VF: A royal source ‘can’t imagine’ that Princess Kate & William will watch ‘WLM’

Despite the review-bombing, despite the forever tantrums of the British media, despite the condescension from the trade papers, it looks like With Love, Meghan is a hit show for Netflix. It might even be the case that all of the critics’ hissy fits worked in the Duchess of Sussex’s favor – it made everyday, non-royal-watchers more curious about the show. Plus, to Meghan’s credit, she got out there and promoted the show and actually put herself out there in a way we haven’t seen since she promoted Archetypes in 2022. WLM is a top-ten show for Netflix in dozens of countries already. Which begs the question: will the left-behind Windsors tune in? LMAO. Thankfully, Katie Nicholl at Vanity Fair had this very snooty exclusive:

It is the show that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, is hoping will reinvent her, but so far With Love, Meghan has received mixed reviews. In the UK, the critics have not held back, with the Daily Telegraph describing Meghan’s new lifestyle show as “an exercise in narcissism,” while the normally anti-royal and left-wing newspaper The Guardian described it as “pointless.” Vanity Fair contributing editor Anna Peele summed it up as, “To watch With Love is to microdose quotidian revelations.”

As for the royal family? Its senior members, including Prince William and Kate Middleton, have “zero interest” in watching the TV show, according to people with knowledge, with one source saying, “The king knows more than enough about beekeeping. Besides, he’s far too busy to sit down and watch it.”

In episode one (“Hello, Honey!”), Meghan is seen harvesting honey from her beehives. Both King Charles (Buckingham Palace is home to four beehives) and the Princess of Wales are keen beekeepers, but according to one friend of the royals, “There’s very little to actually learn from Meghan’s TV show. I suspect that [the royal family] will be quite dismissive of it. I can’t imagine Kate and William will sit down and watch it. Why would they?”

Editor in chief of Majesty magazine Ingrid Seward tells Vanity Fair, “I watched it wanting it to be something special, but it really wasn’t. This was meant to be the make or break show for Meghan but it didn’t feel groundbreaking in any way. Netflix might get curiosity viewings but I think this will be the death knell for their multimillion-dollar TV deal.”

Seward added that the lack of humor on Meghan’s part, along with the absence of her celebrity friends, made the show disappointing. “I liked it that she had guests, but they weren’t globally recognized. Serena Williams would have been great. And I thought it was humorless, it needed a big injection of fun and self-deprecation on Meghan’s part. There was nothing terribly funny like something splashed over that ridiculously white blouse.”

[From Vanity Fair]

“I liked it that she had guests, but they weren’t globally recognized.” You know who’s globally recognized? The Duchess of Sussex, aka Meghan Sussex. You know who will get significant bumps from their WLM appearances? Every single guest. Roy Choi is basically a rock star now. The world is getting to meet Vicky Tsai, who is extremely funny and charming and a fellow female entrepreneur. Mindy Kaling is extremely famous on her own, and she’s now cosigned Archetypes AND WLM.

As for what the royals think of the show they refuse to watch… I actually believe that Charles will avoid it, after all, he refused to read his son’s memoir. Camilla will absolutely watch WLM. Kate and William will watch it as well, although probably not together. This is so much like the H&M series in late 2022 – the Windsors sniffed and rolled their eyes about how of course they would not watch it… and then spent months revealing that they watched every minute of it. Kate really is about to come out in a loose white blouse, jazz hands a’ blazin’, arranging flowers and frying chicken wings. William is going to “mention” that he loves his wife’s crudité platters, mark my word.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Netflix, Cover Images.

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87 Responses to “VF: A royal source ‘can’t imagine’ that Princess Kate & William will watch ‘WLM’”

  1. Hypocrisy says:

    lol that header made me laugh her four biggest stalking haters aren’t watching, I would have to be delusional to believe that.🤣 WanK probably have a viewing room set up just for the show, no breakables allowed.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Just saw this, after I posted essentially the same thing.

    • Blogger says:

      😂 they’re binge-watching hence they’re not out this week.

    • I don’t know if they are watching it themselves but I do think they have their minions watching and taking notes and then they spew it back to them in a way they want to hear it.

      • LRB says:

        I would put good money on them watching it themselves. Katie will be taking style notes before she contacts her minions to get them to belittle it all.

