In this week’s People Magazine cover story, the Duchess of Sussex tells the magazine that the Sussex surname is very important to her because “it’s our shared name as a family, and I guess I hadn’t recognized how meaningful that would be to me until we had children. I love that that is something that Archie, Lili, H and I all have together. It means a lot to me.” She also called “Sussex” part of “our love story.” I did not find this scandalous or notable at all – the Sussex titles were given to Harry and Meghan by QEII, and King Charles either can’t remove them or doesn’t even want to try to remove the titles. The “Sussex” title/name remains the only thing “given” to Meghan which those people haven’t taken back, and it IS Meghan’s married name. Harry and Meghan bought the domain name and they update everyone on their work there. They ARE the Sussexes and the Sussex family. But it’s become a thing this week, especially because Meghan emphasized her married name in the Mindy Kaling episode of With Love, Meghan:
Meghan Markle says she wants to be known from now on as Meghan Sussex. Meghan delivered the naming edict in the second episode of her otherwise studiously conflict-free show, With Love, Meghan, as she is talking to her guest, Mindy Kaling, the former star of The Office, about her childhood. Meghan is explaining how she was a “latchkey” kid and ate a lot of microwaved food as a child, including Jack in the Box tacos. Kaling says: “I don’t think anyone in the world knows that Meghan Markle has eaten Jack in the Box.”
The jolly upbeat music which accompanies almost every other second of the Netflix show actually stops and, in a split second, the atmosphere drops several degrees. A faux-amused Meghan stares very hard at the cucumber she is chopping and says, “It’s so funny, too, that you keep calling me Meghan Markle. You know I’m Sussex now.”
Kaling looks genuinely worried, rather like, a Sussex staffer about to be ripped a new one by the boss, as Meghan, more in sorrow than in anger, talks Kaling through the concept of surnames, saying, “When you have kids, you go, ‘I share my name with my children and that feels so… I didn’t know how meaningful that would be to me, it just means so much, to go, ‘This is our family name, our little family name.’”
Kaling, who has three children, replies, “Well, now I know—and I love it.”
The frosty incident occurs as Meghan and Kaling prepare cucumber sandwiches for a kids party with wedges of cucumber so thick they would have made the late Queen Elizabeth II blanch if they’d been served at Windsor Castle.
This moment between Mindy and Meghan was also caught by various Daily Mail columnists too, as they all dished on how Meghan “lost her temper” with Mindy or something. This reaction to that WLM moment is actually so revealing to me. I finally “got” why Kensington Palace staffers are still weeping in closets over Meghan’s brief time in the UK. THIS is what freaks them out. Meghan gently correcting someone and/or stating a preference. That’s all it was – Mindy used Meghan’s maiden name and Meghan was like, please use my married name, I’m Sussex now. This is what all of those “bullying accusations” were about all along, this is why they’re still screaming about 5 am emails.
The whole “our family name is Sussex” thing being turned into a controversy also reminds me of the drama with Archie’s birth certificate. Remember, initially Meghan was listed on her son’s birth certificate as “Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex.” Someone in Buckingham Palace or Kensington Palace went behind Meghan and Harry’s backs and removed “Meghan” from the birth certificate and just left her title. It’s still mind-numbingly dehumanizing. Which is the whole goal of this “Sussex surname” controversy – to dehumanize Meghan and act as if she can’t or shouldn’t use her married name.
Photos courtesy of Netflix, Meghan’s IG.
Moaning and whining about her use of it is all they have. Charles has no authority to remove it from her. It would take Parliament and that’s a can of worms none of them want to open because it would call into question the legitimacy of everyone’s titles.
For the titles yes but they could still use ‘Sussex’ as a family name.
My friend left her husband after he cheated on her and didn’t want to go back to her old surname as she’s a teacher and part of it would lead to inevitable jokes from the kids so she made a new name for herself using part of her old surname and her grandmothers pre-marriage surname.
Mindy’s her friend, i’m pretty sure they spoke before they got together and i’m pretty sure Meg wanted someone to plant meghan markle somewhere so she has the opportunity to make it clear what her name is now.
Meghan isn’t that conniving. I think it was an honest mistake on Mindy’s part because everyone still calls her Markle, especially in the entertainment and news industry. So it just slipped out and Meghan gently corrected her.
I don’t think that’s conniving. It’s just her name and people dont know. It is a show. Whether it was planned or not is not important. She’s sussex now.
Even if it wasn’t planned, this is not a live TV show. They could have edited it out of Meghan or anyone else involved thought it looked bad. They didn’t, which tells me both Meghan and Mindy are fine with it.
The Brits keep insisting she wants to tout the duchess part rather than the surname. Seems she is happy as Meghan Sussex and herself is not concerned about the duchess part. Just as Egg Head and Kant were the Cambridges along with their kids and are now the Waleses. You can see the entire palace and rota whining campaign is falling apart. Even the Brits ore on to this and getting bored with it. Somehow H&M are able to both work for a living, and do high impact public service globally while the Left Behinds can barely show up at a few “royal engagements” each week where they smile, nod and do nothing that matters. Certainly explains why the palace is briefing like mad against a Netflix show that doesn’t even mention the London leave behinds.
You know what occurs to me? As distinct from American states, European countries have a category of property that is “moral property” and / or “cultural property” — not in theory, but in practice — such that, in France, it is a part of the legal code of the country, and in the U.K., where I live, as the common law tradition is interpreted through precedent, and applied by analogy, it tends to call forth a lot of value judgements about personal conduct when you hold a title, status, heritage property, etc…. I think what rankled people about Meghan here was that, to their way of thinking, she was trying to move the goal posts, but the real issue is, she just never played this game. To them it is a game, but there are actually rules. Whereas we would never bother to encode these things or fixate neurotically on them. They do. They parse, and scrutinise, and sharpen their knives on innocently misconstrued mix-ups, rather than simply explaining them and setting someone straight. Because that would be to give away their power. More fun to nitpick. To them, the Sussex title is a piece of British moral / cultural / heritage property, so, in a way, common property, and she’s wearing their stuff, and she’s not entitled to it. Everyone says, “it’s not about *you*, it’s about the role.” Which is disingenuous. Cause there just isn’t any role. It’s made up as you go. There are no job requirements. As William and Kate demonstrate with dismaying frequency by doing… nothing at all.
I watched this episode yesterday and it did appear slightly awkward which was what convinced me it wasn’t a setup to make the point.
Uncomfortable conversations are often necessary and a good thing people! They’re a part of healthy relationships.
Yes, it’s important to correct people straight away if they call you by the wrong name. Firmly but politely like Meghan did or it can become a thing that you are too embarrassed to correct because you have left it too long.
