Justin Trudeau spoke with Donald Trump & Trump dropped the tariffs (update)

About a month ago, Donald Trump announced extreme tariffs on Canadian, Mexican and Chinese goods. The market reacted with horror & outrage, as did our North American allies. PM Justin Trudeau and Mexico’s President Claudia Sheinbaum both got on the phone with Trump and he backed down within a few days, bizarrely declaring victory even though nothing had been achieved. Earlier this week, the idiotic cycle began again, with Trump announcing 25% tariffs on Canadian and Mexican goods, effective this week. While the Canadian government has tried to negotiate with the Trump administration, PM Trudeau has had enough of this BS, and he publicly accused Trump of acting in “bad faith” (it’s true). Soon afterwards, Trump and Trudeau got on a call which, according to the Wall Street Journal, “grew heated and included profanity.” (See update below)

President Trump signed executive orders suspending new tariffs on many imports from Mexico and Canada, two days after he imposed sweeping levies of 25 percent on two of America’s closest economic partners. The exemptions, on goods covered by the trilateral trade pact Mr. Trump signed in his first term, were a whipsaw reversal that followed days of economic turmoil. Stocks in the United States closed down 1.8 percent on Thursday.

[From The NY Times]

While I have absolutely zero faith in Trump and the vile psychopath clownshow that is the Trump administration, what I do have nominal faith in is the self-interest and greed of the business class, the MAGA donor class. And I actually think they started to make their voices heard to Trump and Congressional Republicans. As in, cut out the monthly tariff melodramas, the stock market is going haywire and we’re losing billions. The coverage from Bloomberg and WSJ show this perfectly – the business class (which supported Trump) is pissed off that Trump is doing way too much. I also think a quiet revolt in the donor class might explain why Trump is suddenly making moves to fence in Elon Musk’s DOGE too.

Update by CB: An earlier version of this story stated that Trudeau cursed out Trump. Time quoted a senior Canadian official who stated that Trump used profanity while Trudeau did not:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said earlier Thursday that he expects Canada and the U.S. to be in a trade war for the foreseeable future after having what he called a colorful but constructive call with Trump on Wednesday.

A senior Canadian government official said the call became heated and Trump used profanity when Trump complained about protections in Canada’s dairy industry. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak publicly about the call, said Trudeau did not use profanity.

[From Time]

Photos courtesy of Cover Images.

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110 Responses to “Justin Trudeau spoke with Donald Trump & Trump dropped the tariffs (update)”

  1. Tn Democrat says:

    Bravo! ❤️ 🇨🇦! Keep up the grassroots boycotts! Local news is whining about the impact international boycotts are having on Jack Daniels and Kentucky bourbon. Good job!

    • MichaelaCat says:

      People starting their boycotts here too, particularly the mega companies who support the Orange.

      Cancelled Disney + too and I always dislked Amazon, so never used it.

      • Tn Democrat says:

        Make sure to include Wal-Mart in any American oligarch controlled company boycotts. Their policies have destroyed hundreds of thousands of businesses, particularly in rural America AND Wal-Mart is an infamous abuser of social welfare programs. Company policy enriches the 1% while forcing their employees to rely on food stamps, medicare and rental assistance to survive.

      • MichaelaCat says:

        Thanks, The Democrat.

        We don’t have Walmart here, but would love to hear more things we should boycott 🙂

      • Ponchorella says:

        I cancelled Amazon prime and the Washington Post after Bezos interfered with the paper. I wasn’t sure if I could manage, but it has been quite easy. I still order from Amazon on rare occasion, but only if the price is considerably lower than anywhere else. If you order over $35, you can still get free shipping. They are constantly also offering free prime for a month, which I get and then cancel during black Friday sales.

        If there is ever something I really need quickly or has a special prime price, it’s easy enough to have someone else with prime order it for me (not everyone is going to cancel, unfortunately) and reimburse them.

        Pause your prime and give it a try! Greed is the only language these assholes speak.

      • dreamchild says:

        Did you know that NYC grocery association came together to block Walmart for 100 years?!!! So proud of my original hometown.

    • Alteya says:

      And target. 40 day boycott started this week.

      • MichaelaCat says:


        Buy from companies/people that don’t support the Orange as much as possible.

    • Kit says:

      Well Trump and his bros wanted to piss off the world, excluding Putin’s Russia and China (China is the real winner here cause Russia would NOT have survived the last 3 years if it wasn’t for China ‘s economic, military, and geopolitical supports).

      Right now, all around the world, there’s a large and growing grassroots movement to boycott American goods and the US. Good luck getting Russians to buy US goods as the population is poor. By Trump unilaterally breaking treaties and disrespecting allies, these former allies are moving on to strengthen and decouple their military, intelligence sharing, and economy from the US. Even if Trump or Musk doesn’t prevail, it’s too late to put the genie back in the bottle when Trump or his acolytes aren’t in power. More countries will develop nuclear capabilities as deterrent. Have nuclear warheads and you have a seat at the table. Iran, backed by Russia and China, will not give up its nuclear arsenal despite Trump’s 4D chess game.

