Princess Kate repeated her bowed Catherine Walker coat for Commonwealth Day

Here are more photos from yesterday’s Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey. At last year’s service, Prince William and Queen Camilla were the only ones holding down the proverbial commonwealth fort and it was not great. This year, the service saw the return of King Charles and the Princess of Wales, alongside their spouses. Camilla chose a pale pink suit, and I hate to admit that pale pink actually suits her. She and Charles subtly coordinated, and it looked nice when they were standing or sitting together.

Meanwhile, William and Kate looked like they got dressed in completely different houses. Kate repeated a familiar Catherine Walker coat with a giant bow detail – she wore this in 2023, for the South Korean state visit, and she wore it one year for her Together at Christmas piano recital. So many repeats in the past six months or so. I’ve said it before, but it’s definitely giving “slashed clothing budget.” Kate was also allowed to borrow the same diamond-and-pearl pieces from the Royal Collection – the Garrard pearl choker and Diana’s Collingwood pearl drop earrings. These are either on permanent loan to Kate OR Camilla just sends her the same pieces for all of the significant events. Kate also wore Big Blue! It goes missing at least half of the time these days.

Kate looked really different to me and it’s not Photoshop – something is different and I can’t put my finger on it. Is it her hair part with that hat? Something’s been altered on her face too. The Telegraph on Will & Kate’s outing: “Beaming Prince and Princess of Wales are sign of royal harmony.” The Telegraph also noted that Camilla greeted them with double kisses and Charles embraced William. I can’t find those photos, although it might have happened.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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149 Responses to “Princess Kate repeated her bowed Catherine Walker coat for Commonwealth Day”

  1. Smart&Messy says:

    Maybe cheek or undereye fillers? The lower part of her face seems smaller somehow. She does look different but I’m not good at identifying face work.

    • SpankFD says:

      Agreed. My first thought was bad cheek implants. Or maybe ozempic face?

      Would it be Ironic if she’s following wallis’ advice — you can never be too thin not too rich —after cosplaying her SIL for so long )

      Also, in the first photo, Kate looks like she knows she will be axed the moment she steps a hair out of place. Charles, you malevolent little b****.

      • Eleonor says:

        Kate has always been thin, for once I don’t think she is doing ozempic

      • Jaded says:

        It’s not Ozempic, it’s Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder. I’ve never seen her thinner, it’s shocking. I imagine she’s getting face fillers so at least her face doesn’t look so gaunt.

    • seaflower says:

      I think cheek and maybe jaw/jowl tightening? The under eye area looks too tired to have been refreshed.

      • Honeybee says:

        Yes, that’s what I feel. She seems like, woke up, didn’t take a bath, just put on cloths and make up. May be she has any mental illness for not having new cloths.
        I heard this rumour that her clothing budget was axed because they don’t generate anything that KP or BP expected. Also the PR of kate by Carol caused huge problem for C,C and W. The stories of her slim shoulders carrying monarchy, linchpin ect (may be charles works more but she was lazy. Anyone Working more than kate can’t tolerate these articles). Also Charles and Camilla hated Kate bringing Diana stories through her dress. And Charles doesn’t want to step down. And his health isn’t too bad. And William wants to the throne but not now. But Kate and Carol are the people pushing narratives about Charles’ abdication. I thing Kate was warned.

      • Tessa says:

        I don’t think William wants the work as king but just the perks. He can “phone it in.” so to speak as far as work.

      • Nikki says:

        The first thing I thought of was she’s had a face thread lift. Time will tell as it lasts 12 – 18 months, longer than botox. Possible some cheek filler as well.

    • Chaine says:

      To me her forehead looks freshly botoxed, she is also wearing a side part for a change which makes her face look refreshed.

      • Weatherby says:

        Updated lip fillers are showing up to me. Upper lip especially showing signs of refreshment.

    • StillDouchesOfCambridge says:

      She looks so frail…
      The only reason she wore big blue is so that there is something to say because how boring everything is, except for the protest. For the 1st time, im hoping that the commonwealth is something important enough for canada and today’s sht politics.

    • Meredith says:

      I don’t think it’s cosmetic “work” this time, as she looks more exhausted not less. She’s definitely had Botox in the past though.

