If you ask me, Gwen Stefani has always been more of a small-c conservative than her fans were willing to acknowledge. She’s a devout Catholic who tried for years to get her first marriage annulled, and she ended up married to a country singer from Oklahoma who loves to drink. Over the years, she’s revealed enough to convince me that she holds very socially-conservative opinions in her private life. That being said, Gwen has always been a Democrat – she’s hosted fundraisers for Democrats and she was especially politically active for Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Well, the conversations about Gwen’s politics have begun anew because she’s promoting some Evangelical huckster who is associated with Tucker Carlson? Ugh.
Gwen Stefani sent her die-hard fans spiraling thanks to a social media post that proved, in their eyes, that she was “officially lost” to President Donald Trump’s MAGA movement. Stefani praised actor Jonathan Roumie as a “powerful inspirational human” in an X post last week, while gushing over his interview with far-right commentator Tucker Carlson.
“What an enlightening intelligent beautiful interview thank you for being you gx,” wrote Stefani, 55, of Roumie. Roumie, who portrays Jesus in the evangelist TV series The Chosen, spent the conversation peddling the power of prayer and fasting as part of his pitch for the “Christian and Catholic” prayer and meditation app, Hallow.
Stefani, a devout Catholic who has made several pious posts in partnership with Hallow, appeared to be holding up her end of the deal by backing Roumie. Actors Mark Wahlberg, another devout Catholic, and Chris Pratt, who compared himself to Jesus, are also involved with the company.
The app costs $70 per year with a premium subscription. And as much as many were surprised by Stefani’s involvement with Hallow, many others weren’t.
“Gwen as a long time fan you’re making it harder and harder to keep supporting you please don’t platform Tucker Carlson the Russian propagandist good lord,” wrote one X user in response to her praise for Roumie and Carlson’s chat. Another commentator added, “You honestly need a reality check God this is heartbreaking.”
My guess is that Gwen is coming at this through religion, not politics, although most people don’t have the privilege of separating the two. As in, Gwen thinks she’s supporting Hallow and the people involved with Hallow, but she was literally promoting and platforming something involving Tucker Carlson, who was too much of a whackjob for FOX NEWS. So no, I don’t think Gwen is MAGA. I think she’s not doing enough research and due diligence on the people and companies she partners with. Oh, and she followed some really tragic people on social media too, but when people pointed it out, she unfollowed them. Maybe there’s some hope?
Wow @JonathanRoumie u r a powerful inspirational human what an what an enlightening intelligent beautiful interview thank you for being u gx https://t.co/hoSWn9QMAM
— Gwen Stefani (@gwenstefani) March 6, 2025
Unfortunately, it gets worse.
It has come to light that @gwenstefani follows accounts that post things like this against the LGBTQ+ community. A population that has lined her pockets for decades.
(Gwen doesn’t follow many accounts, relative to how many follow her) https://t.co/Gm0Gg5aqBk pic.twitter.com/xf0HxGpDVz
— Mr. Pop (@MrPopOfficial) March 10, 2025
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
- 59th Academy of Country Music Awards at Omni Frisco Hotel at The Star. Featuring: Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani Where: Frisco, Texas, United States When: 16 May 2024 Credit: Media Punch/INSTARimages
- Grammy-winning singer Gwen Stefani performs her brand new single ‘Swallow My Tears,’ off of her new album ‘Bouquet’ as part of the Citi Concert Series on TODAY Featuring: Gwen Stefani Where: New York, United States When: 14 Nov 2024 Credit: Roger Wong/INSTARimages
- Grammy-winning singer Gwen Stefani performs her brand new single ‘Swallow My Tears,’ off of her new album ‘Bouquet’ as part of the Citi Concert Series on TODAY Featuring: Gwen Stefani Where: New York, United States When: 14 Nov 2024 Credit: Roger Wong/INSTARimages
- Grammy-winning singer Gwen Stefani performs her brand new single ‘Swallow My Tears,’ off of her new album ‘Bouquet’ as part of the Citi Concert Series on TODAY Featuring: Gwen Stefani Where: New York, United States When: 14 Nov 2024 Credit: Roger Wong/INSTARimages
- Gwen Stefani on Z100 to talk about fifth studio album Bouquet to be release November 15th Featuring: Gwen Stefani Where: New York, New York , United States When: 15 Nov 2024 Credit: Roger Wong/INSTARimages
Yea…this tracks😡
Yup. She’s an Italian from Orange County, CA, for crying out loud.
Growing up in South Central LA in the 1980’s, my friends and I called going to OC going “behind the Orange Curtain”. As minorities, we definitely had to be careful if we had the need to go there.