      You know nationalism isn’t a unique American trait. Trump has put a huge target on America. I suggest people slow their spendings, be more careful as the US economy heads for a recession. For retirees, that’s a double threat for those who depend on SS/ pension and investments. There are a lot of angry and short tempered people with guns out there in these troubled times. There is far less respect and trust for law and order and the fairness of US judicial system. People increasingly believe the US government is corrupt and our courts, bribable. Trump and his MAGAs have been pushing that narrative as the excuse to eviscerate government services and making sure that is our new reality.

      The old adage holds true. Easy to break, far harder to repair.

      • Kitten says:

        To your last point, Americans are mostly delusional about how lasting the impact will be of Trump’s disastrous presidency. It takes years-decades, even-to build up these agencies and get these massive programs off the ground and working for The People. It might take less than a year to destroy them, but it will take decades to re-build them, if we even can. Because good luck getting Federal workers to ever take these thankless jobs after the way they were unceremoniously fired (or re-hired, depending) by Trump and Musk. I have a feeling that the most qualified technocrats will move into the more lucrative private sector and never look back.

        But Americans have this idea that every presidency is “turn-key” because that’s how it’s always been in the past: a new POTUS comes in and hires their own people, reverses EOs, and begins to sculpt a government that can move in their ideological direction. But the wheels aren’t just off the cart–the wheels are smashed–and if we’re lucky enough to have a Dem POTUS in 2028, they’ll have a government that is but an empty shell–a cart with no wheels.

        And I get it–people have kids and have to believe that the future will be better. But at this stage, it’s guaranteed to get far, far worse with effects that we’ll feel for the next 20 years or more.

        There is no un-ringing this bell, guys.

      • Kit says:

        @Kitten, Spot on.

        This is worse than Brexit.

    • MMRB says:

      To clarify – the Prime Minister said the call was “colorful” from the WH office, which means it was the President cussing out our PM.

      • Mountain says:

        This is what was reported in Canada. Trudeau doesn’t have a swearing vibe.

      • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

        New Yorker here, who works with real estate developers, New Yorkers curse a lot, it’s just how we talk. And NYC real estate developers are the worst, most crass cut-throat people. I’m not surprised Trump was cursing. I’m surprised he manages to not do it in public.

      • Blithe says:

        Bummer. One of the few moments of delight that I’ve enjoyed recently is the mental image of the personable, well-spoken Trudeau cursing out Jabba the Hutt. Mentally, I couldn’t get the accent right — so I was hoping for the real thing.
        As I imagined it, Trudeau masterfully cursed out Trump — then paused for a moment, and masterfully graced us with a French translation! Lol

  2. Me at home says:

    I totally hope Trudeau cussed out Trump in person the way we cuss the orange menace out here in my home. I’ve also read that American automakers would be hit really hard by tariffs on Mexico and Canada, because as cars are made apparently parts travel back and forth over borders multiple times, so they got in Trump’s eat a little more politely than you or I would.

    • Jay says:

      Correct – the American auto industry is really the North American auto industry, with parts moving freely across the border. And it’s not like an entire plant with all of its machinery, experience, and trained workers can just relocate depending on the whims of the president. It’s just plain dumb for no good reason, and creating chaos where none needed to be.

  3. FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

    Ah, the one thing that might save us from President For Life Trump: he is ultimately too volatile and stupid and the people holding his leash cannot contain him consistently or for long, and this inevitably results in economic catastrophe which his backers cannot predict or control and thus cannot profit off of, so they hate it.

    • Kitten says:

      The way he’s running the government is great insight into how he managed to run all of his businesses into the ground. He’s incapable of thinking long-term; incapable of thinking strategically. Everything he does is based on short-term optics with no thought of repercussions down the line.

    • Sid says:

      Flaming, I have been wondering forever when the corporate class would step in and yank his leash. Consumerism is unfortunately one of the pillars of the U.S. economy. If no one has money or credit to buy all the necessary and unnecessary crap because they’ve been fired or the costs are too high, and if people are boycotting products, how ever will our corporate overlords get their profits?

      Still wondering when Big Pharma will sit RFK’s raggedy behind down and let him know what’s what.

      • Kit says:

        Corporate class types have been jockeying to unseat Musk and replace him with themselves. They are happy for the deregulation, defanging agencies to counter fraud and corruptions and greedy for fat government contracts and resources (public land, timber, mineral and water rights). It’s not like these billionaires need to live in the US. They have homes around the world and multiple citizenships.

        Trump wants to be bigger than Putin. You think the Russian people are living in the land of milk and honey? Heck even Russian oligarchs prefer to live outside Russia (hence London is coined Londongrad for washing so much of their ill-gotten loot).

