Kamala Harris accepted the NAACP Chairman’s Award & spoke about what’s next

The NAACP Image Awards were held on Saturday night. Keke Palmer won Entertainer of the Year, and Taraji P.Henson, Ayo Edebiri and GloRilla also won Image Awards. Beyonce and Kendrick Lamar both won Image Awards for their 2024 albums and songs. The Wayans family were inducted into the NAACP Hall of Fame, and they bizarrely gave Dave Chappelle the President’s Award (Chappelle is massively problematic these days, but sure). Many people were waiting for the Chairman’s Award, which the NAACP announced in advance. They gave Kamala Harris the Chairman’s Award for her historic presidential candidacy and vice presidency. Kamala arrived at the show with her husband Doug, and they walked the carpet together. This was not her first public appearance since Donald Trump came into office, but it was her first awards show. Here’s her speech:

I saw a lot of people on social media saying that this was Kamala telling people that she’s going to run for president again. I’m not so sure? It was reported, around the inauguration, that Harris had told her staff to stay ready, that she wasn’t done. There are rumors flying around that she might run for governor of California, which would not surprise me. But would she run for president again? I honestly don’t know, and she probably doesn’t know either – by that I mean she hasn’t decided yet. I took her speech as Kamala knowing that every person with sense is horrified by what Trump and Elon Musk are doing and she knows she has to offer some kind of hopeful message. She said, in part: “While we have no illusions about what we are up against in this chapter in our American story, this chapter will be written not simply by whoever occupies the Oval Office nor by the wealthiest among us. The American story will be written by you. Written by us. By we the people.”

She also said: “Some see the flames on our horizons, the rising waters in our cities, the shadows gathering over our democracy and ask ‘What do we do now?’ But we know exactly what to do, because we have done it before. And we will do it again. We use our power. We organize, mobilize. We educate. We advocate. Our power has never come from having an easy path.” As in, yes, this is a really low moment in American history, but we have to keep doing the work. I get that and sure, I’m already thinking about the Virginia governor’s election this year. But the next four years are just going to be f–king awful, and I don’t blame people for choosing to check out or doing whatever they need to do to survive the onslaught.

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45 Responses to “Kamala Harris accepted the NAACP Chairman’s Award & spoke about what’s next”

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  1. MichaelaCat says:

    Imagine if she had been president.

    She would have created more jobs instead of firing people left and right.

    Instead there is Musk and Trumpflation.
    I blame the non-voters just as much as the Trump voters

    Unfortunately, they will need to be convinced to vote Democrat next time or for the Trump voters, to stay home.

    Fortunately, they’re pissing off many maga by firing them or their close ones.
    Those people only understand when things suck for them.

    • alteya says:

      I blame Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, and the pro-Palestine progressives refusing to support Harris unless she said chapter and verse of what they wanted. Sit down, shut up, and get 1000% in line behind the Democratic candidate people. The rethugs won because they get their people in line and no one strays.

      • Traveller says:

        Agree 100% with…”The rethugs won because they get their people in line and NO ONE STRAYS”.

      • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

        Blame Elon Musk. He pumped $300M into a propaganda campaign, and may have also altered election results. There are non-partisan groups investigating.

        March 4 is the next national day of protest! 50501


      • kirk says:

        “March 4 is the next national day of protest.”


        I thought the next national day of protest was Economic Blackout Day, February 28.

      • alteya says:

        Were Muskrat, Zuck, Murdoch, all of them part of it, absolutely. But the Democrats sank their own ship by not getting the f*ck in line behind Kamala 1000% IMMEDIATELY. Shutting down dissent, getting the progressives in line, getting their sh!t together. If you cannot control your own caucus, you aren’t going to win.

  2. Robert Phillips says:

    I liked Kamala. I voted for Kamala. But the Democrats will be stupid if they don’t run a white guy in his 40’s. That is around six two. Fit and has perfect teeth. I know that sounds stupid. And I know we are going to need a really smart president. To pull us out of the muck Trump is going to cause. But unfortunately looks are still the number one driver in being liked in this country. Because we can’t allow another Republican in the White House. It’s more important to get rid of the Republican party. Than it is to have the first woman. Of any color as president.

