Prince Harry warmly greeted Danish royals Prince Joachim & Marie at Invictus

I’m still doing some clean-up on some of the Invictus stories I missed during the games in Canada. Like this one – Denmark’s Prince Joachim and Princess Marie flew up to Canada to attend a couple of days of Invictus. Prince Harry went over to greet them in person, shaking hands with Joachim and hugging Marie, even though Marie said some sh-t about Meghan years ago. That was a long time ago, and it was before Marie and Joachim were basically kicked out of Denmark and forced to move to America. From the Telegraph:

The Duke of Sussex was briefly back amongst royalty as he met Prince Joachim of Denmark and his wife Princess Marie at the Invictus Games in Vancouver. On the penultimate day of the Games, the Duke, 40, stood court-side with Prince Joachim, 55, and Princess Marie, 49, while Denmark competed in sitting volleyball amid a sea of fans dressed in red and white and wearing Viking-style horned hats.

Their paths had not crossed since 2017, but the Duke and Prince Joachim hold similar roles in their respective families, having both stepped away from their royal duties in recent years and relocated to the United States. Prince Joachim moved to Washington DC in 2022 after his mother, the former Queen Margrethe II, stripped his four children of their royal titles, while the Duke moved to California in 2020 and now lives there with his wife, Meghan, 43, and their two children, Prince Archie, five, and Princess Lilibet, three.

During the sitting volleyball matches on Saturday, the Duke appeared in high spirits and joined in with the chanting, singing and flag waving, despite having been left alone at the Games earlier this week when the Duchess returned to their children after just five days. Such was his popularity among the crowd that his security team had to get involved and usher people away who were crowding round to take selfies with him.

Also watching the sitting volleyball at the Vancouver Convention Centre was Veterans Minister Al Carns, who told The Telegraph that the Duke was an “amazing patron” and insisted that Birmingham would rise to the challenge of hosting the next Games in 2027.

“We will get behind it, I can guarantee you,” the MP for Selly Oak said. “Birmingham has really good spirit and the UK is increasingly involved and committed to delivering support to its veterans.”

Mr Carns, 44, a former Royal Marine Colonel who served in Afghanistan, sat down with the Duke for breakfast on Friday morning to discuss the 2027 Games. He said: “We talked about how we can broaden out the Games from an international perspective, make it connect more into society, how we could connect it into schools and make sure people know about it from a young age. It’s going to be amazing. We’re going to try and build a real festival feel. Birmingham has good pedigree in running big events, like the Commonwealth Games.”

[From The Telegraph]

I like how the Telegraph fudges the similarities between Joachim and Harry. Yes, Joachim’s children were stripped of their titles and royal stylings, but Joachim and Marie are still “protected” within the family, and Joachim is serving as a military attache to the Danish embassy, meaning he’s still in the royal fold to some degree. It would have been similar if the Windsors hadn’t been so insane with jealousy, they had agreed to Harry’s proposal of an official position of some capacity in Canada or Australia. The Danish press doesn’t harass Joachim and Marie on a daily basis either, and they aren’t constantly scapegoated to make King Frederik look better by comparison. Anyway, it’s interesting that Britain’s Veterans Minister went to the games. No one in the Windsor clan acknowledged the games in any way or congratulated Britain’s Invictus team. Denmark’s royal family did more to acknowledge the games than the Windsors.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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18 Responses to “Prince Harry warmly greeted Danish royals Prince Joachim & Marie at Invictus”

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  1. Chantale says:

    What did Marie said about As Ever, queen Meghan? I do not remember reading that.

    • sevenblue says:

      She talked some sh*t after Oprah interview, if I remember correctly. Something like, don’t speak on family publicly. However, none of these people said sh*t when H&M were sacrificed daily to the media. It is always the fault of the victim speaking against the abuse. 🤮

      • Chantale says:

        Thank you for the update.

      • GMH says:

        Actually, if I recall , when she was asked about M&H Marie ssit she has had to adjust to the scrutiny in royal life. The tabs made more of it than is true. Since they constantly ask provocative questions to get click bait, no matter what the answer the british rags make a meal of it.

      • sevenblue says:

        I just checked again, maybe I am confusing her with some other royal woman. I found this quote:
        “Asked whether she finds “painful to live” under the microscope of the press, just like “Meghan Markle has complained about it”, Princess Marie said: “I make sure to expose myself only when necessary. Complaining is useless.”

