James Hewitt: Princess Diana would try to get Harry & William ‘together’

Once Princess Diana’s years-long affair with James Hewitt was finally done and she was no longer in a love-and-sex haze, she realized that Hewitt is an idiot. It’s true, and we still see it whenever Hewitt opens his mouth. In the decades since his affair with Diana ended, Hewitt has sold her out completely, writing books and giving paid interviews and chiming in as some kind of “royal expert.” It’s all pretty sleazy. Well, they got Hewitt to go on the record about… Prince William and Prince Harry’s estrangement and how Diana would feel about it. Good lord.

Diana, Princess of Wales would be trying to reunite her sons if she was still alive, her former lover has said. Army Major James Hewitt, who had a five-year affair with the late princess from 1986, was asked in a rare television interview if he thought she may have been able to engineer a rapprochement between the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Sussex, who have barely spoken in five years.

“I think any mother would be worried and concerned about such a rift, as you put it,” he said. “And she’d do her best to try and get them together.”

Major Hewitt, who now devotes his time to aid work in Ukraine, told Good Morning Britain the last time he had spoken to the late princess was “just after” her BBC Panorama interview with Martin Bashir in November 1995, during which she admitted to their affair. He described the conversation as “distant” and admitted that the interview did “create problems” for him from which he was “trying to move on”.

The Princess was asked by Mr Bashir whether she had been unfaithful to the then Prince Charles with Major Hewitt, her riding instructor. She replied: “Yes. I was in love with him. But I was very let down.” Major Hewitt had collaborated on an unauthorised biography and the late Princess said it was “very distressing” for her that someone she had trusted had used their connection to make money. The former Life Guards officer was swiftly cast as a “love rat” by the tabloid media and found his reputation in tatters.

“It was a stitch-up job,” he said of the Panorama interview on Tuesday. “It was appalling of Bashir to [have] inveigled, lied to her, criminal activity, absolutely appalling. As I’ve said, I hate bullies and bullying and arrogant people and I think it’s appalling.”

[From The Telegraph]

I didn’t realize that he was currently doing work in Ukraine. Good for him. As for his statement about Diana… yeah, he kept that brief. It still sucks that he even said anything and it’s sick that Diana’s former lover is fixing his mouth to speak about Diana’s sons. As for the sentiment… I’ve never really believed that “Diana would want William and Harry to figure it out and reconcile.” I’ve always believed that Diana would be so proud of what Harry has done by standing up for Meghan and moving to California.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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38 Responses to “James Hewitt: Princess Diana would try to get Harry & William ‘together’”

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  1. Tessa says:

    I am suspicious about this man suddenly re appears. The derangers now are trashing both Diana and harry. I doubt Diana took his calls or called him after that book came out. Charles confessed he cheated on dian a the year before panorama and caused the parker Bowles divorced. Charles walked out of the marriage to Diana years before. They were more or less separated since the mid eighties. Hewitt us trying to get in more 15 mins of fame. It’s time he stopped going to the media

  2. somebody says:

    Who knows that Di would have been speaking to Will by now. He did make a point of condemning her interview and calling her paranoid.

    • Tessa says:

      Diana would have backed the sussexes every step of the way.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      I believe she would have helped keep William in check, and he wouldn’t have turned into such a bad human being.

      • Tessa says:

        William also was getting “king in waiting lessons” from his grandmother the Queen and Charles was also encouraging William’s laziness. William perhaps would have been “indoctrinated” more against his mother even if she had lived. Though she may have tried to get him to work. She would have tried to talk him out of the “fake” work like showing up at the Air Ambulance for photo ops and missing shifts.

  3. Tessa says:

    Hewitt was holding those letters from Diana and could not sell them. He should keep quiet about Diana forever after .

    • Jaded says:

      He’s disgusting. I remember when he got arrested along with his newscaster girlfriend for cocaine possession. They spent the night in jail but were let off with a warning. Both their careers tanked after that so I imagine his aid work is all he can get.

  4. HeatherC says:

    I think she would have liked them to at least come to terms. But she definitely wouldn’t be on William’s “side” unilaterally. She of all people knew how destructive and insidious the heir/spare “Firm” dynamic could be and did her best to protect Harry within the structure she had to work with.

    She would absolutely be proud of Harry and what he’s achieved and what he’s done.

    • Jazz Hands says:

      I agree with your take. Parents typically want their children to have some sort of a relationship, even if one of them is insufferable. But she’d understand and be on Harry’s side.

    • Jaded says:

      Agree. William is and has been such an entitled, vicious little prick that he would have had no trouble turning on his mother and throwing her under the bus. He’s already called her paranoid.

  5. ThatGirlThere says:

    Always an eye roll when this guy is quoted about Lady Diana 🙄

    It’s impossible to know how things would’ve played out between Henry and Will if Diana were still alive. Given Will’s volatile nature and bratty behavior when Diana was around, it’s likely she would’ve adored both boys and tried to guide them. But let’s be real, Henry probably would’ve been the only one listening.

    • Becks1 says:

      yeah, if diana were alive, everything about her boys’ lives would look very different, so this is a tricky game to play.

      But in general, I think she’d side with the son who removed his wife from the Firm to protect her life and her mental health, and not the one who called her paranoid.

  6. AlexandraS says:

    Every Rota story of the past 2 weeks has been to distract from Invictus, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, Meghan’s new show which is a HUGE platform and will skyrocket to #1 on Netflix’s most watched.
    No mother would want her sons to bicker, nor would any mother like being called paranoid by her oldest son, William.
    Silly sorry with obvious iming.

