My theory: I think the British press is cold-calling various celebrities and chefs and asking them to either provide disparaging comments on the Duchess of Sussex and With Love, Meghan, or these celebrities and chefs are just being asked to sign off on/perform prewritten scripts. Because there’s a growing industry of “white chefs/celebrities commenting about WLM out of nowhere.” I guess the Daily Mail was sick of just getting the same old “royal commentators” to bloviate about Meghan, so this is their new thing. because why the f–k is some completely random, British-based comedian giving detailed commentary on why she hates Meghan and WLM and why does she sound like she’s reading off the Mail’s talking points?
Comedian Katherine Ryan has publicly laid into Meghan Markle, who she previously defended, in the wake of her much-derided Netflix series, With Love, Meghan.
‘I liked Meghan Markle. I was rooting for Meghan Markle… though she is very Hollywood – even for me – and I don’t like that in people,’ admitted Katherine, 41. ‘I see now, and maybe it’s just the projects she’s choosing, it does feel like she has lied about whether she knew who Prince Harry was, and these details about her childhood change and don’t add up.’
Katherine defended the former actress in 2022, commenting on her position in the Royal Family: ‘I love Meghan Markle’s voice and her confidence to challenge the norm and what’s expected of her in that role.’
However, speaking yesterday on the latest episode of her podcast, Telling Everybody Everything, Katherine added: ‘She said on her new Netflix show that they ate TV dinners growing up. But then in an old interview, she was like, “we would eat farm fresh”. Her whole act just seems very manicured and very forced. I’ve known a lot of Hollywood people – they’re not bad people. I don’t think she’s a bad person, but I think she likes cosying up to celebrities and she wants the hundred million dollar deal and she likes the fact that she’s married to a prince. Of course. But I would rather someone lean into that and be like, oh my God, I used to be on Suits and now I’m married to a prince! I would rather that than this act of: Oh, I’m just so humble.’
Canadian-born Katherine, who lives in London with her three children and civil partner Bobby Kootstra, said she found Meghan’s ‘flower sprinkles’ particularly galling.
‘I have seen this, I have seen it from chefs – they like to put wild flowers on a meal. And I’m not about it. I also don’t think it constitutes an entire cooking show.’
She added: ‘People are hate-watching it though. Who knows what Netflix are doing? They are smart – whether they love something or hate something, whatever keeps them watching more episodes. If this was Netflix’s intention, to be like, let’s throw Meghan under the bus where even people who really liked her are turning… not against her, but… she just doesn’t seem to be the kind of gal I would want to be friends with. It’s too manicured, it’s too beige.’
Katherine adds of Meghan’s decision to change her surname to Sussex: ‘I think less of women who change their name anyway, to match their husband’s name – unless you have had a chat about it and unless you have approached that decision with equality. Let’s be honest about why you’re choosing Sussex. It’s a way to hang on to the Duchess of Sussex.’
Do you want me to even start with this? As I said, it has the feel of someone performing a script. That’s what I thought of Jameson Stocks’ comments too – it had the sound of something cooked up by a Daily Mail writer. Unless that’s how every British person sounds, and that’s how you have to talk if you enter the UK. In the case of this white woman…we’ve seen, over the years, the way certain white gals just can’t stand that Meghan married the good prince and dipped out of that salty island. Those same gals cannot get over the fact that Meghan actually won, that she’s living a soft life, that she was not robbed of her joy, her marriage or her children.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images, Netflix.
- Royal Film Performance and Global Premiere of ‘Gladiator II’ at Odeon Luxe Leicester Square Featuring: Katherine Ryan Where: London, United Kingdom When: 13 Nov 2024 Credit: CelebrityPhotosUK/Cover Images
- Women In Film and Television Awards at Hilton Park Lane Hotel Featuring: Katherine Ryan Where: London, United Kingdom When: 06 Dec 2024 Credit: PA Images/INSTARimages **NORTH AMERICA RIGHTS ONLY**
So you can’t eat TV dinners and farm fresh? I certainly did both as a child. And fast food, as well as, sit down restaurants. Does this B think that nobody has variety in life?