I haven’t watched the show yet (waiting until I can binge without my husband interrupting me, LOL)….my initial reaction:
–I agree completely that correcting people about your name is important, but
–correcting someone who is supposed to be your friend, on camera, on a show supposed to be watched by as many people as possible.. I wouldn’t do that to someone I called a friend. It’s like correcting someone on your team in front of other colleagues – you do that privately, so as to spare them shame. If that was sprung on Mindy without warning, I think that’s wrong
Did Mindy know her before she got married? Maybe it’s out of habit that she called her friend by the name she got to know her. Which I would not correct. Or, maybe the whole conversation about their name bothered her so much, that she wanted to use the opportunity to make her feelings clear.
@Lady Esther, I mean you can also say it is important to correct someone when a lot of people are gonna watch the conversation. Maybe, Meghan wanted to point it out there and then because of exactly that? If it was just two of them, she might not care much.
Mindy said nothing but good things about Meghan and their friendship long after recording this. It seems like you are putting your own emotions onto her.
I completely disagree about doing it privately, especially in this situation because it is a mistake done by everyone and needed to be addressed publicly for everyone to know what her name is. Personally, she has been Meghan Sussex since their wedding and people not calling her that is a disrespect to her wedding. She wasn’t mean about it and Mindy obviously didn’t take any offense about it. Marriage is a sacred thing and for someone who has received a lifetime of abuse publicly for her marriage into an institution for being educated, American and a woman of color, I think she has a right to set the record straight publicly. She had made this very same point publicly before, yet she is still being referred to as Meghan Markle when in honor of her husband, children and God, she hasn’t been a Markle since she stood in front of Harry at the alter in 2018.
You know they have editors for these shows, right? They made the choice to include it and keep it in. The fact they made it a record scratch moment was also an editing choice. This is silly. As for calling herself Sussex, they are the Sussex family. Technically a titled person doesn’t have a last name but the passport and drivers license need something and Sussex is a whole lot easier than Mountbattan Windsor.
What also makes it awkward is that we don’t really know their names. She is not Markle but Sussex now, we get it. But what was Mindy supposed to say in that specific conversation? Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, it sounds like a position, not a surname, or Meghan Sussex maybe?
The Fail and the derangers should just shut up, since they can’t stop shaming people for calling Kate Kate Middleton.
Of course, this is a controversy now, because what else would they talk about? How everyone is freaking out about William becoming King in a geopolitical climate he does not have the ability to navigate, even with instructions?
edit: on the As Ever website she uses Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. It is a little awkward to use that in a conversation, but that’s her name, so it should be used as is. Alicky below says this is not even correct, maybe the person who edits the website has it wrong? I still maintain that I would not correct an old friend for using my maiden name.
Yeah, Meghan herself may be playing fast and loose with her actual title. But then, only sticklers like me seem to care!
The thing is, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is incorrect as it is the title of a divorced woman. The correct title is The Duchess of Sussex, or as many of their press releases state: Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex. Even BP had to correct themselves after people pointed out that their first statement after the Sandringham summit inadvertently (?) highlighted their wish to see the couple divorce as the statement contained the divorced version of the title. I have been wondering whether/how they managed to miss out the “The” on both the Instagram and the website, because it is significant.
Alicky she isn’t playing fast a loose with her name. Her husband and her go by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, respectively as well as Harry Sussex and Meghan Sussex since their wedding. We, including the hateful UK media, have been calling them the Sussexes since their wedding because that has been their names since their wedding. Their children only received the last name Sussex once their deadbeat grandfather in the UK became king. That is why they announced that they all had the same last name back around the time when Lilibet was Christened. That is why she made a point to kindly say it in this episode. We are talking about it and now we can’t say that we don’t know what their last names are anymore because of that episode and people making a big deal about it when it has no reason to be a big deal.
She is, of course, free to feel however she feels about the use of her maiden name, but I also thought that interaction seemed off – if scripted, it’s kind of stilted. If not, then it seems rude to spring that on a friend.
I also don’t think it’s personal – I mean, we still refer to Jessicas Biel and Alba by their maiden names, as well as Kate (never Catherine) Middleton and Rose Hanbury (because we can’t spell Cholmondeley?! but Rocksavage is bada$$). The list is pretty much endless. I think it’s something we do to women who gained prominence with their maiden names. Heck – I do it to my doctor, too! It’s just ingrained habit, not a slight.
I watched the episode yesterday also and I just thought she was clearing up what her name is now after her marriage to Harry. It’s her family name and the salt isle gutter press can go pound sand. They try to pick everything apart about her show. I said yesterday some of the music like “don’t fence me in” and another one called “ I’m coming home this is where I belong “ was a wee bit of trolling on her part lol.
I thought the same thing. When I got married last July people started calling me Mrs. _________, Mr. Jaded’s last name. I said “Oh, I’m not taking his last name, it’s complicated and I’d have to change literally everything from banking and investments to credit cards to my social insurance card, etc. etc.” Nobody got offended and I don’t think Mindy did either.
I watched episode. I enjoyed it sorta as looking as how other half live, She is likeable but it’s totally aspirational. I’m a working mom of 2 teens w diabetes to boot and I thought omg I would never have time t for this stuff and like my guest cant stay in a cottage w a teabag bath salt. Ha ha – here’s some sheets and the sleep out sofa
Martha Stewart is probably eye rolling….thinking she’s the OG…ha ha
It felt awkward because it was totally a setup. There was also the part where Mindy asks about Meghan’s wardrobe philosophy. Mindy’s a friend, she knows how Meghan dresses, she doesn’t have to ask. But there were a few things Meghan wanted to get out of the way. And all of this is highly planned and edited – Meghan’s not going to spring something unexpected on her guests.
I’ve watched the first three episodes and was surprised at the different rapport with each guest. The first one was my favourite so far, the one with Mindy felt stilted to me and the one with the chef was different in that Meghan assumed the position of the student whereas the took a teacher role in the first two.
I liked the fruit rainbow, but think the show is harmless fun, so it’s wild to me that it warrants 70.000 think pieces.
@LM Meghan has known Daniel 15 years but she’s only known Mindy 2 and she says in the video that they don’t hang out in person a lot – they mostly write and talk on the phone. They obviously really like and respect each other but it’s a much newer friendship which is why the dynamic isn’t as natural as it was with Daniel or Abigail.
