Princess Kate posted her kids’ drawings while they’re on vacation in Mustique

Prince William and Kate are currently on vacation in Mustique. Their kids’ school is on a break right now – something called a half-term break, but they’ve only been back at school for like five weeks? – and so the family reportedly left dreary old England for some beach fun on the private island of Mustique. Carole Middleton is reportedly there too, celebrating her 70th birthday. The biggest surprise is not that William and Kate jetted off for yet another vacation – it’s that they skipped the BAFTAs and were called out for doing so by the Daily Mail. The Mail rarely talks about the Waleses’ vacations, especially not while those vacations are still ongoing.

In any case, we’ve established that the Wales family is in Mustique and no one expected to hear from them or see them for several weeks. The problem is that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were getting so much attention – for Invictus, and for Meghan’s social media. Meghan has been especially active on Instagram in recent weeks, posting behind-the-scenes footage from the Invictus Games, and then on Valentine’s Day, posting a kiss-photo with Harry, and some IG Stories with Archie and Lilibet. Kensington Palace went into Emergency Mode! Sure, W&K were sunbathing, but surely something could be done, right? Well, this was posted on the Kensington Royal account on Monday:

So, she’s showing drawings done by “Prince Louis, Princess Charlotte, Prince George and The Princess of Wales.” She doesn’t identify who drew what, but I’m guessing Louis did the clown one? Charlotte did the one with blue hair, and maybe George did the one of his mother with her legs crossed? Don’t let the quality of the drawings distract you from how utterly bizarre this post is though. It’s not that Kate is marking some special occasion – Early Years Awareness Day, or International Stop Paying Attention to Meghan Day – it’s just a weird gambit to change the conversation away from the Wales family’s vacation and W&K skipping the BAFTAs. “Let them eat cake” and the cake in question is her kids’ very weird drawings. And yes, I know Kate wasn’t the one posting this. This was KP staffers running around, trying to figure out how to change the subject.

Also: I guess the kids never sketch their father? LMAO.

Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Kensington Palace.

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117 Responses to “Princess Kate posted her kids’ drawings while they’re on vacation in Mustique”

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  1. Alicky says:

    They never tire of pimping out their kids, do they?

  2. go says:

    There is no way these were drawn by the kids.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate probably did a,self portrait of herself in armchair

    • Sophie says:

      This. These were drawn by professionals.

    • Sarah says:

      I’m glad you said it before me. I was an elementary teacher & with a PHD in Early Education, and only 1 drawing, top right, with a green collar appears to have been drawn by a child under 12, with little or no help from an adult.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      My first thought as well. The tones, the detail, the proportion—no way children drew these. Look at the confidence of the lines.

      Shame on Keen.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      If it was a photo it would probably garner another kill notification (definitely feels manipulated) this has to be the most pathetic thing I’ve seen in a while and in the current times that’s says a lot. I know they are lazy but this is just sad and truthfully it’s creepy as hell I don’t care who drew what, it is just creepy.

    • Betsy says:

      They sure look like it to me, even Kate’s portrait of George in “charcoal.” They look like they were drawn on an iPad, like on Procreate or something. I volunteer in elementary school art classes and these look like kids’ work, but with the line weight of a computer.

  3. Tessa says:

    The fail also showed that reindeer picture that George has copied from a Christmas card. I thought there would be Valentine’s day cards drawn by the kids but they got something similar to try to distract from invict us and Kate gets to talk about the degree in art history she did not use. The other children in their classes don’t get their drawings in the media. This is not a good idea it shows they are treated more special than other children.

  4. ThatGirlThere says:

    So Meghan shows how to cut heart strawberries while spending time with her babies in her lovely home, Lazy Kate is digging into mommy with the “cute kiddos” as her rebrand.

    She’s going to embarrass herself trying to keep up with Meghan — so she shouldn’t even try.

    Anyway…As every 😌

    • Chrissy says:

      She’s supposedly in Mustique…does she just happen to carry around George’s alleged artwork wherever she goes? These people are desperate and deranged even while on vacay! SMH

  5. Lady Esther says:

    “International Stop Paying Attention to Meghan Day” BWAHAHA!! Thanks for that cackle, Celebitchy 🙂

    Also, waiting for the actual artist that drew at least one of these (probably the one attributed to George) to surface, just like their previous “artwork” that totally wasn’t stolen at all, in 3….2….1…

    • Tessa says:

      I was surprised the fail showed the reindeer picture that was copied from a Christmas card.

