Eden: Palace insiders say Duchess Meghan’s Sussex-name talk is a ‘warning shot’

Are you hungry for more Sussex name/title discourse? It’s become a major story this week, with the Duchess of Sussex telling People Magazine that her family name, her surname, is now Sussex. She wants to share the same name with her children and husband. There was also a scene in With Love, Meghan where Mindy Kaling refers to her as “Meghan Markle” and Meghan corrects her, saying “I’m Sussex now.” As I said yesterday, the reaction to that WLM scene is what’s especially telling to me – Meghan just stops for a second and corrects Mindy and that’s it. But the reaction has been that Meghan was “rude” or “mean” or that Meghan did something wrong. It’s a HUGE tell as to how people reacted to Meghan in the UK, and I think we’ve found the root of all of those “bullying” accusations. Meghan: This is my preference. Staffers: OMG YOU’RE SUCH A BULLY.

Anyway, the British reporters/commentators are once again using this whole storyline to cry about the Sussex titles and how dare Meghan still “use” her title, aka her married name. Richard Eden is still flogging this dead horse in his latest column. After an exhaustive summary of the Sussex-name situation this week, Eden spills some dirt about what his royal sources are saying:

Referring to her two children and husband Prince Harry, she said, ‘I love that that is something that Archie, Lili, H and I all have together. It means a lot to me.’ The Sussex name, she concluded, ‘is part of our love story’.

They have, of course, visited Sussex only once, hosting a number of engagements in the county in their wedding year. It is striking, too, that, they chose to use the Royal Family’s traditional surname, Mountbatten-Windsor, on the birth certificates of children Prince Archie, five, and Princess Lilibet, three. Why, then, this sudden enthusiasm for the Sussex name – and the desire to make it known around the world? Royal sources I have spoken to this week believe they know the answer.

‘It’s clearly a warning shot,’ one palace insider told me, confirming that Meghan seemed to be making a very public point of emphasising how much the title meant to her and, by implication, to Harry. Which is to say that the Royal Family should not so much as contemplate stripping them of their titles!

This is a course of action that has been mooted many times since Meghan and Harry abandoned royal duties five years ago, eventually moving to California to seek their fortune. There have been calls to strip Meghan and Harry of their titles whenever they have betrayed and insulted the Firm. And royal sources have suggested that it could be very much a sanction should the couple publish any more tell-all books about the Windsors or agree to further explosive Oprah Winfrey-style interviews.

Only when Charles succeeded to the throne in 2022, did Archie become the grandson of a king. Meghan and Harry had famously shunned royal life and made their home in the supposedly egalitarian US, they began using their children’s royal titles as early as 2023 when they announced the christening of baby daughter Lilibet. It seems beyond doubt that Meghan is anxious to hang on to the baubles of royal life – even if that involves the embarrassment of publicly correcting showbusiness-star ‘friends’ who fail to address her in the style to which she has become accustomed.

[From The Daily Mail]

If she didn’t call herself Sussex, they would hold something else over her head, I’m sure. But once again, they’re doing all of this over her married name. They’re mad that a woman is using her married name. They’re mad that they can’t find a way to take Sussex away from her because they’ve tried to take everything else. Because I remember the actual history of this, I know that Harry and Meghan did give Charles the space of several months to decide if he was going to try to remove the Sussex titles. Charles made no such move, just as he made no move to attend his granddaughter’s christening. That was when Harry and Meghan were like, okay, fine, we’re just going to do it this way and if you don’t like it, too bad: these are the king’s grandchildren and they have prince & princess titles, and our family name is Sussex.

Photos courtesy of Netflix, Archewell.

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92 Responses to “Eden: Palace insiders say Duchess Meghan’s Sussex-name talk is a ‘warning shot’”

  1. AlexandraS says:

    Richard Eden is one of the most petty royal reporters. Not surprising as Kate’s brother has sent him some of his dog food brand to advertise. What I have learned over the past 7 years is, the royal family cant let it go. They cant accept they have been bested. They lie in bed at night WISHING they could have meghan available to abuse, and Harry back under their thrall. Their annoyance is palpable via their cadre of royal reporters who remain obsessed with Meghan. It must be exhausting….for them!

