‘With Love, Meghan’ is getting a second season & they already filmed it

With Love, Meghan dropped on Netflix on Tuesday, March 4th. Just two days later, WLM was already well into the Netflix top-ten most-streamed shows and it was THE biggest topic of conversation last week on social media, in the tabloids and in the trade papers. The Duchess of Sussex’s haters tried to review-bomb WLM and it felt like everyone had an opinion of the show and Meghan. As I said several times last week, once WLM made it into the Netflix top-ten, it seemed more than likely that Netflix would greenlight a second season quickly, especially given the low overhead for the production and given Netflix’s investment in As Ever, Meghan’s product line. As it turns out, Netflix had already greenlighted a second season and it’s already been filmed, with zero leaks. The second season will stream this fall!! LOL.

Meghan Markle’s lifestyle show is getting another season on Netflix.

PEOPLE can exclusively reveal that With Love, Meghan will have a second season, which has already been filmed, hitting the streaming service this fall.

Michael Steed is back as director for the second season, as the Duchess of Sussex’s show debuts at #6 on Netflix’s U.S. Top 10.

Meghan, 43, celebrated the news on March 7 by sharing the teaser also shared by Netflix on her personal Instagram page. The footage focuses on the sounds of chopping, stirring, sizzling and more from the kitchen.

“Oh, how I love ASMR!” the Duchess of Sussex captioned the post. ‘If you’re loving Season 1, just wait until you see the fun we cooked up on Season 2! Thanks for joining the party, and an endless thanks to the amazing team and crew who helped bring it all to life!”

[From People]

This is hilarious and amazing. WLM deserved a second season, and it will likely have many more seasons. The low overhead is key – yes, it’s great that Netflix is supporting Meghan and her lifestyle vision, but it’s easy for Netflix to support WLM since it’s so inexpensive for them to make. There are no special effects, no huge location shoots, no lengthy production time tables. That’s why they were able to film a second season so quickly and so under-the-radar, which is basically unheard of even in reality-based programming.

As soon as the news was announced, the same people who had been screaming about WLM for days and predicting a swift end to the Sussex-Netflix partnership quickly had to backtrack and find some way to cope. The Daily Beast’s Royalist bitterly noted that WLM “generated massive worldwide interest, despite being panned in reviews.” The Telegraph tried to pretend that they still have exclusive sources, and they claimed that “Any potential third series will depend on the success of the first two.” The Telegraph also pointed out the review-bombing and said, “The Duchess is not thought to have been shown any negative reviews and does not look them up herself.” Well… what Meghan did last week was great, and what I’ve wanted her to do for so long: go out and really promote her work and push her positive message to combat all of the unhinged hate that comes her way. I hope we get another promotional tour in the fall!

Meghan also celebrated the upcoming second season on her IG page, going on her IG Stories and wearing a “Lettuce Romaine Calm” baseball cap. She also posted photos for International Women’s Day, with two great photos of Harry, one with Lili and one with Meg.

Photos courtesy of Netflix.

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155 Responses to “‘With Love, Meghan’ is getting a second season & they already filmed it”

  1. Criti Calthinking says:

    This show was so well done in every aspect..….Emmy worthy

    • Lady Esther says:

      I finally got to watch it over the weekend and I’m so happy that it got renewed! It’s fun, charming, and light. I couldn’t help but think of “This Little Light Of Mine” being played at H&M’s wedding and how this series captures just that. I’m on board for season 2, it’s pure escapist pleasure and we so need that nowadays. SUCK IT HATERS

      Like Meghan I’m not a baker but I can’t WAIT to make the lemon layer cake! And the Korean fried chicken! And as I said before, just let me know when I can buy the aprons and my credit card will be on fire with how fast I whip it out….

      • Harla says:

        Lady Esther, the site WhatMeghanWore has all the fashion, including aprons, that Meg wore on the show! I’ll call the fire department for you!

  2. Blogger says:

    I really loved the fact she used ASMR because it’s tagged a lot on Insta. My feed is full of cleaning videos 😂 She’s been biding her time but she’s probably been on Insta all this time watching other people’s videos. If you like ASMR cleaning I highly recommend @cleanwithbeax @gdayardman @liamthesignguy @nathanlawsandgardens

    So welcome back to Insta Meghan!

  3. SussexWatcher says:

    Congratulations on season 2, WLM! I am so excited and am sure she’ll get many more seasons. I love that season 2 is coming in the fall so she can give us seasonal recipes and products on As Ever.

    And I love love love that Meghan Sussex is back on IG. I love seeing her being the goofy, happy, thriving woman she is, and getting some tiny glimpses into their lives.

    • Megan says:

      I’m wondering if season one was split into two seasons because the launch was delayed due to the LA fires and the Stranger Things promo will be massive. This gives her show more room to in the viewing space and a second promo opportunity when As ever officially launches.

  4. Snuffles says:

    I’m here for the autumnal vibes! 🍂 🍂

    I wonder what guests she’ll have this time around. My favorite episode was the Roy Choi one. They really clicked and the food looked delicious.

    • Blogger says:

      I’d love it if she left California and travelled to other places, like I said Anthony Bourdain.

      For me, her most memorable food moment as a working royal was when she went to Rabat, Morocco, pregnant with Archie. And she was so delighted with the chef Dar Moha who kept telling her to taste his food. She was like: Yes, yes, yes! Feed me!


    • Mimi says:

      That was my favorite, too. I also liked the one with her friend (I forget her name), making potstickers. I did not like Mindy’s episode at all. It felt stilted and forced. And it also didn’t make sense to me to plan a kids’ party and then have no kids in the show. The last clip should’ve been of their kids (without showing their faces, of course, cause I know Mindy is also very private about her kids) enjoying the party.

      For season 2, I want to see her cooking more of other people’s recipes. And one with Doria, cooking their comfort foods (she alluded to it a little bit in this season). I also want to see her cook with a prominent Black chef. Maybe someone from New Orleans or Harlem.

    • Jen says:

      I really liked the Roy Choi episode as well. Both because the food looked delicious, and because it was kind of a reverse of a lot of the other episodes in that that episode had Roy teaching her which worked really well in that format. A series where she learns to make things from other chefs, cultures, etc., would be really great watching because it makes it feel like “Oh this is totally something I could do too!”

    • Shanta says:

      I’m hoping that she does something for the holidays…. Thanksgiving.. Christmas. I’m all in

      • GiveMePizza says:

        YES! Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Specials! I want to see her favorite holiday side dish & dessert, decorating tips, and handmade gift & Christmas ornament ideas. Let’s manifest this!

