As we discussed, the Duchess of Sussex updated her social media on St. Patrick’s Day, showing a short video where she was making green waffles and “shamrock shakes” for her children. I thought it was cute, although I definitely wanted to know more about the batter she used and why she was seemingly making such a small quantity of batter for multiple waffles. That was MY conspiracy: I am a Batter Truther and I spread conspiracies about Meghan’s waffle batter. But I missed the much larger conspiracy: that the footage of Meghan pouring batter into that specific waffle iron would not have made waffles that looked like that. This is the rallying cry for the Waffle Truthers!! Here’s Meghan’s original IG, and the side-by-side comparison:
Meghan’s latest insta story is a video of her making green waffles for sweet Archie & Lili for breakfast.
I bet this is the same waffle maker QEII gave Archie for Christmas after learning how much he loved waffles. Glad to see it’s getting good use.
Happy St Patrick’s Day!
— Zandi Sussex (@ZandiSussex) March 17, 2025
Look, not to be a Duchess Meghan waffle truther, but the waffle iron on the left did not make the waffle on right.
— Emily Zanotti
(@emzanotti) March 18, 2025
It’s absolutely true that the waffle iron Meghan uses in the first part of her video would NOT have made waffles that look like that. The waffle iron has a divider – the completed waffles are not divided. It’s perfectly possible that Meghan simply intended to show a very abbreviated glimpse at her St. Patrick’s Day celebration with her kids as opposed to showing us the hour-long process of creating five green waffle test batters and trying out multiple waffle irons. It’s also possible that she did make waffles with the OG waffle iron and they came out funky or unphotogenic, so she went with store-bought green waffles, maybe? I just looked it up – Kellogg’s makes “Dragon Green Apple Waffles” which look a lot like Meghan’s “finished product.”
Again, this was for Meghan’s Instagram Stories, this was never intended as a comprehensive how-to for making green waffles from scratch. There is absolutely no reason for Derangers to throw full-scale meltdowns over Meghan’s waffle war crimes (which they’re absolutely doing and being quoted heavily by Page Six and the Mail). It’s actually funny to think that she probably screwed up the batter and her Plan B was using store-bought waffles. That’s relatable, right? That’s was one of the complaints, right, that she’s not “relatable” enough? What’s more relatable than saying “wow, I f–ked up these waffles, time to pull out the dragon waffles from the freezer.”
Photos courtesy of Netflix.
Ridiculous people.. did they notice the plated two pieces of the sectioned waffle that were shown in the video clip also? These people need help, it’s a damn
waffle not some great mystery or conspiracy.
I love and enjoy all these articles, finally the narrative is all about Meghan and her business and not about the Windsors
I just thought that she had two irons, the one she used to make the bigger waffles for adults like on the “for us” photo and an iron to make smaller waffles for the children. It’s not that complicated and they’re just being their usual lunatics selves. Meghan is rich, maybe she has two waffles irons. Or maybe it’s just that she doesn’t do huge *ss waffles for young children.
Imagine going to journalism school and you end up with a job criticizing someone’s waffles. That’s just so sad.
Team two waffle irons. I LOVE making waffles. I have multiple different irons. Waffles take forever to cook, and- especially when my kids were young- having multiple irons going at the same time was worth every inch of cabinet space.
I’m not rich, but we have 3 waffle makers.
Someone alert the media!!!!
I immediately noticed that the still shot from the end of the video features square waffles. But honestly, she probably has multiple irons. I’m just a regular person and I have two. Waffles take awhile to cook and if you’re feeding multiple people, it takes forever to do it one at a time.
Exactly. I have two waffle irons as well. I use whichever one my hand grabs when I choose to make waffles. Geez the trolls are making Meghan rich with all their conspiracy theories. More conversations around her efforts.
I am a regular person and I have three waffle irons!! I have one for the RV, one Belgian waffle irons and also one that can make four at once! I like making a big batch, then freezing most of them for a later time.
With hungry kiddos and busy mornings – if you have kiddos who love waffles as we know Archie does, it only makes sense to have multiple waffle makers. Heck. We bought a super big plug in griddle for pancakes when our kiddos were little. We had to buy another as we used the absolute stuffings out of the first one.
Nahh she’s sending us signals through the waffles!! It’s the Davinci code, but yummy……
“It’s the Davinci code, but yummy……”
OMG, I read this ten minutes ago and I’m still laughing. Thanks! I needed that!
The kids’ waffles are faces, so you need round waffles- like Eggo shapes. So neither of the waffles (round and square) were made by the waffle iron Meghan was pouring the batter into. But maybe that was actually Archie’s waffle iron? So Megan must have at least three different waffle irons? OMG, something to discuss for days!! Derangers are so good at finding controversial topics. They got me!
Where are there square waffles? The ones at the end are the round ones cut in quarters.