      • CherryBerry says:

        This is what I feel as well. They feel they’re above watching it, so instead have their underlings watch, and of course they have to report back and give details and tell them about how “awful” it is, so as not to anger Huevo and soothe his ego.

      • AnnaG says:

        Oh they will be watching… with their cheeks flushed with excitement. And assuring everyone they are not🤣

      • LauraLola says:

        Exactly! Isn’t this what the toxic British Media does for them every day? Can imagine Huevo’s rotten face turning red when he realises the fake narrative isnt true.

    • Lizzie says:

      WLM is in Netflix top ten. Doesn’t matter if these two watch or not. But of course they are watching, why else would they deny it?

  2. bisynaptic says:

    LOL Oh, they will be watching… 😂

    • Jais says:

      I think Kaiser is right that Camila will be watching. She should make it a game. Every time a flower sprinkle appears, she can take a sip of wine😂. I’m guessing Kate will watch but if she doesn’t, Carole absolutely will be.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      Peg binged it right from midnight of 4th march in the master bedroom of Frogmore Cottage

    • SenseOfTheAbsurd says:

      They will be the number one hate-watchers.

  3. Tessa says:

    Seward is sycophant to royals. She wrote nasty things about diana too. Such bitter people in the media.

  4. Inge says:

    Dont forget the kids

    Charlotte making her moms chutney

    Cue Louis’s Chicken Coop


    Anyway RR (and BRF)tried to make Oprah irrelevant they al ways put down others to make those left on salty island seem more interesting

  5. somebody says:

    So Seward thought the show was a sitcom? I don’t watch cooking shows to see how often someone spills something. Who does? And nice of the royals to let us know ONCE AGAIN that they don’t function as a family and can’t be bothered to support family members. I would bet money that Charles and Cammy read Spare secretly. W&K likely didn’t since neither appear to be readers.

  6. Tessa says:

    The keens are watching to see what they can copy. Next up candle making with the kids and keen cooks pasta

    • Libra says:

      They’ll delegate watching the show to their minions, oops, courtiers. They have no time to sit down ,with their packed vacation schedule and the school run.

  7. MrsCope says:

    Lucky for Meghan, they’re not her target audience

    • Blogger says:

      But they fervently wish they were!

      “Listen to us Meghan, we hate your show! We hate it we hate it we hate it!”

  8. Jazz Hands says:

    “There was nothing terribly funny like something splashed over that ridiculously white blouse.”

    Yes, because humiliating the black woman who is out here spreading joy in the world, hurting no one and taking no money from the public, would be hysterical and is the mark by which to judge cooking/ lifestyle shows.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      So glad you pointed that out.. thank you 👏🏼💐💞

    • Angelica Schuyler says:

      Right, because they want Meghan to subject herself to buffoonery for their entertainment…NOT HAPPENING. And it’s killing them that she doesn’t need to debase herself to be successful.

    • Lady Esther says:

      Right? That stood out to me, too. What is this obsession British “writers/TV personalities” have with covering Meghan with liquids or food or feces or….? It’s downright perverted

    • Ciotog says:

      What a weird statement to make. It’s a cooking show ffs.

    • Jay says:

      That stood out to me, too! Why would it be funny to have Meghan splash something on her expensive white sweater? It’s coming from a place of resentment that Meg can afford such nice pieces in the first place!

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Wow, this really is true @Jazz Hands.

      • Jes says:

        Also that they expect megan to show “self deprecation.” That is what these miserable human beings want. For megan to say to them that she thinks she is lower than them, in some manner. Thats the tell.

  9. Tessa says:

    Kate is not a beekeeper. Too lazy. But next up Louis tries keens fresh honey from the hives.

  10. Jais says:

    Whew, that VF piece reads like the Daily Mail, doesn’t it? Anyways, I’m laughing at Ingrid Seward claiming she was hoping to watch something special. No she wasn’t. Wasn’t she one of the ones with Fitzwilliams who claimed to have seen the Oprah interview before it even aired? Nice of Vanity Fair to give such an unscrupulous person a paycheck. Tells you something about the mag’s standards. Or lack of them.

    • Tessa says:

      Diana helped Seward majesty magazine sell. But Seward turns on her after Charles drops her. And writes mean books about Diana. Keen better watch her back. If William wants Kate out Seward would turn on her

    • Dee(2) says:

      I really despise the, “I don’t know who you are so you’re not worthy” form of criticism. It’s lazy, classist, and shows the complainers provincial nature not the person they are discussing. They only want her super famous friends in there so they can analyze every facial expression, look at what they did to Mindy.

