I cannot get over how many people are completely falling out over a Black woman with a cooking and entertaining show. With Love, Meghan is literally on a streamer – you have to go out of your way to locate it on Netflix, you have to choose to watch it! People are acting like WLM is being shoved down their throats, or that they’re being forced to watch it and forced to judge and mock the Duchess of Sussex. Throughout all of the ridiculous “controversies” around WLM in the past week, I keep thinking… have none of these people ever watched a cooking show before? None of them have watched Nigella Lawson or Ina Garten or Martha Stewart or any of the other cooks and chefs in this space? Meghan isn’t reinventing the wheel – these shows are always based on vibes, and millions of people like Meghan’s vibe. But that hasn’t stopped an army of haters from screaming, crying and throwing up. Speaking of, yet another British-based chef has stepped up to disparage and denigrate Meghan.
Celebrated chef Richard Corrigan has prepared food for the Royal Family, but he finds the Duchess of Sussex’s new Netflix cookery and lifestyle show unpalatable.
‘I admit I watched With Love, Meghan – it’s a bit pretentious,’ the Irishman tells me. ‘I don’t like the pretence. California is all very Hollywood, it’s all very samey – Britain is not like that.’
Corrigan, 61, who runs Mayfair restaurants Bentley’s and Corrigan’s, says Prince Harry and Meghan have become a strain on King Charles, who is still being treated for cancer. The chef compares them to Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, another American divorcee. Edward abdicated in 1936 so he and Mrs Simpson could be married.
‘I don’t think anyone likes people doing cheap TV. If you’re gonna leave [royal life], buy yourself a nice pad and entertain and enjoy yourself, but don’t become a burden,’ Corrigan says at the Murphia List 2025 at Number Six in Marylebone, celebrating Irish-born hospitality leaders ahead of St Patrick’s Day.
He sympathises with the King’s position. ‘You can never be responsible for who your children marry, and you shouldn’t be – they have to make their way in the world.’ He adds: ‘The royals are a nice bunch – we all have odd ones in the family.’
This is not the first time that Corrigan has expressed his disappointment with the former actress’s behaviour.
‘I cooked for the Queen free of charge, of course,’ he said. ‘And I’ll cook for anyone, but let me just say, some people will have to pay. I’d let [Meghan] in the restaurant, for sure, but the Queen had the red carpet rolled out. Would Meghan? I don’t think so.’
Do these people ever have a moment of self-reflection and think “should I really say this? Do I sound like a huge racist?” Oh, how gracious, he’d let Meghan into his restaurant, but he wouldn’t roll out a red carpet, how telling! I don’t understand any part of this statement: “I don’t think anyone likes people doing cheap TV. If you’re gonna leave [royal life], buy yourself a nice pad and entertain and enjoy yourself, but don’t become a burden.” How are Harry and Meghan a burden on the Windsors again? Because they support themselves and thrive far away from these ghastly people? And “cheap TV”??? The comparison to Wallis Simpson… these people are all f–king nutcases.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images, Netflix.
- Richard Corrigan at The London Irish Centre (LIC)’s Fundraising Concert,Image: 515443008, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Adrian Brown/Bang Showbiz/Avalon
- The Prince of Wales speaks to Chairman of the London Welsh Lamb Club Rees Roberts (left) and Chef Richard Corrigan (centre), at a reception to launch the London Welsh Lamb Club, at Clarence House, in central London. The London Welsh Lamb Club aims to promote Welsh lamb as a premium brand, to encourage demand and improve market prices for farmers in Wales.,Image: 516625091, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO UK USE FOR 8 DAYS – Fee Payable Upon Reproduction – For queries call Photoshot Global HQ – London + 44 (0)20 7421 6000 , also New York Office Tel : + 1 646-429-8731 and Hamburg Office Tel +49 (0)40 530 240 5959, *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: /Avalon
- USA Rights Only – London, UK -20180619- An Evening with Dermot O’Leary at the London Irish Centre in Camden Square -PICTURED: Richard Corrigan -PHOTO by: PA Images/INSTARimages.com -37093138.JPG This is an editorial, rights-managed image. Please contact Instar Images LLC for licensing fee and rights information at sales@instarimages.com or call +1 212 414 0207 This image may not be published in any way that is, or might be deemed to be, defamatory, libelous, pornographic, or obscene. Please consult our sales department for any clarification needed prior to publication and use. Instar Images LLC reserves the right to pursue unauthorized users of this material. If you are in violation of our intellectual property rights or copyright you may be liable for damages, loss of income, any profits you derive from the unauthorized use of this material and, where appropriate, the cost of collection and/or any statutory damages awarded Featuring: Richard Corrigan Where: London, England, United Kingdom When: 19 Jun 2018 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages.com **USA Rights Only**
Charles a divorced man married a British divorcee and got to be king. Lazy will is the real burden on Charles.
