Donald Trump on Greenland: ‘I think we’re going to get it one way or the other’

It feels almost quaint that Donald Trump is still doing State of the Union addresses in this new era. America is being destroyed from within, Trump is alienating all of our allies and partners, he’s tanking the American economy (and by extension, the global economy), and extremely online people are debating what Democratic congresspeople should be doing or wearing. All of this is going to get a hell of a lot worse. The only video I’ll post from this mess is the moment of Rep. Al Green standing in protest and being thrown out by the Sergeant at Arms.

I’ve actually never seen a Speaker of the House stand up mid-SOTU speech to remind a congressman of the rules of decorum. Has that happened in recent history? I know SOTU speeches have been protested and people have been led out before, but did previous speakers ever do that? Anyway, Trump’s speech was despicable. I’m going with People Magazine’s highlights:

The greatest start to a presidency: Early in his speech, Trump compared himself to George Washington, the first person to hold the office of the President of the United States. “It has been stated by many that the first month of our presidency … is the most successful in the history of our nation,” Trump said without citing any source. “And what makes it even more impressive is that, do you know who number two is George Washington? How about that? I don’t know about that list, but we’ll take it.”

Egg prices: “The egg prices are out of control, and we’re working hard to get it back down,” Trump said of inflation. He then instructed the Secretary of Agriculture to “do a good job on that. You inherited a total mess from the previous administration. Do a good job.” Trump did not include context around bird flu, which Politifact notes heavily impacted egg prices during the previous administration led by President Biden.

More tariffs: Trump says he is “very superstitious,” so he will be enacting reciprocal tariffs on April 2, not April 1. Speaking about reciprocal tariffs, Trump says they will make American businesses more competitive with those of other countries. He says the tariffs will increase prices on foreign goods to make domestic goods more appealing to U.S. consumers. The president noted that because he is “very superstitious,” he will be enacting those tariffs on April 2, presumably a reference to April Fool’s Day.

On Ukraine: “Earlier today, I received an important letter from President Zelensky of Ukraine,” Trump said. “The letter reads, ‘Ukraine is ready to come to the negotiating table as soon as possible to bring lasting peace closer. Nobody wants peace more than the Ukrainians.’ [Zelenskyy] said, ‘My team and I stand ready to work under President Trump’s strong leadership to get a peace that lasts. We do really value how much America has done to help Ukraine maintain its sovereignty and independence.’ ” Trump added that “simultaneously, we’ve had serious discussions with Russia and have received strong signals that they are ready for peace. It’s time to stop this madness. It’s time to halt the killing. It’s time to end the senseless war. If you want to end wars, you have to talk to both sides.”

The United States is going to get Greenland “one way or another”: Trump directly addressed the citizens of Greenland, which he said has “a very small population, but very, very large piece of land and very, very important for military security. We strongly support your right to determine your own future, and if you choose, we welcome you into the United States of America,” he said to its people, who are technically Danish citizens. “We need Greenland for national security and even international security, and we’re working with everybody involved to try and get it. But we need it really for international world security. And I think we’re going to get it one way or the other. “

[From People]

The thing about Trump wanting to single-handedly “end the war” between Ukraine and Russia is where the EU will step in – Trump’s Russian-focused negotiations will go nowhere with Ukraine, NATO and Europe. That’s why the actions taken by European leaders after the disaster in the Oval Office last Friday were so important. The sh-t about Greenland is just f–king bonkers and I genuinely can’t believe this is real life. A script with this plotline would be rejected as too stupid. The egg price thing… yeah, I can’t believe that all of those “soaring grocery/egg price” people from last year just completely disappeared.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid.

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57 Responses to “Donald Trump on Greenland: ‘I think we’re going to get it one way or the other’”

  1. Alicky says:

    Maybe we could bury him in Greenland.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Or Elon can shoot him out in space ?

      • Gabby says:

        Elon needs to shoot himself into space. Believe it or not, he is the bigger menace of the two because Trump will be dead in a few years.

      • Betsy says:

        I always say that all the billionaires who consider themselves God’s gift to the planet should just go ahead and find greener pastures elsewhere in the solar system. I shouldn’t limit these limitless men: the galaxy. They should boldly go where no manned space craft has ever gone before and see what’s outside our solar system. Come on, you guys! Elon’s a self proclaimed genius, right? Go see how fast you can get to the Oort Cloud! Go, go, go! Take Bezos, Zuck, take that Devos/Prince family with you too, you never now when you’re going to need protection from like Saturn monsters. Take Leonard Leo and see if that moon pie Clarence Thomas wants to join this ultra-exclusive luxury trip.

