • AlexandraS says:

      Google “the game of thrones cersei chooses violence” and watch the video. in short, given the option to provide peace via flattery, the mail chose violence, or and unflattering piece, over peace and acquiesence as did cersei in the clip i just mentioned.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Thanks for that link. As someone who doesn’t have Netflix & never watched that show, I always wondered about the origins of that phrase (which I love). Yikes!

      • Mustang Sally says:

        @AlexandraS, @AlarmJaguar: Aha! Thank you! I never watched Game of Thrones, so I did not understand the reference – thank you for the link! I do agree, the Mail is definitely turning the boat around towards K&W. I find it unbelievable that an evening out at the BAFTAs would be more stressful than trans-continental travel. Does one need vaccines to travel there? If so, is that wise given Kate’s recent issues? I gave her a pass somewhat (e.g. reassessing her life when faced with cancer while having 3 small children, thereby prioritizing her health and family), however if she’s well enough to travel, she can attend an evening event.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      I suspect Kaiser used the phrase b/c it is extremely unusual for the DM to report negatively on W and K. The norm is that the two can do no wrong and the DM covers for them. To reveal that they are vacationing (and twice in as many months) rather than do their work is the DM suddenly changing course and being critical ( though, as others have pointed out, not as critical as they could be or have been to M & H, see the recent outrage in the article about M’s private jet use)—they chose violence

      • Deborah1 says:

        The DM tells us the Wailses took a private plane from St. Lucia to Mustique, a journey of about 40 minutes, but the cheapest airfare for one person is in the region of $2,000 and that’s with a local airline, not a private charter. I wonder how the cash-strapped Middletons can afford to stay on Mustique?

    • TN Democrat says:

      The fail usually prints exactly what the left behinds want printed, especially hit pieces that smear Meghan and Harry and stopped printing negative articles about the Wails when the Sussexes became a couple. The BAFTAs should be an event Willy and Keener attend together every year because it is a perfect dress up photo op that allows them to hobknob with movie stars. A few year ago Keener made a big splash by wearing an ugly gold dress to a premiere and the photos boosted sales. The rota are struggling with sales and the Wails are not holding up their end of the invisible contract when they refuse to show up at key events after the fail and other rota outlets have spent months actively smearing the Sussexes with spin the KP leaked.

      • Jais says:

        Yep, the Wales are not helping the DM boost sales. They’re messing with the papers by not giving them Bafta pics. And unlike the Sun, the daily mail is still being sued by Harry. So in about a year they’re likely going to give up some money to Harry and here we’ve got the left behinds giving them a screen shot from 6 months ago.

      • Libra says:

        @jais; I also think that the DM will follow the example of the Sun, plead guilty and settle for monetary damages. They do not want their dirty secrets exposed either, and there is precedence now. The trial will come to a halt once they plead guilt and Harry’s hands are tied in that he can’t expose them.

      • jais says:

        Hmm. I guess the Sun set the pattern then, but in a way, it’s good bc it could eventually force the DM to make some sort of admittance of guilt as the sun did and hopefully a large payout for Harry and the others. I think as of now Elton John and his husband, Doreen Laurence, Elizabeth Hurley and Sadie Frost are still part of that case as well some politicians. It could mean all of them get significantly higher settlements with admissions of guilt if the DM does end up doing the same as the Sun. So the DM can’t be happy abut that.

  3. Tuesy says:

    They really shouldn’t all be flying on the same plane anymore. I can’t think that it’s good practice to have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in line to the throne all on the same plane.

    • Totoro says:

      I know right? If something happened to the plane then Harry will have to come back and pick up the Crown and we don’t really wish that for him. He’s got a great life doing way more good where he is now .

      • somebody says:

        He doesn’t have to. Let it move on down the line and give them King Andrew.

      • Libra says:

        William wasn’t on the plane. In Mustique there are no hotels, no press and no photographers so there is no one to say whether he was there or not.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        @somebody with the way the Sussex’s have been treated by the BRF and their rota while protecting the Nonce, I wouldn’t blame PH if it ever came to that.

      • Robert Phillips says:

        If Harry and Meghan had to go back and assume the throne. The first thing he would do would be to get rid of all the courtiers. They are the major problem. And all of them think they are indispensable. And think they run the monarchy. But if Harry did take the crown. Imagine what he could do with it then. All the work he is doing no could be expanded globally. And yes I know that the contract says they can’t do politics. But why not?

    • 809Matriarch says:

      I wish they would STOP that. God forbid a tragedy occur. The LAST thing I want to see is Harry bumped up to the top job.🫨

      • Nerd says:

        Yes, it isn’t practical for the survival of the monarchy in its present state and most importantly, Harry deserves the better life that he has created for him, Meghan and their children.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Harry doesn’t HAVE to. He’s his own person & he can turn it down. What is he, currently 5th in line? Well, there’s a 6th, 7th, 8th, & so on. I think the list goes to 100. The monarchy will survive. Until the people decide they’ve had enough.

      • sunnyside up says:

        After Harry’s children we have Andrew.

    • Nic919 says:

      This would have been a perfect reason for William to attend the BAFTAs on his own a cleave right after as kate went earlier with the kids.

    • monlette says:

      Right? Even if Harry refuses the job, the next in line is Archie, and I do not know if a small child is allowed to abdicate.

      • Jan90067 says:

        I *think* I recall reading that the abdicating heir *can* abdicate for their minor child, or am I wrong? Do they hold the place with a regent until the minor becomes of age, and can decide for themself?