I can’t believe believe the odd one isnt pedo Andrew… it’s not tampon queen mistress Camilla either… it’s not no-personality-robot-waity-katy either
Yes, Andrew is spared the trashing for the most part. He caused stress to his parents. I think Charles is leaving Andrew alone. There are lots of skeletons in the Royal Family closets though.
Andrew rarely leaves his sofa and TV screen, apparently, so there’s not much to say. He goes out riding regularly and the DailyFail usually report on that, but so what. Meghan puts herself out there and is *gasp* successful, so she’s the lightning rod. Also Andrew is one of their own on multiple levels, including the race level.
I’ve seen it time and time again.
The one who draws attention took to the dysfunction, to the neglect – they are the odd ones out and need to be silenced, abused and shouted down.
Great job making healthy positive choices Harry and Meghan and moving out of the foundational dysfunction of that system.
Well said.
You’re Irish FFS. What’s with brown-nosing the Windsors? You seriously think Meghan would even grace your restaurant?
If there’s a photo of you in California I’d 😂
Ireland isn’t claiming this guy anymore.
Maybe Corrigan should have been asked about the alleged workplace abusive behavior in his restaurant The Park Cafe that led to 14 of his staff walking out in a few weeks, abusive language and behavior as well as not paying them the agreed salary he’s a real prize bending over for the royal family.
Common thread here – the abusers of Meghan tend to have a history of abusing others.
Dang. Thanks for the details on this chef. Jeez, a real peach, that one.
Never trust an Irish royalist.
Bwhahaha! Ain’t it funny how so many of these chef-detracters turn out to be scumbags? Thanks, Zapp!
I saw him once many years ago at a Taste of Dublin event. He was behaving like a spoiled brat, expecting free stuff cos he was famous. Best ignored.
So ass kissing to people in power from a person who also abuses those he has power off of.
Birds of a feather and all that.
This was my reaction, too. Why the hell is an Irish guy sucking up to the British royal family? Read a history book, chef.
I just posted the same comment!
The dm must go around hiring these losers to bash Meghan. The constant dredging up of Edward and Wallis show ignorance of history. It is not the same
I’m sure they have a ready list. It’s almost a tick a box. Who else can we have bash Meghan? Oh yes, this Irishman in London.
“Cheap TV”? Really?? He’s the one running to the cheapest rag running his mouth.
I’ve never heard of this guy or the other chef who claimed to turn down Netflix for consulting. Seems like the BM can’t find an actual successful big name chef to give an opinion. Honestly they all need to take a seat.
The big name chefs have deals in Hollywood. It would be financially suicidal for them to criticise her when she’s linked to Netflix.
@Blogger, I don’t think, it would be suicidal to criticize Meghan’s show even if you have a contract with Netflix. The thing is, someone who has a nice contract with Netflix wouldn’t spend their time talking sh*t about other working people. You never know when your road might cross in the industry.
John Mulaney randomly takes little digs at Meghan and he’s on Netflix. It such lazy comedy. Like really, come on, and as you said @sevenblue, why spend time making a Meghan joke when all the garden variety racists are doing the same.
@jais, Mulaney is a comedian, he just wants to get headlines and talking about Meghan is a sure way to get it. Chris Rock also said sh*t about Meghan in his Netflix show.
Your are spot on!!’🎯
Sorry, was thinking just anyone on Netflix as opposed to chefs. Lordy, forgot about Chris Rock.
I just googled him. There is no mention of him cooking for the royal family
OMG whatever will Meghan do??? “Pleas let me come to your restaurant and eat your unseasoned food”
FFS she’s not a chef and she is not trying to be one. Again,these people are so elitist. Clout chasing. Happy now sir to get your 15 minutes of fame.
What is with this “Cali food is all samey” crap. California has arguably one of the most diverse food offerings in the US because it’s multiculti to the max. Damn, these people are rock-stupid for real…🙄
He badmouthed Meghan because of his desire for royal patronage. Shame on him. And shame on the senior royals for not telling the tabloids and others like this guy that there is no need to denigrate Harry and Meghan
These people are exhausting. I have never heard of this man and no one cares what he has the say.
P.S. About half way thru the show and it’s very relaxing and enjoyable to me.
“You can never be responsible for who your children marry.” I guess, QE is responsible though since she approved the marriage. While kissing up he might want to consider that fact. It also means QE isn’t responsible for the fact that Cam is now QC and not Di or that Charles totally screwed up his first marriage, as did Anne. Then there’s Fergie and Andrew. So, I guess, all families do have their screw-ups like he says.
