Queen Camilla’s aides ‘almost never discussed’ the Sussexes, it’s not a ‘fixation’

In December 2022, Queen Camilla enjoyed a boozy pre-Christmas lunch with about a dozen of her strongest media allies, among them Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan. Both Piers and Clarkson already had a well-documented and very public hatred for the Duchess of Sussex, and many interpreted Camilla’s lunch with those people to be Camilla explicitly signing off on the years-long smear campaign against her step-daughter-in-law. The situation became even more despicable when, immediately following that lunch, Clarkson wrote a violently hateful screed against Meghan, in which he openly fantasized about stripping Meghan naked and throwing feces at her. As Prince Harry later noted, Camilla’s silence was deafening, as was the monarchy’s silence on the whole about the violent misogyny and racism towards Meghan. Well, out of nowhere, Newsweek had this exclusive about how Camilla’s aides “almost never discussed” the Sussexes.

Queen Camilla’s aides “almost never discussed” Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s broadsides, a royal source told Newsweek.

Harry famously described Camilla as “dangerous” in his book Spare and suggested she sacrificed him on her “PR altar.”

However, during the era of Harry and Meghan’s bombshells, the staff around the queen and King Charles III almost never discussed the royal rift.

“Far more thought and hiatus is stirred up in the media around what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are or aren’t doing on any given day than was ever a fixation at the Palace,” a source told Newsweek. “Where it’s almost never discussed.”

[From Newsweek]

Absolute bullsh-t. A blatant lie. While I don’t believe that Buckingham Palace obsessively tracks every single thing the Sussexes say and do – Kensington Palace does track every single thing though – BP very obviously keeps their eye on the Sussexes, briefs about the Sussexes constantly and produces MANY storylines about the Sussexes in relation to Charles and Camilla. Camilla clearly had and still has a major role in how the Sussexes are written about and discussed, not to mention her role in the estrangement between Charles and Harry. Camilla still sends out her media allies to smear and disrespect the Sussexes.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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39 Responses to “Queen Camilla’s aides ‘almost never discussed’ the Sussexes, it’s not a ‘fixation’”

  1. Tessa says:

    Yet the media and aides protest too much. She looks ghastly in that hat

    • Paulkid says:

      She looks ghastly in all hats and also without any headwear.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      It’s not the hats or the outfits that are ghastly.

      It’s Camilla. She is the ghastly one.

      Fun fact, Rota, BP: Cams can’t spend 70+yrs being a mean girl to people who outshine her (and let’s be real here, a vanta black paint chip could outshine her), and then expect the public to believe her when the press try to walk that back and downplay it.

      The public has a long memory where Camilla’s behaviour is concerned, none of it favourable.
      She thinks she got what she wanted, to be the power behind the throne, control the jewel vaults, and be the literal queen bee of the family.

      In the process however, she has sown permanent discord between a monarch and his sons, discord which is now diminishing the crown and destabilizing the monarchy.

      It begs a question: is this something Charles wanted as well? Did he want perhaps to be the last king of England? Or would he be horrified to learn what his obsession with positive press for Camilla has ultimately cost The Crown?

      • Chrissy says:

        I honestly doubt that Charles cares about the Monarchy beyond himself. Just the fact that he didn’t prioriize preparing/ instilling a work ethic in his older son is proof. Also, his obsession with Camilla seems to continue to be a detriment of his family relationships, especially Harry and the his family. Luckily for Harry, he met and married Meghan and her love and support helped to get him out of that abusive system. William just bought into being the ‘special’ one, continued the abusive system with his brother, stopped developing as a human being and decided to just lounge around aimlessly and take advantage of his lack of boundaries and endless privilege. He is just overgrown teenager with lots of toys and free time that avoid anything constructive, but lots of handlers to clean up his messes.

      • Museum Lady and the Law says:

        If William had a single brain cell and could let go of his insane jealousy of Harry, the smartest thing he and Harry could do is team up against the hag who killed their mother.
        Remove her titles, take her castles and jewelry away, and let her live in ignominy. That woman never owned her shit but she wants everyone to love her regardless. Time she paid the piper.

  2. Hypocrisy says:

    If they are printing that the evil mistress who has a violent past with her hate campaigns doesn’t have a fixation on the Sussex family (lol) you know that the truth is she is obsessed with every move they make.. that is why there are articles like the one from that racist old baking show judge who’s opinion matters to no one but Camilla and company.

    • ML says:

      Are they trying to get ahead of something? If you rarely discuss anything, and the newspapers are constantly filled with stories, you do not add to the noise by saying anything. That just leads to more stories.

    • Oh yes she does have a fixation. It’s her joy in life to destroy Chuckles family. She did it with Diana and she is doing it with Harry and Meg. Peg will be king so she is a bit softer with him but still uses her gutter press bedmates to go after him from time to time.

    • Megan says:

      I suspect Camilla feels “disrespected” by the family by having conveniently forgotten her own disrespectful behavior. She wants to “settle scores” that she, herself, racked up.

  3. Eurydice says:

    Oh please, what are they talking about? There are decades of history about Camilla and her strategies. It’s too late to do a clean-up now.

  4. Tessa says:

    Camilla,started early when she phoned the editor of the sun on a regular basis way back when.

  5. Maxine Branch says:

    From their statement alone, you can tell the Sussexes are a hot topic with those folks. If not, why issue such a statement?

