Millie Bobby Brown wants people to stop talking about how ‘old’ she looks as a blonde

At the SAG Awards last weekend, Millie Bobby Brown walked her first red carpet as a platinum blonde. I mean, I guess that’s what we’re calling this shade of blonde. No one knows for sure why Millie has changed up her look so dramatically? It could be that she’s just young and experimenting with her appearance. It’s possible that she married a hottie from New Jersey and decided to go full Jersey Girl. MBB’s fans have another theory, that she’s preparing to play Britney Spears in a film adaptation of Britney’s ghost-written memoir, The Woman In Me. I don’t have an answer for this, other than it definitely looks like it’s for a movie, but you never know with Millie. I think she’s still figuring out who she wants to be.

Meanwhile, these are some photos from the Madrid premiere of The Electric State, Anthony and Joe Russo’s latest film. Millie costars with Chris Pratt and a robot. Her husband Jake Bongiovi came to Madrid to support her and they’re a sweet couple. But yeah, that blonde shade does not look any better in these photos. If anything, it looks worse and like she just got her roots done. Millie has access to the best colorists, so who is responsible for THIS?

Meanwhile, people are taking the criticism way too far and Millie has seen some of it. People are saying she looks like a 40-something mob wife (it’s not a lie, but it’s still mean). British Vogue published a piece called “No One Cares How Old You Think Millie Bobby Brown Looks.” Millie reposted the headline and wrote “thank you.” Girl, if you’re reading this, get a new colorist.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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38 Responses to “Millie Bobby Brown wants people to stop talking about how ‘old’ she looks as a blonde”

  1. Kitten says:

    The blonde is bad but the open-mouth pose with the lip injections that really ages her IMO. She is so naturally pretty..I just don’t get it. I also thought the lip injection trend was on the outs precisely because it ages people..are young white women still doing this shit?

    • Eurydice says:

      She’s always had full lips, so I wonder if this isn’t just the makeup – but I agree about the open-mouthed pose. Before, she had a more distinctive look, now she’s more TikTok generic.

      • Kitten says:

        She has which is why the lip injections are so stupid. If you look at older pics of her she had a shapely top lip and now it just has that slug look to it, like she erased her cupid’s bow.

    • wordnerd says:

      The lip injections, the makeup and the blonde are all working against her.

      • Juju says:

        Yes she looks very “done” and it’s not just the color but the whole look, including the heavy makeup and whatever tweaks she’s been making to her face.

    • Arhus says:

      Yes! It’s not the hair color it’s how she has been holding her face.

  2. Snuffles says:

    It’s not just her hair, it’s her makeup and eyebrows.

    • jais says:

      Yeah, I was gonna say that I can see the blonde working if maybe she played with some different make-up looks to go with it? I just feel like she’s young so let her play with her hair color. Like come on. I always wanted to dye my hair red but never did. Its still not too late but I’ve finally got it close too a decent color, keeping it brownish while covering grays as opposed to going too blonde. But I’m still tempted…

    • pottymouth pup says:

      she’s Blonde throughout most of The Electric State but was brunette at the start of it so, in the film, it looks like it’s done to show and support an age progression from young teen to older teen (mind you, she actually looks like the young adult she is with the blonde hair instead of the 15 or 16yo HS student she’s supposed to be).

      That said, the reason people are talking about how much older she looks now isn’t just the blonde hair, it’s the styling and excessive makeup contouring that she has going and it DOES make her look much older and, often, more like one of those middle-aged Real Housewives who’ve had too much work and use a lot of make-up to try to look like they’re in their 20s.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      Agreed, but also the overall styling. The dress fits her so poorly. Please someone get her a stylist.

      • Hannah says:

        The dress belonged to Gwyneth Paltrow. Worn in 1998 to the Shakespeare in Love premiere. Shoddy, shoddy job on the tailoring for MBB. Goop is about 6 or 7 inches taller than her

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      I agree. It’s not the hair, it’s the makeup and most of all, the eyebrows. The thinner you pluck, the older you look. It’s fine if that’s the look you’re going for. Ask all the ladies in the 90’s!!

  3. OS says:

    I think that for some people social media is more real than what they see with their own eyes among their own age cohort.

  4. sasatea says:

    I don’t think the blonde is that bad but the makeup is not helping, maybe it’s the lighting as well, but it makes everything look harsher

    • Chrissy says:

      I agree about the makeup. It’s quite heavy-handed, even for an evening event, but she does have nice skin and a lighter hand would have enhanced that, rather than look like a mask. Honestly, I think the heavy makeup and drastic change in hair colour together really ages her. Getting some subtle highlights might have worked better. But, as long as she likes it. (shrug)

  5. HeatherC says:

    Her whole styling lately is aging. The hair, make up, some of her outfits. And I think she’s experimenting with tweaking with her face. I wish young women would stop doing that 🙁

    Child starts transitioning to adulthood and adult roles can be tricky, I wish her luck. She’s got the talent to go far, and (so far) we haven’t had to witness any Lindsay Lohan-type self destruction,

    • molly says:

      Kylie Jenner did the exact same thing. It’s really sad to see how much these VERY young women are changing themselves to their own detriment.

      • Chrissy says:

        I saw a side-by-side of Kylie Jenner’s face pre- and post-cosmetic surgery recently and was shocked as she looks like a completely different person. But, then again, so do her half-sisters Kim and Khloe. It’s sad that they felt they had to do that. Low self-esteem and a monetizing momager can sure do a lot of damage!

  6. Wmarie says:

    It’s the overall styling…hair, makeup, clothing etc that’s aging her. I think she’s just trying to have some fun, but she is looking like someone from the Trump family.