Yeah, too bad no one’s claiming responsibility for the FewchaKween then, who’s never worked a day in her life, irregardless of cosplaying a part-time accessory buyer for a few weeks, while waitying next to the phone. Someone who’s barely able to mumble one language, who most definitely has no idea about the history of art.
But Meghan, with a double major, fluent in Spanish, a self-made millionaire before she married in, is the problem!
To have the confidence of a mediocre, misogynoir OWM…
It’s interesting that these people don’t seem to get that the new audience that the show has created for Meghan are getting a front row seat to the media’s obsession and ridiculous standards. Half of the comments that I’ve seen, are oh my goodness why are they crashing out like this is just a TV show? You don’t have to watch it!
Because we’re so in it I think we forget that a lot of people don’t pay attention to celebrity stuff, and even less to Royal stuff unless it intersects with something else that they’re interested in and this show does for a lot of people.
They may have forgotten about the Oprah interview and all that other stuff, but they’re seeing firsthand now that a woman that is doing something that has an entire network dedicated to it because it’s so prevalent is just getting hammered by the press of a country that she hasn’t lived in in 5 years, and by the press in the country that she’s from that never reviews this type of stuff. About doing stuff that other people have for years but for some reason her doing it breaks the Geneva convention.
It’s like the British media, and the British media installed accoltyes an American Media at deadline, Hollywood reporter, VF took an anti PR class. They keep moving the goalposts and it’s getting increasingly unhinged in why Meghan shouldn’t be “‘allowed” to do this show
I don’t get it why Variety and other US media is leading the torrents of abuse for a cooking show. TV critics are supposed to give an honest review of the content of the show . Instead we have Variety review saying it is Meghan’s ego trip. This is character assassination not an
honest review
Nah, he’s not one of ours 🇮🇪🇮🇪
Most definitely not in spirit.
Charles did not have cancer when he put a burden on harry and Meghan leaving them with no security and evicting them. Charles is a petty man. The chef should cook and stop the cheap shots at Meghan.
All these people conveniently forget that Charles and the Queen totally cut off Harry and Meghan, from security to a place to live to work. Period. How exactly are they supposed to “buy a pad and enjoy life” without income? The fact that H&M are doing Netflix shows is on the Royals.
He’s just DYING to say “uppity”, isn’t he?
Yup. And he can say goodbye to any Netflix deals with that “cheap TV” shot or Americans patronising his London resto.
Tourism Ireland really chose the wrong ‘un with this brand ambassador.
That’s exactly what he wants to see. I’m about to get like that guy on social media screaming to leave Britney alone. LEAVE MEGHAN ALONE!!
Yeah, how he managed to hold back beats me. 🙄🙄🙄🤬
The sainted Charles married the other woman and cast aside the first wife. This chef is off the wall with all the fawning over Charles whose relationship with Camilla caused much controversy
Another loser who is mad Netflix didn’t call him up to do a show. Meghan’s influence on the foodie life has gone global thanks to WLM, encourarging people to bring joy into family life, and these chefs who have been in the trenches are mad they are ignored.
Precisely! Meghan’s life is not easy, but she presents content with charm and grace that looks effortless and they cannot cope. Cry more dude I never heard of
Never have I ever “have none of these people ever watched a cooking show before? None of them have watched Nigella Lawson or Ina Garten or Martha Stewart or any of the other cooks and chefs in this space?”. I have never watched any of these shows or any of these women. But I have watched WLM…..TWICE! Because the sound of her voice is soothing. Because she’s a loving, lovely nerd. Their racism shines through. In truth, it’s H they are mad at, and she takes the hits, over and over. I bet she’d have ended up w/a very similar show, it’s obvious to any to knew The Tig it would evolve because it was very fun and successful. WLM is The Tig, just in a different format. And though I don’t do any of the things she does, I did buy more fruit and avocados too. And for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I considered ‘plating’ my dinner. I didn’t, but I did consider it. She’s everything I’m not. I’m gifted in other ways…can’t quite think of any at the moment, but I’m sure I am. LOL XOXO
I loved the trolling she did with the avocado toast. LOL
“Britain is not like that” says it all. They are mad that Meghan is not pondering to British taste and included British chefs in the program. British people criticizing Meghan feel rejected by her.
By the way Meghan and Harry have to earn a living. They do not scrounge of tax payers money.
It’s the British “establishment” which is the Windsors, their friends and the media.
Ordinary Brits tend to support underdogs the way they supported Diana against Charles, or you’d not have such a popular showing of WLM in the UK.
