Waitrose has seen spikes of interest in crudité, edible flowers & honey post-WLM

You’ve got to wonder if the review-bombing of With Love, Meghan was always going to be baked into every conversation about the show and the Duchess of Sussex. What I mean is, the same people are always going to hysterically criticize and mock every single thing Meghan does and says, to the point where it’s just baked into the system and it becomes white noise. Oh, they’re at it again, “it” being “hating on a woman making a breakfast sandwich.” If anything, the critical tantrum worked entirely in Meghan’s favor – it doesn’t matter if you were genuinely interested in WLM or you were hate-watching it, the numbers are the same and the numbers are great. Meanwhile, millions of people just watched it and actually picked up some lifestyle and cooking tips which they are now going to incorporate into their everyday lives. That includes the beans-on-toast people, the Land of Unseasoned Food. Apparently, there have been spikes of interest in several food items & recipes featured on WLM.

The Duchess’s show is something like a lifestyle magazine come to life: it is a guide to hosting the Montecito way. It is a show of brown labels and glass jars, of fruit displayed in a rainbow and lavender on the towels. Is it inane and insufferably twee (at one point she says “goodnight, sweetheart” as she puts a cake in the oven)? Of course. But it appears the public are viewing it with a less cynical eye, and some may be taking Meghan’s advice to heart.

In fact, according to Waitrose, since the show began airing on Netflix, their website has seen some huge rises in interest in particular ingredients. According to the supermarket — the Standard has no way of verifying it — there has been fresh interest in everything from edible flowers to bruschetta.

Some of these rises are perhaps more telling than others. There has been a 3200% upping of searches for truffle salt, for instance, though one wonders how many people were really looking for it before. On the other hand, honey — ever popular — has spike 49 per cent, suggesting the show really has had an impact. Other items also seeing a rise include edible flowers and crudites, both up a whopping 200 per cent, “assorted fruit platter”, up 33 per cent, “microwave popcorn”, a rise of 200 per cent, and bath salts, fizzing up by 65 per cent. Somewhat curiously, searches for sparkling water also risen by 233 per cent. Had viewers not come across sparkling water before?

The full list of items With Love, Meghan, has had an impact on is below:

‘Crudites’ + 200%
‘Honey’ + 49%
‘Sparkling water’ + 233%
‘Assorted Fruit Platter’ + 33%
‘Truffle salt’ + 3200%
‘Microwave popcorn’ + 200%
‘Edible flowers’ + 200%
‘Bruschetta’ + 50%
‘Focaccia’ + 86%
‘Bath salts’ + 65%

[From The Evening Standard]

LMAO, I was in the grocery store on Friday and I paused in the produce section, wondering if I should buy a veggie platter too (sorry, a crudite platter). What’s also amazing is that some of these are deep cuts – like, truffle butter wasn’t even a huge part of that episode. She only made bath salts in one episode (the first one). Honey and edible flowers are not a surprise, those were used consistently throughout the show. Focaccia was only in one episode (the one with Delfina Blaquier, who is absolutely gorgeous in motion – seriously, still photos do not do her justice). I would also not be surprised if there were spikes in Google searches in the UK for “parboiling chicken” and “Korean fried chicken” or “chicken tinga.” Right now, multiple British newspapers are running articles about Meghan’s one-pot pasta though – the Korean and Mexican recipes might be a bit too much for the beans-on-toast crowd.

Photos courtesy of Netflix.

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51 Responses to “Waitrose has seen spikes of interest in crudité, edible flowers & honey post-WLM”

  1. Ina says:

    I binge watched WLM and found iMeghan absolutely delightful. The show was like sunshine coming through the TV screen. Does anyone have a link to the recipes? I need to revisit the crudités, focaccia, and one pot pasta—and maybe more. The recipes are perfectly easy for a busy woman like me.

  2. Anna says:

    I absolutely thought the same thing about Delfina! Oh my gosh I thought she was so stunning on that episode. In the photos she doesn’t look like the same person. It’s crazy. I loved that episode btw!

    • Christine says:

      Same. No photo has ever done that woman justice.

    • Sid says:

      Same reaction here when I saw the episode with Delfina. She and her husband walking down the street together must be an impressive sight. I know I’d probably do a double take and be like “who is THAT couple?”

