Pippa Middleton’s sister-in-law Vogue Williams sounds jealous of Duchess Meghan

There’s nothing better than having to explain who some C-list celebrity is and what they’ve done before I can even get to why anyone should care. It’s like, “remember this person who did something twenty years ago, well she said something really shady about the Duchess of Sussex.” Admittedly, this story feels a little bit less random. Vogue Williams is Irish (living in England) and she’s married to Spencer Matthews. Which makes her the sister-in-law to Terribly Moderately Wealthy James Matthews, who is married to Pippa Middleton. Do you see the connection? LOL. Well, Vogue Williams had some sh-t to say about the Duchess of Sussex.

Vogue Williams has become the latest celebrity to tear into Meghan Markle over her new show, With Love, Meghan.The takedown is close to home given the Irish TV and radio presenter is connected to the royal family. Her husband, Made in Chelsea alum Spencer Matthews, is brother-in-law to the Princess of Wales’s sister, Pippa.

‘I saw a bit where she was making her kids a rainbow platter of fruit,’ Vogue began. ‘First of all, I thought I was doing well mixing Rice Krispies and Cheerios – like, you can have two cereals in one! And she’s there like… did you see the rainbow [platter]? I personally like that, but who does that?’

Vogue was dishing out her views on the former Suits star’s Netflix series on a new episode of her podcast, My Therapist Ghosted Me. At one point, co-host Joanne McNally said of Meghan’s outfit: ‘I can’t bear a jumper round the shoulders,’ to which Vogue responded, laughing: ‘Yeah, yeah – it’s disgusting.’

Vogue added: ‘I love the idea of being a tradwife – I was dabbling in it – remember, I made that chicken pie a while ago? I am obsessed with that level of perfection. But I’m like, how is she doing that? I just think it’s like that bl***y Angel perfume – it’s so sickly sweet. I bet you she wears Angel. Sorry to anyone who wears Angel, I just wear men’s aftershave and that’s very sweet to me.’

Vogue said of her own aspiration to become a domestic goddess: ‘I’m on a journey to be a tradwife. I want to be like Lucky Blue’s wife Nara. She’s glam. I’m just going to dip the toe in. I’m not going to go full tradwife because I’ve got other bits that I need to do that don’t involve being a tradwife.’

[From The Daily Mail]

The comment about Meghan wearing a sweater over her shoulders is definitely odd and out-of-nowhere nasty. I was looking around to see if there was some other context, like maybe she said “it’s disgusting” with an eyeroll? I have no idea. But this just clarified something for me: for a large group of white women who consume aspirational-lifestyle content, they are so awed by Meghan that it confuses them and it comes out as jealousy. It’s more like “she’s so sweet and perfect and she has all of this time to do cute things for her friends and family, I wish I could do that, therefore I hate her.”

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Netflix.

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128 Responses to “Pippa Middleton’s sister-in-law Vogue Williams sounds jealous of Duchess Meghan”

  1. Blogger says:

    She’s accomplished, and you’re not Vogue. If you were, you would have a Netflix series and not insecurely bitching about her on a podcast.

    So build that bridge and get over it.

  2. Smices says:

    Her jewelry in that picture is garish. Also isn’t her father in law a pedophile?

    • Megan says:

      Since when are women responsible for the actions of men?

      • Kingston says:

        Everything is fair game when a nasty jealous beyotch opens her arsehole and comes for Meghan. Period!

      • Jaded says:

        Smices didn’t say she was “responsible for the actions of men”. She just commented that James Matthews’ father David was arrested in 2018 for allegedly raping a minor.

      • Megan says:

        And why is that a slur against Vogue? What David Mathews did has nothing to do with her. Stop using men to attack women. It’s so anti-feminist.

      • HeatherC says:

        IMO I didn’t see that comment as placing responsibility on the woman. More like she’s coming for someone who has done no harm to anyone, yet is silent on someone who caused actual harm to people.

      • Nerd says:

        Women aren’t responsible for the actions of men but they should be responsible for their own actions and words. Her deciding to attack someone that she doesn’t know yet avoid saying anything regarding the actions of someone that she does know shouldn’t be ignored. No one is implying that she is responsible for someone else’s actions but deciding to speak against someone she doesn’t know for living her life and doing good things for herself, her family, friends and others while not condemning the horrible actions of someone she actually knows shows that her opinion is purely based on a hateful agenda and campaign to attack Meghan on behalf of the royal family. The coincidence of these people having the exact same talking points and somehow being connected to the leftover royals, isn’t lost on anyone.