      I mean it’s a food and lifestyle show and you had three very well known chefs, and someone who sold their beauty brand for $400 million in but yeah I guess since Beyonce wasn’t making avocado toast with her it wasn’t exciting enough.

    • SURE says:

      Her credentials should always be prefaced by the lies she was willing to tell prior to M’s O interview. I’m guessing N (who’s caught up in H’s unlawful news gathering lawsuit against the DM) didn’t provide her readers with that context. In the end, just another two of the usual, jealous suspects spewing their predictable hate for profit – nothing special.

    • Tessa says:

      The same old opening like derangers saying I used to like Meghan but then…derangers don’t like her and think The worst. Seward is so obvious

  11. Angelica Schuyler says:

    CopyKate is watching every second of the series and taking copious notes on how to yet again style-jack Meghan.

    Let’s start a countdown on how long it will take for Kate to try to roll out her Meghan cosplay at some point.

    And you know William is watching in a different room simultaneously lusting and raging at the realization that Harry won the lottery when it comes to wives.

    ‘Harry’s going to have all the fun!’

  12. Em says:

    Kate alone is responsible for at least 20% viewership from the UK

    • Blogger says:


      Pippa makes up the other 20%.

      “Pipps, you ought to contact Netflix to do a series so you can feature me in it.”

      • Jaded says:

        Oooooh, wouldn’t it be perfect payback if Pippa did a Netflix series on what she learned while earning her master’s degree in strategies to encourage physical activity in children…I don’t think Kate and Pippa are particularly close but this would really blow up their relationship.

  13. Lynwall says:

    All except Charles binge watched the show.
    A few months from now we will see elements somehow included in their engagements or articles about them.
    In spite of the critics, the show is successful worldwide.
    BRF is nowhere near that in popularity.

    • mind-u says:

      Charles was actually the only one who admitted watching and liking the show, according to a Royal correspondent on a youtube debate. There were also some newspapers reporting it.

  14. Tessa says:

    Seward should buy DVD of I love lucy reruns. Pick out the food spilling episodes with lucy and Ethel cooking and binge watch.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    I believe the royals and their staff will be watching Meghan’s show just like they watched the docuseries.

  16. Miranda says:

    Are cooking shows in the UK typically funny? Is there some super secret UK-only slapstick edition of Nigella? Why is a white shirt “ridiculous”? WTF is Ingrid even talking about? Did she mean for all those words to come out together or did they just fall out randomly?

  17. TheOriginalMia says:

    They are so predictable. Watch, don’t watch. Nobody cares. Y’all are irrelevant. Meghan didn’t do this show for you. She did it for herself.

  18. Blogger says:

    What Ingrid doesn’t realise is she has also insulted fans of Meghan’s guests. In trying to bring down Meghan, she’s also disparaged these talented people. Reminds me of that food article (Saveur?) that trashed Meghan and the industry insiders just pilloried the editor and the writer had to shut her socials down. Can’t believe there are still subscribers to “Majesty” magazine.

    But I read somewhere “The Economist” also took down the show and it felt like an “Et tu Brute” moment so hope Meghan doesn’t read this week’s edition. The numbers don’t lie but the hate is unforgivable.

    • Tessa says:

      I stopped buying majesty ages ago when Seward started trashing Diana
      I even sent a letter of complaint

    • Angied says:

      Most regular people don’t read the Economist unless you are a subscriber. So why mention it. This is a lifestyle show. Have any of these idiots seen the Food Network? Plenty of shows out there. some of their shows I like and some I don’t. B. Smith the former model had a lifestyle show I use to watch that was lovely. I assume people including me who watched and liked Meghan’s show probably would have liked hers also. Why are people having meltdowns and over analyzing this show? Get a grip. I watch Ina’s show and there are somethings I like and there are times I say wow this would be to expensive to cook. People just enjoy the show for what it is. What I get from these British journalist and some of them are hardly that who have been criticizing Meghan since day one is complete and utter jealousy.

      • mind-u says:

        Green-envy is a contagious disease in the UK. They can’t get over that a black woman is living the life they think they deserve more.

  19. Polo says:

    This actually made me laugh. Like everyone’s said oh they absolutely will be watching lol.
    But what is interesting is that these articles are not helping the royals.
    While Meghan’s followers have been increasing. The Wales have had an uptick in losing followers. As they keep being bitter…it’s actually helping Meghan ha.