    • Tiffany :) says:

      But that’s the thing, when our economy crashes, the people that are already billionaires will make a ton of money. While people and small businesses are struggling with an economic crash, the biggest companies can afford to buy up homes and the assets of fallen businesses for very cheap. Big business uses economic catastrophe to consolidate power.

  4. EmmaLily says:

    Which of Trump’s vile cronies knew about these imposition and made money shorting the market (twice)?

  5. Desdemona says:

    If Trudeau did cuss out the Orange Agent, he has just become my hero.
    I mean, besides sexy, he also has guts!!
    Trump is doing nothing but destroying world economy with this tariffs on, tariffs off sh*t, while making himself and his boys richer

    • Joanne says:

      PM Justin Trudeau’s father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau taught his sons to step towards trouble rather than away from it. Justin Trudeau is a fighter and always has been. Years ago, he did a charity boxing match with Senator Patrick Brazeau and won. He had not boxed before but secretly took lesson in the time leading up to the fight.
      The worst thing was the Liberal party turning on PM Trudeau as Trump was going to get inaugurated. Chrystia Freeland stabbed him in the back and I’ll never forgive her. This was when we needed his steady hand and his refusal to back down.
      I will see that PM Trudeau with no fucks left to give is joy to watch. There is no doubt about his love for his country and for Canadians. He will be sorely missed.

      • Renae says:

        Justin’s daddy, Pierre Trudeau, having been called an awful name was asked about it and famously replied: “I’ve been called worse things by Better people”. Perhaps Justin can borrow the line.
        Senator Brazeau now is challenging Donnie Jr to a match (fight) since Don is too old. He wants to punch the pres in the face but will settle for Jr. because of age and Secret Service.
        Everything old is new again!

    • Nic919 says:

      CBC reported it as mango swearing at Trudeau because Trudeau wasn’t going to remove tariffs unless all U.S. tariffs were removed. And they are still there. The only thing Canada did was not add the second stage of tariffs scheduled to be applied in early April.

  6. ThatGirlThere says:

    I know that Canadians were ready for a change in leadership but Justin stepped up in a huge way and lead not just for us but for the world. Fighting for democracy and what it right. I will miss him.

    • NotMika says:

      Oh I am so angry that Trudeau was bullied out by the Tories and then his own party. The guy isn’t perfect, but he is a great communicator, he’s dealt with Trump before, and he actually has principals unlike the bootlicking toad who is leading the Conservatives right now. I wish we had kept him on for just another year to get us through the Trump transition.

      • Greenjuice says:

        At least the Liberals have a couple of good leadership candidates (in my opinion) waiting in the wings. I think Mark Carney is going to win on Sunday, but I’ve liked Chrystia Freeland for years and I truly believe she was a big part of Trudeau’s success (trying to throw her under the bus this fall when he was trying to save himself was not a great look). Trudeau always does his best work in a crisis, and he has a unique ability to really crawl under Trump’s skin, but I think that there’s a lot of pent up frustration and Trudeau no longer has the confidence of his party or the people. I’m just glad our actual elections only last 30 days, because when it is called the Conservatives are going to have even more asinine slogans… I’m going to need a little more information from them than “verb the noun!”

      • Jaded says:

        @Greenjuice — spot on. A dream team would be Carney and Freeland. She’s whip smart, strong and Trump despises her because she’s stood up to him frequently. Pierre “Verb the Noun” Poilievre will need a lot more than a vitriolic catchphrase to win. His hero Trump is pulling the Conservative party down, I think it’s called “tainted by association”.

  7. Brassy Rebel says:

    I’m sure Trudeau helped but it was the markets tanking which finally did the trick. When the stock market was breaking records every day under Biden, Trump took credit. It’s fallen by a lot since he was inaugurated. Hard to blame that on Biden.

    • Kitten says:

      Exactly. The only thing he cares about is what his rich friends think and they were NOT happy about the market outlook. Still, good on Trudeau for standing strong to the orange shitstain.

      The thing is, if he continues playing fast and loose with the tariffs the stock market will continue to spiral. He’s sewing deep uncertainty and distrust which leads to instability on Wall St. Business-owners who depend on products affected by his sweeping tariffs feel like they can’t plan. Today there’s tariffs, tomorrow there’s not..today there’s a 25% tariff on ___ and by the end of the day that tariff is cut to 10% or removed entirely….what will next week be? Business owners need time to anticipate and adjust and Trump’s idiotic, wishy-washy games don’t allow for that.