    • Tess says:

      Just compared this new photo with her old photos. IT looks like her jawline/ jowls have been tightened/pulled and her wheel fillers have gone too that gave her a slimmer face. She had something done and her face has definitely changed/slimmer for it.

  2. Lisa says:

    I barely notice Princess Anne in back of W&K, and in the second row behind C&C.

  3. Over it says:

    I think it’s her cheek bones They look like she has them lifted up or plumped up somehow. I don’t even know if that’s possible but her face definitely has a look of being held up by a miracle bra

  4. KC says:

    I discovered celebitchy a couple of years ago when I googled “why does Kate Middleton wear so many f*cking coat dresses” and I consider it great luck. But for real why does Kate Middleton wear so many f*cking coat dresses? The giant bow at the top of this one just highlights how scarily bony she is. There needs to be a wider skirt or something to balance it out or something. So sick of these dresses.

    • Josephine says:

      I’ve always considered her fashion that incomprehensible combination of old-lady and toddler fashion. She needs a modern makeover. Cut the hair, ditch the buttons and coat dresses, wear clothes and colors that flatter and stop stalking her sister-in-law. She doesn’t seem to have a personality or sense of self, and both are needed to play with clothes and find what works.

      • Caitlin says:

        Agree Josephine! She always looks so dated and old fashioned

      • Gabby says:

        When she wants to look modern she just flashes her ass.

      • Meredith says:

        I think she tries to stick to a uniform like QEII did, so you can’t date a picture by her clothes (unlike Diana, who was an icon but definitely wore trends that date her outfits). Her hemlines do go up and down about 5 years behind the runway trends but in keeping with mainstream adoption, but a hem isn’t really enough to make an outfit look super dated. The result is a snore but I get the thought behind it.

    • SueBarbri33 says:

      Yeah, she is looking very thin here.

      • Blogger says:

        Yup, Diana vibes. Except Diana at least worked. She hides herself away from the world and except for some hardcore fans and the Middleton cheer squad, not too many will miss her.

      • ArtHistorian says:

        She really looks scarily thin. That coat dress looks a bit big on her and that is concerning. She has been shrinking for years but it has become really apparent now.

      • Yes she does look very very thin. Something is stressing her or someone.

      • LaurenAPMT says:

        Agreed, I would be surprised if she put any filler in her face because she usually tries to emphasize how gaunt her face is with extra blush, but she’s not having to do that in these photos.

    • Smart&Messy says:

      She did try to be versitile, remember the Erdem floral dust ruffled prairy style dresses. But it turned out she has no fashion sense. And it was super expensive, Egg doesn’t want to spend so much on dust ruffle. Then came Meghan, and she started copying her like it was her job. People noticed, of course , so she reverted back to coat dresses. She did look much better in Meghan inspired stuff, but she is not intelligent enough to just be inspired. She can only do exact copying, so she looked like a fool. And here we are back to coat dresses again.

    • Becks1 says:

      She wears a lot of coatdresses bc someone told her that’s what princesses wear and that’s that. But its weird because none of the other royal women really do. Camilla wears the closest things to coatdresses but hers remind me either of housedresses lol or what QEII used to wear – more of a topper style of coat over a dress. Anne just seems to wear nice coats with a dress underneath.

    • Weatherby says:

      She wears clothes picked out by her Mother; they are old, out-dated, seldom offer a flattering fit, and are always ALWAYS poorly accessorized.

      She is not the style icon she has been professed to be, and now that her minders are mostly gone (her initial hair dresser left long ago, as well as her personal stylist), her Mother’s influence is on full display. It’s very unfortunate.

  5. Chloe says:

    I do not have the words to accurately describe how much I hate that stupid bow.

    Ruins the whole coat dress. I feel like in this instance less really is more.

    • Blogger says:

      She should sell this dress like Beatrice did with her silly hat. Perhaps it’s a reflection of her infantilisation – she remains under the thumb of her mother and perpetually acts like a spoilt and jealous 5 year old.

      No wonder why she’s still “learning.”

      • Me at home says:

        Agree with the infantilization point. That bow is awful. The doll hair is childish too.

      • Chloe says:

        she genuinely enjoys fussy clothes. Polka dots, tartan, bows, frills, puffy sleeves, the whole lot. I know we give her a lot of stick for cosplaying Diana but it’s actually a lot closer to the stuff she likes than the neutrals and cuts that are “in” right now.

