Prince Harry’s full (and partially redacted) visa records will be released this week

In recent weeks, it felt like the “Prince Harry could be deported” conversation fell to the wayside as the British and American media went into a feeding frenzy around With Love, Meghan. But they resuscitated it, because of course. The Heritage Foundation’s two-year-plus harassment campaign has come down to this: a Trump-appointed judge is now going to release Prince Harry’s “full” visa files. And by “full,” it looks like they mean partially redacted.

Prince Harry’s visa files must be made public by Tuesday at the latest, a judge has ruled. Judge Carl Nichols set the deadline to release the files which will give the clearest indication yet as to whether the Duke of Sussex lied on his immigration paperwork. The judge, who sits in Washington, approved the redactions suggested by the Department of Homeland Security and said they were ‘appropriate’.

While it is not clear what material will be released, it could include forms which indicate whether Harry said ‘no’ when asked if he was a drug user. Lawyers for DHS have previously said that three items will be released with redactions but a fourth must remain private.

The right-wing Heritage Foundation sued the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) last year after the agency, which oversees immigration in America, refused a Freedom of Information request for Harry’s files. Heritage claims that Harry may have lied on the forms under the section which asks if he had been a drug user.

In his order, Judge Nichols, who was appointed by Donald Trump, said: ‘The government has provided the court with its proposed redactions to the documents…those redactions appearing appropriate, the government is ORDERED to lodge on the docket the redacted versions of those documents no later than March 18, 2025’.

[From The Daily Mail]

As someone who has followed Heritage’s harassment campaign since the beginning, this reads like a face-saving measure for both Heritage and the Trump administration. If there was anything questionable or noteworthy in the visa files, it would have been released and exploited months ago. Heritage has made this about “what did the BIDEN administration do to help Harry,” ignoring the fact that Harry most likely submitted the bulk of his visa application in 2020, when You Know Who was in office. Now, all that being said, the Trumpers are going absolutely batsh-t crazy about immigration, detaining and deporting immigrants with lawful residency statuses and green cards. So even if Harry’s visa issue turns out to be a huge waste of Heritage’s time, money and effort, the Trumpers’ reign of terror continues.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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84 Responses to “Prince Harry’s full (and partially redacted) visa records will be released this week”

  1. Sydneygirl says:

    I don’t even know what to say. I’m so steaming furious about this.

    • sunnyside up says:

      Time for Americans to start demanding Mrs. Trump’s application to be disclosed.

      • somebody says:

        And Elno’s.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        This will never, ever happen. I’m not sure people understand how complete the rot is in our country.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        And by “this,” I mean the opening of Melania’s or Elon’s records. There seems to be no accountability at all, no equal treatment.

      • Smart&Messy says:

        QUITECONTRARY, right! Anyone who said before that they can’t do this and that because Harry’s papers were ratified by the Trump admin, and he has an American wife and American kids, etc. No. They can do anything they want. Go file your lawsuit all you want, not even a jugde’s order will stop them. That’s where things are in the US, from what I understand.

    • bisynaptic says:

      Me, too.

  2. Maxine Branch says:

    I believe Harry will be fine because he owned his previous drug use in Spare. That being said, this is a dangerous precedent to establish, weaponizing the Immigration system.

    • Mimi says:

      What he said in Spare is irrelevant to what he put in the application, unfortunately. Spare is not a legal and government document. I am hopeful that he did not omit any information, even if inadvertently, because the orange one will sign a deportation order (like he’s trying to do with other immigrants). And yes, it is a dangerous precedent to set, that the government can cherry pick whom to deport and at will.

    • Barb Mill says:

      trump has already weaponized the immigration system. Every day i read a story about someone with a green card that has been detained by ICE. Also student here who protested for Palestinian rights. I don’t think Harry is at risk for deportation but this is to give some info to the BM trash to run stories. It makes me so mad.

    • maisie says:

      this is ridiculous.

      there is NO question on the application that asks if you have USED drugs.

      it asks if you have ever been arrested for drug possession or trafficking, or DUI.

      it asks if you have ever received treatment for drug addiction, or if you have ever used drugs/alcohol in a “problematic manner” (whatever that means).

      Keith Richards, Ozzy Osbourne, John Lennon, and many, MANY others have become us PRs DESPITE drug arrests, convictions or treatment.

      sorry for shouting-people get this so wrong, and it’s nuts.