    • kelleybelle says:

      Both her dress and the colour are garrsh too. And that bold dark yellow doesn’t suit her in the least.

    • Hypocrisy says:

      Exactly what I came here to write.. she offers fashion criticism while she looks like an 80’s mall rat.. my god those accessories are just horrible for any decade, but it’s always the ones who need the help the most that rant the loudest and this woman needs help.. her family with its scandals should remain silent and in the shadows imo.

    • Foodie Canuk says:

      I cant stop staring at her earlobes…. *cringe*

      So much brash, garish gold jewelry.
      I always think less is more… who said “take a piece off before you leave the house’?

      • Lucky Charm says:

        It was Coco Channel. “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.”

  3. Another nobody climbs out from under her rock to fling shit at Meg because they are jealous of all Meg has and does plus Meg is biracial and how dare she be better than them. Climb back under your rock.

  4. Jenny says:

    LOL. These people are in shambles. “Disgusting”? Get a grip!

    Kaiser is right. These people are jealous of Megz, they don’t know what to do with themselves. We all have the same 24 hours! Meg seems to make sure hers are productive. Type A is not a crime

    • Megan says:

      Hmmm, I wonder if they think the photos of Diana with a sweater tied around her shoulders are disgusting.

      • BeanieBean says:

        Yep. Just what I was thinking. Me, I don’t care for the look nor the feel of that, but I wouldn’t call it ‘disgusting’. That’s a choice.

    • paintergal says:

      Agree Beaniebean. The sweater looks strange for cooking but certainly not disgusting.

  5. Lady Esther says:


    • Amy says:


    • MsIam says:


    • Lau says:

      I highly recommend to read her wikipedia page. They left the best part about her writing an article in a newspaper about the need to establish “internment camps for the detention without trial of “3,000 [Muslim] extremists living in the UK””.
      But her husband’s main storylines when he was starring in a British reality show were that he kept on cheating on his girlfriends and being an all around terrible person so I guess that’s all you can get as a husband when you’re a racist piece of cr*p.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Lau – She isn’t capable of writing a newspaper article. Someone else must have written it for her.

  6. LOLA says:

    There’s a TV ad in the UK for clothes washing pods (full of chemicals. I think not very natural and not trad wife aspiration? I could be wrong. And I am not judging anyone for using them) that she is on. Her voice is so annoying and whenever the ad comes on we are like “who? Who is this woman?”.

    Schilling products for money whilst completely dolled up trying to come across as relatable while married to an alleged inherited money millionaire.

    Ok Vogue! Have issues with the fruit plate!

    • Blogger says:

      Wasn’t Spencer a bit of a man-whore? Could not believe he finally tied the knot with anyone but like attracts like I guess.

      And there’s not much love lost between Pippa and her. Pippa was worried that Vogue was a bit trashy and something something.

      She and James (are they still together? It’s been quiet on that front after being papped without her ring) are distant from Spencer and Vogue.

      • Deborah1 says:

        Vogue wasn’t invited to Pippa’s wedding because the Middletons thought her trashy.

      • Gabby says:

        That’s what I thought I heard, @Blogger. Something about him bagging over 1000 women before he married. At least Vogue (JFC is that really her name?) HOPES it was all before he married.

        But since she’s such a bitch about Meghan, I hope there were a few after he married. See, I can be petty too.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        @Deborah1, Wow, how trashy do you have to be if even the Midds think you’re trashy? Lol

    • Julia says:

      I don’t think Spencer Matthew’s is as rich as he pretends . Incredibly wealthy people don’t need to appear in reality shows like made in Chelsea.

      • Blogger says:

        James is the rainmaker in that family with his properties and hedge fund. Pippa got lucky she beguiled him.

        Where is Spencer’s wealth supposed to come from? Brother? Father?

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Julia – True, and he’s also had a problem with alcohol.

    • Deborah1 says:

      @Lola – Yes, it’s for Fairy. The ad is cringeworthy. I’ve nothing against Fairy products though because I use their washing powder for skin allergies as it’s non-bio. I don’t use the pods so can’t comment on those.