      • L4Frimaire says:

        I’d love a Thanksgiving/Christmas special. She could totally geek out in it. Go to the Pumpkin festival in Half Moon Bay. She did a grilled turkey in her Tig days that looked so good. That would be so much fun since she’s spoken about starting her own Christmas traditions with her kids.

    • tamsin says:

      One of my favourites was Roy Choi’s episode as well. He’s an award winning chef and a food truck pioneer, and he had his own food series on Netflix! He’s well trained and well educated. No wonder he was so smooth. My other favourite episode was Vicky Tsai’s. She was so likeable and charming, and I like her products. Daniel promotes her products. Loved listening the sound track as well. Some of the choices were so a propos. I had to laugh with “Sugar, Sugar” during the donut making. Yep, donuts are sugary and going to give you a sugar high. The hyper tempo was perfect humorous commentary on donuts. Also loved the music in the Delfi episode too, and Meghan and Delfi’s easy one word exchanges in Spanish.

      Looking forward to a second season. I’m joining those hoping for a Christmas special. Hope she covers Thanksgiving as well- so many opportunities for food, decorating, and friends and family to gather.

      • Kit says:

        Mine too. That episode underlined Meg’s LA roots. This series was filmed before the big fires where afterward those slimy, know-nothing royalists were screaming about Meghan’s “inauthentic” attempt to appear like a Los Angelenos— despite the fact that she’s one.

        The lies and gaslighting are exactly the same tools that Trump and his billionaire bros are using to burn down the States. People are dying and they are celebrating. Yeah. The plan all along has been to turn the US into apartheid South Africa where de facto slavery abounds for its free and cheap labor. That’s what Musk and Bezos and Trump want.

        They are taking a note from the UK where news about the royals are heavily censored and are propaganda pieces. The monarchy doesn’t have to rely on elections to get all the public toadying and money. The royals don’t have to work. Just make sufficient noise. The royals are above the law. Just like Trump and his MAGAs. No wonder Trump adores the British monarchy and in his mind, he’ll make his version that much better.

  5. Bronco says:

    I always thought there would be multiple season with Netflix partnering with product. To partner with product you need product which requires content. And it’s a great show. No one reviews seriously lifestyle shows so they’re all showing their asses

    • somebody says:

      Exactly. Partnering with her products should show that she is with Netflix for the long term. Why would anybody think Netflix would dump her productions while investing in her products?

      • Bronco says:

        Well the britshit media do. And Kensington palace. Talk about ignorant wet dreams! As Kaiser has said for years, these people have no idea about how the real world works and even less than zero about publicity. Let’s face it, they’re back in 1700 and they can’t move on. They still think because they say it’s true, people believe it.

      • mind-u says:

        The day BM, RF, and their affiliates realized they had no power to influence the decisions in the Netflix boardroom. As Charles Spencer would say, they have no power and even less credibility. It was a win not just for M. but all black people, as make no mistake, they go after M to send a message.

  6. sevenblue says:

    “The Duchess is not thought to have been shown any negative reviews and does not look them up herself.”

    lol. They are soo bitter, my God. These “journalists” feel so personally invested in seeing H&M fail and the irony is their obsession with her is making other people, who wouldn’t remember to check out a cooking show, watch it to see what is happening. Good job, haters 😂😂

    Also, this statement is soo similar to the ones they would write, how Meghan wasn’t reading all the tabloids insults against her while she was living in UK, but some aides made it their job to show her regardless. They are beyond petty, they enjoy harassing a biracial woman who did no crime. I hope karma gets them in the ass, miserable assholes.

    So happy for Meghan and all the crew making the show. I loved when they showed peaks at the crew when Meghan offered them food in the show. It is a huge set and I hope they got paid well for this success. Go Duchess 🥳🥳

    • Blogger says:

      She’s sitting underneath a tree watching ASMR videos 😂

    • Eurydice says:

      Poor dears, they went to all the trouble to trash every bit of Meghan’s show and she didn’t even bother to read them.

    • Jais says:

      They really really want her to read the mean stuff they say about her. And she ain’t giving them that. I’m sure a list of any constructive criticism can be collated into a list for her to see sans snark.
      I loved the peeks of the crew too. I’m curious whether they’ve completely finished the second season or if it’s mostly raw footage to be edited into eps.

      • Dee(2) says:

        Yeah it definitely came across like ” and she didn’t even see how mean we were being to her!” That’s why they are so mad her comments aren’t open. They want her to be in despair, and it’s clear the negativity was intentional and planned.

        It’s funny though because most of the good reviews that I’ve seen the show get has been from a lot of the lifestyle, cooking, and gardening magazines and blogs. So it’s funny that we’re supposed to put more weight behind The Economist not liking it, than Better Homes and Gardens. I also love that all of the blog posts that I read immediately and without any sort of hesitance called out the fact that the negative reviews, and inauthenticity claims, are rooted in misogynoir. Meghan is supposed to be the one supporting her wealthy friends in their nice homes, not being supported in her nice home herself.

      • Harla says:

        I don’t think so Jais, I think that Meghan has received constructive criticism from those she knows and trusts which would probably be the same as what is being said online. Meg has quoted Georgia O’Keefe before “I’ve settled it for myself, so flattery and criticism go down the same drain and I am quite free”.

      • fwiw says:

        @DEE(2). Exactly! I had the misfortune Friday to hear an NPR “TV reviewer” & the show’s host talk about WLM as if it were some sort of amateur hour compared to real cooks. Two clueless adult males. That night I was flipping through a Better Homes & Gardens magazine that touched on so many areas like WLM, encouraging amateurs to arrange flowers, cook one-pot meals, create interesting drinks, & even sprinkle edible alphabet letters on food for presentation. Those clueless males weren’t even aware that such obvious target audiences for WLM existed. They may not have ever seen the shows like Martha & Ina that they were unfavorably comparing it to.

    • sunny says:

      Of course she’s not reading negative reviews! Being the subject of such irrational hate must be incredibly hurtful even if you have had all the therapy. I hope she is making sun teas with her kids and chilling in her backyard.

      I assume her team is taking in all the reviews because some reviews have been positive and while the negative reviews are mostly crap, there is some constructive feedback they can incorporate in a third season(which I hope the show gets!)

    • Beckyt says:

      To be fair, reviews and opinions – of which these are – are labelled as such and outside of objective news reporting. Even journalists are allowed their opinions, so long as they are labelled as such. They trust the public to discern the difference.

