This is week-old gossip but I just saw this piece in the Daily Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle column. The column is written by unknown Mail staffers and editors, and the column is often used to spread some royal gossip in particular directions. Well, last week, the column pointed out that the last of Queen Elizabeth’s patronages have finally been reallocated, two-and-a-half years after QEII’s passing. QEII had 376 patronages when she died in 2022, and there was a long process of shifting patronages around given King Charles’s accession, like certain “Prince of Wales” patronages which had to be shifted over to Prince William, who begrudgingly accepted them. Still, 376 patronages were suddenly left without a patron and it took time to sort it out. Guess how many of QEII’s old patronages were taken over by William and Kate?
The last batch of the late Queen’s patronages – all 376 of them – have now been re-allocated.
The majority of them to Charles and Camilla. William and Kate were persuaded to take on one, the Royal Marsden NHS Trust.
Apparently the King tried to get them to take on the English National Ballet which had been without a royal patron since it lost the too notorious Prince Andrew.
In the end Camilla took the ENB under her wing. ‘Maybe William would be more interested if the Taylor Swift fan club asked for a patron,’ says my cynical source.
THEY ONLY TOOK ONE. Oh my god!!! You know what though? It’s what Charles deserves. He absolutely got the heir he deserves, an heir who can’t be bothered to show up for the patronages he already has, who has to be dragged kicking and screaming into fancy military handovers to spite Prince Harry, who is too lazy to take over anything but ONE of QEII’s old patronages. It’s not like QEII was visiting all of her patronages constantly either – many of those patronages were happy to see her once a year, or once every few years. It’s insane that William and Kate can’t commit to that.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.
- Britain’s Prince William speaks with Mark Morrison, Manager of Tiber football centre, as he meets with members of Tiber Young People’s Steering Group, during a visit to Tiber in Liverpool, Britain, January 23, 2025.,Image: 956912543, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Temilade Adelaja/Avalon/Avalon
- Britain’s Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Meadow Street Community Garden and Woodland in Pontypridd, Wales, Britain, February 26, 2025.,Image: 969220561, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Jaimi Joy/Avalon
- Britain’s Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Meadow Street Community Garden and Woodland in Pontypridd, Wales, Britain, February 26, 2025.,Image: 969244307, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Jaimi Joy/Avalon
- Britain’s Prince William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess of Wales visit Meadow Street Community Garden and Woodland in Pontypridd, Wales, Britain, February 26, 2025.,Image: 969244335, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Jaimi Joy/Avalon
- The Prince and Princess of Wales as they greet the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and his wife Sheikha Jawaher, in London, on behalf of the King, before the ceremonial welcome at Horse Guards Parade, for their state visit to the UK. Featuring: William, Prince of Wales and Catherine, Princess Of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 03 Dec 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales during a ceremony at London’s Guildhall, to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 27 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Princess of Wales attends a ceremony at London’s Guildhall, to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 27 Jan 2025 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
- The Prince and Princess of Wales leave Buckingham Palace, central London, on day one of the President of South Korea Yoon Suk Yeol’s state visit to the UK. Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales and William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 21 Nov 2023 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
And I thought that they could not even be any lazier.
They really, really must hate their royal life of “duty” and “public service.”
Now, about those taxpayer funds…
They really are shameless. How absolutely pathetic, they are an utter waste of an amazing platform.
Another one of today’s posts quoted some palace insider complaining that H&M “abandoned their royal duties” and thereby forfeited their claim to royal titles.
Well friends, you are all watching W&K “abandon their royal duties” in real time, yet they’re out there keeping the titles, the money, the castles, the helicopters, and all the perks. They just refuse – explicitly, again and again – to do the work parts.
So maybe bring that same kind of energy to W&K, BM.
Harry does more work with just WellChild and Scotty’s Little Soldiers than Kate does all year long.
William is in for a surprise I think – I suspect when the King is no longer with us, that the country will really assess if this figurehead is needed, due to Williams complete lack of engagement to support and justify his existence on taxpayer funds. I truly believe they will abolish the monarchy after the King passes.
I hope so but I won’t hold my breath. Too many people are invested in propping them up. Courtiers, the media oligarchs, the aristocracy, the wannabe titled through the honours system (whatever will happen to our Knighthoods?!!).