Also, the Dragon Green Apple Waffles from Kellogg definitely look to be more octogonal than round. So maybe store-bought, but it ain’t those!
The real question here is: who the hell cares? There so much else to report on in the world, but green waffles is the thing they fixate on??
EXACTLY! “The real question here is: who the hell cares?”
Th UK and the USA are falling apart so Page Six and The Fail drone on about green waffles?
No wonder the western world is so screwed up!
If this is the case, we need to start examining ALL Instagram Posts. This was and is not that deep, what they are doing is abuse. They do not even have to look at her Instagram, they really don’t.
That seems important, Meghan should do a press conference answering questions about #WaffleGate. While explaining this issue, she should also give a detailed answer about how QE2 sent them the waffle maker. There was a comment about this on the previous article, questioning the procedure about this and involvement of the British embassy in USA. We need answers, Meghan!!!
I think she needs to release a statement and provide the unedited version of this video. FFS who cares!
*sigh *
Daily Fail headline: WAFFLEGATE!
Meghan’s conspiracy could bring down the monarchy!
Well, it IS comparable to Watergate.
The “adult’s waffles” in the last photo are from the waffle iron seen in the video. I think she has just two waffle irons. A little for the kids.
Maybe her kids don’t like the waffle iron waffles and only like eggo. Little kids often have their own ideas about what they want to eat!
More likely her children like to make their own and she didn’t film them doing so.
The kids waffles were probably the store bought ones. In the last pic ‘for us’ are the waffles she made in the waffle iron
It’s more likely she has a kid sized one. I have that too.
As I pointed out below, she showed 1 input and there were 4 waffles and yet they are using the one input as some sort of evidence. Why are haters tracking her this hard? This should be illegal and they are getting into national papers for it…I know why, but this is crazy!! They are not looking into Caps and slum-lording and rose bush
Omg are they this bored with their royals that they have to dissect waffles shape. Looks like the waffles Meghan made for her and Harry that’s why the batter is so tiny.
This is so ridiculous
These people are unstable. Maybe Justine Bateman will write another Substack about the green waffle “mystery.”
It’s wonderful that Meg and Harry have good security.
I agree with you 100 percent, These people have mental issues!!! Year after year they just keep on picking apart everything she does and it doesn’t look like there will be a time these WACKOS will leave poor Meg alone!! Justine Bateman is thirsty for attention,No one cares what she thinks about Meghan or anything ELSE for that matter! I love her bro Justin, he’s a GOOD actor, a loyal Democrat (like me) and doesn’t thrive on drama like his D list sister! I PRAY that Harry and Meghan have VERY Good Security EVERY where they go and at there homes!! I adore both Harry and Meg and don’t get why some people just constantly Hate on them ESPECIALLY her -+-+ She’s beautiful, intelligent,loves Harry and her children, NEVER EVER causes drama!! It’s pure jealously and I am glad she is out of that Racist castle and seems to be very happy at her new home . I pray eventually these nasty people get a new hobby and leave her alone–I wish her a long happy life and marriage, and she is successful in all her business ventures!!
Lol she’s not buying Kellogg waffles and posting them on insta. She’s unlikely to buy Kellogg anything (I wouldn’t either in a million years). She has a kid sized waffle maker too, most likely. It’s a cute size for them.
How could you possibly care about this? Unless she was telling you not to use a certain brand because they sucked and her evidence was this video, who cares?
Could she have you store-bought waffles for her kids? Possibly. Could she have a smaller waffle maker because she doesn’t want to feed her kids adult size waffles and they want a full one and not one cut in half? Possibly. Could these people take a step back and wonder why everything this woman does they go over with a magnifying glass, and question what that says about their lives? Never.
The waffles in the very last shot look like they came from the waffle maker. I think with the batter spilling out Meghan pivoted to the store brought waffles for the kids. She intentionally showed that slip up for a reason. You can make Plan B be just as fab.
What’s more relatable than saying “wow, I f–ked up these waffles, time to pull out the dragon waffles from the freezer.” – The problem is that she didn’t say it. That’s my problem with lifestyle influencers in general, not with Meg specifically. They cut these reel videos to make something look easy peasy and done in minutes, and then show a perfect product. When in reality it takes an hour or two and might not look like that, especially if you show store-bought.
However, I don’t think what she showed was store-bought, just made with a different iron, so she can decorate the waffle faces. In the final image, she is showing the waffle made with the divider.
These derangers are sad. Who analyzes a Instagram video of someone making waffles? They are also comparing the waffles to Elizabeth. They are nuts .
Plus, did they see the amount of waffle mix that she had? Clearly, she did not show herself making all the waffles. She showed one input! If they need a conspiracy to ask a question, I will give them one – “HOW DID MEGHAN MAGICALLY TURN 1 WAFFLE INTO 4, HOW?!!? I need to know how to multiply food right now!!!