      • BlueToile says:

        @MAISIE, I hear what you are saying and I sadly disagree. There were many here who said that his records would never be released, but here we are. What was normal in the past has no relation to the USA today. All norms are gone. The GOP has made this a country of every man, woman, and child for himself. We need to act and plan accordingly. There is nothing Trump would love more than to be the one who deported “Freakin’ Prince Harry!” The BRF would also love to see Harry and Megan further harassed and have their business deals interrupted. The threat is real no matter what is on that application. There is a segment with a vested interest in twisting whatever was written and/or the general narrative to punish the “woke” prince and put his family in more danger.

      • Yvette says:

        @BlueToile … People are overlooking the ‘partially redacted’ part of the article. It’s like any other government document ordered released. All of the important parts will be redacted, because those are always the parts deemed ‘private’, and what’s actually available for public view won’t disclose anything.

      • Rose says:

        Exactly. Everyone in Harry’s generation has used drugs. The only questions raised are addiction and trouble with Law. And Harry doesn’t have any. Anything else is 5 amendments territory

  3. Libra says:

    If Harry and his private records are at risk where is the hope for anyone else.

    • Julia says:

      If you read the court documents it’s not as the Daily Mail describes. It will be some documents and highly redacted. Harry doesn’t have anything to worry about the media are just trying to create drama. Don’t be surprised if we find out no new information,

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I hate what the Heritage foundation and Trump a ministration are doing to this country there is no rule of law and the great experiment has failed.

    • Is that so? says:

      Think about the records of refuges who are fleeing persecution.

  4. Dee(2) says:

    I said a few months ago when they switched their argument from he must have lied, and needs to be deported; to even if he didn’t lie he should have never been allowed into the country in the first place that they got the heads up that this was a big nothingburger. When Trump did his whole I’m not going to deport him because Meghan’s terrible thing, I knew where this was going. Where it always goes when he can’t win something, he makes it seem like either he didn’t want it in the first place or that he is doing you a favor instead of being unable to punish you.

    It does still encompass the larger more disturbing issue of going after people legitimately in this country as immigrants, because of their political or perceived political leanings. Whatever the end goal was of the Heritage Foundation it didn’t work but I doubt this is the end of them trying to find a way to force Harry out of the U.S. and presumably back to the UK.

  5. seaflower says:

    I hope they leave them alone to live their lives.

  6. Nanea says:

    Strange how HF doesn’t pester judges to waste taxpayer money to force them to make the visas of Melanoma, that Swasticar guy and the HF’s former aide to Margaret Thatcher public.

    • pottymouth pup says:

      Elon Musk had a student visa to go to Stanford but never enrolled. Instead he & his brother, Kimball, worked illegally to start a business and only applied to work legally after investors started asking questions about their visa. This is according to an interview with Kimball and Elon Musk

      If Elon Musk did not disclose that he violated the terms of his student visa on his application for US citizenship, that would be automatic grounds to denaturalize and deport him immediately. They will consider allowing someone who admits to a violation of a student visa to become a citizen but they must explicitly disclose it on their application. I highly doubt Musk did that since he even tried to deny it when his brother admitted it during the interview

    • Me at home says:

      Thanks, Pottymouth, I did not know that about Muskrat. This administration’s awful actions towards the Columbia student and some apparently non-gang members who were caught up in the deportations to El Salvador are heart-breaking. And chilling.

  7. jellitate says:

    What is their endgame here? They know he won’t be deported. Is it for publicity?

    • Jais says:

      At this point it feels like a consolation prize. A cookie for the HF and their right wing allies in the press. They’re getting some kind of content to write about. Will it be salacious? Idk? Will they do their best to twist it to seem salacious? For sure.

    • SadieMae says:

      They’ve both spoken out against Trump publicly. Remember his heel turn from being complimentary about Meghan to saying (after she spoke out) “I didn’t know she was nasty”? So I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he’s given an order to harass or even try to deport Harry, just as part of his campaign to punish anyone with the temerity to oppose him.

    • Barb Mill says:

      It’s for any info they don’t already have. It can provide lots of convoluted stories that they can put a negative spin on.

    • Maja says:

      It’s all about writing the word “lie”, “deportation” and the word “Prince Harry” together as many times as possible in hundreds of lousy and false headlines. They want to tarnish the honour of a soldier who has done more for his country and veterans than anyone else in these far-right alliances. It’s about zero and not facts. Who gave the 17-year-old traumatised boy the first line of cocaine on the weekend of the hunt? Who was the dealer who gave the poor boy drugs for the pain in his family? That’s what people should be interested in.