    • Jais says:

      Good point. These articles don’t help the royals. The whole article just comes across as nasty. As in, here’s all the negative reviews but we’re not going to mention the fact that it’s in the top 10 in over 40 countries. And by the ways, the royals would never watch it anyways. Okay? Thank for letting us know. So snobby and petty is the Royal brand. Got it.

  20. ThatGirlThere says:

    Katie would do well to make a veggie/fruit platter or two. We know that lady does not cook. Give her kids a break from bangers and mash. One-pot spaghetti and skillet lasagna are easy alternatives. As for Willy, I think he’d be game for shooting another commercial with his kids – maybe to try and one-up his brother.

    And Workshy and Waity will absolutely be watching WLM.

  21. Nic919 says:

    Kate has already watched it all plus her staff. I don’t know why they pretend she’s doing anything else.

  22. Tessa says:

    There will be another shampoo commercial with Kate in the kitchen dressed as a fifties housewife, calling the family in for dinner that she prepared all by herself. The kids will be dressed up in outfits from Victorian times. And William will come in and they have PDA and the scene at the dinner table with Kate’s “own” pasta and plum jam. I can see this happening

    • Blogger says:

      Sounds like “work.” And they’re allergic to the concept. That Norfolk commercial from last year took a lot of effort from them.

      They’ll just bitch through their favourite tabloids because they are so idle!

  23. sunnyside up says:

    Why does it have to have some kind of message, it sounds like escapism, with a few novel ideas thrown in. I haven’t watched it, we don’t have netflix so I can only judge by the comments I hve read, the nasty criticism just sounds like nasty criticism, meaningless. Did they even watch it before writing their pieces.

  24. Lili says:

    And don’t forget Pics of George and louis holding up fish they caught whilst out on the lake with either Grandpa or Willie leaks

  25. Jay says:

    Oh please, they’re watching, their staff are watching – how else will they know what next year’s “what we did on our summer vacation” video should look like?

  26. Lizzie says:

    This reminds me of my grandpa trying to review RHOBH. Stay in your own lane. You embarrass yourself with you lack knowledge or even understanding a current lifestyle show. Have a seat along with poor old Tina Brown.

  27. MikeB says:

    These people miss the point that the series is about JOY and having FUN with friends. How fun can it be to make a meal together over a drink while doing it? All the critics take it too seriously.

    • Lady Digby says:

      Exactly @Mikeb it is supposed to be an enjoyable cooking with friends show not a Ken Loach type documentary. Quite frankly given how bleak things are I enjoyed switching off all that gloom and enjoyed the warmth and positivity on offer. I liked seeing her look fantastic and happy with friends.

    • Jaded says:

      I’ve always had a great time cooking with friends — each of us has our own wheelhouse of dishes we prepare together. We would plan a whole menu from appies to soup to mains to salads/veggies to desert. We would cook meals featuring recipes from various countries — Spain, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Mediterranean, Mexican, it was wonderful. Meghan’s show reminds me of those days.

    • SarahCS says:

      I think they lack joy in their own lives and fun/friends are not much of a feature either. That’s why they don’t recognise it.

  28. Lady Digby says:

    Kate didn’t look convincing flipping pancakes or making Welsh cakes, do we know if she can cook? I seen to remember reading that they keep things simple at home: no cook so she does the cooking?

    • Unblinkered says:

      Carol will do the cooking when the children are in her custody. When W has them it’s likely he’s a good cook, or he takes them to friends.
      Something like that.

  29. Nic919 says:

    And there is a second season already in the works….

    • windyriver says:

      According to People, it’s already been filmed. I’m so pleased for Meghan that Netflix was willing to support her to such an extent. Results this week show their confidence wasn’t misplaced. And what great timing for the announcement! What a slap in the face for Tina, Katie, Ingrid, Eden, Fitzy, the DM, the Guardian, the “family” and all the other fools so intent on tearing Meghan down. Bring on the jam (even if we know you can’t really call it jam), the honey, and the flower sprinkles!

  30. Square2 says:

    The principles & staff at the BRF are SO watch “With Love, Meghan”; besides, no one should believe anything the “I-use-illegal-obtained-materials-to-write-my-articles” Katie Nicholl wrote.