Meghan has spoken about her humble beginnings before. That’s why her idiot white family started saying that Tom took care of her and sent her to private school, etc. But it seems like other than the school, Doria was left to provide everything else. And Doria worked, so yeah, I’m sure Meghan ate tv dinners. Why lie about something like that? If she had come out and said that she had gardens and ate farm fresh every day, they would say she was lying about that. The fact is that nothing she says will ever be enough for these people.
I laughed out loud at this. My poor mother swung from Mac and cheese with cut up hot dogs (for extra protein) to vegetables only grown in our backyard. She was a working mom who probably wanted to only serve our garden fresh vegetables but had to bend to reality and practicality. These people are so transparent when they keep moving the goal posts. Yeah, pound sand lady. I don’t even know who you are.
Same here! My mother and grandmother grew tomatoes in their back gardens, but I certainly ate my share of TV dinners as a child. We also went out to dinner occasionally and ate fast food.
I came here to say this.
You know what’s even crazier? People who live on farms and/or farm for a living still sometimes eat tv dinners and convenience foods. Especially during harvest time. After days and days spent harvesting then canning non-stop in an unairconditioned 900 degree kitchen, my mother was not about to also make us a full meal. Hello tv dinners.
Adding that Los Angeles is very close to where A LOT of the food is grown and it’s pretty easy to get farm fresh foods in neighboring counties. My family often went to farm stands on the weekends. It’s not uncommon to see people selling oranges, flowers, strawberries off the side of the road in LA. It’s pretty much the culture of the area.
Precisely, for goodness sake 🙄
Just another random person lining up to board the meghan hate train. Like I’ve been saying, who’s up next? Who wants to show themselves next?
She’s an unfunny comedian who plays up that she’s a Canadian living in England. I’ve seen one of her stand up specials. She had one funny bit about the musical Hamilton and that was about it. She tries to do a British inflection in her speech and it just sounds fake and dumb.
She had a show on Netflix that got canceled after one season.
Elizabeth—oh-ho! That explains everything…
isn’t she the one who called herself The Duchess? I couldn’t get through her stuff because it wasn’t funny to be honest and she seemed to be trying too hard
Also, I’m waiting for the right to pillory her for this Katherine adds of Meghan’s decision to change her surname to Sussex: ‘I think less of women who change their name anyway, to match their husband’s name” They won’t, of course, she a white woman standing in judgment of a mixed race woman that she, clearly, thinks is “to uppity”
and WTF is this BS caveat?
” – unless you have had a chat about it and unless you have approached that decision with equality.”
Based on this, per Ryan, there are three ways a decision on whether a woman takes her husband’s name:
1) her husband demands it (which she acknowledges is bad)
2) a woman has to ask her husband and then they can decide mutually “with equality” (Still needs to run the ol decision by the husband but this is good)
3) a woman makes the decision for herself (which is as bad as the husband deciding because she must be some sort of golddigger/clout chaser)
I can’t qwhite put my finger on the similarity between these tacky people attacking Meghan. I was saying that she needed to do a show with Doria and another with a renowned Black chef, but maybe not. These people would lose more of what’s left of their minds.
My god there are just so many racist people who are just so intent to show just how racist they are and proud of it. Jealous of a biracial woman who dared to marry a white Prince and to have a life and a show which she enjoys and is successful at just boggles the mind. Z list nobody’s joining the hate parade.
Wondering how long they can stretch this parade. I’m genuinely like okay who’s next? Will it be an irrelevant dinosaur like Tina Brown or another random person I’ve never heard of?
They sure are climbing out from under their rocks with frequency.
Guess it doesn’t occur to these detractors that celebrities are the ones who want to cozy up to Meghan, who is beyond a celebrity at this point
People are so triggered over this simple little cooking show. I just don’t get it. Poor Meghan can’t even fart in private without someone writing a gross think-piece about it. I love cooking shows and can’t wait to watch this.
Katherine Ryan’s first comedy special on Netflix was kind of funny but she also gave off despy vibes to me. I’ll be avoiding her like the plague after this.
I just can’t with these people.