    • Em says:

      Kamala Harris ran a near perfect campaign, proved by the record number of donations she received in such a short time BUT I completely agree. The Democrats keep running this experiment and failing. It’s time to admit that Obama was the aberration. The next Democratic candidate must be a white, straight man. Sorry Mayor Pete. I’m thinking Gavin Newsom.

      • Startup Spouse says:

        Dems need a straight, white guy that can appeal to non-MAGA republicans. Our way out is uniting with the non-MAGA GOP. My husband is one of them. He would NEVER vote for Gavin Newsom. He thinks CA is a dumpster fire.

        Maybe someone like Beshear.

      • Nicole says:

        Midwest hates Governor Zaddy. I think it’s likely Basheer or Pritzker.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        So when do y’all think it will be safe to run another woman, especially a Black woman? Ten years? Fifty years? A hundred years? Never again? Kamala against all odds got 75 million votes, outperforming other incumbent global parties post pandemic. See yesterday’s results in Germany. Of course, there was serious racism and sexism, whipped to a frenzy by the 🍊💩 stain. But that is not the sole factor (or even the main factor) in her loss. She absolutely can win if she’s not the backup plan for an octogenarian and has a full runway to campaign. 107 days is not enough time to run the kind of campaign she wanted to run. Still, 75 million votes in less than four months. I hate the narrative that no woman can win. Kamala Harris can win and proved it by nearly winning in the most hostile environment for a Democrat in decades.

      • SarahMcK says:

        I actually think you need to forget about non-MAGA republicans and go actually progressive. Get economic populism in there. Appealing to Republicans was exactly what Kamala did and it didn’t work. Like Dick Cheney is not an endorsement I would want as a left-leaning candidate. The Democrats need to give up on the “good billionaires” and appeal to the people.

      • Kelsey says:

        Gavin “I’ll-throw-away-the-homeless-camp’s-possessions-personally” Newsome? Are you ok?!

      • Deering24 says:

        Yeah, we can’t let MAGA bastards (or both-sider types) convince us that Obama was a “non-recurring phenomenon”–which is the expression Hollywood types for years used to explain away hits that broke ground and didn’t fit the mold. Harris did great considering the time constraints. And it’s yet to be proved that the 2024 election was totally on the up and up. If we give in to that “the time for different candidates is never” how are we any different from the GOP?

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      @Robert Phillips: Trump certainly does not fit the physical description you gave.

      • Startup Spouse says:

        Because we need someone who is the polar opposite of Trump to get people’s attention: young, virile, coherent…

        I really don’t understand his appeal. He looks (and apparently smells) like a turd.

    • Anne Maria says:

      I don’t see how you square the emphasis on looks with trump’s utterly bizarre presentation of urine coloured elaborately teased and sprayed hair, radioactively orange face, flabby figure and baggy suits. Or do looks matter only if it’s a Democrat?

    • Gossipgirl says:

      So basically white women will ONLY vote for white men….got it

  3. Nicole says:

    I, as a California constituent, hope that she doesn’t run. The American people spoke and she should anything and everything to keep her peace. Running for President aint it. Nor do I think she should run for governor. She has enough cache to write a book and go on speaking tours. She’s an HBCU alum she has a lot of advocacy can be done in that space. Bring on her bubble of peace.

    • Shai says:

      As another California resident, I agree. I don’t think she should run for governor, I want her to relax & enjoy her life now. Would she do a good job? Absolutely, but I feel like she doesn’t need to. Speaking of our beautiful state, we do need to work hard because a Trumpy is running. Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco announced his bid to run, he’s very dangerous.

      • Nicole says:

        Girl yes. And Rick freaking Grenell. We need a jerk. Katie Porter is running. A lot of CA Dems hate her. I think she could be our jerk that we need.

      • Little Red says:

        Why do a lot of CA Democrats hate Katie Porter?

  4. Courtney says:

    With what we were up against in the last election it wasn’t the time to run such a progressive candidate. The Democrats truly underestimated just how many racist/sexist/ignorant people still call America home.

