John Miller feels like Ben Affleck ‘crossed a line’ with Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner has been quietly dating John Miller since 2018. They’re seen out together somewhat regularly, but he’s never walked a red carpet with her and, obviously, they’ve spent years never putting their relationship on display. I’ve never really paid much attention to him, and as I was looking through photos of him, he definitely reminded me of Michael Vartan (who J-Garner dated many lifetimes ago). By all accounts, Miller is a solid, low-drama guy who respects that his partner successfully co-parents with her ex-husband. Unfortunately, Garner’s ex-husband is a giant drama queen who uses Garner to get back at his other ex-wife. Ben Affleck made a big show of affection with Garner at their son Samuel’s birthday party, then Ben wouldn’t shut up about how he wants another shot with Garner. Garner made it clear that she’s not interested, then sources close to Ben ranted about how he wants nothing to do with Jennifer Lopez. A lot has happened in the past few weeks, and all of it has been very stupid. So how does John Miller feel about it?

Jennifer Garner’s boyfriend, John Miller, issued an ultimatum after Ben Affleck was spotted getting cozy with his ex-wife, a source exclusively tells Page Six. The CaliBurger CEO “has always been supportive of Ben and Jen’s co-parenting relationship but feels Ben crossed the line,” the insider says.

“John knows there’s nothing going on between Jen and Ben, but he doesn’t think those photos are a good look and feels it’s disrespectful to their relationship.”

According to the source, Miller, 47, “gave Jen an ultimatum” — “he doesn’t want to see anything like that again or he has no choice but to walk away.”

The “Gone Girl” star, 52, was seen affectionately grabbing the “13 Going on 30” actress, also 52, as the couple celebrated their son Samuel’s 13th birthday on March 2. The Oscar winner grabbed the Emmy nominee around the waist as she focused her paintball gun on a target at the Combat Paintball Park in Castaic, Calif. Affleck pulled Garner in toward him, and she appeared to welcome the embrace. The “Daredevil” co-stars — who also share Violet, 19, and Seraphina, 16 — looked cozy as they laughed and closely chatted while participating in the festivities.

Reps for Miller, Garner and Affleck did not immediately respond to Page Six’s requests for comment.

As Page Six previously reported, Miller hasn’t been “thrilled” about the exes — who were married from 2005 to 2018 — spending more time together. Miller “knows Ben and Jen have been leaning on each other more than ever lately and have a really close relationship.”

“Their growing bond is getting to be a bit much when Ben spends all the holidays with them like Christmas and Thanksgiving,” the insider said. “John feels like a third wheel.”

[From Page Six]

Here’s the thing… while this is Page Six and should be treated with suspicion, I actually think Ben’s behavior has been inappropriate and disrespectful, and I could totally see how Garner’s partner would feel the same. Now, is Miller issuing ultimatums or whatever? I have no idea, but I can’t imagine that Miller is pleased with Ben’s antics these days. That being said, Garner has made it perfectly clear that she has no interest in Ben’s attempt at reconciliation, or whatever this was. I think Ben is trying to cause problems for BOTH Jennifers – and I hope both Jennifers ignore him.

Photos courtesy of YouTube screenshots and Backgrid.

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33 Responses to “John Miller feels like Ben Affleck ‘crossed a line’ with Jennifer Garner”

  1. orangeowl says:

    The Post piece reads like fiction, I’m definitely suspicious. Ben is exhausting, that’s for sure.

    • CL says:

      I agree

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      It is known that people plant their own stories on Page Six. So I agree, Ben’s people put this drama on Page Six, but to what end? Is he being a spiteful tool and trying make JLo jealous? Is he missing having a co-dependent relationship with a woman who is too good for him, but will still take care of him and put up with his BS? Both things can be true at the same time.

  2. Arizona says:

    I will admit that if photos of my husband with his ex wife looked like that, him and I would also be having conversations about respect and appropriateness. they coparent well together, and it’s definitely better for the kids when their parents get along, but at a certain point it’s a bit much.

    • Blogger says:

      Don’t know what Miller’s past is like but I’d agree with you that it’s good to set BOUNDARIES with exes.

      This week is full of drama of Ben’s tendency to damage others. If Garner hasn’t made it clear to Ben to stop playing games with the media over their relationship, I’d seriously wonder about Miller’s longevity.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Exactly, and dealing with someone like Ben you need hard boundaries because they destroy every relationship they have eventually. Ben isn’t some misunderstood person he straight up a narcissistic 🍑 and the worst sort of man to ever date or marry.

