Queen Camilla ‘wasn’t very keen’ on then-Kate Middleton: ‘She’s not into horses’

Something I’ve always believed is that Queen Camilla kept her eye on her stepsons’ love lives, and she still keeps abreast of all of the gossip about Prince William and Harry. Hell, I believe Camilla is probably behind half of the gossip storylines about both of her stepsons. I think it’s abundantly clear that Camilla knows all about William’s extracurricular activities, and her photos with Rose Hanbury last year were very significant. Remember the story about Rose “blossoming in the court of Queen Camilla?” Yeah. Camilla keeps up with ALL of the gossip. She always has, which is why I believe this story too – that Camilla never wanted Prince William to marry Kate.

Queen Camilla reportedly “wasn’t keen” on Princess Kate when the pair first met, an expert has claimed. Prince William met Kate while the pair were studying at the University of St Andrews in 2001. They began dating in 2003, and even shared a house together with roommates while studying.

While Kate has now become a key part of The Firm, polling as the most popular member, there was some hesitation when William first introduced her to his family. According to Royal expert Tom Quinn, Camilla was particularly unsure about her potential daughter-in-law.

On Channel 5’s ‘The Middleton’s: Modern Royal-in-laws’, Quinn revealed: “I’d heard that Camilla wasn’t very keen on Catherine. She didn’t shoot, she’s not into horses particularly, there was too much of a gap and William would feel it. But I think it’s true to say that Camilla later warmed to Caterine and recognised her solid virtues.”

[From The Daily Express]

“I think it’s true to say that Camilla later warmed to Caterine and recognised her solid virtues” – I’m not so sure, especially since Camilla has seemingly banned Kate from tiara-wearing events, forced Kate to wear a glittery DIY headpiece at the damn coronation and has barely been photographed with Kate in the past two years. I will also accept the idea that Camilla was simply going to be jealous of and petty towards any girlfriend, any young, attractive woman who would get more attention than her. Camilla and Charles are both united in their paranoia that another “Diana” is right around the corner, coming to steal their nonexistent thunder.

As for the rumor about why Camilla thought Kate was all wrong for William… I mean, I can actually understand her perspective. It wasn’t that Kate was a commoner with a ghastly mother, it’s that Kate didn’t actually fit into William’s world and she still doesn’t. While Camilla was “common” too, she actually grew up in the royal-adjacent world and obviously, she always circulated among titled toffs and royalty. Kate was always outside that world and that’s why most of William’s family and friends saw the Middletons as desperate social climbers.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid and Cover Images.

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61 Responses to “Queen Camilla ‘wasn’t very keen’ on then-Kate Middleton: ‘She’s not into horses’”

  1. jais says:

    Yeah, I don’t know that Camilla would have liked anyone? If not Kate, then who? As for Kate being outside aristo circles…eh, as long as her husband is her biggest fan I don’t think it would matter so much. But he has to champion her, like Harry does with Meghan. The issue is that William hasn’t done that enough.

    • Blogger says:

      Camilla is similar to Kate in that she has no true friends. Her “friends” are due to the crown she wears and temporal position she holds. But push comes to shove, they’d abandon her once the crown passes to Willie.

      • Tessa says:

        Camilla felt threatened when Charles got close to others like Dale Tryon, and also she sacked both Tiggy and Charles’ secretary, a Ms. Elizabeth Buchanan, some time ago. Kate feels threatened with William and other women like Rose. They have much in common.

      • jais says:

        True friends? idk. But she surrounds herself with a coven of people who equally detest touchy-feely or anything having to do with the Sussexes.

    • Josephine says:

      I think Willie purposefully married someone who was outside of aristo circles so that she had no connections or power of her own. He also knew that she would not outwork him. I’m sure he enjoys the fact that she is isolated and everything she has (and her family has) depends on him. There is no way that toadstool was going to marry anyone who could challenge him in any way at all and she fits the bill perfectly.

  2. Of course Horsilla is aware of the gossip because she is a big spreader of said gossip. I’m sure she didn’t like Can’t but I believe it’s because of her and her gold digging mother. She would not like having to deal with scheming people who were just like her Schemers!

    • Megan says:

      Camilla was no less relentless than Kate in bagging her prince. Game recognizes game, but, in Camilla’s case, she doesn’t like it.

  3. Hypocrisy says:

    If someone as vile as Camilla didn’t like or approve of me I would take that as a compliment..

