Prue Leith doesn’t like Duchess Meghan, for a completely made-up reason

It’s been so many years now, I actually get a kick out of how the Duchess of Sussex simply makes British people lose their damn minds. People you wouldn’t even think would have an opinion on Meghan are suddenly chiming in and saying something disparaging for no reason. “I can’t believe she wears that kind of sweater, Harry never should have married her!” Well, obviously, they have now asked Prue Leith what she thinks of Meghan. Prue is probably best known to American audiences for being a judge on The Great British Bake Off. She’s 85 years old and I’m just realizing now that she’s actually South African, not British. She is a dame though – she was knighted/dame’d in 2021. She’s 85 years old.

Dame Prue Leith is not a fan of Meghan Markle – or her new Netflix cooking show.

“The Great British Bake Off” judge sounded off on the Duchess of Sussex’s “With Love, Meghan” this week while promoting her own new cooking series, “Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen,” on “Good Morning Britain.”

When asked by host Rob Rinder if she had tuned in to watch Markle’s latest Netflix series, Leith, 85, gave a blunt response.

“No,” she answered. “I’ve only read about it but I honestly wouldn’t watch it.”

According to Leith, she doesn’t really like the duchess.

“I’m not a Meghan Markle fan,” Leith declared. “All that touchy-feely, endless worrying about what creams you put on your hands. I just think there’s more to life than how you look and how your friends think of you,” she added. “I’ve probably alienated half my fans.”

[From The NY Post]

“All that touchy-feely, endless worrying about what creams you put on your hands”….? Has Meghan ever publicly fretted about what hand lotion to use?? “I don’t like her, for a completely weird reason I made up!” Well, that’s where we are. The dotty elderly lady on GBBO hates Meghan because of hand cream, and because Meghan… cares about how her appearance and what her friends think of her?? As the Telegraph pointed out, Prue is apparently pretty tight with the Windsors (thus, all of those honors). I always wonder, when it’s someone like Prue, if this is all Camilla’s handiwork behind-the-scenes. Is this Camilla hissing to her old-biddy friends “and then Meghan threw a tantrum about hand cream!”


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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112 Responses to “Prue Leith doesn’t like Duchess Meghan, for a completely made-up reason”

  1. Zapp Brannigan says:

    Prue Leith had a 13-year affair with her first husband, Rayne Kruger, while he was still married to her mother’s best friend, Nan Munro. She seems just like Camilla’s type of Dame alright.

    • ML says:

      Thanks for the (Irish?) tea😁🫖! That tells me everything I need to know about character. And I protect my hands…

    • Blogger says:

      😂 so that’s what Damehoods require.

    • Swaz says:

      I hope she washed her hands from HOMEWRECKING, I wonder if she would succeed with King Charles 😀 Such lovely people 😮

    • Meredith says:

      Ooh! Scandal! She definitely seems like she’d be team Camilla in all ways.

    • Lau says:

      Also her son is a Tory idiot so right-wing stupidity runs in the family.

    • Kit says:

      lol. Thanks to fellow CBers, I’m learning all the dirty secrets about these English personalities, (some of whom I’ve never heard of). Who knew in the Americas that Prue Leith, the doyenne of baking shows, is so messy…

      I used to watch with the family GBBS in its early years when cooking challenge wars were so popular. That and the House Hunters franchises. The kids enjoyed it, and one went to culinary school and now working as a sous chef.

      But yikes. It’s funny how so uptight and judgey the “old school” types are today. These people who are so critical were gleefully doing everything that is opposite of the whole wholesome, stiff upper lip, my sh*t doesn’t stink, per protocol English Rose schtick. Hahaha.

      Poor Prue needs to retire her life through those rose colored lenses. She’s knee deep in her own self-generated crap.

      • Deering24 says:

        Kit—yeah, this “I can be creative and cool, but WOC better not be” mess is one of the most infuriating things about their Meghan harassment. Like these folks are the sole gatekeepers…🤮🤮🤮

  2. Moira'sRoses'Garden says:

    Hmmm…old South African woman doesn’t like a younger, smarter, more attractive black woman who is minding her own business, not f-cking with dried out Saltines, and living her best life funded by her own work & not the the taxpayers like the South African welfare queen in the WH & the Queen Cow of the UK . Whodathunkit?