It’s hard to hear these voices because there’s a strong classist element and as people have pointed out, the existential threat the Sussexes now pose to the “establishment” the way Diana did. Rightly or wrongly, the perception of how the Sussexes is destroying the monarchy is there whether it’s through the idleness of the heirs or the irrelevance of the current monarch and his consort.
He’s a sucker if he actually cooked for the queen FOR FREE. I would have doubled the price. The Windsors are so stingy.
They’ve always liked free stuff.
Bland Spice says what now?
Welp, line em up. Who’s next in the endless line-up of bitter betties? Did not have an Irish chef on my bingo card but here we are. He’s gotten his five minutes of spewing vitriol so moving on.
I also didn’t have the Irish Times gunning for WLM but here we are.
It’s always been the paper for West Britons so I guess it is reverting to its roots.
He should’nt worry he is not the intended audience, where is his cooking & lifestyle show so we can watch and review it
Please please come to my restaurant so I can treat you like crap and get more free publicity.
His dig at the California vibe is hysterical. She IS Californian and is celebrating the multi cultural cuisine of her home state. She has no interest in YOUR “samey” food in salt island.
“Samey”? “Cheap”? I doubt this guy even watched her program. If he did thanks for the views.
Yeah, I didn’t get that line at all. Almost Jeremy Clarkson like. Do they think Meghan is a willing punching bag who wants to receive abuse constantly? Bully and abuse her enough so she can bully and abuse you back?
What a mindset.
I agree. It’s irritating when Brits go after California like this, especially if they’ve never been to California, or Los Angeles, or Hollywood, or the US at all. And oh the irony of characterizing California as an elitist monoculture, while praising the British monarchy which is a quintessential elitist monoculture. What’s more likely to be “samey”: five random homes in California, or five random royal residences? If I showed him photos of the interiors of Buckingham, Windsor, Kensington, Balmoral, and Highgrove, he wouldn’t be able to distinguish them (try it on Google). But you’re telling me Hollywood, Koreatown, Boyle Heights, Inglewood, and Venice Beach are “samey”? Does he know 200,000 Brits have chosen to live in Southern California, and they’re concentrated in Santa Monica, whose vibe incidentally is quite similar to Montecito’s? He’s just another bootlicking clout-chaser who has no idea what he’s talking about, but he got some press from it I guess.
It’s interesting because many people in California don’t GAF what the these people think. CA as a state has overtaken the UK a couple years now and have the 5th possibly even 4th largest economy in the world while their country has been steadily declining.
They’re trying to still be relevant 🙄
Some interesting strictly restaurant trivia that seems to have bypassed this guy. I’m sure he knows what Michelin stars are. There are 14 three-star restaurants in the US. Six of them are in CA (which has another 13 two-star establishments). One of those six is the French Laundry, which has had three stars for almost 20 years. For several years, it was considered the best restaurant in the world on the list of the 50 best compiled annually by the – British – company that also owns Restaurant magazine (“the essential source of news, analysis and information for those working in the UK restaurant sector”). When Alice Waters, guest on Meghan’s last episode, was the age this bozo is now, Chez Panisse was having a run of six years as one of the 50 best in the world (for a couple of years, it was in the top 15), plus, Restaurant magazine awarded her their Lifetime Achievement Award, as one of the most influential figures in American cooking over the past decades. Apparently there are other people inside the British food scene capable of recognizing quality and talent wherever it may be.
Well I guess since the fake “chef” couldn’t derail the Meghan train, they found a real one. I expect that guy who used to cook for Diana to pop up next. These people need to realize that they are giving even more life to WLM than if they had just shut up and let it be. What are they going to do when the podcast starts in a few weeks? Or when As Ever starts going gangbusters, or when the next season of WLM drops? The “gold standard” advisors seem to be made out of tin or maybe lead.
I’m sure his turn is coming up.
Saw a clip from DannyLovesPasta on insta, he made the skillet spaghetti and he called the recipe a keeper
He was rather surprised though at
a) huge international coverage his review recieved and
b) how some (guess who) only focused on the negative(he said he’d cook with broth so it would have a bit more flavour
He’s not the only one tweaking the recipe a bit(the broth, different greens, adfing prawns/chicken etc) a bit like Meghan said we are in the pursuit of joy!
I saw that too. He said he’d sauté the vegetables first and that Meg’s kids must really like their greens but the review was in no way a criticism and he was very positive as a whole. I hope the vid goes viral and people see that being complimentary towards her gets you way better exposure than hating on her.
