Thomas Markle: Meghan’s dead grandma would hate the name ‘Meghan Sussex’

Everything that’s happened in the past three weeks has been so utterly predictable. The British media and the Windsors were hyper-aware of the new release timeline for With Love, Meghan, so they followed the same strategy they’ve used before. They sent Jason Knauf out to remind everyone that, according to Knauf, “Duchess Meghan bullied staff!” They sent Prince William and Kate out to make horse’s asses out of themselves. And they called on the toxic Markle family to do and say anything for a couple of nickels. As soon as WLM debuted, suddenly Meghan’s half-brother Thomas Markle Jr. was everywhere, talking sh-t about it. I wondered if Meghan’s horrid father would be dragged out too – Toxic Tom moved from Mexico to The Philippines earlier this year, much to the chagrin of the British tabloid journalists who were regularly invited into his home in Mexico. Well, it looks like the Mail managed to get his new contact information, because wouldn’t you know, Toxic Tom has given the Mail a new interview, all about With Love, Meghan. He claims he hasn’t watched it, yet he details all of the “inauthentic” moments in WLM. The Mail is just openly writing his scripts at this point.

Seven thousand miles away from the millionaires’ enclave in California that she and Harry now call home, sits her 80-year-old estranged father Thomas Markle, whose mother Doris is the ‘grandmother’ Meghan so lovingly refers to in her new Netflix series. Mr Markle says that while Doris – who died in 2011 aged 91 – ‘adored’ Meghan, she would be spinning in her grave at some of her granddaughter’s latest claims.

For example, at one point in the show Meghan corrects her friend, actress Mindy Kaling, for calling her ‘Meghan Markle’. In what some viewers called ‘an agonisingly rude moment’, Meghan says: ‘It’s so funny you keep saying ‘Meghan Markle’, you know I’m ‘Sussex’ now.’ As Mindy looks confused, Meghan – who has only visited Sussex once – adds: ‘You have kids and you go, “No, I share my name with my children”. I didn’t know how meaningful it would be to me but it just means so much to go, “This is our family name. Our little family name”.’

Speaking for the first time about his daughter’s latest foray into showbusiness – many have described the Netflix series as ‘make or break’ for the Sussexes – Emmy award-winning Mr Markle told The Mail on Sunday: ‘My mum loved Meghan very much but she would be so disappointed to hear that Meghan no longer wants to use the name “Markle”. My mother was proud to be a Markle. So am I. Meghan never had a problem with the Markle name until she met Prince Harry.’ With bitter sarcasm, he adds: ‘Now I have to say, “I am Meghan Sussex’s dad.”‘

For Mr Markle, who relocated to the Philippines earlier this year from his previous home in Rosarito, Mexico, the thought of watching his daughter’s Netflix show is too painful. ‘I haven’t seen the show but I’ve seen a ton of clips and I’ve read many stories,’ he says. ‘I might sit down and watch it one day but I’m not sure.’

But after viewing online clips of Meghan tending her bees, cooking in the kitchen of a rented home near her own mansion, and even transferring shop-bought pretzels from one plastic bag to another, he believes his daughter comes across as ‘inauthentic’. Mr Markle – an old Hollywood hand who has worked on shows including Married With Children and General Hospital – says: ‘Cooking show are horrendously boring unless the presenter has a passion for it. You have to be authentic to hold people’s attention. When you are stuffing the turkey’s a*** it has to look like you’re having fun doing it. Unfortunately Meghan has never been authentic. She has to think about everything. She’s not spontaneous. Everything she says is pre-planned and rehearsed. It makes me laugh because I know all her looks and expressions. I know when she’s faking it for the cameras. She’s trying so hard to be perfect that she tenses up every time the camera is on her. The best cooks are funny, they mess up, they are human. She just wants to be perfect. It’s sad because she’s trying so hard to stay in the limelight.’