I want to see Can’t and BillyIdle make waffles, and I want to see Can’t eat one. With whipped cream and fruit.
This is absolutely the stupidest controversy. The waffles she made in the waffle iron are shown in the final shot for the adult waffles. It’s entirely possible that she either used store bought waffles for the kids, or that she has – gasp! – two waffle irons. One may make smaller waffles. You can go on amazon and find mini waffle makers (without the sections….) starting at 10 dollars.
I dont even get the thing about messing up the batter. That could be her final waffle of the morning that she’s showing us. Or the adult waffles and the kid waffles use different batters.
and I feel like I have just wasted too much mental energy on this.
I didn’t even realize this was a thing because the derangers were also saying that Meghan was making fun of QEII with the waffle made into a face.
The amount of time spent scrutinizing an Instagram story when they could be doing something useful.
Which is a sad reflection of how the derangers think.
I myself have TWO waffle irons…one that can make Belgian/stuffed waffles and a little one that dosen’t have dividers…and the last few times I had Waffles they came outta the box & was cooked in a toaster…so I’m NO COOK (as of yet because for YEARS…I didn’t have access to my OWN kitchen which is CHANGING in the next several days…HALLELUJAH
)…so if I have TWO waffle irons…I am SURE Meghan has more than ONE!
These folks need to GET THEM SOME

The derangers are clutching their pearls and claiming Meghan was mocking QEII as they found a striking resemblance between her decorated waffles and the late Queen’s head. *dying*
Yeah I thought the waffle truthers were the people claiming the waffle art was making fun of Betty. I didn’t realize it was a whole other controversy. Yay, this is fun
Oh, hilarious! Next, Meghan should do waffle portraits of the other royals – like bald William with chocolate sprinkles randomly scattered along the chin.
Ew! Lol, that would just put me off eating.
I’m hoping to see people post their William waffles for a good laugh. The kiwi mouth would work better for him and Kate instead of the late queen
. I would think if someone were trying to mimic the queen, they would have used strawberries or cherries for her mouth instead of a kiwi, but that’s just me.
How can they be sure it’s not a “sweet nod” as they usually call things.
Thank you, Jazz Hands, that’s hilarious.
My favorite reply to that skeet about the kid waffles looking like QEII:
From iWon’tBendTheKnee:
“We wouldn’t even be having this discussion if Meghan had just bought the brunette whipped cream.”
That’s not an eggo, it looks like a waffle from a dash waffle maker which is small and a good kid size portion. Also probably capable of fooling kids who demand eggos if their preference is based on size and shape lol.
I have three waffle makers. My kids use the dash a lot because it’s easy to handle and the other ones are heavy and more difficult to manage.
The derangers are all over this analyzing every facet of this. And saying how dare Meghan use Archie s gift from the queen. And how bad Meghan is and khate should raise the Sussex children. So weird and creepy all over waffles
Bateman can drone on about the waffles and complain about harry not being deported.
Who actually gives a shit , who actually analyses an Instagram post about someone making waffles .
These people are just completely insane , they need to go outside and live a life .
Harassing a woman they have never met seems to be their sole focus in life .
It’s just beyond belief what the internet is doing to some people .
Derangers can demand an investigation of those waffles.
Waiting for green waffles to be the new avocado toast
IDK if waffles have eggs in them — but if they do, I would not be surprised if Derangers started spontaneously combusting that Meghan used eggs! 🫠
I wonder if the kid-size waffle maker is the one QE sent Archie. It might be more used and less aesthetically pleasing than the first or she may have avoided filming it so nobody would yell about using a connection to QE. She may even (likely) let the children make their own and didn’t want to film them. My great nephew made his own waffles from way back.
Everyday their haters show how far off of the deep end they are. It’s waffles for her and her family for St. Patrick’s Day, it’s not that serious. It was a sweet and cute video where we know with all certainty that she made green batter for waffles, had at least one waffle iron and made at least one waffle with that waffle iron and plated their whole family’s plates with green waffles and nice decorations for the holiday. Whether or not she used two waffle makers to make smaller waffles for the kids and a larger one for the adults OR she used one for the adults waffles and store bought for the kids or ended up buying all of them at the store is irrelevant. It’s a family sitting down and enjoying a meal together while celebrating a holiday. The exact details of how the meal got there isn’t the most important thing about the video. She even said in WLM that it isn’t about perfection, it’s about joy. So if we have to buy crescents or waffles or flowers from the store, that’s okay and understandable. Just do what we can to make it special or unique in whatever way we can for ourselves and our loved ones.
I thought you were going to mention the outrage that the waffles resemble the queen…
So far Meghan Sussex has not responded to any of the negative feedback
Meghan as owner of the brand As Ever products for sale will decide whether to respond to the nonsensical accusations if it affects her company bottom line.