      • Whyforthelove says:

        I should have said I want Elon on the rocket into space too! Meanwhile for a moment of relief check out Tandy Rainbows new video which dropped today “Defying Democracy”

    • Linds says:

      I’d volunteer to dig the grave!!

    • paintybox says:

      @Alicky – oh god no! I get the sentiment, yes, but not Greenland! What did they ever do to deserve having his evil bones stinking up their land? I vote for a live volcano somewhere.

  2. Caitlin says:

    He’s absolutely vile and the kicker is that his actions affect not just Americans but pretty much anyone. The US is our (Canada) biggest trading partner and these tariffs will have a devastating impact on our economy. I wonder if those who supported and voted for him have seen the light?

    • Nanea says:

      The Felon’s tariffs will impact both the US and Canada, before any retaliatory measures from Canada even come into effect.

      But at the same time the stock markets *everywhere* went down in real time, so they’re already having a chilling effect on all economies, before the Orange Menace even thinks of putting tariffs on us here in Europe.

      Watching Trudeau yesterday made me hopeful though, the way he said that Canadians are hurt, insulted and angry, but that they were going to fight *dramatic pause* and win. Sadly without anyone at the helm who’s nearly as charismatic or quick-witted as him. And yes, I’m aware of his faults, missteps and everything. But his being outspoken will be missed internationally.

    • Nic919 says:

      The border states like Michigan will feel it right away. The auto industry is so integrated between the companies that there will be lay offs within the week.

    • wendy says:

      I have an entire MAGA side of the family and they are downright giddy about the Canada thing — if I hear “oh har har Canada caved” one more time I’m going to throat punch someone.

      These idiots believe his nonsense about subsidizing Canada and that they have somehow been fleecing the US with a deal that Dump made in the first place.

      You can’t make this shit up.

    • Nina says:

      Hey fellow Canadian! Trump’s supposed to backpedal on the Canada tariffs as soon as today. It’s part of his playbook.

      Step 1: do something stupid that threatens to totally screw Americans

      Step 2: slightly backpedal on aforementioned stupid thing so that Americans are screwed slightly less

      Step 3: be praised for his “dealmaking skills”

      He rules by creating chaos so that he can offer alternatives that are still harmful but that people will embrace out of sheer desperation.

      • JJSOJC says:

        (Fellow canadian) normally I’d agree with you as that typically is his playbook for sure. But something about this attacking our sovereignty part feels really different this time. I’ve never been so afraid to live so close to the US border, and to live in a city with a naval base. If this was a normal leader I wouldn’t expect an attack, but with trump & elon it feels like insanity.

      • bobslaw says:

        I agree, JJSOJC. This feels eerily similar to what Trump is so keen to forgive Putin for/absolve him of. Paving the way for an occupation or annexation. It makes me crazy that the news media coverage isn’t calling this for what it is: the actions of an insane person to announce publicly that their intention, in the case of Greenland, is to absorb an independent, sovereign nation that does not want to be absorbed. An ally no less.

      • Jaded says:

        @JJSOJC — Fellow Canadian here. I can see Washington State from my balcony and live near a naval base too. I too feel the verbal attacks are way more serious than the mainstream media are stating. His hatred of Canada and Trudeau is palpable and won’t stop with a change of government even if it’s the Conservative party that wins. With Trump revenge is everything and he and Elon will stop at nothing to seek it. His threats to leave NATO and likely pull out of NORAD as well make me sick with worry, it’s as if he’s telling Putin to go head, invade Canada!

    • nutella toast says:

      My dad grew up on a poultry farm. We live in the “poultry capital of the world” (we have bronze turkeys on the edge of town), and I have very vivid memories of hundreds of thousands of turkeys and chickens being culled when Avian Flu went around (which happened periodically and the hillsides were full of weird men in white hazmat suits and shoes covers dipping their feet in some sort of cleaning solution and hazard tape everywhere on farm gates, which was terrifying for an 8 year old). My Dad and my uncle sold portable incinerators FOR A LIVING to dispose of the animals when huge flocks had to be culled. And he believes eggs are Biden’s fault. True (too stupid to wrap my head around) story.