  8. mvan says:

    This fight has really riled up the average Canadian and there is a shift in thinking for many people – buy Canadian, support local, stop interprovincial trade barriers etc etc.
    The drama surrounding the tariffs on again/off again just highlights to the world the crazy that is going on in the Oval office and beyond. Other countries are taking notice and speaking up – they know they’ll be next…..
    Justin Trudeau is enjoying the fight as he prepares to depart as Federal Liberal leader and PM. But pay attention to the provinces and their reactions as well. Ontario Premier Doug Ford – dropped all US Wines and liquors from our Liquor Stores (LCBO) and other provinces are following suit. In Ontario alone that is $1B annually of alcohol sales.
    Ontario also put a 25% tariff on energy exports to the US. When some of the industries in the US start to feel the pain they will make their voices heard to the Trump admin.
    When you hear “elbows up”…you can be sure that Canadians are ready to fight this fight that Trump started.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      We’re lucky to have Tim Walz here in Minnesota. Ford has vowed to put heavy taxes on the electricity Ontario provides to Minnesota, New York, and Michigan if tariffs are implemented. Walz was on the phone with him immediately.

      • mvan says:

        @brassy rebel – I feel for the average Canadian or American who just wants to live their life but are now caught up in the cross-fire of a fight that was completely unnecessary.
        I know the threats and retaliated threats are causing a great deal of stress for a lot of people.
        I hope we can all get through this. I worry for the coming 4 years – it’s only 6-7 weeks he’s been in power…..
        Tim Walz should have been VP and if he was we wouldn’t all be in this mess.

    • Kitten says:

      I PROMISE you that before Trump started this tariff shit there was not a single American who was like “Hey, you know what I’m really concerned about right now? CANADA getting a great deal and ripping off the US!”

      You guys sell us goods that you can more efficiently produce for a cheaper price (like, say lumber) and we do the same in return. It’s not like Canada is using cheap labor FFS and exploiting our trade agreement. It has always been a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship and the GOP used to LOVE these kinds of trade agreements because again, it’s win-win for both countries.

      The reason why there’s anyone defending the insanity of alienating our most reliable trading partners is because the GOP and their billionaire pals have spent the past 25 years building a Right Wing media ecosystem that is exceptionally adept at convincing Trump-supporters that everything he does is a Slam-Dunk Great Deal for Working Americans. It’s a horrific indictment of the malleability and susceptibility to propaganda that exists in our country. And all his dumb supporters will be hurt by this–every single one–but they’ll blame Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton..anyone but their King.

      (This is Kitten BTW my avatar didn’t show up)

      • NotMika says:

        THANK YOU, KITTEN. We have a higher minimum wage, decent unions, and way better benefits for things like EI and parental leave. With the exception of temporary foreign workers (which is an unfair system but which the US has too!) how exactly is Canada undermining American business practises?

      • Nic919 says:

        It has been cheaper for American companies to build factories in Canada because the cost of healthcare is not needed except for some topup stuff like dental and extended benefits.

        Canadian employees in general have more rights and protections than Americans

        The Canadian dollar being lower also benefits American companies.

        There has never been any business sense in this tariff nonsense, but his actions have fractured the relationship and it won’t be the same even if the tariffs do get removed for good.

      • Dilettante says:


      • TheFarmer'sWife says:

        Well said,, Kitten. Most jobs associated with the lumber industry are unionized. Our low loonie, against the US dollar makes buying from Canada just common sense. Cheeto would have you believe we are being unfair, but really it’s just business. But, Cheeto doesn’t know much about business, how many of his businesses have failded, just how to be the vessel Russians use to launder money. We don’t like Cheeto because he’s a convicted felon etal. People in BC/Canada are pissed because none of it makes sense, business or otherwise unless your trying to make enemies of your best friends so you have some asinine reason to invade us. Seriously, when is Cheeto going to be stopped because he’s a danger to others. Does the man really think Putin is his buddy?

  9. Hypocrisy says:

    I am sure going to miss Justin Trudeau when he steps back.. as an American I am routing for Canada and really angry at my younger self for not having my kids there.. lived just a bridge or tunnel away.

    • Renae says:

      Its never too late! This American moved to Canada at age 59. Now, 15 yrs in…I would never move back!
      Props to the Provinces that are now actively recruiting fired government workers especially in the healthcare industry.
      Scientists from NIH and CDC….come on in.
      They are creating rapid entry for those folks along with credentialing within 90 days.

  10. Tina says:

    I’m so proud of Trudeau and the way our government has stood up to trump. It’s clear there is no point in trying to appease trump at this point. This isn’t just about our economy it’s about our sovereignty. Trudeau hasn’t been perfect and has made mistakes over the years but he’s been a good PM during difficult times. I’m glad he’s going out strong. The level of vitriol he’s received has been unfair and has always made me angry.

  11. Lissen says:

    Cussed the orange cretin out … in both of our official languages, I would hope. lol

  12. Mslove says:

    Trump/Elon have gone too far. The magas in my red state are pissed about the layoffs at the National Weather Center and Tinker Airforce base. The tide is slowly turning.

    • wendy says:

      Oklahoma is so deeply red — my entire family is there and none of them are mad — the board of education voted that you have to declare immigration status to register kids for school and want mandatory teaching of the Bible. I WISH the maga’s were mad but I haven’t seen any sign of it.