There used to be a great FB group of Gardener’s World fans (Americans who haven’t watched this show – immediately go binge it) and, unsurprisingly most of the people in the group were from the UK. Approximately 90% of the posts were people being upset about a minor or major thing their neighbor did and wanting advice on how to deal with said problem WITHOUT having to have a conversation with the neighbor. After a few times of being like, “What did your neighbor say when you asked them to not drop a leaf from their garden into your garden?” and the British reaction to suggesting such a hostile act, I stopped suggesting it. My time in the Gardener’s World group taught me a lot about British culture. I am not at all surprised someone being like, please use my married name, level of tough conversation freaked people out.
This is really insightful and cracked me up. It’s interesting that direct conversation that isn’t rude or loud is still considered inappropriate. Someone else mentioned this in the comment earlier and so did Kaiser but if that is the viewpoint people hold, I totally understand why someone would feel bullied by Meghan saying, that report that was due at noon I didn’t receive it where is it?
I haven’t seen any of the show yet (I’ve decided to wait until tomorrow night or Sunday when I can watch a lot at once) – but I saw this clip and I think Meghan handled it well. It can be tricky to correct someone on your name. My son spent his entire 5th grade year with his teacher mispronouncing our last name because he was too embarrassed to correct her. (I finally did the last week of school, poor woman was so embarrassed herself!) People have the right to use the name they want and to be called how they want to be called.
I do also wonder if this segment was planned to some extent – for Mindy to call her Markle and for Meghan to set the record straight. She didnt seem mad and Mindy didn’t seem scared ( eyeroll there), she seemed interested and Meghan’s wording was very deliberate. Or maybe if this wasn’t necessarily planned with Mindy but Meghan was going to correct anyone who called her Markle.
I mean the show is edited and the
scenes cut. Drama is underlined by the music. If there was a problem, they wouldn’t show Mindy’s blunder. That’s why I believe it was scripted, but done well. It gently reminded people not to use Markle for Meghan – even I am guilty of that, forgetting Sussex is also a proper surname for her.
Excellent point!
I, too, believe they’re both acting to script. It’s planned.
It’s exactly this. I’ve watched the whole series and the Mindy episode is the only one that felt scripted. I think Meghan wanted to get a few things off her chest and establish who she is right now and Mindy, as a friend, helped her do that. As a mood, it was different from the rest of the episodes, but the whole series was thoroughly delightful.
The most important part you said is that Meghan didn’t seem mad and Mindy didn’t seem scared. The way they tried to equate Mindy to a Sussex staffer about to be ripped into. Excuse me. These women are friends and equals. Mindy also has a hit show on Netflix right now. Seeing the exchange as frosty is a choice. Bc it wasn’t. But man if they think that’s frosty, then we’re dealing with some very sensitive snowflakes. Cuz yeah Mindy did not look scared, omg.
You may be right. The thing is, we already knew that Meghan used Sussex as a last name, even before her friend wrote a dedication to “Meghan Sussex” in her book which was recently published. Meghan has been saying how wonderful it is that the family all now have the same last name. In fact, I think even Harry has said the same thing. But that is because she and Harry had been Sussex all the time but the two children were Mountbatten-Windsor. That said, even without the children’s title change, they could still have used Sussex for the children. In fact, I think that this is what they had been doing all along. But yes, it would irk me too to have the world constantly labelling me with a last name which came from a man who sold me out in front of the entire world, even if I initially became famous with that name. It’s the last part of publicly turning her back on that connection. I don’t blame her.
When I watched it the moment didn’t seem planned, but Mindy seemed fine with hearing that and the show moves on. They kept the moment in for a reason though. Critics are writing like this was a live show with no editors.
Also everyone forgets all the Sophie Wessex references in UK media. In non royal aristo circles, the married woman takes on the title as her last name, even if there might be a family surname that is different from the title. So Meghan using Sussex as a last name is technically correct in British aristo protocol.
As I recall Archie’s last name, when he was born, was Mountbatten-Windsor and I assumed that Lili’s would be as well while Harry used to use Wales, I never knew what Meghan used. I’m guessing that they changed the kids names at some point. Either way, it’s lovely that they all share the same last name!!
I have a vague memory of Lili and Archie’s last names being legally changed to Sussex. Harry and Meghan are brilliant, they made it impossible for Charles, William, or any other bitchy whiner to take “Sussex” from them.
I just assumed Meghan and Harry had made the same legal name change for themselves.
I have that memory too. She said that they have legally changed all their last names/ surnames to Sussex. If anyone takes the title away in the future Archie will still be Archie Sussex, brilliant 😍
Lily Sussex would be entitled also.
Yep, count me as a fan that never realised they were using Sussex as a surname. Totally get that it’s their title but assumed Mountbatten-Windsor was their surname. If it was, and they changed it legally, GOOD FOR THEM! Sussex suits them, and can remain their legal name regardless of any title bullshit. M-W is clunky and tainted.
Also count me in the “it was scripted” camp. I believed their friendship as they described it (of over a year), it seems crazy this wouldn’t have come up organically earlier, especially with someone as straightforward as Mindy. She would have been happy to help Megan out here.
I think it was just a slightly awkward moment, as part of the whole show was just her being her genuine dorky self- rather than perfectly scripted and polished. The first ep had a couple of awkward moments too and that was with one of her best friends! It’s all part of the charm.
It officially was Mountbatten-Windsor when he was born in the UK because that’s the surname the royal family uses when they don’t have a title or honorific to use (so that’s why Prince George of Wales probably goes by George Wales at school, the same way Harry and William used Wales.) So had they stayed in the UK, Archie would have become Prince Archie of Sussex when Charles became king and probably would have gone by Archie Sussex (like it seems he does now).
I *think* when Lili was born they introduced her as Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, but it seems clear they changed their name at some point. Or maybe just all started using Sussex at some point – maybe when QEII passed, but my guess is before.
Since George, Charlotte and Louis were born while WandK were still the Cambridge’s, wouldn’t the kids have used that last name as well? Do you think they changed it when Will inherited the PoW title? That would be a bit awkward having to tell the kids now you have a different last name.
@Harla yes they would have gone by Cambridge then. If I were them, I’d probably keep cambridge just because it feels a little more under the radar and if I understand correctly William is still the duke of cambridge?
But knowing how fast they changed their social media handles I feel like the kids went one day at Lambrook as Cambridge and have been Wales ever since lol.
QEII was on the throne A&L were born. Once CIII ascended and they became grandchildren rather than great grandchildren they took the Sussex became their surname and the G, C, L went from Cambridge to Wales.
The hinky game of chicken CIII was playing about denying H’s children titles got blown up by the Oprah interview and then H&M’s christening announcement for L. Meghan and Kate both have SEO media laziness attaching them to their maiden names. Nobody ever used Di and Fergie’s or blinks twice about ‘The Yorks’ or ‘Captain Wales’ when H went by that in the army. The search engine thing stuck them both women in amber.
