Ione Skye was one of the original Cool Girls. Beautiful, the daughter of a ‘60s icon, an underrated actress, star of the cult favorite Say Anything, and ended up married to a Beastie Boy. She’s lived a huge life with tons of famous friends, and she’s written a memoir which is out this week. It’s called Say Everything, and she details why her marriage to Adam Horovitz ended, how she had an intense teenage relationship with Anthony Kiedis (omg) and how she and John Cusack slept together years after they filmed Say Anything. OMG. Some highlights from her People Mag interview:
Her famous friends: “I’m a little nervous,” Skye tells PEOPLE of name-checking so many celebs in the book. But she also says that at her age, she’s found peace with telling the truth about her life and career. “I think as you get older, you feel freer just taking chances creatively and not worrying so much about everybody being happy. Or worrying about looking like a fool. I definitely don’t want to hurt anyone. But some people I named in the book have read it, and luckily everyone has loved it.”
She slept with John Cusack. Skye had always maintained that while they had crushes on each other during filming, they never hooked up on set. In the book, she divulges that they eventually did sleep together, albeit years later. “I had to get it out of my system,” she writes in the book, of getting together with him after her divorce from her first husband, Adam Horovitz. She says she allowed Cusack to read a draft of her memoir, and afterward, he texted her: “You made the experience sound so meh! It wasn’t ‘meh’ for me,” he told her. “I was like, I’m telling a story, and it was more about how all of our chemistry was in our working together and stimulating each other’s minds, not sleeping together!” Skye says, adding with a laugh, “I felt a little bad, but, oh well.”
Her friend River Phoenix: “River ended up being a brother to me, but I remember at the time thinking, ‘Oh I’m in love with him!’ I couldn’t wait to do my kissing scene with him. He was just delicious.'”
Her relationship with Anthony Kiedis: She also goes into her tumultuous relationship with rocker Anthony Kiedis, who she dated when she was 16 and he was 24 and struggling with a heroin addiction. Skye also had an abortion after getting pregnant by him in her late teens. “I’m not in touch with him,” she admits, admitting that she’s a little nervous over what he’ll think of the book.
Falling for Adam Horovitz: Skye also opens up about meeting and falling for Horovitz when she was 20, and what it was like being part of the “It Couple” of the early ’90s. The duo got married in 1992, but during their union, Skye discovered her bisexuality and entered into a series of affairs, including one with model Jenny Shimizu, the author reveals. They eventually divorced in 2000, and Horovitz later married Bikini Kill singer Kathleen Hanna. “I wrote to Adam,” Skye says, of letting him know he’d be in the book. “He’s private, but also such a big part of my story so he couldn’t not be in it.”
Her husband of 15 years, Aussie rocker Ben Lee. “My husband, yeah, he knew everything,” Skye says of Lee, 46. “I mean, he’s kind of amazing. I don’t think anything ruffled his feathers except that I spent so much time ruminating on a lot of the early chapters, and then by the time I got to the end and his chapters, I was sort of rushing through it. And he was like, wait a minute, wait a minute. I’ve been by your side this whole time and you can’t rush through my part!”
I’m trying to figure out the timeline – it’s likely that Ione and John Cusask slept together in the early ‘00s? She said it was after her divorce from Horovitz, which happened in 2000. I’m just trying to figure out if Cusack was still hot, and he probably was. Because for more than a decade, John Cusack was a pretty major crush for many women. We lost something as a country when Cusack stopped playing the romantic lead in films. He and Ione had so much chemistry, but…he always had chemistry with all of his leading ladies. I also didn’t know the Anthony Kiedis stuff… that’s gross, and as the years go by, we’ll find out more and more about Kiedis and his love of teenagers.
Photos courtesy of kpa Publicity/Avalon/Avalon, Cover Images. Book cover courtesy of Simon & Schuster.
