As we discussed, it feels like With Love, Meghan is being purposefully review-bombed. It actually reminds me of the recent glee from music critics when they got their hands on Drake’s latest album – they already had their knives sharpened for Drizzy and they really tore that album to shreds (to be fair, the album was garbage). In the case of WLM, it’s different in the sense that there will always be a large and very vocal contingent of people who despise Meghan and hold her to an impossible standard, that she must be all things all at once. And when she does portray herself as a glossy homemaker who stays in her lifestyle lane, they hate that too. I wanted to highlight this part of the Hollywood Reporter’s review/analysis of WLM, which was originally called “Why ‘With Love, Meghan’ Doesn’t Land With Viewers.” They changed it to “‘With Love, Meghan’ Lacks a Key Ingredient.” Probably because WLM is landing with viewers – it’s already a top-ten Netflix show in dozens of countries, including the US.
Immediately upon the show’s March 4 debut, criticisms roared in from both American and British press, categorizing the series as “an ego trip not worth taking” and an “exercise in narcissism,” adding that long-standing assessments of the former actress and Suits star turned American princess likely underscored Meghan’s reticence to share more of herself with her audience. To an already leery viewer, Meghan lacking the openness and vulnerability that would allow a naysayer to connect with and change their opinion of her doesn’t help. And while it’s unfair to ask Meghan to apologize for her wealth or the world she and her friends who join the show live in, the attempts at being aspirational, like remarking how sweet it is to build a balloon arch by hand for her kids’ parties rather than hire someone else to do it, fall flat when there’s no honest conversation about the difficulties of motherhood with fellow mom guests — an element that would better ground the series for viewers than the overuse of edible flower sprinkles.
Media and public scrutiny of Meghan has been both lengthy and unwarranted since she first became romantically tied to Prince Harry in 2016. Unfortunately, unlike her 2022 Archetypes podcast, which gave listeners a greater understanding of both who she and her guests were outside of the personas placed on them, With Love, Meghan, no doubt in its attempt to protect its host from greater critique, presents her as nothing more than a stereotype of a perfect wife and mother. Without the ingredient of relatability, which audiences crave more than anything, the series doesn’t serve up much more than fancy recipes that, according to the latest data on the price of eggs, most viewers can’t afford to make anyway.
I do think there’s a nugget of truth here, which is that Meghan is reticent to reveal too much or show anything other than a glossy, stylized version of her life. This was a complaint with Archetypes as well – that Meghan at times has difficulty letting her guard down and being a flawed human on Main. Here’s my thing – I’m watching a cooking/lifestyle show to see the lifestyle and the cooking, I don’t need Meghan to sit with an economist and talk about working motherhood and the plight of Millennial women. I just want recipes and fun ideas.
Speaking of recipes, Netflix has all of Meghan’s recipes on their site – go here to see. In the Abigail Spencer episode, she even says “when’s the cookbook coming” or something like that, and Meghan was like, oh, I’m not even thinking about that right now. But this was filmed a year ago – surely, she’s thinking about it now? Especially with Netflix publishing the recipes… hm.
Photos courtesy of Netflix.
Isn’t Kate the one wanting to be the bestest wife and mother ever. With all the school runs.
I’m trying to understand how this trade writer thinks spending downtime, laughing, cooking and eating with good friends isn’t a relatable experience. No matter your bank account.
Like is the writer a hermit?
Anyway I’ve added With Love Meghan to my comfort viewing list. Every morning I start my day with an episode. Now I need the playlist.
I was a fervent watcher of Martha Stewart’s show and subscribed to her magazine for years. I did not relate to Martha in anyway but I still enjoyed her content because it was aspirational and pretty. And here is the thing, Martha is awful with guests – pushy and bossy. Meghan is a much better people person. She seems to really like her guests.
I’m thinking of changing my name to Inigo Montaya.
Don’t believe this writer knows the definition of ‘relatability’.
Meghan and the show are very relatable.
Some of these outlets need to read Psychology Today and the importance of self love and self care. Neither have anything to do with narcissism.
You don’t have to love Meghan to recognize that in the show. You’re an idiot if you don’t. Narcissists have a hard time complimenting people unless it’s done in a passive-aggressive backhanded way. Not Meghan. AT ALL.
F*ck the naysayers/negative reviews. The show is very enJOYable. Guess some don’t like JOY. LOL. DH loves the show.
I guess these writers don’t want to waste their time talking about William and Kate 🤣🤣🤣
WanK? What is there to write about 😂
Im not rich, but I love to purposely make every little things in life beautiful in an elevated way. Her show is relatable for me, i’m just a regular peasant suburb mom & queen, adored by her husband and kids in her midsize victorian house. There is no need to live in a mansion for this. What you need however to entertain on occasions, are friends, which are very rare when you’re kate.
I think Meg is very relatable in this show. There were mistakes made like the creamer that she was heating up started to boil over while she was doing something else and the producer said uh oh we have a fire. She went to it stirred it and tasted it and said it’s okay it didn’t burn. Things like that happen to us in our kitchens. Yes she lives in a very beautiful place that a lot of people can’t afford but she still makes it relatable with the things that she does. Yes she has a very large garden on a very large plot of land but she talks about urban gardens where if you have one pot you can grow a few things or even in a bright window on the sill.
I also love how she brings the crew into the show. I laughed out loud when she was harvesting berries, nattering on about jam, and then she told the crew they had to try them. Cut to these grizzled industry dudes dutifully nodding and chomping on berries. It was sweet.
@Susan Collins EXACTLY Her reaction to Roy Choi’s comments about music, especially the look on her face when he made the comment about butchering is the same reaction I know I had and suspect that most people had to it.
Making the dumplings with Vicky Tsai was definitely relatable, especially when they turned the pan over to plate the dumplings
Honestly, the episodes were really light and breezy so they felt like they were over quickly – maybe even too quickly – but, while most people don’t have the time or energy to make things pretty or add a higher level to presentation, the show actually makes it clear that you can elevate presentation pretty simply without going to an inordinate amount of effort.
It was pretty clear that she engaged with her camera crew throughout filming and they felt comfortable working with her. You can see that in a couple of the on screen interactions, how the camera guy let her know about how she needed to check the milk and her reaction to that and when the camera guy ate the breakfast she made for him.
I loved that she dedicated the show to Guy at the end
Yes I loved that she dedicated it to Guy. I’m sure there will be a nasty article from the gutter press about that in the coming days.
Guy!!! The little star sitting in his dog bed. RIP❤️. One part that made me laugh was when something was said by her and Roy Choi and he was like oh okay now I know not to joke about the crudités. It was cute and true. She was not playing about her crudite plate😂. And yeah, I appreciated her bringing the moments with the crew in.
You know what’s relatable? With the world turning upside down, people like us had to trot to the local drug store for measles shots because we are born in that time window where given herd immunity failure, we are now at risk for getting it.