  4. Blogger says:

    Camilla is a dragon pitted against a mouse like Lazy. Camilla is Ivan the Terrible. Lazy squeaks.

    I’d be interested more in Camilla’s “relationship” – if any – with Carole.

    What I remember most about the balcony scene after the wedding of the Lazies was QE2 wore gloves, Camilla wore gloves, but Carole didn’t despite her nice MIL bridal wear. Oops. Someone forgot to tell her that and really gave the vibes that Carole and the Middletons will never ever be one of them. Mike knows the deal but Carole tries too hard, same with Pippa and her signet ring.

    If Carole wants to take over Camilla’s role as leaker-in-chief when Willie becomes king, I’d like to see how that pans out and whether she cultivates the same types of relationships like Camilla has done.

  5. Steph says:

    I can’t be the only one who cracked up at the title, right? “She’s not into horses, people like me.”

  6. Amy Bee says:

    If Kate wasn’t such a terrible person I’d have sympathy for her having to be around people like Camilla.

    • Miranda says:

      If Kate were a decent person, the experience she had with Camilla and the rest of the toffs looking down on her could have drastically changed her own behavior towards Meghan. Unfortunately, she’s a small-minded, insecure, jealous person who was champing at the bit to dole out the same treatment to someone else.

    • Blogger says:

      Agreed. It started from the engagement announcement when people couldn’t help compare the two.

      Waity Katie waited 10 years? (Unlike Beatrice, Katie was a limpet)
      Meghan only 2?

      And Lazy couldn’t handle that because Meghan was the bright new thing and it sorely focused on Katie’s emptiness: an incurious, unaccomplished clotheshorse used for breeding purposes.

      • Tessa says:

        Bea dated Dave Clark for ten years, and he dropped her. She quickly rebounded with Edo, who had an ex he had broken up with.

      • Deborah1 says:

        @Tessa – Bulliam, the control freak, was responsible for breaking up Princess Beatrice’s relationship with Dave Clark. Bulliam didn’t like him.

      • Tessa says:

        Dave could have told William to back off if he loved beatrice. Dave was cheating on Beatrice and then up and married the woman he cheated with

  7. Tessa says:

    Camilla should worry about her own children, Tom’s marriage broke up,

    Kate and Camilla are birds of a feather. Both are “mean girls” especially when it comes to Meghan. There is mutual mistrust between Kate and Camilla but they want to “gang up” on Meghan. There is no “warmth” between them whatsoever but they unite against Meghan.

    • jais says:

      They did greet each other warmly during the CW service. In front of the cameras anyways. Which is more than Charles did with Kate. At the end of the day though, the major tiaras and jewelry seem to be on lock. I kind of get it though. Why would Camilla give any to Kate if it means she could steal the “thunder”? Honestly, you’d think even Kate gets that.

      • Tessa says:

        They can play happy families before the cameras. Kate making her own tiara violated Camilla edict. Lots of passive aggression

      • Blogger says:

        They will never be besties but they are united when it comes to anti-Sussexing. They are both married-ins so they are outsiders and not of the blood.

        I think Chuck blames Katie for estranging his sons. Her jealousy and insecurity were the catalyst and her laziness rubs on Willie.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles is in charge he enabled the estrangement of his sons.

  8. Tessa says:

    Kate supposedly is allergic to horses, this was said years ago when she was dating William. Wasn’t Camilla pleased that Keen went hunting? and picked up dead birds for William.

    • Me at home says:

      And then there was reporting that Kate was taking riding lessons so she and William could further their great romance in a new way like country rambles or hunting or whatever. It’s impossible to know the truth about these two.

    • Cali says:

      Strangely enough about 10% of the population are allergic to horse dander.
      In reading this article i’m surprised Carole didn’t load Kate up with antihistamines anyway and make her take riding lessons.
      It would’ve made her more acceptable to those old Aristo‘s.

    • Magdalena says:

      This story about her being allergic to horses only came about after the wedding, if I recall correctly, when she was suddenly not trailing around after him or being ringside when he went riding or polo playing. She spent plenty of time being around horses during the waitying years – indeed, that was one of the ways in which she solidified her reputation in the press as “the inevitable”. I don’t think she missed a single polo match and she was always right there where the horses were and the papers made sure to point out that this was some sort of exclusive access due to her proximity to William and his friends. Indeed, she attended polo matches even during several of their breakups – so people were scratching their heads wondering whether they were back on or still off.