      • Tessa says:

        Diana had style keen doesn’t.

    • Becks1 says:

      It’s also standing out to me that she keeps rewearing a very memorable coatdress because of that damn bow. She has plenty of more understated coatdresses in greens and reds and blues that would have been appropriate for this occasion. But she has worn that dress several times over the past 18 months and its notable because its a very distinct dress. Is she trying to make it clear that her clothing budget was slashed??

      • Jais says:

        I wonder this too. There’s so many dresses she could repeat so why this one again?

      • First comment says:

        @Chloe, I’m not sure if she prefers the Polka dots, tartan, bows, frills, puffy sleeves, or if she chooses them to hide how painfully thin she is….if it wasn’t for the big bow and the pads, I bet we’d be talking about her extreme thinness…

      • Nic919 says:

        It’s almost like she only has access to her closet in one location and not multiple places like before.

        Also she was seen doing a curtsey to Charles when William, Anne, and the Gloucesters did not. So she was elsewhere and didn’t meet up with Charles like the others did.

      • Jais says:

        Lordy, imagine having that many clothes but you can’t access them? If that’s the case which who knows. Where would they be? KP?

      • windyriver says:

        Not just the bow, it’s also memorable because it’s bright red, and makes her stand out among the other senior royals. That’s typical Kate, regardless of what else may be going on with her wardrobe. Her thinness is very scary, and overall, she doesn’t seem well.

      • Becks1 says:

        @Nic919 yes she curtseyed to charles but in the video I saw, it looked like it was to his back. He seemed to blank her just like he did at the state visit a few months ago.

  6. Bronco says:

    I don’t get her face. She’s got a botoxed forehead, lifted eyes, yet bags and jowels. If you’re doing eye lifts, fillers and botox, wouldn’t you sort the under eye bags?

    She can cope a certain amount in public, then the persona drops entirely. She becomes obviously resentful. Imagine the highlights of your year being church services? They keep saying M misses out on church services and how jealous she is, nah nah. Like, I went to church every week growing up, not sure what the big excitement is.. EXCEPT that’s it’s all these lazy grifters do. And frankly who else wants to other than religious people.

    • Tessa says:

      The outfit for keen elongate s her figure and emphasizes her being too thin

      Camilla needs better foundation garments and the outfit looks like it needs more tailoring.

      • Blogger says:

        Camilla absolutely looks dowdy in that dress. Ewww.

        Forgot. She was the original housewife of the horse set. Neigh.

      • Libra says:

        Please give Camilla a little break. She’s pushing 80 and looking stylish with an aging body is really hard.

      • Beverley says:

        That old mare gets no grace from me. She destroyed Diana’s peace, she strove to alienate Harry from Charles, and she teamed up with both Royal Racists to force Meghan out.

        That old hag can piss off.

        Plus, good foundation garments would help ladies of any age.

      • ML says:

        Libra, None of these people are nice or kind. I understand you reacting to the depictions of Camzilla above, and if there’s someone out there who has gone through chemo (chemo ages you) or struggles with their weight, they might feel the criticism aimed at Kate.
        Perhaps it would be better to say that QCC has a big estate, and her husband still bought a property next door to this estate to save his queen from potential peasants coming close to her property line. He has castles (BP, Edinburgh, etc) where people come closer than to Ray Mill. She’s sporting Trump color in her face. She looks smug in these pictures.

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        Camilla wore a French suit not long ago, maybe by Dior, and she looked AMAZING. It was cut so flattering on her. She can look great when the material is cut for her figure. Instead she wears these awful dresses that emphasize her bust and waist instead of flattering her.

      • LRB says:

        A reply to Libra.
        The Duchess of Gloucester is also pushing 80 and she is the epitome of grace . She is a little slimmer than the cow… but.. it just shows what good taste and good tailoring can do. And … not for the first time mentioned here not just for Camilla but many other royal ladies… for goodness sake get a good bra.

  7. Zut Alors says:

    Not the double kisses 🤣🤣🤣 Somebody fetch me my smelling salts!

  8. Krista says:

    It looks like her left cheek (her left, our right) is swollen somehow? It doesn’t look as mobile as the other side.

  9. ML says:

    Why does QCC look like she’s wearing the same type of orange-toned foundation as a certain president??!