What else is relatable? watching friends getting laid off as people’s spendings are tanking. Our favorite local family restaurant is worried they will go out of business with the high cost of business and now tariff wars. The talks about gutting ACA, SS, Medicare, Medicaid just so billionaires can become trillionaires!
You know what’s relatable? During these destabilizing times where anxiety runs high, people want some pretty, healthy escapisms— where you can enjoy watching people coming together to make happy meals, sit on the lawn with friends and family sharing stories and their day.
What’s relatable? I don’t know about you all, but given all the headwinds, togetherness with folks whom I love and like is what I crave most at the end of a long work shift. I hug my people a lot tighter these days.
@Kit. Yes these times truly do suck!! I too am in the window of non effective MMR so I have to get updated on Saturday. It’s living in a nightmare with no chance to wake up! I binge watched all the episodes at once and for that small amount of time I was completely disconnected to the real world and it was nice but then when I was done watching the nightmare began again. I do try to stay in the positive light but each day a new twist threatens that positive light. I hope we will all be ok.
@Susan C. It’s a subcutaneous shot so no pain. The day I was there, there was a line -up of 11 people in front of me. Some were born later and only got 1 dose per the recommendation back then and their MDs said no harm in getting a booster. Another was a guy who took his lunch break to get the booster because his wife is pregnant (we gave him head of the line as the wait time was over an hour). We actually found commonality in sharing dark humor (transcending politics and class status) while waiting for our jab.
The critics deliberately missed the key point in becoming their rich owners’ dogs of war. Meghan shows sell coming together over food, drinks, and fellowship. It’s great escapism to unwind after a long day or just an hour to relax and be mindless.
Many people need that. Even with my large family, people are busy, and we can’t always take as much time for each other as we like. That’s why it’s important to develop good habits to de-stress and relax. It’s an important tool to have for personal development and responsibility.
We have to make appointments at our CVS so the they probably have a few at 11:00 am that they schedule at one time but it’s nice to just go at our time and not have to wait forever in a long line. I have had chemo so I really need the update for that reason also. I’m all for whatever prevents me from getting too sick with something.
Lol! How can you keep criticizing and it keeps landing on top 10s around the world. If you can’t beat them, join them.
It’s now #5 in the US.
WLM is definitely comfort viewing for me. I rarely get to see my friends. Between work and farming, a coffee is about all I have time for. My only tiny irk, all those flowers! It was fun to see her grab bunches and then put the roses back but the whole time I’m thinking who could afford that many flowers. I’d be buying 99cent primulas…yes, my flowers need to be living.
I could not relate to Pippa’s cookbook and Pippa’s tips but then again, Pippa never launched with Netflix.
The envy is off the scale – again – when it comes to successful women like Meghan. But there are so many precedents too: Beyoncé, Taylor, Michelle…
Welcome to this patriarchy-controlled world and their many willing handmaidens.
Ah, I miss the Pippatips! A large turkey is great for serving a family on Thanksgiving. If you are serving cold drinks, it’s best to have lots of ice on hand. #pippatips
Water! One must have water!
And tables! With plates!
Did Pippa ever do eggs? Or was that Delia?
In Australia we refer to them as crumb maidens, willing to carry the pail for any crumbs tossed their way.
Let’s not forget that Pippa has such a grand attitude about herself she sued the creator of PippaTips and they ceased writing Tweets.
Buzzfeed had an interesting piece about the criticism – basically, after all these years, how are the derangers not embarrassed?
I watched the series. It was really beautiful and so fun to watch and absolutely aspirational but there are definitely a few things I am going to try! It’s not completely unattainable. As for her being too guarded, I’m Ok with that, this isn’t the Red Table w Jada!!
I watched the whole thing, too. Of course, Meghan isn’t relatable – a Hollywood actress who married the most eligible prince in the world – she’s singular. But she is approachable. I don’t need her to unburden her soul on every episode, just present in a straightforward and entertaining way. What I really appreciated was the constant reminders that she’s on a set and not alone – showing the cameras, showing the crew members – she’s populating her Netflix show universe.
I read that article and they are so right.. Meghan’s show is exactly what I want in a lifestyle show, delicious food, beautiful home, flowers, gardens, and lots of fun and laughter. Meghan is absolutely gorgeous throughout the series. If we get a cookbook and a season 2 I will be one happy lady.
I like that she’s not pretending to be an expert in everything, but she’s damn sure going to try. Like the beeswax candles, she straight up said she had never done it before, but why not give it a go? She’s a beekeeper, the cost to her is nothing to use the wax!
I don’t know if they can feel embarrassed after all these years. Also, in my experience if this type of person feels an uncomfortable moment of self-realization, it’s an instant rage response. Buzzfeed also had a great article about Luigi and a daily fail article; from the intro: “Now, in case you’ve never heard of them, the Daily Mail is a tabloid newspaper based in the UK that primarily focuses on pushing right-wing/conservative politics, having its heads up the Royals’ asses, and absolutely losing its shit anytime Meghan Markle breathes.”
I just went and read that article. It’s right! – Let all the bigots in Britain foam at the mouth. Meghan is unbothered in California sipping wine and eating ladybug shaped crudites. She’s having the last laugh.
Here’s the link to that Buzzfeed article. It’s great.
Super link, yes great article. Makes me cheer for Meghan even more. She totally won!!
Welp. Just like that, THE had to change the title of the piece bc the show DOES resonate with viewers. It’s in the TOP TEN in a lot of countries. Keep being YOU Meghan!
I was hospitalized for almost ALL OF JANUARY. I haven’t been able to walk much. Watching her show has me itching to get well enough to get back in the kitchen. I wanna try that Korean fried chicken!
And THAT…is EXACTLY what a lifestyle show is SUPPOSED TO DO❣️ I’m sending you ✨️healing vibes✨️ cause I OVERSTAND what you’re going through!
This is EXACTLY what With Love, Meghan is supposed to do! I have shamelessly used Ina Garten as an alternative to Xanax for decades. I don’t try all of her recipes, and I am not a person for a tablescape, but I absolutely love how low my blood pressure gets when Ina is puttering around, talking about the “good mayo” or whatever. I especially love it when she’s hiding things from Jeffrey, because we are supposed to believe that tiny man is waking up in the middle of the night to hoover down an entire cake.
WLM is exactly the same vibe, and I love it.
@Matriarch, I extend a prayer for you and my heartfelt recovery wishes.
Even though none of us can boast Kate’s or Meghan’s economic background and possessions, we are naturally more drawn to the one that is making wealth for herself through merit and compassion, than the one who has wealth effortlessly granted to her Lazyship.
There’s something eerily magic and magnetic about Meghan Sussex: her Diana-like sense of otherness and togetherness is universally appealing.
Ooh Lazyship I’m taking that one.
Or even HLH and TLH – her lazy highness; their lazy highnesses 😂
Until they have that heat for Ina Garten they can miss me with relatability
Ina posted she was reading Spare on her Instagram.
