I’ve been waiting to see when the Windsors turn up for the Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey. I guess it’s a late-afternoon service in London, or maybe I’m just still mixed-up because of Daylight Savings. In any case, no photos of the royals are in as I write this, and yet the photographers are already in position at the Abbey. Turns out, republican protesters have already set up shop outside the Abbey as well – check out Republic’s protest for Commonwealth Day!
I’m pleased to see that Republic now has a variety of signs and banners now. Their go-to sign was the simple and elegant “Not My King” – an easy and memorable message. Now they’re doing “Ditch the Duchies” and “Abolish the Monarchy” banners and signs too. There was an outpouring of republican sentiment after a series of exposés revealed just how corrupt the Duchy of Cornwall and Duchy of Lancaster really are. Like, Prince William and King Charles really are slumlords who keep peasants stuck in terrible rental properties. They’re also charging charities, the Ministry of Defense and the NHS exorbitant rental rates too. It’s a mess and the duchies should be abolished.
I remember a few years ago, Republic did a somewhat big protest outside another Commonwealth Day service and Charles looked like he had seen a ghost. I don’t think Republic protested the Commonwealth service last year though, possibly because of Charles’s cancer diagnosis (and his absence from the service).
Also: is that supposed to be a T-Rex? It’s sort of cool, like an art installation. Anyway, the Commonwealth pics will probably have to wait until tomorrow.
Update: I’m adding some photos of Prince William & Kate – Kate repeated a Catherine Walker coat she’s had for years.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- Protests ahead of the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration at Westminster Abbey Where: London, United Kingdom When: 10 Mar 2025 Credit: Cover Images
- Protests ahead of the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration at Westminster Abbey Where: London, United Kingdom When: 10 Mar 2025 Credit: Cover Images
- Protests ahead of the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration at Westminster Abbey Where: London, United Kingdom When: 10 Mar 2025 Credit: Matthew Chattle/Cover Images
- Protests ahead of the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration at Westminster Abbey Where: London, United Kingdom When: 10 Mar 2025 Credit: Matthew Chattle/Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration at Westminster Abbey Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales and William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 10 Mar 2025 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration at Westminster Abbey Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales and William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 10 Mar 2025 Credit: Cover Images
- Members of the British Royal Family attend the Commonwealth Day Service of Celebration at Westminster Abbey Featuring: Catherine, Princess of Wales and William, Prince of Wales Where: London, United Kingdom When: 10 Mar 2025 Credit: Cover Images
C-Rex to T-Rex – from one dinosaur to another – that’s good PR! My personal fave sign is “Down with the Crown”.
C-Rex to T-Rex😂😂😂
I love the dinosaur wearing the crown!!! No more reptiles 😜😜.
The T-Rex has the meaning of tyrant lizard king 😆
I love it. It has a crown 😆
Remember when louis supposedly chose a t-rex dinosaur tie for charles?
Good on them. People around the world are fed up with systems supporting the rich at their expense.
And Britain get out of Ireland while you’re at it.
Well Willie will get his slimmed down monarchy
Just a dinosaur sitting in his wealth, doing nothing
Carol won’t be pleased tho
Dragons sit on wealth. Republic chose the wrong creature for their giant puppet.
Maybe that’s the point.
It’s not a dragon it’s a dinosaur.
Just love that these people haunt Chucky in real time.. he is getting the reign he deserves, I hope the Republican movement there gets large enough to bring change.
50 people showed up for the protest and some were from another organization protesting the criminalization of LGBTQ+ people in some Commonwealth countries. Republic has never been able to build a large following. They need a rebrand and a better message.
Could it be getting a late start due to the dinosaur on the loose😂? Isn’t Sophie in nyc instead? She’s probably sighing in relief right now .
From the first picture I thought it was a frog in a crown. The t-rex makes more sense.
It does look like a frog. It would have to be a frog with teeth though.
I do hope that there were loud boos caught on camera. The RF aren’t value for money and a dusty relic from the past who can’t represent modern, multicultural Britain. Neither Will nor KC deserve to receive the £51 M income from both Duchies: said annual income should be used to fund the NHS.
I will second that and third that and fourth……
I see Can’t is wearing the lady part necklace lol.