But BRF/BM weaponized her father against M, was hellbent on denying A&L their due and running M off to get their claws back into H and was petty about changing the Sussex children’s titles on the main website, telling the public it was H&M that ‘didn’t want their children to have titles’ and what ever other nefariousness went on so she probably has a lot of reasons to be a bit short over the topic.
One point I tried to make above is how the entire family’s surname being Sussex was made by Harry and Meghan in an announcement for what I believe was Lilibet’s Christening. They may have made the point clear another time since that announcement as well. Meghan has been Meghan Sussex since their wedding. Archie was given the Mountbatten Windsor name because at the time of his birth his grandfather wasn’t king yet and he wasn’t a prince. Once Archie and Lilibet’s deadbeat grandfather (on their father’s side) became king and they both received their titles of Prince and Princess, even when not officially announced, they all had the Surname Sussex, which is what they announced when they announced Lilibet’s Christening. As a woman married for decades, my maiden name has been a thing of the past and it has irked me when people referred to Meghan by her maiden name especially because her haters do it because they refuse to honor her union with her husband before God, and that is never okay. It needed to be corrected, and there wasn’t anything wrong with how and when she did it. They are still good friends and the outrage by her haters is just a sign of their fragility and unnecessary hate towards her.
When Harry became The Duke of Sussex I immediately assumed that he was using Sussex as a last name, and that as a result, so was Meghan. That is the British tradition. That is why William and Harry had “Wales” as a last name and the Wales kids had Cambridge when William was Duke of Cambridge. Hell, for a while, a couple of the papers reported that Kate had used Catherine Cambridge, and subsequently, Wales. But even though it was possible/permittable for the children to use Sussex right from the start, it may have been difficult to do so in the US without the legal title change? Hence them having different last names from their children until QE2 died.
If you look at the credits on The Me You Can’t See Harry is listed as Harry Sussex. I think the kids started using Sussex as a surname when the Queen died and they became Prince Archie of Sussex and Prince Lilibet of Sussex. This was underlined when the Sussexes created the domain later. People forget that Harry never had the Mountbatten-Windsor surname as he was born a Prince and the son of the then Prince of Wales so throughout his life both he and William used the surname Wales(ie Captain Wales in his army days) until they were married and given Dukedoms. Similarly to how Eugenie used the name Eugenie York professionally because her father is the Duke of York and she is Princess Eugenie of York the Sussex kids probably go by Archie Sussex and Lili Sussex now. I think given how much disgusting people have tried to deligitimize her marriage and her children it’s very understandable that Meghan wants it underlined what her married and family name is.
In all fairness, Meghan’s name does NOT officially come before her title, as it’s not a courtesy one. She is HRH The Duchess of Sussex, full stop. She would only be Meghan, Duchess of Sussex if she were divorced or widowed. Same with her husband — he is HRH The Duke of Sussex, no first name. “Prince Harry” is a courtesy title, not a substantive one.
Thank you @Alicky. It gets my goat when Meghan’s title is quoted incorrectly. Where Archie’s birth was registered would have used her correct name… HRH The Duchess of Sussex. But that’s not going to stop the likes of DM continuing to use it incorrectly unfortunately.
She has gone by Meghan, Duchess of Sussex since she stopped using the HRH.
It may not be “correct” officially but its what she has used so I dont think its fair to say that its the fault of the DM for not getting it correct.
Actually, Becks1, she has gone by Meghan, THE Duchess of Sussex since she stopped using the HRH. That’s how the press releases from Archewell have gone out. It’s only recently (on the Instagram and AsEver website) that the THE has been missing. Wikipedia has always had it wrong, so I discount that.
Diana. Princess of Wales was post divorce title. Her h r h was removed. Meghan and harry have h r h but cannot use it in business enterprises. Long ago divorced Ferg ie is Sarah duchess of York with no hrh.
I noticed that Harry was being introduced throughout the Invictus Games as Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and not Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
So I think they have both removed the official way to say it because of the circumstances.
Meghan Sussex is correct though. She would take the title as surname as is done by other aristo spouses.
@magdalena but on IG and such that’s still going to be from Meghan, so she’s okay being called that.
I know there is a difference but in the US, it doesn’t matter so much and that’s where she’s building her life so all the nitpicking and accusing her of being “wrong” is a little…..well, nitpicking.
They announced awhile ago that they were using Sussex as a family name, I personally took that to mean they all have changed all of their last names to Sussex. Which is there right to do. I actually think it makes sense since they are often referred to as the Sussex’s and will always be with or without the titles. As for the British being outraged by Meghan living her life when are they not? They can be outraged all they like, they are still stuck with WanK.. the viewing numbers will tell the story and so far she’s in the top ten in countries worldwide including the UK.
Yep, I remember that too. I also took that to mean that Sussex had become their last name officially. Much easier for Archie to fill out his name on a worksheet as Archie Sussex, than Archie Mountbatten-Windsor LOL. But it also just made me think about how when Harry was in the military he was Harry Wales.
The whole title/last name thing confuses me – I had no idea their actual last name was Sussex – so the clarification was good for me, at least!
This is an excellent point. I’m not sure if it’s been confirmed anywhere but I bet they all legally changed their last names to Sussex here in the U.S.
It’s a smart move because it’s not as though Harry’s title will be changing any time soon (their doing-business-as last names changing as rank does), they all have a common and commonly known last name as a family unit. And unfortunately, politically, changing it legally and making it well known makes it that much more of a sh*t show if anyone gets any ideas about stripping titles.
They don’t need to legally change their last name. By convention, their last name IS Sussex.
From @Dee(2) in one of yesterday’s articles:,Prince%20and%20Princess%20of%20Sussex
Thanks for this, I missed it yesterday!
The convenient overlooking of how this is how royal names work in the RF is unbelievable. Names go with rank. It was William and Harry Wales, was it not, when Charles was the POW? William and Kate’s kids were the Cambridges, until recently when they changed to Wales when they got the bump to Prince and Princess of Wales?
Harry and Meghan had the surname Sussex upon marriage while Harry and Meghan’s kids were Mountbatten-Windsor until Archie and Lili got the bump to style as Prince and Princess, with Sussex as their surname, when QEII died and they became descendants of the monarch through the male line (Charles)? Nothing needs to be filed, done, or otherwise formalised. It’s automatic AFAIK
What am I missing?
Agreed. Nothing to see here. It is baffling, though sadly consistent.