    • Chrissy says:

      Would love for someone to sue over copyright infringement over this last lie from KP! So pathetic! (sorry Lady Esther, didn’t see your comment above!🤷

  6. Margaret says:

    Sorry but those kids aren’t talented

    • Tessa says:

      Kate is acting like the proverbial stage mother pushing those kids. Drawing should be a fun event and it’s enough to let teachers put all artwork of students in the class

      • BeanieBean says:

        And the assignment she gave them wasn’t ‘draw a portrait of each other’, it was ‘draw a portrait of ME’. 🙄

      • JanetDR says:

        @BeanieBean, that’s what really struck me too. Everyone has to draw a picture of mommy right now! Or else!
        Whether they were drawn by the kids or not, that’s the impression it gives.

    • Sam says:

      Jep @Margaret
      I don’t want to offend anyone here, but the pictures are really bad. My neighbor paints a thousand times better at the age of 8 (and I wouldnt consider her as talented) and how old is Charlotte?
      And the fact that Kate posted her not-really-well-painted picture is just embarrassing. She’s probably so confident in herself and her skills that she can’t see it. Oh my… It’s almost funny.

      • Betsy says:

        That seems unnecessary to drag on the kids. Mocking Kate is fine, but insulting children’s artwork is crap.

      • Jais says:

        They’re kids pictures so I feel kind of indifferent. The kids drew some stuff. It’s cute whatever. Not here to judge the quality. But I’ll judge the fact that the parents posted these pics while on vacay when they skipped the BAFTAS. Sorry we didn’t make it but here’s some drawings our kids did instead. I’m sorry but it’s almost funny if it wasn’t so shameful.

      • Jaded says:

        Good for your neighbour. I was born with a paintbrush in my hand and my artwork was really good at an early age, but some kids just don’t have artistic talent and there’s no reason to shame them for it.

      • Lady D says:

        Jaded, your talent must have driven your sister nuts.

    • Lady Esther says:

      It’s the Middleton upbringing all over again: utterly ordinary but praised to the skies. Remember Pippa’s “entertaining” book? Or James various…uh…whatever it was he did? Something something doughnuts?

      If one of these kids farts into a microphone they’ll call it opera. It’s the Middleton way

      • Chrissy says:

        LOL!! So true. The Royal Embiggening is ridiculous, especially since they refer to themselves as ‘so normal’!

      • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

        Did James do doughnuts? I thought the marshmallow thing was the only human food business he did.

    • ShazBot says:

      K, they’re just kids and they’re not meant to be professional artists. They’re just drawing their mom for fun (or because they were told to). We don’t need to judge children on their art. Take a breath.
      We should be judging their parents for using them on a public stage like this, that’s it.

      • WHAT says:

        You’re correct which begs the question

        When she went to the event earlier this month at the gallery to copy Meghan with the little girl dressed up in the exact school clothes

        Why didn’t she release these pictures then

        Why didn’t she pick up a 🖍️ or 📝 and draw then

        Why did she only do hand ✋ prints at the children event last month when she came 🔙 out for the first time this year

        It’s performantive and reeks of desperation since Meghan made a video of her kids actually doing stuff

        Instead of the Wales who we just need to assume they’re talented like the Mom

        To this day Catherine hasn’t spoken at her Xmas Carol and always has to pre record instead of doing live I’m waiting for a 🎹 live from Catherine also

      • HeatherC says:

        I wonder if these were “staged” pictures. In that Kate said something like “Before you go to the beach to have fun you MUST draw mummy’s picture.”

      • WHAT says:

        You’re correct which begs the question

        When she went to the event earlier this month at the gallery to copy Meghan with the little girl dressed up in the exact school clothes

        Why didn’t she release these pictures then

        Why didn’t she pick up a 🖍️ or 📝 and draw then

        Why did she only do hand ✋ prints at the children event last month when she came 🔙 out this year

        It’s performantive and reeks of desperation since Meghan made a video of her kids actually doing stuff

        Instead of the Wales who we just need to assume they’re talented like the Mom

        To this day Catherine hasn’t spoken at her Xmas Carol and always has to pre record instead of doing live I’m waiting for a 🎹 live from Catherine

      • Criti Calthinking says:

        Agree. I do feel bad for those kids….born into institutional toxicity and tons of generational curses.