  10. Sarah says:

    That vajayjay necklace does not go well with that coat. I agree her face looks different but I don’t know why – maybe she got a better makeup artist?

  11. Mads says:

    I think she’s had fillers removed and not having excessive Botox. Her face is becoming quite droopy, with noticeable bags under the eyes that makeup cannot hide. The elasticity in her skin has worsened since her appearance at Trooping last year and the sagging face is getting worse.

    Whether it’s because of her illness or maybe she just doesn’t give a f**k anymore 🤷‍♀️.

    She’s definitely had the clothing budget slashed.

    • AR says:

      First, she has never had or has any cancer (which is good news);
      Second, she has had a sagging/old face for years (those are her genes), now she looks old because they stopped retouching it, and even when they do sometimes, there is always a picture without retouching, which is a big contrast. Her pictures were not only retouched, but she had wisps of hair drawn on her temples, whole strands of hair glued on, and even the shape of her nails was changed.

      William weaned her off money as soon as he got Wales. That’s when she started wearing mops on her head and ordered about 20 suits in different colors.

    • Chrissy says:

      She’s increasingly droopy-looking because she has pretty much zero body fat. What we’re all seeing is either fillers or saggy skin (without fillers). She used to be healthy-looking person but her extreme dieting/ exercising has brought this on. Being married to a cheating idiot and having a grasping wannabe Queen Mother for a mother will contribute to that. Kate could have developed into someone with a personality and maybe grown some sense of self but chose not to because she sacrificed all to be part of the RF. Now she has to live with the consequences. 🤷‍♀️

      • Blogger says:

        This is what happens when you climb up the social ladder at all costs. The gold-digging Goldsmith got her claws out and she was never, ever letting him go.

        Imagine, the future king marrying the daughter of someone who grew up in a council estate? It would have been a Cinderella story except Kate was no Cindy and Kate was very, very selective with the people she associated with, that in the end she had no one.

        Oh well, at least Carole got a coat of arms and I’m sure George will reward her for her services.

      • Betsy says:

        Other universe Kate is someone I’m fascinated by. She certainly doesn’t exist in this timeline, but what if Kate and William’s love was genuine. What if Kate and William weren’t the two laziest sacks of crap and instead either made genuine, Diana-like connections with their charities and people or worked diligently if not magically like Anne.

        Instead we see the lazy bones, with Kate’s rearranged by an assault and then repaired by the best of the best surgeons, as her body shrinks away to nothingness. Other than being a taxpayer money sink, she rankles because she is nothing but lies.

  12. Me at home says:

    She’s parted her hair on the side and that might explain some of the difference. I wouldn’t rule out fillers, or maybe the photographers have gone back to their pre-illness heavy photoshopping. Whatever the reason, she used to have heavy brow lines and deep marionette lines on the sides of her mouth, and now she doesn’t. I mean, if people were writing about me that I “aged like milk” I might have procedures too. What I find concerning, though, is that she looks like you could snap her in half, and you can practically see her hipbones through her coat. That, with the doll hair on a 40-something woman, makes something seem very off.

    • BeanieBean says:

      That’s something I recall about Diana. When you look skinny while wearing a wool coat, something’s wrong.

      • Becks1 says:

        Yes, and I think that because we have seen that coat so frequently in the past two years, it makes her thinness stand out even more. Like she’s been very very thin since she got married, but I dont recall this coat hanging on her like this.

      • Betsy says:

        Maybe she’s wearing the coat to show just how thin she is. I don’t think highly of Kate, but I think she’s struggling and wants, on some level, people to understand how badly. The fact that we can see this formerly already thin woman turning to dust in front of us is disturbing.

    • Christine says:

      It’s like she’s using this one dress as an SOS. It is shocking how thin she is.

  13. Blogger says:

    Camilla’s hat’s fine but her dress is off. You can put a lipstick on a pig but the pig is still a pig.

    Kate’s stooping shoulders, the awful bow, the thinness. As I wrote, I hope Mama Middleton is pleased with herself for selling her daughter to the firm and becoming the miserable stick that she is today. Willie’s tie is uncoordinated with hers.

    Anne’s hat’s fine. Loved her dress.

    Loving the Duchess of Gloucester’s gloves. At least she knows all about protocol since that all went out when Chuck took the throne. Although wearing all black means this ceremony is almost the death knell to the House of Windsor.

