Last September, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended the opening of a bookstore in the Santa Barbara/Montecito area. The bookstore is called Godmothers, which was apparently Prince Harry’s suggestion? The Sussexes are friends with all of the people involved with the bookstore, and Harry and Meghan’s books are even included in the “local authors” section, which I find charming. Anyway, to promote the bookstore, Meghan agreed to an interview in Godmothers’ Substack – you can read the full piece here. Some highlights:
She loves organizing her fridge: You might not expect to see her organizing her refrigerator—but it turns out the task is one she finds a lot of pleasure in. “I love it when it looks pretty and organized and when there’s a beautiful veggie board at just the right eye-level, so the kids feel enticed to grab that first—and they do!”
The books which shaped her: “Our kids’ ages—Archie is 5 and Lili is 3—mean we’re deep in the world of children’s books. And may I just say, I absolutely love it! So many picture books offer insights and perspective that I wish I had had exposure to as a child. Two current favorites: Brendan Wenzel’s They All Saw a Cat shows a cat from the perspective of a bee, a dog, and everything in between. To some, the cat looks scary; to others, it looks playful. It’s the best reminder that even as adults, we can all be looking at (or talking about) the exact same thing, but we’ll all see it differently. I’ve gifted this book to kids and adults. It’s amazing! The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld is an incredible book that reminds us that people need you to show up for them in different ways. Above all, it beautifully articulates the power of listening. Sometimes that’s all people need.
A book Meghan loves for herself: “I recently finished Unreasonable Hospitality by Will Guidara, which I truly believe is one of the most impactful books on hospitality—and how we host, entertain, and care for each other. Will sees the world through the same lens that I do: Small acts of thoughtfulness create larger ripples of goodness. It’s one of my favorite reads.
She could spend hours arranging flowers: “I love flower arranging. It’s not something I grew up doing, but arranging flowers (whether they’re from my own garden, the farmer’s market, a flower mart, or Trader Joe’s!) is one of those simple pleasures that I can get lost in. Standing there, arranging each stem, moving a small sweet pea from one spot to another, turning the vase to see it at every angle, and running back out to the garden to clip another small flower, or to pluck fresh mint or rosemary blossoms to add extra dimension and interest—every moment of that for me is magic. Flower arranging sparks my creativity, allows me tangibly to get my hands in something that adds beauty, and connects me to nature. My kids have jumped in to help me make arrangements, too, which makes it all the sweeter.
What are small things which give her a huge amount of joy: “Cashmere socks are an indulgence I love—but I also love the cashmere-like socks you find online that are easy to wash and super affordable. I don’t know what it is, but cozy, cuddled-up feet make me feel comforted. I also love finding a good deal. That may be in my DNA from clipping coupons from the Sunday paper with my mom when I was little, but I always feel triumphant when I’ve bought something on sale or found a coupon code online. And Saturday morning cartoons in bed is also high on my list. In the U.K., they call it a “duvet day,” and I’ve always found that sweet. Our little family, snuggled up for an easy family morning followed by pancakes and bacon. The dream.
The singers who remind Meghan of her childhood: “There was a lot of Joni Mitchell, Boz Scaggs, and James Taylor in my house growing up. There was also a lot of Anita Baker playing in the car on the drive to school. I was exposed to what my mom listened to versus “kids’ music,” and I’m sure that informed my eclectic taste in music, lyrics, and rhythm and soul. My favorite radio station when I was a little girl was K-Earth 101, which was all oldies. That’s still reflected in what I play at home: The Beach Boys, The Supremes, Otis Redding, even Annette Funicello for fun pool-party music when the kids have a playdate. I love happy sing-along music that you can dance to in the kitchen, and I made sure that was represented in With Love, Meghan on Netflix.
Her favorite topic of conversation: “Oh, I love to talk about food! The new recipes or restaurants someone has tried. I want to know why a dish was so good, if the hot sauce is as spicy as I’d like it, and whether a restaurant’s vibe is more “date night” or more “girls’ night out.” I’m so inspired by cooking and the foods that people find crave-able. I could talk about food for hours.
I relate to her musically – I also grew up in a household where my mom listened to the “oldies station” and NPR. No so much Joni Mitchell, but James Taylor, The Supremes, The Beach Boys, and The Eagles as well. Carly Simon, Nancy Sinatra. I still love all of that music too. I also relate to her re: talking about food. Talking about food is almost as fun as actually eating. I guarantee that Meghan asks all of those questions because she also enjoys reverse-engineering recipes. What else? I could not spend hours arranging flowers, but if Meghan could, that’s fine and it’s her business. Anyway, this was a sweet and very positive interview. More of this! The more she reminds people that she’s just kind of a dorky mom, the crazier her haters sound.