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Exactly.. finding a racist white South Africa geriatric is definitely BRF strategy to attract Meghan. This attack stinks of the mistress, I have no idea who this woman is or why she thinks her opinion matters, the world is fascinated with Meghan and the majority of us love her and want to know the brand of that hand cream so we can use it also.

    • DaniM says:

      Pretty much this. Distasteful woman.

  3. What else says:

    These white women are extremely weird and racist in their envy and hate of Meghan. Ok so what if Meghan likes her hands to be soft, that’s a reason to dislike her?

    White women have been showing their collective asses ever since WLM dropped. Prince Harry wasn’t going to marry one of you, get over it! Collect their tears Meghan, bottle it up and sell it.

    • Josephine says:

      Imagine being a full-blown homewrecker complaining about a woman who uses hand lotion. I’m guessing Prue has a whole lot of justified self-hate for herself.

  4. Jan says:

    Pru is an old thot, her mother was having problems and sent Pru to stay with her friends, she slept with the husband while living with the couple. So she started young.
    As soon as these people open their mouths the scandals, comes rushing out of the closets.

  5. ThatGirlThere says:

    South African white boomer hating on Meghan about a made up thing? Check ✔️

    Go take a nap lady.

    • Jaded says:

      Don’t rag on boomers, infidelity spans across all age brackets. Furthermore she was born in 1940. Boomers were born after 1946 when WWII ended. Other than that she sounds like a racist old slapper.

  6. Eurydice says:

    That dotty elderly lady had a Michelin starred restaurant. She’s actually a very accomplished woman. Still, this was a really stupid thing to say.

    • somebody says:

      So talent makes it okay to be nasty and make up lies about other people? Who knew?

      • Eurydice says:

        Where did I say it was ok? My comment was only 3 sentences, not too long to read.

      • NotSoSocialB says:

        Look, @someone-

        Eurydice has been here for quite some time, and she regularly makes insightful comments. I think the issue that irritates you is perhaps a colloquial subtlety.

        I am not a Brit, but my understanding of “dotty” used in this way means a somewhat untethered from from reality nutter.

        So in this context, Eurydice is saying that this Pru person is not some random weirdo, but someone with a long and public professional career as a chef, and that is just more Salt Isle racism, and the resulting punching down.

    • seaflower says:

      And an internationally renown cooking school back in the 90’s.

    • Mimi says:

      Her Michelin star experience would only be relevant if she’d watched the show and tried the recipes, no? Otherwise, she’s just an ass with an opinion.

      • Eurydice says:

        Her Michelin star experience is relevant to her being dismissed as a “dotty elderly lady.” She is a woman of life long accomplishment who said something stupid about Meghan.

      • Nic919 says:

        She’s also a racist old lady raised in a country where people of colour were legally classified as second class and from the comments she also was fine with breaking up a marriage.

        If she actually commented on the cooking done on the show then maybe the Michelin star comes into play. But instead she sticks with the racism she learned and never improved and just makes asinine comments about a show she never bothered to watch.

    • GMH says:

      I am confused. Are you saying having a cooking accolade gives you license to make things up about Meghan and hand cream? I hope you mean it is especially disappointing, given her Michelin star!

      • Jais says:

        Some of the people coming up out of the woodwork to talk about Meghan have very little achievements. But some of them do and I think Eurydice is just saying that this is someone who does have legitimate accolades but unfortunately that doesn’t stop them from being a pos and saying she doesn’t like Meghan bc she uses hand cream when Meghan has never once talked about hand cream. That is dotty and mean and yet she has done things in her life.

      • Becks1 says:

        She’s not saying that at all. I’m not sure why people are so confused by Eurydice’s comment. She’s responding to the idea in the post that Prue is just some dotty elderly lady. She has genuine accomplishments (as opposed to someone like Vogue Williams lets say.)

        But of course those accomplishments don’t excuse her comments, especially since she’s not even commenting on the cooking or baking in the show but rather hand cream? wtf? I read eurydice’s comment as more of a “so even accomplished and successful white women are going to tear down Meghan.”

    • pamspam says:

      I don’t think there’s anything confusing about your comment. Seems pretty clear to me that you’re in no way defending her saying something so nasty.

      I’m disappointed to learn she’s kind of a dick. I’ve enjoyed her on the baking show but didn’t know much about her. I’m so tired of people being awful.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Surprised at the comments on this thread. I thought the original post needed no qualification or explanation.