        Any British Celebitches know this answer?

      • sunnyside up says:

        A child heir to the throne cannot technically “abdicate” in the traditional sense because they lack the legal capacity to make such a decision; if a child becomes monarch, a regency would be established where another adult would rule on their behalf until they reach adulthood. (google)

    • Me at home says:

      Exactly. William could have left two days later than his family and fit in the BAFTAs before he goes. He should really resign from BAFTAs, just like he lost his FA role for doing nothing.

      • Robert Phillips says:

        Why do the BAFTA’s need a royal sponsor or whatever their called? And why do sports teams need the royals. If the royals are being paid and are calling this work. Then why aren’t they doing it for small charities that actually need the help only. The Royals only purpose is to promote the United Kingdom. And they haven’t been doing that. So what is their point?

  4. somebody says:

    They aren’t calling him out in a big way or they would go more into that private flight and costs to taxpayers for his trip while ignoring his duties. And IF they actually flew business class I bet they bought out the whole section so they didn’t have to mix with the peasants.

  5. Tessa says:

    I doubt they flew business class unless that had the plane all to them selves. Carole and the middletons probably there too.

  6. Chloe says:

    So they have a villa in mustique?

    Because who could they have gotten an invite from?

    • Sue says:

      Wasn’t that Princess Margaret’s place?

      • Deborah1 says:

        Princess Margaret had a villa on Mustique called Les Jolies Eaux which was sold by her son in 1999 for a reported $2 million. It is available for rental at between $33,000 to $47,000 per week, depending on the season, so it’s possible the Wales party could rent it. It would certainly offer them privacy.

    • Libra says:

      Maybe owning a villa is where the Middleton money is stashed. Renting it out over 11 months a year would provide a decent income source.

    • Me at home says:

      According to former MP and privy counselor Norman Baker (who has an excellent book on their finances that makes great reading) there are plenty of rich Mustique homeowners who are more than happy to lend their luxurious places out to the royals, and they’ve been lending out to the Wales since they were first dating. In fact, the Wales can choose from among the free properties on offer. This is not to underplay the cost of their security, carbon footprint, and the rest.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      They likely know homeowners there who are happy to lend their place out.

      But the article is wrong. There is a hotel on Mustique (the Cotton House), which also rents out really luxurious villas (that come with staff). Cost is anywhere from $27k per week to 40K plus per week. The island has a twin prop airplane for visitor pick up, and they can arrange arrival by boat if necessary.

      • Libra says:

        Good to know. Thank you.

      • Deborah1 says:

        I’m not sure the Cotton House is still open to the general public. The TripAdvisor reviews for it stop at the end of 2021. There is no availability now, no matter what date you put in. The Cotton House’s heyday was during Princess Margaret’s tenure on the island.

    • Me at home says:

      Can you imagine fishing for an invite though, even if you’re royal? Does some poor staffer have to do this? “Ahem, I’m calling on behalf of HRH William, Kate, and their extended family. They so enjoyed your lovely vacation home on Mustique five years ago. Would it by any chance be empty early in the new year? Only if you’re not planning to visit, of course. Oh you were, but you’re happy to cede your visit to the royals? That’s so very, very kind of you.”

      • Lady Esther says:

        I think it happens just this way, with an added sweetener: “And of course, a few weeks after the Wales and Middletons return to the UK, we’ll place an article in the Daily Mail with photos saying that they stayed there, so you can rent it out again at top price.” That’s what William, Kate and the Middletons have always done…

      • Blujfly says:

        In the time before Meghan, the Mail and others reported that Kate and William were the King and Queen of Freebies and as far back as 2006, it was Carole doing the calling for ski chalets and mustique villas. And William “couldn’t pay” so donations were made to local hospitals instead. Look up Prince William and Lotty Bunbury.

  7. Tororo says:

    Oooh…looks like the gloves have come off in 2025 from the Fail! Who wrote this piece? Bring on the popcorn!

  8. Tessa says:

    Lazy duo. Kate can gradually return to work but can vacation.

  9. Tarte au Citron says:

    In the Sunday edition too! Good, it is about time.

  10. SAS says:

    Five working days this year does seem like a lot. And Kate’s been battling cancer after all, you monsters.

    I can’t get over these pics- how awfully must William come across when *professional actors* need to abandon their poker face and give a WTAF look to someone else in the room. He seems unbearable.

    • sevenblue says:

      I think, it is the moment he made an inappropriate comment to one of the actresses, saying that she must have enjoyed the job since she was there for a movie called “How To Have Sex”. Apparently, it is a movie where her character was r*ped and of course he didn’t watch it.

    • Chrissy says:

      It seems like he’s so shockingly oblivious since, I’m sure, few people ever call him out on anything. I wonder if Harry was the one person closest to him who ever dared to set him straight over his behaviour… until Meghan came on the scene and dared to enlightened him. Then all hell broke loose! So glad the Sussexes escaped!

      • AnnaG says:

        I don’t think Meg even had to enlighten Willie. It was enough that he knew she was seeing right through him and all the bull*** that made him hate her.

  11. Mary Smith says:

    No surprise. To get to that island a private jet is required. Why is Kate exposing herself to the sun. Post chemo a big no. They will never be king n queen. Their useless. Last year when William walked into the theater for the award show no 1 stood up or acknowledged him. That says a lot.

    • somebody says:

      There are apparently ferry services.

    • Nic919 says:

      One part of the flight is to St Lucia, which regular people can fly to on commercial jet, but no one is allowed on Mustique except by private jet.