Yeah, can’t unsee it now…..
That horrible bow coat has reappeared too. They really did Keen dirty with the no upgrade on her wardrobe, lol.
I really think Camilla has firmly locked the vault.
The jewelry vault for sure is Cam. But the repeat dress? Unless she truly is trying to adopt a uniform, which I find hard to believe. Trying to appear thrifty in comparison to Meghan. Or a drastically reduced budget…which would be William’s choice right? Anyways, a good day for big bows and vulva necklaces🤷♀️
Kate was driving around with her pearls in Windsor while Camilla was still in Scotland. You can bet Camilla shut down the vault once she got rid of Angela Kelly.
The repeats in terms of clothing are because of William.
The true reason Kate didn’t go with rest of the family when the queen passed…so she could raid the vaults! I jest but could also kind of see it. Listen, technically one day Kate will have control of the vaults. And yeah, the repeats in clothing. She’s barely making appearances so it shouldn’t hurt the budget too much if she gets something new, considering how rarely she’s out. It does come across as William saying no new clothes or at least not as much as before. Which considering he’s now come into duchy money does seem rather stingy.
My very first thought.
Closely followed by WHY would you pair it with that coat/bow.
This protest is like an early St. Patrick’s Day gift. It makes my Irish American heart very happy.
(And that vagina necklace on Kate looks awful with that oversize bow. … The 1980s called, Kate. They want their bow back.)
Omg I will never be able to think of that necklace as anything but the “vagina pearls” ever again. That bow and those shoulder pads need to go, just no.
This red coat with the big bow makes me think of her flashing for the South Korea visit.
Well apparently she isn’t allowed to flash her lady parts anymore so she chose the lady part necklace instead.
Twitter is not working right now but Becky English posted a few screenshots caps from inside the Abbey and Kate is greeting people in the receiving line but William is nowhere to be seen. There is even an aerial shot from above showing her totally on her own with an attendant nearby.
They did the walk in together for the photos, they aren’t even doing receiving lines together.
Such a happy and so in love with one another couple (not).
Huh. So is he just not receiving anyone??? Or he is but in a different spot?
He might have been elsewhere but the aerial shot in the abbey did not show him anywhere near kate.
If he wasn’t receiving people that would be wild so I’m guessing he is but nowhere near Kate? I wonder if the Windsors are secretly happy that Twitter is down right now😂
It’s the same coat – but for the South Kora visit, she wore a big red cape over it and a giant red hat.
Just saw the wales pictures and they look so outdated and tired. I’ve long believed that William cut Kate’s clothing budget when he got his hands on the Duchy money and today confirms that yet again. Today was a day for a fashion splash considering she has barely been seen all of 2025. You know people, hello and all the royal mags are desperately needing some good pics. Instead she is rehashing this super ugly coat and necklace. She has a lot of lovely coats yet this one again?
Those shoulder pads make Kate look like a NFL line backer.
I just saw photos from inside the Abbey and Kate was the only one curtsying to Charles, which would mean that this is the first time she saw him today. Interesting as William didn’t bow, Anne didn’t curtsy neither did the Duchess of Gloucester, did Kate arrive at BP or CH after C&C left, just so she could be seen traveling to the Abbey with William? Very curious 🧐
The same thing happened at the meeting of the south Korean dignitaries. Kate curtseyed (Charles didn’t even look at her here) but William did not bow.
William looks like he’s sneering in the first picture. Kate’s red dress is a bit much.
She’s worn red to CW day before though. Wasn’t she wearing red during Meghan’s last CW service? When she was wearing a silly little hat and being a mean girl in church? It was a different tone of red though.
Do y’all see Charles completely ignore kate when they greeted each other? Even hello magazine had to do damage control. Something is going on there.
Yes I don’t think the negotiations went well for Peg and his side which leaves us to wonder just what went wrong.
I saw on social media this week that Kate was invited to the CW service but not an evening reception. Not sure if that is actually true.
Yes, Polo I saw that too. Kate greets Camilla, William Charles, then William Camilla, but Charles ignores the woman that is like a daughter to him.
And I think Kate’s red bites with Camillas rose. No coordination here.