  7. Em says:

    Meghan seems to have it all while most of these women are stuck in loveless marriages, they can’t even put in a tiny effort and I’m sure there have been some comparisons in aristocratic circles as to why they can’t be more like M ( she can hold a conversation, actually cooks and makes healing ointments and all sorts) that kind of woman is most conservative men wet dreams and that’s why these women are so so angry, they don’t have access to her that’s why they’re lashing out on almost all platforms in hopes that she’d see their comments and get hurt by them.

    It’s also why you see criticisms of her being married to a colonial family from white women who want to use this as an excuse to to attack her and yet no energy directed towards Kate Middleton, these women know the wales marriage is a smokescreen and no matter how many commercial videos and festive glances Kate forces it doesn’t mean anything, they already know Kate is unhappy so there’s nothing to be jealous about

    • Blogger says:

      Being the object of Meghan’s pity infuriated Lazy. All her adult life she’s been told “As the future Queen everyone will bow before you and will be so, so jealous of you!”

      Rose tells her Coventry tactic to lord over the Norfolk set wasn’t going to work.

      And here comes Meghan with “I feel sorry for Kate…she’s was going through some things.” (The Rose pegging rumours)

      So no one in their right mind would want to be in Lazy’s position. But Meghan? Hell yes. Have an adoring husband, two kids, a Montecito mansion…jealousy sure is a curse.

    • Cherry says:

      I mostly agree with you and I’m baffled by all these powerful, rich white ladies who apparently have nothing better to do than ripping a black woman to shreds for… having a cooking show?
      I would like to make a more general point though, which is, I’m growing increasingly uncomfortable with the ‘trad wife’ narrative. In my book, until recently, aspiring to be a ‘trad wife’ was a very niche part of Tiktok. It seems that in the course of a few weeks (yes, since Trump got into office) ‘trad wife’ got from niche to mainstream. We are apparently using the term without irony now? Saying stuff like ‘I love the idea of being a tradwife’?
      @Em I think you are right in saying that ‘I’m sure there have been some comparisons in aristocratic circles as to why they can’t be more like M ( she can hold a conversation, actually cooks and makes healing ointments and all sorts)’ but I find it problematic that this cliché, old-fashioned idea of womanhood is what so many women -and men!- are aspiring to these days. That is not in any way Meghan’s fault, obviously. It just strikes me how conservative we have all become.

      • Roo says:

        Cherry, I completely agree with you. Vogue throwing around “tradwife” like it’s some fashion trend – without multiple layers of meaning and consequence for us as women – made me very uncomfortable. It’s one thing to be flippant about clothing or makeup trends, but the tradwife movement has dark underpinnings.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        @Cherry, if I had been forced to be a tradwife I would have been a terrible wife and mother, and honestly probably wouldn’t have survived. I love being a mom and grandma, but on my own terms.

      • Alarmjaguar says:

        Right!? Amen to all you said. Tradwife is a whole political agenda and it is dangerous. Nothing wrong with women who like to cook, craft, decorate, etc (hell, I love to cook), but that’s a different think from embracing a patriarchal ideal of womanhood that suggests that wives live to serve their husband and family that so many influencers are peddling…nope, nopity, nope!

  8. Lady Digby says:

    She is very thirsty for attention. Briefly married for a year to Brian McFadden former member of a boy band and participated in a dance show with him. Now married to Spencer Matthews who seems very troubled and not that faithful. He was all over SM over possible one night stand at BF’s wedding with Kate Moss’s step sister. Pippa married the sensible brother but Spencer is a handful so I suspect poor Vogue is envious of Meghan’s husband’s devotion to her.

    • Blogger says:

      Vogue should get an STD test.

    • Libra says:

      @lady digby, She was also with British washed up actor Laurence Fox, who went into Conservative politics and had a failed run I bit ago.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Libra – Yikes! Laurence Fox is more than just conservative, he is a far-right nutter.

      • Jaded says:

        Well that seals her fate. Just another white socialite wannabe clawing her way to fame and fortune by shilling soap, getting involved with a disgusting misogynist actor and marrying the ne’er-do-well son of an accused rapist. She’s got 3 BIG strikes against her and yet she’s desperate enough for attention to rag on someone who wears a sweater over her shoulders and prepares a beautiful fruit platter? And her name is really tacky. If my parents had named me Vogue I would have changed it as soon as possible.