        I think, what still amazes me, the lack of empathy all these white women have for Meghan. Like, why can’t you say, I feel for her? Can you imagine Meghan ever replying such a question with, “stop complaining”? And here she is supporting veterans in a game Harry founded to support their mental health. It is really bizarre.

      • Smices says:

        In the wake of the Sussex interviews she said “complaining is useless “ then proceeded to complain bitterly when granny snatched her children’s prince and princess titles.

  2. s808 says:

    Denmark could be a cool place to host the games!

  3. Lilli says:

    Ah good to see they got together, I thought they announced it but didn’t turn up. I wonder if they will meet up outside of IG and maybe that woman can apologise

  4. Amy Bee says:

    Telegraph also left out that Joachim and his family lived in Paris before moving to the US and that Marie still carries out royal duties.

  5. somebody says:

    Of course, PH greeted the reps sent by Denmark. He is a diplomat. His brother could learn a bit from him.

  6. aquarius64 says:

    I’m certain Harry is aware of the cheap shot Marie made at Meghan but he didn’t want it to be a headline and overshadow IG. And if Meghan was there for the Danish royals the tabloids would have been itching for a cat fight. I’m not sure how the Danes would have been to Meghan, but I find it funny they ran to the press when their kids loss their titles. J & M were hoping to force Daisy (Margethe) to reverse course but the former queen went to the media and stuck to her guns.

    • ArtHistorian says:

      When Marie first came on the scene as Joachim’s new girlfriend after his divorce, she came across as VERY thirsty because she did an interview and full photoshoot with a Danish tabloid, which did not go over well.

      I just wrote it off as a rookie mistake but I have revised my opinion of her since they went to the absolutely scuzziest tabloid magazine in Denmark to complain about being mildly criticized in Danish papers because Joachim did not apply to Parliament for permission to take his allowance abroad when they moved to Paris (after he had sold his estate, which netted him a large personal fortune but left him without a job). He basically got criticized for not doing his due diligence and they reacted very poorly and they did not endear themselves to the Danish public by fx Marie saying that Joachim should not be criticized because he loves Denmark. The rest of us have to do your paperwork too when taking public money abroad (like the student stipend), excepting to be above both the rule and above criticism because you are royal did not go over well.

      They are not very popular here because they come across as stuck-up and completely unaware of their own immense privilege. Apparently they wanted be more prominent in the DRF at a moment when Fred’s heir was approaching his majority – and when the public were debating how much public money should be spent on the DRF. And it has been discussed that Joachim was very eager to not loose his public allowance because he does not want to touch his private fortune. A job was found for him in Paris, and now in Washington (and one for his wife as well. They are very privileged and fortunate but they seem unaware of it, just like his father Prince Henrik who spent his last years complaining about not being made a King when his wife became the Monarch.

      It is not a Harry and Meghan situation. He was never meant to be a full time royal and he was literally given a private estate tax free that he ran for a couple of decades before he sold it. I think the whole issue of his childrens’ titles were handled clumsily but I think it was done because traditionally royals lost their royal titles when they married commoners (however that practice is untenable when even the heir marries a commoner). They were set to loose their royal titles at 25 but apparently Joachim tried very hard to prevent that, so they were stripped immediately. It was not handled well but Queen Margrethe issued a public apology and Joachim still gets a generous public stipend.

  7. Eurydice says:

    I love that Harry’s talking to the Veterans Minister about expanding IG projects in the UK.

  8. Jais says:

    It’s good that they were sent to support the veterans and as ever Harry greeted them warmly.

  9. tamsin says:

    I think the veterans minister is talking about initiatives Vancouver has already implemented, such as a school program. Harry and Meghan visited with students in 2024. I did hear that Birmingham has announced three new sports which sound very exciting. UK does not need the support of the Windsors to make Invictus a great success in Birmingham. They just need them to keep out of the way. It’s the support of the city, the veterans, Harry, and the Invictus Foundation that are the key elements. Hope the new CEO is as good as Dominic has been. Hopefully, the Starmer government is behind it 100% even though it’s the Tory government that made the successful bid. In retrospect, if Washington had won, it would be in a country where a a strong-man wanna be is in office.

  10. Moniquep says:

    ….after having been left alone at the games….

    This statement jumped out at me, and I thought really? Was Harry “alone” among all of the 550 competitors, the families and friends plus the thousands of supporters all clamoring for just a smidgen of his attention?
    Just because Meghan had to go back to their babies, I’m sure they were never out of touch. Harry is a grown man who cares about his family. His real family, which as much as he’s committed to the IG family, are the most important thing to him.