    • Swaz says:

      Meghan has them in a choke hold 😀😀 I wonder who gets the most press Trump or Meghan 😁😁

      • Noor says:

        Yes, agree. Meghan Sussex is playing chess while the Palace insiders are playing checkers.

    • Blujfly says:

      His alliance with the Middletons goes back much further than that. He was writing the anonymous gossip column for the Telegraph when Carole decided to speak on the record about the damaging press attention due to Kate’s relationship and how she had three children – not just Catherine. That was back in 2008.

      • Jais says:

        Wasn’t that when they “randomly” ran into each other at a horse race or something? He’s so ridiculous. I know he’s full of snark and vitriol but it’s borderline comical. Obviously, none of these people can be taken seriously and he is such a reminder of that. Carnival of clowns.

  2. Tessa says:

    Eden slam Sussex Thursdays. Pathetic. Is source knauf

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Probably or directly from WanK themselves.. Eden has been unhinged since the tiny biracial American beauty showed up with Prince Harry and highlighted just moldy stale and outdated the entire BRF and their rota are. I’ve never seen a more unnerving person than Richard Eden there is something seriously wrong with a man who has that much hate for a woman he has never met. He’s dangerous imo a huge 🚩..

  3. Blogger says:


    Those poor courtiers, so obsessed about a couple living in California.

    Now, how about those lazy Waleses – one patronage from the beloved QE2, eh? How are you going to sell that to the taxpaying public?

    • Alicky says:

      Yeah, W and K abandoned their royal duties years ago, too, but nobody’s bellyaching about that.

      • Blogger says:

        This is Maureen’s pitiful deflection device again.

        When things are going south with the Windsors, DEFLECT DEFLECT DEFLECT.

        Blame the Sussexes for something, whatever, whenever, whichever, however just DEFLECT.

  4. OMG the littlest thing and they will pick it apart. They have been saying strip the title for years this is just their new take on it because she said it was her name. The “warning shot” is she is going to control her narrative. Pound sand Eden.

    • traci says:

      Such inflammatory language these people use. I find it so hard to even mildly criticize this woman because the press is so over the top.

      • Kari says:

        It’s so scary..and then to claim they don’t need security in the UK.
        How does Meghan especially do it. She seems to remain a cup half full type of person despite it all. She must have some deep faith or internal fortitude.
        I noticed the daily mail is really going after Justin Bieber and it’s so concerning what they can get away with.
        The day the daily mail is gone the day the world becomes a better place.

    • Nerd says:

      So he’s mad because the Sussexes are using their last name as they are entitled to do, even though the media who hates them have also called them the Sussexes? He essentially decided to wake up and create a struggle to be angry about. I saw a video of a baby crying uncontrollably with their hand stuck under the lid of a trash bin and when the parent lifted the lid up to free the child’s hand the child momentarily stopped crying while replacing the lid back on the other hand and started crying again. That is Richard “Maureen” Eden and the rest of these haters in a nutshell.

  5. Christine says:

    This is so ridiculous. If they were still using Mountbatten-Windsor, it would be a further dig to QEII and Philip, after sending them both to early graves with Spare and an interview on Oprah. Pick a lane, you absolute freaks.

    I love that Meghan and Harry clearly took the step to make Sussex their legal last name.

  6. one of the marys says:

    As with everything in her life what version you believe depends on whether or not you like Meghan. I have no problem believing she wants cohesion in the family, that it became their name upon marriage, it IS part of their love story

    • Not a Subject says:

      These royal writers love to assume she wants to hang on to royalty. I absolutely think she 1) wants her family cohesion and 2) to get far faaaaaaaar away from the toxic name of Markle. Her father and siblings have been so horrible I could see not wanting that name. Sussex is her happy family name.