      • Sunny says:

        Like movie star glamour! She is so gorgeous. Her husband and her together is almost too much attractiveness!

    • StarWonderful says:

      I’m obsessed with Delfina’s silk floral outfit! It looks so comfortable and I love the way it flows as she moves. Delfina looks to be muy simpatica! Hard to believe she’s a mother of four! I have a soft spot for that episode because of Megan’s connection to Argentina and the two speaking Spanish here and there. I also enjoyed the music from that episode. I think I’ll try the focaccia recipe…looks sooo good!

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    Love this for Meghan.. this is influence and a power the leftovers will never have with the general public.

    • ML says:

      It must drive them nuts that Meghan was already communicating via The Tig before she ever met Harry. The other members of Harry’s family have always played the media’s game, and then the British media is responsible for their image. Meghan hasn’t needed the British media to that extent–she reaches her public without them.

      • PixieButt says:

        I have never intentionally read or watched critiques of Meghan so I’ve been mostly unaware of how intensely gross those people are, aside from those site.
        I watched some clips of WLM on YouTube as I was drifting off to sleep. Big mistake. (I do not have a TV in my bedroom)
        Didn’t have my reading glasses on so I didn’t realize I was clicking on Meghan hate videos and the vitriol that spews out of those type of people is shockingly gross. Instantly loud gross stuff like “her personality is white” and no black American will watch this” and “people are struggling financially, all she wants to do is flaunt her wealth.”
        Lesson learned.
        Only watch it on Netflix!!!!

  4. Becks1 says:

    I’m laughing at how this article can’t believe that people are watching the show, liking it, and using it as inspiration for their own lives. There’s such a tone of disbelief throughout it LOL. Must be hard to be a hater these days.

    • Nic919 says:

      They are even questioning if Waitrose is making up their numbers for increased interest.

      Maybe not everyone is obsessed with hating her. Even in the UK.

    • Kingston says:


      Charges of “tone deaf,” “out of touch,” “unrelatable,” “inauthentic,” etc. in critique of WLM, just make me laugh with derision and/or curl my lips with scorn and disgust and/or roll my eyes.

      Because any decent, fair-minded person – especially those who are aware of the nearly-10-year campaign to destroy Meghan Sussex, orchestrated from behind palace walls and carried out by foot-soldiers in both the shitmedia and in the society at large by diehard royalists born in the uk and living anywhere in the world and who are easily identified by the fact that their entire existence and sense of self are wrapped up in feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, entitlement and the Tall Poppy Syndrome – would see it all so very clearly that the accusers are both projecting their insecurities and engaging in the Tall Poppy Syndrome at the same time, with dollops of misogynoir the key ingredient in this putrid, toxic mix.

    • SarahCS says:

      Yep, I text my friend yesterday to tell her I was in the queue at Sainsbury’s with a load of crudités and dips in my basket!

      I absolutely came away from the show wanting to fancy up a few things in my life and I’m starting there.

      I saw a headline in the Guardian (sigh) that her fruit rainbow was doable but bad for some reason. I don’t click through to find out why.

    • Debbie says:

      What gets me are their little statements like “According to the supermarket, and the Standard has no way of verifying this.” Really? Since when did the British media bother about verifying anything stated about Meghan? If it’s negative, they just go ahead and print it and make a headline out of it even. The other thing was their snide reaction to the increase in sales of sparkling water, “had viewers not come across sparkling water before”? Yeah, that’s the point of this whole thing, that no one had ever heard of honey or bath salts before. The BM just don’t want to admit it, even though their own reporting style, which involves following all things Sussex, and injecting Meghan’s name in stories that don’t directly involve her, shows that they are fixated by what she does.

      • Deering24 says:

        Heck, I’d heard of sparkling water—but going by my Perrier days, I figured it tasted horrible. 🤣 It wasn’t until I tried Aldi’s flavored ones that I got hooked.

      • Saucy&Sassy says:

        Debbie, I was surprised to discover that using sparkling water would fluff your scrambled eggs instead of using milk. I’ll have to try it.