The vitriol reminds me of the terrible press Diana got when she used her force for good to focus on landmines. She was interfering in politics, she was an attention seeker, she’s gone rogue and a threat to the monarchy…playbook hasn’t changed.
Precisely. When I watched Ina all those years, it wasn’t because I had what she had and wondered what in the world to do with it. It was because even though I didn’t have what she had, I still could cook a decent meal and arrange some pretty flowers. And yes, also because it is fun to see how the super wealthy live. What a silly premise, that the show would somehow be better if she pretended her lifestyle is like mine?
Right? Ina writes in her autobiography that her first foray into TV under the Martha Stewart banner was so stressful to do in her own kitchen she bought the barn down the street to set up a studio kitchen when she finally decided to do food network. I feel like “relatability” is out of control. I don’t want relatable Real Housewives. I don’t want “relatable” lifestyle shows. I don’t want a “relatable” aka stupid President.
Ina, Martha, Giada – those fancy backyard dinners with professionally decorated tables and the like are not exactly relatable. And that’s okay because that’s not what they’re selling. They’re selling an ideal, a brand.
Meghan’s show seems more personal than that but at the end of the day she is still selling an ideal.
Lifestyle programs rarely have appeal because the creators are relatable. Martha Stewart? Barefoot Contessa? Name one? They attract viewers instead because they show us how to do things we rarely do and we either try a few new things ourselves or simply enjoy the “food porn” which actually is a marketing category. Based on her early numbers, viewers seem quite comfortable with Meghan in this role.
Haters gonna hate, tabloids gonna troll. I think viewers are on to them and have deemed them inconsequential.
I wish someone would write articles on the hypocrisy about Meghan. It’s a cooking and lifestyle show. Why does she need to go deep about hardships when no other show does it? Why is it a “scandal” that the show wasn’t taped in her home when most yard done on location or in studio? No matter what, Meghan was going to be attacked. A lot of celebrities are doing some kind of show but for some reason hers was under the Hubble telescope.
I once walked by my TV and Martha was embroidering something, so I sat to watch. A while later she finished and flipped the bag right-side-out and said, “and there you have it! an adorable clothes-pin bag!” You should have seen how far back into my head my eyes rolled. LOL. But it was cute!
I could totally make some of the stuff on Meghan’s show (the cakes and steamed dumplings for certain)
I don’t need to relate – I watch to escape. I want to make that cake in the first episode.
THIS! People (it’s me, i’m people) want to ESCAPE. This is feel good, low stakes way to do that. There’s value in shows like this, at least for me.
Exactly! And that’s what I think is so great about Meghan’s show. I can escape just by watching it, but I can also bring a little bit of that escape into my apartment – some ginger tea in a pretty cup, a miniature orchid from the grocery store, some flower sprinkles on a donut.
I’ve had a Wind in the Willows tea set in my hutch for years, but I keep using an old mug that used to say Palm Gardens on it. Time to dust off the tea set.
It’s just a bonus that some of what Meghan does can be done by viewers at home. My kitchen is nice, but not nearly as nice as the set kitchen, but I can pull out my wedding china on a Saturday morning and put together a single-serve fruit salad in the shape of a rainbow. I can make lady bug crostini for my little nieces when they visit.
YEEEEES. I want to cruise Zillow houses I’ll never buy, pin Taylor Swift clothes I’ll never wear, and watch Meghan Markle cook food I’ll never make. That’s what millions of women (and plenty of men!) LOVE TO DO.
The world is on fire and looking at pretty things is sometimes all I’ve got.
I called it struggle voyeurism yesterday and I’m sticking to it. Even supposed intellectual highbrow publications want her to just be a useful foil for them to take pot shots at, or to bolster the Royal Family. They are not interested in her being happy and chilling with her friends. And whether that is a cultural issue where her earnestness seems fake to you or you’re too much of a cynic to believe that she could be that nice, doesn’t really matter that’s a you problem honestly. She said she’s in her Joy era, and if they want the hot goss and messiness she isn’t providing it. They don’t have to follow it. In fact I’m sure she’d welcome them ignoring her as much as they claim the do.
Yeah, it feels convenient and easy to criticize her as unrelatable or inauthentic bc it’s so subjective. It’s really about how the person watching reacts. And the well has been poisoned by a seven year smear campaign of people primed to see Meghan as the caricature created by the BM. And the HR is happy to jump on for misogynistic outrage clicks.
Because Martha was relatable. Sure Jan.
That is the whole point of these shows they are meant to be aspirational/inspirational shows for what you could do. Pick and choose what you want. You watch them to be inspired and to take a look at your life and see what you feel you can do.
Yes, if going to jail for insider trading is relatable. 😏
May we bake a cake in the morning and do some day trading in the afternoon.
Jokes aside Martha didn’t actually do anything wrong in the case and I wish people wouldn’t make ignorant jokes about it. What happened to her was that she people wanted to make an example of a successful women. Martha isn’t a kind women but what happened there legit made me feel sorry for her.
@Sunny – yes, basically, she lied about doing something that was legal. She pretty much had the worst legal representation.
I really am sick of this narrative. Martha Stewart was not relatable at all and she built an empire. Of course the BW is always expected to be vulnerable and relatable . I don’t give a sh@t about that. The world is on fire and I need a respite. I’ve seen so many people on Threads who love the show because they too love crafting,gardening, and hosting. Meghan has got me out here trying to find beeswax to make candles.
This is a coordinated smear campaign. THR has been trash for awhile and they have had their knives out for her for whatever reason. The truth is a lot of people don’t think a BW deserves this lifestyle, a loving husband and children,
a beautiful home, and friends who love and protect her.
You’ve hit the nail on the head. They don’t think that a BW deserves this kind of joy, this kind of lifestyle, a handsome prince for a husband and loving adorable children. They are more than happy to see us in a narrative that highlights struggle. We can be downtrodden and oppressed, but we’re not allowed to celebrate and live in joy and happiness. Oh well. Too bad for the naysayers. Meghan has clearly gotten past the hell they tried to put her through for daring to step out of their appointed place for her. I’m so happy to see her shine in her element.
I’m not really into cooking/lifestyle shows, but I just watched a couple episodes. I must say that I have been enjoying it. I like the photography of the gardens and food. I also like how she talked about how they are working in a kitchen that’s not her home.
I’m watching her chat with friends and other people while they make tasty food and do fun stuff, I’m not expecting rawness and confessions. If she wants to keep that to herself I have no issues. It’s not that type of show.
I do like that she’s regularly referencing that people often don’t have a lot of time and ‘you do you’ essentially. Sure buy your hummus instead of making it but you can still jazz it up when you serve it.
I also like that a lot of the things she’s making are pretty straightforward and not massively time consuming. I’ve realised I actually could salt bake a fish if I wanted to! Although the tomato pasta from E1 will be first on my list of things to have a go at.
I made it last night! I got rave reviews!!
I’ve had so many people tell me that they ending up binge watching this (in most cases unexpectedly) because it was so soothing and a reprieve from our winter and our general scary times (I’m Canadian).. it was a freaking delight and I loved it more than I thought I would.