- Teen Lover – Daß sich die hochbegabte Schülerin Diana Court (IONE SKYE) am Tag der Abschlußfeier in den jungen Lloyd (JOHN CUSACK) verliebt, paßt ihrem Vater James gar nicht. Lloyd ist zwar sympathisch, aber ohne jeglichen Ehrgeiz. Bevor James die junge Liebe jedoch vollends torpedieren kann, wandert er selbst wegen Steuerhinterziehung ins Gefängnis. Regie: Cameron Crowe aka. Say Anything / TEEN LOVER USA 1989,Image: 136841253, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Nur redaktionelle Nutzung im Zusammenhang mit dem Film. Editorial usage only and only related to the movie. Im Falle anderer Verwendungen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. For other uses, please contact us., Model Release: no, Credit line: kpa Publicity/Avalon/Avalon
- Teen Lover – Daß sich die hochbegabte Schülerin Diana Court (IONE SKYE) am Tag der Abschlußfeier in den jungen Lloyd (JOHN CUSACK) verliebt, paßt ihrem Vater James gar nicht. Lloyd ist zwar sympathisch, aber ohne jeglichen Ehrgeiz. Bevor James die junge Liebe jedoch vollends torpedieren kann, wandert er selbst wegen Steuerhinterziehung ins Gefängnis. Regie: Cameron Crowe aka. Say Anything / TEEN LOVER USA 1989,Image: 136841254, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Nur redaktionelle Nutzung im Zusammenhang mit dem Film. Editorial usage only and only related to the movie. Im Falle anderer Verwendungen, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte. For other uses, please contact us., Model Release: no, Credit line: kpa Publicity/Avalon/Avalon
- , Los Angeles, CA – 20181010 Los Angeles Premiere of HBO’s ‘Camping’ -PICTURED: Ione Skye -PHOTO by: Media Punch/ This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded Featuring: Ione Skye Where: Los Angeles, California, United States When: 10 Oct 2018 Credit: Media Punch/
Wut? Cusak is still 🔥 now, so yeah in the early 00s. Glad they eventually hooked up. We can all relate to an itch like that. It’s why high school reunions exist.
John Cusack is absolutely still hot! That man oozes charisma and sexual energy. I’m so glad Ione scratched that itch! Facebook was a hugh facilitator for getting that high school crush out of your system.
Sounds like a very fun read! I regret that Cusack ended up being not a great romantic partner IRL–I think he was a blind item for destroying the mental health of Neve Campbell? I loved Grosse Pointe Blank.
He wrote a memoir/book with Michael Diamond after the other Adam died.
John Cusack was good looking, but he’s had so much plastic surgery now that it is bizarre — almost looking Nicolas Cage-like.
I love this deep cut!
Keidis is so disgusting…I can’t even listen to RHCP anymore & I used to 🔥❤️🔥 their 🎶 🤬 Sometimes it’s good to not see if the INSANE chemistry you have with someone translates to the physical…LIFE taught me that😒
I already informed my library via Libby that I wanna read this…they already have an audiobook & text sample up which means they’re gonna get it❣️…
Kiedis actually wrote a lot about their relationship in his autobiography Scar tissue.
It’s crazy that the only way I know of Jenny Shimizu is through the famous women she has slept with.
Oh my gosh, so true!
Right? Good for her, LOL.
I thought John Cusack was a very good actor: why has his career stalled?
Because he has been vocally anti-war, protesting the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, the U.S. drone war in Pakistan, and Israel’s military campaigns against Palestinians.
I have loved her acting since The River’s Edge.
An great indi about working class teens who feel like they don’t belong.
Also staring Keanu Reeves, Crispin Glover and Dennis Hopper.
I am usually not a celeb memoir person, but i might make an exception for this one.
But, yuck to Kiedis- who i believe still dates teens/girls in their early 20s.
The dicaprio grossness is widespread.
God, I loved her back in the day. The 90s were a time when sooooo many young women, many in their teens, dated much older men and nobody batted an eye. Ione and Anthony, Laura Flynn Boyle and Kyle MacLaughlan, Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp, Juliette Lewis and Brad Pitt…I could go on but you get the point. It is so crazy that it was so legitimized and no big deal. If my 16 year old dated a 24 year old I would be livid.
I know, right? Linda Blair age 15 with Rick Springfield age 25 skeeves me out to no end.
I’m first in line to get this at the library, love vintage gossip. F***, I referred to my lifespan as vintage. I’m 46. lol.
I love her, I love Ben Lee, I love them together. They do a podcast called Weirder Together. Just adorable.
Kiedis wrote extensively about his relationship with teenaged Skye in his own memoir… including a naked photo of her. It’s full of the usual ‘she was an old soul, so much more mature’ cobblers.
I don’t know that there’s much more to find out about Kiedis’s predilection for very young women – he wrote about hooking up with underage girls on tour a lot in his book, and catalogued his very young girlfriends in detail. Unless one ends up pressing charges, he’s just lucky he got his story out there before people became a lot more attuned to how exploitative these relationships are, or we talked about grooming.
That said, he was also sexually abused as a child… not to excuse his behaviour. His father got a late teens/early 20s girlfriend of his to take Kiedis’s virginity when he was only 12 or 13.
I loved Say Anything. Agree she’s a cool girl – and naturally beautiful, I also loved John Cusack. Nostalgic for these teen movies.
Not nostalgic for the teen movies, but I watch Serendipity every Christmas. Cannot believe it is 20+ years old now.