  3. Lenn says:

    I studied the video of the ‘embrace’ a little more often than I should have..and it looks like he is adjusting or unclasping something on her waist. Still might be flirting..but also might not be.

  4. Tiffany :) says:

    To me, Ben was inappropriate to grab her around the hips the way he did, it was intimate. But she clearly didn’t welcome it, she was aiming a gun with both hands. She didn’t lean into his embrace, she was frozen. He stopped suddenly too, which makes me think she said something like no. I do think he uses her for his own PR needs.

  5. Flamingo says:

    As I have read Jen and John Miller have been on and off over the years. He also has his own children from a former marriage. That he needs to be thoughtful of. I actually like he doesn’t drag them with Jennifer for photo ops and keeps them out of the limelight.

    So much gets attributed to Ben as ‘saying’ but he has never once publicly addressed anything to Lopez. I think he learned his lesson from the disastrous Howard Stern interview over his first divorce with Jen Garner.

    All they have to do is slap ‘source’ in front of it. And they can come up with whatever soap opera storyline they want to. Jennifer L. and Ben are divorced. As far as I know the only thing they have between them. Is that mega mansion they haven’t sold yet.

    I think Jennifer G. has learned to deal with Ben’s ups and downs. It’s a hug today and then he’s chasing the next A list hottie of the week tomorrow.

    John Miller is a saint though to stick through it. If they are even still together.

    • FYI says:

      Yeah, I would love to know if actors (Affleck, particularly) really send PR people out with these stories. I do think there’s a good chance that Page Six just makes stuff up because they’re bored, but the stuff about “would love another chance with Jen” and “he’s so free and happy,” I wonder about those placements.
      Does his team really put those out? Any insiders know the truth?

      • Mario says:

        There are also professional “sources” who aren’t actually that close to the stars, but have enough exposure or connection (or did once upon a time) to allow columnists to anonymously quote them as “insiders” or the like.

        These folks are always happy to get the call (and in places like the UK, the cash) to serve up whatever is needed. It makes them feel special and important, and the worst of them will actually call with quotes and scoops they know will fit the narrative.

        But you can absolutely tell from the consistent style of the quotes they are often written by the columnists. In those cases, they text it over to the source with “would it be fair to say this?” and they’re off. That’s why so many American sources about Meghan and Harry in hit pieces use British slang, terminology, and syntax.

        Publicists writing quotes is nothing new, but gossip is the only place I’ve seen where the columnists are allowed to do it (unofficially), under the very loose guise (if any is even needed) that it helps anonymize the source. But it’s all been abused and corrupted beyond repair now. In any other form of legit journalism it’s considered lazy, if not outright unethical.

      • Maddie says:

        I’m curious about that too. But clearly Ben called the paps for that birthday party thing. For them to be filming in THAT spot at THAT exact time seems so suspicious

  6. Carrie says:

    He was pap’d the other day wearing a Yankees T-shirt…which in my opinion…is a direct message about Ben Affleck!

    • Flamingo says:

      hahha nice catch I see that he was at her place March 10 with the Yankee t-shirt.

      Kinda reminds me of Julia Roberts ‘A Low Vera’ t-shirt… (hello Vera) her husband’s ex-wife is named Vera. They hooked up on the set of The Mexican while he was still married. Vera was not signing the divorce papers fast enough for Julia’s liking. And that seemed to be some shot at her. To hurry it up (IIRC).

      I mean ‘he could’ just be a Yankee fan. But he is from Cali…

      • Beeks says:

        I remember that t-shirt and at the time all the gossip commentators took it to mean “Allow, Vera” in that she was contesting Danny Moder’s divorce filing. I felt it was tacky and disrespectful of Julia to wear it in public. I find John Miller wearing the Yankees shirt to be innocuous and humorous.

  7. Whalesnark says:

    I’m head counsellor and vocal supporter of the Kids Come First Camp in all these matters: act like adults, tolerate what you must to make the parenting relationship work, present a united front as parents, and I wrote the camp manual “It’s Not About You, It’s About The Kids”.

    However, when one parent attempts to use the parental relationship to reignite the romantic one, or make it look that way, no one is getting a merit badge. Jealousy shouldn’t be part of the family dynamics when kids are involved, but even I would raise an eyebrow in this case.

    Miller would be perfectly justified is having a word with Jen about optics, followed by a sitdown with Ben on respect, propriety and lines in the sand. I suspect that the phrase “We’ve all put up with far too much of your messiness” might be uttered.