I saw his idea about broth and I might try that next time. I made the pasta last night. It was a hit. My husband loved it. I added shrimp. I think I may try adding a little white wine next time. I wouldn’t sautee the veggies first because then their texture would be too soft. The way she did it, the texture came out just the right. I was surprised at how flavorful it was for such a simple dish. But I can definitely think of variations I’ll try in the future. I went to HomeGoods to find the LeCreuset pan, which they had for about half the price on LeCreuset’s website, but I ended up buying an almost identical pan by Lodge for $40 that worked very well. I still can’t fathom why the haters want to claim that her stuff is unrelatable. I found larger tomatoes on the vine and diced them instead of the cherry tomatoes because the larger ones were on sale for less than half the price ($1.49/lb versus $3.99/lb for the cherry tomatoes on the vine). Anyone can totally make this work for their budget. I plated it beautifully for my husband who was pleasantly surprised to get gourmet presentation at home on a Tuesday night!
The naysayers are just bitter and jealous.
Meghan did mention you can use broth instead of water, and added the “leafy” greens later into the cooking time to preserve the green color.
It all depends on the veggie, isn’t it? Some need more cooking time then the others. Also, do not put seafood in too early, they cooks fast.
“ If you’re gonna leave [royal life], buy yourself a nice pad and entertain and enjoy yourself, but don’t become a burden.”
TRANSLATION: Why didn’t you fade into obscurity like Edward and Wallis Simpson!?
And they have yet again demonstrated how flagrantly ignorant they are about California. It’s not all Hollywood and “samey”. It’s wildly diverse, geographically, ethnically, and culturally.
How are they a burden? They live half a world away! 😂
Only Wallis and Edward didn’t what with all the books and movies about them. Harry was never king who abdicated. The chef is just ranting without studying history. Maybe learning something would keep this chef from trashing people. He also forgets three of the four of the Queen’s children divorced. Two remarried.
I just found out Joan Collins is going to play Wallis in a film called the Bitter End. She is a fan of Wallis Simpson as well and felt she was unfairly treated.
Edward and Wallis depended on the royal family’s money. They were in no position to support themselves. They had to fade into obscurity.
They should have had some money because Edward owned Balmoral and Sandringham when he abdicated. George had to buy them back. That is likely why Ed and Wallis were supported by the royals. Otherwise, they would have probably cut them loose and said too bad.
This. Harry and Meghan are no longer a financial burden on the RF or the Uk taxpayers so this guy is dumb. An emotional burden? Sure but Charles is emotionally burdened by a leaky pen and the Wales have people briefing about how much they really truly love doing royal work despite skipping the Baftas for a vacay. Please, the Windsors are a very sensitive lot regardless of anything Harry and Meghan do.
THey had wealthy “sponsors” like the Woolworths who hosted them in their elaborate homes. They “wintered” in Miami Beach and lived in NY and Paris. He and Wallis wrote books which added to their income. They had dinner parties for the Rich and Famous in France and had a suite of rooms at the Waldorf Astoria in NY. They never faded to obscurity, really, there were many books about them and they were in the social columns. Marlene Dietrich wrote about their famous dinner parties in France where she was invited. Wallis was considered fashionable in her day. The book the Windsor Story is recommended reading. They were so famous that they were mentioned the play and film The Man who Came to Dinner. Check out also old Life Magazine issues, they are prominently featured. And many films and miniseries, including a miniseries with Anthony Andrews and Jane Seymour.
They’re a burden because they show up the King and heir by barely trying. All of this. The character assassination, constantly trying to find people to trash them, the concentrated effort to trash their projects in the media. If they could just give 5% of that towards their jobs they probably would be more popular.
And for all the ” brit-splaining” they do, they still don’t fundamentally understand her American appeal. They constantly tried to apply British classism, hierarchy issues, British geographical distances , and cultural awareness to the US and don’t understand why people stare at them blankly.
They’re a burden because Charles has made them a burden. He could have shut this down any time during the past 8 years with a couple of cordial words.
Charles could have shut down William’s bullying of Harry but did not. Charles could have flown over to California a few times to be with the family. It’s all on him.
None of what he says makes sense. Are these people just looking for attention?
Part of the Windsor attack dogs.
Henry II “Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest” Plantagenet would have been so jealous.
Yes, I think they are very much looking for attention and it’s a sport for some to be snarky about Meghan.
Whatever, just add this guy to the list of national narcissists – It’s not about you, Richard.
I would recommend these unhinged people go outside and touch grass .ffs, you are in the uk where grass is plentiful. I implore you to go outside and touch it.
Could it be because Meghan is, oh what’s the word? Beautiful? Joyful? Intelligent? Fun? Or could it be because she’s *whispers* black? What an asshole this man is. He seeks to hide his racism with his pretentious manner and name dropping.