  5. ML says:

    Tbf to the British: they have great, spicy Indian food. Their native cuisine is bland, but they absolutely have excellent restaurants serving spicy food, and you can definitely easily find ingredients in supermarkets.

    • ThatGirlThere says:

      Yes. Spicy Indian food. Not British food. Just like spicy Indian food is here in the states as well. Their traditional foods are not known for it seasoning.

      • SamuelWhiskers says:

        The spicy food Britain is famous for is Anglo-Indian. It was invented here in Britain by people whose family immigrated from India. It’s not food you would find in India itself.

        All cuisine is the product of centuries of immigration – AngloIndian food IS British food, and it’s kinda racist to differentiate it from whatever Americans perceive “native” British food to be (nearly everything that’s perceived as “British food” was actually brought by French, Swedish or German immigrants or invaders) – food invented in Britain by Indian immigrants isn’t inherently less British than food invented in Britain by white European immigrants.

  6. GMH says:

    Interestingly, Waitrose is the quintessential british supermarket chain. They seem to have jumped on the Meghan publicity train, which means they have concluded british shoppers don’t agree with the salty island media trolls.

    • Blogger says:

      Waitrose knows their demographic and Meghan’s fans are part of that demographic – wealthy or aspirational. And Waitrose is owned by an employee-owned partnership called John Lewis Partnership. No exploitative Walmart here. Meghan is resounding with ethical consumers.

  7. B says:

    I’m not even surprised WLM had me making sun tea and switching my candle making from regular wax to beeswax.

    • Krista says:

      Yeah, candle making is now on my list of things to do. Never done it before – but that doesn’t matter, I am inspired!!

      Beeswax smells sooooo good – I was gifted some tea lights made from it and I could swoon from the lovely smell.

  8. Steph says:

    I’m glad you called it a veggie platter. I ended up having to look up crudites bc I couldn’t figure out which item being displayed was it. At least I’m not the only one who isn’t sophisticated 😄

  9. So I thought everyone on salt isle hated and loathed Meg. Seems like a large part want to cook what she is making. Don’t see them wanting to make Can’ts plum jam lol.

    • SamuelWhiskers says:

      The vast majority of Brits are likely or are neutral to Meghan, it’s only ever the tiny percentage of very right wing types who hated her.

      Like MAGA types in America but fortunately a much smaller group.

      • SarahCS says:

        I was chatting to a friend about this on Saturday and she said of the people she follows on IG its a 50/50 split of hate vs people saying yay this is fun and why all the hate for this show?

  10. Jais says:

    “But it appears the public are viewing it with a less cynical eye.” Oh wow you don’t say/s. I’d guess even people who don’t love her are curious about her. And that less people hate her in the uk then it’s made out to seem. And why not eat more veggies and make some bath salts. It actually got to #4 in the uk.

  11. ThatGirlThere says:

    Meghan’s influence doesn’t surprise me one bit. The black ruffled wrap dress she wore in her IG post? Sold out. And so is one of the sweaters she wore on WLM. Those “best prince” polls were total bullshit and never reflected their true popularity. The Sussexes left their mark on the UK, and the island will never recover.

    Now, I’m counting down until Meghan’s products drop so I can snag those sprinkles and jam. Let’s go! 👏🏾

    • Blogger says:

      After Meghan worked her magic on Strathberry they’re still surprised to this day that she can move products.

      She’s a marketer’s dream.

  12. Marliek says:

    Just read the new headline of people and it say Meghan Markle blah blah blah
    I think it is deliberate.
    It seems like all articles underneath this article, before said Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, they now all say “ Meghan Markle “ again. Horrible people.

  13. BlueSky says:

    Threads was jumping this weekend with BW showing off their Le Creuset cookware and people saying they made focaccia bread. They even had to lock up Le Creuset cookware at a TJ maxx! Some one posted that pic on Threads.

  14. VilleRose says:

    Le Creuset must be seeing a 200% increase in traffic on their website if my Threads timeline is to be believed. Literally all weekend all I’ve seen is women sharing their Le Creuset collections on Threads LOL. I know I get recommended posts based on what I interact with but apparently this has been trending on Threads over the weekend. I’m just like, Meghan should just partner with them at this point and release her own limited LC line. It would sell out in minutes. I own three pieces of LC myself, a cake pan and mini tiny dutch oven I picked up at Home Goods and the full price dutch oven I received over Christmas. Meghan has inspired me to buy a braiser with a lid, my birthday is in a few weeks so I figured why not?!