      • Blujfly says:

        I agree, I think this is a undermanned angle. She has no more connection to Markle. Her mother goes by her own name of Ragland. Her father betrayed her. Her stepsister deliberately legally changed her last name back so she could be connected to Meghan and betray her. To Meghan it is a totally new last name for both her and Harry and the origin of their family.

      • Brandy Willey says:

        I really am trying to wrap my mind around the criticism that such a lovely, talented and thoughtful person like “Meg” can be criticized like this. I agree wanted to distance herself from her father’s name when the relationship was not pleasant. God bless Meghan, her family, and friends, all of which seem just as wonderful a person as she is. I definitely see what Harry sees in her and why he loves her so much.

  7. JayBlue says:

    The only take I have from this is that the possibility of their titles being removed doesn’t matter, they will keep the surname Sussex regardless. There’s nothing the rf can do about that.

    • Jais says:

      This. They can have their last names in the United States be Sussex. Whether they have titles or not. As an American, I’m not hungry for more of the title discourse bc I don’t care. I do care though when the royal reporters and courtiers act like it’s some big huge thing. Another stick with which to beat Meghan. Pretty sure there’s a video floating around of Eden saying that they can go by Sussex if they want. And now that they have, he’s saying they can’t or shouldn’t or whatever. Like come on.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Absolutely this! They will always be The Sussex family titles or not.

    • Kingston says:

      @JayBlue……my sentiments exactly. It seemed to me that M was being very specific when she said: “I’m Sussex NOW,” (emphasis on NOW.) We know she has been Sussex since May 2018…..not just “now.”

      Because what that suggests to me is that H&M might have formally registered the name Sussex as their own (and they might have done this since before they launched sussexDOTcom) so that down the road, after chucky kicks the bucket and bully and his henchmen take away the sussex title, the name will still belong to them because its legally registered in the US and its just a name to the rest of the real world.

      H knows Bully better than everyone. He knows how vicious and vindictive he is. I just learned about the psychological disorder: “Pathological envy.”

      Theres jealousy, theres envy and then theres pathological envy. Whereas we all feel a bit of JEALOUSY from time to time, with some going a bit further as to feel ENVIOUSof others, OTOH feeling PATHOLOGICAL ENVY is next-level!

      According to my AI research:
      “Pathological envy is a condition that can occur when someone feels entitled to what others have, and reacts to perceived slights or disappointments in a catastrophic way. It can be associated with narcissistic personality disorder.

      A grandiose sense of self
      A belief that they are entitled to all that is good and valuable
      A tendency to react to perceived slights or disappointments in a catastrophic way
      A delusional belief that what others have has been stolen from them

      Can pathological envy be cured?
      While there may not be a cure in the traditional sense, many individuals can manage their symptoms effectively with appropriate treatment.

      And we know that Bully has never and will never seek treatment.

      • AR says:

        @Kingston I can only agree with you. I was going to say the same thing about the Sussex name.
        1. Meghan gained online recognition before she met Harry. Not to the extent she does now, but she consistently increased her reach year after year and made good money doing it – they TOLD her to quit!
        2. The show she made a few million on and shortly before she met Harry she signed on for another 4 or 6 seasons and her salary increased – they TOLD her to quit!
        3. She worked at the UN for a few years, spoke on forums – they TOLD her to quit! 4. Meghan joining the Royal Foundation increased its effectiveness and viewership by many millions – they WERE FORCED to quit! ps. Willism removed Meghan and Harry’s entire work history from it. I can tell you that Meghan alone has done more and more effectively in about 15 months than Kate has in 10 years.
        5. They founded Sussexroyal, built their business, website, gained millions of followers – they TOLD them to shut down their website! – that’s how Archiwell was created after their son.
        So you can see that by creating the website sussex.com they have secured the name, officially adopting the surname in the States, which regardless of what William does or doesn’t do will allow them to keep sussex.com instead of starting from scratch for the “hundredth time”. Apart from the fact that everyone in the RF takes their surname from their titles – Harry and William were called Wales, and William’s children were Cambridge, now they are Wales, HM was already talking about the Sussex surname a year ago, and the media has covered it, so it’s nothing new to anyone. It’s just fodder for the haters that the “journalists” are feeding them.
        Your observation is also accurate: “Pathological envy is a condition that can occur when someone feels entitled to what others have..”
        Africa is MINE… Invictus is MINE America is MINE Meghan is MINE He has more in common with Trump than just IQ: Canada is MINE Greenland is MINE The Panama Canal is MINE