  6. Jais says:

    Haha. Okay, so now that Megan’s show has been renewed and people are talking about how racist and unhinged all the initial reviews and reactions were, they’re trying to distance. They saw how inane and obvious Kate and William looked with their plum recipe stunt. So this is them saying oh no we never think or worry about the Sussexes. Sure, Jan. Someone is anonymously briefing Newsweek about the Sussexes saying that they don’t think about the Sussexes🙄. Kind of defeats the message.

  7. Roo says:

    You know, there’s a southern saying “God don’t like ugly.” And that explains why she looks like she does – she has been punished. 😆

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      Just like when Diana’s Spencer genes got William back for calling her paranoid. Snatched that hair right off his head faster than you can say “8th Earl Spencer”.

  8. Jay says:

    You know what I usually do when I’m definitely not thinking about someone? I release a statement to the media about how much I am “almost never” thinking about them. Did you hear that, Sussexes? I almost never think about you all the time!!!

  9. Ocean Girl says:

    They’re like the ex-husband who files for divorce, but is still mad at the jilted ex-wife.

  10. Feebee says:

    Camilla almost never think about the Sussexes…

    Did someone ask? A really weird thing to announce out of the blue.

  11. Wesley says:

    Camilla hates the Sussexes. She’s targeting Meghan to wound Harry.

  12. MY3CENTS says:

    Yeah not fixated, more like obsessed.

  13. Mads says:

    Oh, come on folks we know they fixate on Harry and Meghan, yet look at the real message here: William is the psycho who’s fixated on his brother and sister-in-law and constantly briefing his favourite mouthpieces (Becky English and Tom Sykes); your adulterous king and his side piece are just masters at the sly dig and gaslighting you brainwashed plebs.

    KP and the rota know exactly the underlying point being made in this piece.

  14. Blujfly says:

    I don’t believe for a second the Sussexes aren’t discussed constantly… but if they aren’t it’s because Camilla’s people already have their marching orders and know exactly what to do!

  15. Lover says:

    My “I’m not maniacally obsessed with the Sussexes” t-shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by my t-shirt

  16. Amy Bee says:

    No she just get her friends in the British media to do her dirty work.

  17. Blogger says:

    So Gisele hasn’t publicly thanked Camilla, so to deflect from that public faux pas, she’s gone back to Sussex-bashing.

    You can’t not talk about a woman when every single week you send your attack dogs to bark and your media pigs to squeal. Actions, not words Camz.

  18. B says:

    Every British old person who comes out with a negative opinion about Meghan and Harry is connected in some way to Chuckie and his horse. They’re just as obsessed as Billy and Kitty they just used to be better at hiding it. Unfortunately for them the Sussexes continued success has worn away all their patience and discretion and they are blatantly utilizing they’re grey haired cronies to attack the Sussexes.

    They’ve learned nothing so they’re tarnished and tawdry legacy continues to grow.

  19. Lady Digby says:

    These people always tell on themselves. Remember before the release of Spare there were endless stories about Harry being clapped on irons if he went after his stepmother? Kind of an admission that she was leaker in chief from the get go? After all who leaked it to the press about her first meeting with Will? Cam can’t help herself she loves stirring it and passing gossip or made up BS about her husband ‘s family. She’s a grade A manipulator who enjoys dishing it out to be lapped up and amplified by her media cronies. She is very dangerous and has caused a lot of harm to both step sons whilst getting as much loot and opportunities for her own family.

  20. Jean says:

    I agree w Harry, she is dangerous. I know people like that, they want to destroy anyone who crosses them or they just take a dislike to. Two degrees off from my immediate family but just as potent. As for they never “discuss and not a fixation?”

    …not buying it. (Shaking head)

  21. QuiteContrary says:

    This is such B.S. Of course, they’re obsessed with the successful couple who outshine them at every turn.

  22. Libra says:

    Every single dirty trick they pulled to make their life miserable and dangerous has failed. Their attempts to destroy them has failed. Camilla sat at Charles side spurring on the hatred. They are now in the “what do we do now” phase. “We almost never discuss” is code for what happens when the DM lawsuit begins.

  23. KC says:

    I find it believable that Camilla doesn’t fixate on them. She strikes when she feels the need or sees an opening, but women like her honestly aren’t going to care about Meghan or dwell on her. Meghan is a commoner, American and of mixed race so I wager Camilla does what she sees needs to be done and goes back to her gin drinking because she’s a completely self-involved narcissist with no conscience and for her slapping down Meghan and Harry is a job she does when she feels like. Charles is such a namby pamby tampon, he just lets her do it.

    The two eaten up by Meghan and Harry are William and Kate. In every way but title they are inferior. Well, their children are but because they are adorable in their own right, but couple to couple, individual to individual they HAVE to rely on the title and position for any reputation. They are both lazy, have little personal charisma, Kate doesn’t even hold the corner on fashion anymore. There was a time when she wore an item and it sold out immediately. Those days seem to be gone.

    • Beverley says:

      It must really rankle the Royal Racist that a biracial woman is superior to her in every way. And it must equally rankle Peg that his brother married a more accomplished and talented woman. In the Wales’ eyes, this has to be an annoying affront to their white “superiority.”

  24. tamsin says:

    I think Charles has really lost a kingdom for his side-piece. He is a weak and petty man whose pathetic need for whatever Camilla gives him contaminates everything he will ever touch. I’ll be surprised if he will be able to accomplish anything in his reign- which is simply to keep the monarchy stable. He and Camilla destroyed his dynastic marriage, and his relationship with Harry. Camilla is indeed a wicked step-mother and a destructive woman.

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