      • Libra says:

        @Deborah 1; you are right in your assessment of Mr Fox. Being it’s Monday, I thought I would start out the week by being understated.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Libra 🤣👍

    • Heather says:

      She can relate to Nara but not Meghan? Hmmmm. Explain that.

  9. Jais says:

    But who does that? Who makes a rainbow platter? Raises hand. I do! We had a family get together yesterday and I got the kids to help make a rainbow platter with gold chocolate coins at one end for st Patrick’s day. It’s not that freaking hard. It takes just as long as making a regular fruit platter. WTH. These people sound jealous bitter and dumb fr.

    • Blogger says:

      That’s a clever idea with the chocolate coins! Must try that.

      • Jais says:

        It was a cute idea! I can’t take credit bc I googled st Patrick’s day food ideas. The other idea we did was cutting off the tops of green bell peppers, hollowing them out and then putting dips or hummus or green veggies in them. We placed the peppers into a shape of a shamrock clover and then made a stem with some celery and surrounded it w veggies for our crudité plate. Took 10-15m at most. Like some of Meghan’s dishes were more time consuming sure but the rainbow platter was not one of them and sure wasn’t the one to complain about, my god.

    • Cee says:

      My mother does, too! When we get together for asados in summer she always brings out the biggest most beautiful fruit platter and we all gravitate towards it, even ignoring the kilos of ice cream, pastries and cake!
      It was like Meghan was showing off my mother’s platters LOL

    • somebody says:

      Rainbows are simple. Has she never seen the many elaborate things that some people make out of fruits and vegetables?

    • Izzy says:

      I’ve made rainbow fruit kabobs. I’ve also made a crudités platter arranged like a turkey for Thanksgiving.

      A cruditurkey. My friends thought it was hilarious and sweet.

  10. jellitate says:

    Reminds me of that hillhousevintage (love her) insta fiasco. In the immortal words of Eddie Kane Jr. “you hate me ‘cause u ain’t me”. These average b****es could never.

    • MrsCope says:

      And I hear it in his voice, too. HAHA

    • Lucy says:

      What happened with hillhousevintage? I’ve followed her for several years but am taking a break from insta right now. Is she ok?

      • jellitate says:

        @lucy She’s doing great! BUT some dusty instagram posting person used @hillhousevintage as a reason to ‘quit the internet’ or insta or whichever. Imagine, a beautiful black woman with an amazing career, family, and home, living her real and amazing life threw that dusty woman over the edge.

      • Alarmjaguar says:

        So I did not know about @hillhousevintage, so had to go look her up (she now has another follower), but also, she wrote a cozy mystery! Right up my alley, thanks, ladies!

    • Dee(2) says:

      LMAO. This is what keeps me coming back here, where else can I get a five heartbeats reference on a story about the British royal family and their adjacents?

  11. Eurydice says:

    So many of these people have seen only “a bit” of the show, like maybe the trailer. This adjacent person doesn’t even know that the rainbow platter was for a children’s party.

  12. ThatGirlThere says:

    Her name is Vogue??? 😂😂😂

    She named Nara too huh? Just piling on all the popular biracial Black girls married to white men who adore them. Though Nara married a Dumpty supporter, she’s not a trad wife either. She’s a working model who cooks while flames up for the most part. I’m not a fan but, at least get it right.
    Poor Vogue is clearly jealous of he life is hat Meghan is leading and is happy to share with the other racist, misogynist.

    “I bet you she wears Angel. Sorry to anyone who wears Angel, I just wear men’s aftershave and that’s very sweet to me.”

    She’s not just “mean girl” she’s a “cool girl” too you guys.

    • Jais says:

      That perfume part was eye-rolling but yeah I’d imagine there’s a huge overlap between the cool girl and the mean girl.

    • Cherry says:

      I frowned at the perfume part, too. Classic cool girl. Man, there’s so much to unpack in this little bit of interview. Racism, internalized misogyny, neo-conservatism, social gatekeeping…

  13. Tanisha says:

    1) Nara isn’t a trad-wife she actually works a job and started doing her content because of food allergies.
    2) these women are so damn jealous it’s no longer funny,

  14. somebody says:

    Whatever perfume Meghan wears, if she were to advertise the fact, it would be sold out the next day. And, I bet other women are wearing jumpers like Meghan now. I bet nothing this one has ever worn has sold out.