Willie is happy to be the last King but Mama Middleton has invested too much. She’d want George to be King.
Best solution for this lazy pair is to have the throne skip them and go directly to George who may still be impressionable enough not to inherit his father’s lack of work ethic.
They need to do it before Charlie kicks the bucket. Remove all access to and funding from the Duchies. Tax the hell out of the private estates and inheritance tax that hasn’t been paid. Remove taxfree inheritance for the heir.
All of that needs to be done before Billy inherits. He should be left with nothing. Let’s see him earn his way in this world starting from 0
This made me laugh so hard.. my evil pettiness is definitely showing. Yes Chuck did get the heir he so richly deserved a useless lazy and bald fool. Just wait until Chuck passes, I have a feeling patronages and charity appearances (the very few that they do) will be a thing of the past because these two will never pick up the slack.
I big whopping one! So very lazy. Daily mail went in for a nice dig with the Taylor Swift comment lol.
I am loving that this is coming from the British press.
Salty Island, you all got what you wanted, enjoy.
You know what? They remind me of Marie antoinette and her husband. And we know how that ended.
They only took the Royal Marsden because it was a cover for their cancer lie.
So, does that mean that William and Kate are splitting ONE more patronage between them, poor dears? Seriously, I rather admire a grown man who says to his staff, “After much thought, I’ve decided that I can only manage to ignore ONE more patronage. Take it or leave it.” That takes self-awareness and, dare I say, hutzpah.
Some of us didn’t want any of it and never have. Not ‘all’.
britians welfare king n consort tobe showing their true colours. how utterly shameful
I just hear over and over the great Bianca Del Rio “tell me, what do you do well…quickly.”
I don’t know why I’m continually surprised by their behavior and lack of effective action. Seriously, what do they do all day? With their children in school, you’d think they’d take on more responsibilities. Instead, they make minimal visits to patronages and events, because, you know, exhausting. It’s a pretty light schedule for a couple in their position. I mean, who needs to actually work when you can just show up occasionally and smile?
They’re just so gross.
He can’t be bothered to attend b a f t a or watch movies nominated.
Jeez, how sad is that? 🙄
Shouldn’t the patronages of the last monarch go to the current? They should have all gone to Charles and as he faces health challenges shifted some to William or Camilla. Although I am here for how they are calling out William. I think they are still mad he didn’t go to the BAFTA’s.
I wondered about this too–would a charity that had the monarch as patron be disappointed with the POW (and that’s without even getting into his personal traits)? But they’re really leaning into how they Waleses only took ONE charity. Given your point about Charles’ health challenges, they seem as baffled as we are that they didn’t take more than one patronage.
I think part of the issue is that Charles already had a significant number of patronages. Some of them he handed off to William I guess according to the article but as we all know he spent his PoW years working. He has patronages, Duchy originals, King’s Trust (then Prince’s Trust), Dumfries House, etc.
The thought was probably that W&K have a much shorter list and a much emptier schedule so they would take more.
To @Lizzie’s question about the current monarch inheriting the last one’s patronages, well since Charles reportedly had so many to begin with, William should have had to inherit or assume all the patronages that Charles was carrying when he was the Duke of Wales (or whatever the title is). That way, it would be like an orderly assumption of more duties as each person moves up in rank and gets control of more money, like an assembly line. Or is that too work-a-day and orderly a process for people who seem to shun work?
Kate wouldn’t even take on the ballet patronage? That seems like one she would have enjoyed at least. Assuming this is true. I remember Tina Brown talking about the Wales couple feeling the weight of their responsibility. And I remember thinking they haven’t really done anything extra? Which is true. They haven’t. But will William have to take on all the patronages when he’s King? I mean even if he does it doesn’t mean he’ll do anything with them.
That does seem odd, it would give her a chance to be fancy and get applauded, without having to speak. I wonder how many Sophie took? I bet it’s a high number.
I’d like to hear from Tina now about this “weight of responsibility” with the ONE patronage they have from QE2. Still weighty for the lazies?
Charlotte does ballet but Lazy CBF to pick up the patronage and add attending a performance as patron to the circular.