    • Chrissy says:

      I think Camilla looks ridiculous. Who wears baby pink in late winter?

      • Gail Hirst says:

        err, I do, for one; was wearing baby pink and purple yesterday, in fact. Also, in 10 days its officially spring. Don’t have bad vibes re the colour. Yes, Cammie needs better undergarments. So do I, but the ones I have are comfy. Still, for special occasions I do have a bra that supports properly, keeping the girls on my chest as opposed to nestling around my waist….

      • Chrissy says:

        @ No offence meant, Gail Hirst. Maybe I should have stated it’s -15 degrees Celsius where I am! LOL! Also, I can’t stand Camilla and her scheming ways, so pretty much anything she wears is a no-no to me.

  14. somebody says:

    Charles embraced Will, but not his only beloved daughter-in-law?

    • Tessa says:

      Charles toddle d down the corridor in hospital to visit keen last year said the media. I doubt they were in the same hospital

    • Mike says:

      Correct. There’s video. Peggy and Cathy kiss The Queen on both cheeks (no bows or curtsies though). Peggy kisses The King on both cheeks (again, no bows). The King doesn’t acknowledge Cathy at all.

  15. Hannah says:

    She must be the only woman in the world still wearing black eyeliner both as inner eye eyeliner and smudged under her lower eyeline

    • Cali says:

      I wish she would update her makeup look. She is so stuck in time. And her lipstick is the wrong shade for her outfit.
      Diana did a makeover and it made her look so healthy and vibrant.
      I’d love to see how Lisa Eldridge would refresh Kate’s look.

    • Jane says:

      Her, and SJP. They both need to stop. It’s horrific.

  16. Over it says:

    Maybe she keeps rewearing this coat dress so that the media will pressure wank into letting her shop. You know when she wants stuff from him she leaves it to the media to do her bidding or should I say her mama instructs her to go about it this way

  17. Tessa says:

    Very bland fashion for keen and Camilla. With protests going on outside

  18. ThatGirlThere says:

    Not a great look for her – the shoulder pads, poor posture, and tired eyes. And her husband’s beard makes him look like he just rolled out of bed. The red is a nice, though.

  19. Amy Bee says:

    She should’ve left off the necklace.

  20. Libra says:

    “Our thrifty Kate making her triumphant return”. Did the person writing this not have a gag reflex?

  21. sevenblue says:

    She looks different from one photo to another because of lightening and the british media photoshop. Sometimes I think she got plastic surgery, then I see another pic where she looks the same as before. I stopped believing my eyes when it comes to Kate 😂😂

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, I’m not into dissecting her face. There’s lighting and photoshop so it does feel different from event to event. But that’s been going on awhile. William looks tan. Maybe tanner than her. The coat dress is looong and strait. Maybe she could wear one where the silhouette goes out more like an a-line next time. For variety? Despise the necklace. The queen wore daytime pearls and jewelry right? So I don’t care if they’re wearing jewelry. I just don’t like this jewelry. Don’t like cam’s either. That’s all I got.

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        There was an insider rumor that William wasn’t on Mustique with the rest of the family and that he took a separate holiday. Not sure where though!

    • Nic919 says:

      The Chris Jackson photos yesterday heavily photoshopped her whereas the press pool photos did not. That’s why there is inconsistency in how she looks at one event. And often the Chris Jackson photos end up in the paper.

      • Miss Scarlett says:

        Yes Chris photoshops the heck out of her. I guess that’s how they stay on the inside!

  22. Miss Scarlett says:

    Her face did look so different yesterday! Sort of refreshed, like she is starting with the Botox again but not as tight as it was a couple of years ago. Maybe she’s had some laser/Morpheus done too? Also either her cheek fillers are going away or she had them removed because the apples of her checks are less apple-y and more normal for someone her age.

    In at least one photo, you can see the lace from her hairpiece in her part.

    This is the first time I really loved this dress. I think this hat helps balance the bow. It was meh without a hat and was awful at the South Korean visit.

    I’m not sure if she just really loves this coat dress, or if the budget truly has been slashed? Euro houses have been rewearing a lot lately, too, so maybe she’s just trying to look virtuous.