I found both the show and Meghan both relatable and delightful, and I want more.
Same. I’m in Italy and watched all over 2 cold evenings.
I think it’s worth remembering they have a GIANT press cabal against them. Harry is screwing with Rupert Murdoch multiple ways. People here love them. “Spare” was an international hit. “Harry & Meghan” doc was crazy viewed. “Suits” was in top ratings of Netflix for ages and now has spin-offs. The public at large loves them. The negative press is influenced by bad energy Brits like Tina Brown and of course Murdoch.
Just bake some cookies people LOL
I woke up in the early morning to go to the bathroom and get a quick drink of water. I decided to watch a quick episode of the show and before I knew it, it was 5:30 in the morning and my alarm was going to go off at 7. I told myself to go to sleep and I would watch the remaining episodes after work. Then I realized that the next episode was with Abigail and Kelly and I decided that I could watch one more episode and get a quick nap before 7. I stayed up and watched the remaining episodes while getting dressed for work. Each episode was fun, enlightening and entertaining in different ways. I’ve since watched it multiple times finding little things that I didn’t notice before. It’s a great show and I’m happy for Meghan.
OMG. Eff these people: “Meghan lacking the openness and vulnerability.” The woman has savaged time and time again for being TOO open. She wrote an entire OpEd about her miscarriage. She has cried for us, let us know that she was having very dark thoughts, and told us about her struggles since marrying her prince. She did a whole podcast series exploring womanhood in the modern age. But that isn’t enough. Even when she tries to move on and go back to her roots of loving people and nice things, these people still want her to bleed, for their enjoyment, constantly.
They want her to have public therapy sessions by the sounds of that “openness and vulnerability”. It’s disgusting. Glad this is a publication I have never purchased.
Harry was all into that openness and vulnerability because he needed some public healing.
For Meghan, she seems more focused on issues, and lightness and fun in her downtime. Hope she does some food travel a la Anthony Bourdain.
I had a critique yesterday and I was totally wrong. This show is fine. It’s exactly what it set out to be. It’s glossy, pretty, aspirational. I still desire hearing more about her personally, and she is guarded for good reasons. But as a new money – never had this much since marriage – I’m curious about her journey into comfort with wealth. And I think the public has an interest because her marriage is what pushed her into this specific spotlight. But that’s my interest, not hers. After watching it’s clear that most ppl already made up their minds on her before the show aired. I still do think it might be helpful to give her more of an assignment – like producing events for both rich friends and working class folks – but again this is my desire. Not hers.
I don’t think they want anything specific from Meghan. They just want her to keep doing things, whatever, so they can continue to criticize her.
Blogger, Harry healed in private. We didn’t know before M he had done a lot of work. On himself. He discusses MH because he works in MH under several different umbrellas (better up, invictus) and MH became important to him after he began his journey, hence Heads together at KP. I love that one of his missions is to take MH and desigmatise it for groups that still struggle with that especially for veterans. MH will always be a strong cause for him.
@Meena, except Meghan was a multi millionaire before meeting Harry. Her net worth was greater than his. She’s been wealthy since well before marrying into that family. She’s been comfortable as a wealthy woman for going on 15 years.
“…there’s no honest conversation about the difficulties of motherhood with fellow mom guests.” It’s lifestyle/cooking show — why would they be talking about that? And guess what? If she did talk about the difficulties of motherhood, the Trolls would be gassing about “WHAT DOES SHE KNOW ABOUT DIFFICULT? SHE PROBABLY HAS 20 NANNIES IN HER 500-BATHROOM MANSION.”
Meghan is doing Meghan and this is her show. Whatever cooking information she provides is what I am interested in. She lives a good life with the man she loves and children she adores. She comes across as very authentic and has moved beyond that nonsense on struggle island. While the reviews may be harsh, folks ate interested in what she is doing, cooking and wearing. I would rather be Meghan than the critics who mostly are men. Many folks cannot get beyond a Black woman in this space,
The derangers b o t reviewers were never going to like the program.
She’s biracial Black. How DARE she be aspirational. She’s supposed to be gritty and relatable.
Exactly. There’s so much misogynoir in this criticism. Just gross.
I have watched a few episodes. I’m trying not to binge watch. I like the ease and simplicity of the recipes. I just watched the episode with Delfina going on a hike and the scenery is fabulous. It’s real escapism and food for the soul. I hope she does another series. I do think she will get more comfortable as she does more but I don’t blame her for being reserved given what she’s been through.
Agree, I hope she is given the space to grow with more episodes and seasons. I am holding out hope for a fall/Christmas season. Please let me see Meghan’s holiday decorating and hostessing, I beg!
Chrissie T, nothing wrong with binge watching :). I’d say if you want to stick it to the derangers and review-bombers and drive the show’s numbers up, then binge watch over and over again x
I don’t want to watch Meghan cooking in small apartment with ingredients in everyone’s kitchen. I wanted to watch glamour, richness, which she delivers very well. If I want relatability, there are many youtubers cooking channels I follow. I love watching them too. I know it is hard for these petty, snarky writers, but it can both exist in our lives.
Also lol @ the title change. They are really trying to downplay each and every success of H&M.
Now it’s about relatability, huh?
It’s a well made piece of much needed escapism, not a 101 on home ecs.
Because gold coaches, multiple palaces per family, shiny hat con-a-nations, a multi-million £££ taxpayer-funded “salary” is relatable, right, and we never hear anything bad about that from Murdoch, Penske, Rothermere, Bezos and other press barons.
They are simply bitter because she didn’t mention the royals and didn’t do or say anything they can actually complain about. As people said above, give this nitpicking type of energy to other shows and see how well anybody comes out. Do they actually believe that they see the real lives of anyone with a reality show?
Yeah… She’s probably keeping a guard up. I think it’s worth acknowledging that Harry (and Meghan) were traumatized. They are strong, but went through a real ordeal (think of the hatred during the Queen’s funeral).
I think if Meghan had been solo (or with a husband with a different past) she would have re-entered the L.A. scene after Suits in full force. She would have been cool showing her kids, MET Gala, giving tantalizing “bites” to the press, etc.
But Meghan seems to be a nurturing person. Harry was hounded his whole life, then she got a dose the insane press intrusion. They absolutely needed to lay low these past 5 years and build a calm/stable “nest.”
I’ve sensed in the past 2 years even friendly reporters getting frustrated with Meghan because she isn’t “out and about” enough. There is no juicy gossip to write! Whatever content they give is never enough for a voracious press and public interest. So I say to H&M …. collect your checks and be happy!
I think they’re still going through trauma and any time they go out in public is a step forward (or backward) in their healing process. But Meghan going back on Insta and posting again is a huge step forward for her IMHO.
Yes agreed!! she’ll be able to show her personality.
Wtf? And yet if she did a jeans-and-tshirts, no-frills, budget family lifestyle show the problem would be that it was inauthentic because she has 15 bathrooms and a Cartier watch!