Photos courtesy of Netflix, Archewell.
- Beverly Hills, CA – Stars pose at the BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) Los Angeles Tea Party 2019 held at the Four Seasons Hotel Los Angeles. Pictured: Emma Stone BACKGRID USA 5 JANUARY 2019 BYLINE MUST READ: Image Press / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
I’m with her on talking and eating good food. I wish I was organized but sadly I’m not. I used to put snacks that I approve in a snack drawer for my children so I’m sure other mothers can relate to that too. It was a nice interview to get to know her a bit more.
I love that she’s just speaking out. Positive, dorky, sharing bits of her days and life.
No doubt there will be 30 articles about this yet here she is – just lovely and loving, anyway.
Well played and well done.
PS I love those socks too – the affordable versions
K-Earth is the shiz. It blows my mind that Nirvana and En Vogue are oldies now. One long holiday weekends and Friday nights, it’s 80’s new wave. I guess it makes since I’m on hormone replacement therapy but it kinda hurts the ego a bit. I would like to think me and Meg could be friends, but I’m sure my ADD self would chafe with her being so detail oriented. I’m sure I would get on her nerves. I’m legit happy she’s found peace.
I love Meghan giving interviews and promoting her own show. She moved on long ago and she looks young, fresh and gorgeous because she is happy with a clear conscious. Outside noise is just that, outside. I know it’s annoying for the derangers but she and Harry and her kids are happy in Californian sunshine and life is good for them.
1. “Duvet Day” sounds lovely. We kind of do a collective nap/lounge on our sectional after church on Sundays. We’re about to throw some sun tea and a veggie tray up in the mix and REALLY go wild, LOL.
2. I always felt like such a weirdo growing up being the Black girl that could listen to Shania Twain, the Grease Soundtrack or Boys II Men at any moment. I love how varied her taste is, how she embraces it and shares it with her children.
3. If I got a dollar for every conversation I had that turned into a food conversation? I would be a rich woman, LOL
Oh don’t feel alone we are out there with you! My mom once asked me if we were listening to a playlist I created, because I backed to backed singing word for word Bohemian rhapsody, into the groove, and All the man I need listening to the ’80s station driving with her.
I’m glad she’s doing these interviews, leaning into her dorky style. It’s great not being ashamed of it, and showing that there’s not a monolithic way that anyone grows up and she’s just as authentic as anyone else.
This black girl knows all the lyrics to Marty Robbins “El Paso”. I just went through the last of my late father’s record collection–records that I heard during my entire childhood. I gave the vinyls (some are decades old original releases) to a friend because I have no machine at the moment and don’t have the time/energy to sell them. Sam Cooke and the Soul Stirrers, Abba’s Greatest Hits, 60’s girl groups, Patsy Cline, Cowboy ballads (hence the Marty Robbins), Stevie Wonders Songs in the Key of Life. I found my old Purple Rain and Van Halen 1984 records in there as well (kept those for myself!)
Oh, girl SAME! My music taste covers just about all genres. I listened to NKOTB and New Edition. Madonna and Janet Jackson. Duran Duran and Cameo. I got down to Motown, Pop, Hip Hop, New Wave, Alternative and all the non-mainstream stuff my brother would listen to.
And I was judged HARD for not being “black enough” because I also enjoyed that white people music.
Okay, Meghan is out here organizing her fridge and flower arranging and I’m sitting on the couch eating Cheetos! I’m laughing. Love that for her. Growing up in Atlanta, my parents played Fox 97 nonstop in the car and the only channel we watched was Nickelodeon that randomly used to play really old shows during the daytime. Donna Reed, My three Sons, and the monkees iirc. So yeah, that resonates. I love her talking about books and comics in bed. See, Meghan does chill with comics on duvet day. I’m going to look up all her book recs for sure. I actually hate wearing socks but I will wrap up in cozy blankets.
Lol, my fridge is like a junk drawer and the freezer is like the Seven Cities of Troy – you need an archeological expedition to figure out what’s in there. My realm of perfectionism is knitting and crochet – everything else around me can be like the local landfill, but my projects have to be perfectly crafted and organized.