  7. Tessa says:

    If Hewitt hates bullies why did he sign that book contract. He showed arrogance and betrayed diana.

    • Jes says:

      The bm is pumping up meghans netflix (coming) viewer figures with each article. Netflix execs must be so thrilled

  8. Well he can say that but if she were around it would be a different story. I believe she would back Good King Harry and Meg but maybe things would be different if she were still here. Maybe Peg wouldn’t be such a putz and Diana wouldn’t let a gold digging mother and daughter duo near him.

    • Tessa says:

      William showed his mean nature when Diana was still alive. I think He would have still sold her out and would be angry at her supporting harry.

  9. jais says:

    Omg, sounds like this guy betrayed Diana so who cares what he thinks about her sons? How absurd to even ask him. What idiots are these GMB people.

  10. GoodWitchGlenda says:

    Eh, two things can be true.

    I believe she would have wholeheartedly supported Harry and Meghan’s move to CA, but I also believe she would have wanted her sons to remain close. What mother wants her sons to dislike each other? Of course she would want better for their relationship.

    • Tessa says:

      Diana would not have tolerated William trying to break up harry and Meghan

    • FHmom says:

      As the mom of two girls who fight like cats and dogs, I whole heartedly agree that Diana would have wanted her boys to get along. Nobody has children hoping they grow up to hate each other. Nobody.

      • Christine says:

        Exactly this, which is why it is so stupid that James Hewitt got paid to give his opinion. Every parent wants their kids to get along, it’s just part of the job.

  11. Tessa says:

    Hewitt comes out of the woodwork so to speak so who’s next, Tom Jr and Samantha and Tom Sr. again?

    • ABritGuest says:

      Why doesn’t anyone ever ask what Charles their father is doing to repair the relationship? it’s interesting that it’s always if Diana was alive she’d want them to make up, be close etc. well Charles IS alive & yet there’s zero expectation that he should try help them resolve their differences (or indeed his own with his sons)

      • ShazBot says:

        Charles is held to zero standard as a father and hasn’t been for years and years.
        The few stories we get are that William is volatile and Charles doesn’t want to rock the boat by having a relationship with Harry. Why do they think Diana would be better able to manage William’s volatility?

      • Tessa says:

        Charles seems to be intimidated by William. He could have told William to back off.

  12. Gaylene says:

    Does this mean we can expect the odious Paul Burrell to be trotted out soon? 🤦‍♀️

    • aquarius64 says:

      Diana’s side dude must be strapped for cash for him to surface. The only plus is this won’t make it to the US so much and this embarrasses William.

      • Tessa says:

        Hewitt was living with his mother. He needs to get real work instead of talking about dian a to the media. Another one who has no shame.

  13. Chantale says:

    I am pretty sure as a mother, Diana would have liked his sons to be close. He would be very proud of Good King Harry. I am 99% sure if she was alive she would have fixed or tried to fix the relationship between her two sons. Just because Bully Boy is awful now does not men his mom would have abandoned him for Harry. She was a mother who lived her sons. I think Harry had the benefit of love from QEI because he was younger and a spare. I do not think Bully Boy and chucky benefited from QEII’ s love at all. That is why they are so awful and jealous surrounding themselves by awful wives and courtiers.

    • Chantale says:

      Corrections, got distracted.
      He would be very proud of Good King Harry. I am 99% sure if she was alive she would have fixed or tried to fix the relationship between her two sons. Just because Bully Boy is awful now does not mean his mom would have abandoned him for Harry. She was a mother who loved her sons. I think Harry had the benefit of the love from QEII because he was younger and a spare. I do not think Bully Boy and Chucky benefited from QEII’ s love at all. That is why they are so awful and jealous surrounding themselves with awful wives and courtiers.

    • Tessa says:

      Harry I think did try with William but it became hopeless. There are times when some have to just walk away. Diana probably would have tried but unless William had gotten counseling it would have been difficult. William did cruel things to his mother like barring her from the Eton picnic even though she had prepared the lunch

  14. Tn Democrat says:

    Diana would have spotted the Middleton grift from 1000 yards away. I doubt Willy would have settled for Keener if Diana had lived. The Middleton’s really exploited his vulnerabilities to honeytrap him and Diana would not have tolerated their con games. As future king he had the men in grey whispering in his ear in a way that Harry never did. She passed so long ago that people forget that the press was turning on her and publishing really hateful things about her those last years of her life. The rumors that she was mentally ill were prevalent even then. Willy would have turned on her at some point. Harry and Will-not would have ended up estranged regardless.

  15. Eurydice says:

    What was the point of this interview? Is he writing another book? Was he talking about his work in Ukraine? He didn’t really go on the record about Will and Harry. He didn’t say anything about them at all – just that any mother would be worried and concerned.

    It’s hard to know what would have happened with Will and Harry had Diana lived. The trauma of her death put them on a different path.

  16. Tessa says:

    Of course the DM derangers in comments are blaming it all on Meghan. I think Diana would have adored Meghan. She would not have liked much the Middletons.Carole Middleton even put down Diana saying she was a “better mother” to William.

    • booboocita says:

      @Tessa: You’re right — Diana would have cherished Meghan. She would have loved Meghan’s work ethic, her devotion to her causes, her genuine desire to help others, and so much more. I imagine Diana might have even acquired a place in Montecito so she could be near her son’s family. And can you imagine Diana dining out with Harry and Meghan, or appearing on Meghan’s show … or at Invictus? The internet would break, the derangers’ heads would explode, and the rota rats would simultaneously stroke out.

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    At least he’s helping in Ukraine.

    That’s all I got.