The Princess of Wales was in surprisingly good form on St. Patrick’s Day, where she attended the annual Irish Guards parade, passed out shamrocks and sipped a pint with the men. She looked freshly “rejuvenated” and she was smiling and looking happy in almost all of the photos. Apparently, she spoke at length to the men, chatting about her plans to travel more with the kids, and what she thinks of William’s struggle-beard.
The Princess of Wales says she wants to take her children to Australia and New Zealand now they are a bit older. Kate was chatting to Irish Guardsmen and their families in the Sergeants’ Mess at Wellington Barracks after putting money behind the bar for them to celebrate St Patrick’s Day during the annual parade.
She told Corporal Adam Hamilton, an Australian reservist: “George finds it fascinating that he has been to Australia and New Zealand. I would like to go back there with them now. It’s finding time to do that. But I love to travel – yes, it’s a long flight. But I love the Middle East because that’s familiar to me [from] growing up. There are so many opportunities now to travel, I think it’s brilliant to experience it. We tend to go further afield when it’s official visits, it’s being able to carve out time to experience these countries in a more private capacity. Because otherwise you end up seeing lots of insides of amazing buildings but you don’t get to meet that many people. It’s making sure that you can combine a bit of work with the children. I might see you down there!”
The Princess, who wore a bottle green coat by Alexander McQueen and a matching hat with a gold shamrock Cartier brooch of the Irish Guards, was also asked where she and her family lived.
“We are in Windsor at the moment,” she replied. “We were in London but moved there for more green space. It’s close enough to London, not too far away.”
The Princess also chatted to section commanders in the bar about her husband’s beard. “These trends come and go,” she said. “I was saying to my husband, I’m not sure how long he’s going to keep his for.”
The idea that William is following a “beard trend” is so funny – he’s not actually on trend, and his beard is clearly part of his years-long attempts to copy his brother. The stuff about traveling is interesting, because the courtiers have been pretty insistent that Kate refuses to travel for work now, and has refused to travel for work for the better part of two years. She hasn’t been on any kind of “foreign tour” since 2022 (although she was in Jordan in 2023 for a wedding). That being said, Kate has made it clear that she’s fine with traveling for vacation. People always forget that Kate spent several years of her childhood in Jordan – arguably one of the most interesting pieces of biographical information about Kate, and it’s constantly buried because they don’t want her to sound too “exotic” or foreign.
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid.
- Catherine, Princess of Wales, attends The Irish Guards’ St. Patrick’s Day Parade at Wellington Barracks, London, England, UK on Monday 17 March, 2025.,Image: 976614399, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Eddie Mulholland for The Telegraph/Avalon
- Catherine, Princess of Wales, attends The Irish Guards’ St. Patrick’s Day Parade at Wellington Barracks, London, England, UK on Monday 17 March, 2025.,Image: 976614420, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Eddie Mulholland for The Telegraph/Avalon
- Catherine, Princess of Wales, attends The Irish Guards’ St. Patrick’s Day Parade at Wellington Barracks, London, England, UK on Monday 17 March, 2025.,Image: 976614480, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Eddie Mulholland for The Telegraph/Avalon
- The Princess of Wales, Colonel, Irish Guards, visiting the regiment at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Wellington Barracks. PIC: HRH The Princess of Wales joins Guardsmen and families in the Junior Ranks dining Hall.,Image: 976628565, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Eddie Mulholland/Avalon
- The Princess of Wales, Colonel, Irish Guards, visiting the regiment at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Wellington Barracks. PIC: HRH The Princess of Wales joins Guardsmen and families in the Junior Ranks dining Hall.,Image: 976628569, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Eddie Mulholland/Avalon
- The Princess of Wales, Colonel, Irish Guards, visiting the regiment at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Wellington Barracks. PIC: HRH The Princess of Wales meets ‘Mini Micks’ junior cadets from Northern Ireland.,Image: 976628601, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Eddie Mulholland/Avalon
- The Princess of Wales, Colonel, Irish Guards, visiting the regiment at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Wellington Barracks. PIC: HRH The Princess of Wales with Major General Sir Chris Ghika Regimental Lieutenant Colonel.,Image: 976628635, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** NO UK USE FOR 48 HRS ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Eddie Mulholland/Avalon
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Catherine, Princess of Wales during the 2025 Irish Guards’ St. Patrick’s Day Parade at Wellington Barracks in London. Pictured: Catherine, Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton BACKGRID USA 17 MARCH 2025 BYLINE MUST READ: Zak Hussein / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- London, UNITED KINGDOM – Catherine, Princess of Wales during the 2025 Irish Guards’ St. Patrick’s Day Parade at Wellington Barracks in London. Pictured: Catherine, Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton BACKGRID USA 17 MARCH 2025 BYLINE MUST READ: Zak Hussein / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
“It’s finding time to do that” oh poor poppet can’t find time in the 300+ days a year you don’t work? GMAB.