      • Nic919 says:

        No journalists who normally report on the news don’t just randomly provide their opinions on a lifestyle show. There are television critics for that. Journalists who do this end up muddling their alleged objective position for the reading audience

        There is a right wing media propaganda machine that has abused the trusting public because they don’t have media literacy. Fox News is an example of this. They put lies on air but the gullible believe it is real and objective.

  7. Nanea says:

    It’s so good to have Meghan back on Insta, doing her own stuff — while the haters and delulu Derangers and their non-existent sources plus the gold-plated advisers like Jason K. can stew.

    Looking forward to Season 2, but I know I’m not the only one who’d love to have a Christmas special of WLM.

    • Yes indeed let the derangers and haters and Tina go pound sand with their hate for her and anything she does. Yay season two!!!

      • Lawrenceville says:

        LOL, TinaHatefulBrown thought their little hate campaign has destroyed any chances of any future seasons of WLM and the baaaam, they all got hit on the head with the announcement of season 2, LOL. Now they’re all silent or busy backtracking. These hopelessly shameless people are just garbage.🤢🤢🤢

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Yes, please, on the Christmas WLM! Every holiday would be fun – I’d watch it all.

    • Jais says:

      Same! Yes to the Christmas episode. And thanksgiving. And Halloween. Ima just be greedy for my wishlist.

    • Ariel says:

      I’m so hoping for a holiday episode- making cookies with kids, holiday themed decor and snacks for a gathering.

      Ooo- dinner party and/or Christmas dinner.

      Now I want a whole holiday themed season.
      Let’s make wreaths!!!

      I love the show, it’s so pretty and peaceful to watch (I do not cook, garden, craft, or host)

  8. Kittenmom says:

    Heh heh heh. Now explain to us, “sources,” why this spells the end of Meghan’s career.

  9. Em says:

    Her happiness bothers people a lot, like on an unhinged level. Also not to blame but Ashley Hansen as their PR manager was very terrible and allowed most of the hate to thrive. Her Instagram page has already cut down divorce / surrogate rumors that were even appearing in mainstream papers, her video announcing her business has 20 million views. It’s a wonder why she didn’t open it sooner and a good PR person would have pushed for that especially since Harry had an issue with almost every broadsheet.

    The hate against Meghan is lifelong and I hope she is at peace with that, the fact that she is not broken or bowed makes her haters crazy and thus they will be intensifying their efforts, she needs to just do her at this point. I still predict good things for the as ever brand. I don’t think it will be goop or skims level but it will do well on a sizeable ground

    • somebody says:

      Maybe not entirely Ashley’s fault. I imagine that Meghan had to have lots of therapy after leaving the UK. She might not have been ready to be on SM until now.

      • Jais says:

        Agree. There’s a good chance Megan wasn’t ready yet.

      • Yes the trauma she suffered at the hands of the gutter press and the royal family probably made it difficult to bounce back quickly. She needed time to process what happened and find a comfortable way to move forward.

    • Shanay says:

      I agree opening her Instagram was a great idea. It allows people to see her and judge for themselves instead of filtering through the British press.

    • sevenblue says:

      I hope Meghan also sells the small brands she invested in under her website. It would give them extra promotion. I don’t think a food brand like Meghan’s would earn like Skims, which can do mass production. There is no doubt it would make a lot of money though. She did it before with the Tig.

      I don’t think, Ashley would make H&M do anything they didn’t want. She raised her babies and found her spirit again. She needed to feel ready to open up again, I think.

  10. Eurydice says:

    Lol, I’m looking forward to The Telegraph’s eventual article – “Any potential 20th series will depend on the success of the first 19.”

    Congrats Meghan!!

    • Nanea says:

      Just imagine the riotously unhinged comments we’ll get when Meghan decides to call it quits after 10 seasons!

    • Blubb says:

      Eurydice: Boah, I hope they all bankrupt by the, Telegraph, fail, sun, independent, express and the guardian with its dozen of hate articles.

    • Bronco says:

      They’re fixated on numbers. Didn’t Ford fiesta call her the degree wife? So, that was four years gone? Sophie has a ‘different’ marriage, she was taped putting down the family, her business partner outed Edward.. She really needed to shut up about Meghan being a degree wife when we all know what she is. And yes, they’ll still be in 20 yrs

  11. Sun says:

    Yay!! Cannot wait for Meghan’s amazing sweater game and comfort foods!!!

    I liked the mix of personal friends and foodie people she admired, not necessarily well-known celebs. I hope s2 keeps the guest formula. And another round of Meghan promo to look forward to, hopefully.

  12. Amie says:

    I’m sure Netflix expected the negative review bombs, so I’m glad they went ahead and filmed a second season and didn’t wait for the reviews or the bs feedback. Most of the feedback isn’t even genuine. It’s just a bunch of people being jerks about things.

    None of these “Royal experts” have sources or they’d have known a second season was filmed instead they were crowing about how Meghan’s Netflix career was done because of a very obvious attempt by a slew of media to overwhelm with negativity and kill the show before it even started.

    • sevenblue says:

      Didn’t one “serious” publication review it before it aired just to talk sh*t about Meghan? They were never gonna be fair to her. They only want white women in that space even if they aren’t derangers about H&M.

    • Blogger says:

      Haven’t come across anyone with a Netflix series criticise the show. Have any chefs with TV shows criticised WLM yet?

      Just pure rank jealousy. It sure is a curse. They can keep writing their bile but Netflix knows the numbers don’t lie while the print circulation numbers continue to crumble.

  13. Jais says:

    Congratulations to WLM💐🍓💐 a sweet show that’s coming back! Hoping for some holiday episodes. Maybe they can film a WLM holdiay special…
    Apparently a lot of ingredients from the show are seeing a surge in Uk grocery stores😂. And I’m seeing people post pics on SM of being inspired by the show. So cute. Le Creuset can’t be minding.
    The picture of Lili and Harry in the boat was so freaking cute💕

  14. Jan says:

    That new PR is earning her salary, even the producer of the show is speaking out, saying Meghan is a hard worker and a go getter.
    We saw a friendship developed with Roy Choi, and he said, she knows what she is doing in the kitchen.
    The Chef that makes Mexican dishes posted his photo on the show to Instagram.

    • sunny says:

      The Roy Choi episode was so good. All the LA talk and references and how delighted she was to be learning something new.

      Roy is really good on tv. Roy was a consultant on the film “Chef” and he taught Jon Favereau how to cook for it and the tow of them became close friends. When Jon filmed his cooking show for Netflix, Roy came on a few times and his episodes were always the most fun ones.