      • Jojo says:

        Exactly. Haven’t they got any fridge magnets?

  7. seaflower says:

    The drawing of Kate sitting in the chair was obviously from one of the photoshop fail efforts considering the hips/legs look 2 feet to the right of the body.

  8. Tessa says:

    The portrait of Louis is odd showing him with his eyes closed.

  9. Piper says:

    They don’t even pick out cute pictures. Or, they could have picked out pictures that they all did at age 3. I don’t believe they are their pictures – I can see the couriers now screaming for crayons and colored pencils 😂😂😂

  10. Well they couldn’t drag the kids out in public because they are on vacation so the drawings will have to do as a distraction. Always use the kids, no matter how, to get that distraction.

  11. somebody says:

    So maybe showing that PW wasn’t around to participate? IF George drew that his shows some talent. The one attributed to Kate just looks weird, like a death drawing.

    • Miranda says:

      “Death drawing” is what I got from it, too. Like those creepy death portraits of children that Victorians used to take.

  12. Tessa says:

    Dm tries to make this happen saying the kids inherited mums alleged talent as well as grandpa Charles

  13. SueBarbri33 says:

    This is seriously so ridiculous. I just…did they think this would move the needle? In which direction? She posted four drawings by the kids, and not one of them is of HRH Dear Old Dad? Just her face over and over again, and also George as a sleeping/dead Victorian child? All of these kids have more talent than I do, honestly, so I’m not making fun of them. But this is a bit like those “We Miss You Granny Diana” cards from a few years back, right? The drawing of Kate sitting in the chair reminds me of the drawings in the old Sloane Ranger Handbook, so I guess they know their audience. Although that audience is shrinking year by year. What a time!

  14. Dee(2) says:

    This doesn’t seem like much return on investment for the taxpayers. You get arts and crafts while they spend time on a private island. Perhaps William isn’t there or if he is, he’s staying elsewhere on the island and wasn’t available when this edict came down.
    How long can they keep this up? The press is invested in propping them up for various reasons, including their class issues and racism over Harry and Meghan but at the end of the day it’s a business. A business that is in flux worldwide due to readership, that has had to pay out tons of lawsuits, and who is not getting enough information from their partners to compete.

    Ronald McDonald hand-drawn photos aren’t going to cut it when Meghan is dropping Instagram videos every 3 days, appearing at events, and Harry is completing firsts with Sovereign Nations and getting dapped up by Prime Ministers at sold out stadiums for organizations he started.

    • Caitlin says:

      Haha so true. Another pathetic effort to compete with Meghan for attention I guess.

      • BeanieBean says:

        It’s also a copy of something Diana did. The rota 🐀 published pics drawn by Charles & Diana; can’t remember who Charles drew but Diana drew a young William, with his hands in his pockets.

        And did anybody else notice the name change? It’s no longer Early Years but Early Childhood. Golly, how many phone meetings did that take? Is that what her ‘work’ was last year, coming up with a new name? She couldn’t think of anything else to announce for the new year?

      • Tessa says:

        Diana and Charles never did the sort of thing the Keens do. They did not send out “artwork” of William and Harry. Kate has no knowledge of Early Years but pretends to and ignores the work of the real experts.

  15. Nanea says:

    This is all so sad.

    Left-Behind royals obsessed with Diana’s true and only heir, so they’re trying to enter into a popularity contest that they and the charities involved ony can lose.

    By doing this, KP shows FewchaKween hasn’t achieved anything yet, there’s norhing of substance they could share with the adoring fans and the collective BM.

    But they also prove that FakeyKatie could have done “work” while convalescing, the way they promised she’d do, by working from her bed, which never happened.

    I think the sitting person could be Charlotte, it reminds me of one of those generic BW photos they all did once for Christmas, all in white shirts and jeans. Too bad no one could be bothered with drawing the absent heirforce. (heliforce?)

  16. CherryBerry says:

    Looks like they’re trying to pull focus from the DM article about skipping the BAFTAS.

    • Barrett says:

      I agree ab the PR attention diversion but I love art as healthy activity for kids so I hate to say it I still love looking at it and telling people to embrace art. We focus so much on other rote school subjects….art helps the brain, emotions…..