I mean I can imagine it takes a lot of scheduling to make a trip happen. Scheduling around BP and the host country. But still come on. If u want to travel for work, there is enough time. The bigger issue is they take summers off and all the extensive holidays that the kids have. So finding the time around that might be challenging. But it’s sure not poor me wherever can we find the time. If they wanted to, they would.
Yes it’s very hard to find time to travel when you are traveling a lot for vacations. Poor sausage sucks to be her.
I think she probably means around the kids schedule because she wants to bring them. The way she talks about tours it’s very “touristy” and how she’d want to carve out more private time (they’re the only ones who do that) for private tourism instead of just going to have to meet people representing the government.
She’d probably happily spend a month with the kids in Australia and New Zealand and do only 10 engagements.
She seriously just said out loud that she can’t wait for further overseas vacations with the kids, but tours for her actual job suck, so hard pass. What in the actual fuck is wrong with England that they put up with this?
I’m leaving the rest of the U.K. out of this. None of them wanted an English monarchy. Kate is beyond shameless.
Yep. You’ve got to hand it to the princess, she laid it all out on the line. All of her future planned travel is strictly for long, long vacations, with no work trips planned. I still think she negotiated this by threatening to leave. She’s been around long enough by now to see that being the queen is no fun.
True, but those kids’ school vacations always seem to be *extremely* long (at least compared to ours here in the US). Kate just prefers to go to beaches or skiing.
She means her staff finding the time to schedule a trip for her so that she & William can take their kids on a family vacay on the taxpayer’s dime. And/or they’re letting the cat out of the bag by telling us what’s she’s been doing all these years when she’s gone radio-silent–because last year wasn’t the first time she’s disappeared from sight, it was just the longest–they’ve been traveling to other countries. Likely places with beaches & ski resorts.
I suspect William spends a lot of time in Kenya.
When will and Harry were teenagers a hotel owner in klosters said they and Charles managed to go on Skii trips there several times a year without the press reporting it. The media only covered their one annual trip in March.
Charles also went to Romania, Iceland and Florence a lot without the media announcing it. William is probably doing what Charles did. Spending a lot of time out of britain without it being publicly announced.
What does she do all day?? I just don’t get it. This conversation does not require any preparation. I could have had it standing at a bus stop with strangers. Unless there is secretly a test about the Irish Guards we aren’t privy to, even if she was super invested this performance couldn’t take up much time. And the write ups of every event they go to are like this. Super basic small talk that you learn how to do by the time you’re 20. Even at places where they have been ” patrons” for decades.
I understand there’s going to be some degree of separation because they live their life in a fishbowl so they don’t want to say too much to keep some element of privacy. But it just seems so wooden, I would hate to have to talk to her because it would feel so awkward all the time. You can’t tell me that most of these visits aren’t just dead silences after a few sentences until someone else says something or ask a question because they feel weird.
See this is funny bc I had the opposite reaction. This seems very prepared to me. When have we heard Kate talk so much to someone in this kind of setting? Usually its a “yes George loves trains too, isn’t that funny how all kids seem to go through a train phase” and then she moves in. This was very long winded for her.
LOL that’s an even worse prospect to think of. Just memorizing 20 sentences that you’re going to say regardless of where the conversation is actually taking you?
“So how’s the school year going for your kids, are they excited it’s almost over?” ” Yes I don’t know how long my husband will keep his beard these things are kind of trendy”.
Well, I’m weirded out by her phrasing: “George finds it fascinating that he has been to Australia and New Zealand”.
Who says that?!
George enjoyed…
George looks forward to…
Something that says like a human said it at least.
Everything she says always seems prepared.
Although I guess she learned early (“can you taste the smell by smelling it” or whatever that absolutely inane comment was) that she doesn’t do well when she tries to wing it, so now she sticks to strictly rehearsed comments about her kids.