I’m getting to the point where I’m not even sure it is beneficial to click on true neutral or Sussex-supportive sites for stories like these because it contributes to the whole cycle of the original sh*t-story being published.
I’m so confused.
@Beyondthefringe, I agree with you 💯
Yes, this is exactly the answer to how surnames work in the Royal Family.
So they have to keep changing their surnames? William was Wales, Cambridge, back to Wales … then what when he becomes king? How ridiculous. Must be confusing for kids.
Lady Esther, thank you for explaining that!🤣
Thank you for explaining it better than I tried to explain it.
I think the only thing is that technically, the children did not need the title change to be able to use the surname Sussex? But that they wanted people to understand that this also (and has always) applied to Meghan, in light of the fact that people have continued to overlook that and continued to call her “Markle”? And what better place to do so than on a show with a huge international platform? British media are being quite disingenuous by claiming that she is Meghan Sussex “now”, when she has been Meghan Sussex since her wedding day.
It’s good to have this discussion about surnames.
Especially as so many in the media seem obtuse, while taking it into another direction, implying Meghan was annoyed with Mindy.
Meghan stating her preference, explaining why it’s so important to her — the subtext here being, without her actually saying it, that she’s been done with the Markles for a long time because they sold her out.
Cue the tabloids interviewing rage bait Samantha Markle over Meghan’s erasure of her father’s last name.
Or Samantha calls herself Samantha Sussex. LOL.
Now that you’ve said it, I can’t believe she hasn’t already done this! She and Toxic Tom really burned Markle totally down to the ground.
Sam birth name is Yvonne.
“Samantha Markle” was born Yvonne Marie Markle, she changed her name to Samantha in the 1990s. As soon as Meghan started seeing Harry she immediately changed her last name from Rasmussen (her ex-husband’s name) to Markle to jump on the money train. How’s that workin’ for ya Scammy?
I thought this was interesting but I also think being given a title that becomes you and your husband’s surname, together, on the day you marry is probably more meaningful than just taking a name the day you get married. The thing about the BRF is you get that title – which becomes your surname – together basically. I didn’t take my husband’s name and I don’t care about my maiden or married last names for a variety of reasons, but this moment kind of stopped me and I was like “oh, now this makes sense to me.” The Sussex title is the beginning of their – just the two of them and eventually their kids- family unit. Kind of nice, honestly.
Dehumanization!!! THAT is the word to describe the media response to Meghan. They are trying to dehumanize her. It’s not enough to say “she’s the most bullied person in the world.” What is MORE accurate is that she the most famous person that the media and BRF has worked to dehumanize. This is why I get so irked when others say they are being “fair” by “criticizing” her work. The CBC had an article titled “Can we critique With Love Meghan without Unfairly Criticizing Meghan Markle”. Inge their point, but it wasn’t quite landing. I feel like so many critical journalists who self appoint themselves as “fair” continue to dance around the issue. The issue is that until this funded industry with the goal to completely dehumanize Meghan is held to account, every journalist who wants to call themselves ethical needs to be putting all their efforts into unmasking and holding accountable their colleagues who wish to dehumanize a Black women. Stop making it Meghan’s job to make some tv show that magically proves she deserves to be treated like a human being. It’s the job if everyone who claims to be “fair” to focus first on her dehumanization. What journalists CANT doz is avoid participating in the dehumanization of a Black woman until they start calling it out.
“every journalist who wants to call themselves ethical needs to be putting all their efforts into unmasking and holding accountable their colleagues who wish to dehumanize a Black women. Stop making it Meghan’s job to make some tv show that magically proves she deserves to be treated like a human being.”
I second that 👏👏👏
So well said. We in the US saw the same thing with Kamala Harris. Reporters don’t hold themselves or each other to account and they state that they are giving a “fair and balanced” opinion. There has been a fair amount of push-back from Black women since T__P about Kamala’s treatment and calling out lazy or intentionally racist reporting. It’s not our job.
Well said! There is a point where concern for “fairness” is another way of piling on to the dehumanization of Meghan.
Extremely well said.
She’s a titled Duchess and they really hated that for her.
Better get rid of the monarchy then or remove Harry from the line of succession. Problem solved. Not. LOL.
Love the protocol of this one because these courtiers would still have to doff their cap to her if she ever returns to the UK in any capacity. Classism and hierarchy is ingrained as long as the monarchy reigns.
It’s their last name. Or even that is not allowed?
Nope! The British press work hard to act as if the Sussex family does not exist. Its why they claim Harry needs to go back to his “family” aka Charles and William. Its why they hate using Meghan’s title because writing Duke and Duchess of Sussex indelibly links her to Harry so they constantly call her Markle. The best thing about Meghan being on IG and WLM is that we are seeing the Sussex family and lifestyle. It overrides the nonsense from salt island.
Harry Sussex now lives in paradise and his family is Meghan Sussex, Archie Sussex, and Lilibet Sussex.
People are complaining about nothing. Meghan isn’t the only one to do this. Katharine, The Duchess of Kent is sometimes known as Katharine Kent, and her grandson, Edward Windsor, Baron Downpatrick, goes by Edward Downpatrick rather than Edward Windsor.
Let’s not forget David Rocksavage who was a film producer himself.
Yes, it is normal protocol for a titled person to use this part of their title as their surname. So Diana was known in those circles as Diana Wales, Fergie was Sarah York, Sophie is Sophie Wessex etc.
There’s nothing weird about it, they all do it. Meghan hasn’t made up this rule.
There is an awful new york magazine article (please do NOT click on it) that says Meghan was very passive aggressive towards Mindy about this and how it was a rude/awkward moment. I agree it wasn’t rude at all (maybe it was awkward for a minute, but who cares?) and Mindy clearly didn’t care – but yet again, they are trying to ruin everything and make people think Meghan is rude etc.
I also think Mindy is one of the most famous people on the show and has been so supportive of Meghan that they are eager to break/sour that relationship, and I hope it can just be ignored.
Oh no, not a negative article, what Meghan is gonna do 😂😂 Joking aside, I don’t think Mindy is gonna listen to those writers. She knows Meghan personally right now and she said the nicest things about her when reporters asked her about shooting the show with Meghan. People are gonna talk sh*t as always. I am sure Mindy is aware of it by now that this is unfortunately the life of H&M.
Lord Jesus give me patience to deal with there salty left behind. Mindy seemed fine to me and I think she is hilarious.These crap shoot royalist will look for any reason to call Meghan a bully . All I know is Meghan can make crepes and Kate can’t / why don’t they focus on that . They just can’t stand to see her happy. Successful and living large and being in charge. May Meghan’s show be a huge success and May she have many more seasons to come . Suck on those lemons you batch’s . Meghan has a lot . She could provide all these unhinged folks some .