      • windyriver says:

        That’s so interesting. I don’t follow the food world like I used to, and had never heard of Roy Choi, but I loved the movie Chef.

  15. BlueSky says:

    Watching her show I have been inspired to:
    1) order beeswax to burn in my wax burner
    2) get back into making breakfast casseroles in my heavy duty dish
    3) buy a garden box and make a go of trying to grow vegetables again
    4) get a le crueset skillet
    5) up my salad game
    6) make that one pot spaghetti
    7) make lemon vinaigrette

    • Deering24 says:

      Mmmmmmmm. Breakfast casserole…🙃🙃

    • Bronco says:

      and even cheap stores have similar skillets. I buy the straight cast iron lodge as I don’t like over paying for cast iron.

      I dried herbs and flowers for my cooking and spent more time plating. I’ve only seen 2 epa 🤣🤣🤣

      • BlueSky says:

        I have a cuisinart set that I really like. My sister loves to cook and I know she wants that cookware so I’m going to start looking for sales to get her some for Christmas.
        The old time pottery here went out of business so I was able to buy a lot of nice cookware and bakeware.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I made the one pot spaghetti. It was so good, it will become a go to meal now. I also have my sun tea sitting outside this morning. I can’t wait until the second season.. my next goal is to become as organized as she seems to be, not my strong point.

    • North of Boston says:

      There is something special about beeswax. I love lighting a candle in the morning, sipping my first cup of tea/coffee by candlelight on a dark winter morning is a peaceful way to ease into the day.

      And on the mornings I light a beeswax candle, the light is so warm and gentle, and it gives off a light honey scent… it’s my favorite.

      And I love the idea of bees doing their thing, pollinating flowers, vegetables, fruits, other plants, and then creating honey -which is amazing, delicious and has many healing properties, and then when you harvest the honey, you also get beeswax which is amazing all on its own (using 100% of what the honey harvest produces -no waste!)

      My favorite new-to-me product is beeswax wraps, reusable wraps to use in place of plastic wrap. Beeswax for the win.

    • Sheri says:

      I make spaghetti sauce just like my beloved late mother-in-law taught me. 100% Italian and the best cook I ever met. I make it in a 13 quart Le Creuset Dutch oven while I fry the meatballs in a Le Creuset cast iron skillet. Eight hours later, I portion it out into containers to put into the freezer. Since I am now divorced, the portions are for one. My ex-husband eats sauce out of a jar. Jerk.

    • Me at home says:

      I’ve been inspired to buy beeswax candles and tea candles too ;). Also to rearrange my Le Creuset and other pots. I haven’t reached the lemon vinaigrette recipe yet, but that definitely sounds like something I’d enjoy. The lemon cake looks delicious and the technique of swirling jam and frosting to get that cool checkerboard slice was a revelation. I just need an opportunity to make it. Go Meghan!

  16. Monika says:

    Meghan’s approach to cooking/lifestyle tips reminds me on mindfulness, be in the moment, focus on what you are doing, get rid of all negative thoughts, enjoy every little bit with all your senses, from taste and smell, to hearing and feeling.
    The perfect program for our turbulent times. I hope WLM will thrive.

    • Blogger says:

      Agree with mindfulness and the power of positive thinking and positive actions.

    • Jaded says:

      That’s why I like to cook. It takes my mind off the crap I’m dealing with in my life (cancer) and I know I’m doing it with love. The divine smells, the sense of accomplishment, my husband and friends enjoying tucking into a yummy meal. It gives me the happies.

  17. Jan says:

    I’m not sure if it was Home and Better Gardens (it’s an old magazine that was around for ever) said it was a great show, uplifting and fun.

  18. Feebee says:

    The fact they already filmed a second season was a surprise but not that there would be one. Netflix know what they have with Meghan. They didn’t invest in her and her business on a whim. No way were they going to leave her hanging with one season.

    The negative reviews have been ridiculous with the stupidest things being picked up on. Of course that means there may have been some valid points made that will get lost but then again they have an experienced team and they’ll probably see things they’ll want to tweak. I’ve never seen a light cooking/lifestyle show given such thorough critique. Of course as Kaiser mentioned the turnabouts due to the quick S2 announcement made for some hilarious reading.

  19. Merry says:

    This is the reason why I wasn’t mad when the media were stirring up fake drama. Like it or not but it’s how people notice things these days.
    I think the show would have done good regardless but the obsession and fake hate elevated it and Meghan to another level.
    I’m just glad she’s finally using all the attention whether negative or positive for her benefit. Line your pockets Meghan!!

  20. Mtl.ex.pat says:

    I’ve watched two episodes so far ( the one with Abigail Spencer & the last with the big brunch.) Was inspired to bring more flowers into my office to uplift the mood and to be more creative with veggies.. Enjoyed both episodes. I notice that a magazine (Harper’s? Can’t remember) had an article showcasing her wardrobe for each episode with links to the websites. Some had sold out. I’m sure Meghan gets at least the clothes as gifts and maybe a fee for the publicity (I hope) which is also very smart. A really well done series.

  21. Polo says:

    The way I CACKLED when that people article dropped announcing the second season. Haaaaahahahah.
    Legit best day ever lol.

    The haters went reallly silent lol. I gotta admit I went on a posting spree on article letting the haters know “thanks for the support haters you got Meghan a second season and a few more millions” lol

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I am absolutely loving Meghan Sussex, the Duchess of Success winning. Her show is a pure joy to watch.

    • Me at home says:

      I’ve seen multiple haters shrieking “it wasn’t renewed because they had already filmed season 2!!!” I mean, all you have left is to quibble over wording? Whatever, it still shows Netflix had a lot of confidence going in, and with the show hitting the top 10 in multiple countries a third season seems likely. Cry harder, haters.

  22. Bronco says:

    I had dinner with a pretty reasonable British friend yesterday.. She just flew back from the UK. She acknowledged the media was ‘tough’ her words – btw she’s about 40 working in media). Even knowing what she knows her first comment – no smoke without fire. For real. Much older than her and gobsmacked doesn’t describe it

    • Blogger says:

      Know someone else who works in the media (UK/US) and justifying the criticism the media had for her was because she “hustled” hence the Vanity Fair cover of “American Hustle.” That cover was aimed at the UK because overt hustling is frowned upon, because it’s better to be seen enjoying the privileges of generational wealth.

      And I’m thinking, is that it? They hustle because they need money, they need security? Is that the biggest criticism they can give to justify all that hate?

      Hence I’m thinking why The Guardian and The Economist’s editorial lines are so dead set against her is because she didn’t give them interviews because, let’s face it, what’s in it for her?