    • AR says:

      If her hair is shiny, it means she has a full or almost full wig. If it’s such a matte hay, it means she has a wiglet (half wig) and lots of “thickeners” attached under the hair from the very forehead (one of them is the famous “scar”:))
      The stylist makes her such a construction for 4 hours, which William complained about. I suppose that’s why she has her hair done matte, because artificial strands could show from under the slippery ones.
      And there’s no point in discussing her face, because it’s just Photoshop in huge quantities. The original looks very old for her age, despite Botox and fillers. All the Middletons age very quickly and they all have their faces done. Pippa the least, which is why she has more wrinkles than her mother.

    • Alteya says:

      Wasn’t the flashing outfit from the s Korea visit a sleeveless cape? Same color, same bow, but it was a sleeveless cape with a red dress underneath.

      She has that cape, plus this bow coat dress in both red and black. Remember the mobster wife look from Philips funeral.

  23. MsKrisTalk says:

    She’s so thin that she looks like a bobble head. She always looks miserable as her RBF. I wouldn’t be surprised that not only has her budget been slashed but they control what she wears to embarrass her. The fact that she endures abuse to be queen consort say a lot about her a her family’s self esteem.

  24. Gabby says:

    I’ll give her points for the (almost pillbox) hat. It’s simple and clean and a refreshing change from the usual royal hats that have all kinds of crap attached.

  25. seaflower says:

    I notice she’s learned to use hands and handbag to prevent any repeat of flashgate (flashkate?) in the second photo.

  26. Blogger says:

    @Libra no, shan’t. She might be pushing 80 but every miserable thing she did (to Diana) and continues to do (to everyone but Charles and her family) is etched in every smirk she produces at these occasions.

    The Queen, the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret were all very stylish elegant women at the same age and they took pride in how they wore their clothes. In comparison, she is dowdy AF and is an unworthy head for the crown she wears.

  27. Blujfly says:

    Her makeup is different – she isn’t covered in bronzer and lashings of blush. Her foundation actually matches her real
    Skin tone, such is pale. And she has a pink pink lip. The eyes remain overdrawn.

  28. Tina says:

    So I’ve long argued that William cut her budget once he got his hands on the Duchy money. But I’m starting to wonder if she’s lost access to the vast warehouse where her giant wardrobe must be stored. She has hundreds likely of beautiful coat dresses that would have looked lovely yesterday. Why does she keep treating this particular (and very memorable) coat dress. Are these not the three most high profile coat dress appropriate events of the last year or so? It’s weird to wear the same thing to all right? Didn’t she wear the same coat to both the hospital visit and another event in January? She has so many clothes that she could wear but it’s like she can only wear what she has stashed at Adelaide.

    • Blogger says:

      This was the coat dress where she flashed for attention alighting from the carriage and also memorably a photo of them where they both looked miserable in the carriage and they wouldn’t look or talk to each other and the separation rumours became rife.

      It’s a cry for help that she’s not doing well but I don’t know who she’s crying to? How miserable it must be to be married to a man who openly despises you.

    • Lizzie says:

      Interesting, I hadn’t thought of the clothes in storage being restricted. Kind of petty if true but I guess on brand for William.

    • BeanieBean says:

      @Tina, this is my thinking. She doesn’t keep her clothes in a normal closet like the rest of us, she’s got too danged much for that. And Adelaide is so tiny, don’t ya know! So where’s the rest of it? KP? It’s not all out at Anmer, surely? Some outbuilding somewhere? And why can’t she, or a member of her staff, get access? She has so much she can ‘shop her closet’ from here on out & be OK, ’cause of course her size hasn’t changed in all this time, as they LOVE to point out. So what’s the deal???

      This fug red thing needs to be donated where some talented person can remove the bow, shorten it, and make it a lovely special occasion coat.

      • Blujfly says:

        Part of the millions of taxpayer money spent renovating Kensington palace for their use included a basement and several levels of sub basement (very controversial in Kensington where this kind of construction is out of control) that included climate controlled museum esque portions for clothing.

      • Alteya says:

        They took all of 8 and 9 at kp for their office. Plus all available housing by 1 and 1a for their live in nannies, housekeeper, cook. Waity ripping apart 1a and opening walls is where that 7 million went. If she hadn’t moved walls in an historic structure, they wouldn’t have exposed and treated asbestos.