[From The Daily Mail]

“Meghan’s dead grandmother would hate that Meghan changed her surname when she married a prince” is a hell of a stretch. As is “Meghan is inauthentic because she’s tense on camera even though I haven’t watched the show!” That seems to be the talking point the British tabloids and commentators have settled on, btw: that WLM showcases Meghan’s “inauthenticity,” and they will simply never believe that Meghan genuinely likes to cook or enjoys learning new recipes or that she loves entertaining. This is all a false persona cooked up by Meghan for reasons! See, even her terrible father says so! The full Mail interview is a lot longer, because some Mail writer had an ax to grind and Thomas Markle must have given them the go-ahead to just put his name on anything. It’s all so pathetic, the way they keep dusting off this terrible man.

Photos/screencaps courtesy of 60 Minutes Australia & The Sun.

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95 Responses to “Thomas Markle: Meghan’s dead grandma would hate the name ‘Meghan Sussex’”

  1. Tessa says:

    I knew it was a matter of time before bad dad tom markle emerged to rant. Tom rushed to the media and years later the media still calls on him to rant. Tom had no shame. Tom you don’t have to worry about your daughters name. You forfeited that years ago. 3 2 1 now to Samantha.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      Tom can probably live longer on the paycheck of this interview now that he’s living in the philipines.
      Any daughter who marries has the possibility if taking her husband’s name, how is this different?

      • JanetDR says:

        Right? So freaking weird that they even bothered to print that bit. The percentage of women who take their husband’s name at this point in time is 79%. For the UK it’s 85-90%.

      • SuOutdoors says:

        As did Samantha. The last court documents referred to her as “Samantha Rasmussen”, the name she choose when marrying her second husband.

    • Yep they brought out who they think is their big gun toxic Tom. They still refuse to understand that that doesn’t hurt her because she knows exactly who and what her sperm donor is. She grieved that loss long ago and she moves on. These racist gutter press are so very angry she married their white Prince and they are now living happily ever after and they are left with the molding leftovers.

    • GMH says:

      Huh? Hey Tom, your mom actually had to change her name to Markle when she married your dad! I suspect she would not be shocked at a grandchild taking her husband’s name.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      His mother – Meghan’s grandmother – took the name Markle when she got married to his father. And grandma loved her deeply.

      And yet she would have no understanding of a tradition dating back hundreds if not thousands of years and her love for Meghan is nothing compared to her love of her own last name?

      Way to tell everyone your mother was a shitty person, bro. Or you know – just use her memory to bludgeon a little girl who loved her grandma.

  2. Kiera says:

    So her does logic of she didn’t have a problem being Markle until she married a prince is so asinine.

    I’m a proud feminist and still took my husbands last name because he wanted us all to have the same last name. His parents didn’t and as a child he hated it. Same with my parents, it was always weird and I got asked a lot if my parents were divorced.

    Given I didn’t have to change my monogram for his name I was fine with it.

    You get to decide to change for someone you love.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I totally get this.

      When Mr. Crow and I were getting married, we talked about should we be my last name, his last name, or a third last name we chose together.

      As he had already finished his PhD and I wasn’t yet doing my masters – and my family is quite horrible – it was an easy decision.

  3. Tessa says:

    Tommy you and Sam can compete for the most hypocritical and inauthentic people on the,planet.

  4. Alicky says:

    So everyone is up in arms because she took her husband’s name? Yeah , I’m sure Grandma would be heartbroken. Good grief.

    • Snuffles says:

      And that’s the best negative spin they could come up with. Woman takes husband’s last name. The HORROR!!

      And just because Meghan is a type A personality perfectionist, that doesn’t make her inauthentic. That’s literally how she’s always been. Apparently, their definition of authentic is “to be a messy screw up”.

    • Monika says:

      I am wondering if Grandma Markle took her husband’s name.

