Last week, Alec and Hilaria Baldwin attended the opening (reopening??) of Planet Hollywood in New York. Hilaria wore a neon dress and they did the red carpet. They stopped by several media outlets on the carpet and gave joint interviews, not only to promote Planet Hollywood, but also to hype their terrible TLC reality show. Well, those interviews have been going viral for a whole week as people analyze Alec and Hilaria’s horrible dynamic. While I think both Hilaria and Alec are batsh-t crazy, these interviews definitely had the feeling of a married couple who fought in the car on the way over. What’s even worse is that they probably thought they were coming across as “playful” but really, they look toxic as hell. This is the clip which has gotten the most attention:
This is actually the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
— Natalie Jean Beisner (@NJBeisner) March 18, 2025
Yeah, I don’t know what I should even say here? I will say this: while Hilaria is absolutely rude and awful to Alec, don’t miss the fact that Alec is incredibly annoyed with her already and that he’s almost goading her for a reaction. I also think that Alec obviously “knows how to act” on a red carpet, he knows how to do these kinds of interviews, while Hilaria sees a bank of cameras and thinks only one thing “MEEEEEE!!! THEY’RE HERE FOR ME!” They’re both two of the biggest jackasses I’ve ever seen, and I still want to know when Alec realized that he was thoroughly conned by this fake-Spanish nutcase.
Alec Baldwin tries to compliment Hilaria, telling her “I’m captivated by your beauty.” Her response? “Stop. Just stop. You’re annoying me.” 😳
🚨 This is wild to watch—on the RED CARPET, no less. Public humiliation, dominance, total dismissal. Classic narcissistic control.
— Revealing (@RVealingthenarc) March 18, 2025
Photos courtesy of Backgrid.
- New York, NY – Alec & Hilaria Baldwin attend the opening of Planet Hollywood New York in Times Square. Pictured: Alec Baldwin, Hilaria Baldwin BACKGRID USA 11 MARCH 2025 BYLINE MUST READ: THB / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Alec & Hilaria Baldwin attend the opening of Planet Hollywood New York in Times Square. Pictured: Alec Baldwin, Hilaria Baldwin BACKGRID USA 11 MARCH 2025 BYLINE MUST READ: THB / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Alec & Hilaria Baldwin attend the opening of Planet Hollywood New York in Times Square. Pictured: Alec Baldwin, Hilaria Baldwin BACKGRID USA 11 MARCH 2025 BYLINE MUST READ: THB / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
- New York, NY – Alec & Hilaria Baldwin attend the opening of Planet Hollywood New York in Times Square. Pictured: Alec Baldwin, Hilaria Baldwin BACKGRID USA 11 MARCH 2025 BYLINE MUST READ: THB / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Trouble in paradise.
On an episode she discusses the dangers of teens on social media but before the Spanish fall out she was doing flips in her underwear and posting. I’m like now you care about your daughter on social media? She was so thirsty and still is…. And my hid her bolt-ons are too large for her frame – what does that say to her daughter, as well.
I watch this train wreck bc she fascinates me from a psychological profile, she in some lanes is definitely off…
I must be bored, that is why I am commenting on this…no trouble in paradise, this is promo for their show.
When I hear the word inauthentic level on the lady that I support and is a fan of, and then I see so many in hollywood and on tv constantly faking and selling their products and THEY get a pass, it makes me so sad.
Wow. That side-eye on the second clip. These two deserve each other.
Truth and you love to see it. He couldn’t have done a better job of marrying himself if he tried.
Literal definition of “if looks could kill”.
Oh wow, they’re truly awful. But this car crash will get them more viewers for the show, for sure.
Do they not have a pre-nup? Just get divorced if you can’t stand each other!
They do not have a pre nup. It came up in an interview I think and she said she basically pretended not to understand what he was talking about 😂
Wouldn’t he have a case for fraud anyway?
Would it even matter? The child support alone would bankrupt him
Lol, I am so here for this story because I literally don’t care a bit about either of them.
Apparently, they’re finally done having kids so they feel free to hate each other in public.
Elder abuse? What a bitch she is but he picked her and had seven yes seven children with her. Buyers remorse on his part.
Alec is 100% into this or he wouldn’t still be there.
Or maybe, as the old blues song goes,”It’s cheaper to keep her.”
I have no idea what I just watched but that was wild. Is her accent less pronounced when she’s angry? Sounds more SoCal than Spanish now?
She has different Spanish accents–now we know she has multiple American accents as well. That wasn’t Massachusetts.
A. There is no way that Baldwin met her and her family and didn’t realize that the accent was sus. He met them all before they got married, so he was only hoodwinked if she and other people in her family were all faking that accent together. He knew who she was.
B. The reality show screams “we need money.” Her idea and he went along with it? He was all in, but now hates it?
C. They’re both awful. I feel sorry for their Baldwinitos.
Not to drive viewership for the show, but it’s wild how much her accent changes in each episode.
I suspect that Baldwin is distancing himself intentionally from acting right now. Maybe he doesn’t want to be on a set, after what’s happened — and I wouldn’t blame him about that. I’m also sure that his legal fees cost him a lot of money, so that may play a part in why he’s involved in this venture.
Exactly. This is the first time I’ve heard her speak, and I could not imagine her with a Spanish accent.
I never listened to anything where she was talking before. I think my ears would start bleeding if I listened to that voice for more than the sound bite this was. This was bad enough.
Folks were saying this played out like this for their TLC show…but my ♏️ intuition which pinged opening weekend when I sat in the theater watching Kidman/Cruise in “Eyes Wide Shut” (that scene when Kidman was telling Cruise she woulda left him & their child for one night with that stranger? BABEEE ..I was like…”That is BEYOND acting! 😱) and also while I was watching Jolie/Pitt in “By the sea”…(that WHOLE A– movie is a visual testament of when love is gone…FA REAL!😲)…that SAME intuition tells me that’s their dynamic FOR REAL …and I can see TRUE ELDER ABUSE happening in the future!