Hot take: she’s always been this vapid and superficial and the 90s Girl Power shtick was a creation of the music studios keen on cashing in on that mid-90s vibe.
I think it was just a way to market her, not her authentic self.
I use to like her music but stopped liking her after she she started with the appropriation… I can barely listen to any of her Jams now, i have to turn it off or skip the song.
@kitten 💯
She’s not that bright so she fits the mold.
I hope not.
If she follows Candace Owens, it’s not “religious”, it’s MAGA. Full stop.
Like how it’s even a question at this point is laughable. Mask off hood up for that one
Exactly. IDK I’ve never found her to be particularly intellectual but there’s no way she doesn’t know what she’s actually promoting here–no fucking way.
Yes, she’s MAGA.
IDK why her being religious is used as an excuse, because it’s the seriously extreme Catholics that vibe with Fox personalities (plural!). Fox is not about protecting the refugees and feeding the poor, nor are they venerating women.
New Hampshire passed a 🤬 law ostensibly to make sure only American citizens vote by demanding a birth certificate as proof. AND by law your name must be the same as it was at birth. This is an obstacle to any woman who’s changed her name upon marrying. Haven’t checked this out, but I’m sure birth gender is part of this.
Gwen Stefani is a great way for MAGA to seem less horrific, because her reputation isn’t entirely tradwife. I don’t think she’s stupid, unless by dumb she wasn’t expecting backlash from her fans. She knows exactly what her likes stand for.
If ever a group of people needed Jesus it’s the Christo fascist whackjobs running the country .Like the Puritans they see sin everywhere but in the mirror. Do I think Gwen is full Maga? IDK but does it matter? Halfway to MAGA or MAGA adjacent is close enough.
100. One and the same.
This. We got to where we are today because of people handing out free passes, sure their favorites weren’t REALLY MAGA. Wake up.
She looks like she’s morphing into Carrie Underwood.
Came here to say the same.
I’ve always thought she was pretty dumb.
Exactly. She’s never been the shiniest penny.
As someone who was a casual fan of No Doubt and really enjoyed Gwen’s first two solo albums, I’ll say that she’s always struck me as someone who’s socially conservative and aspires to be a traditional housewife but has managed to hide that due to surrounding herself with interesting people. Her ND bandmates and Gavin Rossdale gave her cool girl/alt girl cred for a while. Her love of Japanese fashion when it was something that not many white westerners knew about made her seem worldly and ahead of the curve (though of course now we look back on that era of hers and cringe).
I remember listening to/reading interviews with her when I was in high school and thinking that she never seemed especially interesting or deep when it came to discussing her music. I don’t think she’s ideologically MAGA herself. I don’t think she spends too much time thinking about politics. I think she’s just not a particularly bright person and is mostly a blank slate who changes her identity based on whoever she’s close with.
Jesus would not charge his followers $69.99 a year for a prayer app, IMO. Everything costs money nowadays, even praying. I blame the republicans. And I definitely think Stefani is maga all the way.
Seriously – prayer is free, folks. And although they ask for donations during Catholic Mass, they don’t charge an admission fee to attend church.
And in the Catholic church, those donations are meant to just keep the lights on and to provide for the congregation’s charity work.
They do charge an admission fee once you become a member. The occasional one off visit is like a free trial offer….
@HillaryIsAlwaysRight, the Catholic Church hardly needs money to keep their lights on and provide charity works. They literally have billions and billions of dollars.
The Vatican might have the gold treasures but the diocese in every country are run separately and so individual churches are not as rich by a long shot. Many churches have been closed because of the lack of donations.
And no church will charge you to go to mass. If you want a wedding or a baptism, which is separate from mass, then a donation is required.
Yup, that’s what I immediately thought when reading the price.
Also, this actor she’s talking about seems to be pivoting and making a career out of playing Jesus.
Anyone or organization who requires a participant to “Pony Up for Jesus” is working a grift.
Not surprised about Gwen—she’s always seemed a closeted conservative to me. It’s very difficult to follow Catholic doctrine devoutly and not be conservative, either socially or politically. Biden walked that fine line because he took an oath to uphold the Constitution.
According to the streets it’s an our current vice president’s very good friend and former boss who owns the app. *sorry didn’t want to get the site in trouble with names.
This s**t is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s….not surprising though considering the company she keeps……
Roumie is really scary. Read his NYT interview. And Pratt and Wahlberg being onboard tracks.
Anyone who marries someone who brags about deliberately running over a turtle is automatically a dirtbag in my book. Don’t care about how good your music used to be.
What?!? Blake Shelton deliberately ran over a turtle? Ugh.
He also shot a zebra for eating too much grass.