… Aren’t the waffles on the plates upside down? So the sectioned side is facing down and the unsectioned side facing up?
I dunno, I think the baddies are just picking on things she does for the sake of picking on her.
She could have multiple waffle irons. However my son has a waffle iron that looks exactly like the one in the video and when he adds too much batter you can barely see the divider portions when the waffles are finished. And that’s with a plain waffle. I imagine a green waffle would make that even harder to see.
I mean… The obvious answer (given the dragon waffles appear to be octagons and the batter shown is a match for the color of the waffles shown) is that she made smaller waffles for the kids and larger ones for the adults? And or she filmed one of her test runs but then it proved to be unwieldy to get out in one piece so she defaulted to a smaller, easier waffles maker (vs this bs hotel breakfast monstrosity. We all know what a pain they are.)
I vote for the idea of Meghan having a kid sized waffle maker too. The waffles Meghan showed at the end look like Belgian waffles and they are pretty much the size of a dinner plate and way too much for little kids to eat. We upgraded to one of those flip-over waffle makers but before that we had the kind that you press close, and the waffles were much smaller and flatter.
My mom has no less than 4 waffle makers, so yeah, Meghan definitely has a kid sized one and a Belgium waffle maker. Those waffles can be very fat and fluffy, so I could see where a kid might not eat the entire thing. And the dragon waffles are shaped like an octagon – Meghan’s are clearly circular!
JFC just let this woman live. (I’m not talking Celebitchy and co. here, just all the haters)
She should eat lots and lots of dragon waffles with the whole family. I think this year is also the year of the green dragon and I wish her all the dragon energy from all the countries, legends and myths of the world

Here’s my take: kids prefer the frozen toaster waffles to homemade ones. They are a finicky lot.
Waiting for the headline: Catherine Wales Wouldn’t Whiff on Waffles!
Or: Meghan, Wonder Why You Whiffed on Waffles. Stop Waffling!
Or: Exclusive: Markle’s Whiff of Waffle Woes!
It’s also possible that she has two waffle makers.
I feel that if she went through the trouble to make and edit a video, and pretend to make a waffle, she could have tried to make 2. I generally like her but this was lame.
The video shows the waffles made by the waffle maker at the end. So she did in fact make more than one waffle.
Where did she pretend to make waffles? We actually saw her physically making waffles with the waffle maker. Her not showing her entire process of making everyone’s waffles isn’t lame, especially for a short video she was posting to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The lame part is that people are analyzing a waffle video for shapes, sizes and comparing it to a dead woman instead of seeing it as just being a sweet gesture.
You always have the option to not watch what she does . To me, watching and taking the time to comment that it’s lame is the lame part .
I can’t wait to see what conspiracy they will concoct for Megan’s next posts: Easter and Cinco de Mayo! The Deranger syndrome has reached such panic and hysteria! I love it! They are truly melting! In the meantime, Meghan get’s plenty of publicity leading up to her next venture: her Lemonada podcast.
THIS is what they’re talking about? People need hobbies.
Does Eggo make green waffles? Who knew. Anyway, for those wondering why Meghan did not return to Instagram any sooner, I guess that’s one of the reasons. One needs to be strong enough to be able to withstand this nonsense.
Photo shoots about food are very interesting. The food you see is possibly not the food as it was originally made. The food can be hours old and made to look more appealing/ attractive. I suspect her production team has a photographer whose job it is to make things look good. The waffle shown might have no relation to the waffle maker used. I say this only because a local t.v. station did an educational/ informational program years ago (PBS maybe) about photography and what goes into different photo shoots, food, fashion, babies etc. Not an easy job.
CSI: Waffles.
I truly was not expecting the level of crazy that is forensic waffle analysis.
This is so ridiculous. All this fuss over waffles. It’s been 2days now. Do they ever calm down about this woman?
Legit didn’t even know that Kelloggs made dragon waffles but now I might get some to try? I’m thinking she has multiple waffle makers but hey now I know about these eggo ones so sure why not.
Meghan’s are not Eggo Dragon waggles. The eggo dragon are not round, they are octagon.
My favourite thing making the rounds on Twitter right now is Kate’s miserable looking sloppy pancake being compared to Camilla’s face. Now THAT is pure comedy gold, I haven’t laughed that hard in ages!
There are waffle makers that come with multiple removable plates. Anyway, I just read that the whole point of the green waffles was to fuck with (downplay) Catherine’s St. Patricks Day appearance.
Unbelievable. Kellogg’s will be the only winner in this.
“waffle war crimes” lol
This thread was cracking me up! And the word waffle got weirder and weirder as I kept reading it and by the end had almost lost all meaning!
She made a large batch of waffle batter and used 2 waffle makers. On the one hand the fuss is funny, but on the other this type of frenzy reminds me of the Diana days that that did not end well.