      • eos says:

        “…after Chucky kicks the bucket and bully and his henchmen take away the Sussex title…”
        Apparently, 1) Duke/Duchess are hereditary peerages and the monarch cannot remove a hereditary peerage and 2) “Technically, and Charles and William know this, if you strip Harry and Meghan of the Duke and Duchess title… they would revert to being Prince and Princess Henry. The prince title cannot be removed. That is Harry’s birthright. ” , The 2nd bit from Fox news, lol! I think the Sussexes are being too nice choosing Sussex if you ask me!

  8. pottymouth pup says:

    I’m pretty sure there are a ton of people who have the last name of York who haven’t ever so much as visited the city of York in the UK, the city of York, PA or even New York. Do they need to change their last names now?

    She didn’t say her last name is Duchess of Sussex, so she’s not using her title. She said she shares the same last name, which is Sussex, as her husband and children.

    The royal rota would have been foaming at the mouth had she dared to legally keep her maiden name instead of changing it to her husband’s surname

    • Hypocrisy says:

      My last name is the same as a town in the UK.. I had no idea until a train trip from Edinburgh to London when I caught the location name on my pictures. So now I wonder if I need to change my name because I didn’t stop and stay the night.. lol, The twisted logic of the rota is mind boggling.

      • Jais says:

        Uh oh hypocrisy! You night have to change your name now if you haven’t spent adequate time in this location. Who decides what adequate time is , idk? And if you’re never once been there? The horror! I just don’t know.

    • Nanea says:

      As you mentioned *York* specifically:

      Fergie still calls herself Duchess of York, especially on her many books. Decades after the divorce, and decades after *Epstein*.

      But it’s the Sussexes who are a problem?

  9. Snuffles says:

    Look, it’s just practical for them to have the same last name and they chose Sussex. They need it for paperwork, passports, IDs, taxes, Formalizing Archie’s US citizenship, etc.

    I’m assuming this was all handled within their first year of living in America.

    This is not some “warning shot”. These people need to get over themselves.

    • Snuffles says:

      And they could have handled all of this LEGALLY and privately without tipping off the U.K. press.

      • Jan says:

        They did.

      • Polo says:

        @snuffles the press already knew. This was already a story last year lol. They said they are going by Sussex and they also changed their landing page to Sussex.com
        are you saying Meghan shouldn’t have mentioned it?

    • Eurydice says:

      I was just going to post this. Legally, in the US, you have to have a surname. Harry couldn’t file documents as just Harry.

      It’s not a warning shot to Charles, particularly – it’s warning shot to anyone who believes the myth that Meghan isn’t really part of Harry’s family, that he could leave her and go back to the UK. No, they are a family, all of them, the Sussexes.

  10. Jay says:

    Of course, these are the same derangers and royal rota that get in a snit whenever anyone refers to “Kate Middleton” rather than “Catherine, Princess of Wales”. Somehow, though, there’s not that same energy to respect Meghan’s choices about how she wants to be called.

  11. Angelica Schuyler says:

    Married woman takes her husband’s last name…News at eleven….

    What a bunch of wankers. They’re fighting mad that they can’t really complain but so much because this is a convention many people take. My husband insisted I take his name when we married. It was a deal breaker for him. I had no objections as I wanted uniformity for our future family, like Meghan.

  12. Jan says:

    Meghan is a plain speaker, and she explained to Mindy her last name, big whoop.
    You can call yourself any name you choose in the U S, with the exception of obscene names.