      • BeanieBean says:

        I’m sure it’s more to do with the length of the runway. Small islands don’t have a lot of space, so small 8-seater passenger planes (prop plane, as in this story) are the only things that can land. I lived in a place for 4.5 years that was only accessible by such planes.

    • Convict says:

      William will be King, not sure about Kate making consort.

  12. Jensa says:

    They just give BAFTA to someone else – someone who can be bothered.
    Of course they’re in Mustique. Of course.

  13. Tessa says:

    The media tries to hide that the keens take private jets

  14. ShazBot says:

    When the Mail starts telling us all the international trips they’ve taken in the past 8 years when they only talk about going to Norfolk, then I’ll know they’re pissed.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’d be interested to know since they seem to be such incurious people. They only travel for sunshine (beach vacays) and skiing. Culture, architecture, nature–all seem to be ignored. Even that trip to Jordan–not sure they went to Petra or not, but I bet they went to Aqaba, where there’s great beaches, snorkeling, & diving.

      • Normal_Islander says:

        The BRF have always been basic AF. Cash-rich and time-rich but making no effort to better themselves. Just another reminder that money is wasted on the rich.

      • sunnyside up says:

        They don’t have to better themselves, they are god’s anointed. Well so they claim.

      • windyriver says:

        In one of the documentaries some years back (not sure which but Charles was in it too) Will is on camera telling someone that he has no interest at all in architecture. In retrospect, one of the few times he was caught actually telling the truth about something.

      • Dee says:

        But wasn’t Billy the Bully more than interested in Westminster Abbey enough that Harry and Meghan weren’t to be married there?

  15. Two things first does anyone really believe that Peg and Can’t are staying together on this island? Second wow private flights how not so eco warrior of them!!!! Yes it is a little bit of violence from the mail about this second vacation.

    • Jen says:

      If he is even there. This screams Middleton fantasy bc Kate didn’t get Baftas or an updated photo of love to post on Valentine’s.

    • TigerMcQueen says:

      The villas on that island are plenty big enough for Will and Kate to stay apart from the other except for family time. I can see Will skipping vacations with Kate (like their supposed ski holiday), but I can absolutely see him going to be with the kids in an environment where he can stay separate from Kate.

      I do love that the fail is going on about the second vacation.

    • I re-read the article and it only has one bar!!! The horror!! Will it be enough for the “crack baby” drinking pair.

    • alteya says:

      If he’s there, which I doubt, he’s in his own villa with the kids and nannies. This is separated parents on a shared holiday.

  16. First comment says:

    Well, for me this just a way to reinforce William’s and Kate’s idea of a loving couple with a perfect family, so, they don’t care about the mild criticism concerning 2nd vacation in 2 months. I seriously doubt they are together. And I can’t get over the fact that Carole is always present! Does she also follow Pippa in her vacation too? Or James? Why does she always accompany Kate?

    • Lauren says:

      This is desperation from Carole and Kate because things are not going well & they are thinking if they vacation like they used to he will fall back in love with them- I doubt he ever did. Carole didn’t get her title, Kate didn’t get Baftas. If he is even there which I don’t know, we will either get pics or didn’t happen. Middleton fantasy.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Oh, Carole’s gone on at least some of those St Bart’s vacations. If there’s sunshine & a beach, she’s going.

      • MaryStar says:

        We. Used to invite my Mom on every vacation I love the beach with her and the kids and my husband golfed 36 holes. Everyone was happy.

    • Nic919 says:

      Last year when kate was still missing, Pippa was in st Barts at her father in laws resort. She may vacation separately from Carole.

      • First comment says:

        Yes Nic, that was what I was trying to say: Pippa doesn’t need constantly her mother’s presence like Kate. Why Kate is so attached to her mother’s presence? It’s not normal..she’s 42years old with 3 children’s not that she doesn’t have help from nannies etc..

    • Chrissy says:

      Carole is, and will always be, Kate’s gate-keeper/babysitter/advisor/spokesperson. She is the brains behind the grift, as well as the only one who can threaten William into doing what she thinks is in the Middleton’s best interests! In other words, she keeps track of his grifting, his affairs and his other ‘leisure’ activities’ and figures out a way to blackmail him as needed!

      • Convict says:

        Carole is an A-type, hard-boiled, tough shrew. Those types have a way to pull others into line, even the future King.

    • Jen says:

      Kate and Carole’s idea of a loving marriage because Willy rarely had anything to do with Kate or the Middletons unless being forced to.

    • Deborah1 says:

      Ma Midds accompanies Pippa when a free vacation in St. Barts is on offer. Pippa’s father-in-law owns a resort there. They were there last year when Kate’s mystery hospital stay was announced. The DM had daily photos of Pippa prancing around in a bikini. They also mentioned the Middleton Matriarch was with her.

    • Normal_Islander says:

      Carole took a holiday to Mustique with Orangina and Stay-Puft during Kate’s disappearance in early 2024. There were lots of pics of Pippa in bikinis from designers she may or may not have been plugging.

  17. Rose says:

    This could be Kate saving face because he refused to take her to Baftas like she wanted. I don’t really believe they vacation together at all. The Middletons like to pretend all the time he’s there but without pictures. Or maybe part of the agreement was he needed to show and she can get all her anniversary, Mother’s Day, bday photos from this now. Pics or I find it hard to believe he can be near her that long unless forced.

    • Tessa says:

      If he goes with them They probably have separate quarters or leaves early

      • Normal_Islander says:

        They’re probably staying in separate villas, with Prince Baldy in the one nearest the bar.