    I made the skillet pasta over the weekend, finally had a chance to watch the first 4 episodes as I was traveling earlier this week. It was delicious! I added onions and mushrooms to make it a little more less bland to my taste but I absolutely loved it! Eating leftovers for lunch today!

    Also crudites are nothing new, my family has been making them since the 90s but whatever makes people happy!

    • MY3CENTS says:

      This this this! I’ve been drooling over their site, I wish I could afford it. Alas…
      I could totally see a special edition collab and maybe tie it in with some proceeds going to a good cause.

      • VilleRose says:

        You can buy discounted ones at TJ Maxx and Home Goods! It’s where I got the LC mini dutch oven (we’re talking big enough for some dip, it’s that mini!) and my cake pan! I see Le Creuset in Home Goods ALL the time. I don’t always buy them when I go (they’re heavy!). And apparently there are Le Creuset outlet stores (who knew there was such a thing?) and clearance sales at Williams Sonoma/Black Friday sales! And if you’re super thrifty, estate sales!

    • Sunny says:

      That would be an amazing collab. It is a classic line and is beloved by people who cook and have taste.

      I have a few pieces myself and honestly it was a big purchase for me but they are heritage pieces that I will pass down. I also received a present as a gift years ago.

      What I love about her bringing attention to an already classic line for those in the know is that she is bringing it more to the masses.

    • Deering24 says:

      I got mine Le Creuset off Ebay—it had never been opened.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    There’s no doubt that Meghan’s show has had an impact. The British press was better off staying quiet about the show if they really wanted it to fail. Let’s see what they will do for Season 2.

  16. Over it says:

    Have people never heard of sparkling water before the writer ask ? 😂😂😂I agree with beck’s. The writer really sounds disbelieving like she or he can’t comprehend why everyone in the uk is not hating on Meghan like they demanded that they do . It’s like the British media has ordered the entire country to hate Harry and especially Meghan and when it’s evident that they lies and manipulation isn’t working they are beside themselves with disbelief. Next they will instruct chuck to make a royal decree that with love Meghan must not be shown in the uk and all supermarkets and stores will herby not sell anything slightly related to anything Meghan makes . 😀😀😀😀😀😀

  17. QuiteContrary says:

    If you’re making that rainbow platter, dipping the banana slices in citrus (orange juice, lemon juice) will keep them from turning brown. Same goes for apple slices.

    And briefly microwaving a half of a lemon or lime makes it much easier to squeeze out the juice.

    I’m making that platter for Easter. Hopefully I’ll be able to find flower sprinkles in the meantime. Thank you, Meghan!

  18. megs283 says:

    And these numbers don’t include “inspired by” – this weekend I saw Lavender Sugar and purchased it. I don’t think I would have if I hadn’t watched the first ep of WLM. I’m already loving it in tea!

  19. tamsin says:

    The really great thing about WLM is that it makes people happy and joyful or excited thinking about stuff they might do inspired by the show, or to revisit something they haven’t done for ages, or to up their game with something they’ve already been doing, even if it’s only to make more use of their Le Creuset. Am I spelling it correctly? All my stuff is Cuisinart, but I’m missing a couple of pieces so I’m going to buy them in the LC line. There was absolutely nothing new in the series, but the series is so inspiring and aspirational. I used to make Focaccia regularly, but haven’t for a long time. I made a loaf this morning. The Meghan Effect is real! It reminded people to self-care (Vicky) to detox so they can retox (Delfie) for example. So looking forward to Season 2! And to reiterate what many are already saying, hope there are holiday episodes or specials.

  20. Sparrow says:

    Waitrose was always going to be the test. It’s the high end. The best. Her success there is guaranteed to piss off haters in the UK, including the royal family, who will supplement their groceries with fortum’s but use Waitrose as their weekly go to. I’m so pleased for her. Not so much for myself because that’s where we shop every week and it’s going to be busy in the shop and online is selling out of good bread.

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