I found it strange that she talked about Australia and New Zealand being a long flight and then said she loved the Middle East because it was familiar. Does she think they are the same place?
Lazy would make the perfect consort for a Saudi prince – seen, but not heard; decked out in jewels and shown during a few events per year. Too many expectations for her to work after Diana.
Carole should have stayed in the Middle East and married her off there.
This whole speech about the traveling seems like something that was prewritten for her. I don’t think we’ve ever heard her make such a long speech to someone when it’s supposedly off the cuff. and it seems like its hitting all the high points, right? “actually we don’t have that much time to travel. actually I do love to travel. Actually I will travel for work again.”
Like it feels like someone at KP is aware of the criticism and gossip regarding their travel schedules – and Kate’s lack of official travel – and so they wrote this up for her to head off the criticism. She does love to travel, she really does, its just those long flights to australia that are the problem! And even the Middle East line seems designed to head off reminders about their secret trip to Jordan a few years ago and then the Jordanian wedding trip. It’s fine that she only travels to Jordan, the Alps and Mustique you guys. She lived in Jordan for a few years more than 35 years ago (wasn’t she around 3-5 when she was there?) so obviously she can travel there with no issues.
It’s just the traveling for work that’s hard because she wants to bring the kids along for a taxpayer funded vacation.
I dont know. I’m cranky this morning, lol. But this just seems like way too much for it to be off the cuff and unplanned.
She wants to travel but she’s been benched after the Caribbean disaster tour. She brings nothing to the table – diplomacy wise – to these countries. Her presence makes it worse. 🤨
Don’t think there’ll be any invites from ANZ anytime soon especially after the heckling Chuck received.
I’ll be cranky with you this morning. Am I too cynical to imagine these questions were pre-arranged. Even asking where she lives, lol. It’s just funny to me that people wouldn’t know where she lives. And she said Windsor! As opposed to anmer or bucklebury. Or KP. They have houses all over. And I don’t know that she does want to travel for work despite saying it here.
The where does she live comment was weird. I mean its of course entirely possible and very likely that someone serving in the military is not that attuned to the comings and goings of the Waleses.
but something about it feels like a setup, especially with the whole vacation part. Its like they were given specific questions to ask to fend off certain criticisms/rumors.
If we’re going on the premise that it was set-up that would suggest they wanted to make sure that we know she really does live in Windsor. Which okay? But maybe it was just a random question, idk. The vacation answer was weird too. Okay she loves to travel but not for work bc scheduling is too hard? Is she trying to say she won’t travel anymore unless the kids can go?
The real question, which they didn’t ask, is where does William live?
Her appearance was over the news here and her wanting to bring the family back to Australia .
Catherine is pretty popular here and the anti Meghan campaign has been in full smear since her show was released .
No one had a good word to say about it .
Even the ABC has their own bitter female haters . They are everywhere here .
However Charles hasn’t replaced the Queen on our 5 dollar note , it’s an indigenous theme and the monarchists are not happy .
So that’s something I guess .
This actually reminds me a bit of the WLM episode with Mindy – in that there are certain points KP wanted to get out there in a “natural” setting.
Her dad worked in Jordan when she was a kid and so young she didn’t even attend school while there. The chances she recalls anything from that time are very slim. And it would have been the airline providing them with the experience for English people. She wasn’t absorbing any of the culture with the locals.
Well, they did go to Egypt when she was a teen–Sharm El-Sheikh, a resort on the Gulf. I remember seeing the photos of her & her mom sunbathing by the pool. Part of the advantage of working for an airline for so long, these kinds of trips.
Going on a few holidays in tourist locations is not knowledge of Middle East culture.
This women literally has nothing but free time. For her to say publicly that she “needs to find the time” to do anything is insulting to all of the real people out there who actually have to work, run their own households, raise their own kids, etc. (I’m cranky today too, lol, but this would have annoyed me regardless)
She’s still annoying. The media found out about that ski trip so she is has to do a little more now.
So she admitted she uses official visits as a free holiday.
Yup. Remember when she went to Harvard for…how many minutes? 😂 if only work trips lasted that long. And the photo of them at COP? 😂
The side diving trip during their Caribbean tour took the cake. She’s in it for the perks.