    • K.W. says:

      I wish I could like Brassy Rebel’s post a thousand times. If we concede that only straight white men can win elections (never mind how many white Democrats were blown out in the past compared to the narrow losses of the women), we might as well just give up trying to make society better and fairer.

  5. wordnerd says:

    WHERE ARE THE DEMOCRATS?! That’s what I keep asking my husband. Day after day, we see an onslaught of terrible Trump headlines, but where is that leadership and energy that we saw coming out in droves during Kamala’s campaign? Newsom, Shapiro, Obama, where are the heavy hitters? Where’s the next gen leadership stepping in to say ANYTHING about how we’re going to turn this sh*t around?

    Thanks. Needed to get that off my chest.

    • Cath says:

      Hear, hear…

    • Elizabeth says:

      JB Pritzker has been very vocal in standing up and criticizing the Thugs. I don’t think he necessarily wants to be president, but I think he would be one who is willing to step up for the sake of the country. Beshear and Shapiro I’m sure are also eyeing the 2028 race, but they are too quiet for my taste right now, playing it safe.

    • SolarBeanbag says:

      Where are the Democrats? What are they supposed to do? They. do. not. have. the. power. to. do. anything. I’m sorry, but I’m tired of everyone expecting the Democrats to save them when the shit hits the fan, but cannot vote for Democrats because of “reasons.” (I’m not saying you didn’t vote for her or didn’t help for the election.)

      Why is it when Repubs are wrecking this country that somehow Democrats are being blamed. . .? They don’t have a majority in any branch of government and yet, they get blamed as somehow “letting this happen.” Give me a break.

      We should be asking, “Where are the republicans? Why are they just rolling over for everything? Why are they such cowards? Why don’t they DO SOMETHING to reign everyone in? I mean they have all three branches, so WHERE ARE THEY? Oh, I know, still trying to blame Biden. Why don’t they scream and cry and hyperventilate like when Obama wore a tan suit? I mean it’s only our country, government, and people that are getting bulldozed into oblivion, why don’t Republicans say ANYTHING at all? Why is this shizz show up to the Democrats to fix?

      Start screaming at the Republicans for letting an unelected non-American break this country so he doesn’t have to pay taxes and can steal all of our money and information instead of wondering what MORE that Democrats can do. Because seriously, what more could they do? They ran a flawless campaign and almost won under almost impossible odds–she lost by less than one percent–so seriously, what else can they do?

      • lanne says:

        Preach. I’m sick of people voting Democrats out of office and then expecting democrats to do something. With what? Magic? This is the republicans catastrophe to own. Let them own it. They must be held fully and utterly accountable for this and all that comes after them. The repubs need to grow spines (the ones who haven’t completely bought into the crazy) and stand up to the consituents they are afraid of. Right now, “not nazis” sitting in horror next to nazis are…nazis. These spineless twits will be remembered as fascists. If they give a damn at all about legacy, now is the time to act.

      • NotMika says:

        If you wanted Democrats to run the country, perhaps you should have voted for them.

      • Startup Spouse says:

        There was an article in the NYT or WSJ about how the Dems should set up a shadow government like they do in the UK, so every time Dump or one of his minions does something, there is a counter quote to show how awful it is. There is some of this now (see Pete B on aviation), but not nearly enough. There needs to be someone all over Hegseth, RFK, and the others to show how stupid/dangerous they are and what these idiots SHOULD be doing.

        SHOW the American people what SHOULD be happening in contrast to the hellscape we are walking into.

        Instead, they are mostly silent. I called my Dem House Rep and left a message on her vmail – WHERE ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? BE VISIBLE. BE VOCAL.

        I still don’t know what she’s doing.

      • wordnerd says:

        @SolarBeanbag – Your response echoes exactly why we need Dems to SPEAK UP right now. They might not currently have a ton of power, but it’s in these darkest of times when we need Dem leadership to stand up, speak up, remind people that there still is hope and a reason to fight back.