Don’t forget ‘woman’
I wouldn’t eat anything this man touched. He looks like the kind who doesn’t wash his hands after using the toilet.
Totally agree with you, @maisie. He absolutely reeks slime.
All these racist, mediocre white people bent out of shape over a cooking show just make me want to watch it more.
It is clear that Corrigan was given a script with the talking points he was to cover. What he says is no different to all the others that the DM has attacked the show. How would he know H&M are a strain on the King? who told him that? The King personally?
I would think Charles would be concerned about his lazy heir to the throne but backs off from confronting him.
Who does this negativity after 8 years still play to? I mean…it’s a cooking/lifestyle show. It’s not as if she’s effecting how any of these people, who regularly disparage her, lives. WLM is not for the haters. It’s for people who like Food Network. It’s for people who like escapism. Don’t like Meghan, stop f’ing following her every move and hate watching her shows.
Brown-noser says what, now? Do he realize he’s *Irish*, FFS?
It’s clear being an a-hole is in the ascendency. These people are so transparent – take stupid, cheap shots to call attention to yourself for publicity because why not, hate is the new growth industry and they want a piece of the action. Whatever you think of WLM she gets huge props for literally doing anything at this point given who/what is always coming for her. She is brave as hell.
“Cheap TV”? Then BBC’s “Saturday Kitchen”, itv’s “Sunday Brunch”, Ch4’s “James Martin’s Saturday Morning”, and all the cooking shows on RTÉ TV, etc. are cheap TV too? (Especially “Saturday Kitchen”, uses so many archive cooking clips to fill out the show.) Not to mention all the individual cooking shows on Food Network UK and GB broadcast networks, which several Michelin Star chefs have their shows, are those cheap TV? Currently, Gordon Ramsay, Marcus Wareing, Jamie Oliver, etc. all have several cooking shows under their belts, where’s the critics? There are/were also many cooking shows from cooks, not professional chefs, on British TV, where’s the outcry?
Racism & Classism seem to imprint into some people’s souls, they can’t help it to be a racist and royalist; and those people are the stupidest human beings, clinging to their beliefs, right or wrong.
Hee—Gordon Ramsey has a good five hundred cooking shows all by himself. He could start his own network. 😎🙃🤣
Just lols.
Ok Richard, let’s have a chat about our amazing coronation chicken. Then let’s move on to M&S prawn sandwiches. And don’t forget the cucumber sandwiches!
And Yorkshire pudding is just glorified pancake! And I know Irish people who have potatoes 7 different ways (poor Monica!) at Christmas.
There is a lot of great food here too, but don’t be lauding the coronation chicken. And if I ever have to buy a prawn sandwich for a boss’ lunch again I will quit. 😉
‘You can never be responsible for who your children marry…” “I’d let [Meghan] in the restaurant…”
A straight out racist misogynist attack on Meghan.
California is all very Hollywood, it’s all very samey – Britain is not like that.’ How very provincial. Never travelled outside of salt island?
‘I don’t think anyone likes people doing cheap TV. If you’re gonna leave [royal life], buy yourself a nice pad and entertain and enjoy yourself, but don’t become a burden… what the hell is he talking about? A burden to whom? This man is past his due date. Who talks about “pads” and things being “samey”? So unself-aware or he would realize what a piece of poop he sounds like.
So Corrigan “cooked for the Royal Family”. I guess he’s never heard of salt, then, the way Meghan says the way Harry is with salt…
Are you talking about this guy? Cheap? Disparaging?
And this >
I’ve never heard of this guy but apparently he’s a cheap, abusive employer. Gee…let me think [taps fingers on chin], who else is like that?
Get your own damn cooking show then — you can show us all how you’ve perfected complicated dishes like colcannon and joints of gory beef and lamb.
Never heard of this guy. Another jealous hater who wants his name to be known. We don’t want these people in California anyways to spread their misery to the locals here.. And the UK was named the 2nd most miserable country in the world- imagine that lol.
This idiot had one stupid opinion after another but he did make me laugh when he said ‘I don’t like the pretence. California is all very Hollywood, it’s all very samey – Britain is not like that”. These people really are just frogs in a trashcan with no concept of how small their world is. Imagine saying a state that has the 5th largest economy in the world is just all hollywood. That level of ignorance tells you how much stock to put in his opinions.
Exactly a state that has overtaken the UK to have a bigger economy than their whole country.
Where do they keep finding those losers ? Completely different subject but if you have never heard it I advise you to watch a video of Nigella Lawson saying “microwave”, you will never say it the same way.
