Netflix dropped a new teaser/sneak peak for the Duchess of Sussex’s new show, With Love, Meghan. We got the trailer in early January, but Meghan delayed the show because of the California wildfires. I wonder if we were always going to get this sneak peak or if it was something Netflix did for WLM because of the delay. In this clip, Meghan is cooking – or preparing a charcuterie platter, I think – with restaurateur Roy Choi. He shocks her by saying that he listens to death metal while cooking:
Choi says: “I listen to a lot of lyrical hip hop, jazz, sometimes speed metal, death metal.” Meghan asks, “No, you don’t. What’s speed metal?” He responds, “It’s just, like, dark.” He also jokes that death metal is “good for when you’re butchering.” She had never heard such a thing! Death metal while cooking and butchering! When I cook, I like the TV on in the background, usually tennis, but I’m not opposed to some chill music playing in the background either. Definitely not death metal. I also like when they’re talking about dancing. I honestly can’t wait for this show, I hope she cooks some good stuff.
PS… How long before the other couple references this? They’re about to send Kate out there with a charcuterie board while William tells someone that Charlotte loves to listen to death metal on the school run.
Photos/screenshots courtesy of Netflix and Meghan’s IG.
“That doesn’t sound like the joy of cooking!”
I loved Meghans face when she said this 😉
Each to their own
(Is Death Medal the type the mom listens too in the car in Monsters University?)
Small correction, it’s not “Joy of Cooking,” the cookbook Megan is referencing here. This clip is with LA celebrity Chef, Roy Choi and she is referencing his cookbook which is very associated with his brand, “The Choi of Cooking.” Basically, Meghan is saying the info on death metal as part of his musical playlist is surprising based on what she knows about him from his cookbook and many tv appearances.
Oh that makes sense thank you for explaining I wasnt aware.
Ah, thank you for this reference. Guess the choi of cooking includes some death metal, lol.
With all the craziness in the world, the little trip ups/ typos in this post over sound alike words gave me a welcome chuckle this morning
Peak Peek
Medal Metal
Joy Choi
I don’t think it’s charcuterie board. It looks to me like it may be a Korean salad dish. Regardless, it looks good and I’m ready to watch Meg cooks, chat and reminisce about the “Kid & Play and club days. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Won’t Katie be too busy making her jam for to do anything else? They’ll soon say how Willy makes bread! 🥴
Forget jam. Now the trend is charcuterie board. Somebody find a nice Asian restaurant in Windsor to make hairy dandruffy charcuterie board.
May be she will appear with plaster and bandage saying kitchen accident while making charcuterie board. Who knows. In many other RF, the curiosity is about what they wear and what they do. But here in KP, the question is how they going to lie and photoshop. Such a 💩 💩
We’re about to see Kate dance to death metal while butchering an organic chicken. She doesn’t have friends so her kids will be there drawing the dead chicken. All of this will be released on march 4, or 5 of course
This would be mean if it wasn’t 100% true. Her Single White Femaling is getting out of control, fake cancer be damned!
Kate has been doing this copycat thing for decades, starting with her Jecca looks during the dating years. That’s all she knows.
Oh my god! This made me laugh out loud and now people are looking at me as though I’m weird. The mental image this conjured up “dance to death metal while butchering an organic chicken”.
Tears streaming at the moment. I can’t stop laughing, picturing the expression of grim focus on the copycat while she performs the task.
I love Celebitchy commenters. So damn witty. Thank you for a great laugh this afternoon!
The way I laughed at this was unseemly.
Her face was so funny. I really enjoyed the clip!
Her expressions were cracking me up. The two of them had a good rapport.
Meghan reaction was adorable lol. I can’t wait for this show!