      • Mslove says:

        I’m seeing lots of mad magas, especially Tinker employees. They’re scared of the impending layoffs. This will be disastrous for Ok. The gov said, “That’s part of life.”

        Eff Trump and all Republicans.

  13. Wendy says:

    You can really tell when a leader actually loves their country and wants to do the right thing – we are so lucky to have JT – I will miss him. He’s going to be in demand for his next role too – I’m hoping he’ll still be working in the Canadian govt – trade envoy to Europe? Getting us in the EU? He’s a good man. He really gets under Trumps skin!

    • AlpineWitch says:

      “Getting us in the EU”

      You Canadians are awesome but I’m not sure you’ll physically be able to push Canada out of north America and join Europe 🤣
      You can always snatch Greenland off the Orange’s tiny hands and then based on that declare you’ve changed continent!! 🤣

      • BeanieBean says:

        Makes as much sense as Greece being part of NATO.

      • MichaelaCat says:

        Australia is in Eurovision now, so I don’t mind if Canada joins the EU 😀

        Welcome Canada!

      • Nanea says:

        AFAIK the EU statutes don’t mention actual physical status, just a shared border.

        Which Canada has, as we’ve discussed before: all of the 1280m/~4200 ft. land border with Denmark on Hans Island.

        Additionally 🇨🇦 and 🇩🇰 share the longest maritime border in the world, 3962 km/2462 miles. Apparently this new development that dates back only a few years.

        But in these uncertain times everyone needs the best allies, be it for trade or defense, and a tiny 🍁 among the ⭐️⭐️⭐️ in the EU’s coat of arms would look great.

        JT didn’t look out of place here in the 🇪🇺 when he came over repeatedly in the past few weeks to discuss 🇺🇦, AI, and new submarines for 🇨🇦 that will be built by a German-Swedish consortium if the next government agrees to the preliminary agreements.

    • NotMika says:

      I watched a whole German news program about whether or not Canada could join the EU and the gist was “It’s unprecedented, but not impossible.”

    • Kit says:

      It’d be smart to have Canada join the EU. When UK was a member, it carved out special exemptions which many EU members today would have love to have. Sweden said it would have joined if it has similar deal. Canada can sell its petro, lumber, maple syrup, grains, to EU, Japan, China, and Mexico for example. There’s no shortage of countries willing to do business with a reliable partner, which the US clearly isn’t right now.

      Same for security alliance. Who can trust the US among the Five Eyes now? You know Trump and Gabbard and all the Putin’s paid minions in Trump administration would happily share any secrets and assets. Plus you know Russia’s Kompromat is at work.

      Anyway, at this point Trump’s treaties, promises, threats aren’t worth his sharpie’s ink. Trump broke his own N. America trade treaty. The guys’s words are useless. The only thing that he understands is blackmail and money.

  14. Liz says:

    This is not what Canadian news is reporting, sources which I am inclined to believe over the sycophantic apologists and propagandists sources. It was Donald and Vance who were using profanity, not Prime Minister Trudeau. He does not stoop to that level. Please check other sources of news to verify the toxic propaganda issuing from maga megaphones. Look no further than how they treated President Zelenskyy as benchmark for how they behave.

    • Nanea says:

      I wrote something similar further downthread, CBC reported it was the other side.

    • Libra says:

      I believe you, @liz

    • ambel says:

      This is correct. Mango Mussolini thought he could intimidate JT into dropping Canada’s retaliatory tariffs by swearing at him. JT stayed calm and stood his ground and Mango had to climb down like the weak ass clown that he actually is. And, yes, Canada’s retaliatory tariffs are still in place.

  15. Bumblebee says:

    DT drops orders like a bomb and then waits until he’s forced to respond to the chaos. This time it’s stock losses, business failures, and throwing away decades of diplomacy and trust.

  16. Nanea says:

    It’s funny watching how these things come out and find their way to the Wall St Journal.

    Apparently DT had the Vice Presidential Sofa and the Master of Disaster listening in, while JT’s side had only two aides with him, according to CBC, who swore JT didn’t say anything he might one day come to regret.

    One thing I *loved* at yesterday’s press conference at a childcare center in Ottawa — a female journalist asked JT about his opinion on the Orange Menace:
    “Minister Joly characterized what is going on with Trump as a psychodrama. How do you characterize it?”

    JT — very dramatic pause: Thursday.

    How I will miss this handsome, quick-witted, no Fs to give PM. I’m not even Canadian, but admired his work as this year’s leader of G7, the way he stepped up for Ukraine.

    • Joanne says:

      Nanea, I am totally borrowing Vice Presidential Sofa and Master of Disaster. Such a wonderful description. One thing though is that PM Justin Trudeau is very deliberate with his words. He’s eloquent and thoughtful. He never says anything he’ll regret as he doesn’t react emotionally but sticks to the program of what her hopes to gain.