      • windyriver says:

        Interesting pair of blinders these people have on. One of the biggest hustlers has to be KC, former POW. Profits from his Duchy Originals go to charity, and proceeds from sale of that 750 pound bottle of KC coronation whiskey, and jam, and wooden spoons go to upkeep of the Royal Collection. No different from what Meghan did in the UK; cookbook proceeds to the Hubb kitchen, capsule wardrobe benefitted SmartWorks. (Note too, Charles copied the capsule wardrobe concept for the textile workshop at Dumfries.).

        Back to Charles though – where did that money in the shopping bags go? Or the proceeds from the likely sale of titles? And on another decidedly unphilanthropic note, we know the source of much of that generational wealth, certainly for the RF, these descendants have the privilege to be seen enjoying.

        Back to the hustle – the Prince’s/King’s Trust, Poundbury, Dumfries House – signature KC achievements – didn’t just spring up by themselves. Hard work, and dare I say hustle, went into making them a reality. Remember too, we don’t know where M & H’s money goes (apart from the obvious for living expenses and security). Archewell is funded without donations from the general public. Harry donated over a million dollars of his Spare proceeds to Scotty’s and Sentebale. Meghan is not only investing in small businesses, she knows she can impact a small company merely by choosing her bracelet that day. But, you know, talk about making money is unsavory to the “cultured” British mind, just so American, so another stick to beat Meghan with.

    • Jes says:

      Yes but which fire? That their UK royals are generational-levels of messed up? that they have a mental and structural and inability to address their family’s role in global torment of huge portions of the human race? and/or that their latest monarch and ‘on deck’ guy are serious duds… those fires?

    • sevenblue says:

      This woman had an active, working life before her marriage. The only people complaining about her is unnamed palace sources in UK. So, we gotta believe she turned into monster in a few years she lived in UK and came back to USA as the same person she was in every country she lived before UK. It seems more plausible she was working with racist people who hated her. There are many evidences you can see with your own eyes to react that conclusion. We all saw the photos of W&K’s disastrous tour where they cosplayed as colonizers, no? Their aides saw nothing wrong with that before the international media reacted.

    • Dee(2) says:

      It’s interesting because I read a review of the show in I think Slate, and the reviewer was British and basically said the same. A show like this, and thus Meghan herself will never connect with certain aspects of British culture because she’s just too ” Californian”. That her openness, and directness is so discomforting and that the pinnacle of that discomfort is the Royal Family.

      What was interesting to me was that even though she acknowledged that Meghan could never succeed because of those glaring cultural issues as she put it, she never seemed to connect or want to acknowledge that the resentment is built upon the fact that Meghan did not decide to try to bridge that ” cultural gap” by changing herself to appeal more to them.

      It’s like a lot of these people can get to the edge of the cliff but they won’t look over. It’s not just the aristocracy that holds this resentment, there’s a lot of anti-americanism, and an unearned sense of superiority that a lot of people hold, and are personally offended that this Black American didn’t see their culture as the better option.

      • ecsmom says:

        These are great points @Dee(2). You know you would always see the British make fun of us (Americans) in movies and such and it was kinda funny. We Americans see ourselves as pretty great (current political climate aside) and don’t take it personally. But so much of the horrific things said and done to Meghan, while mainly because she is black, was also because they think so low of anything American.

        I don’t think it’s funny or endearing anymore. It’s pathetic display of insecurities and I am becoming annoyed and even angry at this. While it’s the BM is the one saying horrible things, most British people do have fun making fun of us and I am beginning to be offended when it’s in a joke to signal superiority. It’s like I can’t unsee this and I wish I could.

      • Jais says:

        Agree with all u said. And just want to add that I think we sometimes underestimate the way tabloid culture and the discussion of Meghan seeps into absolutely everything in the uk. The way she is spoken about with a certain derisive tone is kind of nonstop. The tabloid headlines are seen in the stores whether you read them or not. The people on the ITV morning programs have such a nasty and snobby tone about her that I’m shook. Susanna Reid, all the men that cohost with her, Lorraine, Jeremy vine, Loose Women. When I see clips I’m truly shook by the derisive tone they take. To the point in that I’m like damn yall are a bunch of high school mean girls. They talk and take a tone of voice that just couldn’t happen if their culture wasn’t so seeped in the tabloids. Both itv and the bbc regularly discuss the tabloids and have people on to talk about Meghan. The guardian opinion columnists sound like DM writers. Then you’ve got the equally bad Telegraph. I guess what I’m saying is I think we underestimate just how full on the racism and misogyny within the tabloids seeps into people. To the point that I’m not super surprised when someone from the uk says this. Disgusted yes. It’s disgusting to see a whole bunch of people act as mean and petty as their current POW. I mean she’s the role model right? A grown woman who is exalted and yet said nothing for years about the lie that Meghan made her cry. That’s who is being held up as the standard. No wonder they’re a bunch of assholes. Just to clear, I’m not saying all Brits! And we got the orange one and hella lot issues with media here.

    • Square2 says:

      Let’s speak loud and frankly, it IS RACISM, Envy & misogyny that people review-bomb everything Meghan made; and for none royal news followers to simply believe whatever BM print. Your media friend should ask herself, “why do I, should I, believe everything printed out there?” (Considering the current P0TUS lies everyday & most MSM just printed the lies and not fact-check them.) Their education, intelligence and critical thinking ability are out of the window with some people when black people thrive, especially Black Women.

      P.S. The trade papers in US using Meghan haters to write review were a “CHOICE”. They seemed don’t care about their integrity and professional reputation anymore, because, hey, racism is “on trend” right now, don’t you know? /S

      • Jais says:

        Yes, that question of why should I believe what I’m reading about royals within the BM is a good one. I can only a guess that a lot of people don’t ask that question or not enough.

  23. Over it says:

    Congratulations to a Madame Duchess on the success of her show and a second season. I am all in . Her happiness brings me joy. This woman has been put through hell and back from these deranged lunatics in the media, that family and the internet. All because a black woman dared to fall in love and be loved back by a white English prince .
    Now if Meghan could make one episode of her show a cook out and make the potato salad, and invite all the black folks . You know those people will loose what’s left of their minds . That’s me being petty and thinking of what triggers these people most and it’s black peoples or people of color living a good life. Congratulations Meghan/ I wish you billions of dollars of joy.