It was adorable, I am already in love with Meghans new show from just a few clips and a trailer.. I am probably to excited for March 4🤗
I don’t know what made me chuckle more: her “no you don’t, what’s speed metal?” or her reaction to his comment about it being good when you’re butchering. It was genuine (and the same reaction I know I had)
I’m sure someone will come up with a Korean friend they loved to dance with back in the day. And yeah, a visit with an unsuspecting charity is imminent where a charcuterie board can be made in front of the cameras.
I was hoping for a smash cut to Meghan and Roy head banging to death metal while building their charcuterie board.
Was I the only one waiting for her to bust out the Roger Rabbit?
The clip was awesome and I can’t wait for next week. Meghan has such a joy and radiance and kindness (and goofiness) about her that I think this show will be so much fun. I cannot wait to see her shine. I hope the show and WLM line will be an enormous success.
And yes, lol, let the countdown begin to the kopykeens talking about charcuterie board recipes and metal. Jealous fools.
Nope!!! And I bet I wasn’t the only one who immediately started hearing Ain’t gonna hurt nobody lol.
Yeah, I wanted them to break out the moves😂. Maybe next season. I was just thinking that it’s only maybe 6 episodes of 30m. It’s gonna fly by.
My daughter lives in Korea Town in Los Angeles and love it. I enjoyed hearing them talk about back in the day how much fun they had club hopping. Besides the cooking and entertaining aspect of Meghan’s show, these are the gems I am looking to that goes beyond the back story the gutter rats want to push. So looking forward to her show.
I’m here for it!
She’s really good at bringing out the chattiness in people in a very personable way. Doesn’t seem like an interview with prearranged questions, just two people talking and the conversation building naturally.
I can see why they needed her to be 50% less because 30 minutes of this natural connection, and sense of humor is going to knock people out of the park.
Also I laughed at the Roger Rabbit and Kid N Play reference because my best friend and I did that dance in the talent show when we were kids, she’s definitely not kidding about how big those dances were at every party.
She didn’t believe he listed to death metal lol. This looks like so much fun! I listen to Van Halen (the original version) while I cook. I have a speaker I bring to the kitchen with Bluetooth and my phone. Big meal prep goes, for me, much faster when I play music. Maybe the other two will next be seen at a butcher shop cutting meat while listening to death metal lol. Wonder what they would wear for that.
I never thought about listening to death metal while cooking. That’s driving in the car alone music.
When I get out of choir practise I crank up the metal, takes me right out of my head. I like the chaotic mad blaring rage of it all.
I can’t wait to watch this i love the way Choi cooks i very much enjoyed him in Chef with Jon favou
What I love about what’s about to be revealed about M’s show is that a whole lot of people are about to be gagged! LMFAO
And this will be especially satisfying to see in the shitgibbons’ response.
Once again, it will be revealed that M is an outside-the-box thinker. There are a million cooking shows on teevee & streaming. And that’s why most people (& let’s face it, most people are lemmings) can’t conceive of how M’s show (which has never been described as a cooking show by its principals) could be diff.
I hear dumbasses dragging up Pamela whatshername as someone who M is copying. I doubt there’s anyone of the global millions of M’s supporters who knows or rmbrs who Pamela is or was.
Anyhoooo…….Can’t! Wait! for March 4!!!
There is no need to insult Pamela Anderson. Meghan stands on her own. They both have fan bases and many of those mirror each other. They both have cooking shows with different styles and emphasis on different areas. Both are good and you don’t need to denigrate one to build up the other. The two women are not in competition, they are enough by themselves.
Agreed. I am a fan of both ladies. Meghan’s show sounds more to my liking, but come on – everyone knows who Pamela Anderson is 😹
To be honest, I know nothing about pamela anderson having a cooking show. Which explains my level of interest in her.
Ive never liked or disliked pamela anderson but I find the sanitization of her past to be the height of hypocrisy and frankly, hilarious. Especially in light of her fairly recent infamy when she was trying to force Assange down our collective throat.
I concur! Pamela is a very nice. I wish both of them sucess!