But what does Princess Diana’s podiatrist think of it? Has nobody thought to ask?
Never heard of him. He must have been contacted and asked to comment. Apparently, he is as obsequious as he looks in the one picture with Charles. I haven’t quite finished watching, but I thought Meghan’s show was fun, I enjoyed it.
I’ve been visiting celebitchy for years and I support you guys but if this page is gonna turn into a clipboard of every random person who says something horrible about Meghan’s show I’m out.
You guys had moved away from this for awhile but you’re starting up again.
I know it’ gives you guys more engagement the nastier people are to Meghan but no thanks.
There’s enough negativity in this world to give a platform to people who don’t actually matter.
I’ve been thinking about your comment today — in fact I came back to this thread to reply to you.
I sympathize with your impatience with the posts tracking the massive amount of bashing WLM is being dished from randoms and Bitter BM Betties and the Murdoch/BRF flying monkeys. It’s more negativity in a time when none of us need more: the current US Administration alone is taking the whole world on a ride straight to hell.
In fact so many of us are watching and enjoying Meghan’s lovely new show precisely because it offers a brief escape from all that mess.
However. This site is tracking, not just negativity for angst and clicks, but the deliberate, continual, orchestrated attacks from people with a great deal of power on one woman, or one couple and their children, based solely on a truly toxic combination of racism, sexism, misogyny, abuse of power, the personal jealousies and resentments of an enormously wealthy and powerful family, and the business interests of not just one billionaire but the media empire ĥe and his family control.
I read historian Dr. Heather Cox Richardson’s daily posts, in which she tracks the actions of the current US government and puts the daily chaos into historical perspective. I don’t enjoy reading about the actions of our President, his lackeys and handlers and those cringing and bending the knee to his would-be dictatorship. Dr. Richardson doesn’t enjoy writing about it. BUT IT’S IMPORTANT.
She is providing what may be a unique documentation of what happens and why, from a viewpoint outside the system.
So too is Kaiser here on Celebitchy.
Yes, it’s depressing to see all the crap being flung at Meghan for an inoffensive lifestyle show. In fact the whole situation is so over the top as to be absolutely ridiculous, and it’s easy to dismiss it as unimportant.
But I would suggest that far from being unimportant, what Kaiser is providing is both a historical record of an orchestrated hate campaign, and an ongoing exposé of the reasons for that campaign and how it’s playing out on the world stage.
This is a time in which great wealth and power are being flagrantly, publicly, unapologetically used to corrupt democratic principles and nations all over the world. And many of those attacks are aimed at not the bureaucracies, the policies, but at the PEOPLE who are tasked with making things run properly for all of us.
The attacks on Meghan are exactly the same thing, and being carried out for many of the same reasons: her very existence threatens powerful people who want to have things all their own way. And in the Murdochs, that one powerful institution is attacking not just Meghan, but the ideals of democracy and the governments built on those ideals, all over the world.
So. Yes, it’s unpleasant to see these articles. But I think their presence is a critical part of the record of the evils being perpetrated against all of us, and I for one applaud this site for refusing to look away.
Phenomenal comment. I am so often impressed by the extremely intelligent, articulate, informed comments here. I learn so much from my fellow CBs!!
All I get out of it is 1. he wants brownie points for cooking for the queen for free and 2. he must be doing this public trashing of Meghan & her show – for free – on behalf of Charles & Camilla? They never stop sending out their flying monkeys but honestly, their monkeys are all pretty pathetic.
I don’t know how the show is both pretentious and cheap TV? How does that work exactly and how are Meghan or they a burden on Charles with a lifestyle show or anything else they’ve done since leaving the UK five years ago? The Wales and the other remaining royals are more of a burden than a family of four who are financially independent, living in another country with no contact with him. California is a huge state and it shows his lack of understanding of anything American to limit it to just being Hollywood. That’s like saying that New York is too Broadway. No one knows who you are and your not being welcoming to her but obviously okay with royals like Andrew and racist of the family says that she’s fortunate not to be someone he likes or supports.
Look, I know this is off-topic – but hands down — he is one of the ugliest men I have ever seen in my life. Sorry, just had to say it.
Why is it racism or about black women . Can’t someone dislike Megan without it actually having racist roots ?