Meghan has never been “Hollywood”, whatever Ms Ryan means by that. It doesn’t seem to be Meghan’s thing, apart from the fact that “Suits” was filmed in Toronto.
But criticising Meghan’s decision to take the Sussex name, when the Markles haven’t been anything but vocally and visibly trashy, is particularly uninspired.
this woman is not, and has never been funny and certainly not enough to call herself a comedian. she ruins everything she’s on and seems like the type to follow someone’s agenda to get paid whether she agrees or not. she’s awful. I’m glad she’s on not our (British) tv anymore.
I don’t know this woman and I don’t know those chefs and I’m not British and nothing they say has anything to do with me. But, I have seen WLM (some episode more than once) and I liked it very much. My opinion is worth more to me than theirs.
Wow, I didn’t expect this from Katherine. She sounded very progressive in her comedy. I guess you never know. Meghan didn’t say, all my childhood, I ate this and that. She shared she ate a lot of ready-made food, maybe when her mother was working a lot? You can have a variety of food growing up. Also, she didn’t follow Harry or William, how is that a lie? When she was asked to choose in an interview, she couldn’t give an answer, which is evidence. They just want to call her a liar.
“Let’s be honest about why you’re choosing Sussex. It’s a way to hang on to the Duchess of Sussex.”
These people really act stupid. She doesn’t have to hang on to anything, she has the title and can use it however she wants. She just explained they are using it as a family name and she wanted to have the same surname with her children. She literally sounds bitter.
Meghan also said in the exact same show that her mother took Thai cooking classes at some point. So it would stand to reason that her mother probably tried to introduce fresh food into her diet because she realized eating TV dinners all the time wasn’t great. But even for people whose parents cooked home cooked meals often, you’re telling me they never ordered from Pizza Hut or grabbed a bucket from KFC not once? That’s your kid got home from school at 4:00 and never put some Kraft easy Mac in the microwave?
This obsession was making Meghan a liar by parsing everything she says, to say “But you said that you did this one time so that’s a lie!!!” is so tiresome.
Yeah, I believe, Doria has a fascinating life story. Meghan mentioned her mother worked as a travel agent. We know, she also worked as a yoga teacher. She did a lot of different jobs, which is amazing to show your child as a woman. I am sure, from time to time, she had to get something easy to eat, like a lot of working mothers. If you listen to a person with the intention to catch them in a lie, it is easy to find it even if you have to abandon all logic and common sense.
I was also surprised, Sevenblue. I will say, since she’s gotten with Bobby her comedy bits I’ve seen have really gone downhill. I also remember one of them being about how Bobby would be conservative if they weren’t being insane. So I think since marrying her high school boyfriend and popping out two kids very quickly, she’s changed. Before this, the most annoying controversial thing I knew about her was she does elimination communication (no diapers) with her babies but sells it as something she came up with naturally (or something).
@Lucy, honestly I didn’t follow her much, so I didn’t know that she has a partner now. I heard of her comedy when she was a single mother and enjoyed it. The last I saw her was on Taskmaster and I checked it was before she got together with her partner. It might be her new partner, but I don’t think, you just become racist against a black woman because of your partner. Treating Meghan differently is racist in my eyes. I don’t see anyone bitching about Fergie’s titles (which she used on her commercial projects) even though she got divorced.
And bitching about Hollywood when you are on TV for a decade is another weird behavior. She is very pro plastic surgery, so it isn’t like, Hollywood is fake sh*t. She just doesn’t like watching a black woman having success there.
I started following her on Instagram after seeing her extended bit on Hamilton, which was genuinely funny and entertaining. And shortly after that (? I think?) she got with Bobby and she pops up on my feed occasionally with family stuff and new clips. The new clips seem like she doesn’t know how to be funny in her new position. She was always single mom, feminist, sex positive stuff before and now she’s married with two very young kids and is struggling for material that connects.
It’s true you don’t become racist because of your partner, I think it’s more like before this she was actively trying to change or at least hide that about herself and now she feels like it’s fine. I was raised conservative in Texas, in a church that I now understand is based on white supremacy, so I understand that it takes active attention to your reactions make sure some thing you subconsciously learned as a kid doesn’t cause a racism. I am in my 40s and am still finding things from the churches I grew up in that I have to consciously rewire. It’s work, and if I was only motivated by how I was publicly perceived, I can see someone deciding it’s too hard to keep doing if public opinion wasn’t rewarding it.