You say you know nothing about Pamela Anderson and then recite everything you know. You don’t like her and don’t have to but don’t insult her to build up Meghan. They are two different people. There was no need to bring Pamala into it. Pitting women against other women is pointless and achieves nothing.
I have heard of Pamela Anderson, but I know that she isn’t necessarily known by everyone. I wouldn’t say that I cared for her back during the time that she was more well known, but I don’t know much about her now to have an opinion and I was unaware that she had a cooking show. I don’t think others not necessarily knowing who she is or not liking the little they know about her is them trying to “build Meghan up”. The post is about Meghan and Pamela was casually mentioned as one of the things her haters are trying to attack her with, so for some to mention the little they know or don’t know about her, is reasonable and isn’t necessarily an attempt to “build Meghan up”.
@Nerd Understandest what thou readest? I never said I “know nothing about Pamela Anderson.” Try again.
How are you any different from the horde that said M said she knew nothing about those unwashed scammers in palaces when in fact, what she said was that she DIDNT KNOW MUCH about them.
I pity folks with no comprehension skills.
Sorry @Nerd……….my response was for @Joanne
Pamela Anderson is awesome. She lives not far from me on Vancouver Island and is a joy. If you’d actually watched her shows you’d realize that. She is a lifelong vegetarian so her show highlights a whole different way of eating well while keeping it meat-free. This is a woman who had a terrible life growing up. Her parents were abusive, both to the kids and to each other. Her father was a raging alcoholic. She was raped constantly by her female babysitter and again by a family friend when she was 12 — when she told her parents they simply denied it and kept on with their family feuding. Sometimes it got so bad her grandmother had to come get the kids and take them to her home for a few days — the home that Pamela is living in and renovating. Considering the horrors of her childhood small wonder she turned into a Playboy bunny/sex object, she admits herself that it was a fake persona that took over to mitigate her lack of self-esteem.
Jaded, thank you for all of that information about Pamela, I had no idea and it saddens me that she endured so much at such a young age and throughout her life. I’m happy that she was able to get to the other side of unimaginable abuse and rape to live a more peaceful and happy life. Too often people’s lives are forever changed for the worst and can’t escape it physically, mentally or emotionally.
Jaded Thank you for the background info on Pam Anderson I watch her first show when she bought that property on Vancouver Island. And I am watching her two shows where she decorates her son’s house, installs her garden and her cooking show. Trolls will always have something to complain about. But if you look at Pam’s cooking show you will see it has a total different ethos and philosophy to Meghan’s show and given that they are filmed in different parts of North America also I suspect a variation in cooking styles.
I think I read that Roy Choi has a restaurant in Santa Barbara or is opening another one? Maybe other people already knew of him but I didn’t! I don’t generally watch cooking shows or channels. But now I really wana go and eat in Santa Barbara😂
I’ve watched Roy’s YT videos about cooking and thought he was so cute! He’s got great energy and a perfect choice to join M in an episode. Can’t wait to watch!
His deadpan quick switch from “it’s good for when you’re butchering” to “so I cut these…” is top notch!
Very cute. If she’s selling those aprons, I take one in every color.
I’m very excited for the show! 💗
Tennis cooking FTW!
While Meghan talks about days in the club for karaoke and old school dances, Kate’s clubbing days involved chasing down wealthy guys from old money/titled families so to uplift the Middletons’ social status.
And no knickers!
And falling drunk out of limos.
Meghan’s show looks so good and fun. I’m not a foodie, but I’m excited to watch it!
The look Meghan gave Roy Choi!
It sounds like Archie and Lili will have to relocate to the guest house, once they’re in their goth/metal phase, so as not to disturb Mommy and her (humming) birds and the bees (bee hives). Wonder what Harry is listening to.
So, so, so much looking forward to WLM, and curious about the guests. Had no idea Roy Choi knew Anthony Bourdain until recently.
Her facial expression is so adorable!!