  24. Over it says:

    Also I made her frittata and salt baked fish with roasted vegetables this weekend. Meghan has me going outside my comfort zone in the kitchen and I am not mad at her for it . To the pursuit of the joy of cooking, not perfection

  25. Jan says:

    Le Creuset is doing a banging business, especially the cream roaster that Meghan used.
    The Sussex Squad are posting their dishes on X, most get A for effort.
    Waitrose a supermarket in England, enquiries are up for the products used in the show, edible flowers are sold out.
    So all the Hags criticizing the show it was all for nought, after crying because they can’t influence anyone but hags like themselves, are home trying out the recipes.

    • Blogger says:

      Waitrose better issue her a cheque.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      Guilty , I was hitting the Le Creuset site, sadly too expensive.

    • Debbie says:

      So, the BM (and those grubbing for dollars in America – Tina B.) call Meghan’s show “unrelatable” but judging by the viewing audience internationally and the increased interest in Meghan’s clothes and cooking utensils, it appears that reality doesn’t agree with Tina Brown and the rest. Rock on, Meghan.

  26. Meena says:

    The fact that they already filmed a second season means this was happening regardless of the ratings – which happen to be good. But the renewal is also connected to their deal with Netflix. So, while a very nice suck it to the haters – Netflix doesn’t shoot a whole series and not air it. And I don’t think Meghan was surprised. I think the season 3 pick up will really mean something. That will mean it could go for a long time.

    • Crystal says:

      This idea that keeps floating around that Netflix would simply automatically air the second season because their attitude is “well we already filmed it! (Shrug)” is a little silly to me.
      If that were the case they would have released everything at once.
      They always have a choice about what to do with their filmed material and people and companies film things that get shelved all the time. The fact that this didn’t means Netflix considered it successful.

      • Tina says:

        Right? Streamers shelve things all the time and just claim a tax write off. I think they realized it was good….split it into two which gives them time to figure out additional seasons. She could tape another one this summer (maybe outside of California to mix it up). I’m dreaming of a true fall series filmed here in Canada. I could see her up in cottage country North of toronto .

    • Paola says:

      If the show was terrible they would have not released the second season easily.
      Netflix has created shows that they’ve pulled the plug on. Studios will take the tax write off with quickness by not releasing.
      With all the worldwide publicity she will have no problem whatsoever finding a network who wants to work with her.i think the harder decision is does she stay with Netflix if someone if offering a lot more money.

    • Amy Bee says:

      If the show wasn’t successful they wouldn’t have renewed it. The unaired episodes would have just been shelved and become a tax write off.

    • sevenblue says:

      Season 1 was on top 10 in a lot of countries. There is no world we are not gonna get a second season. If there was no audience checking out, they wouldn’t further invest in second season. I am sure editing is not done even if started. They would just write it off like they do with lots of shows.

      It is funny how people are never content with H&M’s success. If W&K achieved 10% of it, they would be praised to heaven and back. The success of Season 1 isn’t achieved by many shows on stream.

    • Julis says:

      @meena who told you that? There are some very high profile examples of projects that finished filming but never aired. The most notable one I can think of is the Halle Berry space movie, they spent ages filming and producing and then shelved it without any real explanation. Don’t let trolls convince you that Netflix automatically air completed projects, they don’t. It’s a business not a charity. As others have said they will not hesitate to shelve and claim a tax right off for failed projects.

      • Meena says:

        I work in the industry. Often for large overall deals and big clients this would make sense. They don’t shelve a second season like this. No way. Of course they waited for the numbers but I would have calculated the success because of who she is. This is not shade. Just looking at it more practically.

      • Crystal says:

        No, what makes more sense is that Netflix saw the immense amount of interest Meghan generates (hate views are still views after all) and that was what influenced their original decision to shoot two seasons.
        But the choice to withhold some of the material was a test of its reception and Netflix was clearly satisfied. So the implication its exhibition was a given doesn’t ring true. It’s not as if this were some high-production-cost title like a superhero film.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Meena, but they do, they did it to many shows. If they didn’t air the second season, I don’t think Meghan would be paid for it. So, yes, Netflix looks at the numbers to see if the financial makes sense to air another season.

    • Nerd says:

      It’s been at least four years and we still don’t know anything definitive about their contract with Netflix so none of us can say whether any decisions made by them or Netflix are related to a contract, including WLM being renewed for a second season. The same way that we can’t definitively say that the additional episodes already being filmed is why it was renewed for a second season. Netflix is a streaming service which could have easily released all of the episodes that had already been filmed and not have to concern themselves with whether or not to release a second season later. It’s more likely that they were confident in the product that was released and wanted to see the numbers to create even more buzz for a second season. They likely knew it was going to be a huge hit but didn’t expect it to be as huge as it turned out to be, which is why the announcement of the second season was announced so soon.

    • HeatherC says:

      Netflix has a whole 9 hour Prince documentary they’ve axed before airing because of complaints from Prince’s estate. They can and have made/produced/paid for a product and shelved it. Like other networks.

  27. Kel says:

    To be a fan of Harry and Meghan requires thick skin. You just gotta let the trolling and hate roll of your back and keep it moving.
    Unfortunately anything she does will be heavily scrutinized and harassed.
    As long as Kate Middleton is around meghan will be demonized. Is it possible for that to change? Maybe but I’m not expecting it to happen anytime soon.
    I’m just glad she has a supportive system around her. May the Sussex family continue to thrive and may their enemies become footstools.

  28. sunnyside up says:

    Love the “Lettuce Romaine Calm” baseball cap”

    • Blogger says:

      Change calm to clam and I’m all foodie in.

    • Eurydice says:

      Speaking of embroidered clothing, the other day I saw a sneak peek of Monday’s episode of The Voice. Adam Levine was wearing a sweater like Meghan’s with a name embroidered on the neckline. I wonder if she sent it to him in thanks for connecting her with Billie Eilish.

    • Nic919 says:

      That cap needs to show up on her website for purchase. That’s the kind of thing her fans will buy.

      • HeatherC says:

        I would love it! But not in white, I’d wear it out doors doing outdoorsy things lol

  29. Annie says:

    It was continuous filming and then broken up into two seasons, if that makes sense.

    • Polo says:

      Yeah Netflix does this with a lot of their shows. Extends the interest for the show and they also hope that it keeps people from canceling their subscriptions while they wait for a new season.
      Some people don’t like it because you can loose momentum but with Meghan she doesn’t have to worry. The British media especially will be back lol.

      • Blogger says:

        Guaranteed. This week has been a boom for them. How many articles did they generate? How many eyeballs and clicks did they receive?

        Their pay cheques are coming from California, not the Palaces.

      • Polo says:

        @blogger. Right!!
        So much free PR worldwide for a freaking COOKING SHOW!! WHAT?!?!
        They’ll be very happy.