On the plus (???) side I now know who this lady is. I’ve been catching up on Masterchef Australia on the U app and kept seeing trailers for her reality show with her family with her rolling her eyes at her teenage daughter. I’ll judge anyone who puts their kids on tv like that.
I guess, making a reality show on your life isn’t Hollywood 😂😂😭
For the love of … it’s just a simple, wholesome cooking show! People need to chill out.
And what on earth is going on about attacking Meghan’s last name all of a sudden?
The last name thing is crazy. The only thing I can think of, other than the usual tabloid terrorism, is Keen was never called Kate Cambridge by the press, she was always referred to as Kate Middleton. So maybe it’s “How dare Megan start using Sussex one her own! She must be Markle forever!” They don’t have a problem with “Sophie Wessex” though, do they? Just a bunch of racist, misogynistic lunatics.
In 2013, Ryan was the subject of controversy over her participation on Mock The Week in a segment “Unlikely Lines From a Cosmetics Commercial”, where one of her jokes was “We don’t test any of our products on animals. We use Filipino children.”
Right from her Wikipedia page, so yeah as expected.
What a disgusting person.
Fits right in with The Heil’s target audience and the Royal Racists.
Never thought much of Simon Rex in his mtv days- but my respect for him continues to grow- as he was the person who said out loud- the tabloids offered me $$$$$ to lie and say i’d slept with Meghan when we worked together.
Some of these people i think are being paid- the tabloids hate that Harry and Meg beat them in Court – and – without H&M- what are they going to write about. They need a false boogey man to hate on. The windsors are boring, soulless, pr amateurs somehow- who don’t sell that many papers these days.
But i also read a thread by a sociologist about how triggering Meg is to racist white people. Because she shakes the whole hierarchy of society. (but said over 5-6 posts, and must more elegantly.
The weird thing is, Meghan isn’t even trying to do that. She is just existing as a black woman in a historically white space. That is triggering for these people. Otherwise, she just minds her own business and treats everyone as her equal. You would think she is a member of The Black Panther Party the way white people are triggered by her.
I think she’s being paid but nowhere near as much as Simon Rex was offered. Like maybe a 100 quid? But some of them would do it for free. People apparently love to show themselves as sexist assholes for free. Sounds like she has a reality show though so it’s an easy way to clout off Meghan and get her name out there. But it’s such a turn-off. Like I’m going to be avoiding anything she does for the rest of time now. And yea, Simon Rex was an absolute gem for turning the tabs down.
Yeah, I’m wondering what they get, in exchange.
So, we’re in agreement then? We all know what this woman is, it’s just a matter of what her price was.
I mean I wouldn’t expect much from anyone willingly speaking to the daily Mail. Maybe she claims to be progressive idk but then why is talking to a misogynistic tabloid paper…to judge another woman and call her a liar. I believe Meghan didn’t google Harry. It’s a tell to me when someone swears she must be lying about it. Like no, there really are women who don’t do that.
Meghan doesn’t “cosy up to celebrities” — she has close friends who are famous and accomplished, and so is she.
“I was rooting for Meghan Markle… though she is very Hollywood – even for me – and I don’t like that in people,’ admitted Katherine.
Translation: I’m a mid comedian and it makes me uncomfortable that Meghan, the biracial duchess, has more influence in Hollywood than I do.
Summed it up perfectly.
She looks and sounds just like that author from Something Borrowed who went after Meghan a few years back. Hmmm…I Wonder what’s the commonality is?
This lady has form. She’s Canadian with Irish heritage. In the past she made pretty offensive comments about Irish people. So yes, she’s racist
I know there are lots of people of social media loving WLM and it debuted in top 10 on Netflix. Can someone please provide a link to pleasant or even fair review of Meghan’s show. We need a palate cleanser here.