Candace Owens. Enough said. I can understand Gwen being conservative for religious reasons, if she believes 100% in Catholic doctrine, but real Catholics also know that doesn’t mean you have to give in to HATE. Jesus taught love and compassion. He did not teach, ‘find reasons to other people’ or ‘reject and ostracize people who are gay’.
She’s always been this way. Don’t forget the native American cosplay in one of the videos
Native American cosplay, Indian cosplay, Japanese cosplay, cholo girl cosplay. This lady spent the early 2000’s trying on other people’s culture for fun and profit.
The defamation lawsuits revealed that Tucker Carlson and his producer were calling Fox News viewers “cousin f*ckers”…and yet they still watch his show.
Well, she is married to Country Dude, so who knows?
I’m her age and remember that even back in 1995 she was what pop music thought was cool, not what was actually cool or deep. She has always been very surface, not very smart and super churchy/catholic. I think she also takes on the personality of her romantic partner so when she was with Tony and then Gavin she was an alt-rock/pop kind of girl but now that she is with the country guy she is that new-country/pop girl with the interests to match. If you listen to her in interviews she’s about as deep as a puddle and still talks like a teenager. There hasn’t been much growth over the years. All that is to say, she doesn’t seem to have the intellectual instincts to see through the MAGA bs so I’m sure she falls for it. Also the MAHA stuff because I’m pretty sure she was anti vax with her kids.
I’m not surprised she’s from Orange County. I suspect she’s a follower of Opus Dei, just like JD Vance.
She should be a character on the next season of White Lotus. Paging Mike White.
Owen’s has pivoted more to MAHA since having kids, from what I’ve heard. I can see her fully being MAHA, and Catholic enough to go along with anything that seems good Catholic adjacent. She is not a thinker, which is probably why Oklahoma is a nice place for her. (Don’t come for me, literally every county in OK went for Tr*mp and most of my extended family is there)
It’s ironic. Most rural families came during the land run, where the government gave them land. And now they keep harping over big government controlling their lives. Unfortunately, they will keep voting against their own best interests, because their churches tell them too.
I was radicalized in the Catholic church! Growing up in a small rural farming community in southern MN we sang songs about helping the poor, praying for peace, etc. A lot of social justice type stuff. We hardly ever heard about abortion. I also knew I could have faith and also believe in science. Politics was not discussed or brought up.
Just like our politics has become very polarized so it has happened in the Catholic church as well. MAGAS harass the Priests to push abortion stuff all the time (I’ve seen them do this). So either we will end up with separate liberal and conservative parishes or more liberals will flee the church.
One can’t follow the entire Doctrine of the church and vote. Dems are pro choice and MAGAs are pro death penalty.
Gwen basically becomes whoever she’s dating. We saw that with Tony and Gavin. She’s super into love and romance, and will follow whoever she’s with. All she really wants is to be loved. I feel her on wanting that forever love, but I’d never sell out my own beliefs for someone.
Wanting love is one thing—having no real core to love is another. And it makes for a lot of divorces…
I remember reading an article about her during her marriage to Gavin. He stopped the car and threw her cds out the window because he didn’t like her musical taste. Last year, I read an article about her and Blake. He made some sort of comment about he didn’t know what any of that stuff is, referring to her music. I wonder what it is to be in relationships with people who look down on your work/your art. Bush is not better than No Doubt, and is country the only great form of popular music?
You don’t have to agree with a person’s views, but just as you’re entitled to follow and believe what you like without being judged, so are they.
Actually nobody is entitled to do anything without being judged. Gwen can do what she wants, believe what she wants, but we can judge her if we want. You can even judge me for judging her if you like. That’s how it works!
🎯 THIS !!!! 🎯
She follows Candace Owens who is as far right as you can get, is antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ+, and she’s downplayed the impact of slavery and racism on the Black community even though she’s Black, she’s horrible. So on that alone we are certainly allowed to judge. Add to that Gwen’s obvious drift towards MAGA and Trump, we will double-judge her.
Stefani’s beliefs unfairly judge other people and supports those folks who will harm them, so there’s that.
Where there’s smoke there’s fire. I think it’s time people stop giving her the benefit of the doubt and just face reality already.
Devout Catholic my ass🤣I’m sure she was a virgin when she married Gavin, and they’re both on their second marriage. So she went through all that trouble to get her marriage annulled yet what did Blake have to do….nothing. Oh and he bragged about running over a turtle. They’re both trash.
I have never liked her. My gut has always served me well.
Tracks with her roots and Orange County.
She has been like this and getting worse for years.
This site always has article about both of them. Never understood why. Smmfh
I think she’s conservative and traditional, which is why I’ve always been baffled by her previous marriage to Gavin Rossdale.