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      Well, that’s not really much of a standard, I know *I* wouldn’t regret telling Donald that his attention span compares unfavorably to his infant-like genitalia and that he and his entire cabinet have the collective charm and intelligence of a slightly moldy bag of turnips.

      Trudeau may have higher standards, though, hrm.

  17. Juliette says:

    If you have time, check out the speech Charlie Angus made yesterday. That sums us up pretty well. Canada is more angry & united than I’ve ever seen.

    • Jaded says:

      I love Charlie and he often appears on the MeidasTouch Network with Ben Meiselas. He takes no prisoners.

  18. Peaceful Warrior says:

    “The idiotic cycle began again” is basically the tag line for this entire 2.0 debacle.

  19. Winterset says:

    There are still US tariffs in place on a lot of Canadian goods. The reprieve only covers goods specified in. the Canada US Mexico Agreement – and that leaves a lot of things out. Even if he does fully drop tariffs (which I don’t believe will happen) I’m not alone in being done with the US. Canadians are fed up. Don’t want to visit, don’t want to buy their goods and services insomuch as it’s possible not to do so. Canadians will continue to fight the US’s aggression. America has shown it can no longer be trusted as either a trading or security partner. I wouldn’t cry if they pulled out of NATO and they should be removed from the Five Eyes as it’s clear anything told to the US will be immediately relayed to Russia. If someone had told me that the US would be perilously close to an authoritarian/fascist state, I would never have believed it but sadly, this is where they are.

  20. Mireille says:

    As much as I like and admire PM Trudeau for standing up to orange julius, the U.S. only pays attention to $$$$$. Boycotting American products, the seesaw affect on the capital markets, Wall Street, rising cost of inflation, etc. are the only things that can make a difference. Especially if it affects a billionaire’s or industry’s bottom line. The U.S is a capitalist system run amok on steroids that’s deepening the class divide and accelerating the empowerment of special interest/lobby groups and wealthy individuals — all buying politicians and hijacking our democracy. Been like that for years. But NOW, Trump is in power. And I don’t think he cares about anyone or anything or that he will destroy this country, because all he wants is to be feared. For people to bow down to him. He’s a spiteful, dangerously stupid man who needs to stick it to those who ever made mocked him or got the better of him. Give it 2 more months, he’ll raise those tariffs again. He’s getting a TON of attention in the media and he’s loving it. Arrogant, smug POS that he is.

    P.S. I may have missed this, but has there been any talk on this site about him coveting and groveling for the Nobel Peace Prize? And he thought his actions on Ukraine would secure him that? Yeah, that’s what I’ve been reading. And he wants the NPP because…you know, Obama.

    • MichaelaCat says:

      Definitely with the boycotting.

      Start with the closest supporters of Trump and the goods they sell.
      Cancel your Amazon account

    • Little Red says:

      I’ve been thinking that Zelenskyy should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Not a very constructive response from me but it would feel so good.

  21. Walking the Walk says:

    They had to drop it because Canada refuses to drop their tariff raises. I don’t blame him. Trump has done this twice now. Threatened, raised, and then drops. China is ignoring us and just raising things and going about their day.

    Trump and Vance thinking that cussing out the PM of Canada is a good move shows what a bunch of idiots they are. And they seem to think that every country should be focused on making sure America is doing great.

  22. MJM says:

    I think your analysis re the reaction of his MAGA business supporters is spot on. Trudeau, the Premier of the largest province in Canada and the Federal Government are completely fed up and taking a hard line with retaliatory tariffs, surcharges etc. that are badly hurting some Americans. This will continue until the tariffs are dropped and we return to the original trade agreement.

    Trudeau always shone in a crisis and I like him very much. I am happy that he doesn’t have to be PM through another Trump administration and can take a break.

  23. MaisiesMom says:

    Follow the money! I think it’s mainly the donor class and the markets. But good on Trudeau for cussing him out. Even if that wasn’t the main reason Trump backed down, I love anyone articulate standing up to the bully-clown.

    Last night my husband told me JT also threatened something about withholding toilet paper or supplies for making it. I thought uh-oh, back to Covid hoarding of TP! I asked him (my husband) what he would do without his Quilted Northern because he is one of those people who is super choosy about TP. I grew up in a Civil War era house with makeshift bathrooms and whatever scratchy stuff my mother bought at the A&P, so I’m more adaptable.

    Canada, since you don’t want Trudeau any more, can we have him?

    • Joanne says:

      We gave you Justin Bieber so it’s hands off our PM Justin Trudeau. For all the right wing conservatives stirring up rage against him, Justin Trudeau is a national treasure. He’s a man who steps up and gets things done. He loves his country and will always put the interest of Canadians first. He’s ours but you can admire his pictures .

    • Ponchorella says:

      Hahaha! My bf is also a real princess when it comes to tp. He brings his own to my house, lol.🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻🧻

  24. LightPurple says:

    And after all this happened yesterday, Muskrat exploded yet another rocket ship over the Gulf, resulting in several airports having to close for a short time so planes wouldn’t be hit by flying debris. Airlines aren’t going to stand for all the disruptions and nonsense for much longer.