Hey @Tamsin, to be honest, I’ve been avoiding reviews but my entire Threads feed all week has been a joy to behold with all the lovely posts about WLM ❤️
Ma’am…who are you to judge a grown, married woman for choosing to take her husband’s and children’s name. Seriously! No one is judging you for it marrying and having multiple children with your partner. Have a seat. Meghan is living in her season of joy. She’s put that toxic isle and its people behind her.
Looks like we’re going through the “C” procession: chefs, comedians, c***s…
Though I like her handbag with the bird and its nest. Did she craft it herself?
This Karen’s are truly losing their minds over the fact that Meghan has won in life they couldn’t break her she is thriving she happily married to Harry they have two kids and living in beautiful house in California. Everything the British tabloids have thrown her way to trying to tanked the show failed . This constantly everyday of random people all suddenly having all this smoke on a cooking show but are quiet about all the random white woman who have the same formula for years . This white woman have their own racist twisted views on how black woman are supposed to be and the fact that Meghan is what the British tabloids are made her out to be . Is breaking their racist brains
Has any other lifestyle/cooking show been analyzed to this degree before? It’s bonkers.
I figure it’s getting this insane pushback because there’s a real societal push to force women into tradwifery—and Meghan is the antithesis of that entire mindset. As well, the right-wing has yet to find an Aryan Princess to crown, so they are going hard after anyone who threatens that.
Another bitter Tina Brown type. They should realize that bitterness ages you terribly, look at Keen. And to be so pressed about insignificant things too, is crazy.
The latest Karen coming for Meghan who will be the first one crying if she gets dragged online, just like Chef Pig Pen. Next.
She can be funny, but I feel like her moment has come & gone. Now she’s on a ton of chat shows and it seems like she’s doing anything for a buck. I can totally believe she was paid to say “beige”. Plastic surgery isn’t free, you know
She has run out of comedy rope for sure, like you say. She’s fairly bland. Gets a giggle response rather than a belly laugh. It’s all very contrived. She’s a bit of a non starter when she’s on Would I Lie to You, which is where a lot of the UK audience will know her from. Didn’t she call out Brand? All to the good. But taking cheap shots at a woman is a bit of a back track. Not saying that because she called out Brand she has to like all women, but going out of her way to criticise Meghan indicates that she’s become rather desperate for material and money.
Ms nobody screams into the void that she doesn’t like Meghan but wants people to know she exists so she talks shit about Meghan . Another day , another white racket racist nobody hoping to become somebody off Meghan name / F off .
Katherine who?
She sounds mad and bitter that Hollywood and Netflix didn’t come calling and all her attempts to get their attention fell flat . Sweetheart, you just not funny
Speaking about Kate and Meghan’s so-called rivalry, actress and stand up comic Jenny Eclair wrote in The Independent column after Oprah interview : “Kate, it seems, isn’t going to allow herself, William or her children to get walked over. She is fighting back.” I wasn’t impressed with Jenny Eclair writing this in May 2021. No doubt Ms Eclair was punching the air like a football hooligan when Kate who she described as prim and nice in the same article, physically squared up to Meghan in September 2022. Why do none of these so-called feminist stand ups never criticise Kate for marrying for a title and money, never working and walking three paces behind her cheating husband. Acting like a doormat just for a crown??
She is so untalented. She’s often on a show over here in the UK called Would I Lie to You. Always bad when she’s on. Is she hoping to get a balloon from the brf for this bandwagon jumping? Very odd.
All these ‘unknowns’ are suddenly popping up reading from the same book of lies. “She’s too Hollywood”; “She connived her way into the marriage.”; “Why did she change her name?”; etc. etc. They’re all actually using Meghan-bashing as a way to get press attention because on their own they don’t have nearly the level of fame and success that she does. It’s an easy, cheap and spiteful way of seeking their own 15 minutes of fame by dissing the biracial American *actress*. Jealousy and greed is all this is.
Who TF are these people. Good stay there, negativity and jealousy just thrives on that island.
So the criticism is that Megan isn’t constantly starstruck by her own husband? Go get some more bad plastic surgery, Katherine — you ALMOST look like Madam, you can get there if you believe in yourself
I had never even heard of this comedian, so I looked her up. Apparently she had her own show on Netflix that was cancelled after one season. Seems like she might be a bit jealous of Meghan too, just sayin.