      • Jais says:

        Technically isn’t this somewhat connected to that kids field trip she went on to a museum. Was the subject self-portraits for that? So I see the connection but I’m still like okaaay, thx for sharing your kids drawings, I guess? While you’re on vacay. The BAFTAS promote art and emotion too.

    • Gabby says:

      They should just lie low and STFU instead of reminding the press and the taxpayers that they aren’t at work.

      If you’re on vacation AGAIN, then actually be on vacation. Idiots.

  17. Me at home says:

    Name-checking Early Years from her luxurious borrowed vacation home in Mustique might persuade die-hard royalists she’s still on the job so maybe it’s ok Bill skipped BAFTA. But this really does seem unconvincing.

    Anyway, the drawing of Louis, the only one the Fail attributes to Catherine herself, seems the worst of the bunch to me at least. She was clearly going for some moody effect she copied from somewhere, but he ends up looking like the undead.

    • Jay says:

      Well, the DM pulled the rug out from under them by reporting about the vacation. We were not supposed to realize that this was all posted by KP lackeys while their principals relaxed on the beach and sipped tropical drinks!

      Actually, I wonder if these “portraits” of Kate by her children were originally supposed to be for an upcoming Mother’s Day post? That would make more sense to me.

      this is a panic move

  18. Lau says:

    They put a lot of words in those tweets to say nothing in the end.

  19. Mrs. Smith says:

    I don’t know a lot about school-age kids’ artwork, but these sketches seem like an expression of sadness? There’s not a lot of joy in any of them. I think it’s a mistake to publish these drawing because it begs for deep psychological interpretation and KP/W&K definitely do not want to go there.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      This too!

    • Chaine says:

      I think publishing them was a mistake because it opens the children up to ridicule. Everyone is either saying they are terrible drawings or that taxpayers should get more for their money’s worth or that they are too good to have been the children’s drawings. Even if these kids don’t have internet access at their current ages, it’s inevitable and then they must deal with the fact that mom and dad posted their drawings knowing full well that tens of thousands worldwide would gripe about them/make fun of them.

    • Nic919 says:

      Putting out the kids artwork for global scrutiny and consumption is simply bad parenting. For all the complaints about Elizabeth not being present as a parent or Charles being distant, it is just as bad to expose your children to global scrutiny.

  20. MY3CENTS says:

    Well at least the kids didn’t draw them boarding the PJ , and the one with the private chef, and ohh look there’s the one with the maid making our bed, and last but not least daddy’s special friend and daddy.

  21. SussexWatcher says:

    Lies lies and more lies. No way did kids their age draw those. Just like George didn’t draw that other picture that was attributed to him and later was shown to be an almost exact copy of someone else’s art.

    If she really wanted some attention she would have posted actual pics of the kids romping in the ocean or something. But everything the Wailses do is halfassed so I’m not surprised. Yawn.

  22. Blujfly says:

    I screamed seeing Keen put her own drawing in with the mix. Imagine running an initiative to encourage “regular” parents to do art with their children and then producing your sketch that reflects obvious formal training and drawing classes.

    • Nic919 says:

      Not only that adding her picture reminds everyone that William didn’t contribute to this drawing exercise.

  23. Unstrung_Pearl says:

    The one of Kate – if that’s really by George then he’s got some talent, it’s not accurate but definitely has a look to it. The portrait of Louis actually looks less sophisticated especially the eyes. Maybe Heorge drew that one? If any of them actually drew these, and it’s not pasted together with photoshop lol

  24. Tessa says:

    The sanctimonious early childhood statements so patronizing when some families struggle financially and they release pictures of a super privileged family on an expensive vacation.

  25. Mads says:

    If Louis drew the first picture then it’s interesting that the colour of Kate’s forehead is orange; it’s a definite choice to distinguish between her hair and that particular area being a different colour from the rest of her skin. A child psychologist would have a field day.

    Also interesting that none of the pictures are of 🥚.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Mads did the kids just draw their mum and not dad or each other? I would have loved to see their drawings of dad, red faced, mouth wide open shouting for a cheese toastie and making hand chopping gestures at mum, to make that toastie snappy !!

      • Jay says:

        Considering that the earlier field trip asked all of the children to create a self- portrait, I think it’s very interesting that three of these portraits appear to be of Kate!

    • Betsy says:

      That was actually my first thought, that the three portraits of Kate are once again a confusing melange of spilled secrets. Kate also looks like she’s crying in that picture.