        The controversial basement dig and build wasn’t at 1a. It was at the orangery for historic royal palaces. For the collection, staff, and supplies for catering events. That was in part necessitated by can’t and won’t, because they made qeii throw hrp out of apartment 1a where they had their offices and storage. But the build itself is at orangery not 1a. That was from a completely different pile of money on top of the 7 million spent just on 1a.

    • CherryBerry says:

      I’m starting to believe most of her clothes are stored away, along with Big Blue. They took access to her clothes away, and will occasionally loan her Big Blue. My thought is that it’s Charles who’s withholding. He doesn’t acknowledge or look in her direction anymore. Being the monarch, he has the rights to the jewelry, and he was the one who bought most of her clothes until William got the Duchy money only a couple years ago, so he probably took the clothes that he bought back, and William isn’t giving her much of an allowance to buy new clothes. And C probably loans her Big Blue for occasions he approves of. I feel he got mad at her taking the attention and sympathy away from him by copying the cancer story a few weeks after his, and also because W and K are not together anymore, so she’s not part of the institution.

      • Nic919 says:

        Charles openly snubbing her as she does curtsey is kind of a big deal. There would be a thousand stories if he did this to Meghan.

        I suspect some of this relates to the Middleton negotiations last year, but they are keeping quiet on this.

        In a similar vein, there are photos taken by the press pool from the left side of her face as she is outside and it shows things that weren’t photo shopped. There is an omertà on what took place last year and likely explains all the strange behaviour.

  29. Me at home says:

    Petty, I know, but aren’t diamonds in bad taste before evening? Apart from your rings.

  30. Pebbles says:

    Coat dresses look great on her body type. I think that’s why she sticks with them. But…it’s boring and matronly and her stylists can’t seem to find another style for her.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Why do you think she copies Meghan so much.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I don’t think they look great on her at all. They make her look like a stick. This one is too long & too straight, it just drags her down.

      • kelleybelle says:

        I agree, and what she wears on her head, little girls in the 1950s used to wear that sort of “hat” to Sunday school. So maybe it’s appropriate afterall.

  31. wolfmamma says:

    She looks old to me. Like she’s sold her soul to be Queen. There is little joy in this woman that we get to see.
    Her clothes are old as well. ( No new ones possible? )

    The pic with them all standing together – she and Willie are pretty far apart.

    That’s all I get from this event

  32. Tessa says:

    The DM shows how “close” Peg and Keen are now. With a picture where she gives him a festive glance, and he bares his teeth with a “smile” looking annoyed.

    • Me at home says:

      Most of the pictures show them smiling and laughing–at something off-camera. In the one picture I saw of them together in the pews she’s grinning madly at Wills, and he looks absolutely trapped and uncertain about how best to pretend this is normal and he’s on her wavelength. .

  33. AG says:

    It looks like she’s lightened her hair – there’s more of an auburn tone to it than normal. I am not a fan of Kate, but the woman went through cancer/chemo and that ages people.

    • Nerd says:

      The comment about cancer is true, but we’ve seen photos of her while she was supposedly actually going through chemo and she didn’t look this bad. Other than her thinness, which I honestly don’t think was different from previous years, her face hadn’t changed during what they tried to tell us were her hardest time. She and the media kept putting out photos of her looking refreshed but now when chemo has supposedly been done for over half a year, she’s looking her worst? It doesn’t add up.

    • Christine says:

      That’s the only surprising photo out of this boring event. Someone convinced them that they needed to look at each other and “smile”. It looks so off because it never happens.

    • Blujfly says:

      Overdue for her dye job after the sun and water on Mustique.

    • Nic919 says:

      She was looking rough before any of this started. November 2023 photos show a lot of what we see today. There is a lot going on more than what happened last year.

  34. Lau says:

    Camilla looks like a giant piece of gum.

  35. tamsin says:

    At first glance, the extreme side part of her hair is what stands out to me, and the front of her hair looks dull, without it’s usually shine. The pillbox looks nice, and works better than the huge hat she wore previously with this dress. If you wear red, you should be prepared to stand out. You can’t fade into the background wearing red! I can’t tell when she is wearing hair pieces, but I just immediately thought she is wearing some from the photographs of her back. I think her face looks quite natural here, because I’m not good at noticing botox and fillers. I think Kate looks good in coat-dresses, and they are an item of clothing women in general would not copy, so she would always be able to stand out with her “princess look.” But keeping in mind recent pictures of Meghan, where she just looks joyful, Kate seems not to be.

