Cele|bitchy | Mail: Duchess Meghan’s DIY bath salts should never be tried at home!

Mail: Duchess Meghan’s DIY bath salts should never be tried at home!

One of the things I learned from watching With Love, Meghan was that people can mix their own bath salts. It honestly never occurred to me, that you could use epsom salts as a base and mix in essential oils to create custom bath salts for yourself or your guests. Well, the Skincare/Bath Salt community is apparently up in rashy arms about Meghan’s DIY project, which was part of the first episode of WLM. Apparently, Meghan should have measured the arnica oil and lavender oil she used, and she should have added something else to stabilize the mixture… or something. Honestly, I’m not a dermatologist or a bath salt expert. But the Mail contacted several YouTubers (?) and they’ve all come to the conclusion that Meghan’s bath salt controversy will bring down the monarchy AND that this is the smoking gun to prove that Meghan doesn’t know what she’s doing about ANYTHING!

While many critics mock the inauthenticity of the duchess’ show, With Love, Meghan, some have found more serious fault with a potentially harmful do-it-yourself project. Herbalists and skin care specialists are red-flagging Markle’s bath salt mixture, which they fear may damage and even burn users’ skin.

‘Don’t try this at home!’ warned Jennifer Christopherson, a longtime esthetician and YouTuber who produced a video warning about Markle’s concoction. ‘I don’t even know if she really knows what she’s doing,’ she said.

The mixture of Epsom salt, Himalayan salt, arnica oil and lavender oil looks harmless enough. But the wanna-be princess turned wanna-be domestic diva fails to measure the ingredients, prompting one of her crew members to ask from off-camera, ‘Is there a certain amount of salt that I’m dealing with here?’ Markle doesn’t concern herself with specifics, saying only ‘Quite a bit’ because she is clearly winging the recipe.

‘I am not modest when it comes to the amount of salt I put in the bath,’ she tells him, looking a bit irked by his emphasis on measurements. As it turns out, her mixture doesn’t come close to filling the jar she planned to put it in. ‘Let’s bulk this up,’ she says, hurriedly adding several more scoops of Epsom salt to cover up for her miscalculation. She tops the jar with a dried lavender and rosebud-filled sachet, which she calls ‘a tea bag for the bath.’

Instead of comfort, however, many plant extractors and skin care experts are warning that Markle’s bath salt mixture may cause rashes, hives or even burns to the skin because she failed to add a so-called ‘carrier oil’ to ease the potentially volatile effects of arnica and lavender oils. Carrier oils such as those pressed from jojoba, coconut, almond, primrose or grapeseed dilute the plant compounds in essential oils, easing potentially irritating effects on the skin. Sellers of essential oils insist that those being used topically must be mixed with carrier oils in ratios of at least eight to one. Yet Markle seemed to use no carrier oil at all when drizzling her salt mixture with three drops of lavender, plus at least two full eye droppers – known as pipettes – of arnica oil.

Christopherson described that amount of undiluted arnica as ‘a crap ton.’

‘So that’s why I was just absolutely cringing when I was watching that,’ she said, noting in her 18-minute video that essential oils are ‘unregulated substances’ that, if overused, can irritate skin. You can’t just dump an essential oil in, give (it) to a friend and be, like, hey, have fun,’ Christopherson said.

[From The Daily Mail]

A friend gifted me some facial “recovery oils” last Christmas and I tried one and I felt like a greasy mess and I haven’t touched the stuff ever again. I have sensitive skin – I break out in a rash just looking at poison ivy, and when I find a soap or lotion which doesn’t irritate my skin, I tend to just use that brand forever. I guess my point is that people know their own skin’s sensitivities and most people with sensitive skin aren’t going to try some homemade bath salts anyway. Meghan wasn’t telling people: this is the exact way to make DIY bath salts. She was offering an idea for gifts you can give your guests. It’s funny though, that the Mail is now clinging to this one thing as definitive “proof” of Meghan’s “inauthenticity.” They are Bath Salt Truthers! It reminds me of the Obama administration, and whenever Pres. Obama made one small mistake or misspoke in some minor way, people were screaming “IMPEACH!” It really is the same with Meghan – she throws together some bath salts without measuring and the Mail is like “NETFLIX NEEDS TO CANCEL HER SHOW.”

Photos courtesy of Netflix.

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55 Responses to “Mail: Duchess Meghan’s DIY bath salts should never be tried at home!”