They’re so pissed it’s not in her house to get a peek (to further insult), and they’re so pissed she’s just being herself, an extremely elegant and wealthy mother, wife and entrepreneur.
When have the Sussexes ever pretended to have a relatable lifestyle (unlike some other people we could name)? They are relatable *as people*, which she clearly demonstrates with her friends and guests.
I believe as WLM is escapism for the viewers it is also escapism/self-care for Meghan, focusing on beautiful things which brings her joy, drowning out all the negative sh*t.
She is not reinventing the wheel here and we’ve all seen iterations of this but I am enjoying it and I find her very relatable. Do I have access to all that she does? No but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy watching her cook with her friends. These people are crazy to say this is bad TV. It is not and I’d watch more of it in the future.
What part of the one-pot pasta wasn’t relatable. There are literal experience shops at our local mall where you and some girlfriends can come make candles. These critiques aren’t a pulse check on the real world.
I need her to partner with Apple or someone and drop that playlist ASAP!
Media Critics open secret:.. white people especially women, you must never aspire to a black woman’s life style!!!!
I like Meghan but wasn’t planning on watching the show bc I cancelled Netflix. But since there is all this criticism, and I HATE the British press, AND American press … I will watch to spite both of them. Even my beloved JustJared has sold out to the machine and compiled all the negative reviews into one article.
JustJared has been hating on Meghan for YEARS. That’s a major deranger site, on par with Gary Janetti’s old page.
Really???!! Wow, I’ve been missing these clues. That site has gone severely downhill even in the last year. Almost every article is now “Which star of ____ show is the richest? Heres the ranking!” or “Who is ____? Here are all of the actor’s exes!”
These idiots are mad Meghan is not being the stereotypical black woman: comes from an abusive relationship with a partner, out of wedlock kids, no history of drug abuse, etc. Meghan still goes through grief from that family, the press and the Markle Monsters, but instead of caving from the bullying she soldiers on. That is what they’re mad about. The press’ idea of relatable is Meghan doing a Diana level confessional spilling the rest of the tea on the BRF because they are too cowardly to do the research and do it themselves.
They’ll be disappointed because she’s already done her Diana-Bashir confessional with Oprah.
Meghan has Harry and they’re a team weathering the tempests together.
And that has made all the difference.
Meghans show has me going to the dollar store to find glass containers to start making my own eucalyptus bath salts. I also have citrus towels in my fridge for after my morning walks. I’m loving Meghan’s lifestyle but we share a lot of the same likes especially the flowers and special touches.
Ok?! I used to be an independent consultant with Alice’s Table, a whole experience business built on teaching people how to arrange flowers. People LOVED it. And you can buy fresh flowers at Trader Joe’s when you just want things to feel special sometimes. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked to who are looking to slow down and enjoy people. To connect IRL. To move away from consumerism. If I’m in a room (or viewing a feed) where you’re nitpicking/piling on critiques on a simple, completely optional to watch show like this, I’m in the wrong room or I need to rethink what’s impacting my algorithm.
I keep seeing people say this and I don’t understand it. I grew up watching a lot of the food network and I never needed Ina to show me her flaws. I feel like this is a new desire for people to want everyone to be relatable. They say the same about Beyonce. And I don’t need it.
I think Meghan is allowed to protect herself. Every time she gets vulnerable she’s been crucified for it. I also think relatability would ring untrue. This is a woman who was on a successful tv show for many years and then married a prince. She’s not relatable.
They want her to be relatable, so they can call her fake. They made the same criticism about Beyonce, singing about being rich is not relatable. When she sang about quitting her job or going to the dive bar , they called her fake, because she is Beyonce, a rich and famous singer. So, she shouldn’t sing about things like that 🙄
Cooking with friends, sipping cocktails, and sharing meals is pretty relatable, and my vibe. When I hang out with my favorites, that’s exactly what we do – minus the Mahjong, we’re more of a Bananagrams crowd. 😬😊
👍 to bananagram.
These “critics” can’t afford to miss out on their paychecks so you know gotta be a good, obedient attack dog.
The rest of us is watching how our lives are being upended, as cost of living spirals out of control with talks of Medicare, SS, Medicare being cut and more layoffs while billionaires are running the country. None of these so call “critics” care how relatable the tariff wars or loss of government services are to the common folks.
So yeah, no wonder given all the attacks on everyday working people, we, the people, might actually need a bit of escapist therapy for our mental health. And yeah, I love a great garden party or just a simple picnic with family and great friends. It’s about togetherness. And that’s as relatable as you can get with all the headwinds we are facing.
My sense is that WLM is aspirational. I don’t relate to it either – my house is cluttered, messy and not beige. But I don’t reject the show because of that. For me its an escape… giving me a short bit of time to not be in my mess, to be somewhere else and come out with some ideas for my own space. In this really screwed up world (I’m Canadian, and my nationality has been experiencing an existential threat) … Its nice to spend time with Nice Americans being nice. I don’t get the whole narcissism critique either. When is self-confidence narcissism? I don’t see this? So they can send Wee Willy Winky to a pub and talk about himself and that isn’t narcissism, its relatability? Please.
I don’t even care if she is relatable or not. I watch Real Housewives and no one is relatable there. But it was just so boring. She put salt in a jar and pretzels into a bag … seriously?
That was the first episode – what about the pasta dish?. Did you watch any others?
That part made me laugh. The very first episode! Put pretzels in cute bags. Check. Can do that one! It was made clear from the start that it was about doing little details to elevate even something like Trader Joe’s peanut butter pretzels😂. So I wasn’t bored. But it’s okay, if you were. It’s not going to be for everyone. If Meghan decided she was into producing bloody slasher horror movies I’d have to nope out. Not that I think that would happen😂
I mean different strokes for different folks. You don’t have to like the show, there’s always going to be a contingent of people where this is the type of thing that doesn’t interest them at all. The larger issue is the reviews acting like if you don’t appeal to 100 people out of 100 in a room you shouldn’t release something. I personally find reality shows like real housewives and Love and hip Hop to be incredibly cringe but they have a huge market or they wouldn’t have 15 versions in different cities. It is what it is.
I really care about hosting houseguests, so I don’t find quick and easy ideas like this boring. I think people would find it boring if they don’t like this genre of show or lifestyle tips in general. Personally I think most sports are boring which is why I would never lift a pen to critique Harry’s documentary Polo. (Heart of Invictus was great though.) What I don’t understand is why professional writers would criticize Meghan’s show for not being something that it was never meant to be nor promoted as — that is, it’s not an insider’s look at her real life, a reality show about the Sussexes, or a self-help navel-gazer for parents battling their inner demons. These critics are judging the show based on rules that apply to no other show in this genre, and are also inventing things out of whole cloth like the narcissism thing. But I’d rather that their criticism be that the tips themselves are boring, because at least that would be a judgment related to the actual purpose and content of the show, assuming the critic is interested in this genre in the first place. It just seems like these criticisms are being made in bad faith, which is why I can’t take them seriously.