    • Becks1 says:

      yeah, I mean….”her grandmother would hate that Meghan went the traditional route and took her husband’s name” is a big stretch, considering that the grandmother presumably took her husband’s name and that’s how she became Markle.

  5. SueBarbri33 says:

    I’ve always felt that H&M bonded over the fact that they both have terrible fathers. I’m a product of a similar situation and my best friends and deepest romantic relationships are with people who have the same weird dynamic. Nobody’s family life is perfect, but having a terrible, childish, petty father makes you a member of a special club. And you know Tom has been behaving just like this for most of Meghan’s life. This is nothing new. I’m surprised she didn’t drop the Markle years ago, honestly.

  6. Barbara says:

    Like this fat, bloated old potato knows anything about Meghan’s authenticity or what his “mum” would think about her using her married name. Ugh.

  7. HeatherC says:

    Grandma Markle wasn’t born Markle, she took her husband’s name.

    And no, Toxic Tom, you don’t have to introduce yourself as Meghan Sussex’s dad. We’d prefer it if you didn’t introduce yourself at all.

  8. Bronco says:

    Presumably his mother took her husband’s name?

  9. somebody says:

    Dead grandma obviously took her husband’s name when she got married. So was she not proud of her maiden name? Is he saying grandma was as petty and nasty as he is and wouldn’t comment anything good about her granddaughter? Any decent father would watch the shows and say how happy he was that his daughter was happy and had a good life.

  10. Denise says:

    As a perfectionist woman myself, I shudder at all the accusations that being rehearsed and always ready means you’re manipulative and a bad person.
    I would probably come off very rehearsed on camera and in public which doesn’t mean I’m not a good person and that I can’t be myself, relaxed and authentic in a safe environment.
    Some people just have a public face and that should be normalised, not a stick to beat someone with

    • Jais says:

      Right? The idea that being prepared is manipulative. So being unprepared and lazy is being authentic then? Guess that mantra works out for the Wales, at least as far as the press turning themselves into pretzels to criticize the prepared one and gush over the left behinds.

    • Snuffles says:

      Exactly. Everyone has got a difference between their personal life and their public life. You kind of have to not every part of you can be for sale and there is a difference between the you that is in the professional work environment versus the you who is at home completely relaxed with the people you feel safe with.

  11. Hypocrisy says:

    This man’s oldest daughter has changed her name what? Five or six time to date? They truly had to reach to find something to be outraged over, this is ridiculous. I am sure Meghan’s grandmother is extremely proud of her granddaughter and extremely ashamed of her son. What a disgusting human being this man is. As for how the fail found him, he obviously left his forwarding address and contact details for them..

    • Jan says:

      When toxic Tom’s mother was in a nursing home for 7/8 years, the healthcare worker said Meghan and Doria were the only family that visited her.
      She said Doria was working and going to school and still found the time.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        I believe that.. this man probably didn’t do anything for his mom, no decent human would use their dead Mother to hurt and harass their adult daughter for choosing her husband’s name. It’s sick.

  12. BlueSky says:

    “My mum loved Meghan very much but she would be so disappointed to hear that Meghan no longer wants to use the name .” “Mum” is the dead giveaway. I don’t know any American that says “mum”
    If a woman who’s been married for 7 years wants you to call her by her married name then you call her that.
    I thought all these pro marriage a-holes love that sh@t ! I’m confused (not really)

    • TheOriginalMia says:

      So was “arse”. As if any American is saying that about a turkey.

    • Dee(2) says:

      Yeah that’s a ridiculous argument and is entirely based on the British media not wanting her to be Meghan Sussex because they want to pretend Harry being married to her, and Archie and Lili existing is some fever dream. By that rationale she should have never been Meghan Markle and should have been Meghan Ragland.

      He’s just such a horrendous person and looking back I realize that their relationship was probably never close. Looking at the photos that Megan posted for international women’s day of her and her mom especially her as an adult made me realize that I saw her with her mom on the red carpet and as an adult a lot, and we don’t have a ton of pictures of her interacting with her dad when she was on Suits or as an adult before she married Harry.