  8. Jais says:

    Oh yay. This should be fun.

  9. HO says:

    It’s clear those commenting here have never gone through the immigration process before. Immigration asks if you’ve been CONVICTED of drug use before, nothing else. Harry hasn’t. This is a waste of everybody’s time.

    • Brassy Rebel says:

      Trump IS the law now. I don’t know why people think the law is on Harry’s side.

    • Nanny to the Rescue says:

      How can they justify releasing this publicly? He’s a private citizen in the US.

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        The regime has broken multiple laws since January 20th. They feel no need to justify any of it.

      • HO says:

        I’ve filled out immigration forms myself before; most likely the same ones they’ll be releasing. This is a big nothing burger, I can assure you. This is just for clicks.
        Harry has never been convicted of drug use, his answer to that question would have been no, which is true. C’est fini.

      • BeanieBean says:

        trumpy doesn’t feel the need to justify anything.

      • QuiteContrary says:

        Regime is the word, Brassy Rebel.

  10. Brassy Rebel says:

    It doesn’t matter what’s in the documents. Nor does it matter that Harry did nothing wrong. They are harassing and even torturing legal residents for reasons unknown to them or their families. My suggestion to Harry is to get a good team of immigration attorneys immediately. And while he is at it, he can beef up his security with people who will not be cowed by ICE agents. This is not good news.

    • Julia says:

      Harry will be fine. He is a white British Prince. This is a nothing burger. However, I acknowledge that ordinary working class and middle class immigrants do need to be vigilant. Different rules apply for people like Harry.

      • Sydneygirl says:

        I’m sorry, but this is half the problem.

        “Trump is all bluster”, “Trump will never do that”.

        I mean at this point, it’s crazily naive.

        He has shown time and time again in these eight god-awful weeks that he is vindictive, and considers himself above the law.

        This is dangerous, and I hope Harry has good lawyers

      • Brassy Rebel says:

        Harry has much better resources than most people caught up in this immigration dragnet. But I just read a quote from an immigration attorney who confirms that anyone who is not already a US citizen is at risk. He will be at particular risk when he travels. And I don’t shrug off the public release of his immigration records (an unheard of thing!) as a mere formality. Someone got to this judge and made it clear he must sign off on this.

      • Tanisha says:

        We need to stop saying he will be fine. Trump and his administration are lawless. The laws will not apply nor can we expect them to. Harry def should be prepared to fight or leave. His family will use everyone to harass him and his family in pepertuity

      • Alteya says:

        I agree Tanisha. We need to stop thinking there are laws dumpy won’t break whenever he feels like it.

        I hope the Portugal property investment/residence visa talk from a few months ago is real. That would mean Sussex family has a backup plan and Tyler perry’s personal jet on standby to get them out of the country in an emergency.

    • 809Matriarch says:

      Wow. It’s real serendipity that Meghan’s beloved niece is an IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY.😊

      • Jais says:

        Yeah I’m guessing he does have immigration lawyers. And good ones. And an immigration lawyer in the family. So we’ll just have to see.

  11. Caitlin says:

    Shouldn’t he be eligible for citizenship by this point? In Canada, after getting your pr card it’s only a few years I believe (and that’s for regular folks, not vip’s lol)

    • Eurydice says:

      Sure, it’s 5 years residency or 3 years if married to a US citizen.

      • Jais says:

        Is it possible Harry became a citizen already? But would they strip him of his titles then bc he holds dual citizenship? Sorry, I don’t know much about this so I could be asking silly questions.

      • Eurydice says:

        @Jais – part of becoming a US citizen is to renounce all titles and orders of nobility – so, it would be Harry who’d “strip” himself of his title. I wonder if Harry isn’t reaching a “fish or cut bait” situation? I don’t really know his residency status or if he can continue with his current visa forever. Maybe it’s becoming time for him to make the decision to apply for citizenship – especially with this whole visa records situation.

      • Jais says:

        Ah thank u. Hmmm. I don’t know if I see him going that route though?

      • Gabby says:

        The prospect of being able to vote might pull him over to us.

    • Bqm says:

      I’d think he’d go for a green card not citizenship. I don’t see him ever becoming an American citizen personally.