  9. Tn Democrat says:

    Keener would have been thoroughly vetted the second she was in Willy’s orbit. The Windsors and government officals KNEW everything there was to know about her and her grifting family. They probably assumed Keener’s background/obvious grift to snag Willy would make her desperate, compliant and malleable in a way Diana never was because of Diana’s privileged aristocratic background and connections. Keener isn’t ugly, but she isn’t a fashion icon and stunner like Diana that would “pull focus.” They pushed Keener because they didn’t want Willy married to a potential superstar. Camilla has certainly had some odd leaks lately.

    • sevenblue says:

      That is the point many people don’t accept. They treat Will like he didn’t know Kate or her family and they tricked him. Of course, he would know everything there is to know about Middleton’s. He is the heir, he gets to be protected by all the powerful organizations in UK. Harry told in Spare, Will got the detailed financial report on the two paps following and harassing them. And he wouldn’t get that for his future wife and her family?? He had to marry her because he couldn’t find anyone else, he looked around for a decade.

    • Tessa says:

      Wills was interested in beccaand Isabella among others they turned him down. William settled for kate
      I think wills father and grand mother had misgivings about kate

  10. Me at home says:

    Forget horses, hunting, and fitting in. Kate has no interests whatsoever besides William and her children, no personality, and that’s probably what Camilla found objectionable. Because whatever you think of Camzilla, and who doesn’t, she has plenty of personality.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate likes avoiding work. Going on vacations at lavish resorts. Getting applause foe showing up at sports events like Wimbledon. And working on those shampoo commercials where she rushes across a field.she likes attention and copying other people’s fashions

  11. Liz - L says:

    Camilla waited around years for Andrew Parker Bowles to propose and never worked. Her and Kate aren’t that dissimilar in that sense.

    But Camilla at heart is a crashing snob and will always see non aristos as beneath her.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      They also have laziness in common.

      Camilla doesn’t like to work, either — though she does more than Kate (the lowest bar). Camilla would rather be at a spa in India, Kate would rather be on a beach in Mustique.

  12. Jay says:

    It’s likely true that Camilla (and maybe Will, haha) would have preferred the future Princess to be “one of us”, someone from their own aristo set that would fit in easily and be fun to gossip with. I don’t think that would have stopped Cam from throwing her to the wolves if need be, though.

    But that wasn’t on the table – Kate was what was available, she was the only real applicant for the job, so to speak. And it’s not like TOB is some country squire, either – I know he takes part in shooting weekends and occasionally polo, but he seems more likely to watch a football match on TV than attend a horse race. What he ended up with was someone who could look the part of a princess, who has little or no pesky ambitions of her own, and who won’t challenge him or demand anything from him.

    • Tessa says:

      Diana was an aristo and was treated with contempt by Camilla. Camilla is of the gentry and technically was not an aristo. But she wielded power when she got involved with the prince of Wales. And the never confirmed story that Edward 7 was her great grandfather because he was real father of her grandmother.kates advantage is that she has royal children from her marriage. Camilla still puts Kate down though.

      • Deborah1 says:

        Camilla is related to Alice Keppel, Edward VII’s favourite mistress. Mrs. Keppel was Camilla’s great great grandmother and it was that fact which brought Camilla into Charles’s orbit.

    • emmlo says:

      These are my thoughts too – it was (somewhat understandably) a big mismatch that that Diana hated “country pursuits” after her marriage to Charles but I don’t get the impression that Will is the same way. He’s not obsessed with dogs and horses to the same level that Charles & Camilla built their bullshit affair on those things.

      I tend to think Cam is not a girl’s girl and wouldn’t have been happy with anyone unless they were completely sucking up to her. And cozying up to Cam would not have impressed Will AT ALL in the 1990s-2010s, so there you go.

      • Tessa says:

        William plays polo and goes hunting. He and Charles were upset when foxhunting was outlawed

  13. Becks1 says:

    I mean, I can see this. Putting aside the question of “would Camilla have liked anyone that Charles’ sons married” – Camilla comes from a very particular aristo/aristo-adjacent hunting and horse world and the royals are also part of that world. I just can’t imagine her having a lot to talk about with Kate and I can see her thinking of Kate as a desperate social climber who just doesn’t fit in. Kate doesn’t ride, we know she barely hunts (and probably only as part of fitting in), etc.

    In many ways she and William come from very different worlds but she has completely wiped out anything in her life/personality that doesn’t fit in with william’s world.