      Something tells me that they had a relationship that a lot of people have with horrible narcissistic parents, where you’re constantly trying to forgive them and give them another chance and they constantly let you down.

      • Jan says:

        I think they had a falling out, before she went away to college.
        And you know she didn’t trust him, when she wouldn’t give him details of the wedding, because she knew he would sell the info.
        I knew it was over for them, when she told the tailor to sell the clothes, she had custom made for him, she could’ve mailed them to him, but she had reached her limit.
        Toxic Tom knows, their relationship is over.

  13. Tessa says:

    Tom preferred media attention and money to reconciling with Meghan. He could have gone to the wedding instead of trying to sabotage it. He needs to keep quiet.

  14. ThatGirlThere says:

    Mama Markle wouldn’t give a flying fig. Meghan took care of her grandmother towards her end of her life and I’m betting she would be disgusted by her deadbeat son and grifting white grandchildren. He’s such a loser.

  15. Blogger says:

    If Tom thinks that he’s landing another blow by mentioning his mother – whom Meghan loved and visited often as opposed to him – he’s really stretching it. Anyway, he doesn’t have to be introduced as “Meghan Sussex’s Dad.” People are asking “Who?”

    Tom was a coward to not turn up at her wedding. She lost her “Dad” a long time ago. He’s the sad person who thought selling out his daughter would have absolutely no consequences. Failed man indeed.

    I hope the Fail continues to fund his lifestyle in the Philippines. Feel sorry for the Filipinos who have to deal with that POS. Maybe he can learn Tagalog like Meghan.

    • Harla says:

      Meghan’s paternal side and Harry’s paternal side both have the same way of dealing with the consequences of their actions, blaming Meghan and Harry.

  16. Smices says:

    I’m assuming grandma had a maiden name that she gave up to become a Markle? So why on earth would she be mad at Meghan for doing the same?

    Actually, not even the same since she isn’t taking her husband’s name, but instead a new, unique family name.

  17. Steph says:

    Ummm ….. I’m supposed to believe that a woman born in 1920 would be disappointed that another woman took her husband’s last name? Was Doris always a Markle? Was she disappointed when scammy used her husbands last names? Did 80yo bad dad really expect to be “Meghan Markle’s dad” forever? Let’s be real here. She was Markle longer than any of them ever anticipated. Their generations expected her to marry and take her husband’s name before she turned 30.

  18. Advisor2U says:

    Daughter married and took her husband’s name as their family name.
    Deadbeat father: “What a terrible thing to do. No woman has ever done such a thing. Her grandmother would turn in her grave.”

  19. OriginalMich says:

    This is, authentically, the stupidest line of attack yet.

  20. Dee says:

    Filthy animal. What a monstrous thing to say about your child, no matter the state of your relationship.

  21. JENNIFER says:

    So, that grandmother passed her maiden name onto Thomas?

  22. Nanea says:

    This disgusting piece of misogynistic WM should be banished to the 9th circle of hell for the way he treats Meghan as if she were the sperm donor’s possession.

    The British media truly is despicable and vindictive, making me wonder how women can be seriously OK with working for them.

  23. aquarius64 says:

    Toxic Tom is mad Meghan told the world she has officially erased her birth surname, that she doesn’t identify herself as a Markle. The only people Meghan has ties to are Ashleigh Hale, Scammy’s daughter, and her late paternal grandmother, who she took care of. He and the rotten half sibs are upset by doing so, Meghan has cut them off and doesn’t want anything to do them, and rightfully so. Meghan’s blood kin is her mother Doria, who was on the show and on her IG. The Markle Monsters expected a come up like the Middletons when Meghan married Harry; but thanks to their bullying all they get are table scraps from the BM and YouTube interviews, which are certainly not enough to afford the luxe life Meghan has now, a life they think is due to them. Say hello to karma.