Food is my favourite subject! I feel her on this. Also big fan of cashmere socks. I used to always include them in winter care packages. They feel like such a little luxury.
I am 50 years old, and didn’t know cashmere socks were a thing! Here comes the Meghan Sussex Effect, I am about to deep dive into socks.
Lol…….I just took a look at some on Amazon😆
I feel her about the joy of finding a coupon code. It’s a rush.
Socks are the best! You can never have enough good socks…and they’re suprisingly hard to find (at least ones you don’t have to handwash yet are breathable…I’ve just found bamboo socks and they are LIFE)
Also, I am a passionate foodie and self-taught cook and professionally that has served me well, because I found that is my “go to” small talk that I actually care about while being a most inclusive subject: everyone has an opinion, no matter the race, culture, gender, language, religion, geography, skill level everyone can talk about food! It’s the rare person that is completely indifferent to food!, you can even talk about price of food, packaging, sustainability…You can connect with anyone over food
My mind takes me in a very different direction. Harry.
For a start I cannot imagine he had a duvet day ( and yes we do use that expression) especially after he lost his mother.
But just generally – how different his life is now – it must have been a huge shock, and even if he is happier now ( which he clearly is) the change must have been extremely difficult at times.
And I come away thinking once again – well done brave boy, you have done so well and your wonderful mother would be so proud of you getting out of that awful family.
I used to be incredibly organized when I was working and raising our daughter. But since I have retired, I am fighting for my life trying to keep my home organized. I have an eclectic taste in music as well. I am all over the place with artist and groups I enjoyed in the 80s. Have loved James Taylor for ever. And have traveled to attend many of his concerts. His music has always been comforting for me. Happy to see Meghan at this level of comfort in her life again where she feels she can share.
Meghan is talking about hygge and lykke which are Danish words describing coziness and contentment. I’m all for it as these are my personal metrics of success and happiness!
It was an enjoyable interview.
I loved the Soundtrack for WLM ❤️ Sugar OH, OH, OH, OH honey honey 🍯 and it’s playing while she is shifting her sugar, that scene was so delicate and delightful, pure Meghan.
I am not the weirdo I thought!! I enjoy going through the frig and tossing out expired bottles of whatever. I move all the food I want the grandkids to grab for snacks to the eye level front. Better the leftovers get eaten so I don’t have to toss them.
Love that Meghan Sussex 😍 can be her authentic self all the while holding the position of a Duchess. She is doing it with love and respect to herself, family, and British royal institution. ❤️ 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Cute socks have become my go to gift for friends. Something you would have hated getting as a kid but now you’re like “yay socks!”
I LOVE organizing my fridge, freezer and cupboards. My spice cupboard is extensive so I found these lovely, small glass jars with copper closures that I’ve labeled and use for my myriad of spices instead of loose bags flopping around everywhere. I also love opening my spice cabinet and just smelling the combined aromas…I know, I’m weird.
No you’re not I love that too lol
I do too 🙂 It’s quite satisfying.
Maybe As Ever needs to do some cashmere socks!
I follow the Godmothers bookstore on Instagram and saw they had posted about interviewing Mehgan for their Substack. But it’s often subscription only and I didn’t feel like paying to read it. So I’m happy to see it shared in full here, thank you for sharing it! I can’t relate to having a super organized fridge. I know Meghan is Type A and probably everything has a place. I’m not a very inspired cook, I don’t really like to cook. But Meghan has inspired me to be more adventurous in the kitchen!
I also found out recently that when Meghan and Harry were visiting one of their friends properties, they apparently had a mah jong table set up in each room for Meghan and the friend hosting her to play. That’s how much Meghan loves to play mah jong apparently (though I think it was more the friend hosting who insisted on this and not Meghan herself). I’m not revealing how I know this or which friend it was because I don’t want to get in trouble, but I was told that Meghan and Harry were super friendly and nice as guests.
I read the interview. I love Meghan made close and lasting friendship with older and wise women like Victoria Jackson and Gloria Steinem, etc. These women have been through life, meeting countless every kind of person, and they choose to maintain close relationship with Meghan, just shows that she is a genuine good person.
And who don’t love cozy socks in winter!
I also love cashmere socks. I was in Scotland last year and bought so many pairs – I was SO happy.
I love children’s books, too, and am always so glad when I have an excuse to buy them (my kids are grown). One of my all-time faves is “The Paper Bag Princess,” which is just laugh-out-loud funny.
As for Meghan, it makes me so happy that she’s happy.