  1. Lady Esther says:


    I did sideye the amount of lavender Meghan used on everything because it’s a known endocrine disruptor for men (I would have lavender everywhere in my house but don’t because of my husband, unfortunately…I love it). But that’s my quibble, not hers – she and the people who watch their show can use whatever oils they want and she said so specifically

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Omg. Where have these people been?

      I know people who make their own soaps, rice shampoo bars, skin oils and yes. Bath bombs. They also do research into essential oils and use them sparingly and with proper information. (My circle is over run with medicinal chemists so it’s easy to ask someone)

      They also make their own cleaning supplies and laundry and dish detergent. Because they have septic tanks, or because of environmental concerns or because it’s tons and tons cheaper.

      But yes. Let’s act like she’s cooking meth instead of making one off use bath bombs.

      • Lady Esther says:

        Right? Last summer I stayed at a high-end hotel in France that had made-to-order bath salts….similar to having a “Pillow Menu”…it’s like, little luxuries that are simple but lovely and have been around for a long time. People seriously need to chill out already

        also, cooking meth! cackling

    • Friendly Crow says:

      Ok yes. Carrier oils are a thing. But for skincare and other kinds of essential oil use. I don’t think a bath tea needs a carrier oil as the concentration over the whole recipe is different and it’s going to be massively diluted in the water.

      Also lots of essential oils for applications like this COME IN a carrier oil.

      But sure. The media should be throwing tantrums about this and not about the world going down in flames. Priorities, am I right?

  2. Ciotog says:

    I’m pretty sure there’s an actual recipe with measurements on the Netflix site.

  3. sevenblue says:

    Honestly I was also surprised about DIY bath salt while watching the show. I don’t have a bathtub at home, but I do feet baths once a month as a self care. I buy bath salts for that. It also never occurred to me I can prepare the bath salt myself. I always buy whatever I find during shopping. I am definitely gonna try it when I am finished with the one I am currently using.

    • Mightymolly says:

      Marketing is great at convincing us that everything needs to be purchased. I love the idea of homemade bath salts. I do have a tub but I only indulge in it about once a month. In part because baths are such a waste of water. A luxurious 15 minute shower uses about half the water of a standard tub bath.

      I think I’ll follow your lead on feet baths with a homemade treatment.

      • sevenblue says:

        @Mightymolly, the feet baths are the best. I have been doing it for years. I have the softest feet now 😂😊 It also helped me with the cold feet issue.

  4. 😂😂😂Bath salt truthers!! These derangers need to get a life. Epsom salt is used to soothe skin (at least that’s what my mother who was a nurse said) and a bit of essential oil isn’t going to kill anyone. They are out for blood because she is having a successful show and no amount of nasty articles are going to change the numbers of viewers that her show has achieved. I suggest that these nut jobs go take a nice soothing soak.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      That’s easy for you to say!

      Essentially oils got me. They turned me into a newt.

      …… I got better ….

      – monty python quote from a skit about a witch hunt. Seemed applicable 😂

      • Hannah1 says:

        Yup, she’s a witch all right. No end of people willing to say so anonymously.

        Guess they all got better!

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Epson salt is good for reducing swelling, edema or any water retention also. It’s what I have used it for most of my life.

  5. ThatGirlThere says:

    If you’re sensitive to Epsom salts and oils, it’s best to avoid using them. Simple as that. This is not rocket science people.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      The common sense being deployed here is a thing of beauty. And totally lacking in a huge percentage of the population.

    • Mightymolly says:

      Also some oils can be harmful to pets when diffused, but if pets aren’t allowed in your tub, not an issue.

      • somebody says:

        You wouldn’t want them in the tub lapping up water with epsom salts either. Unless you want to do some serious cleaning.

  6. Eurydice says:

    If you google “homemade bath salts with lavender” you’ll get eleventy billion recipes that are all the same – none of them mention a “carrier oil.”

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I have never heard of one before either lol

      • Tami says:

        Carrier oils are necessary when using essential oils directly on the skin – like for massage. I think the arnica was in a carrier oil already – bought as soothing bumps and aches – since she said she used it on her kids. Three drops of lavender essential oil absorbed in all that salt and then diluted by a bathtub of water is like chicken little saying the sky is falling.

      • Hypocrisy says:

        Add the arnica oil to my lotion for bruises.. never had an issue with it.

    • Bronco says:

      Yep. You absolutely do not need carrier oils. I’ve made my own for decades. It’s a joke.