    • Jazz Hands says:

      Yes, I read this as well. 16 episodes were shot with plans to air the first eight and then make a decision on the remaining. Clearly it was a no brainer to go for season 2! I wonder if they would edit out sweet Guy to make it look like was shot later.

      • Nerd says:

        I don’t see why they would have to erase Guy from any of the footage. It’s not as if them releasing footage that wasn’t filmed recently takes away from the show. We don’t entirely know when this first season was filmed so it shouldn’t have any bearing on what we see during season 2.

      • Elizabeth says:

        I hope they don’t edit him out, but they dedicate the show to his memory.

  30. Amy Bee says:

    The show deserved a second season and I’m hoping for a holiday special.

  31. Talie says:

    It does look like Vanity Fair woke them up a bit because their PR is exponentially better these past couple months. It was needed – finally feels like they are driving and not just reacting.

    As for the moving goal posts in some corners about how this was always going to be renewed. I don’t buy it. If the numbers were bad and she never made Top 10 – they would just not air it and she would have to shop it elsewhere. That’s happened to other shows. The show was clearly a hit from the jump and honestly, most knew it would be after seeing how many view the trailer got.

    • Polo says:

      I don’t know if it’s vanity fair per se since Ashley decided to start her own firm last year.

      I think it’s just that they now have content to promote. I don’t think we’ll see Meghan as much now until her podcast comes out.

      Ashley mentioned that for normal celebrities you have downtime when you’ve finished promoting projects but the Sussexes never have that. There’s always a lie to deal with from the British media especially.

      Sounds so exhausting.

    • Jukia says:

      Netflix is airing season 2 because they want to air it. Lifestyle shows rarely make international top 10s. Netflix would not hesitate to shelve a show that was not good/profitable. Remember the Halle Berry film that rapped production but never made it onto the platform?

    • Jan says:

      You know Netflix has a partnership with Meghan to sell her products.
      The CEO of Netflix, said love or hate her, people watch her, especially England, he also said their series is still one of the most watched on Netflix, for companies it’s all about the bottom line $$$.

  32. TheOriginalMia says:

    Best revenge is to keep on living and thriving. Meghan and Harry are doing that. Meghan’s show is light and breezy escapism, but it also speaks to the resiliency of this woman and the love her family and friends have for her that they didn’t allow the monarchy to crush her. I’m so happy for her. “Lettuce romaine calm”…haha. Take that Salty Isle!

  33. Mrs. Smith says:

    Ahhh, I really love it when the haters have to eat it. Good for M to get out there, be herself and win!! I love the show and can’t wait for season 2!

  34. Linda says:

    Wasn’t Matt Wilkinson from the sun declaring that there probably wouldn’t be a second season.
    Didn’t one guardian article declare that the Sussex Netflix deal was over.
    Wasn’t the daily mail, Hollywood reporter, vanity fair screeching all week.
    Aren’t these same publications supposed to have “insiders at Netflix” tell us how exhausting the Sussexes are.

    Yet…somehow no one got the exclusive that season 2 was coming and filmed. Haaaaaa.
    If anything this says that the Sussex team is locked and tight.

    Let this be a lesson to not always believe anything you read from insiders or a source when it comes to Harry and Meghan.

    • sevenblue says:

      It is incredible how low Vanity Fair and Hollywood Reporter got. They showed their asses truly that these usual industry papers have no sources in Netflix selling out H&M. How can anyone believe any article from them now on if they messed up about such a small cooking show?

  35. SarahMcK says:

    I just watched the first episode so far but I loved it. It has the gentle energy of the Great British Bake Off which I need in mg life right now.

    • Sparrow says:

      I know what you mean, SarahMck. I found it soothing, even episodes 1 and 2 which are not so good imo. I didn’t go to it for the food etc but the environment and setting. Just beautiful and calming. My partner and kids joined me at various points. Several comments about how she and her friends say this is great all the time. And the bit where she says something like you’re welcome for her saying thanks. We thought it was so American! My daughter thought Meghan should laugh more because we both liked it when she pulled these really sweet silly faces – I imagine there’d be called goofy faces in the states. I got the feel she wasn’t totally relaxed at points, which is understandable. She’s very earnest, which is endearing. I hope further programmes find her more relaxed.

  36. Noor says:

    The negative reviews are not simple once off bad reviews based on the content of actual cooking show. They are made by anti Meghan writers trying to sabotage Meghan’s Netflix deal, sabotage her cooking show as well as the launch of As Ever products line.

    Some of the bad reviews are headlined ..you don’t have to watch the show. They are literally urging people not to watch the show. Most writers are known as anti Meghan but surprising the Variety reviewer Daniel D’ Addario has been outed on the internet to be trolling Meghan since 2017 and mocking Archie and Lillibet.

    • Dee(2) says:

      There’s no way around acknowledging the fact that getting people not to watch was the intention. And that that intention is built around the fact that if people can see for themselves, instead of relying on the media telling them that she’s awful they would make their own decision. Meghan not being on social media and not doing a ton of press in the last 5 years has been an absolute boon for these people.

      Her being on Instagram for 2 months, doing a few interviews, and allowing people to watch the show for themselves has completely changed the dynamics. It’s going to become increasingly difficult to say she’s so horrible, everyone hates her, and my evidence is trust me bro. When you have numerous people who have gone on the record in interviews, and magazine articles, about how nice she is and how fantastic she is. We’re supposed to believe the people that worked at Archewell with her, on the show with her, on Suits with her, and the Buckingham Palace staffers, are all wrong but these anonymous sources for the last 5 years who could be the same person ( cough, cough) have the real scoop.

    • sevenblue says:

      They said you don’t have to read Spare too and made it number 1 selling book globally with their sensational headlines 😂😂 They didn’t learn their lesson.

  37. Beverley says:

    Oh the jealousy and angst in KP at the news of Meghan’s upcoming second season! The pillow throwing, shouting, and clenched fists have probably commenced. Peg and Keen can’t compete on any level. Keen cannot string two sentences together without note cards and neither could carry a show like this, even if they were spoonfed all the design elements. Those two are incompetent, unbearably boring, utterly basic, talentless, and devoid of charm. This series must have them in a terrible state! And now a second season is a sure thing.

    I love this for them!

  38. Maja says:

    I found the preparation and the very lovingly personalised gifts for friends when they come to visit very inspiring. I will be thinking more about this in the future.