  7. Dee(2) says:

    What is it with these people at thinking of having high emotional intelligence is a bad thing, unless you’re hurting Camilla, Charles’s, or William’s feelings? I do think this cohort of older people ( her, Judi Dench, Jeremy Clarkson) share a tutting judgement about all that ” touchy -feely” stuff, like caring about other’s feelings and owning up to your behavior. Didn’t Harry say Camilla scoffed when he suggested family therapy. As if there wasn’t a family in this planet in need of it more.

    It’s funny though because for all of their sniffing about the ” feelings”, they all seem to have a direct path back to the, ice queen, long game playing, PR genius, that in the end seems to be really bothered by the fact that people don’t like her. And I don’t know if you alienated half of your fan base Prue but I’m sure they’ll be looking at you differently for sure.

    • Jais says:

      Yep. Touchy-feely would mean they’d be forced to think about other people’s feelings. Camilla and Charles didn’t care about treating Diana well. Sounds like Prue didn’t care about having an affair with her mother’s best friend. So at the end of the day they’re going to massively resent anyone who even suggests caring about anything beyond themselves.

    • windyriver says:

      That path is shorter than you’d think. Didn’t realize Prue Leith’s brother James is married to Penny Junor.

      • Jais says:

        Omg. It’s a small world. Okay yeah that tracks.

      • Tessa says:

        Penny trashed Diana for years and then started up on the sussexes. Penny and Camilla even vacationed together. Is penny up next to slam meghans,program.

      • Jais says:

        It’s been a who’s who of the bitter and the jealous for weeks now. Some expected. Some unexpected. It’s become a game. Who’s gonna show their ass next? Step right up to the circus of clowns, folks.

      • Blogger says:

        Such a small incestuous circle.

      • Dee(2) says:

        This doesn’t surprise me at all. All roads lead back to Camilla somehow. It’s interesting though she’s positioned herself as someone always playing fifth dimensional chess and supremely unbothered but it doesn’t seem that true. I think Spare really bothered her, especially after Season 4 of the Crown. I think her public perception matters to her much more than she likes to let on.

      • Tarte Au Citron says:

        Oooh I didn’t know about the Junor connection. *strokes chin*

        I’ve side-eyed Prue for years, #sorrynotsorry, she is messy AF in her own way.

        Her son Danny Kruger is/was a very Trumpy-style Tory MP during Covid. (Anti-masks, anti-ab*rti*n, anti-gay marriage, you name it). I doubt he picked it all up off the ground, y’know?

      • windyriver says:

        Penny didn’t just vacation with Camilla, she did some serious PR cleanup for her as well with her biography a few years back. You know, Camilla had no ambition for herself, she just wanted to be with and support Charles. Uh huh, right.

      • Jais says:

        That’s one of the big takeaways. Camilla is supremely bothered but works hard at seeming unbothered. She probably does want to be beloved. Bc once you start unraveling all these connections emerge, prue, junor, Camilla.

      • Cassie says:

        I read Penny Junors biography of Harry she wrote in 2014 .
        Pre Meghan of course .

        It was actually pretty good and she loved Harry .
        But she was horrible about Diana and very pro Charles and Camilla .

        I actually must get it out and read it again as I bet she has changed and is now anti Harry .

    • NotSoSocialB says:

      Seems like “touchy-feely” should be comfortable for them since they’re all apparently banging each other’s spouses on the sly thoughout their lives.

  8. Maxine Branch says:

    All the Meghan women haters look and act the same. The younger ones have a history of looking unkept and behaving uncouth. The older ones have loss all sense of reality, and are just uncouth.

  9. Jais says:

    There’s more to life than how you look? Ummm sure, that’s true. But now it’s Meghan’s fault that she’s naturally gorgeous and has soft hands. Way to blame someone for something they can’t help, jeez. Well, hey, at least now we’re getting somewhere. Someone being honest that she doesn’t like Meghan bc she’s insanely beautiful and has friends that like her. Jealous older woman loudly waving her mean bitter Betty flag. Imagine being so proud at being an old jealous mean girl.

  10. Jay says:

    So… she hates that Meghan is beautiful? That checks out, actually.

    I also think she might have seen some clips of Meghan’s show, because on the episode with Vicky Tsai (cofounder of Tatcha) they create a polishing mask and test it on the backs of their hands.