  3. Eleonor says:

    Can someone explain to me his obsession with Greetland???
    Am I missing something?

    • FancyPants says:

      Once the polar ice caps finish melting Greenland will be the center of major shipping routes.

    • Desdemona says:

      @FancyPants and Eleonor, not only that… Greenland has many minerals, and possibly oil and gas under the ice…
      So, basically he wants to drill all of it. Who cares about the population or the environment?

      • Mimsy says:

        Also he likes pictures and maps. The most common map (Mercator projection) shows Greenland as absurdly large in sq miles. Greenland actually appears to be the same size as Africa, yet Africa’s land mass is actually fourteen times larger. the idea of ‘owning’ something ‘massive’ is also appealing.

    • Deering24 says:

      Greenland has untapped mineral rights. And since neanderthals like Trump have no realistic economic ideas, exploiting the earth is all he’s got.

      • nutella toast says:

        Because he won’t have to live in the damage he causes – he’ll be dead. So he doesn’t care. He figures his grandkids will have plenty of $ to live (or buy) wherever is best when all the crap hits the fan.

    • bobslaw says:

      I also think this is just Trump’s narcissism showing its face. He wants to be able to leave office having expanded the territorial mass of the US. Greenland is kind of low hanging fruit to him. Fareed Zakaria made some good points on this on his podcast with Ezra Klein.

    • Becks1 says:

      I just assume it has something to do with Putin. I figure with him, assuming that is usually a pretty safe bet.

      • paintybox says:

        @ Becks1 – well, I agree – there’s some adage or other about always looking for where the benefit is actually going re: actions taken and nobody is happier than Putin about Trump’s actions to weaken and isolate America.

    • clove says:

      Because Russia always wanted it, and Trump is a Russian agent

  4. OriginalMich says:

    I didn’t bother to watch that mess. I did see a response video to it where someone in the room said the GOP acted like it was at a religious revival. To quote Susan Collins: concerning.

    • GuestWho says:

      As someone from Maine, Susan flipping Collins should have been concerned when she was giving the tyrant everything he wanted. She was so sure he learned his lesson from the first impeachment (insert massive eyeroll). She had her chance to do right by her constituents and blew it every single damned time.

      • Becks1 says:

        I’m sure she’s very concerned (eyeroll.)

      • Birdie says:

        Fellow Mainer here and good old Susie gave us Kavanaugh….even though she was “concerned” then. But she quickly fell in line. And got Alll kinds of money from out of state to get reelected. I loathe her.

  5. Swack says:

    We can’t take care of what we have. How are we going to now add Greenland to be responsible for.

  6. Mslove says:

    I did not watch the Russian propaganda last night. I hope Europe doesn’t cave to Putin/ Musk. What a nightmare.

  7. Desdemona says:

    I’ve said several times, he’s going to take Greenland by force.
    He only thinks about his business, he doesn’t care about poor people.
    There’s an interesting article in my country and I’ll translate a small part of it.

    “Even more sinister: Donald Trump and the lads surrounding him want the United States to become friends and allies with Putin’s Russia—not to protect Europe along the way, but with the unspoken aim of, together with the Russians and using modern American technology, exploiting the mineral riches of Siberia and all the Asian and African countries over which the Russian Federation holds influence. The specific case of Siberia is clear: with an ageing population and a lack of modern technology, Russia will have less and less capacity to exploit the region, while China will always be lurking, waiting for an opportunity to invade.

    Hovering above all these financial, economic, and geostrategic interests is yet another civilisational ambition: an alliance between the United States and Russia would be a white and Christian alliance—the only one, in Donald Trump’s mind, capable of countering China and saving the world (according to his own values and interests).

    In Donald Trump’s mind, the growing number of poor people in his own country and the collapse of Western democracies would merely be inevitable collateral damage in the pursuit of the grand design outlined above.”

  8. ThatGirlThere says:

    He’s a disgusting disgrace annd poor excuse for a leader. He was allowed to run for president again after inciting an insurrection. But not allowed to purchase a NFL team. That photo of him and Roberts is nauseating. He is a complete and utter failure as a chief justice.

  9. Brassy Rebel says:

    One minute he tells Danes living on Greenland, “It’s entirely your choice.” And the next he says, ‘We,’re going to get it one way or the other.” In other words, we have ways of making you behave. Typical mob boss bluster.