  7. ThatGirlThere says:

    It’s not just the questionable blonde hair – her entire look is very…bold. She’s giving me major Kate Beckinsale vibes, and while I adore Kate, she can be a bit…much at times. Add to that being the breadwinner for her family and creepy texts from Drake. She’s been pushed towards adulthood for a long time.

  8. Scarlett says:

    So that’s not Kim Bassinger or Ireland Baldwin? Could have sworn it was Kim. Alrighty then!

  9. Sue says:

    You say Jersey girl; I say mob wife aesthetic.

    When I saw the SAG Award photos, I thought I was looking at Katherine Heigl at first glance, who is a very beautiful woman in her 40s. But yeah Millie is only 20.

  10. sevenblue says:

    I have just seen photos of her from the premiere in Spain. She looks her age and the makeup and styling are very cute. So, she really needs to change up whoever is styling her. It might be what she is requesting, but being surrounded by yes men isn’t good for anyone.

  11. lanne says:

    I get her look. I see it the same way I saw the Olsen twins when they were in their “homeless chic” swaths of fabric. They still avoid figure-fitting clothing to this day. When you are sexualized so young, and expected to be a fanasty figure for men old enough to be your grandfather, developing a mature look seems like a perfect way to hit back. Brown doesn’t owe the world her youth, her beauty, or her sex appeal. If she wants to look like she’s waiting for an invitation to the Golden Girls house in 1986, power to her. She’s trolling the hell out of the public, on her own terms. Just like the Olsens turned their “My mansion caught fire and and I ran out with all the closthes I had and decided to wear them all” into a specific style that they then refined into their luxury brand, this could be Brown’s way of saying “I decide what I look like, and I don’t give a shit what you think.” Her look could be accessorized with a Bartles and James wine cooler. I love it. Good for her. The public has a right to hate it–lots of people made fun of the Olsen twins styling–I probably did, too. But I love how they persisted with it in defiance of the criticism. All women go wrong when they try too hard to be “likeable” or “appealing.” because even the women who are held up as beauty standards get shit on by the public. Approval can always be withheld–the goalposts will always change. That’s the power the gazer can always inflict on the object of their gaze. Unless the person in sight says “fuck you, I’m going to dress the way that I want to. Complain as you like. You obviously have the right to complain, but I have the equal right not to give a shit. have the day you deserve.”

    • Jais says:

      I’m still in the very large overcoat phase of my life and don’t think I’ll ever give it up. And yeah it’s Olsen influenced with a dash of Jessica fletcher. It just feels like there’s way too much discussion about how she looks. As a young child actor the comparison to the olsens
      makes sense .

  12. Mightymolly says:

    This is the problem with the ageless look. When Millie and Kylie use the same cosmetic strategies as 40-50 year old women, it creates an uncanny valley of age markers.

  13. Jay says:

    There is a whole contingent of 20 – something starlets that, to my aging millennial eye, look like Real Housewives. The heavy bronzer, the contouring, the bleached blonde – it’s definitely not what I would choose. I have a knee-jerk reaction that it seems such a shame to cover up her natural beauty.

    But then I thought back to my own youth: the overplucked eyebrows, the matte foundation, and the lips overlined with brown lip liner. The glittery eye pencil…
    Maybe I don’t get to judge, haha. Maybe this is just a universal experience that we try to rebel against what came before.

  14. Lizzie says:

    Millie is young, she should change her look as often as she likes. While I’ll agree it’s a more mature look, she looks beautiful, and she does not look 40. However, reminds me of Miley Cyrus. After she got married, she had a similar makeover. Frankly I thought it was the best Miley ever looked LOL.

  15. Tuesday says:

    It’s not the hair color. It’s the obvious Botox and fillers. Young women…it ages you. If you are happy, do it and be happy. But don’t think no one is going to notice.

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      Yeah, honestly I would not be surprised if she decided to time a dramatic hair color change to coincide with some work on her face so people are distracted and the cosmetic work is harder to pick out because the drastic hair color change does make a person’s face look strange.

      Then once the cosmetic work has settled enough you switch back to your original hair color, your face looks strange AGAIN because people got used to the new hair color, but also this is more familiar to most people so most people will like it more than they did the new color, and unless you got bad work done or went too extreme nobody will be able to pick out what you did to your face right off the top of their head, they’d have to do side-by-side photo comparisons.

  16. LeaTheFrench says:

    It’s not the hair, or not only. It’s the styling, the very heavy make-up (that is way too much foundation, too much eye shadow, too much lip contouring), the poor fit of the dress, the outdating hearings, the excessive taning… This look is very dated and I bet she looks time times fresher when she wakes up in the morning without all of…this. She’s a lovely young woman and does not need so much “production”, it actually takes some of her natural beauty away.

  17. Aurora says:

    I can see why she wouldn’t bother with others’ opinions. But is true she looks 20yrs older and not at all improved bc of Bravo RHO… makeup, lip fillers and styling. Is she preparing to enter one of the RH shows?

  18. mightymolly says:

    There’s nothing I can do for Hollywood starlets, but just dropping this here cuz y’all keep me laughing all day:

    The Nuface toner is great for plumping lips. It’s a temporary effect obviously but it never makes you look like a real housewife.

  19. Gisby says:

    Not just her colourist. She needs a better stylist, wardrobe manager, and plastic surgeon. It’s not just the hair making her look old, and bad with it.

  20. SJI says:

    Another factor MBB always dressing older than her age. Some of her outfits look way too: “A former Beauty Queen pageant winner shows up in an outfit trying to take attention away from the bride, and misses her youth” look. She never looks young or trendy. She needs better stylists all around.

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