  8. pyritedigger says:

    Affleck must be A+ at love bombing and/or amazing in bed. He seems to love to toy with the women in his life and they often seem dickmatized by him. After what he did to Jennifer Lopez (and she certainly wasn’t ‘perfect’ but she did not love bomb the guy into getting back together) I would hope women would finally learn their lesson about him.

  9. Sue says:

    My first thought when I read the headline “Ben crossed a line with Jennifer” was…Ya think??? Let’s put out articles about how we want our unavailable ex wife back because apparently, we only know two women and they are both named Jennifer.

  10. Eurydice says:

    I don’t believe any of this about any of these people.

  11. MsIam says:

    Page Six is so cheap. Nothing but sh*t stirring stories.

    • Carolnr says:

      I agree that they are stirring the pot from these pics. I don’t believe John or any of his sources gave out these statements. I believe now that this is being discussed PRIVATELY between them. I believe JG knows very well & remembers very well what Ben put her through during their marriage( especially seeing it with JL)
      I believe that Sam & their other children really enjoy them BOTH spending time with them! I think that JG would include Ben if her children wanted him to be present.
      Violet is already away at Yale. Finn is going to driving & before you know it,
      she will probably be going to college.
      Sam will eventually want to be hanging out with his friends.

  12. ThatGirlThere says:

    The NY Post is a trash publication, but the photos tell a story. Ben Affleck’s history with Jen Lopez AND Jen Garner shows his true colors – he’s a user. And if I were John, I’d be super uneasy about him all over my girlfriend, kids or not. Ben’s behavior is pretty obnoxious and gross.

  13. Lucy2 says:

    Ben needs to go meet some new women, preferably not named Jennifer. I hope if he is trying anything, Garner sets a hard boundary. She’s no idiot, she’s never going back to him.

    • Cali says:

      I think people get reeled back Into bad relationships, all the time.
      But I don’t think there’s any coming back from when you feel absolute disgust for the other person. That look on Jennifer Garner’s face when she was driving Ben to rehab said it all. She was completely grossed out by him.

  14. Lens says:

    I sincerely doubt the very private civilian John miller has any “source” that speaks to tabloids. I think the source is the page six writing staff. That said Ben aff has always been tabloid catnip because he is a huge drama queen, as seen from his Jennifer splits as well as Lindsay Shookus. Ana de armas was lucky to get away with just him calling the paps to show her life sized image being thrown in the trash. Vindictive in a public way each time.

  15. Sharon says:

    From volunteering together to spending Xmas with the family & now this, hopefully Jenn is trying to set a firm boundary. My hubby goes for dinner on Xmas day to his exwife’s house to be with his daughter & he likes the ex’s husband. I tried going a few times, but it felt awkward to me. There would be a lot of drinking & reminiscing going on about their daughter & even her birth story which made me uncomfortable, as that was a special day for them. Also his daughter is 30 now. But whatever, it can be harmless if you’re in secure relationships. But hopefully Jen has her guard up.

  16. Side Eye says:

    My kid is almost an adult now and I don’t date – I haven’t since we divorced when we had a toddler (seriously the best years of my life not dating I can’t stress that enough) anyway my ex is a lot like Ben. Always around. He lived 5 minutes away and would always show up at our old house like surprise! I’m here. At my kid’s graduation we were standing around talking to friends and he put his hand on the small of my back. Bro was in attendance with his long time live in gf. Dude wtf. I quickly moved forward to avoid the contact. Maybe he just forgot. But dude come on.

    I live far away now which I prefer. For the record we get along really well. But whenever I show up anywhere with my hair done and dressed up (like graduation) dude starts cock blocking. It’s annoying. It looks like Jen had a similar reaction. She didn’t lean in at all. She isn’t interested in him beyond she cares about him as her kids’ father. That’s it. He will never be more to her.

    Again I keep saying it – once you royally eff up Affleck style it’s game over. I like Johnny for Jen he is low key and seems like a solid guy. I bet he cannot wait for the youngest to be an adult because that’s when you can really start to put some real distance with your ex.

  17. Borgqueen says:

    Damn he looks very similar to Michael Vartan, Jen’s ex from Alias

    • Annie says:

      Been thinking that too. Affleck also has a bit of a Vartan/Miller vibe, it’s just like supersized and more animated.

  18. Smee says:

    It looks like he knew there was paparazzi nearby and was putting on a show at her expense. Typical.

  19. Jaded says:

    This is utter bullshit. John Miller is very protective of his and Jen’s privacy and does NOT want to share personal details of their relationship, he’d never speak about this to anyone let alone a mysterious “source” that would run straight to some sleazy tabloid bottom feeder at Page Six.

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