If taxpayer millions can be saved for their unnecessary trips overseas, that would be great. Their entourage and security costs are massive for these trips.
They can Zoom diplomacy to their hearts’ content.
I still can’t believe that they released the photos/video of their “private day” scuba diving when they were on that one tour. They were supposed to be working on the taxpayers’ dime, and we all know that they take lots of breaks during their tours, but sharing the scuba diving was such a bad move IMO. It was like rubbing it in, for all of the hardworking people who were funding their little jaunt. And then they have the audacity to make their whole schtick about how “relatable” and “normal” they are. It’s like a bad joke.
There was tons of criticism about their India and Nepal trip for this behavior – they had a BBC camera follow them on a several hour hike to a monastery and then tried to prevent them from taking any pictures.
Poor lamb! Once, sometimes even twice a year she is invited to represent her country in parts of the world people long to visit.
IIRC, they had to stop near the end of the hike to touch up Kate’s makeup and hair.
The press were mad, including Emily Andrews, because they had said they wanted some private time to hike up the mountain, but when the media got to the end location, they saw that kate had a fresh blowout and makeup. Because a normal person does a hike with their long hair down and styled.
They didnt let the press go to the end location – that was the issue. They hiked up, stopped halfway for Kate to have her hair and makeup refreshed, and then W&K told the press they were going the rest of the way by themselves for a “private visit” or something. the pictures from that hike of Will and Kate with a pretty view in the background are from about halfway or 2/3 up the mountain.
Emily Andrews AND Camilla Tominey were really ticked about that whole tour in general.
I’m not getting why she can’t travel. She has so much time off and she won’t get criticized by the press for going on vacation.
I think I’m confused as to whether she is talking work travel or leisure travel.
Work travel I think so it will be fully-paid with all the trimmings and deference. She’s angling for a free trip to ANZ but doubt the taxpayers are willing to stump up for another round of Windsors.
I think she’s saying she wants to do what they did with the Australia tour in 2012 or whenever – take the kids and have a lot of downtime so the kids can have a real vacation and just include “a bit of work” so that it all gets covered by the government.
she’s not talking about a Sussex style Oceania tour, that’s for sure.
That’s kind of the problem, isn’t it? She’s talking about taking a nice vacation with the kids (and possibly, if he must come, her husband lol) but on the taxpayer’s dime. It’s not about what the UK or the commonwealth has asked her to do, but where she would really like to go! Oh, if only she had THE TIME grrrr.
Ohhh okay got it. Lol, so go and do a day or two of work and then stay for a week at a fancy resort. Ideally in Australia or New Zealand. Lol, she’s planting the seeds for what she wants.
@Amy Bee
I think from the places she said she wanted to visit (ANZ) she wants to go where 1) she has a ‘fan base’ (Aussie press hypes her up) and 2) where courtiers won’t insist on her interacting with non-white people.
At play is a tawdry mixture of vanity and racism, the foundational pillars of Kate’s character… and probably the only thing that arriviste Kate truly has in common with the BRF.
Regardless of photoshop, I agree she looks “rejuvenated” and I suspect that means fillers. In the Commonwealth Service photos I could see it in her cheeks, now it looks like undereye and cheeks.
Until we see guaranteed unedited photos of her (remember the huge difference in the Trooping ones from last year which ranged from not as terrible as expected to nasty scar depending on the photographer and editing?), I can’t spring on the rejuvenated bandwagon. What I think is a huge “yikes” are her hands. I keep looking at them since she’s returned, and indoor or out, they do not look normal for a 40-year-old.
My hands turned purple like that when I was anorexic. I also notice the same thing on other celebrities who starve themselves.
Carrie, I noticed “was.” Congratulations for making it the other side, because anorexia is a miserable disease!
IDK what she has, and what you and others mentioned is absolutely likely. If KP wasn’t lying, she might have GI issues that contribute, and chemo can also cause that nasty color in her hands. So does heart disease and circulatory issues. Maybe one or a combo? In any case, unhealthy. The ring is super loose and she’s a tad too thin for her coat.
Yeah, I think she looks rough for her age.
Looks like cheek implants to me thought it may just just be filler. But she definitely has a lot more volume to her face.
Are these Chris Jackson pictures? It looks like he may have taken the day off. The pics with the beer, yikes.
She was probably happy because Will wasn’t there to sulk or give side eye while she was chatting with people. They both look more relaxed when they do solo appearances or with other people like Will with Sophie.