    All these critics of the show were just disappointed that Meghan did not behave like or project their stereotype “Angry, Loud Black Woman” on the show. They refused to accept the Meghan we saw on the show has always been the Meghan before she met Harry.

    Good news, WanK: Slumlord, end-racism-in-football, helicopter hopping Willy Idle can resume his rage-lust watching of Season 2 of WLM in the fall, so does his copyKKKate wife.

  31. Sunnylf7 says:

    What’s bonkers to me is that Charles let her talents slip away. They are actually on the same wavelength in so many ways – sustainable eating and beekeeping and jam making. If the RF would have embraced her they could have done this together and made HIM look like a rock star cooking with his little grandbabies but his racism got in the way.

    • Blogger says:

      Because Chuck is an insecure and jealous narcissist. This century’s version of the Sun King if you will.

      All the times Harry mentioned in Spare of Chuck’s jealousy and envy of those who got the press. And how Chuck basked in the glory of the press when he was feted for something or other.

      I saw an interview once where a single Chuck was asked about his future wife, and Chuck mentioned about how she has to fit into the role of the public’s expectations of duty and service.

      Guess what? Diana overachieved in that role…and Chuck became jealous. So now he’s chosen a woman opposite to Diana because Camilla will never, ever outshine him.

      And Chuck has ensured the Sussexes never will either in removing QE2’s gift of Frogmore and having the press hate Meghan at every turn. Chuck has so much in common with Rupert Murdoch. James Murdoch is Harry.

      Chuck’s vendetta has turned him into a feeble king.

  32. Blackapinayp says:

    Of course the left behinds (ahem, Kate & Camilla) will watch, take endless notes, and we’ll see some sort of replication. Speaking of…didn’t the consort have some sort of podcast after Archetypes was released? 🧐😂🤣

  33. kate says:

    You know kate watched and you know she’ll show up in a similar outfit or we’ll get a story about her making something similar. What I find funny is they don’t see this is embarrassing to put stories out like this. By saying oh they won’t be watching means it’s on their minds. I don’t get how they still don’t get this after years of putting out stories about everything Harry and Meghan do. Constantly saying you are not looking over the fence, while telling me what’s going on over the fence, I am not going to believe you. I believe Harry and Meghan have moved on, because they are not telling me every second they moved on.

  34. Lover says:

    What a petty, small, nasty bunch the Windsors and their sycophants are. I cannot imagine how they think comments like these make them look anything but wretched and jealous.

  35. AC says:

    I’ve learned through the years that jealous people watches your every move. And then copies it. When you post a fabulous trip on Instagram some people won’t like the post, but they’ll copy it or be so negative because of envy. It’s like human nature or something. I won’t be surprised that the left overs and/or their team are watching to copy, prob studying every move and K taking cooking/baking classes lol.
    Some of them saying M isn’t relatable. They surely haven’t lived the California lifestyle. Deep blue skies during spring(or even during the winter days like today), wide and bright kitchens, our own backyard have gardens(we get veggies and fruits from our own gardens- def from mine or my sisters homes, even friends have their own gardens). Not all of us of course but there’s a sizable population in CA living that way. Look at the homes in the Ventura and SB counties where HM are living . An avg home in the U.S. is actually a single family home not a loft or a flat that’s not as spacious. So I can understand what the UK critics are scrutinizing the show- they know nothing of this lifestyle. Esp the deep blue skies during winter and spring.

  36. monlette says:

    The physical comedy comes in from reading the reviews and watching people’s heads explode.

    I don’t want to see Kate’s copykeening riff on this. I want to see CAMILLA’S copykeening riff on this. I already have the pilot written in my head in case anyone is interested.

  37. Over it says:

    As if Meghan and harry biggest stalkers are going to let a fully filmed 8 episodes to copy and stalk pass them by . Like hell they are not watching. Kate will be out here saying Korean food is a favorite of hers and William will be yes. We have it on date days and it’s always placed on the table with the beautiful flower arrangement Kate made right after she made her plum jam that she served me on the best focaccia she has ever made and didn’t spill a drop while doing it in her White blouse. As Kaiser said / we about to see Kate copying Meghan like she wears wigglets and buttons. A lot. White clothes will be kate new color from here on out . Next week commonwealth service. She be wearing white . These people can’t help themselves. They entire existence is based on all things Harry and Meghan

  38. sammi says:

    They are watching the re-run of Suits first as William is addicted to it or is it someone in it?

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