    • Nic919 says:

      Camilla can also do small talk and she has built a network over the years both in aristo social circles and media circles. Part of her attraction for Charles was that she could throw fun parties and be witty when she wanted to be.

      Kate is just empty. She can’t pull off small talk or be witty and really offers nothing in conversations. We saw that even with the st paddy’s day chats with the soldiers.

      • Tessa says:

        The fly in the ointment is Camilla being friends with Piers and Clarkson. That was not a good look for her especially since that nasty article about Meghan by Clarkson came out in the media. Even Clarkson’s daughter condemned it. Camilla also was great at manipulating Charles, which involved putting down his first wife. And Camilla as her friends in the media claimed “never wanted all this” when she became Queen. She obviously wanted all that though. The advantage though is Charles got her spin doctors and very few in the media would dare criticize Camilla or say anything negative. Even about her laughing at those singers in Canada, and other things that she did.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate wouldn’t care about Clarkson’s comments though. I agree Camilla has been nasty toward Meghan but Kate has zero issue with that.

        Kate just doesn’t have the depth to be entertaining or interesting.

  14. Lady Esther says:

    I always liked the little gossip nugget that Camilla’s main reaction to Kate as a potential Royal spouse was “has she ever picked up a book?” Because this is ACCURATE, Kate is possibly the most uncurious, uninformed Royal spouse ever and whatever flaws Camilla has, she is apparently a big reader so this rings true….LOL

    • Tessa says:

      Kate got the degree in “Mrs.” and claims “expertise” in things like early childhood psychology something she never even studied at University

    • Nic919 says:

      This is what I mean. Camilla did not attend university, but she isn’t uninformed and is in touch with culture. Kate just shops and works on being skinny. There is nothing more with Kate and the years have not shown Camilla to be wrong with that comment.

    • emmlo says:

      Which is funny, because both QE2 and Will share the trait of being incurious non-readers. Charles is at least a bit of an intellectual and probably has nice book club chats with Cam.

      • Tessa says:

        Charles shows interest in learning things but imo is no intellectual. He got so so grades in school and latched on to dubious mentors like van derc post.

  15. Tessa says:

    If the royals love horses, I wonder why Charles sold off many of his mother’s thoroughbreds.

    • Blogger says:

      Because Charles viscerally hates his mother though he uses her for his PR purposes. He’ll long live in her shadow of the second “Golden Elizabethan Age” while he ushered in the “Tabloid Age.”

    • FlamingHotCheetos2021 says:

      Because racehorses and racehorse breeding programs are expensive as hell, and Charles might like horses but he doesn’t expenses-in-the-multi-million-pounds-per-year-per-horse like horses.

      And Charles has always been rather cheap when the money isn’t being spent on what HE wants…I imagine he was the real reason that the older members of the family insisted on keeping their government issued checks for representing the family instead of being beholden to whatever a (then) Future King Charles would be willing to give, when they negotiated the whole Sovereign Grant thing.

  16. Over it says:

    I think it’s fair to say that all of those left behinds hate each other guts. And it’s all an act which they suck at for the public perception to think they get along

    • Tessa says:

      I think the “fondness” for the senior royals by the Edinburgh is to try to make sure that the title is inherited by James (there was no stipulation that Edward’s son would get that title.)

  17. KC says:

    The comment “She’s not into horses” is hysterical. If Kate isn’t into horses then it’s no wonder she and Camilla don’t get along.

  18. Lady Digby says:

    What do KC’s siblings think of Cam? Wasn’t Ann in love with Cam’s first husband when single? Sophie chummed up with the Queen so how does she get on with Chuck and wife?

    • Tessa says:

      Andrew Parker Bowles and Princess Anne were recently seen together at Cheltenham. Anne was involved with Andrew PB before he married Camilla.

  19. Disengaged says:

    Kate had nothing to offer Camilla, and people like the royals see marriage as access and wealth-building. I do think she is delighted by the lack of work ethic and infidelities. Women who become wallpaper end up uninteresting to everyone around them, and they lash out in indirect ways. Given a better partner and support system, she may be a different person right now. Decisions were made of free will, but I mourn the loss of what could have been with the wallpaper wives all around us.

  20. Ben says:

    Of course Camilla loathes Kate. There’s always those embiggening articles about how Kate is the bestest thing to ever happen to the British Royalty and how the “people” (read she and Carole) can’t wait to see her in the throne (read can’t wait to go to KC funeral and Camilla’s descension).

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