    • PinkOrchid says:

      I got the impression that scene with Mindy was scripted, as a clever vehicle for Meghan to let it be known that from now on, she wants to be called Meghan Sussex, not Markle. Now watch Kate start referring to herself as Windsor-not-MIddleton!

  13. MrsBanjo says:

    Charles didn’t remove them because he can’t. He has no authority to. It’s up to Parliament and they’re not going to risk opening that can of worms.

  14. ThatGirlThere says:

    I remember when Amal Alamuddin became engaged to Clooney, many assumed she’d keep her maiden name. They insisted she would. It’s a woman’s personal choice. In the same vein, Meghan’s decision to claim her given married name shows her desire to share that with her family.

  15. QuiteContrary says:

    The Sussexes could legally change their surname to “Crymoresaltisland” and there’s nothing the Brits could do about it.

    Titles or not, Sussex is their legal name now. Boo-freaking-hoo, Eden.

  16. Mrs. Smith says:

    I think if Meghan hadn’t corrected Mindy, then the BM would yell that she doesn’t want to go by her British married name or divorce was imminent. 🙄 Honestly, I hope she can get a good laugh out of it.

  17. Becks1 says:

    Look, all discussion of titles aside and that Archie and Lili are now Prince/ss Archie/Lili of Sussex…..

    if they weren’t, they’d still be Archie Mountbatten-Windsor and Lili Mountbatten-Windsor.

    So what do the RRs want? For them to use their parents titles (as the wales children etc do) or for them to use Philip and Elizabeth’s names?

    • Nic919 says:

      Someone excerpted from the royal family website and it states that Mountbatten Windsor is to be used when they do not have HRH or are Prince and Princess. All four of them have the HRH so they can use the title as surname.

      • Becks1 says:

        exactly!! If charles had changed the letters patent so they werent HRH, then they would still be M-W.

        So either way they’re using a name with royal connections, which makes sense since they’re……royal.

  18. Lynwall says:

    This is old news?
    Wasn’t this discussed when they started Sussex Royal as their overarching website in 2020?
    I am sure that it was said then that Charles understood that they would be using it as their family name.
    The intention is to nitpick.
    They have to find something to put in their gazillion articles and Meghan did not make it easy for them. She did not mention them and barely anything about that period of her life.
    If not for Meghan living her life they might actually be forced to nitpick at William and Kate
    Sigh…I am sure the attacks would be much much worse if the Sussex family were in the UK, but to my mind they are still using them to distract from the failures that are the Prince and Princess of Wales.
    Could they be anymore lazy and boring?

    • Kel says:

      Sometimes I let myself be delusional and wonder if things would have been different if they stayed in.
      BUT then I realize they would have no place for peace even in frogmore.

      The fact that they find their are living their lives in relative peace/freedom with kids going on play dates, bday parties, camps, yoga etc and no one knew is amazing. They live a normal life at home.
      This would not have been possible in the UK.

  19. Olive says:

    Y’all this doesn’t even make sense? It’s crazy to me that people actually believe this after seeing what she said on the show?
    They’ve been Sussexes for ages? If she were to get rid of anything royal they pile complain that she’s denying her kids their heritage etc etc.
    she truly can’t win with these people. They will always find a negative angle.

    It’s really a testament to the strength of Harry and Meghan that despite the hate campaign her show is top 10 AND they were cheered by thousands just a few weeks ago. But my gosh all this is exhausting as someone on the outside.

  20. Amy Bee says:

    I don’t understand this outrage. Harry used to use Wales as his surname so he’s just following what was done with him before Charles became King. Sophie was know as Sophie Wessex so Meghan is just following what was done in the past.

  21. Hattie says:

    This is not a last name, it is a titled name. As was announced during both their wedding and Archie’s birth, the last name is Mountbatten-Windsor. Princess Eugenie was known as Eugenie York bc Andrew was the Prince of York. Same with will and harry wales. George is George Cambridge and they have not changed his or the other kids’ names to Wales when they took on that title. This is a titled name.