  7. Finny says:

    Those ROTA jerks are nucking futs. They just can’t deal with a black woman being successful. What a sad and pitiful existence.

    I make my own bath salts and body scrubs (salt and/or sugar) for years. Epsom salt, olive oil and essential oil. It is easy and cheap. Like with all products (edible, selfcare, or natural healthcare) you have to try different ingredients and do your research to find the ones that work for you. DIY bath salts and scrubs work great for me and have no additives or chemicals. I never had any skin problems using my own product (I also make my own laundry powder).

    I’m glad Meghan’s show is successful, and people enjoy watching it. Sadly, we don’t have Netflix 🙁 To all those negative nellies I say fruck yourself. Go outside and touch some gras.

    • Jais says:

      They truly can’t deal. Even characterizing Meghan as getting “irked” about being asked about the amount? Bullshit. She wasn’t irked. I know bc I watched it with my own eyes. But a DM writer characterizing Meghan as irked and angry is a racist choice. As usual for them.

  8. aquarius64 says:

    The BM is predictable and boring now. Next.

  9. Nicole says:

    Trader Joe’s used to have a lavender scrubbing salt. I loved it but I found it drying. At the end of the day, pay attention to your skin. There’s a lot of people who are crafty, and this is right up their alley. Let the woman live and enjoy herself. I will continue to live in the land of Cetaphil and dove cus everything else irritates and dries out my skin.

  10. BW says:

    Just use Epsom Salt and be done with it. Skip the essential oils.

  11. BW says:

    Just use Epsom Salt and be done with it. Skip the essential oils.

    I find it funny that Meghan’s recipe will “Bring down the monarchy!” Yes, please.

  12. Blogger says:

    This is their version of avocado toast terrorism.

    Except it’s bath salt annihilation – Meghan is causing all sorts of skin outbreaks! Blame Meghan when you see your dermatologist!

  13. Tessa says:

    DM is obsessed with this.

  14. Vanessa says:

    Remember when the royal reporter accused the Hub woman of being linked to Isis or when Laniey gossip started the whole Meghan touching her baby bump drama . Or how Meghan liking avocado was horrible or Meghan closing her own door was turn into a week long saga . Now that Meghan show is hit British tabloids are tryin to turn anything into a Controversial first it was the last name and then tic tox try to make it seem like Meghan was a bully to mindy . Then when that failed now they think they have a gotcha moment. When Meghan
    Clearly said That if you have a allergy to lavender use a another scent and Netflix has the recipe with the exactly measurement. So again this not a gotcha moment just like the vague bully reports.

    • Christine says:

      Don’t forget the murder earrings!! My God, I have no idea how these people look at themselves in the mirror. Meghan Sussex has so many people in a chokehold, and it is SUCH a bad look.

    • Lilpeppa40 says:

      Oh was it Lainey Gossip who started all that with the bump? That explains it. I was reading some of her recent articles about Meghan and the show and just found them so unnecessarily snarky 😐😐 spent one article highlighting the fact that Martha Stewart had a very similar pasta recipe (Meghan at no point said she created it) and in another one talking about the recent people article where Meghan said she appreciated people giving her time to figure out ARO and Lainey was all “you’re a 43yo and owe it to your fans to figure it out already!” Which I was just like huh? Ok so cool, she’s low-key a hater, got it lol.

      Also, Meghan was not irked at the guy asking about measurements. These ppl MY GOD!! They try everything to paint her as this constantly angry, bullying monster. I’m so glad she pays them dust.

  15. Amy Bee says:

    The press can’t say the show was a failure so they’ve turned to her bath salts is dangerous. Let’s remember when she came out with the cookbook 4 months after her wedding, the press accused the Hubb community kitchen of being terrorists.

  16. Whyforthelove says:

    This is so funny. I put Eldon salt in my bath and add a few drops of essential oils to the water and have done so for years. With essential oils a few drops go a long way, but that is a taste thing I am sure the bath truthers will survive this trauma lol

  17. Hypocrisy says:

    I use bath salts regularly I have made my own with oils before and survived just fine. This is getting beyond ridiculous now.. I also happen to be very allergic to certain lotions 🧴 but I doubt they are going to change the product for me.

  18. MorePedro says:

    When I want to treat myself to a good soak, I throw generous amounts of Epsom Salt into the tub and then add my pure essential oil drops right into the water – because, umm, the water does the diluting?!? I’m no expert, but I can’t imagine why a carrier oil would be needed for bath water. This made-up controversy is as bizarre as all the others.