  24. Is that so? says:

    “My mother was proud to be a Markle. So am I. Meghan never had a problem with the Markle name until she met Prince Harry.’ With bitter sarcasm, he adds: ‘Now I have to say, “I am Meghan Sussex’s dad.”‘

    Such nonsense. Unless his mother was born ’Markle’ what issue would she have with her granddaughter taking her husband’s name.

    The general expectation in the Western world, as best I understand it, is that women’s name change from father’s to husband’s when ownership changes. He didn’t seem so heartbroken when Scammy was using Grant.

    The issue is economic. Meghan’s marriage made Markle profitable for all of them. With her going by Sussex the association isn’t automatic. I’m sure Scammy will find a way to justify going by Scammy Sussex.

  25. Sueinorleans says:

    They really have scraped the bottom of the barrel to find things to pick at. I wonder if their readers, anxious for scandal, are finally dealing with the reality that there is none.

  26. Over it says:

    I bet grandma would hate that Thomas is a dog shit father more and sold his daughter out for 10 dollars. And I think one of the best things about not being Markel anymore is the distance it put’s between her and those toxic people. And since when do you need to visit a place otten to share its name / someone better tell Willy and buttons that .

  27. MrsCope says:

    But also, when she mentioned her grandma, didn’t see qualify it with, “my mom’s mom?” Am I misremembering?

  28. Ghjik says:

    By the way she moves around the kitchen, holds a knife you can tell she does not cook regularly. Take for example Padma Lakshmi who by the way she moves around the kitchen, cuts her food not only cooks but does it all the time. Martha Stewart was clearly taught how to cook early on and currently employs people because she too knows how to do it. Ina garten etc etc (a list of non professionally trained cooks)

    That being said, this is a lifestyle show of a duchess and give ideas to regular people as to what to do or cook when company is over. It is light hearted and easy to watch with no controversies.

    • Beth says:

      I didn’t expect to find someone so obviously lying about Meghan here. Her knife skills, etc, actually show that she is an experienced home cook. The Director himself is highly experienced at filming cookery shows and would say you’re talking nonsense. Check out what he said to People mag.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Roy Choi specifically praised Meghan’s knife skills. She absolutely does know what she’s doing.

    • Cathy says:

      “By the way she moves around the kitchen”
      Huh? Sorry but this is a bit of a strange criticism, unless I missed the bit where Meghan is cooking while riding a scooter?

      As for .. ” by the way she… holds a knife you can tell she does not cook regularly”? Sigh, anything to find something to criticise? Well you wouldn’t probably like the way I use a scaled down version of a chef’s knife then either. And I’m a trained chef! I’ll refer you to the food Meghan prepared for The Tig? All those chicken dinners she made Harry?

    • sevenblue says:

      😂😂😭😭 even the trolls can’t find a thing to criticize, so the poor things are coming up with the weirdest things. The way she moves in the kitchen, lol, what?

      • Jais says:

        There’s been a lot of reaching. I’ve seen clips of “royal commentators” complaining that it’s disappointing to see a feminist like Meghan putting herself back in the kitchen. It’s so insulting and reductive to the idea of feminism which is about the equality of choice. In trying to find something to bash Meghan with they’re just out there insulting all women. It’s pretty grotesque.

      • Bronco says:

        Especially when it’s not her own kitchen! She’s got to automatically locate specific items whilst being filmed! It’s not natural because it’s actually not natural. Also every item has been decanted to remove packaging so that’s an extra step. Plus she’s talking or demonstrating, again, not natural. These people are so weird in their blatant lies. Her knife skills are excellent. I cook (almost) every single day and have for 40 years and I have shocking knife skills, you’d think I’d never seen one before 🤣🤣

      • sevenblue says:

        @Jais, it is very misogynist view of what a feminism is. A feminist woman can enjoy both making food and having rights equal to a man. There is no contradiction here. They are trying to paint feminism as anti-family in order to attack a woman.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Bronco, even in my own kitchen, I don’t put the things in the exact same place every time. So you can see me moving around trying to remember where I put my kitchen scale or lemon squeezer. This is nothing to do with being used to cooking. If Meghan flipped crepes like Kate did (to pancakes?) in that one public outing, I would agree. We got propaganda for years what a good cook Kate is, then that sad flip ruined it all. The trolls are still salty 😂😂

  29. Tessa says:

    321 Sam, then Burrell next. They already dragged out Tina, Ingrid, and Knauf

    • Blogger says:

      But where is Tom “Cadillac” Bower and Lady Colin Campbell?

      They’re losing their touch if they’re not getting much airtime.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Where did Jobson go? He just kind of faded away at least in the things I follow.

  30. Amy Bee says:

    And people in the British media are still saying that Meghan should talk to her father. The press only wants that so that Toxic Tom sells them the story afterwards. Meghan is right to protect her peace and to have no contract with her father.

    • Libra says:

      If Meghan succumbed to pressure and called Tom there would be taps and recording devices up the wazoo and would appear in print in hours. She is wise to have no contact.

  31. Beth says:

    I didn’t expect to find someone so obviously lying about Meghan here. Her knife skills, etc, actually show that she is an experienced home cook. The Director himself is highly experienced at filming cookery shows and would say you’re talking nonsense. Check out what he said to People mag.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      It’s a troll.

      Meghan has been super into cooking and entertaining and building community with loving thoughtful acts of kindness her entire time in the spot light.

      She might move through the kitchen differently because oh I don’t know – it’s not HER kitchen.

      But to be fair, I’ve cooked between 1-4 times a day, every day, for the past 12 years. And half the time I’m standing around going – where did that colander go? Where is that spatula? Omg did we use all the onions already? Sh!t. I need at least one for this recipe. Ok ok. Onion powder? ….. ugh where is that recipe. It’s not on my Pinterest board?!?

      So for me- walking around, checking the same spot multiple times for a misplaced item and being a general feral goblin in the kitchen is authentic to me. I get great results but the process probably looks mildly concerning at best 😂

      But that’s why people like me don’t do cooking shows. Because people watch them to relax. Seeing someone halt in their tracks and swear loudly because they forgot to preheat the oven is not relaxing.

  32. SamuelWhiskers says:

    “Women should keep their maiden names” after getting married is a surprisingly feminist statement from someone who’s constantly running to the Daily Mail.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I know. I at first thought he was saying he was raised by a single mother. And then I checked the dates and went – ok that would have been a massive family scandal and she would have been shamed beyond reason. It would have been a very not talked about topic. So I was like – way to throw your mom under the bus!

      Then realized he thought it was a big gotcha that his “mum” who had changed her last name when she got married would have been devastated when Meghan did the same.

  33. MrsCope says:

    I love what folks are saying here in the comment section. Pushing back on the idea that preparation means you can’t be authentic. Anybody who is a professional, anybody who cares about something will tell you to prepare for the things you care about. I do a lot of TV interviews. I do a lot of speaking in front of folks. I have to prepare for that. I have to know what I’m going to say. I don’t know why they act like she’s supposed to get up there, turn the camera on and it’s going to be an episode of Faulty Towers. LOL. Her poise offends them to no end. Part of that, is because she has so much grace in just her pinky finger. Their future Queen mumbles and bumbles, and you know what? She’s not a natural speaker. That being said, you work for the job you want. You work for the job that is coming. She is more than a decade into the job, right? She should work toward carrying herself a certain way instead of them lowering the bar and opting to silence those around her and disparage Meghan.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I don’t think there is a single area in life where being prepared is a negative thing. And it’s definitely not inauthentic for Meghan!