    • somebody says:

      Andrew is DUKE of York. He is a prince of the UK. All the others use the same thing when they need a last name. And how do you have any clue what last name George uses?

    • Bronco says:

      Archie and Lili’s name changed after qe2 died when they became prince/ess of Sussex. Their collective surname is not Mountbatten-Windsor.

      Andrew is Prince Andrew, the duke of York.

      When having a snit at least get some basic facts straight.

      And how do you know what surname the Wales children use? I’d bet they use Wales, but I don’t know and nor do you unless you’re personal friends of the lazy wails.

    • Nic919 says:

      You should check the Royal family website because it does not say that at all.

    • Becks1 says:

      Archie’s name was announced as Mountbatten-Windsor because he wasn’t HRH Prince at birth. So then Mountbatten-Windsor was appropriate. Now he’s HRH Prince Archie of Sussex.

    • Magdalena says:

      This is incorrect. William’s children now have the last name Wales, as he and Harry did before they got married, because their father was the Prince of Wales.

  22. Inge says:

    ‘I think we’ve found the root of all of those “bullying” accusations. Meghan: This is my preference. Staffers: OMG YOU’RE SUCH A BULLY.‘

    Exactly this!

    And even more proof that these people arent used to a professional environment

  23. Betty says:

    For those who were around for the Diana days..was this how the press was when she did anything? If she breathed was she criticized like Meghan? Did it only stop when she died?

    • Mel says:

      She was treated ok but it all went left when she and Chuckles the Clown started firing shots at each other publicly then they separated. All their love and admiration went out the window and she was an unstable banshee that he’s merely been tolerating for years. Insert eye roll.

    • misssixer says:

      @betty…yes, but never as much as with Meg, I don’t think. And no it did not stop when she was unalived. Chunky had to clean up cowmilla’s rep plus now with social media, bots, etc., AND she being a WOC. So, yes and no, really. Hope that makes sense…

    • Blubb says:

      In reality it started early with Diana too. If you start rereading some articles from the 80s about Diana you could see they were nasty one. She was the domineering woman forcing Charles friends out. Oh so many staff left because of Diana… Of course there was a lot of positive too, but the stalking and nastiness of the British press were there. And any man Diana might have a dance with was mentioned, but not the woman with Charles.

    • Blogger says:

      Yes. It was constant and Chuck got away scot free. Diana was exposed so much that people got sick of her. Similar to Meghan. The more they wrote about her, the more people turned on her. It was a cycle.

      Then the War of the Waleses started where they were openly briefing against each other through the press.

      One thing stood out for me, when Diana revealed she had an affair after the Bashir interview, the commentators suggested that she be beheaded because that was a treasonable offence eg Henry VIII’s wives and in the 400 hundred years since H8, no Princess of Wales had cheated on her husband. Therefore beheading should be considered.

      Yes, it was that bad.

  24. Nerd says:

    Harry and Meghan have shared the same last name since their wedding. Archie’s last name (and eventually Lilibet’s) was in honor of his grandfather who Harry and Meghan clearly loved. Archie AND Lilibet’s last name automatically changed once Charles became king. Harry and Meghan didn’t have to do anything for that change to happen, since they received their princely titles when Charles ascended the throne. Just as the Cambridge children and family all automatically gained their Wales titles. Charles being a piece of crap grandfather and refusing to acknowledge his biracial grandchildren didn’t prevent them from holding those titles or their last name of Sussex. Harry and Meghan merely mentioned their titles once in a formal announcement of Lilibet’s christening. It was on Charles to do the right thing and acknowledge his biracial grandchildren publicly as he did his white grandchildren. It was never on Harry and Meghan to make such an announcement, but they shared the news they had every right to share to celebrate with those who support them. Eden couldn’t even get it right that Archie and Lilibet’s last name have always had the same last name and it was BOTH of them whose names simultaneously and automatically changed when their racist grandfather became king. No matter what they do, Harry and Meghan along with their children will share their last name and taking a title away won’t change that.