      • kirk says:

        Hey @Startup Spouse – surely you must be joking. Non-MAGA Repubs? Hahahahaha. Like Susan Collins who votes in lockstep with tRump, including for a proponent of unpasteurized milk who has zero medical training to run HHS? Hahaha. So you made a phone call, but only to your Dem Representative, not to either of your Senators? You’re mad you had to leave your Dem Rep a voice mail? Lisa Murkowski tweeted a couple of weeks ago that Senate phone system was receiving 1600 calls per minute, compared with 40 calls per minute ‘usually’ received (i.e. Biden era). You have no idea what your Dem Rep is doing? Have you tried going to your Rep’s town halls? Looked up her positions on her personal or gov website? Subscribed to her newsletters? Contacted her via email on her webpage on house.gov? Read any stories about her in your local news orgs? Why shout “BE VISIBLE. BE VOCAL” but limit it only to your Dem Rep? Like Kamala said in her speech ‘eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.’

  6. Amy Bee says:

    She’ll probably run for Govenor of California.

  7. JILL says:

    How long until Trump and Musk have a meltdown over this?

  8. CLOVE says:

    According to the comments in this section, she wouldn’t stand a chance as she did during the 2024 election because women don’t like to see successful women achieve anything.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Everyone has an opinion on what Kamala should and shouldn’t do. I will leave it up to her. The base of the Democratic party is Black voters, especially Black women. They decide the nominee. If KH wants a chance to run a full campaign, from what I have seen, the base of the party will make it happen. I think they will run through walls for her. I know I will and I’m a 75 year old white woman.

      • Nicole says:

        Black woman here who lives and works in California and voted for Kamala. I think she should protect her peace at all cost. She has been a dedicated public servant for 30 years. She deserves a break. I would support her to do anything and that includes putting her feet up. That includes letting the majority culture clean up their own mess.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        I hear you, Nicole! But KDH might have different ideas. We shall see in good time. She has said she is not one to go quietly into the night. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    • Elizabeth says:

      70 year old white woman here. I absolute love Kamala and I would campaign and vote for her from now until my death. But I don’t think she should run. The electorate took all of us by the face and slapped us with the reality that there are too many people who will not vote for a woman, especially a black woman. I cried bitter tears at this realization. If we are all to survive Dems need to run a straight white christian man with a family. It truly pains me to write this, but I want there to continue to be a United States of America for my children, everyone’s children. Progress will come eventually, what is the MLK quote about the bend of history toward justice? but not in this next election.

  9. Brassy Rebel says:

    Please see my comment above, Elizabeth. That is not the reason she lost. I call this the “Let the terrorists win” strategy. KH was the best candidate in 2024 and would be in 2028 if she wants to go for it. I think she could have won in 2020 because the political environment was so favorable to Democrats.

    An interesting observation: Kamala Harris is scheduled to appear at the AI conference, HumanX, on March 9th. This is important because one of the Democrats’ biggest problems last November was right wing disinformation and propaganda. AI is an important counter measure to this and I think it’s interesting that Kamala is already moving in this direction. Not saying she’s running for president but this certainly doesn’t say she’s not. And it won’t matter who the Democrats nominate ever again if they don’t solve this information problem. They are really behind the curve on this.

  10. HopeSays says:

    We could’ve had a bad bitch. Maybe the baddest. I will never forgive America for this. I’m looking forward to my expat days more and more.

    • lanne says:

      I’ll never forgive America for this either. I blame the nonvoters and 3rd party voters. Crazy’s going to crazy–the crazies show up. If people refuse to show up, then they can’t complain about the crazies. This horrorshow didn’t have to happen. All those so-called Protesters for Palestinians need to kick rocks. They were just bullshit performance artists who don’t give 2 shits about Palenstinians.

      • alteya says:

        This. Non-voters (oh I don’t like anyone, I’ll protest by not voting), third party, and progressives have a big share of blame for why both Harris and Hillary didn’t win.

  11. Mee says:

    Why are people calling their Democrat congresspeople??? Call the Republicans!! They’re in charge, hold their feet to the fire! They’re the ones going along with the orange man’s platform. Call them.