    • LightPurple says:

      She never seemed to want to go to the BAFTAS.

      • Libra says:

        I believe Kate to be quite thin skinned and would have a hard time hearing the emcee of he evening crack jokes about her and William.

      • jais says:

        But that’s the thing. I don’t think they would have cracked jokes too much this year. Especially towards Kate as she just announced her remission in January. In fact, she probably would have been given a warmish reception. Had they gone. But vacay was more important so oh well.

      • Weath says:

        As a deeply insecure person, Kate dislikes being in a shared space with beautiful women. And actresses are often not just beautiful, but stunningly so.

        Even when they took a picture for Top Gun, Jennifer Connolly was asked to leave for the picture so that Kate could be the only female.

        Thin skinned, indeed. And ugly from the inside out.

  18. Amy Bee says:

    I think things between KP and the press are edgy but I don’t think it’s reached vendetta journalism just yet. I think the press is hoping that William and Kate will come back around to their cosy relationship. I have no doubt the press were told that William and Kate were going to Mustique to pacify them. I’m sure more details will come out about where they stayed after they return to the UK.

    • Tessa says:

      William could have gone to b a f t a. But he can’t be bothered. I wonder how long the media will put up with this.

      • Chrissy says:

        After his behaviour last year, with that photo seen above, he didn’t dare go this year. He made himself a global laughingstock and, if he went this year, he would have to relive the humiliation. Never mind, hearing “where’s Kate?”, afterward.

  19. Honeybee says:

    This is clearly middleton’s plan. If she can’t work, she shouldn’t have married a Prince. And it is not Carol who funds the monarchy. If this what they want they must leave the firm. I will definitely accuse kate for all these shenanigans. Her mother’s birthday is not a holy day. She is not Saint Mary. How she got the money for the vacation when she was unable pay even her debts??? Is that why Kate can’t buy new cloths? She spent her budget for Carol’s vacation?? Why on earth she can’t enjoy a vacation with kids in their home country??? There are lots of people who can’t afford food for kids during school breaks. Because they rely on free meals in school. Why do they need foreign vacations each month??? These amounts can be used to feed underprivileged kids. It is not kate and pippa the wisteria sisters. But Kate and her mother Carol, wisteria farm. This vacation is enough to say who is Kate. What else can be called corruption than this??? Use the fund and not work.

    And I am very satisfied atleast dailyfail grow a tiny ball to mock them with ‘… on their second holiday in as many months following a New Year ski break.’ I hope to see many such kind of post from all BM. And nothing more to say for DF

    • Alteya says:

      Legally the Middleton have no debts. The fake business has always been a screen, but that has been failing openly for a decade. They secrety changed it from an offshore llc setup to a different business setup three years ago. That new business setup allows them to have no personal debt and they cannot be sued for the company’s debts.

      Ordinary people would have been investigated for this. Business accounts ripped open by auditors and charges filed. But the middletons walked away with no one in govt willing to open a case. Why? Because Kate’s fake cancer came along just in time. It is all fake, just another cover up and grift from these people.

      • Convict says:

        I’m not across all the facts, but the way I understand what they did, under Australian corporations law, it’s unlawful. It’s in breach of the Act and the Middletons personally, as directors too because they owe a fiduciary duty to the company.

        They are lucky they are British. The fact that they can sell a business as a going concern with extant debts, yet there is no onus for the new owner to pay any portion of those debts is simply mind-blowing for my legal mind. It’s anathema to everything I understand about corporations law.

      • Jaded says:

        @Convict — Party Pieces was structured as an LLC which stands for ‘limited liability company’ and is essentially a means of protecting the assets of its owners from lawsuits and creditors concerned with the company’s business debts. So no, it’s not unlawful, but it’s hella immoral of them to hang their creditors out to dry. But that’s the Middletons and Carole is now in the comfortable position of having *something* over William so she’s back in the royal fold and is being taken care of financially. Kate may have had surgery of some type, but it’s doubtful she had cancer. Her disappearance was due to her running away from her volatile husband.

      • alteya says:

        They changed the original business structure three years ago into one where they cannot be held personally liable for the debts of the company. Before that, they could have been held personally liable. No investigation done as it would have been for anyone else.

        Jaded, I don’t buy the conspiracy theories. She wasn’t in the ambulance, that lie was started by a pro-Kate deranger. He didn’t beat a scar into her eyebrow, she didn’t flee anywhere. She had pre-scheduled gut surgery in February and she and Mummy ran with their pack of cancer lies and hide-and-seek games. One to get William onside (failed) and Two it made for a hell of a great way to get everyone to shut up about Carole’s business debt.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Jaded – The Middletons even failed to pay the company who handled the insolvency and sale of Party Pieces for them.

      • Convict says:

        @jaded: thank you 🙏 I’m aware of the legal structure. My point was that the business was under administration and sold as a going concern with debts for which there was no onus on the new owner. That is unlawful under Australian corporation law. Something was arranged regarding the debts and new ownership. It’s quite scandalous. I have no idea about Uk corporation law but it needs re-framing.

      • Nic919 says:

        I just want to clarify that they created the holding company in 2019, well before Covid. And since they had to file under the new structure, they didn’t show any profit at all.

        This was set up because someone knew they were not going to be profitable. Prior to that and since the late 80s early 90s party pieces was a private partnership with Carole and Mike as the only officers. Under that structure they did not have to publicly disclose their profits annually.