    • Jais says:

      And don’t forget Harry’s favorite scent. He told Colbert that his favorite smell was his wife. So whatever Meghan wears or doesn’t wear seems to work just fine for her husband .

  15. Tessa says:

    Who else will be brought out to slam Meghan and the show now? The media gets desperate. Maybe some in law of James Middleton or maybe Mike Tindall?

  16. Elizabeth says:

    Both she and Spencer Mattews are incredibly thirsty. For some reason, they are always in Hello Magazine.

  17. tamsin says:

    Somebody uploaded an episode of Pamela Anderson’s show on Youtube, and judging by the comments, for the sole purpose of giving trolls and bots the another platform to trash Meghan and her show. The comments were repetitive and contained the talking points set by anti-Meghan smears- Pamela is so humble, so relatable, she lets the chefs shine, this show should have been green-lit by Netflix, it’s so authentic because Pamela is so genuine, and it’s filmed in Pam’s own kitchen (she installed a kitchen in an old barn for taping) and all the food is from her own garden, etc. Hundreds like that. I watched it and it’s a completely different type of show from WLM. It is not a life-style show but a how-to cooking show in which a chef plans a complete dinner menu and teaches Pamela how to make it, so she is cooking side-by-side with the chef, mirroring whatever he’s doing. Pamela says that cooking for someone is showing love. At the end, her sons, her husband, and her male assistant show up to eat. The chef praises Pam throughout the show. It’s pretty good, and I was interested in the vegetarian menu. I would embarrassed by the trolling under the video of my show, though when’s it’s so obvious that its existence is to deploy trolls.

  18. Jan says:

    Weight Watchers made Meghan’s cake mini cupCakes, using apple sauce and yogurt and it’s 2 points, the kicker is they’re asking for her opinion on it.
    William Sonoma is making the dishes from with love Meghan and having a sale on Le Creuset.
    If you think these hags are mad, they haven’t seen anything.

  19. Deborah1 says:

    Vogue Williams is as thick two short planks (meaning very stupid for those across the pond). She once appeared on BBC TV’s Mastermind (celebrity edition) and couldn’t even answer one question right, neither for general knowledge nor for her specialist subject. She must be the only person in the programme’s history who has failed to answer any questions correctly. What an embarrassment. She should stick to doing Fairy washing powder commercials on TV. Anything she says about Meghan should be taken with a very large pinch of salt.

  20. Lizzie says:

    Maybe it’s me, but I don’t think trad wife means what this clout chasing rando thinks it does. Meghan has works what I consider to be full time, not 9-5 but runs a business and creates content. Just because she enjoys and is really good at cooking doesn’t make her a trad wife, just makes her one of the millions of women who work and still feed the kids before school and make sure there is something for dinner. I’d say she is opposite of a trad wife. (Not ignoring dads who cook)

  21. Miranda says:

    The thing is, I actually find myself kind of agreeing with some of the things the haters and derangers are saying about WLM. I personally found it a bit twee for my tastes (I will admit, it was the rainbow fruit platter that especially triggered me, too), but I don’t have the urge to attack Meghan AS A PERSON because of it. My God.

    It’s a pity that the Founding Fathers didn’t know that all it would take to destroy the British was one intelligent, beautiful Black woman with some homemade jam and hand cream.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I think that’s the thing though. For most reasonable human beings ( you, myself, most here ), if something isn’t to their taste, they just say oh I’m not going to finish this or I won’t watch any follow-ups about it. And that’s the end of it. They don’t say that no one else should be allowed to watch it, that the person is so unrelatable because it didn’t appeal directly to them.

      The most bizarre thing to me is how personal some of the criticism seems to be. Like if something isn’t curated specifically to hit all of the things that interest you it’s because this person set out to personally affront you. Like I personally loved the show, but I joked about some stuff with my friends. Like I was going to take a shot each time Meghan said crudite and things like that, but this visceral she shouldn’t be allowed to exist is so wild.