    • Debbie says:

      Common sense dictates that the drops of essential oil would be diluted by a tubful of water. Now, excuse me while I go clutch my pearls.

  19. MikeB says:

    The DM will clutch at anything to attack Meghan. What’s next?

  20. Jais says:

    I got a cool lavender cloth after a hot yoga class once and smeared it on my face. Broke out in bumps that didn’t go away for months. So I avoid lavender. But I’m pretty sure I can make a bath salt with something else. So we can add the YouTube Bathsalt Truthers to the never-ending parade. They can get in line behind the Irish chefs. Once again, the tabs should be sending her flowers for all the content she is giving them. I’m waiting for them to come for the Sun tea.

  21. Newt says:

    I’ve used Epsom Salts for YEARS. My mom threw us in a bath of ES anytime we had a pain, bruise or ache. I actually recently starting using Arnica in my ES (pre-this episode) because I’m 55 and, well, things start aching more the older you get. Good times.

    These people will find any angle to bitch about Meghan and her looks, her style, her show, content on the show. It doesn’t matter WHAT….they will always pick, pick, pick, pick.

    Let them.

  22. Lau says:

    Well they are Salty-tears island so it’s fitting that they get mad about bath salts really.

  23. seaflower says:

    People are assuming her essential oils are not already in a carrier oil – they are in clear bottles, a sure sign that they are already in a carrier oil like avocado, apricot etc. I have pure essential oils (therapeutic grade as I’ve studied aromatherapy), and the ones already in a carrier oil are in clear bottles. Pure essential oils come in dark (ie blue or brown) bottles to protect the molecular structure of them.

    And yes, making bath salts how Meghan did really is how they make them at home. Again, been doing it for years.

  24. HeatherC says:

    Remember when Meghan tried to poison poor Charlotte by incorporating lilies of the valley into the flower crown?

    Yeah, this is more of that.

    (**above is sarcasm, but that’s what the BM was trying to report at the time of the wedding)

  25. Libra says:

    Bath salts = bladder infections for me. Would love the aroma but no.

  26. Kate says:

    I am a formally trained skincare formulator and own and operate a (tiny) skincare business. I actually make and sell bath salts with rose and hibiscus flowers that is very similar to what she made. I even include a little bag and scoop!

    You really do need to be careful with essential oils. I could go into nerdy chemistry details but it IS a good idea to treat them with respect because they can cause contact dermatitis (among other things) with overuse.

    In the last few years the legitimate players in the industry have had to push back hard on this issue because of MLM essential oil companies giving people dangerous advice regarding how to use them. There was absolutely an essential oil/”clean” beauty to MAHA pipeline, KWIM?

    Anyway, I’m sure people are just being assholes because it’s Megan but it’s also true that my industry is fighting a big misinformation war right now (like, wearing sunscreen is a GOOD THING GUYS!) and that could also be part of the push back.

    Just a little inside baseball context for ya.

    • AR says:

      Everything is fine, but here we are talking about a few drops in a tub full of water. Please tell me that this could harm someone (I am not talking about allergy sufferers, because in their case even grey soap can be bad). I have been doing this for years, I have sensitive skin and it is great. Here we are looking for and coming up with hooks for Meghan. The program is a hit, so something has to be done about it…:(

  27. Bronco says:

    I’ve made my own for decades. You’re not using an entire jar in a bath for starters. And you don’t need carrier oil for a bath, simply pay attention to how much oil goes in.. Some oils can burn. Bulk Epsom salts are cheap. It wouldn’t occur to me to buy bath salts..

  28. Normades says:

    Good god. She literally mixed some Epson salt with a couple of drops of essential oils and dried flowers. She didn’t say use that shirt pure on your face

  29. Pandora says:

    You don’t need carrier oils for essential oils you are diluting in a bath. These people are nuts.

  30. Elizabeth says:

    You’re really lucky that you have to LOOK at poison ivy, Kaiser. I can get a rash on a windy day, inside the house, with the windows closed.

  31. Tanisha says:

    I had my own bath line that included bath salts, scrubs and massage oil candles. The measurements are mostly for scent profile when it comes to the essential oils in salts. If it is directly touching your skin that takes a little more planning and measurements. Atp that are just trying to find ways to say a biracial black woman is wrong period.

  32. AC says:

    “Netflix needs to cancel her show”
    I don’t think one of the top streaming/media companies in the world is going to listen to a British tabloid that keeps crying wolf lol

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