        This can all be verified at Companies House, where all UK companies have to file their records.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Nic919 – Yes, all the documents pertaining to Party Pieces Limited and Party Pieces Holdings Limited are on the Companies House UK website (I used to work for a corporate lawyer so I know my way around the Companies House website). The strange thing is that Party Pieces Limited is still shown as an active company with a registered office at Bucklebury Manor, whilst Party Pieces Holdings Limited is shown as dissolved. Their accounts make interesting reading.

      • alteya says:

        I have no sense of time after the COVID years. Thanks for getting the correct dates out there. The problem is, no one in govt is investigating the accounts, due in large part to the Poor Keen narrative that has wiped the racism and debt out of the tabloids.

    • BeanieBean says:

      ‘Wisteria Farm’. I like that! While I also enjoyed the dig about the 2nd international vacation in two months, I was curious about their saying alas, it’s a private island, so no photos. Bull pucky! There have been pap shots of Kate & Will & the Middletons at Mustique before; I distinctly remember it was during Kate’s first pregnancy & everybody was at the beach. Then there’s that shot of Kate getting off the plane with baby George in arms, and I think later on during her second pregnancy there are more photos. Sooooo, what I’m getting at is, are they making this up? Are they in Mustique? Or are Kate & the kids with the fam in Mustique, William being elsewhere? ‘Ooh, sorry, no photos, not possible’. Huh.

      • Jen says:

        Exactly, not sure this is real. It’s like the daily mail proclaiming the decision for the kids school has been decided. It hasn’t though, not officially. The Middletons release to the daily mail their demands- not facts. Unless photos or a new round of mothers-day/anniversary/ bday pics in a beach setting arise I think the whole thing is false. The Middletons doing clean up work when Kate’s bid to go to Bafta was rejected.

  20. leo21 says:

    Missing the BAFTAs is a big deal. Willy has that role because his participation is supposed to support the British film industry. To allow them to promote his appearance and skip out for fun in the sun is a huge insult for a patronage that requires little from him to support.

    • Me at home says:

      Exactly. The DM’s and Derangers’ sole argument during the ridiculous and short-lived “Kate doesn’t want to be known for her clothes” campaign revolved around Kate supporting and promoting British fashion. So is it only British fashion we should care about? Or maybe other British products too, such as the British film industry?

  21. Weatherby says:

    1.) This was sourced straight from Carole. “It’s understood Carole was on the Island for a few days before her daughter arrived…” Add in *all the references to A-list names* who’ve visited and you’ve got Carole’s desperate, tactless fingerprints everywhere.

    2.) I’ll eat my shorts if Prince William is
    really there. He’s been done with that family, and particularly it seems, Kate and Carole’s machinations, for years and will only publicly grimace his way through and afternoon with Carole after much public explaining and ado. She wants back in very badly and is making an undignified show of it through her own media mouthpieces. Makes you wonder what exactly it is that she’s got dangling over his head to bring him back to heel so aggressively, even as his body language and facial expressions shut him off entirely from his wife.

    There’s little left to do except ensure William stays quiet and unseen, so as not to blow cover for this exhaustively endless “we’re a happy perfect family” screeching. Doth protest too much methinks.

  22. Susan says:

    I think things are not going well for Kate and the Middletons & this is desperation to pretend the marriage is stronger than before. When clearly it’s not, she has no more budget for clothes. He didn’t want to take her to Baftas, he doesn’t want to work or travel anymore. No title for Carole. This is desperation from Carole & Kate. Plus this is just going to piss people off, so in their desperation they have made Kate look awful yet again.

    • sunnyside up says:

      It makes a refreshing change.
      There is no precedence for giving a title to Carol, they are only given to men when they marry in, such as The Earl of Snowdon.

      • BQM says:

        Anne Hyde’s father was created Earl of Clarendon. He had other connections but it’s likely the title was granted because his daughter was consort. If it happened today it would be Mike not Carole who was given a title so the precedent is there. I don’t see it happening though.

  23. Lee says:

    Carole & Kate are too stupid to realize this makes it easier for Willy to speed up divorcing her. She’s feeling so well she can vacation all the time. Plus it makes her look so bad, no one will be sad to see her go. Narcissistic idiots Carole & Kate are.

    • BeanieBean says:

      Ah, good point. She can ski, she can jet off across the ocean to a tiny island for some swimming, snorkeling, etc., she’s OK now & can be divorced.

    • Weatherby says:

      Think of it though, if this is the preferred story that they’ve spoon fed and green-lit to the press, then the real story must be…. simply humiliating.

      One small “jab” about this being the second holiday is nothing at all.

  24. Digital Unicorn says:

    This also explains the flurry of engagements last week that were not only to just compete with Invictus – it was to get a few bits of work in before a nice vacay. This is normal behaviour for them and they do it ALL. THE. TIME. esp Kitty. They do a week or so of ‘work’ and then fk off on a long holiday usually paid for by others. Am betting the Mids are also there – her parents, esp her mother often went on holidays with them in the past.

    This is the Fail yanking their chain – the events last week and that V day post wasn’t enough to for the press to get their money’s worth.

    Begs the question – how many holidays did they go on while Kitty was ‘recovering’.

    • Nic919 says:

      There were many posters here that predicted a trip to Mustique around Carole’s birthday. Because it’s the same thing every year. Only Covid travel restrictions and whatever happened last year prevented this annual trip.

      • Convict says:

        They remind me of people who are always sailing close to the wind. All of this will catch up on them when there is no one else to cover for them. Time and scapegoats are running out.