I don’t have an opinion either way but someone is allowed to dislike that show ( which is a bit shallow and cringe imho)
Without it being about hating on women or a certain race
No matter what Meghan does it is criticized by bots derangers media people who decided to dislike her whatever she does. The criticism is all over the place not just criticizing the food she prepares but it gets on the personal level
Because, as some of the people complaining have themselves pointed out, her show is similar to hundreds if not thousands of other shows that aren’t attacked on the daily by anybody and everybody in the tabloids. If they were all giving this same energy to all the similar shows out there they might have some validity. To point out only ONE shows a concerted attack and pile-on. Nobody was coming for Meghan like this when she ran her own food blog and acted. It is only since she had the audacity to marry a royal and think she was equal to the rest of them. If something is not to your liking don’t watch it. You don’t have to make a personal attack on the show’s host. However you and they find it, it made the top ten in netflix. So not everybody finds it boring. Can you and they not leave other people alone to like something.
Hmm. I guess it’s more about what makes Meghan’s show more shallow or cringey than another lifestyle show? If you can give concrete reasons that are distinct to Meghan and aren’t something that happens on another lifestyle show then maybe sure? What makes her more shallow and cringe than anyone else doing lifestyle shows? And the thing is almost none of these people are just leaving it there. They are expanding on all the reasons they don’t like it and most of them are regurgitating tabloids talking points that are inherently racist and misogynistic. Shallow and cringe sounds strait from a tab and nothing concrete beyond vibes.
Ahhh… but you DO have an opinion (“cringe” and “shallow” you said in your humble (honest) opinion. You’d like to claim it’s not about “racism or Black women” but just don’t want to be associated with what is rooted in bigotry. “Can’t I just dislike her and her show for… ?? reasons!! ??” But even you know exactly why folks (perhaps like you?) are piling on? Any number of white women, including actresses like Valerie Bertinelli, or country singers like Trisha Yearwood, or models or talentless celebrities famous for being famous have fronted (what were your words again? Ah yes, shallow and cringe) shows where they offered up a curated mix peanut butter and chopped egg spread on saltines, burnt corn and raw fried chicken gizzards. Yet y’all (and I say “y’alll” as a term of faux-endearment) just applauded — one hand gently tapping the wrist of the other dainty paw. Meghan bothers you because she has the gall to have usurped the spaces you thought were reserved for you and stole your bonny, Disney prince and bore his children (is there no end to this madness!!!!???). Meg’s show is harmless, pleasant, lush, simple, soothing. It offends you. It shouldn’t, but it does. However, the cure for that is easy: watch something else.
Yes, someone can dislike Meghan without it being racism.
However, the concerted, orchestrated, years-long hate campaign against Meghan for the unforgivable sin of loving and marrying a Caucasian British Prince has been rooted in racism since the very beginning.
Do you remember the first big headline after their relationship went public? “Harry’s Girl Is (Almost) Straight Outta Compton: Gang-scarred home of her mother revealed—so will he be dropping by for tea?”
Which was a flat-out lie as well as stunningly racist. And that was just the beginning.
So you, a private individual, may indeed dislike Meghan for reasons that have nothing to do with the fact that she is biracial. I don’t know you, so I have no idea.
But if you’re seriously going to deny the massive hate campaign that has been and is being waged against her, and the huge component of racism involved in that hate, then as Harry himself said “If you don’t see the difference and understand why … then I can’t help you. I can’t. I’m sorry, I just can’t.”
I just watched the first episode and I was very pleasantly surprised. I am an Aussie and I tend to favour British cooking shows over the modern American ones, and I suspect this is due to differences in style, and this show is very American… but of course it is! It’s an American show, made in California, directed to an American market, so if you’re going to watch it you have to accept that. But there was nothing obnoxious about it, it was all very friendly and welcoming and I liked the practical approach. I will be making that tasty-looking tomato and pasta dish, and I enjoyed the candle-making segment because have been wanting to make candles for some time. I enjoyed the show and will watch more episodes.
Ferg ie did reality series and promoted products but she never got the constant taunts by the media on the level Meghan gets now.
Poorly dressed clout chaser. Never heard of him before a few weeks ago.
Meghan is a feminist.
Meghan loves beautiful things
Meghan loves to help others
Meghan loves her husband
Meghan loves her children
Meghan is very smart
Meghan loves happy things
Meghan loves entertaining friends
Meghan loves being an entrepreneur
Meghan loves making something special out of little
Meghan loves to share
Meghan loves order, harmony and beauty
Meghan loves fun and humour
Meghan loves to be mindful and respectful
Meghan loves to dance
Meghan loves to sing
Meghan loves to write and create
Meghan loves to learn
Meghan separates herself from things that hurt her
Meghan is a coherent, normal, modern, loving, sunny Californian.
There seem to be people who don’t like all the things she likes and can’t comprehend that all those things can be in another person and fit together perfectly.
Stay cool guys ❣️
My Nana came to the States during the Great Depression, and she would have been appalled that Meghan (who has Irish ancestry) would have come in second place to the BRF with this Irishman!