    • Kit says:

      My kids would laugh at me if I ever use the word “twee” because they’ll tell me the usage is in itself twee and in their mind, I’m too hopeless to learn the cool vernacular.

      But then again when they were school age, they love that rainbow, my little pony sh*t. So yeah, I gave in and did the rainbow bits: the bomb glitter, the oversugared rainbow cupcakes, the rainbow counts, the rainbow/pride flag, wristlets/Tshirt, , the prism and light refraction/reflection, wavelength, etc.

      The kids all survived their tweedom, none the dimmer for it. Thank goodness. The adults today, not so much. There is something to be said about understanding light and wavelength and the amazingness of rainbow (with all its symbolism and ephemeral presence) after all. Too bad so many people missed that. Sigh.

  22. Amy Bee says:

    This is so sad. All these white women feel threatened by Meghan.

  23. Lucy says:

    Ok, I had no idea who this b*tch was to the point I thought that headline was messed up, and that Pippa’s unnamed SIL had given comments to Vogue about William being jealous of Meghan 😂. That still makes more sense than a person named Vogue saying this 😂

  24. Jais says:

    I mean that’s the thing. The rainbow platter was for a kids party so it was kind of twee. I made it this wknd for the kids and my mom was randomly rolling her eyes and saying I’m always doing weird ideas. But the kids liked it I think? Idk it was a weird response. When I was little my mom did fun crafts with us so I don’t know why she was making comments. It’s just like if you’re not into it that’s cool. But don’t make me feel bad that I am, lordy. Oh well.

    Edit- sorry meant this in response to Miranda!

    • somebody says:

      But twee for a lot of purposes is popular. If you go on certain cruises there are all types of cutesy towel animals, napkin folds and food art. A rainbow for kids is tame in comparison and certainly nothing to have such a big reaction about as this woman did.

    • Debbie says:

      Personally, I think that scoffing that someone did something “twee” (whatever that means) is quite a choice of words. But most parents, including myself, have arranged food in fun ways for children, whether it’s for parties or just for breakfast.

      And thank you @Somebody for reminding us that certain decorations have become standard now, like napkin folds and towels folded like swans, or even folding over the tops of toilet paper. Some things are done just for visual appeal to the users.

  25. kelleybelle says:

    Vogue? Almost as bad as being named Precious …

    • Jaded says:

      Or “North” or “Saint” or “Chicago” or “Apple” or “Birdie” or “Bronx” or “Denim” or “Dream” or “Future” or “Java” or “Riot” or the winner “X Æ A-Xii (formerly X Æ A-12), who goes by “X” (Muskrat’s and Grimes’ kid). Blech.

      • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

        Best parody of ridiculous celebrity child names was on 30 Rock: Wingspan and Banjo. I find it hard to believe this woman’s parents named her Vogue. Like they knew she’d grow up to be a talentless wanna-be.

      • Deering24 says:

        I thought Birdie was a 1930s era name. What namesake did I miss? 🤣🤣 Thanks!

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Jaded – Or “Brooklyn”, “Romeo” and “Cruz” (David Beckham’s kids). 😏

    • Agreckoning says:

      LOL @kelleybelle! My eyes are still rolling at someone naming their daughter Petronella!

      Sounds like an insecticide. Dear Vogue, I’m sorry Meghan’s existence threatens you. You might want to check your own idiocy before griping about double major Northwestern graduate Meghan. love, me

  26. aquarius64 says:

    The conga line of white women exposing their jealousy of Meghan. Meghan’s show not only has good ratings and gets a second season, she inspired people world wide to post their efforts in the kitchen on SM, but Le Creuset is seeing an uptick in sales of their products throught its website and stores that sells them. Weight Watchers has put out its version of the honey lemon cake. And Meghan has announced her podcast coming in April. These women resent that their projects and podcasts have not not received world wide recognition and no major media company wants to do business with them.

  27. VilleRose says:

    It sounded like a very half-hearted critique. It sounded like she was trying to come for Meghan but she admitted to liking the rainbow platter. She also went on about wanting to dabble in trad wifery which when you think about it is also being a lifestyle influencer. Meghan is not a trad wife but trad wives are also selling a lifestyle. So this Vogue person also wants to be a lifestyle influencer, just a different sector of the lifestyle influencer world.