  39. K.W. says:

    If anyone hasn’t seen this, it’s a really good under-the-radar interview with Meghan:


  40. K8erade says:

    I watched it and thought it was pretty good. Meghan really is working that balance between Martha Stewart and Goop. Still accessible but high society enough to teach us plebs how to make it look fancy. I thought it was good overall and it shows just how detail oriented Meghan is but she doesn’t come across as annoyingly so. I was reminded just how those tiny little details can make an event feel that much more special. The British propaganda machine will review bomb, cry, and puke over any success the Sussexes have but I think this was quite well done.

    • sevenblue says:

      I don’t get why it is compared to GOOP. Is Meghan selling vagina eggs or unproven medical advice? It is a cooking show, I don’t think Gwyneth ever did a cooking show with her brand? Tabloids like to compare her to GOOP, because they want to mock her. It is a classic cooking, lifestyle show.

      • K8erade says:

        There was a Goop cookbook with recipes only rich people could afford like ostrich egg omelet and whatnot. That’s why the comparisons. Not everything about Goop is awful even if Gwyneth Paltrow is the epitome of out of touch. Meghan makes accessible things fancy and that’s 100% okay! It works.

      • sevenblue says:

        @K8erade, I mean, there are a lot of doctors who spoke out against the unfounded medical advice GOOP platformed. So, I don’t care if one nice thing is done with GOOP. It is a harmful and weird brand and most of the time Gwyneth knows nothing about her own products when asked during interviews. What Meghan is doing is nowhere close to GOOP. It is built in food, taking care of your guests. You are just repeating the tabloid narrative that Meghan’s brand is in anyway near GOOP. They have headlined this so many times, people literally accepted it and that is why they are repeating the same sentences over and over again. No cooking show is likened to GOOP just because one time they did a cookbook.

        Here is a few headlines about the harmful things spread by GOOP and refuted by doctors:
        – underwire bras could be a cause breast cancer — has been repeatedly refuted by top experts and organizations
        – Dr. Jen Gunter, another gynecologist, also advised people against the Goop-recommended vaginal steaming
        – Chemical-based sunscreens are bad for you, and you should only use mineral-based ones

  41. Elizabeth says:

    I’d love for her to have someone come in and teach her to knit a scarf and then her wear it the next time she goes to NYC.

  42. Anon says:

    I watched it and it’s actually really good – the episode with Roy Choi was my favorite because the chemistry between the two of them was so charming and you could tell he was impressed with her.

    Look, she’s a legit cook and creator. The rest is just noise.

    Somewhere, Jurassic Era toad moth Tina Brown is wallowing in her irrelevance and shaking her fist at the night sky.

  43. aquarius64 says:

    I am so happy for Meghan’s success and WLM will have a Season 2. If the show was such a bomb like the BM, rota rats and US and other press were claiming it wouldn’t have made the Top 10 in 50 countries; and Netflix wouldn’t put out Season 2 if the show tanked. What the BM and others are upset about is that Meghan’s IG and Netflix have destroyed their credibility regarding their nasty reporting on Meghan. SM posts have dragged specific naynobbers, calling them jealous, envious, misogynistic and racist. They have now dragged out the Markle Monsters to slag on Meghan and
    the show; the desperation is real. Does the BM thinks Netflix didn’t investigate the crap the Markles have spewed over the years before partnering with Meghan, and probsbly found out stuff about them? If there any truth Netflix would not go into business with her.

  44. Nic919 says:

    The guy behind the negative review at Variety apparently was trashing Lili online a few years ago. I was shocked at the sloppy review from Variety, but seeing as how the author is a creep and Sussex hater it makes sense now.

    I am not shocked about Hollywood Reporter. It is owned by Penske who is right wing and they are anti union as well.

  45. Sparrow says:

    I am pleased for her. At no point in the 1000s of articles, from Platel to Hyde, do the people pouring scorn on Meghan, and whipping up the hatred, realise that Meghan and her husband need a lot of money to protect themselves from their ilk. They must be low level intelligent not to have considered that part of her need to make money is to fund her family’’s massive security costs and/or they are playing wilfully ignorant of her motivation so they don’t find themselves culpable in creating her fear. The more the vilification, the more the need for Meghan and Harry to make money . Imagine the fear of their kids growing older and moving out to college etc. they will need a lot of protection. I’m delighted she’s making money for her general way of life and also guaranteeing the safety of her family unit; the people ‘hate watching’ and the journalists encouraging them are the very people who jeopardise her safety.

    And re Kate Middleton, the UK’s English Rose, so poised and beloved by her rabid tabloid readers. What they don’t get is she doesn’t give a “””” about them and would swap lives with Meghan faster than the buzz of a bee’s wing. She’s desperate for Meghan and Harry’s type of love and also the demographic they appeal to, broadly the more intelligent and educated, better off, more globally and culturally aware. She really doesn’t give two hoots for her tabloid fanbase.

    • HeatherC says:

      I disagree. I feel a lot of them are very cognizant of the fact that Harry and Meghan need this money to protect and provide for their family. They’re all still counting on the Sussexes going broke and having to crawl back to the royal family where they may be physically protected (to a point) but will be even more available for mocking and distracting from the other family members. Even better if the financial struggles break Harry and Meghan up and he comes back alone.

      It’s all been a part of their despicable end game,

  46. Plums says:

    I just watched the first three episodes, and agree that the third one with Roy Choi was especially delightful, but so far it’s all just a feel good, breezy, aspirational lifestyle watch. I honestly haven’t watched much in the way of traditional cooking shows or HGTV anything, but I recognize the formula, and I think her show is a fun and light addition, very fitting for a Netflix show, and before I watched I thought the onslaught of panning and criticism was ridiculous, but now that I’ve actually seen some episodes, it feels especially deranged. Meghan legit just feels like she’s the BEC of the entire British media industry.

    but But definitely bringing in celeb chefs to teach her how to cook things as she plays sous chef is a fun formula she should revisit.

  47. QuiteContrary says:

    It drives the haters even further around the bend that Meghan has prevailed despite their attempts to bring her down.

    She has a husband and children who adore her, famous friends who fiercely defend her, and a life her haters envy. I’m thoroughly enjoying the glimpses on WLM of the joyful existence she’s created. And I just have to laugh at the haters ineffectually stomping their feet and throwing hissy fits. Cry more, losers.

  48. L4Frimaire says:

    I’m glad it’s getting a 2nd season. After the last episode was wondering what I could do for my visual fix. Despite all the nasty criticism, this show is filling a niche that’s been vacant for a while. I actually think it was much better to debut it in March instead of back in January. People are ready for Spring and flowers and outdoors. Happy for her and looking forward to it.

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