  36. Lady Digby says:

    The Mirror paid Judi James, so called body language expert, who describes W and K in true Mills and Boons fashion here. I was much amused at her conclusion at her conclusion that chilly Willy has a such a bashful crush on wifey that it causes his teeth to stick to his lips!!

  37. Lady Digby says:

    She made the front page of 4 UK newspapers and only one had a small inset photo of the King as well – ouch! Does this count as another triumphant return from holiday then?

  38. RoyalBlue says:

    That necklace does not go with that dress. You need a lower neckline to really show it off and that dress with the gigantic bow does not do it justice. Waity and her mother have no sense of style.

  39. Nerd says:

    I think it’s her hair being combed the way that it is and revealing more of her long forehead than usual. The extended forehead makes her wonky right eye more obvious which in turns highlights the drooping of her left side. I think she looks the same but everything is just more pronounced than they usual are. She’s had a disproportionate face for a long time but photoshopping, her hair and hats have covered them up. She is extremely thin but there were photos of her before last year where she looked just as skinny as she does now. It’s unhealthy and the obsession with Meghan by her, her husband, staff and the media isn’t going to help her get the help she needs. That is a poor choice of a dress to wear considering it’s the dress she wore when she tried to flash us. Considering that, I guess the vajayjay necklace and flashing dress go together better than I thought.

  40. Chrawi says:

    Looks like her jowls are gone…

  41. martha says:

    Better makeup, I think.

  42. Sparrow says:

    She looks shocking in some of these photos. The unfiltered ones. Forget the one where she looks fine, ie as she steps into the venue. Her photographer always heavily photoshops the first in the series, because that one will be at the top of the story. Kate knows this. Hence every photo of her in cars leaving for funerals or getting out of carriages etc is her looking over her shoulder at her photographer, which he then photos and edits, and which then sits at the top of any given story. It’s the wow! photo. Otherwise he hasn’t time to work on them too much because it’s a live event and the photos have to be rushed out. That’s what the rest are. So in reality she’s looking gaunt. She’s had lots of cosmetic stuff done but it can’t take because of her skin quality. This woman has restricted her eating for years. She was very slim to slim pre engagement and then rapidly declined. IMO she looks worse than Diana. It is saddening. No one bats an eye lid. There’s the usual ‘too thin’ remarks but she’s ill and no one says it out loud enough. Enough of us on here have had an ed or know someone with one. It’s clear. I hope she has support. And this has been going on for years pre her cancer. On a broader note. To me the pair of them know they will be king and queen soon and they don’t want it. Having seen the freshness of Meghan’s programme, they know they’re stuck in a very old outdated grey slimmed down brf, one which has lost all glamour and meaning. The brf has fallen in on itself post Elizabeth, and lost its potential post Meghan and Harry’s departure.

    • Blogger says:

      She was chubby in the first pap photos out of St Andrew’s when she was first outed as roomie and GF of Willie.

      Then she started rapidly losing weight with her packets of ciggies as she stumbled out of the best of London nightclubs. As someone wrote ( I forget which book), she did not avoid the London paps especially during the times she broke up with Willie: “Look at me! Look at me!”

      Yeah, we’re looking at you and wondering what a miserable and trapped life you lead.

  43. Kat says:

    She looks terrible on these photos.Something big has happened to her, physically, mentally or both.Once her worshippers were saying that she is a healthy weight for her height, and has such a beautiful smile.Now, in all honesty even they cannot say that.She was extremely thin in the walkabout following the late queen’s death and that was when she was trying to physically attack Meghan.The terrified look on Meghan’s face then said it all about Kate. The disgusting way she behaved in church at Harry and Meghan’s wedding and the last Commonwealth Day service they all attended together is payback to Kate now.Sorry to say this but it is painfully obvious.

  44. Tessa says:

    I think they want to be king and queen consort but on their terms aka doing little work. Kate will get access to jewelry and take lavish vacations.

  45. portia says:

    I swear, every time I see that Garrard pearl choker I shudder. Imagine strapping that thing around your neck and the inescapable feeling that at any moment, you could let your head bow and get stabbed in the throat. It’s a physical metaphor and says a TON that she wears it so often.

  46. Blogger says:

    @Dilettante Business As Usual.

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