  28. Becks1 says:

    I don’t fully get her criticism. She wants to be a tradwife or wants to dabble in it or whatever but the rainbow fruit platter is a bridge too far? And she’s assuming Meghan wears a sickly sweet perfume?

    White women are really not okay when it comes to Meghan’s success.

    And I say that as a WW who is obviously a big Meghan supporter. But lordy there are so many that are not okay.

    • Jaded says:

      Meghan’s so elegant she probably gets perfume custom-made for her, or wears Baccarat Rouge or Frédéric Malle’s Portrait of a Lady. I actually have a bottle of Angel and every time I wear it I get compliments. SMH…

      • Jais says:

        I’ve never heard of Angel but now I’m going to try a sample next time I’m in a Sephora or an ulta.

      • Deering24 says:

        Cool—custom-made perfume! And that is the kind of thing easy to find in California—it doesn’t have to be a perfume conglomerate product…

      • SURE says:

        Angel is a VERY strong perfume @jais .

  29. Over it says:

    Like seriously. Who are these nobodies and what other planet do they reside on. Since Meghan show drop they keep bringing out nobodies after nobodies to talk shit about her and we still don’t know or care who the f these people are because guess what. You ain’t Meghan so body care about you or what you think .

  30. Over it says:

    All these bitches big mad that Harry choose the beautiful half Black woman as his wife and mother of his children and loves her with everything he has. The fact that they are still hot for each other is keeping these women up at night and disturbing their day time too. Meghan keeps on winning and In the words of Beyoncé . We be all night. Lololol. Stay mad haters

  31. Em says:

    C-list is super generous. I had never heard of her in my life. It seems as though she is mostly a social media influencer who appears on morning mommy talk shows in the U.K. Also, her neon fashion is horrific.

  32. Gail Hirst says:

    The second this person said “Meghan Markle” I discounted 99.999% of what she said…even before I read what she said. Meghan makes it very clear that hasn’t been her name for at least 2 years, so this random Vague woman is dissing a person who no longer exists. I have become so disappointed (and embarrassed) in and by these blowhard white women. It’s just so pathetic and sad and pitiful. Striving to be a 1950s housewife is something I shall never, not ever, understand. And I’ve been wearing men’s deodorant (Old Spice Original) for decades…because it’s generally more for less $$ and because of the pink tax which I avoid whenever possible!

    • Deering24 says:

      Heh. From what I understand, men’s fragrances, deos, and body wash have more musk/woodsy/heavy scents in them…but fundamentally they have the same basic ingredients as women’s. I’ve found men’s body wash makes a great winter handsoap, for my skin gets right dry then.

  33. Kelsey says:

    “And she’s there like… did you see the rainbow [platter]? I personally like that, but who does that?’”

    Beyond pathetic lmaooooo what a big ol hater.

    Sidenote: Now they’re trying to slap the “tradwife” label on Meghan. Sorry bookies, but babygirl works for her coins. Even Nara Smith, who she tried to bring up, because “Hey I like THAT biracial so I obviously can’t be racist”, isn’t a tradwife- she too has a lucrative modeling career.

    I swear, a certain…er…demographic…should put as much energy into applying themselves as they do into hating. Then, maybe they won’t be so horrified by their own mediocrity that they refuse to clap for others getting shine. This is ridiculous.

  34. bitsycs says:

    These people are ridiculous and embarrassing themselves.

    I will say with the rainbow thing as an example, I genuinely think British people are just very out of touch with American parenthood. I’ve thought that many times with their Meghan criticisms. A lot of stuff Meghan does is just normie upper middle class American mom stuff. I’ve been a SAHM for almost 18y and I can’t count the number of playdates and parties I’ve hosted or gone to with a rainbow fruit thing. It’s very Pinterest. The other stuff on her show is higher level but that specifically is very normal in my circle.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yes I feel like in general there were many aspects of the show that were just….higher level Pinterest. And I don’t mean that as a bad thing. The cutesy bug platter with Mindy Kaling? I feel like that was all over pinterest a few years back. OJ ice cubes for your mimosa or whatever? That’s all over tiktok etc.

      That’s why so much of the criticism feels out of place. Have they never heard of pinterest before??