But, I thought having a second season is an automatic thing and meant nothing?? Some commenters here lied to us, I guess, even though they are allegedly working in the industry 😂😂
I just realized that with her from the show Duchess. This is very disappointed I enjoyed that show and was sad that it didn’t get a second season. These people stay disappointing you.
They’re so bitter that they feel like Meghan squandered what they wanted for themselves. The Grass is always greener, but you would think at this point these people would realize that the media intrusion is really rough.
Almost word for word the same garbage as McCain so yes, it’s definitely scripted. They are so embarassing.
There are so many people out there showing their versions of the dishes made on the show or their floral arrangements. People are eating their vegetables. Even Le Creuset is selling out.There is a lot of positivity about the show so what exactly are these negative naysayers trying to say? Just come out and say you don’t want people to like her or the show because they don’t think she’s deserving of success or the title. That’s what it’s always been about. This biracial woman being a titled member of the British royal family. I hope HRH Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, Princess of the United Kingdom, is thoroughly enjoying her success with the show.
Hey, remember when her Netflix series (The Duchess lol but pre Meghan) was renewed for season 2?
Oh wait. It wasn’t.
Wait, what? “Katherine adds of Meghan’s decision to change her surname to Sussex: ‘I think less of women who change their name anyway, to match their husband’s name – unless you have had a chat about it and unless you have approached that decision with equality. Let’s be honest about why you’re choosing Sussex. It’s a way to hang on to the Duchess of Sussex.’”
I understand that women in Canada keep their maiden names (and other countries as well) BUT it is quite common for women in the States to take their husband’s family name. Geez
Another one like Tina brown who is exposing that she’s been spending time watching/reading Meghan hate content. How embarrassing for her
The Meghan hate train is a guaranteed way to get attention. So many losers get coverage in the media because they say something negative about Meghan
Meghan is the only child of divorced parents & she never said she only ever ate fast food. So yes it’s very possible that she ate better when staying with one parent or maybe depending on work schedules. It’s so interesting to see how keen people like this comedian are to try discredit Meghan based on assumptions & limited information
As for Meghan googling Harry- she literally knew at least three people who knew him. Not sure why it doesn’t occur to these types that Meghan could have asked their mutual contacts about him
“…the way certain white gals just can’t stand that Meghan married the good prince and dipped out of that salty island…”
AND that he GAVE UP being royal for her! They can’t even get their men to take out the trash and Meg’s got all this. Love to see it.
🤣🤣🤣”…They can’t even get their men to take out the trash…”
Much less treat them with respect…
She’s attacking Meghan for taking her husband’s last name? I thought this was supposed to be a choice. It’s one I made, for convenience, and literally no one gave me a hard time for it. She really can’t do anything without people getting their tweaked noses out of joint.
I’ve been married twice and changed my name each time. Why does this woman care? Maybe because she can’t get her “civil partner” to put a ring on it. Sadly, jealousy and envy are so often at the root of mean-spirited behavior.
I really feel sorry for her as a person. She had a toxic childhood and grew into a toxic mean girl teenager who thought she was too good. She channeled her sadness into comedy in England and became quite successful. We were all rooting for her. Then, she got a Netflix show and it got cancelled and didn’t have the same level of success, but my goodness Katherine, who else from our town can say that? Be proud of what you’ve accomplished. You don’t need to return to being toxic. We thought you were past that. Except now it’s worse because you’re actually be a racist.
I think this comes down to plain jealously. Beautiful guy marries beautiful girl and has beautiful kids. They do live a very envious life and the Brits are green with envy. I have a friend from the UK who has been a Meghan hater from the jump, but could never come up with a valid or reasonable reason why she feels this way. My simple take on it – jealousy. Thank the universe we got Harry and not his sour, balding brother.
These are just thirsty people who know the easiest way to get media attention is to trash Megan Sussex. They could try wearing a big black castle as a hat, but letting the British media know they have negative comments about Megan works so much faster and cheaper.
Thirsty, lying, grasping people.