      If I was him I’d worry not about being rounded up and deported but trying to return from overseas and not allowed back in. But I don’t think Trump will go that route. They’re happier working in the relative shadows when it comes to deportation not having such an incredibly high profile case involving the king’s son. We only really know a handful of anecdotal stories and millions aren’t even paying attention to those. Harry would be front page/leading news everywhere. They don’t want that spotlight on their actions.

      • Jais says:

        No lie, I’m about to come across as ignorant here but I always thought that if u married an American citizen then u could stay in the country? But clearly that’s not the case for many people anymore who are less known than Harry.

      • Lawrenceville says:

        @Jais, one can only stay in the country legally, even if they’re married to a citizen of said country. So, even if you are married to an American but have no legal status, you can still be deported. For example, that Giudice guy was brought to the US as a child but no citizenship ever applied. He got deported even after he had lived here all his life, had an American passport and was married to an American and had American kids. Personally, I believe Prince Harry must still be on GC status because he came to the US to live permanently in 2020. When you apply for a green card, it takes time to process. Secondly, you have to have been in this country for at least 3 months to apply. So let’s say he came here in March 2020, he still did not apply till June 2020. And the 5 year clock doesn’t start ticking until your GC has been issued. If it took about 6 -12 weeks to get it, then he probably got it in end of Aug. So legally his 5 years to become a citizen clock did not start ticking till sometime Aug 2020. And the 5 years do not include any day you have been out of the country, which Prince Harry has done quite a lot. I guess what I am trying to say is Prince Harry is still legally on GC time since he hasn’t liven in the US for 1825 days since he got his GC. If your GC expires before you are eligible to apply for citizenship, you can apply to renew if you still want to stay and live (and if you meet the criteria) in the US. And IMO, I would renew that GC the moment Trump won the election, which he probably did himself, but I don’t know. I know all this because I am an immigrant myself, not because I am a immigration lawyer.

  12. ML says:

    For me, The Heritage Foundation is something I first became aware of due to how they’ve continually hone after Harry. I was not aware of their involvement in Project 2025 at first. Recently, I did think the bizarre spate of articles of Meghan giving up her surname were stupid, until I realized that this is Project 2025’s method to bar anyone who has changed their birth name from voting.

    Considering the close relationship between the HF and P2025, I assume whatever is in Harry’s files will be leaked. Currently, the US government is in cahoots with this group, far more in cahoots than I expected!

    FOR ANYONE IN EUROPE, the HF/ P2025 wants to dismantle the EU:
    The author has worked for Byline investigates.

    • Bqm says:

      There’s a guy that has a project 2025 tracker. It shows just how much has already been implemented in less than two months. They were primed and ready to go. Too many people just didn’t want to see or hear it.

    • Me at home says:

      If there were anything incriminating in Harry’s files it would already have been leaked. Trump’s goons have had access for 8 weeks now.

      Yes, Project 2025 is the stuff of nightmares. I’m rereading 1984, which I havn’t read since high school.

  13. anna says:

    this is horrific and so dangerous because it sets an awful precedent – if they can do this for him, they can try and do this for anyone. it’s awful to see reporters salivating to cover this instead of pointing out how much this is a breach of norms and could very easily ruin many lives if it is applied to more people.

    • Libra says:

      Exactly the point I was trying to make earlier. How many people are at risk because they don’t have the resources available for defense. Harry can at least afford a defense.

  14. Mads says:

    I hope Harry has an EB-5 visa and not a diplomatic variant. From my understanding, if he’s invested just over one million $ in a new business and employs 10 US citizens within 2 years, he will qualify for that specific visa – the creation of Archewell and its various divisions surely meet the requirements.

    I think a diplomatic visa, or one that “seems” to be connected to his royal status is just going to keep Heritage on his neck and have the usual suspects churning out articles on Harry using his royal status when he’s no longer a working royal blah, blah.

  15. GMH says:

    The HF is carrying water for the British tabloids and media trolls. They are using drug use to open Harry’s file in order to go on a fishing expedition for anything else they can then make use og that might be there even if unrelated to drugs. I am not suprised at the lack of seriousness of the british media and trolls, including Hertiage. But at least one serious journalist should have puesued what questions actually are on the visa application. If they had they would have seen it is very specific: “Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict?” Harry’s declarations is Spare are consistent with the answer “no”. But once the file is open you will see the tabs focus on any unrelated trivia in the application for their headlines. I hope Harry takes action against the Heritage Foundation on this and in the process exposes who put them up to this frivolous exposure of his personal info.