    And Trudeau looks like a yummy snack in that picture.

    Stay strong Canada, Massachusetts may want to join you soon.

  25. Vizia says:

    “Never underestimate the power of being cussed out by a Canadian” reminded me of one of my favorite Canadian TV shows, Flashpoint, where a police tactical unit head (the lovely Enrico Colantoni) tells a criminal, “you’re being rude!” and the criminal breaks down in tears and spills his guts about the crime.

  26. Sophie says:

    I hope Canada/Mexico/EU/Britain form a huge trade agreement soon.

  27. NotMika says:

    Yeah, I know others have said this but there is no report of Trudeau swearing or cussing on the phone. The CBC, who likely has a source in the government, has reported that the swearing came from the American side of the call.

  28. Nina says:

    Canadian here.

    Trump posted on TS the other day about how he was asking Trudeau when our elections are and that Trudeau couldn’t give him an answer (because the election hasn’t been called yet). I think he dropped the tariffs because he’s waiting until after our election (which will be sometime between spring-October) to impose them. Our next PM will more than likely be conservative Pierre Poilievre, and he will almost certainly cave to all of Trump’s demands.

    Elon knows who Poilievre is and has been hyping him up on Twitter. I also think that Elon will try to find a way to interfere with the election to help PP win.

    • Alicia says:

      Don’t count on it being PP and his goons. Latest polls show the Liberals within majority territory. Especially with Mark Carney as leader of the Liberals.

      But we need to vote. Less than 50% of eligible voters voted in the Ontario election.

    • Jaded says:

      PP and the Conservative Party have been tainted by association with his praise of Trump. His latest badmouthing about him is mere backpedaling because the Libs are now ahead in polls. He’s as disingenuous as they come. VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

  29. Sue says:

    Team Trudeau! Love, your American next-door neighbor in Buffalo.
    Srsly, I LOVE my Canadian friends and neighbors, and I HATE the orange clown for ruining our bestie status.

  30. L4Frimaire says:

    I’m so sick of this tariff nonsense. It’s a bad policy, they know it’s a bad policy, but keep doing it to our two biggest trading partners and not really sure why. With measles raging , they’re actually recalling some CDC employees back to work. Elon has zero business going in a wrecking the government based on the deep state conspiracy theories that fuel MAGA bs. It’s a sh*t show on the daily.

    • Sue says:

      I saw someone post that the strategy was to set tariffs, tank the stocks, let billionaires buy up shares and then end tariffs so the stocks go back up. It seems so stupidly obvious that it would track for Trump.

  31. Swordspoint says:

    The CBC here in Canada is reporting that Trump swore on the call with Trudeau, not the other way around.

  32. That brief dip in the Stockmarket which T rump caused also allowed the mega millionaires again to pile up more millions, as they bought low and will sell high in a few days when it goes back up. I am sure it was planned.

  33. Jaded says:

    I love reading Robert Reich’s columns — here’s a *bit* of good news from his latest:

    The courts are stepping up their fight against the regime.

    On Wednesday, the Supreme Court rejected Trump’s emergency request to freeze nearly $2 billion in foreign aid as part of his efforts to slash government spending. The vote was 5-4, with Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Amy Coney Barrett joining the three liberal members to form a majority.

    It’s the second 5-4 Supreme Court ruling against Trump since he returned to power, and it shows that an unlikely majority does exist to rein in Trump’s excesses.

    This probably accounts for Trump’s decision to back off from issuing an executive order dismantling the Education Department. The Supreme Court would almost certainly have held that only Congress can shut down a department. (Shutting the Education Department has also been​ unpopular ​among Republican​ leaders​ in rural areas that heavily rely on federal funding.)

    Meanwhile, lower federal courts are now considering over 80 separate lawsuits against the Trump regime. So far, the vast majority of lower-court rulings have been against Trump.

    In an opinion handed down Thursday morning, Federal District Court Judge John J. McConnell Jr. extended an order barring Trump from withholding billions in congressionally approved funds to 22 states and the District of Columbia, including Federal Emergency Management funding. The judge said:

    “Here, the executive put itself above Congress. It imposed a categorical mandate on the spending of congressionally appropriated and obligated funds without regard to Congress’s authority to control spending … In an evident and acute harm, with floods and fires wreaking havoc across the country, federal funding for emergency management and preparedness would be impacted.”

    Also on Thursday, U.S. District Judge Beryl A. Howell ruled that Trump violated the National Labor Relations Act by firing National Labor Relations Board member Gwynne Wilcox, and that Wilcox remains in her position at the federal agency. Howell wrote: “The President’s interpretation of the scope of his constitutional power — or, more aptly, his aspiration — is flat wrong.”

    On Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Angel Kelley extended a freeze on the Trump administration’s cuts to research funding through the National Institutes of Health.