When my lady friends from back east come to visit for a few days I like to put out a basket of good guest towels, special little soaps and hand creams, a bowl of pot pourri beside the bed, a few magazines, I think it makes guests feel truly welcome. We show how we care for friends in a myriad of ways, and anyone can do this on a budget, it doesn’t have to be all high-end, unrelatably expensive stuff. Same goes for food – a beautifully arranged platter of appetizers, a special meal you only make once in a while, setting the table with good dishes, candles, fancy wine glasses and flatware, all the nice accoutrements. It’s visually appealing as well as flavourful.
I saw a story on DM gloating that her show was only 6th on Netflix.
Um…so of ALL the shows, hers was in the Top 10 and the British press consider it a”failure”.
You know who’s a failure? W&K. They only agreed to take on ONE of QE2’s patronages. W who has had only 15 “official” engagements, K at 7, some of them being private at Windsor. W, despite having access to the best education, bragging about finally learning Welsh (PRINCE OF WALES) on Duolingo.
New conspiracy hat on: wonder if all this vitriol is Camilla’s doing 🤔
Her son Tom Parker-Bowles published last year a book called “Cooking and the Crown.”
It went nowhere despite the various launches/lunches, support from Chuck to use Royal recipes, TV interviews…it was, in short, a flop. Tom “wannabe Monty Don” Parker-Bowles is unattractive and is no Oscar Wilde.
And here comes Meghan, the American usurper who, despite her attempts through her mates like Jeremy Clarkson refuses to be buried, and not only gets a TV series, and As Ever produce to compete with Duchy’s Originals but also a Netflix investment.
That would hurt. And continues to hurt.
Conspiracy hat off.
Ignore the naysayers. They are humbugs and they think it is fun to review bombed a cooking and lifestyle show.
We are here to witness the rise and rise of Meghan Sussex , the entrepreneur.
Perhaps in future she can collaborate with for example. Uniqlo and launch a clothing line.
Her wedding dress designer Clare Wright Keller has a current collab with Uniqlo. Could be the right fit for her except for the fast fashion criticism she’ll inevitably get.
But Roger Federer has a collab with them too so I’d like to see something similar to her Smartworks capsule. Or maybe even with IKEA for interior design.
I don’t like lifestyle shows, and never watched Martha Stewart–that being said, however, the tips WLM has (with a few exceptions) are easily and quickly done and cheap, and rather nice–like special bath salts for a guest. Will I watch it again? Probably not. But I don’t see the reason for critics to come down so hard on it, just based on what we’ve seen. I wonder if the delay may have come from getting rights to the music?
I agree with you, the hate is so disproportionate for a lifestyle show. I keep seeing the same complaint, that she put pretzels in another bag, but it was actually more than that. I had never considered leaving snacks in the guest room, but I’m willing to bet there are people out there who will get the munchies, but never feel comfortable wandering around someone’s house in the middle of the night.
Especially with kids, I would be terrified I would wake one of them up in the middle of the night. My son was the most ridiculous baby, there is a floorboard that squeaks in our living room, and it would wake him up ALLLLLL the way in the back of the house. His room couldn’t be further from the living room. I think it’s nice that she’s thinking about little touches, no matter how silly they may seem. I wouldn’t want a guest to starve at my house!
It is relatable though!
Taking out the peanut butter pretzels and repackaging them is 100% something I would do.
That moment when Meghan and Vicky Tsai dropped the potstickers on the counter and then went ahead to just pick them up and put them back in the pan to flip them. I really didn’t think they would do that. I don’t know how much more relatable she can get.
But, we all know that this is not genuine criticism and that she can’t win for losing. For that reason I’m all for her showing the parts she wants to show and keeping the parts she wants to keep to herself. After 8 years of these deranged attacks, she has earned the right to present what she wants to and not an iota more.
The Vicky episode is just about my favourite. That’s the episode where the Meghan’s scalding sweet milk almost overflowed. The director draws her attention to it, with. “O Lordy” added at the end in a calm voice. Meghan calmly turns around, stirs it, says it didn’t burn, she bets it’s really good, tastes it and confirms it’s really good. I thought it was a delightful moment. They had a moment getting the potstickers out of the pan because they were using a heavy marble “plate” and not surprisingly, the whole thing fell out. They “rescued” all the potstickers and proceeded to just be ecstatic just tasting them. They had the conversation of how broken and fixed is beautiful which was so touching and anyone who has followed Meghan’s journey would see how that relates to her experiences. Vicky was so likeable and so similar to Meghan in their personalities in some ways; it was a lovely episode. The show features some of Meghan’s enduring female friendships, and she seems to have many. I think just her Cali ones were featured in this series. So the show is about cooking, entertaining, decorating, and friendships. A lot!
I haven’t watched the show because I don’t have netflix. But, reading the reviews, they all seem very personal to me, like they have a problem with M more than they do the actual show. It’s that same icky feeling I get when I read reviews of romance writers who the writer thinks is “lesser than.” To sum up, the reviews are a big ole patriarchal mess IMO.
Don’t get me started on the romance genre! I completely agree with you, the reviews are very similar to the disdain romance novels get, which always reflect more on the reader than the novel, IMO.
I think ,Meghan is retatable. She is vulnerable on the show, many times over she speaks of the many things her and her friends have been together for. It is a short show and if she got into anything deeper it would not be the show it is, it would be an Oprah type show. she shows raw feeling a few times and slightly tears up when her and her guest talk about kintsugi – japanese art of considering how broken things can be repaired and are more beautiful.
She looks to the producer and involves the team into her ups and downs in the kitchen. She sprays herself with fruit while pressing it. And is not shook. She almost scorches creamer , is not shook. But she says I bet it’s still good. While talking to the director, but in a confident hopeful way. She is easy going and casual and that is easy to watch.
Some of these people she has on the show are first time meets for her. And it is friendly and easy the way she encourages them and asks to learn from them. And is obvious that they like her, Mindy called her a friend after taping and spoke up for her. Roy Choi called her family now in the episode.
Meghan is relatable, she is saying I didn’t have this growing up but i grew up with urban gardening from school and if we want to we can put some veggies to grow on a windowsill.
She is reaching a hand to everyone going g through trauma and trauma repair and saying start small and keep the hope, here are some ideas to lean on. That is a healthy aspirational platform , not, buy a lot of stuff to gloss over things to impress others.
She is open, she gets more familiar with the process pf filming and getting to know the production team and she is effervescent by the last few shows. She wears jeans and a sweatshirt and Jean shirts and linen pants and nice sweaters etc. Every show she is saying the VAlue is in the little things and it has helped heal her. She wants that feeling for everyone’s. That is being vulnerable and authentic, and relatable.
Well said.