        The fact that the British public don’t expect William to step up whilst the King is very ill (and perhaps terminal) shows how brainwashed people are. William is not a father in the traditional sense of the word. His children are raised by paid carers and he has a staff of 60. There are no excuses as to why he can’t work.

      • Deborah1 says:

        Carole’s 70th birthday was on 31st January. My question is has she been in Mustique all this time? It’s beginning to sound like it, despite the DM claiming she arrived on the island a few days before W&K. We are now in the 2nd half of February.

  25. Eurydice says:

    Lol, The Mail doesn’t have to “reveal” anything, they can just hang here – we all knew W&K were in Mustique days ago.

    I love, love, love the last line about BAFTA waiting for Kate’s “glorious return” to the red carpet – pure snark.

  26. Mightymolly says:

    Mustique sounds really dull, IMHO. I guess there’s probably a lot of activity for the kids, swimming, snorkeling, and the uber rich residents probably have parties every night. But no restaurants or night life? I’d rather be at the BAFTAs

    • Deborah1 says:

      There’s always Basil’s Bar. 😎

      • mightymolly says:

        Totally worth traveling thousands of miles! I’m probably weird for not wanting to be on an isolated island paradise for the uber rich, but I like activity. I would kill to go to the BAFTAs!

  27. Olivia says:

    I think when they knew Willy wouldn’t take Kate to bafta all those threatening article came out about Willy blowing off steam and give Carole her title or she’ll spill the beans. He either got blackmailed into going or isn’t there. The Middletons do this all the time, when in reality he’s vacationing elsewhere. This is what Kate and Carole used to do all the time during the waity years when she knew he was w others and that she was on the verge of being broken up with. She would stage kissy pics or anything she could to prove “Willy is her man” and then report on all their vacations. This was her way of running off competition…so it begs to differ why they are coming on so strong like in the waity years. What competition are Kate & Carole trying to run off? Rose or someone completely different?

    • Weatherby says:

      Every day, William inches closer and closer to his much-desired divorce. I mean honestly, any person of sound mind can only tolerate this kind of physical disgust for so long. He’s been brought back to heel, but he still wants out.

      They’re in yet another of their low points as a couple, and Ma Midds is feverishly holding the bow upright. At any cost. It’s all she has; she’s been exposed as a grifter and the money scheme has dried up. Honestly, I think Meghan is the least of Carole’s concerns right now. Keeping William reeled in is once again priority number one, and all these sickly loved up images are part and parcel of that effort.

  28. wolfmamma says:

    Well at least the kids get some beaches although they’ve been whisked far away from any friends they might have.
    The Windsors really are in fast decline.

  29. Nic919 says:

    This is one of many trips they do that the media covers. William and Kate were very tanned throughout most of the later part of last year too.

  30. Me at home says:

    The DM comments are surprisingly positive, on the whole. I’ve always wondered if the Wails or the DM have a bot farm for special cases like this, but I’ve seen little proof.

    • Tessa says:

      The ones who praise the keens are often the ones who slam harry and Meghan. That suits dm agenda

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yep. The way you know it’s bots is that the commenters are on the DM praising W/K and basically saying they’ve earned/deserve this vacation. That’s non-sensical. People might support W/K for one reason or another, but it’s hard to believe anybody supports them taking an expensive vacation to Mustique instead of doing a red-carpet walk at the BAFTAs. At the very least, Kate’s fans should be slightly miffed that they’re going to miss out on her ballgown fashion, right? But nope, every single one is like “Well, the kids are out of school and lots of families are taking vacations right now…”

      It’s just so obvious and silly. If Kate isn’t feeling up to the BAFTAs, then frankly that’s all the more reason for William to attend solo. Then he could do the “My lovely wife Catherine couldn’t be here today, but she sends her regards….”

    • Nic919 says:

      I checked the comments last night when the story first came out. The comments were mostly not positive. I would say a 75/25 split condemning the trip.

      • Lee says:

        I was just going to say I did not see the overwhelming positive comments on the article, I actually saw quite a lot of negative responses-which is probably why bots were called in to do clean up work bc this whole thing is turning into a disaster. When Kate and Carole out of desperation wanted to prove the marriage is fine….in reality they have shot themselves in the foot.

    • Weird_cat says:

      The fail have planted comments ever since they started online. I watched it in real time. This is 20 years ago plus. You’d see very similar comments often with same words. Back then it was likely staff but now they have bots. They manipulate the up votes too. Little of the commenting is real. Always best to remember that – unless it’s rf critical and they’re yanking their chain. That’s probably real

  31. Jais says:

    If Kate and Carole really did leak this to show that the family is having some happy vacation then I think it will backfire. The BM wanted them at the BAFTAS. They should prepare themselves for some future pictures with no retouching whatsoever😂

  32. Ennie says:

    I don’t understand. Didn’t they say they that they would not vacation outside of England? As far as I know, they have been skiing and now this, at least that the public lnows of.

  33. Deborah1 says:

    Mustique has no hotels? What about the famous Cotton House? Or has it been closed to the public because of the continuous “Royal” presence on the island? It was certainly open in Princess Margaret’s day when she had house on the island.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I was curious, so I had to look. Yes, it’s still in business, with rates ranging from 2,000/night to 4,300/night, depending on the time of year. It looks lovely.

      • Deborah1 says:

        The rates are not over the top actually. There are resorts in the Maldives which are more expensive. I looked for it on TripAdvisor but there were no reviews beyond December 2021 and no matter what date you put in, there is no availability, so I wondered if it was still open. Perhaps TripAdvisor has become too low-brow for the likes of the Cotton House.