      We have heard for years and years how much she prepares, the research she does into female designers of different countries she visits, her research into and support of tiny women run Etsy stores to designers found at Nordstrom and of course – how much she worked behind the scenes and prepared for things in her royal life. Her cookbook?!? Her research into charities she aligns with – heck, into a single school she visits and into what would best help them? She a marvel. Truly.

      I don’t know if it’s a lost art form or what – but with the firehose that is modern life, it seems esp lovely that she’s able to and prioritizes research and being prepared. While I step in front of that fire hose and get knocked into next week. …. Still not prepared 😂

      So. Being well prepared and doing research in all areas of life is deeply authentic to who Meghan is.

      Meghan is a beautiful, kind person. I’m so glad she feels safe enough to share parts of herself again.

    • Jais says:

      I mean that’s it. She’s being criticized for….being prepared. The second she’s not prepared, she’ll be accused of being all over the place and unfocused.

  34. B says:

    Lol so to be clear Brit media is now so desperate to create scandal around Meghan and her new cooking/lifestyle show they’ve resorted to inferring a married woman taking her husband’s last name is somehow disingenuous and scandalous. How deliciously pathetic .

    ‘Now I have to say, “I am Meghan Sussex’s dad.”‘….bad dad is an idiot who thinks people will care that a name change makes its harder for him to sell out his own daughter. Will the hateful half sister cry next? Or just change her last name to Sussex and try to continue the grift.

  35. Lady Digby says:

    Bad dad says” I know all her looks and expressions”. This jackass seems to believe that as Meghan ‘s father, he both owns her and knows everything about her. Wrong on both counts, mister. Meghan rightly went no contact 7 years ago and he knows nothing about her married life and has never met Harry and their children. He has proved that he can’t be trusted and will also pop up for paid interviews. He is arrogant enough to believe that he has the right to provide a running commentary on her daily life. No one would want their father doing that to them. TM has so little self awareness that he can’t see how much the Fail despise him as a blabber mouthed buffoon. They are simply using him as part of their campaign against Meghan. The Fail believe that by letting the thirsty father show how willing he is to cash in on his daughter “proves” how trashy she must be as well. TM and his older children are trash but both Doria and Meghan have kept their dignity by cutting those grifters off. The half siblings were never close and have no right to demand anything from Meghan now. The father has made his own bed selling his daughter out to get chummy with the Fail, Piss Morgan, Danny Rotten etc all. Meghan and Doria don’t need any of these leeches in their lives and they aren’t for good reason.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      The really telling thing is that Meghan and Harry dated for a bit before getting married. Long enough that a visit to meet her dad could have been easily arranged.

      But it wasn’t. Which means Meghan knew who her dad was and how he was and she just hoped he wouldn’t try to implode her wedding to get attention. Narcissists have a very real pattern of deploying their bullshit on or around anything that makes someone else happy or isn’t about them.

      • Tessa says:

        Dad refused to use the airline ticket sent to him by his daughter and future son in law. I think Meghan had more trust in him then than he deserved. And then there as the Knauf situation…

  36. lanne says:

    This guy is proof that even racists sometimes marry outside of their race and yes, they can be racist to their own children. This guy has been textbook toxic from the very beginning of her public life. A human being can’t fail a child more than this man has failed his daughter (outside of taking life). This man continues to undermine his daughter and to side with the people who hated her so much they wanted to see her destroyed. Meghan doesn’t have a father. She lost him, or better yet, he lost himself to his foolish, irrational, and hateful behavior.

    She’s wise not to react to him–she’s giving a clinic on going no contact with a toxic and abusive parent, for her own safety and the safety of her family. There is nothing newsworthy about this guy. He has absolutely nothing to offer, no information he hasn’t already sold to the tabloids. Bringing him out is abusive media behavior. It hasn’t worked at all–and now it’s just spiteful. On top of that, it’s just boring.