  25. Faraway says:

    They ( RF and rota) object to Meghan using “Duchess of Sussex”, object to her using “Sussex” as her family’s last name. All of this while being legally married to Prince Harry. Yet, with Sarah Ferguson, AFTER DIVORCE from Andrew, after all the toe-sucking and soft porn, after being caught trying to sell access to Andrew for money, after all that and more , she still uses Duchess of York even, especially, in her money making schemes and that’s all ok with the RF and the dirt media! The latter actually existing because of Meghan, bashing Meghan actually puts food on their table, and yet there they are, attacking, savaging her. Go figure!

  26. Pinocchio Princess says:

    How would the gutter press and the royal family have appreciated Harry to take a drastic turn and change his whole family’s name to SPENCER?

    Henry Spencer is dope. So is Meghan Spencer, Archie Spencer, Lilibet Spencer. Nothing seems to satisfy the derangers, so how would they have preferred the Spencer option? They should all get a real job and leave that happy, balanced Anglo-American couple and their children alone.

    Harmonizing the family’s identity under the Sussex name is not a spur-of-the-moment decision: it is rooted both in legality and practicality. What parents would send their kids to school bearing such an archaic mouthful of a last name as Mounbatten-Windsor, knowing it smacks of unmitigated pedantry?

    If they have an issue with Sussex, perhaps they should take it to the unfortunate German /Russian /Greek family – the Battenbergs – who have usurped the Windsor name to assimilate where don’t even belong. Instead of giving a scathing diatribe on that American family’s legitimate name choice, the media ought to reflect on the historical root of the problem: Meghan isn’t stealing anything. We know who the original usurpers are.

    Meghan Sussex married a prince of the United Kingdom and the entiere family rightfully uses the name as a socially and emotionally unifying denomination – as does the rest of mankind, by the way. Perhaps if royalty with unchecked authority wasn’t in cahoots with a self-righteous media mafia or mefia to coordinate actions of corruption and character demolition ahead of 2018 wedding, Meghan would never have felt the need to shed the soiled, defiled paternal name.

    • Blubb says:

      Pinocchio here I have to go in.
      Battenberg is German for Mountbatton (mount is berg in German).
      The Windsors pre 1917 were the Saxon-Coburg-Gotha…
      Which is why the german Kaiser willy mocked he would now call Shakespeares Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor =… von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha

  27. Gail Hirst says:

    Question: As Rachel Meghan Sussex’s name doesn’t match her birth certificate name, does that mean she can no longer vote in the U.S.A.?

    • Blujfly says:

      That is not the law yet and it is not the law in California. She will also be able to produce the birth certificate and name change paperwork.

      • Gail Hirst says:

        Thank you… with your response, my little panic attack subsided. I had a freak out moment there. It’s an upside down kind of world at the moment and it got to me. Thanks again. gh

  28. MsIam says:

    Maureen Eden, what a waste of space. Is the free dog food really worth all of that? Eden’s blood pressure must be 200/200 with the way he goes bonkers over everything Harry and Meghan related. Imagine getting upset over things that every other royal married-in does, like using the title name as your last name. Goodness!

  29. Draadje says:

    The custom of using the territorial designation of a title as a last name is very common and widespread among the aristocracy that it even reaches fictional series such as Downton Abbey. However, EII and PP did announce that when and if their descendants needed a to use a surname it would be Mountbatten-Windsor.

    If indeed they changed their last names to ‘Sussex’ that is a brilliant move and well played, H&M. No matter how many acts of parliament Charles wishes he could orchestrate they will always have Sussex as their surname. Love it.

    • PinkOrchid says:

      I remember as a child in the 1960s asking my father what Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles last name was, and him telling me “Royals don’t really have last names, but if it were anything, it would be Windsor.” So I kinda grew up knowing this was a thing? But for those who never thought about it before, yeah, people, it’s a thing!

    • Nic919 says:

      The surname Mountbatten Windsor is solely for those who are not HRH. Harry. Meghan Archie and lili all have HRH. And that’s what bothers the pasty ones.