If that is bullying they are delusional.. my god people are allowed to correct others and if Mindy had an issue with it she is a grown ass women and would have said so, but she is to busy posting about With Love, Meghan so obviously she is perfectly fine. The BRF and their propaganda team need to find a new thing to be outraged over this one is a reach.
Same. My hope is one of her shows is about holiday themes. I absolutely love her show. I’m not a professional party planner but I do it for friends and family. I got so many ideas!!! You don’t have to have a big life like Meghan to complete some of her tips and designs. Love love love it!!!
Yes, I really want a fall/christmas season. What would Megan’s Christmas decorations be like? If it was not for the kids I’d say it would be a very neutral tones Christmas , lol! But nah, I bet she makes it freaking cute as can be. Would she go spooky for Halloween? I kind of can’t see her going too spooky. I made a haunted trail in the forest using dollar tree items and took the niblings through it during the day/dusk time and they were shook/nervous. But still talk about it.
I’m glad she cleared it up. She took a moment to let people know the facts and what it means to her. Mindy was fine and it was a fun episode of the series. Anything Meg does will be picked apart and scrutinized so why would this be any different?
The only thing that shocked me in this episode is M frying bacon in a cream-colored, $1000 Loro Piana cashmere sweater with no apron.
I think Kaiser is right about the BM “outrage” with M’s mild correction. It was a little awkward, but so what? Mindy’s response was perfect: now I know and I love it!
Maybe she has several. Must be easier to clean by dabbing off the grease. When she starts wearing vicuña in the kitchen, then her wardrobe must be amazing.
Mindy is a grown woman who has been an actor, writer, head writer and show runner on numerous shows. If she had a problem with it, I’m sure she would have said something. Also your name is fundamentally part of you. I work hard to phonetically learn how to pronounce names that I’m not familiar with and I don’t let people get away with mispronouncing my name. Being bothered that someone wants to be called by their name is ridiculous. I’m not shocked though because it’s Meghan. It’s never groundbreaking enough, it’s never authentic enough, it’s never kind enough, it’s never successful enough, because it’s her and the point is she is wrong for existing. That’s it
Mindy changed her own name to go into show business so I am sure she more than understands.
Does anyone happen to know how many views her show had yesterday? I hope it had huge views and goes on to be as big as or even bigger than their docu series. I want them to be financially secure for life . Thanks to all those nut jobs out there that the media has encouraged along with the blessings of those folks. Harry and Meghan and their children have to have security for life . That cost so I want everything they do to be successful
I thought they were financially secure for life. I figured they are seriously invested. And wouldn’t the Spare profits have set them up for life even before getting invested? Actually, the latter is an interesting question…
I think she just means she wants them to be billionaires lol.
They are financially secure..but I do think in their business more money comes with more power.
So I hope they continue to gain power so they are no longer the piñata for press harassment.
The show was top 6 in the UK and a few other countries. Not sure about the US. Even then that’s pretty good considering she didn’t do a lot of mainstream press.
That would probably be good enough to renew if she wanted to continue with it.
Update: with barely any mainstream press Meghan made it to Top 6 on Netflix US charts today!! So happy for her!!
Thanks, @Kelly q. It wasn’t listed in the US top 10 on Netflix when I looked a couple of hours ago, but I see it at number 6 now. And the reason I was looking was because I’d seen an article headline about how Meghan’s show hadn’t broken the top 5 (didn’t read the article, just saw the headline) so I figured, it must be in the top ten. Apparently yes, and congratulations to her, her family, and her team.
Also, AFAIK, their Archewell charity doesn’t solicit donations, at least from the general public, so I assume the money they make goes to support a wide range of activities, not just their (undoubtedly considerable) personal expenses.
If they didn’t use Sussex, they could use Harry’s name of Windsor…how would the shrews and jealous shriekers of the UK like that??
I had no idea the royals’ names were so confusing. So, RF members legally change their surnames whenever they get a new title? (Sorry, I’m genuinely flummoxed.)
Also, I don’t think this was scripted, and I do think it was awkward — but I also think Mindy would have happily “signed off” on it afterward, knowing that it gave Meghan a chance to set the record straight.
The joke of this is it’s extremely simple- their royal titles are their literal names. When haters screech ‘why do they still go by/use their titles’ they are being disingenuous. The convention to use them as a surname is a convention of modern life BRF adapted to and normalized once they changed to Windsor for better optics.
I have no problem with them using Sussex as a surname but they do not live in a commonwealth county and should stop using their Duke, Prince, and Duchess titles, imo.
It was a bit cringe and I wish it had been edited out because I knew it was going to be seized on like a bone by DM. Just like when they accused her of snobbily “correcting” Mindy on Le Creuset. Mindy HERSELF asked Meghan what the correct pronounciation was and then Meghan also humbly added, “I may be wrong,” to soften it – she wasn’t wrong 🙂 This is why Meghan sometimes appears tense because she’s probably overthinking, “How does this sound? How are they going to twist this?” It’s hard to be joyful when you know people are going to turn your joy into evil in a hate binge watch (yes, that’s a thing). And I totally agree that this kind of explaining and correction is very likely what they claim traumatized the KP staff and that’s why there’s no report.
Mindy did ask Meghan what the correct pronunciation was, a natural question since Mindy was joking about how heavy the lid was and the name is very visible on the lid. Also, if Meghan wanted to be snotty, she’d have corrected Mindy, who most of the time was saying La instead of Le. (I wondered if Mindy is also a Spanish speaker, so wanted to know if she had the French Creuset pronunciation correct.) A good point though, that Meghan probably has had to do a lot of extra thinking about how things she says are going to be criticized. Overall though, she seemed quite relaxed and happy during these episodes, so she must have made her peace with what the inevitable critical reactions are going to be, or her current projects wouldn’t be possible for her.
On a completely different note, does anyone know what brand of pen Meghan used to do her writing? Couldn’t read the brand for the moment when it was visible, I think when she was doing the menu.
I’m happy that they kept that in there instead of deleting it, regardless of how some might have seen it as awkward, it made a correction that needed to be made and if the person she’s speaking to didn’t find it offensive, how do others find it offensive on Mindy’s behalf? Part of the benefit of friendships is the ability to kindly make corrections about things that matter to you and to them. If there is no room for corrections and open conversations, it puts a wall up that shouldn’t exist in friendships.
On another note—if trump’s SAVE bill passes congress, any woman who’s surname on her ID does not match her birth certificate will not be allowed to vote.