  16. aquarius64 says:

    It’s only three redacted documents that are going to be released and the drug question may be one redacted question, falling under medical. The BM obviously doesn’t know what will be revealed but they are hoping that is what comes out. Also Harry is a prince of the UK and in the line of succession to the throne as Archie and Lili are. You can’t tell me QE2, now KC3 and future KW5 wouldn’t know about Harry’s immigration status as well as the British government. Something may have been worked out with the Trump White House and Trump DHS at the time. I think that’s another reason the documents are redacted; Trump doesn’t want anything coming out that would undermine Trump’s draconian immigration policies. White prince of the UK gets a waiver (yes that can be done for US immigration) and average people who are here legally, including white immigrants, are rolled up by ICE. Trump also wants to avoid the embarrassment of Harry being the US under a spousal visa via Meghan or the revelation he is already a naturalized citizen. (Thr average time to become a US citizen is 18 to 24 months. Harry came to the US in 2020.) And unlike others, Harry can afford top notch immigration attorneys and and security to put up a fight and Trump doesn’t want that spilled out on TV.

    • Julia says:

      If Harry has an A catering visa ( quite likely) it doesn’t include a drug questionnaire!

    • Bqm says:

      I:don’t think Trump cares about those particular optics of preferential treatment. He flat out said white South Africans should have priority status because they’re so oppressed. Even they were like “yesh, we’re good, we’d rather stay here”.

  17. Amy Bee says:

    The British press is very excited about this. I’m going to guess they’re going to be very disappointed with what comes out.

  18. Nicole says:

    We’re in the middle of a hostile government takeover…

  19. Is that so? says:

    “Trumpers are going absolutely batsh-t crazy about immigration, detaining and deporting immigrants with lawful residency statuses and green cards. So even if Harry’s visa issue turns out to be a huge waste of Heritage’s time, money and effort, the Trumpers’ reign of terror continues.”

    We seem to be in unprecedented lawless times where what has gone before is no guidance for what will happen next.

    I hope Harry’s lawyers have an opportunity to contest what should be redacted and none of the information released renders the family physically, psychologically, or financially exposed.

    Britain’s failing rags will be happy as they will be able to feast for months off this bounty.

    In truth Harry is the least of it. All of us are vulnerable to the whims and petty desires of wupremacist . They are erasing the history of the contributions of people who are not white, male, straight, Christian’s from the government records. They are destroying the rule of law. Being law abiding will not protect you. And even those who are protected now should understand their sense of security is an illusion.

    Very soon US green card holders will find themselves like Britain’s WINDRUSH generation, bereft of the social support they have earned and returned to a country that is strange to them.

    This crap is global [Autocracy Inc.] and if democracy does not have a decisive win soon the devolution will take decades if not centuries to make right.

  20. TN Democrat says:

    Harass the former prostitute that met mango whilst working and the nazi stealing our social security and banking information with the same energy. Will-not is a failure to launch. The UK/Commonwealth is going to be stuck with his lazy mediocrity no matter how much Harry is harassed to cover for Willy’s many, many inadequacies and personal shortcomings.

  21. B says:

    Rich famous white man with top tier lawyers whose wife’s close niece is an immigration lawyer is not going to have issues. This nothingburger continues just so the Heritage foundation and by extensions the left behind royals who fund them can pretend like they have power over Harry and can punish him for leaving. They act as if they’ve been harassing and intimidating Harry when they’ve just been blowing their money going to court with the US government. Additionally only drug related crimes matter on any American visa and immigration paperwork so much like their “royal work” this has been performative PR that will result in no tangible results. Its just the left behind royals pathetically trying to project strength and save face.

  22. tamsin says:

    This is unbelievable. What made the judge change his mind?

  23. martha says:

    Please please please. Serious request for visa applications: Trump’s Ma, Ivana Trump, Melania, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Usha Vance’s family, Tate Bros, etc

    • Alteya says:

      That will never happen. The law as of jan 20th is – they won, they’re safe.

      It is everyone who is not them who has to worry. Everyone.

  24. Vuyelwa Ncube says:

    This is how dictatorship takes hold. Because is everyone’s visa up for scrutiny

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