    Also on Wednesday, the Merit Systems Protection Board, which decides federal worker disputes, temporarily allowed thousands of Department of Agriculture employees swept up in Musk’s government-gutting effort to get back to work.

    • Deering24 says:

      For Coney Barrett (of all people) to do the right thing is one of the biggest shockers of the week. 🙄🙄

  34. Ann Latta says:

    I have always lived in northern California, and I have family in Washington State. Our “relief” joke is that Denmark will buy us, because they want avocado toast and palm trees. They’ll slip the money into Trump-‘s pocket. We’ll settle for Canada, because we already have a climate agreement policy including British Columbia, Washington State, Oregon, and CA. I could criticize Trump for knowing nothing, but “knowing” is neither a goal nor a strategy of his.

  35. Brynne says:

    The NYT reporting said that it was Trump who devolved into profanities in that 4 hour phone call, with a clear statement that Trudeau didn’t do the same. After that, Trump reversed course on tariffs (again) but only publicly mentioned Mexico, refusing to mention Canada (even though the tariff suspension applied to both countries).

  36. one of the marys says:

    I’m Canadian. The only shopping I’m doing is groceries and those stores have pivoted so quickly to highlight Canadian products it’s startling. Yesterday I had my first opportunity to choose “not American” so I did. The news says it is having an impact. I know on social media people are asking for Canadian alternatives to their usual products and they’re getting an enthusiastic response

  37. VilleRose says:

    Trudeau is on his way out as Prime Minister so he has zero effs to give. If he wasn’t on his way out, I think he’d be more cautious but he’s in a position where he can say whatever he wants to Trump and he will not be holding back. Canadians are probably applauding him for it and I say curse him out as much as you want Justin!

  38. Slippers4life says:

    As a Canadian buying Canadian today I had a fleeting thought, “what our two countries would be accomplishing together if Kamala Harris was in office, but now the Cheeto boyfriend who moved in next door keeps throwing shit in our yard so we have to have beef now with our BFFs!” Hope you all are able to find some way to dump him so we can go back to hanging out!

  39. TurbanMa says:

    I hope he called him a menace to world peace and a wart on humanity, in between profanities of course. I forced myself to watch the entire address the other night. It was a horrifying experience and I have no doubt that the white supremacists and bigots felt emboldened which is truly dangerous in an already dangerous climate. The message I took away was purely white supremacy, yes we built this great country on the backs of enslaved people, immigrants and now we want what they built and we want them all to not exist unless they are with us, white and cis gendered. Sickening and deplorable and really steeled my resolve not to leave. I heard john leguizamo say the current economic contribution of Latinos to the US GDP is 3.2 trillion dollars. They think they want everyone to clear out but they would have less than nothing and be the poorest country in the world without all the people they hate.

  40. AC says:

    The courts are also telling some Fed employees to go back to work.
    I’ve mentioned this before Repeatable behavior of his first term. Trump eventually caves and the courts overturning his decisions 🙄

  41. Jaded says:

    BTW, since when did the Daily Fail become Trump humpers? There’s an article today stating that Trump humiliated Trudeau and made him cry. O RLY??? It was Trudeau that bested Trump you idiots, that’s why he reversed course on some of the tariffs. SHM…

    • AC says:

      I also don’t think the European media outlets are showing any protests here in the U.S. I passed by one earlier this week, I can tell you there were a lot of cars honking . People are mad but imedia isn’t showing it. SM at least is.

  42. Ennie says:

    Manipulation of the stock market coming from the highest level.
    Beware who is buying- selling what.

  43. Bev says:

    Hello all,

    Today is the first day of a one week economic protest of Amazon and whole foods. Please try to participate, and keep up the good work!

    If you want to know more about these grassroots efforts, go to thepeoplesunionusa.com.

  44. Deanne says:

    When my youngest was a toddler and he missed his nap for unforeseen reasons, he was impossible to appease. He didn’t know what he wanted and would change his little mind on a dime. Felon47 is exhibiting the same behaviour but with less self control. I know people say he’s losing his mind but seriously, this is more than irrational behaviour. Now he’s threatening 250% tariffs on dairy and wood. I wouldn’t be surprised if he does have dementia. His gate also suggests neurological problems. He didn’t make Trudeau cry. Trudeau became emotional because he loves his country and his fellow Canadians and his time serving them is coming to an end. Trump wouldn’t cry if his entire family died in front of him. He’s a bully and a wimp.

    • Brit says:

      trump is old. my 70 year old mother sometimes behaves like a sleep deprived four year old. and she wasn’t like that before. there should be a maximum age limit for people in such positions. because of him my country is preparing for war. he is sick and bad to the core. i don’t want to die because of this trash.

  45. Jean says:

    The reason why they shouted was because Trudeau does not offer up the same undeserved worship to Trump. I’m so glad of it. Well done Trudeau well done, sir. I respected you before and now it has risen even more. Thank you, Mr. Trudeau.

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