And being entirely surrounded by men. Lazy is the ultimate Queen 🐝
She doesn’t like “traveling”, she likes VACATIONING.
This. She’s also been to Egypt – there’s pictures of her and Carole on a sun chair in Egypt, when she’s about 13. But none from say, the pyramids.
I have to be honest – utterly bizarre to claim you’re familiar with “the Middle East” based on some all expenses paid, every stop pulled out, Jordanian royal family adjacent trips to Jordan.
It’s a colonizer attitude to assume Jordan is the whole Middle East. But that fits with how she acted in the Caribbean.
Exactly 🎯..
It’s so weird to me that she keeps her coat on while they are inside a building talking to people. It give me someone stopping by your house for “a quick second” while their kids wait in the car with the engine running vibe. As long as Meghan is out and about, they’re going to throw Kate out there but not internationally because it’s like watching paint dry.
I agree. Even if she tends to run cold (which she probably does since she’s so thin), it comes across as insulting. As if she knows from the moment she steps out of the car that she isn’t going to bother staying long enough to warrant taking her coat off.
The Middle East is more than just Jordan and most recently went because the king of Jordan gave them a vip trip with zero work required. She’s not familiar with any other country there.
Basically she wants vip treatment but doesn’t want to have to do any work for it. For all the ski trips and Mustique trips they do, they could have gone elsewhere, but they want the special treatment.
Think “opposites day”. She is publicly announcing her love of travel because she had been told that plans for foreign travel will be for William alone. Benched?
I think you nailed it, Libra!
That’s a possibility. And she’s talking about the kids going. So maybe she’ll only be allowed if the kids go too. Or conversely she’s refusing unless the kids go too.
@Libra lollll. It’s giving “benched and more than a little bitchy about it”.
Jealous too, perhaps, that Meghan’s reception when she travels is much more warm and her tours more successful overall.
I wonder if she even specifically remembers much of it. She was 2-5 years old when they lived in Jordan. My kids lived in Germany for three years and my son, who was 1-4, doesn’t remember much of it at all.
She was taught Arabic in a local nursery school where they sang songs and practiced their Arabic by reading from the Quran. Yet something else that could’ve been a work issue for her as Duchess then POW but nope.
I bet Peg doesn’t allow Keen to discuss his struggle beard with him. This might trigger a temper tantrum and pillows will be thrown.
I think we should be very grateful that William has a beard as it covers a chunk of his face!
She really does sound exceptionally dull.
And I’d be surprised if the Government is going to be sending her and William on any overseas tours – they’re just not up to it (see the Caribbean tour fiasco). Mustique it is then! Again.
I find it curious why the issue of travel even came up. Maybe a soldier was discussing a recent deployment–which is work–and she leapt to I love to travel (aka vacation), too! And George thinks it’s amazing! I’d love my kids to come along on my next work trip! Except I’ve seen enough of the insides of buildings, thank you very much!
Mentally imagining her pulling a Hillria Baldwin, how do you say this in English….?
I have to ask: am I the only one who hears it as wildly tone-deaf that she’s talking about loving to travel to the “Middle East” on the very day Netanyahu “restarts military operations” (i.e. resumes the slaughter, jeopardizing the remaining hostages and killing more innocents in the Gaza Strip)?
I mean I know the royals are supposed to be apolitical, but good lord, she could have just — not said that?
Maybe flog your idea for a “brilliant” Private Princess Pander For Perks Tour somewhere in the world people aren’t tearing their civilization apart?
The Middle East is a big place- to just say she likes ‘the Middle East” because she lived there for a couple of years as a pre-schooler is pretty shallow and uninformed. The thing about the Wales couple which is becoming more apparent, is that they just never seem to get into depth about anything- their charities or their view of the world.
🤦♀️ OMG, I hadn’t even thought of that. Maybe the Guards are being sent there on a peacekeeping mission or something. And Kate jumps to ‘oh, I love the Middle East!’ Yikes!
Kate has zero knowledge of the “Middle East”. If she had done her research she would have known that it’s a dangerous part of the world to visit at the moment. Even Jordan is not particularly safe now.
I honestly do not think she has a clue what is going on in the world at all. She only knows what is going on in that tiny part of the planet she exists in.By that I mean her immediate surroundings, such as where ever she is living , her clothes ,make up and hair.And that is the extent of it all.