    This guy is going to die miserable and alone, which is exactly what he deserves. I don’t think he ever really loved anyone, especially not Meghan. I hope that she and Harry have made their peace with their failures of fathers. I’m so glad they have built their beautiful life together away from the metastatic cancer of their paternal families.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Agree. With everything you said. He’s done nothing to support or ease her life. He’s only complicated it and created havoc for her as it suited him or offered him an opportunity to make some money.

  37. Magdalena says:

    The one question which no-one is asking is: HOW does this deadbeat and the Daily Feil know that the grandmother to whom Meghan is referring is HIS mother? I had assumed that she was referring to Doria’s mother? But then without the white relations centering themselves in their target’s life, they would not be able to spout such nonsensical outrage about a woman using her married name and expressing her happiness with her lot in life.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      I hate that this very important and obvious point is being overlooked everywhere.

      According to people above who have watched, she was clearly referencing her mother’s mother.

  38. CN says:

    “Unfortunately Meghan has never been authentic.”
    This is such a cruel thing to say about your child. Is there no limit to the lows these people will go to.

    In as much as we all grow up and hopefully forge our own identities and lives that are separate from our parents, that parent-child relationship still remains. I hope that Meghan is truly protected from seeing such malice.

    • Tessa says:

      He is so not authentic. just greedy

    • Friendly Crow says:

      What he means is that she has never been under his thumb and has never acted as only a representation of everything he’s achieved and his values. Narcissists don’t have kids. They have living monuments to their greatness, walking billboards who are supposed to only be exactly what they want. Woe to the child who knows who she is.

    • Jais says:

      Right? So wtf, is he saying that as a baby she didn’t cry authentically enough for him. That as a little 4 year-old, she was already being inauthentic. It’s unbearably cruel for a dad to say that and it should invalidate him from saying anything about Meghan. I mean I’m pretty sure a reporter actually said this but he signed off on it as coming from him.

  39. Trei says:

    Nice to see Thomas gave the DM forwarding address and contact information. He has to make sure those checks keep coming

    • L4Frimaire says:

      I bet Meghan has no idea where he is but the Daily Fail does. He’s pissed she’s starting to use Meghan Sussex because it makes him less relevant and his name doesn’t matter as much. He’s such an egotistical liar.

  40. tamsin says:

    I think if Megha is referring to apple butter or apple preserves, she is talking about Grandma Markle. I recall her talking about it and given the recipe, maybe even in The Tig. I get the impression that she was close to both her grandmothers. I think there was some story of Meghan regularly visiting her ailing grandmother in the nursing home or retirement home with Markle. Well, at least he visited his mother.

  41. Lady Digby says:

    TM just gives off stalker entitlement as in I actually made you, I gave you life, I paid for your education and you therefore are forever in my debt! On GB news Q&A from Dan Rotten show, phone in asked if TM would stop speaking to media if it meant he could see his grandchildren? His reply was revealing; No because I have every right to talk about MY family!!!
    TM has a big ego and gives the impression of genuinely believing that he is a STAR that everybody wants to hear about but he has no film, TV show, book or record to promote just bitching about his daughter going no contact?

  42. Baby says:

    This man is a sicko, when one gets married don’t they take their husband’s surname? Meghan SUSSEX! TzM can ho to hell and stay there forever. Meghan is a SUSSEX.
    I am so happy she changed her name,let TM mother continue to toss in her grave Meghan has moved on,she’s married and bears her husband’s name period!

  43. Tn Democrat says:

    How many people born 105 years ago wouldn’t have flipped out at the idea of a woman refusing to take her husband’s last name as her legal name when she got married? Lort. I wish The Guardian, which is overall one of the more reliable news sources, would not publish bullshit posts critiquing the cost of the rainbow fruit charcuterie board featured on Meghan’s new show and would follow the money/invisible contract that keeps this ignorant blowhard illegally funded to parrot whatever bizarre lines the royals want published. Family drama is the worst and to deliberately put Meghan through her father’s continued leacherous treachery is cruel.

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