Could it possibly be that the rota is turning on the lazy duds after all these years? 8+ years of ignoring failure to launch and keener’s lazy, petulant behavior while embiggening them both has proven fruitless. The rota lost their meal ticket permanently and willy can’t even toss them a bone by attending the BAFTAs. It is comical that the seismic shift seems to have occurred because the Wails skipped on extremely staged photo op after ALL the shenanigans both have pulled over the last decade. Come on! Subject lily white keener to the same biased tactics used to terrorize Meghan because she is black. Report how much Keeners bespoke wardrobe actually costs with all the special tailoring (which can cost more than the price of a garment) and how much her wardrobe alone costs tax payers per event. Meghan is a private citizen paying for her own belongings, while keener and willy are on the public dole and not earning their keep.
They took ONE additional patronage. lmao.
Like Kaiser said – its not like they would be expected to visit these patronages multiple times a month or something. One visit a year is probably what is expected.
I know KP said years ago that W&K intended to only take on a small number of patronages but would be deeply committed to that small number.
Thats a nice idea in theory but we aren’t seeing that play out by any means.
these two just flat out do not want to work. And at this point, its really hard for even the british press to cover that up. The kids excuse is wearing thin, the cancer is gone by Kate’s own statement, the whole “settling into their role” is getting old, the idea of “learning the ropes” is getting old, etc. There’s just so many ways to say “they dont want to work” without saying it.
I honestly don’t understand how they got away with the settling in excuse for so long. William was literally born the heir, it’s not like Queen Elizabeth who at least spent the first 10 years of her life thinking she was essentially going to be Princess Beatrice. And Kate spent 10 years dating the heir, they both knew what they were getting into.
Like someone else said though there’s way too much foundational propping up, for me to think that they’ll ever get exposed and outright called out for being worthless and lazy except for occasional Guardian, Republic, or Byline Times articles. However I do hope that the coverage moves back to the snarky exasperation that seemed to follow them 2015-2017. They need a little chain yanking.
Love the bit about the Taylor Swift fan club.
Remember when The Glums were bitching that with The Glams exiled to US they wouldn’t be able to be hands on parents because they have so much EXTRA work?? Well like colour me happy because them pulling double duty NEVER happened. Then QE2 died and they were elevated and still did NOTHING extra. Then last year they went on sabbatical for various reasons and now we know they noped out of doing all except one of the late Queen’s patronage??? How are they going to cope when they become King and Queen? Just the Coronation and then the prerecorded King’s speech?
It probably would not have done any good, but Charles should have made them wait before the promotion to Prince and Princess of Wales. Or promote on condition they significantly work more.
He had to get it in before the Welsh had time to stir up a protest.
Richard Kay did nip at Will’ s ankles last year reporting KC’s friends mocked Junior as “mister ten til four” because of his “work” hours fitting around school runs!
So the Fail does yank his tail from time to time because Junior is lazy and complacent that Meg and Harry are his human shields forever. What does Fail know about KC’s health? KC put himself out on Sunday without much notice to meet with Zelenskyy. Has the penny finally dropped that just as the new US president is volatile and unreliable, the Fail
can’t feel superior if we end up with an equally unreliable and volatile and lazy Monarch who embarrasses at home and abroad . After all the Fail loves to feel proud of the monarch ‘s imagined superiority to “Johnny Foreigner”. Hence W and K have got to be superior than H and M.
It’s probably Anne who will be doing all of the visits anyway.
Deadbeat grifter copy-cats. But why change if they only get praise from the British media?
He’s useless & petulant. Yet fearless in refusing work. And she’s just like him. They’ll be putting those brats out on the stomp as soon as possible.
Fellow peasants,
Can someone clarify if Kate and William took one patronage each, or if they took one patronage to share in two halves?
In other words, do we have a case of royal dual tasking or duo tasking? Now let’s take a minute to appreciate Will and Kate’s workload capacity and the display unprecedented national statesmanship.
Ladies and gentlemen, the future king of England. 🙄
I loathe DOGE and Musk and their treatment of federal workers is cruel, but someone should require Kate and Willy is report what five pieces of work they did in the previous week.
Applying wiglets and drinking beer do not count.
I don’t think they have ever been two people more lazy on this planet.
KC3 brought Bill up to be spoilt that even he can’t control
Bullying Harry and the Army helped him become sharp and hyper aware