  26. Lee says:

    Are the kids with her? Or did Willy vacation somewhere separate w the kids. Unless we start seeing beach or snow pics w the kids for Mother’s Day/anniversary/bdays of kids/Christmas card. These trips never happened. The daily mail lies on behalf of the kids all the time, such as stating the kids are going to Kate’s school- when that hasn’t been finalized.

  27. sevenblue says:

    lol. I am sure, the british media will be happy to put these on the first page 😂😂😂 I predict, more layoffs will be coming this year for the tabloid media. Good luck, babes.

  28. Barrett says:

    I agree ab the PR attention diversion but I love art as healthy activity for kids so I hate to say it I still love looking at it and telling people to embrace art. We focus so much on other rote school subjects….art helps the brain, emotions…..

  29. TN Democrat says:

    Keener can’t compete with Meghan on any level. She has had 15 years (plus nearly a decade of mattress duty) to find a meaningful role and learn to dress/speak like an adult. Instead she embraced tbe role of vapid clothes hanger. She needs to fade into the background and not bother. The kids need left out of the narrative and not used to shield them from criticism for being workshy and always on vacation. Her social media presence is nearly as cringe as her public speaking.

  30. Eurydice says:

    At least the kids got her hair right.

  31. Jazz Hands says:

    I can’t *not* see Cher in the one with yellow eye shadow. And the “clown” one, because of the mole, is making me think it’s insecure, jealous, petty and racist Kate’s interpretation of Meghan.

  32. Amy Bee says:

    I seem to remember people in the British press complaining about another royal couple posting while on break. If Meghan wasn’t back on Instagram KP wouldn’t be posting while William and Kate are on vacation.

  33. Noor says:

    Posting some drawings while on vacation. And they call it work in the royals work statistics.

    Carole Middleton and the Wales celebrating her bIrthday on the super luxurious private island of Mustique while the Middletons have yet to pay their debts is rather galling.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Noor KP are trying to distract from Will dodging work to holiday with C. Middy in Mystique.

    • alteya says:

      The scandal is, they have no debt, and the govt isn’t investigating the incredibly shady, illegal way they accomplished that at the expense of bankrupting small businesses.

  34. Jay says:

    Well, this is technically, tangentially related to Kate’s stunt at the National Portrait Gallery. But her children weren’t at that event! Now maybe Kate went home all inspired and asked for all three kids to make some artwork (for future social media content). That could happen?

    But from what I remember, the whole point of that event she went to was for children to create a SELF portrait as a way of expressing how they are feeling! That was supposedly the big connection to the early years! Whereas these just appear to be three renditions of Kate! I think if I asked my kids to do a portrait of themselves and they all made a portrait of me, I’d be quite concerned!

    • Lucky Charm says:

      She probably misunderstood “self-portrait” and thought it meant a portrait of herself, so that’s what she told the kids to draw.

  35. Linney says:

    I can not believe how tone deaf these people are. Just what this struggling world needs to see: drawings by Kate’s privileged kids (if they even drew them!!!) who are on vacation with their lazy parents. I thought William and Kate were “just like us”?

  36. QuiteContrary says:

    Drawing their dad would be so much easier — they could just draw a cracked egg.

    • Lady Digby says:

      @Quitecontrary all the kids did drawings of mom? I would have chosen one drawing of each member of the family? I thought the National Portrait event was to inspire the kids to draw their own portrait?

  37. kelleybelle says:

    The lower right picture looks like one of those Victorian memento mori pictures. Kinda of creepy.

  38. BeanieBean says:

    Goodness! That one she did of Louis is creepy! It reminds me of one of those Victorian era death portraits! Louis deserves better! Maybe she should stick to photography.

  39. Harla says:

    Bwahahahaha!! So obvious, it’s hysterical!!

  40. Robert Phillips says:

    Has no one explained to Kate that if she actually did something with her early years crap. And I don’t mean her personally. I mean the group or company or whatever the hell it is. Then instead of things like this. Her PR people could send out updates on something one of the groups did. But since Kate’s nothing but a photo op then they can’t do any of that. I swear Charles should have a mannequin made that looks like Kate. Put it in some of her clothes and regularly push it out on the bloody balcony. And I doubt anyone could tell the difference.