I doubt Kate has the slightest clue as to what’s actually happening in the Middle East today. She…doesn’t strike me as someone who keeps up with current events. If something doesn’t involve her or her children directly, I simply don’t think she cares.
She’s been pilled up like one of those 1950s housewives for years now. She focuses on shopping, sports and pop culture. Actual world events haven’t mattered to her at any point in her life. And even less so once she got big blue.
She has a day with no wank surrounded by men . She has all the attention she craves but never gets from him so of course she was happy as a clam.
So why go to Mystique if you want to go to Australia with kids. What stopped them or who?
Someone probably offered them a private jet and a villa or three, for free! Enough room for Carole and the nannies/ RPOs to accompany Kate and the kids. Was William even there? If so, throw in a fourth villa for free. It sounds like they prefer to vacation on other peoples’ dime!
So it seems that Kate lived in Jordan for less than 2 years from 84 to 85. So she was 3 years old at the latest. There is no way she has any knowledge of the “Middle East” as a toddler. Once again her total ignorance in even using that term shows how she is entirely unsuited even for soft diplomacy.
You’d think someone who is an “expert” in the Arly Years would know that toddlers don’t retain memories 🙃
“I love the Middle East because that’s familiar to me”? Ha! That would be like me saying I love the Middle East because I’ve been to Dubai and Oman on holiday once. She spent a couple of years in Jordan at an age where you don’t remember much.
Queen Mary manages to go home regularly to Australia. I am sure the government of Australia has to be advised and she has to have relevant security. Kate could travel if she wanted, but if she went to – say Australia – she might be expected to do that awful thing… work.
Love how she always wants private time on official visits – like the diving on the Caribbean tour.
Most senior European royals have significant UN roles – I think Sophie does have some involvement too through her work on blindness? So why doesn’t Kate get involved and do some real travel? Oh sorry… that would be work and she wouldn’t be able to do the school run. I forgot.
To be frank, I don’t think Kate has the wherewithal to do anything with any kind of appointment at the UN. I don’t think she is unintelligent, but she seems uncurious, she had a very limited exposure to the wide world in her rearing, and I think she’s been so infantilized that the time for Kate to learn things that would make her effective in international situations is past. My impression. Shame Meghan had to resign from her UN advocacy work, but I think over time she’ll be able to more than she ever would have been able to tethered to monarchy. The monarchy is limiting- that is one sure thing you can say about it these days.
From the pictures posted here, it seemed, beside her usually botox/ filler forehead & ckeeks, she has some fillers in her Nasal root (the nose area between the eyes) as well. That’s what made her seemed different from before. She could also had injections on her lips, but that could also just from pumping lipstick.
Do WanK now want to drag their kids alone for engagement to avoid being boo, I wonder?
“I think she’s been so infantilized that the time for Kate to learn things that would make her effective in international situations is past. ”
Like the saying, “It’s never too late to learn.” She is just lazy.
She sounds like she’s about to pull an Hillaria Baldwin on us and start to speak with a weird accent (I know that she already speaks with a fake posh accent).
My gosh. That Guinness drink photo is shocking. I have no words.
So…. apparently it’s ok for her to refer to Will as her husband but when Meghan did it it was an affront to the monarchy??
Pretty racist double standard there.
She’s such a confusing speaker. She was talking about how returning to Australia and New Zealand with the children would be difficult because of the long flight and weirdly she transitioned to talking about the Middle East as if Australia and New Zealand are in the Middle East. That whole conversation was weird and seemed as if she was trying to unload all of the talking points she was told to mention publicly in that whole short interaction. She was talking about how it’s hard to plan these trips where they can enjoy the people, but they don’t even do that on the trips they take to the beach or the slopes, so why aren’t they able to travel to Australia and New Zealand for those types of trips with the kids? They disappear for long periods of time and no one knows where they are so why can’t they do the same thing they did when they snuck away to Jordan a couple of years ago?
Controversial take: do we think the papers buried the interesting parts of her past because they really wanted someone more interesting in that role? I don’t doubt they would’ve loved a Fergie-type, someone with drama they could exploit. I think her mom had to really fight into that position with them.
Wasn’t Meghan just sipping a beer at Invictus? It is so strange how no matter what the engagement is, they always look like they are explaining time travel.