Prince William met with England’s men’s football manager at Windsor Castle

Last summer, Prince William and Prince George flew to Berlin to watch the men’s EURO final, which was between England and Spain. Spain won, King Felipe was thrilled and he partied with the Spanish team, all while a miserable egg seethed with incandescent rage. Soon after England’s men’s team lost in yet another big final, Team England’s manager Gareth Southgate resigned. Not only that, but they made William step down as Football Association president. William was downgraded to “patron of England football” and they’re probably encouraging him to NOT attend matches anymore because he brings the men’s team such bad luck. Note: the cover story for William’s downgraded title was that William has so much on his plate as Prince of Wales, that he would no longer have the time to support FA as president. LOL.

I bring all of this up because William is back in England after more than a week’s vacation in sunny Mustique. On Tuesday, William was in Windsor Castle, meeting with the new manager of the men’s team. Peggy posted a photo from the meeting and quickly had to edit the caption. The first caption was “Great to meet new @england manager Thomas Tuchel for the first time today, and hear about plans for the team.” That was quickly deleted and replaced with: “Great to meet with new @england men’s manager Thomas Tuchel today, and hear about plans for the team.” It’s so tricky to remember that women exist! It’s so hard to remember that women’s football exists and that the Lionesses are actually a world-class team which actually wins big trophies, not that William has ever cared.

According to the Sun, William spent about an hour with Thomas Tuchel at Windsor Castle, “chatting about football and, of course, his favourite football team Aston Villa’s Champions League form.” Sources close to William also told the Sun that “yesterday’s royal welcome was an opportunity for the German boss to share his views on the team since taking over and his hopes for the future.” Something tells me that William will still be attending a lot of matches. It feels… very on-brand for William that his first event after a long vacation was “talking about football for an hour.”

Photos courtesy of Kensington Royal, Avalon Red.

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22 Responses to “Prince William met with England’s men’s football manager at Windsor Castle”

  1. Vs says:

    Why was this meeting necessary? Such a pointless get together… I just imagine being busy, yet having to meet such a useless person!

  2. Tessa says:

    Such hard work. Talking football. Those photos are priceless

    • Nerd says:

      I especially laugh looking at the two where he’s wearing the ugly green jacket. The black man staring up at him as if wondering why is he there and the other one lol where he looks as if he’s a child chasing after a ball wanting his parent to take a photo before he tries to kick it and falls down.

    • Chrissy says:

      He looks deranged in a few of them. SMH

    • SuOutdoors says:

      Yeah, was might have been really hard work for Wills. One hour talking football with a guy who generally doesn’t talk much, especially not with amateurish people who aren’t his intellectual level – poor Wills. On a side note: has there ever been a pic where Will is showing the better posture? As a German I feel second hand embarrassment for Tuchels servile body language!

  3. Jane says:

    I do think he’s drunk at the games. If not, I have no explanation. Hopefully he has a driver.

  4. Hypocrisy says:

    And this is the “stressful “ job that he needs so much holiday time to be able to deal with..

  5. Aimee says:

    He’s such a useless weenie.

    • Gabby says:

      Comment of the day!
      But it’s an insult to all the other useless weenies of the world who aren’t as detestable as William.

  6. Sarah says:

    Tuchel doesn’t have the best reputation either. He was sacked coaching for Chelsea Football club, late in 2022, has a reputation for being harsh, verbally abusive to players etc.
    2 peas in a pod.

    • Nanea says:

      I don’t really care much about football, but it’s noticeable that TT always doesn’t seem to stay a places for long. Unlike e.g. Klopp at Liverpool or Dortmund.

      TT is very successful, but he does seem to be in his own head a lot. Coupled with a short fuse, it could be a recipe for disaster.

      • Fina says:

        If you follow Tuchel‘s career a bit, some of this needs to be put into perspective. Yes he did not stay long in Chelsea, but you might remember that in 2022 due to the Ukraine war Roman Abramowich had to give up ownership of Chelsea and the entire leadership team was exchanged. The new owner is notoriously clueless and difficult and the following coaches stayed even shorter than Tuchel. Prior to that Paris St Germain, the Director of Sports is a person also renowned for being difficult and not letting coaches do their work. Again the coaches following Tuchel did not stay longer. His last stay at Bayern one could discuss. But they also fired Flick and Nagelsmann after a short time. Just before Tuchel. Let’s see how long the new manager manages to stay on. The one club one could compare to Klopps career is Dortmund. It is true that Tuchel upset the leadership there and some of the players. But might be noteworthy that he upset the leadership by speaking out against the players having to compete shortly after a bombing attack on their team bus.

  7. Ahh…. “working” from home. This was “work” right?

  8. jais says:

    Lordy. From Mustique to a one-hour mtg about football on a Tuesday, not even the Monday.

  9. Me at home says:

    Hey you guys! William loves sports and bonds with the players too! Just like Harry!

  10. Over it says:

    I can’t stand wank . That’s all I came here to say

  11. Lover says:

    Not so much a prince as a natural-born soccer hooligan

  12. Becks1 says:

    William really is just so entitled. He made the new manager come to windsor because he wanted to talk about football with him for an hour.

    I feel like for every typical royal event he does, he has to do 2-3 sports related ones to make himself feel more important.

  13. DeluxeDuckling says:

    I’m just going to say it. This man has no friends. His personality, beyond what we snipe about online, must be insufferable. We joke about his cringe poses but he has let us know through his actual actions and behavior what an illiterate, ignorant toad he is.
    The only people who would hang out with such a person would do it for status (majority) or boredom (rose).
    ….. talking about football for an hour with a pro coach as “work” sure feels like he hasn’t got anyone in his life to actually talk about football with and like…. hang out.
    Am I crazy? It vibes that way, no?

  14. Lau says:

    It’s not just in football that the English women team is better than the men one, in rugby they win pretty much everything as well but the Royal family never gives a cr*p about women teams.
    And also, his beloved Aston Villa might be doing “well” in the Champions League (really hoping they lose against Club Brugge) they’re doing not so great in the Premier League and got crushed last night 4-1 lol. William is bad luck even at a distance !

    • Becks1 says:

      I’ve been rooting against Aston Villa all season and my husband doesn’t fully get it, lol.

      I mean we’re a Tottenham family so its not like we have a lot to brag about this season, so I need to be petty where I can haha.

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