I agree, very well said. Good reminder too she talked about growing up with urban gardening, as “most people don’t have acres of land to plant a garden, snif snif” is one criticism I’ve read. I looked into small scale gardening when a friend moved into housing that only had a small terrace for planting. Bought her a bunch of seeds as a “congrats on you new home” gift. Container chard, cucumbers, eggplant, lavender anyone? I used to do a container tomato plant for my dad every year; he didn’t care about gardening, had limited space, but loved fresh tomatoes.
💯 agree with you
When there is absolutely nothing to criticize pull out ‘she is unrelatable’. Fuzzy, hard to define arbitrary standard that, SHOCKING!, Meghan doesn’t meet. Or does she? Or should she? Doesn’t matter that is the headline because they refuse to say it’s basically a very charming show.
They couldn’t find anything sensible to criticise in the program so they just made something up.
The main reason why these outlets are saying they can’t relate to Meghan is because she’s a black woman in a primarily white space. Black women are supposed to make white people feel better about their lives and watching Meghan exist in this space makes them feel intimidated and inadequate.
Yes ✨ and inevitably they can’t relate because they don’t have the charm, the cleverness, the beauty and grace or the charisma that Meghan effortlessly brings to every minute
You hit the nail on the head
Thinking about doing a floral arrangement this weekend 🌸. “With Love, Meghan” is both inspirational and aspirational. Exactly what I like in this kind of content.
Yes, of course she’s a wonderful wife and the best mum, but what she’s 100 per cent not is a housewife.
Does anyone think that this series, the podcasts and the many other things she and Harry do work by themselves? All this work, the results of which are visible everywhere, requires a huge number of hours from both of them. It’s not as if 1,000 palace staff do everything for them, but – imagine – Meghan and Prince Harry work themselves, as humans do.
Monarchists crying about relatability lol. Murdoch cult acting like they’re offended by wealth. They can all get drowned.
I’ve never seen a cooking or lifestyle show that took place within the host’s actual home. They’re all on sets, the hosts are professionally styled, the cookware is new and high-end. These critics don’t want a cooking and lifestyle show, they want a reality show that exploits the Sussexes. That’s never what Meghan was offering, because she’s not a ghoul.
As an impoverished teen growing up in Los Angeles, I loved watching Martha Stewart, This Old House, and Yankee Workshop. The folks on those shows made beautiful things. None of it was affordable. Yankee Workshop looks rustic and folksy but they’re using specialized tools that cost tens of thousands of dollars. Yet no one ever had it out for Norm Abram, wonder why that is.
As a middle-class middle-aged mom today, I could — and would — make everything in Meghan’s first episode. I don’t know if I’d attempt Roy Choi’s full chicken recipe but it was fun to watch it all come together and I’ll probably try making quickles and kimchi sauce. Meghan talked about making sun tea as a child by pulling out whatever tea bag was in the drawer, sticking it in a jar of water and watching it steep. How is that unattainable? I also am baffled by the criticism of her presenting herself as a perfect wife and mother — like, what?? Her family doesn’t even appear in the show, she barely mentions them other than to say she likes to do special things with them and for them — how is that perfectionism or unrelatable?
I just can’t with these nasty, brain-addled haters. They’ve shown who they are.
She’s not relatable? She’s reticent? She carefully curates what she shares? Exactly what do people want from Meghan? A discussion of how the smear campaign has affected her? A political discussion perhaps? In my opinion, Meghan shared as much as any other lifestyle host has shared on their shows. I think Meghan was on the same level of sharing as Nigella and Ina on their shows. I think everything Meghan made on her shows is fakeable by anyone (except maybe the flower sprinkles). We may buy our berries and vegetables and eggs at the supermarket instead of harvesting our own, but it’s not hard to duplicate the ingredients in the food Meghan prepared on her show. This “relatability” is another invented cudgel to beat Meghan with, and indeed these critics commit violence against Meghan daily with their vitriol and jealousy and resentment. Nobody ever said Martha was “relatable” and look at her and her business empire.
No one expected Nigella to discuss the public assault by her ex Charles Saatchi on her cooking show…but there we go. Meghan has the twin institutions of the Firm and the press whipping hatred against her.
What were they expecting? Spam and Cheetos on paper plates??
Dinner for 5 for 10 dollars? please….
Ok, not the Cheetos. But y’all I make some pretty yummy spam and egg musubi. Don’t know what it is? Look it up.
It’s a killer snack. Great for Super Bowl party, picnics, pot luck, and my go to happy meals when bagging peaks and backpacking. It was one of the few things that worked on my kids to get them to conquer the last 500’ to reach the summit.
But yeah, the critics want to see Meg serves up stereotypic food they can make fun of and look down on. She didn’t so the critics are stuck with “inauthentic” cause y’know— defying their stereotypes and she’s unrelatable cause, well, only white woman like Martha or Ina or Paula Deen can be their domestic goddess. Sigh.
I hate cooking and cooking shows. Basically anything to do with cooking gets a hard pass from me. I put this show on just to give it ratings and I can’t stop watching and smiling! I want to invite guests over so I can make their room and bathroom nice for their stay! I’m a huge Meghan fan but was expecting to hate this show because…I hate cooking shows, I was so wrong!
What do they even mean by relatability? What exactly do they expect. The show is visually stunning and has good, easy recipes and it’s well produced. Is there room for improvement? Of course. Sometimes the pacing lags or would love to focus more on one area. I’d like to see her out more in the local area and some of the wine country or visiting more of the local towns. I think she has a really great rapport with her guest chefs and would love more of that. She’s great with her friends ( loved Daniel, Vicky and Mindy episodes best) so not sure where they want more relatability. It’s a cooking lifestyle show and she’s trying to instruct the viewer as well. The reality is the show is a big global hit, people like it, and there’s a lot she can build on. Calling her a narcissist or saying she shouldn’t show eggs is unhelpful and frankly unfair. Criticize but be constructive. I think Meghan should be very proud of this show and I hope there’s a second season.
Who the hell is gatekeeping the chef’s knives? Who the hell is forcing her to use a paring knife for vegetable chopping? This is making my hands hurt for her. Madness! 🤯
I think a stickler for knife skills would definitely say her technique has room for growth but her results are still really impressive. I’m approaching my next crudité plate with a renewed purpose,
I thought I heard one of the chefs compliment Meghan on her knife skills. I’m sure I’ll come across it. I’m planning to watch the whole series a second time. Sometimes you just want to use a small knife, you know? Maybe that is what Meghan actually uses day to day.
My brother in law uses a fillet knife to cut up veggies or fruit. Also uses the same knife to mash avocados for guacamole. Takes him 20 minutes or so. Drives me nutty that he won’t use the chef’s knife he has. That only comes out of he is chopping up a full pineapple.
You know what’s unrelating in this day and age? The Windsors many places and living off the tax payers while they are food banks popping up all over and the two top dogs are slum lords . That’s what gets my blood boiling but I guess we don’t talk about those things. Nope , instead we pick on a woman who makes her own money and is not robbing the poor to keep her lifestyle afloat
Really, who gives a flying f**k what THR thinks?. They just had to get their two cents in, didn’t they?