    I have told people that if someone submitted this whole fiasco as a movie script or novel, it would be rejected and laughed at as utterly ridiculous. A psychopath has basically sucked the entire world into his deranged fantasies. Only Republicans can stop him but they’re too scared. And so the insane plot continues. While the world’s richest man strips its most powerful nation for parts.

    • DK says:

      Yeah, that sounded to me like “and your choices are, you can choose to become Americans or you can choose to face our military,” not a real choice.

  10. Brit says:

    funny thing: no matter what insults we throw at him, the guy rules and together with pootin and a few other lunatics will destroy half the world. I don’t think anyone will be able to stop him. he does and will continue to do whatever he wants. people can go out on the streets, protest, call their representatives, and they still won’t get rid of him. I lost hope.

    • Lili says:

      Yeah it’s quite something to watch, the UK managed to get rid of Lizz truss after 49days when she did something to wipe off our economy, so we wait for the republicans to wake up and get rid of him because now the whole world is going down this drain with him.

    • Mego says:

      And if he dies vance will step up

  11. Bearcat Lawyer says:

    I cannot believe the U.S. fought for literal decades against authoritarianism and Communism only for this pathetic country to elect a Russian asset as president.

    • Desdemona says:

      Russian asset as president… I’m going to call him Orangy Russian asset, or maybe Orangy Russian Puppet…

    • A Fan says:

      Exactly. And I also wonder how a large portion of magas, who were conditioned to distrust and view Russia as the enemy since the Cold War, can reconcile the affinity Trump has with Putin.

      [*Never mind. They elected him again.*]

  12. Sid says:

    Middle fingers up to anyone who voted for this raggedy azz menace. May you never know peace.

  13. Lightpurple says:

    We are a Nielsen household. We had one television turned to a Boston Bruins game and another on Disney+ for Daredevil. And we watched NO news last night. Doing our part to tank his ratings.

    We will be spending the day calling members of Congress

  14. Skyblue says:

    My secret hope is that the rest of the world starts requiring hard core Visa applications for all US citizens traveling out of the United States. Like the one I had to fill out to visit Russia 12 years ago. The world could deny access to anyone who voted for Orangina.

  15. Lizzie says:

    Obv I didn’t vote for cheeto but his one big selling point was he is good for the stock market and the economy. Well, jokes on them. Neither doing well right now. I don’t know if my retirement account or social security will survive four years, and I need both. I’m supposed to retire next year but I’m seriously worried.

  16. DeltaJuliet says:

    “Rules of decorum”? Is that a fucking joke?!?!

  17. Desdemona says:

    Bernie Sanders speech on Facebook is just awesome…

  18. Lau says:

    This has to be the stupidest State of the Union address ever given in the History of that country. The list of other dumbest ones are just Trump’s.

  19. Tashiro says:

    My initial thoughts are what does Putin have on him? I know he envies Putin because he’s a dictator. That’s Trumps wish. He wants to destroy his so called enemies, the entire population of the US including the republican party and his maga nuts and our allies. He hates everyone who isn’t a white male boot licker and all around POS human being. If you have millions or billions then you don’t have to be a boot licker, just being a POS human being is enough. Even though I feel this way I will not give up or give in. I know it’s being said a lot and it won’t be easy or painless but we do have way more power than these ass hats.

  20. Smu says:

    Don’t forget he wants to “annex” Canada. We in Canada take that seriously. It is believed that he thinks he will tank our economy with tariffs. And that will soften us up for an invasion. If the US dares to invade us, there will be a shooting war and a long, miserable insurgency where thousands of American invaders will be killed. Yes Canadians also. But I am damn sure nobody joined the American armed forces so they could die in a war with Canada. CANADA people! Canada who has been your friend through thick and thin, through several wars. Who answered the call to Afghanistan and shed Canadian blood for YOU. Who has been your partner in the most amazing mutually beneficial trade agreement the world has ever seen. Yes, this trade is the ENVY of the world. Trump blew that up with 25% tariffs. We will likely join the EU and let America isolate itself. And, let me point out America has not been very successful in wars of occupation. Afghanistan – losers. Vietnam – losers. Iraq – losers. We Canadians have been betrayed by the country we thought was our closest ally.

  21. GrnieWnie says:

    After Greenland, he’ll turn to Canada. And that’ll become his Vietnam. Cheers! Enjoy guerrilla tactics in -40C. American drones will drop from the sky.

    But Greenland? EU will have to rally, there.

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