    • windyriver says:

      Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if she saw a clip, and didn’t pay close attention – the hand cream thing is a very odd angle to come out with otherwise. Plus, while applying the mask on their hands Meghan and Vicki were discussing intentionality, letting go, etc. – you know, the touchy-feely stuff that’s a turn off for Prue.

      • Jaded says:

        That, for me, was one of the most touching segments of the series. It was deliberate on Meghan’s part — to reinforce that despite the horrific treatment she received by the BRF and their tabloid sycophants, she chooses to rise above it all and pursue happiness, compassion, love for family and a great career.

  11. Miranda says:

    Is the BM ever going to wake up and realize how completely f–king insane it looks when they ask literally every white celebrity in the UK about a Black duchess who left years ago and won’t even set foot in the country for longer than a day unless a funeral is involved? It’s utterly unhinged.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Ah! but it sells advertising space. That’s all it has to do.

    • Jay says:

      Apparently not, since the BM seems to be doubling down on this inane strategy. It’s almost like every white British celebrity of a certain age got an alert that they had better get on the record bashing Meghan’s show if they want to be considered for any further honours from the palace.

      Not that Camilla is fixated on the Sussexes’ downfall or anything like that, perish the thought. She almost never thinks of them, as we know.

  12. Roo says:

    You know, she seemed to have a nice smile and a zippy way of dressing. I would not have thought she would make such cunty comments about someone she doesn’t know. I wonder what bothers her more – Meghan’s success, natural beauty, or race… 😒

  13. Me at home says:

    So Pru flatly denies having watched Meghan’s show, but Murdoch’s Post and Daily Fail both thought her opinion about it was still worth an article. Insane.

  14. Steph says:

    Meghan had never said anything about skincare. That being said, I’m supposed to believe that an 85yo with such loud (and lovely to me) style doesn’t care about her appearance and how ppl see her? Ok

    • Jais says:

      Good point. She obviously has a funky sense of style. She’s not leaving her house in a burlap sack sans makeup. So why then is she going off on Meghan about how she looks? The jealous and racist hypocrisy.

      • sunnyside up says:

        She clearly does care about what she wears, that clothing didn’t come out of the local supermarket.

  15. Bumblebee says:

    And I liked her on the Bake Off. Oh well, not that much of a loss. There are lots of cooking show judges. But only one American Princess.

  16. Chrissie T says:

    Funny Prue Leith being one of the haters especially since the GBBO is supposed to be a nice show. Her role in particular is all about encouraging all people to bake and being kind about their efforts. I am one of those who will think less of her in future.

  17. Daisy says:

    I’m almost certain that I read in an interview with another TV cook, Rachel Khoo, that Kate went to a cookery course at Leith’s cookery school. Rachel was in the class too. Kate missed a couple of days due to illness.

    I’m not a great fan of Leith, thought seems kind to competitors, but reading that she drowned puppies as a child put me off. To be fair, I think she was greatly affected, it was at her mother’s request.

    ***Happy to me corrected on my faulty memory***

  18. Nanea says:

    News at noon — old, white South African woman says misogynoir things about a private person who lives an ocean and a continent away and doesn’t bother anyone.

    If only the Left-Behinds cared a little more about hand creams/lotions and chapsticks, the world would be a much nicer place, right?

  19. Noor says:

    Dear me Prue has betrayed the fundamental law ie the proof is in the pudding meaning you can decide only after eating, and not based on impressions and judgements. She has disgraced her profession as a baker and a judge of baking competitions

  20. somebody says:

    Makes me glad I have never watched the Bake Off. I have, however, seen quotes about some of her comments to non-white bakers about “unusual” flavors. And there have been comments about having theme weeks like Mexican and Japanese where the hosts didn’t bother to pronounce things correctly or to have judges in who know the cuisine to assist judging.

    • Beverley says:

      I think it was this show which created some drama a couple of years back when they put on a racist display for a Mexican theme. They were dragged online, but I noticed plenty of Brits rushing to the show’s defense. As a Black American observing, it seems like racism and other xenophobic behaviors are wildly defended by the British media.

  21. Crystal says:

    Hand creams?
    “Ok grandma, let’s get you to bed” etc etc.

  22. Lady Esther says:


  23. Lover says:

    Did … did she read a social media comment somewhere that said Meghan & Harry were moisturized and unbothered? Because I can’t imagine where else she picked up the idea that M is deeply interested in hand cream.