  34. Deborah1 says:

    As so many posters here speculated, W&K would be holidaying in Mustique instead of attending the BAFTAS. Now, thanks to the DM it’s common knowledge!

  35. Mayp says:

    The bit in the article about the two vacations in 2 months was not the only dig at the Waleses. At the end of the article, there is this:

    “William, 42, attended the ceremony last year without Kate, but he has not attended in two consecutive years since becoming president in 2010.”

    • sevenblue says:

      There was an article a few months ago, saying that Will only missed a few of BAFTAs. So, yes, writing down the truth is a dig in their la la land 😭😭😂

  36. Lady Digby says:

    How are they going to cope when KC joins with the choir invisible and they become K and W? Are we, the peasantry, going to be ignored for glorious and frequent holidays plus regular downtime? Is the deal we fork out for a fancy Coronation whilst they work on their tans,??

  37. Nerd says:

    Like many commentators here, I don’t consider this as DM choosing violence, I think if anything it’s a soft purr. The article of lies that they wrote about Meghan flying home privately to her children was them choosing violence, even though she has never proclaimed to be an environmentalist or said anything against how others choose to fly or do anything else. The Fail chose to write an article full of lies and refused to write about how it was their abuse of the Sussexes that makes it necessary to be more cautious of how they travel and live. With all the details they put into the article they failed to mention how court records show how they and other UK media get travel information of Harry and those he cares about to gain access to them on flights and once they arrive at their destination, Meghan’s baby shower being a perfect example of that. They didn’t mention that it was in Canada that they had to hunker down at a rental property because they were being surrounded by paparazzi that reports back to the DM and other repugnant UK media. The same thing happened at a more intimidating and dangerous level while they were in NY being chased by paparazzi that provided DM photos that no one else had of Harry, Meghan and Doria scared and vulnerable during a car chase. The why they must travel more cautiously is ignored because the DM and the Royal family are a large part of the reason for that. Harry has made it very clear that their travel when by private jets, is done with the clear intention of offsetting any carbon emissions their flights might cause. The DM didn’t choose violence when talking about W and K because of they did they would admit to the countless times that they travel by jet and helicopter when train or car would be more environmentally friendly and they would raise concerns that the heir and all of his spares continue to travel together when the late Queen has reservations about it when she was alive. They need to report strongly about the royals they actually pay for.

    • Tessa says:

      Sometimes William seems to have time with George away from Kate and the younger children. He took George to games, even one where he was there and the other two were “watching on TV” from home.

  38. sunnyside up says:

    Makes a change to see the Wail criticising them. Even if it is mildly.

  39. Kingston says:

    I come from a country that is still a member of the C’wealth so our school break periods are similar to that of the UK. And as far as I know, the half-term (we call it “mid-term”) break for this, the Easter Term (i:e Jan-April) is around ash Wednesday.

    Ash Wed is March 5 so schools hv the option of taking their mid-term break either Mon to Wed of that week & return to school as of Thursday 6th; or break on Ash Wed-Friday of that wk & return to school the following Monday.

    Here we are, just 5/6 weeks into the new term & schools in the UK are already on mid-terms?

    Something smells fishy. And as usual the shitmedia is doing a snowjob on the gullible public.

    • Deborah1 says:

      The week-long half-term break for the Spring term in England this year starts on Monday 17th February. So, if that’s also true for the school the Wales’ children attend, then W&K have taken them out of school early. It would also have been possible for W&K to have attended the BAFTAS this evening if they had stuck to the school rules.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      *Here we are, just 5/6 weeks into the new term & schools in the UK are already on mid-terms?Something smells fishy. *

      Yes, the UK is already on half-term.

  40. QuiteContrary says:

    This is a warning shot to W&K — it’s saying we will launch a full attack if you don’t start giving us more.

    And, hey, it’s a start.

  41. Over it says:

    These two have zero shame . They barely worked if at all last year and nowthey already need more vacations . I am waiting for the outrage from the media about this . Of course it won’t happen because Mr earthshot and his button are not black .no how much this flight cost. No who is paying for the house , whose house are they staying in . How much the wardrobe cost / how many staff went with them . None of this even though these two are the ones that should be helded up to the light because they are tax payer funded. Most people can’t afford one vacation a year and her these two need one every 6 weeks . And not a stay at home one , no they are always in these exclusive Uber expenses destinations far away. For two people living off welfare, they certainly live well . Also I thought Carole was broke . Who is paying for her vacation. She stole from the people she was supposed to be in business with . Has no money to pay them back but yet she can fly off to the Caribbean at the drop of a hat / why are the papers not asking where she is getting the money ? If I was one of those people she cheated. I would put her on blast on social media about how she too broke to pay what she owes but not too broke to vacation with the rich and famous

    • AR says:

      “Also I thought Carole was broke . Who is paying for her vacation.”
      The unwitting taxpayer

    • Unblinkered says:

      @Over It
      Your comment should be on the front page of every UK newspaper tomorrow.

      Slum landlord; too ill to work wife but never too ill to vacation; and debtor mother, all larging it on the most exclusive Caribbean island. What purpose Earthshot now? What purpose now mothers – in prison and out – too poor to take their early years children on holiday? The best beaches in England are north Norfolk’s – why can’t they winter holiday there like The Queen always did bracing Norfolk air and sunshine. Show a bit of patriotism W&K !

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      The concept of shame is utterly unfamiliar to them. They’re all just grifters.