I always listen to music while cooking and if something really good comes up, I might sing along and do a little dance move here and there. In fact, these days, my kitchen is the only place where I dance.
LOL my vacuum cleaner is the best dance partner. When doing dishes (by hand, no dishwasher) I like to crank the tunes (Martika’s Kitchen, anyone?) and let ‘er rip! I haven’t heard of these dances, let alone the music they are discussing. But it may be time to listen to some Sublime (heh, heh).
The only way I get cleaning done (and it speeds me up) is to crank Gaga. And I always have music on when I cook, everything from Gaga to Phish to Miles or Coltrane. I also have a portable speaker and just take it room to room w/my phone. Recently discovered music is trick to folding and putting away laundry as well! Rock on celebitchies!
This show just looks so warm and comforting.
Honestly, I’m glad she postponed it, because I think we could all use that comfort after the last 6 weeks.
Hee. Sounds like Choi is a Seton Hall radio station devotee. Metal is mostly what they play—and take pride in being the world’s loudest. Or something…🤣
I would love it if fellow Squaddies joined me in mosh pits. They’re fun!
How’s CopyKate going to top this one? Go to Download festival and pretend to join a pit? Hold a crack baby and bob her head pretending to listen to the music?
(Considering one of the headliners is a UK band, though prog metal, it actually wouldn’t be a bad look….if someone other than those two did it – Horses aren’t allowed in the pit though.)
Peak = top of mountain
Peek = quick view
I loved it when Chef Choi said he and Meghan should have met years ago because they’re so alike — and then he makes the death metal comment LOL.
People just really relate to Meghan because she’s so warm and open. I cannot wait for this show.
Let them imitate. One of the ways in which people learn good behaviour. And they have chosen the very best role models.
Next thing you know the Palace will be giving Roy Choi an OBE for cooking 🤣🤣🤣
Hi All,
Typically I don’t post often on this site…I love me some Meghan, but I thought it was a little awkward…stilted if you will…I’m gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and because she is a hard worker she will get better…just my opinion
There will be differences of opinion. I thought it was a v cute exchange. The only way to give her the benefit of the doubt and see if she gets better in your opinion is to watch all the episodes. So I hope you get some enjoyment out of the watch🥰. Since you love you some Megan I’m sure you’ll enjoy moments of it.
ABSOLUTELY!!! I will be watching every episode 🙂
It was a bit stilted, like they were just meeting and making small talk. The expressions on her face were hilarious though. I checked out a speed metal playlist after this clip. Definitely a no for me.
Just 4 days to go.. ⏳🤗
Meghan is a plum ahead of Copykate: she has female friends. Kate can’t keep up with that.
I’m so excited for this show. I loved their banter and how natural it was. Some of the best and most relaxing conversations you can have are in the kitchen with family and friends. It’s obvious that they haven’t met before but their being able to genuinely connect with each other is refreshing and a sign of how easily they connect with others.
I just checked out a speed metal clip. Um. What? I couldn’t imagine doing any fine motor work while that was going on. Maybe it would be good for a workout class where the story is everyone is running from a group of axe wielding maniacs wearing elaborate masks. Then after the cardio running section, you begin a kickboxing section when you turn around and beat the crap out of the axe weilding maniacs. Speed metal sounds like a great accompaniment to a high intensity fitness class with a dark theme. I might play a clip for my 2 year old this afternoon and see how he reacts. I think he’ll be confused.
No idea who this man is, but butchering? I don’t even want to think about that, much less have it referenced when food is supposed to appeal to me. All of the ick.
Unless you are a vegetarian or vegan surely you have used a butcher to get meat. Of course the word butcher is regularly associated with food. Are you being serious!
I am very excited for this show. And I admit, I am one of those that plays different genres of music when I am in the kitchen. I usually put on Rage Against the Machine and Breaking Benjamin when I am making bread and punching dough, 50s music when I am making diner style meals…etc.