  24. Libra says:

    Women should be supportive of other women and offer encouragement instead of bad mouthing someone you don’t know. I would hope she’s better than this cheap shit.(shot) but spell check knows best.

  25. Amy Bee says:

    Oh no Meghan makes this white woman feel some type of way. I wonder what it is?

  26. Blujfly says:

    Isn’t her son a Tory MP? And she let everyone know she voted for Brexit. It’s all political with them. They have built Meghan into an avatar of liberal feminism and a punching bag. They ask Leith specifically, when she hasn’t had a restaurant in a long time, knowing what the answer will be. They would never interview someone they didn’t think would answer how they desire, and if they got an unexpected answer they wouldn’t print it.

  27. Amy T says:

    I’ve never seen GBBO and had no idea who she was, but Penny Junior’s s-i-l pretty much sums it up as far as where she’s coming from. Also, you can be accomplished at things and be a jerk. (File under: we contain multitudes).

  28. Over it says:

    Another day , another white racist pass her sell by date who doesn’t like Meghan because of made up reasons number 420. I can totally see why the left behinds don’t like Meghan . She is absolutely gorgeous. Talented , hard working, has a personality and Is extremely kind . I saw how she apologized to a chicken so you can’t tell me she has a mean bone in her body. F all the racist pieces of shit who want to come at her . That’s my opinion and I stand by it . Also Meghan is busy counting her millions. She doesn’t have time for old w -h

  29. Lili says:

    LOL she’s gonna hate me as well, I was in a conversation at christmas lunch with my work colleagues, we were talking about skin and hands and one lady piped up about how i’m always putting lotion on my hands lol. yes i do that always putting lotion on my hands after washing, since the water is so drying

    • lilpeppa40 says:

      OMG @Lili yes! I was looking for someone to say this. I suffer from dry skin and cannot cannot cannot wash my hands and forget to lotion them after. If I don’t have lotion, I’m miserable. I’m also very sensitive to scents so I can’t use a lot of the regular hand lotions out there. And I’ve been known to mention it if like I quickly switched my work handbag and somehow forgot my lotion in the transfer. Not in a bitchy way but in a despairing manner I am down on myself for forgetting the lotion. I know people don’t often understand my near fanaticism about it. I say all of this to say that I wonder if Meghan is that kind of person: consistent about lotioning after hand washing and this was a weird tidbit that got whispered and racism-fied by Camilla to her friends. Cuz this weird as hell. Also, do these people realise they can just say “no comment”? For people who I assume are media trained due to having been in the media themselves, it’s just really strange that they clearly lose their minds over Meghan to this point.

      • sunnyside up says:

        How much do they get paid for being nasty about Meghan. Leith makes herself look silly, criticising a program she hasn’t seen.

  30. TN Democrat says:

    So. QUID PRO QUO. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. The Windsors gave a bigly title/access, but told her to make snarky statements to the media when instructed and the rota media, also in their pocket, plays right along. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Over and over and over and over. Harry/Meghan left 5+ years ago and works for their money. He isn’t a financial drain to taxpayers or a parasitic landlord. Is the rota really never going to cover Willy’s many, many shortcoming by deflecting with made-up snark about the Sussexes for the next 40+ years? At this point KP has been actively selling out Harry since 2016. On and on and on the rota go while refusing to publish anything justifiably scathing about the Wails.

  31. B says:

    Lol at this point the left behind royals aren’t even hiding that they are behind all this artificial hate. Meghan thriving and ignoring them has truly broken their brains and they don’t even care what they look like.

  32. maisie says:

    daughter of apartheid doesn’t like successful Black woman. NEXT.

    oh, and Prue dresses like a clown.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Prue needs a better PR team.

      If she had one, they’d tell her that parroting Seabiscuit Sidepiece’s talking points, channeled through third parties to gain palace approbation, is costly to her public image and global brand; whereas, shutting up is free.

  33. pyritedigger says:

    She is a raging Tory and voted for Brexit. Her son is a rabid Tory Brexit politician.

  34. Diamond Rottweiler says:

    To use the appropriate metaphor, it’s always been a big curdle in the cream that GBBO has this famously racist old harpy as one of the judges. She’s very Camilla coded, like they have some sausage machine on Saltine Island where they crank these cows out. It’s been my go-to tv as Xanax and I hope they get rid of her soon.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Maybe Allison Hammond will have another gloriously crazypants golden retriever moment in the tent that causes Prue to decide to spend more time with her grandchildren and remaining limbs.