      (The royal family website outlines this)

  30. Fastgran50 says:

    That Richard Eden needs to either get a life or a hobby. Have you ever noticed how all these so called royal experts are really weird looking.

    • Blogger says:

      He once posted a sad-looking Christmas tree.

      He’s a lonely man that Maureen. Who would want to be friends with someone like him?

  31. Tis True Tis True says:

    This is a problem that has been brewing since Diana married Charles. Namely, what is the last name of married in women. In the previous generations it didn’t matter, because married women were simply referred to by their titles in newspapers and any other public situations.

    But by the 80s, that had changed. Women got their own names. Instead of updating protocol to give married in women a name other than “Princess Charles,” the grey men created a situation where royal women were simply referred to by their maiden names by the press. Why we still talk about Kate Middleton. Not a great situation. And blame Prince Philip as well. If the last name was Windsor, Harry and Meghan might very well be using that. But Mountbatten-Windsor is just hopelessly clunky.

    • Mel says:

      Blame QE2 for going back on the promise, I don’t blame her, but she did.

    • Darkwing Duck says:

      I think Kate Middleton is Kate Middleton because of SEO? Remember she and William dated for 10 long years before he married her and so she became known all over the world as Kate Middleton, there is 10 years worth of content filed under that name. I think they might have been able to segue to the Princess of Wales had the last Princess of Wales not been such a prominent figure (in the same way as I think most people in the UK think Elizabeth II and not Camilla when they hear the name ‘The Queen’ and probably will for a good long while) AND if Kate hadn’t started trending as Kate Middleton in 2024 when she went missing. All the extremely casual Royal watchers who got drawn into that called her Kate Middleton and anyone who wanted a piece of that audience filed their content under that name? That’s also why she is still Kate and not Catherine I expect.

      Lots of women continue to get known in the media by their maiden names or their nicknames from their heyday (Posh Spice) unless they work really hard to change this. What is the reason after all that Kate’s unroyal sister Pippa is also still known as Middleton?

      I note with interest that Camilla has called her new dog Moley Parker-Bowles! Her marriage is obviously strong as a rock by which I mean her marriage to Andrew PB…

  32. Over it says:

    Well Harry, Meghan and family will stop calling themselves Sussex as soon as the Windsors go back to their German names . No ? Okay then Sussex it is and Eden and his small brain and the palace lacky can all go f themselves

  33. Slippers4life says:

    This is a non controversy they’re trying make into a misunderstanding about how titles work. Whether or not the Sussex “title” is ever “stripped” from Harry and Meghan, Harry and Meghan are allowed to make Sussex their surname. It’s sounds like this is what they have done. I can change my last name to Sussex if I fucking want to! I can change my last name to Kingcharlesthethird if I fucking want to. Just because a “title” doesn’t mean “that’s your last name now” in the UK, doesn’t mean that they can’t make it their last name if they want to! And what if it was a warning shot? I wish they fucking would! Surprised nobody highlighted her up close of the avocado toast as a warning shot.

  34. GMH says:

    Royston at Newsweek, a Brit who worked for the British tabs before, insists Meghan is demanding to be called “do Sussex” along with her kids. He is blatantly lying when she actually said she is now Sussex along with the rest of her family. These folks are truly warped.

  35. JudyB says:

    Names can be very important to children. When I was divorced and my children were 11 and 14, they were very concerned that I have the same last name as they did. So, I kept my married name until they were adults, when I went back to using my maiden name. I can easily see why it might appear strange or even embarrassing to the Sussex kids to have the same last name as their parents, so I agree that this was a good move by their parents. It is a lot easier on the kids and takes a lot less explanation for everyone in a family to have the same last name, at least when the children are young. When they get older, they can do what they want with their names.

  36. martha says:

    I got hung up on his quotation marks around ‘friends’

    What a bitch he is.

  37. bisynaptic says:

    Maureen says what, now?

  38. AC says:

    With all the things going on in the world theyre still so upset with everything M. Cray cray.

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