Canadian here- I don’t get it. Won’t this have the effect of denying women who use their married name the vote?
That may be the intention, considering that lots of republican men were either instructing their wives who to vote for – including watching them complete their postal votes and attempting to accompany them into the voting booths – or telling them NOT to vote during the last election, for fear that the little women under their thumbs might make the “wrong” decision and vote for the accomplished Black lady who wanted to protect their rights.
That is absolutely the intention.
The Republicans seem to be giving so many reasons for women to decide not to get married. They’re also trying to repeal no-fault divorce. How many women who’ve experienced actually having rights will voluntarily give them up?
All I know is that if I was walking around with the last name of a family that betrayed me I’d change that quick fast and correct any and everyone who continued to call me by that name.
I didn’t think it was awkward at all. And no one threw a fit when she made it clear that she also prefers Meg over Meghan.
Question: as far as official titles go, is she Meghan, Duchess of Sussex or Rachel, Duchess of Sussex? I know she uses Meghan on her site, but what’s the official record?
When they updated their website a year or two ago they explained that Sussex was now the family last name and not just a title which makes sense for because they are all based in America and we don’t use titles. Having Sussex become the family name just makes sense for paperwork, assimilating into American norms and is hella cute.
Meghan Sussex
Harry Sussex
Archie Sussex
Lilibet Sussex
Its so cute!
The british press call them the Sussex’s all the time, Now it’s a problem?
This 👆🏽
This is a very good point!
Go to comments anywhere online when Kate Middleton or just Kate is used instead of Catherine. They come out of the woodwork to comment that ‘who are you talking about, Kate Middleton doesn’t exist’, or my favorite ‘Her name is Catherine, do better’. LOL Bots are apparently keyed into women’s last names. Just goes to show there was nothing to really criticize about WLM. BTW, in the US women, regularly decide what name to use, especially at marriage and divorce. Meghan can choose to use Markle, Sussex or anything she wants too really.
In this one case, it’s impossible to allow the royalty aspect to stand alone. However, I strongly dislike when Meghan goes the step further to buy into the old, tired idea that all kids and parents have to have the same surname, and it has to be the man’s.
Let’s admit that patriarchy and possessiveness is behind that “tradition”. Let’s be honest that *some* of the women who make that choice are doing so because they’ve been conditioned their whole lives to believe that giving up their own name is what good wives and mothers do. If we refuse to acknowledge the historical and current pressures brought to bear on women then we do them a disservice.
Not all women want to change their names in order to feel connected to their husband and children. Not all women who change their names are doing so freely; some feel overwhelming pressure from family, friends, society even their spouses. Some women are excited to give up their names. Some women in marriages give their children their own surnames. Some men change their names or combine them. There is no one-size-fits-all solution that is right for everyone and no one choice is the key to cementing connection within the family or the couple.
Her choice, her surname.
I see it more as a classist issue and as a big FU to the abuse she suffered through the courtiers and the media.
They can’t take away her title unless they change their system of government…and that must really grate them.
Meghan never said that all wives or children have to take on the last name of the husband or father. She said that SHE was grateful when they all shared the same last name. She didn’t declare that everyone else has to follow her lead or care about what she cares about. It’s disingenuous to put words in her mouth or put a burden on her shoulders that she never asked for.
“When you have kids, you go, ‘I share my name with my children…”
Those are her words. One reasonable interpretation of them is “This is what happens when you have kids”. Yes, she goes on to discuss how it is meaningful to her, but that phrase is her introduction to the topic. I didn’t put those words in her mouth.
My comment plainly expressed that her choice of taking her husband’s name doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and isn’t the right choice for everyone.
Reasonable people can disagree. Even if I generally support her positions, it doesn’t mean that I am “burdening” her on the occasion when I take a contrary view.
Exactly. This is absurd nitpicking. In this case her choice DOES exist in a vacuum. And M grew up an only child in a single parent household and her mother has a different surname? Maybe the op could consider that as a driving force. I’d prefer Sussex to markle as well.
BTW I don’t have the same name as my husband of 28 years.
This needing M to be all things for all people, an upholder of all values when she’s not a public figure, holds no office, is self funded is disingenuous at best and toxic in reality. Bashing her whole purporting to care about women is a choice.
🎯 We must do away with patronymy.
Whale, as far as I know, Harry was called Wales, Meghan Sussex and the two Littles were originally called Windsor. I can well understand that Meghan is happy that they are now all called Sussex. I think it’s just the joy of having something in common.
Is it wrong that I’m okay with them trying to stir up controversy about the show because it means more eyes will be watching it?
At this point like Meghan’s press comm said you can’t change haters minds so why not use them to make you successful.
As long as Harry and Meghan are protecting their peace let the haters hate.
Honestly, it’s kind of funny that they are trying to connect this moment to Meghan bullying staffers or being mean. Bc….if that’s their idea of bullying, whew, they just inadvertently cleared Meghan of any bullying at KP. Not that we hadn’t already known but still.
I think Harry and Meghan legally changed the family surname to Sussex under US law, allowing the Sussex name to continue through Archie should he have children. That’s why the BM is having a new meltdown IMO. Tom Jr. was on Talk TV slagging Meghan’s show but Samantha’s stupid post proves the
Markles are upset the their family may have been officially removed through a court action. It’s also stupid because of Scammy’s lawsuit. The Court already ruled Scammy took back the Markle name for attention, taking the Sussex name proves the court’s ruling on that was correct.
Lily would be entitled to use Sussex also as surname.
So Toxic is “upset” because his married daughter is choosing to use her married name? Was he “upset” that Samantha used the name Rasmussen when she was married? And also the name Grant, I believe? Those two non-entities are thoroughly disgusting.
And the fuss by het fans some make over Kate being called kate middleton. Meghan is entitled to say she Meghan duchess of Sussex .
A lot of the media still calls Kate, Kate Middleton and I expect a lot of the media will still call Meghan, Meghan Markle, regardless of what either woman prefers? I’d imagine it has to do with search engines too, idk? But I like that we now know what Meghan prefers. Her friends and people who choose to listen will call her Meghan Sussex.
I agree this moment was probably scripted because Meghan has her voice now and she’s using it. Her name is Meghan Sussex. Markle is her past. We’ve wondered how the kids were stylized. We thought it was Mountbatten-Windsor and all this time Archie & Lili have been Sussex. Well, they’ve all been Sussex.
Just an aside from the article, but the way they tried to make the ever-present jolly music something negative? Ummm, no, the music was a stand-out. Like I just can’t take some of this stuff seriously.
No one should ever take anything that toxic press says seriously, not even the weather forecast, lol.