  42. Tessa says:

    Some in the media have raised Kate to sainthood but she and William just can’t help themselves, they flaunt the vacation trips. She is gradually going to work with surprise appearances and Will has those school runs.

  43. AMTC says:

    I’m wondering if Cammy is actually behind this mild dig? We know there is no love lost between her and Bill and she is no doubt seething that she and Chuck in particular (who is clearly quite ill) have been consistently out doing events while Bill and Cathy (with her dubious health issue) do next to nothing but are fawned over for merely getting out of bed.

    • Me at home says:

      I wondered the same thing: does this have Camilla’s fingerprints on it? I wouldn’t totally reject the theory that Carole/Kate are leaking about the trip in order to rope William back, mainly because the Wails never look happy in public. But it’s also completely possible that this simply for Carole’s big birthday and the Wails are too arrogant, and believe their own pr too much, to turn down another luxurious vacation on someone else’s dime.

      • Deborah1 says:

        Carole’s *big* birthday was on the 31st January. We are now in the 2nd half of February. Has she been in Mustique all this time? How can the Middletons afford it when villa rentals cost anything up to $50,000 per week in high season? I thought they were short of cash.

  44. Linney says:

    If I have to read one more article or comment about how amazing and brave Kate is, how she deserves this vacation, how this family vacation proves she has the right priorities, etc. I might throw up. Can you imagine a company with an employee who is out on sick leave because of cancer. (And I still don’t believe she had it, but let’s suppose.) She can’t come back to work because of her focus on the family, making her health a priority, etc. and of course, she is too weak to work. And that person is off skiing and vacation and running through the forest. Would anyone talk about how brave that person is or would they say, hey, if she is well enough to vacation and travel the world, she can work. No one would praise this person as brave and a role model. William and Kate are two utter fails. If Kate wants to be a stay at home mom, then she should be off the public purse. This is what she signed up for. But she is elevated to sainthood and Meghan should be working in the kitchens? It’s just mind-blowing.

    • Libra says:

      I’d like to update but can’t here. Agree; what you said .

    • AR says:

      @Linney – Exactly! That’s also disgusting because there was no cancer so she couldn’t thank the doctors who knew about it and sent the chemo patients out into the sun, which is absolutely forbidden, but she doesn’t know that. She herself arrived at Wimbledon very tanned. When William’s reputation hit rock bottom after the Mother’s Day “photo” William suddenly popped out with cancer and showed a video of him sitting on a bench, taken in AI, that no one wanted to own up to. When Kate’s face healed and there was only a large scar and new teeth visible, Kate used the cancer to arouse pity. I suppose Carole has a full photographic record of Kate’s face and has William in her pocket, hence the sudden “return to favor”. I hope they are eventually exposed.

      • AnnaG says:

        Totally agree – this is exactly what happened. Wonder if at some point we’ll be getting hints from BM, like the pillow fights and giving qs good as one gets.

        Kate really sold her soul for luxurious life.

  45. ML says:

    Okay, so my initial reaction was that the Fail was at best less positive and somewhat critical in a rather gentle manner towards W and K. Then I looked up how often the average Brit goes on holiday, and… it’s about four times a year. That shocked me, tbh. I then found an article from The Independent from a few years ago that essentially says that the average Brit needs to get away quite often–about every 7-9 weeks.
    I cannot believe I’m saying this, but apart from _where_ they go on vacation, _how often_ they go on vacation seems suddenly normal? So my reaction to whatever the Fail is doing, considering that probably lots of British do something similar depending on their means, is confusion.

    • Cassie says:

      After watching how effortlessly Harry has been interacting with pretty much everyone at Invictus and how completely he is invested in it , makes William look like the absolute dud he is .

      My blessings to Harry and Meghan for always focussing on their causes , while copping abuse continually .

      My hope is one day all the dominoes fall and the truth is exposed about the Royal family and their secrets .

    • BeanieBean says:

      Interesting article, @ML. Seems to me, though, that they’re talking about long weekends–3-4 days maybe driving out to the beach or popping over to Ireland or something. That’s not what Kate & William do, though. I’m currently on a long weekend myself, having taken Friday off & combining it with this Monday’s federal holiday. I didn’t go anywhere, but the break from work is all the same. Again, not what Kate & William do!

    • alteya says:

      The average Brit works for a living, puts the roof over their own head, pays for their holiday, pays for their childrens schooling, and doesn’t cost 600 million a year off the taxpayers for 100 hours of ‘work’ per year.

    • Miss Scarlett says:

      It’s that the Waleses are shirking responsibility to do this – they never work, and are blowing off one of William’s supposedly big/high profile nights to jet off, once again. They are too busy, too stressed, too sick, too doing the school run to do much meaningful work. But they are never “too” any of these things to go off on another holiday.

    • Blujfly says:

      William and Kate take the full extent of every half term break plus the entire summer. That is roughly 21 weeks. Their children’s school is out for almost a month for Christmas break, two months in summer, another almost month long break between terms, and at least 3 2 week breaks.

  46. AC says:

    Looks like they’re mad ..lmao 😄
    Re the Baftas, For me, it was nice to see Mikey Madison win 😊

  47. Pinocchio Princess says:

    Please, someone wake me up when these two come back from their year-long vacation or lifetime sabbatical.

    The Brits’ tax euros are put to good use: Kate and William don’t do charity. Their lavish lifestyle is the English people’s most massive charity splurge in history.

  48. Kat says:

    They both make me sick.I do not believe a word that comes from their mouths