      • Blithe says:

        I think they’ve never heard of “cute”. Or “parenting”. Or managed any sort of entertaining on their own. Many many decades ago, Way before Pinterest and the internet, my mom would plate my Baby Blithe breakfast with scrambled eggs hair, biscuit eyes, a strawberry nose, and a bacon smile. My birthday cheese biscuits were shaped like diamonds, and the raisins in my oatmeal outlined designs. So baristas can do designs in foam — but Black moms aren’t supposed to have the talent, the whimsy or the time to delight their kids or moisturize their hands? Miss Ann shit like this “Vogue” is putting out gets very tired.

        I’m pretending to be above making bad “Vogue” puns — but I’m really muttering them to myself.

    • Anne Maria says:

      This woman Vogue is Irish, not British. She does sound a total waste of space however.

  35. Rosemary says:

    Jesus Christ it’s a joke. She’s self deprecating about thinking she’s winning by mixing two cereals and a trad wife because she made a chicken pie. It’s literally all a joke.

    • Kelsey says:

      We’re waiting for the funny part of the joke, boo. It’s giving hater.

    • Jais says:

      I get the self-deprecation part. I was comparing Meghan organizing her spices while I’m sitting there eating Cheetos on my couch but the overall tone didn’t come across as just self-deprecating. Maybe I’d have to hear it in context as opposed to it being reported upon by the daily Mail as another person tearing into Meghan’s show.

    • Lizzie says:

      ‘I can’t bear a jumper round the shoulders,’ to which Vogue responded, laughing: ‘Yeah, yeah – it’s disgusting.’
      Good try, but it’s not a joke.

    • Deering24 says:

      A “joke”…which is inaccurate, racist, and not frickin’ funny.

  36. Cee says:

    I’d love Meghan’s lifestyle and yet I wish her nothing but the best in life. She doesn’t make me jealous but serves as inspiration. The sweater Vogue is referring to is a style Meghan has worn for YEARS and suits her.
    Vogue Williams is jealous and you can tell why just by looking at her orange face, orange body, neon yellow outfits and even her name (when you share a name with a MAGAZINE that’s when you should not make shallow criticisms of others…) oh, also, she’s not 1/5 as interesting, talented or even RICH as Meghan Sussex is, and her FIL is a p*do and r*pist.

  37. MsIam says:

    Well, this is how we know Meghan’s show is a major hit. They are dragging out every Tom, Dick and Vogue to open their piehole. Who’s next, the person that drives the bus that goes past Buckingham Palace? Let’s see what they think of Meghan’s show. I can’t wait until April when Meghan’s podcast comes out if they are popping off this much now. Go ahead and laugh all the way to the bank Meghan Sussex at these pathetic losers.

  38. Swaz says:

    This Vogue woman seems to have more issues than Vogue Magazine 😃

  39. Digital Unicorn says:

    Vogue is seriously seriously thirsty who is desperate to be famous or famous adjacent. She’s too boring to be famous on her own.

    Cooking programmes are not my thing but given all the nonsense around Meghan’s show I might just watch it.

  40. Beverley says:

    These white women want to be gatekeepers. It bothers them that her show is a success. They don’t want to see a biracial Black woman succeed. It makes them crazy that she has the leisure time for her lifestyle. They hate that she has nice things she bought herself. They are sick with jealousy and envy that their favorite prince chose Meghan and left his birthplace to keep her and their children safe. They’re in for a miserable future because H&M are madly in love…and IF they were to separate, Harry would NEVER return to Salty Isle to be abused by the worthless Other Brother.

    And I think that the fact that their English Rose is so devoid of personality, talent, and intelligence that she will always come across as inferior to Meghan in every way.

  41. Bev says:

    That yellow ensemble and accessories are atrocious. All she needs is a yellow fathered fascinator and she would be Big Bird.

    And tsk tsk dahling, I don’t think the queen or other stodgy royals would approve of the lacy black see-through underwear dress.

  42. Disengaged says:

    Normally I wouldn’t, but she chose to say snooty things in a public forum, so here: I, too, have multiple ear piercings. I have learned that the more piercings you have, the better off you are with smaller jewelry. Maybe 1 big statement and the rest barely there or studs. She looks like the genie in Aladdin.

  43. AC says:

    I didn’t even read the DF article(only Kaisers summary). But Those people over there are seriously desperate for attention. Another average woman DM was able to find attacking successful M. What a surprise.

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