    • Tessa says:

      Work has been done on Early Years well before Kate. Kate should get a team of experts who have a real background in it to give their findings.

  41. Nerd says:

    It’s creepy because it seems as if the subject matter was her in three of them and a very creepy depiction of a deceased child in the other. It’s not even about how good or bad they are, but more so about are these even genuinely drawings done by the children? The top two both give off the impression that they were drawn by small children, which doesn’t match their family, where Louis is the only small child sho who drew the other drawing? The one of “Kate” in the chair is a weird reminder of the Frankenphoto from Mothering Day last year, which is a weird choice considering the backlash they got from it. The Victorian death drawing is just eerie and unsettling for obvious reasons. Who is it a depiction of and why?

  42. Digital Unicorn says:

    Good lord, I can smell the stench of desperation all the way from Mustique here in my cold flat in London. So Meghan posts an image of her an her daughter and Kitty post drawings from her kids while on (a free) vacay on a luxury island.

    Desperation – thy name is Kitty Keen.

  43. tamsin says:

    Were the children supposed to draw each other? The sketch of Louis is attributed to Kate, who is a proficient drawer from the odd sketch that the media has printed of Kate’s work. She has made Louis look a bit sinister, imo. So did the children all draw Kate? The blue one is attributed to Charlotte, and the sitting one to George. Anyway, this post by KP is a bit bizarre and seems to come out of nowhere. I would buy that it’s a nice activity to do with children on vacation, though, but there are three sketches of her and one of Louis? It would be better if the children tried to draw each other and include a clue about their favourite activity or sport, as an identifier.

  44. Libra says:

    The DM is forever comparing Kate to Meghan so I will as well, just once today. While I suspect Meghan encourages her children to draw, I doubt she would have shown them publicly. She ( and Harry) protect their 2 by not leaving them open to public scrutiny and criticism.

    • jais says:

      Well, technically Meghan exposed how well Lili spreads cream cheese on a bagel…lol, no, I don’t think that’s the same as sharing artwork. Such a cute video.

  45. VilleRose says:

    I doubt this is the case but I like to think Meghan has printed out a school calendar of the Wales kids school vacations and has highlighted the weeks she knows the Wales will be dormant lol. And when she knows they’ll be away, she goes on an IG posting frenzy. Kate and William’s downfall is that their vacations are so sacrosanct, they go completely off grid. I’m sure some content is scheduled while they’re away but their thunder stealing and trying to one up the Sussexes is very muted since they can’t just turn up at random engagements. They weren’t able to do much while Harry and Meghan were at Invictus Games in Canada. And now Meghan’s announced her brand’s new name, all while they’re tanning in Mustique. And the best they can do is post pictures drawn by the kids and relating it to Early Years?

  46. Beverley says:

    What a lovely return on the taxpayers’ dime.😒 /s/

  47. Me at home says:

    The kids’ drawings don’t seem to have been done at the same time in one big mother-children bonding session. George’s drawing has Kate wearing a boat-neck shirt, while the drawings from Louis and Charlotte show with a collar.

  48. mightymolly says:

    I said on a previous thread that Mustique looks dull. I’m not surprised they have nothing better to do than color. /S.

  49. Sara says:

    Georges line drawing is actually good! It shows a possibility of a style to it, I like the wonky leg placement ( I wonder if he did that as a bit of a joke?) There’s something there

  50. Jjp says:

    So the kids all drew Kate, and she drew…George? That’s nice. No favoritism here, lol.

  51. Belinda says:

    I can’t get out of my mind the thought of millions of children spending their half term holidays in cold, damp housing with parents who can hardly make rent or basic food, with no spare money for art supplies. Heartbreaking

    While the Wails have an obscenely rich vacation, luxury food, sparkling beaches, staff to wait hand and foot on their every whim.

    The £33,000 (Thousand!!!!) cost of the one week villa rental could make such a difference in so many poor children’s lives with a sketchpad, drawing pencils, or a pack of crayons

    I don’t think I’ve ever felt so down about the stark differences between the Wales kids and children from families who are barely surviving. It’s bad enough that there is such a difference, but it’s sickening how Kate could just post this with her complete lack of even thinking how this comes across.

  52. Miss Scarlett says:

    I didn’t even understand that these weren’t self portraits of the children that they drew of themselves! I thought each person drew a picture of themselves.

    What is the weird 4th picture then with the eyes closed? Looks like a boy