Have to agree…had a short nap reading this thread and woke up with this song in my head, “Moving on” sung by Stevie Wonder.
Maybe they should take a clue and do the same!
Meanwhile Netflix is counting coins and saying second season greenlit . 😀😀😀stay mad, Meghan can afford to buy many more necklaces. . On another note, I hope she is selling those aprons and the bowls and cups that she used. They are so beautiful.
I’d like to give her credit for having a show celebrating creative domesticity without making it a tradwife thing. I never got a tradwife vibe at all from her episodes in spite of the fact that all she’s doing is exulting in being a mom and cooking for and entertaining her family and friends. A lot of that is actually just work so it’s helpful and inspiring to have someone remind us that we can enjoy it (or parts of it) and turn that drudgery into something creative and fun for us, too, the ones doing the work. Without a tradwife vibe, which has a whole ideological bent that is repulsive. If you have a family and friends, no doubt you care about them, so this is very relatable and a reminder that beautifying our daily lives uplifts others AND ourselves. We all need that and if we have to do/make it ourselves, at least she’s saying we can do it and let’s have fun with that.
You’re so right that none of it ever gave trad wife because Meghan explicitly said these recipes or ideas were designed to be done quickly because everyone is busy with work and school. She constantly expressed how much of what she was doing was designed to squeeze meaningful moments out of busy schedules. That’s what makes all of it so relatable. Meghan trying to find ways to be a present wife, mother, and friend despite her busy life as an entrepreneurs.
What I like is that she constantly references working parents when talking about her recipes/projects. Also all of her women friends are working, accomplished or had/have businesses. With the Mah Jong group, she noted they were all at different stages of their lives. I really liked her friend Tracy in that episode. I really don’t understand this gripe about relatability. She is a literal royal duchess. This is a glimpse into a world most of us will never have access to, but there’s a lot of fun tips and ideas we can get from the show.
That’s a really great point. She keeps making the point about building community, sharing this with people you care about. I love that. Cooking and entertaining as a way to care about yourself and others.
This writer while trying to denigrate Meghan and her show really showed their contempt for everyday people. WHY does this writer think the price of eggs will dictate whether people want to learn new and interesting ways to host their friends and family? Why do you think hospitality is something only the rich would be interested in?
Additionally I’ve noticed that whenever Meghan comes off positively there is this cry for her to show her “authentic self”. As if the happy warm loving person we see isn’t really her. She grew up in LA as an activist and married that with acting. Meghan is a girly girl who was interested in fashion, food, and making the world a better place by empowering women and developing community. She is the epitome of soft life and worked hard to get it. The happy wealthy warm person we see IS HER. But since that flies in the face of the controlling she-demon, gold digger caricature they created they cry “give us the real Meghan”.
Last but not least I haven’t finished the series yet and I’ve learned quite a bit about Meghan, her kids and Harry’s lives so those crying she’s so guarded are just as ridiculous as those crying about her not being relatable.
I wished she lived next door, or down the street. To me – this is relatability. Of course she wouldn’t live in Montecito, but we still live by the ocean! Not because we would be besties, but it feels like you could text her for a recipe, or if you needed some weird spice she probably has it and she would come through for you. Of course she is crazy rich and her security would probably turn away this crazy lady asking for zatar.
Maybe this says more about me, but I was actually (pleasantly) surprised by how much Meghan was sharing — childhood memories, favorite flower/antique shops, wanting (and needing) mom friends, what she serves her kids, Harry cooks eggs, etc. It seemed a little awkward in the beginning but that also seemed authentic? I wouldn’t cook in a cashmere sweater but I also am not cooking with a camera crew and flattering lighting either. But I’m still learning things I’m excited to try! And she’s barefoot! These people will never be satisfied; it’s easier -and more profitable- to incessantly criticize, belittle, and mock.
I went to you tube to catch a glimpse of the show with Drew and was sickened by the number of deranged videos from the Brits including Dan Wotton who apparently had 35 minutes of venom to hurl.
My God these people are ORCS
Wootton gives New Zealanders a bad name. And that says a lot considering New Zealanders are some of the friendliest in the world. He’s one of the worst of their lot.
They are just repeating the same old talking points without any truth to back it up. I don’t need to know or even care how much someone has in their bank account to be able to relate to them or want to create a meal they might make or candles made from beeswax. Martha Stewart was a millionaire when she had her show and none of that mattered to any of her viewers then and them using her now to attack Meghan only shows that wealth isn’t really their issue with Meghan. They mention Pamela Anderson who herself is also wealthy, but Meghan doing something similar is somehow an issue for them. Meghan mentioned over and over again how perfection isn’t the goal and neither was going beyond your means in ability or finance. She purchased croissants from the store instead of making them because sometimes we are too busy to do that as parents. She talked about her wardrobe being high low with her pants being from Zara. She made a floral arrangement with parts of the bouquet being store bought floral arrangements. She talked about how she has a garden but understands that not everyone has the benefit of such a large garden to pull from, but how doing even a very small garden on your window sill can be just as beneficial. She and her guests made it clear that it’s about surrounding yourself with friends, family and community and finding ways to pour into yourself as well as your loved ones. Wealth or privilege isn’t required and no one associated with the show ever implied that. Im finding the ones who have an issue with her or the show are the ones placing unrealistic and unfair expectations on Meghan or what the show was about, either from jealousy or hate but neither of those reasons are Meghan’s fault.
Martha Stewart, Ree Drummond, and Ina Garten were all very wealthy when they launched their shows, and yet audiences flocked to them for inspiration, aspiration, and entertainment. Whenever will these sad losers let go and move on? Meghan won. She’s just better at everything than they are, and it’s eating them alive.
At some point, shouldn’t a person look within instead of focusing on a beautiful, talented, brilliant, kind woman as the source of all one’s misery?
Who cares what the critics say. It’s a top 10 show on Netflix not just in the U.S. but in a variety of countries also. To the critics(whom most of us have never heard of) – in your face ! lol!
There has been much criticism and nasty comments about the show here in Oz .
Some have been very vicious .
I try not to let it upset me , but I take things personally .
I should not get so involved because in reality the Sussexes are living a great life and they are probably used to the abuse .
Nothing will ever change unfortunately and so many people seem to get pleasure from putting her down.
I think it’s sweet. maybe a little over the top, but sweet.
I like seeing her in motion, speaking, interacting, doing stuff. she’s so pretty and photogenic.
haters just gonna hate.
My last comment on this topic.There’s an episode when M said she used to love to eat jack n the box tacos and Mexican pizza from Taco Bell as a kid- that’s already relatable to many Americans 😊. What’s not relatable. Many of us moms, enjoy actually cooking for our families, plan and host our kids bday parties, and still have to work. We’re great at multi-tasking. So they can’t believe moms can multitask?
Something the BRF doesn’t have to worry about as they have dozens of servants to make their meals, drive them around, and plan kids parties 🙄