  35. Vicki says:

    Seriously mistook her for Dame Edna for a sec.

  36. Maja says:

    She probably just sees Meghan as competition for her own cookery show, and she’s one of those women who badmouths other women when she competes with them. Meghan promotes other women. I would never watch a lifestyle show – and this is her cookery show – from a woman who is 85 years old and still has to badmouth other women. What a disgrace.

  37. Sandra says:

    I read the article about Prue’s affair. Definitely messy but Nan Kruger must have an incredible human being. So caring, forgiving and honorable, willing to be more than civil to the woman who broke up her marriage. I know Rayne Kruger was as much to blame as Prue. I would have liked to have known a woman like Nan. Prue, not so much.

  38. Lizzie says:

    Honestly, she didn’t ‘sound off’ on Meghan’s show she just said she doesn’t like Meghan, so she hasn’t watched it. I think that’s kind of fair, she didn’t say it was a bad show, or Meghan was ‘unrelatable’ or whatever the online screed of the day is. Now I do have thoughts about why she doesn’t like Meghan.

    • Square2 says:

      Pru said on national TV morning show, “…endless worrying about what creams you put on your hands. I just think there’s more to life than how you look and how your friends think of you…”, while she didn’t watch WLM and didn’t know Meghan.

      She could’ve just said she had no intention to watch the show and left it at that. But, no, she had to parrot the British tabloid (and BRF) talking points. Where has the hand cream story coming from, I wonder ? But I don’t agree I should give her a pass, considering I never criticize her wardrobe on GBBO, because that’s personal taste; however her “opinion” on Meghan is showing her true character.

  39. Square2 says:

    So, the judge on GBBO that was/is often being sh1tted on by some GBBO fans and BM, Mr. Hollywood is the only good egg among the 3 judges of the show. Unfortunately, I think Pru won’t be replaced in the GBBO franchise shows (and I like watching GBBO), considering GBBO has been having many “questionable” jokes and contents in the show’s history. The contestants were fine in that show, but the writers and production team are problematic.

    Once again, the racism in white people and the brainwash ability of BM are on full display when Meghan is in concern.

    • Square2 says:

      P.S. It’s easy for white people to say, “there’s more to life than how you look.” Some people with dark skin color are living in the reality that they could be shot dead for no reason at any giving moment, no matter how nicely they dress or look.

  40. martha says:

    Channeling my mother: No one who dresses like that doesn’t care what people think of you.

  41. Joantastic says:

    Well, she definitely alienated me. I so love GBBO, too! Isn’t she South African? That might explain some of it too. These people are all vampires and zombies.

  42. Pork Belly says:

    How about hating on someone for a real reason, old crone? Instead of MM, why not her husband’s pedo uncle? You know, the one whose mother had to pay off his victim because he couldn’t afford it himself.

  43. jtferber says:

    I used to like Prue on The Great British Bake-Off, but if she’s flapping her mouth against the luminous Princess Meghan, then f-ck Prue. And she looks like a clown in all her outfits, which I previously thought of as a delightfully eccentric English conceit. That pass is withdrawn because of her crass behavior, so clown it is.

    • Jais says:

      Yes, this. It’s the fact that what once seemed eccentric and cozy as part of some cute British brand is being absolutely destroyed by these people. They come across as mean-spirited and nasty and make it all seem like such a charade. Their reaction to Meghan is making them seem like obsolete assholes.

  44. jtferber says:

    Jais, right on. It’s like this “exclusive” English celebrity club must denounce Duchess Meghan as a rite of passage. In American gangs it’s sometimes a rite of passage to kill someone before you are accepted. For the English, it is bullying and demeaning a former royal whom they most likely have never even met. It’s pathetic really. And Prue and the others are all in their 70’s or 80’s. Like, what? They act like really mean junior high or high school kids. They should really be ashamed of themselves, shouldn’t they?

    • AC says:

      I think majority of people in the U.S. doesn’t have a clue who this woman is, or even cares what she thinks.
      M has been trending favorably around here and that makes them mad over there lol.

    • Tessa says:

      Meghan is still a royal. She and harry stepped down as working royals

  45. Meh says:

    Off to remove GBBO from my Netflix watchlist. Bye, Prude.

  46. Gabby says:

    And the hate parade of used up old hags continues.

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