I enjoyed how the music changed based on what was happening or being said and how it wasn’t a repeat of the same thing. I enjoyed the freeness of the song selection. At one point the played the song “Dip” when they mentioned making dip. It matches my be free and happy attitude and I loved it.
It feels a bit like Meghan is trying to reinvent herself and/or return to her roots with cooking and hosting. Emphasizing her actual name is part of that. I can barely visit the BM because of all the vile names they call her. So all power to her!
I do fear, however, that many outlets will stick with Meghan Markle for the same reason they use Kate Middleton: that’s what people search for and what the search engines find.
In the entertainment industry, it’s really common for women to keep the name that they used to establish their career. And also, those names are registered with the guilds to prevent confusion. So that is why the press could still refer to her as Meghan Markle. But if she says she wants to be known as Meghan Sussex then that’s cool too and it should be respected.
I’m sure that she expects that it will continue but for her to finally say it out loud for the ones in the front back and behind the bushes she’s made it clear what her entire family’s surname is. Her haters making it a thing only adds to more people knowing what her real name is, and I love that for her.
Mindy also asked about the numbers on the jam jar and wondered if it was a ranking. Meghan explained it wasn’t and Mindy cracked a few jokes about it. I really don’t think that moment would have been left in the show if Mindy and Meghan had not wanted it in there.
Meghan choosing her married name is no big deal – women have been doing that for years. And given her dad’s betrayal, it’s weird anyone’s even questioning it.
Heaven forbid a Black woman make clear what her name is.
And the idea that Mindy Kaling would be offended by this moment is ridiculous. Mindy is a grown woman who has achieved significant success in an overwhelmingly white, male industry. She isn’t thrown by another woman of color — a friend — gently asserting her identity.
I don’t understand why this is a thing. I suspect the name update came about from both a sentimental and practical viewpoint. They are always referred to as the Sussexes. The kids are Prince and Princess of Sussex. Maybe a few passports had to be renewed and they decided to use that name instead of the more lengthy Mountbatten Windsor. I once read an article about some British aristocrat who said he updated his name on his passport when he inherited the title. The big reveal to Mindy was edited in as a record scratch moment for drama. This is still entertainment and they both know the business.
Typical deranger nonsense to make up something to be upset about that absolutely no one else is upset about lol
For a press pack that gets extra sniffy whenever people use “Kate” instead of “Catherine”, they don’t have a leg to stand on. Somehow it’s disrespectful to refer to the now Princess of Wales by her original moniker, Kate Middleton, but Meghan doesn’t get that option, I guess?
I get that, and I don’t believe she has any obligation to the UK as a whole – HOWEVER, it would be nice if Sussex THE PLACE was ever mentioned or supported because after all thats where the title is from. We expect the PoW to speak Welsh don’t we? Why not show some love Sussex?
To be clear – This is not on Meghan at all – this is on Harry.
Wales is a whole country and Cornwall is an actual Duchy. There is no Duchy of Sussex, so I don’t know what Harry is expected to do. He has no economic, political, or social role or influence in Sussex.
They are not getting public money or paid any revenue from Sussex. Nobody in the BRF is doing anything without getting paid for it by millions. Why should Harry have additional responsibilities because of his title?? I don’t see any discussion about this for any other titled people in the family who don’t do any official royal work, still enjoy their titles. Harry is also already doing a lot of global charity work.
I grew up having a different surname from my mum. The number of times I was accused of forging a note from home was embarrassing. Also, as we struggled to come up w/a first name, I explained his dad over and over how uncomfortable it was to have a different surname from my mum and I wanted my son and I to have the same surname (he was a sub-sea engineer, so it was clear from the beginning I’d do the school stuff, doctor’s stuff, etc). I even suggested we create a new name for our family, one that would be ours and only ours. Whilst we were still in hospital after a very difficult birth, Joe went and registered our son’s name how HE wanted it, not how we agreed. We agreed one surname would be son’s middle name. Joe switched so my surname became son’s middle name, his surname would be son’s surname. It didn’t flow well but oh well from his POV. I TOTALLY understand Meg’s thoughts on this. 40 years later and it still rankles (but more like an itch than a knife wound now).
Help me someone. Isn’t his name, not title, Harry Windsor-Mountbatten? Like, isn’t that his last time.
Not an expert, but they are getting the title as their surname. Like Harry’s surname was Wales when he was in the army because of his dad’s then title as Prince of Wales. If they weren’t titled by QE2, they would probably use that surname, since Wales surname now belongs to William’s family. It was stated before that they are using Sussex surname as their family name, which is given to them by QE2.
If they weren’t titled by QE2, they would probably use that family surname. Harry had minor titles before marriage (compared to “Duke”), I am not sure if they work as a family name though.
No Windsor was the name but Phillip wanted Mountbatten to be the family name after marriage (ie direct family with no titles). They decided on M-W for untitled members of the direct descendants of qe2 (who don’t have another name). Once you’re titled that’s your surname ie Prince Harry was the son of pow he used the Wales name until marriage when Sussex took over. Will went from Wales to Cambridge on marriage. Once qe2 died the Sussex children then had titles (as grandchildren of the monarch) prince Archie of Sussex (I think that’s the style but not 100% sure) so he and lili become Sussex. When will ascends the throne the younger Wales children will presumably have a name change as George becomes pow as they’re no longer of Wales I would guess Windsor but I’m not sure.
Another example : Sophie and Ed’s son had a name change to Wessex when Ed got Edinburgh. He was viscount Severn before that.
I thought The Mindy episode was great. She was hilarious and it seemed like they were getting a little buzzed on the champagne. When she said she’s using her family name it was not that big a deal and seemed out there to get it out in the open. I liked how Mindy was giving these diva vibes, with the quips about having a party planner, getting in Harry’s face about ladybugs and her awkwardness with cutting fruit. They both looked fabulous too. This was a lot of fun so don’t know why this mining for drama.
My god, we need to abolish patronymy.
I can honestly say I have Never thought of her as Meghan Sussex until this article. i think of her as Meghan Markle or the duchess of Sussex. I had no idea she goes by Meghan Sussex. Wanting cohesion with her family is a valid reason.
I also really liked Madame Duchess.
Listen if I had a deadbeat dad, half brother and sister from hell using the last name to malign my goodname, I too would grow tired of it and change it. So, Meghan wanting to use Meghan Sussex is valid. First of all, it connects her to her family and it stops from people constantly othering her. I do not think it was scripted but it was kept in after editing to make a point. As for Mindy, I think she adores Meghan and vice versa so I doubt there’s any bad blood there.