Yeah it did not make me want to watch the show. I love my four nieces and nephews but man I do not want to watch a show about 7 kids in a Manhattan apt. At all. Especially with a couple going back and forth like that.
Plus she has a super annoying voice. Imagine that voice in your ear day after day, month after month….. 🤯
No sympathy. He made his bed.
That voice is like nails , but I guess that’s why you have 7 kids, to drown out their annoying mana.
She wasn’t Spanish here and wasn’t at s loss for her English words. Interesting.
I think her rude behaviour is her own interpretation of how a spanish passionate woman would be.
I’m italian and it is the same with us too, move your hands a round a lot and be very hot tempered…
Yes! That’s what they are doing here and Alec is assisting her. She forgot the accent though. I can’t tell the difference between regional accents, but that’s something American, isn’t it?
They are both over that marriage.
I will never be over how absolutely nuts her pretending to be Spanish is. Like. If he wasn’t in on it I don’t know how they stayed married.
This is so sad to watch and I notice that Hilary dropped the Spanish accent.
1. She really is beautiful and her dress is amazing on her. 2. She also seems like an incredibly self-centered person who is deluded about her own importance in the grand scheme of things. 3. Signing up for a reality tv show is usually one of the last remaining signposts on the road to Divorce. 4. After it happens, her next reality venture will showcase her dating life with various Z-list celeb men, but she will eventually land a pro athlete.
or write a book on how life was so tough living with Alec and how she threw herself into mommyhood with getting pregnant back to back to try to better her marriage to Alec.
I heard rumors that she used surrogates for most of the pregnancies.
Damn he even put his Hampton House for sale. The one Kristin Davis loved and only dated AB to get access to.
Surrogates maybe. I’ve always wondered if she actually carried all those babies to term after seeing her in her panties with no stretch marks and no post partum skin flab.
She carried six of her seven children. They only used a surrogate for one and it’s the two that are like 6-9 months apart. Chrissy Teigen did the same thing and quite frankly o think it’s odd and gross. It’s one thing to use a surrogate because you can’t carry children; it’s strange to do it when you already have children and then decide to get pregnant and use a surrogate for another baby at the same time.
There’s actually more evidence that she only carried her first child and used surrogates for all the rest. This was out well before the two babies that were so close in age that they had to admit surrogate use for one (as she faked being pregnant with the other). This woman is deeply unwell.
Alec Baldwin’s life is always messy. I was reading a blurb about Sarma Melngailis, the vegan entrepreneur who got caught up with a con man and went on the run with him. It’s funny that Alec was smitten with Sarma, but she had a boyfriend, so she rejected him. He later met Hilaria at Sarma’s restaurant.
According to a Vanity Fair profile, Alec confided in Sarma about wanting a meaningful relationship, but she suggested he adopt a dog instead. Funny how Sarma ended up adopted a dog & Alec ended up with Hillary, the fake Spaniard. Of course Alec loved his children but I wonder if Sarma and Alex would like a do over?
Oh wow, I had forgotten that whole Sarna saga. I guess it’s not surprising that Hillary was somehow in that orbit.
Chaine, you totally nail it! The show was her idea to join. I bet some producer saw their interactions with one another in real life, considered the chaos seven kids would add, and pitched the idea. And she’s thinking about the lights and camera and how to leverage this for when Alec is in a nursing home. She probably told him “This is my show. We’re going to do it my way. And this will be my money, only mine.”
Yes, after that dramatic video, where she dragged the paparazzi around the corner of her apartment building to yell at them for invading her privacy and terrorizing her children, all while ‘trying’ to cover the face of the baby she had on her chest in a carrier. I guarantee that won her a reality show.
How do you say ‘divorce’ in Spanish?
I thought pepino was cucumber.
Her dress is like her voice: loud and ugly. It is the fashion equivalent of her whine.
At least her boobs were covered up. Just saying.
Someone needs to do some interesting Photoshop to that green screen dress she’s got on.
He talks like this to her too. I think she did think this would be cute or relatable but he has a temper and felt humiliated and then she had to let out that little laugh and she came off controlling (even if him interrupting is annoying and strikes me as a regular thing)
So many children caught up in this. I think she’s done with him and is ready for her divorce spin-off and cs checks. They deserve each other but the children don’t deserve either of them. Gah
Personally, I don’t think anything they do is authentic. I could see they planned this fake ‘spat’ To try and drum up some interest in their failing show. Or she thought she would be clever to ‘bicker’ with Alec. But he was not in on it. Could go either way to me.
Except his rage goes from Zeo to One hundred in two seconds. And saw that as an act of war and will be having a tantrum in the car on the way home. Alec does not like to be embarrassed publicly.
I remember years ago when Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed went on Joy Behar show and had a full-on fight. 100% fake trying to get people to watch the show.
And only Larry would wear a cucumber colored dress.
I had a very nervous laugh. This is so bad.
When did Hilary from Boston become Spanish? I mean was she pretending to be Spanish before AB as in she stepped out of her shower one day and it hit that she was Spanish ? Or did she adopt the accent when she heard AB liked Penelope Cruz?
That was …something! Almost as bad as the video where she holds up her “darker skinned” fake Spanish lady arm against her child’s to teach the kid about racism and Martin Luther King, etc.
I don’t know them but “I’m captivated by your beauty” seemed almost sarcastic? She is a pretty lady but something tells me there was more to that comment lol
Oh to be a fly inside that car on the way home but then again she had swatted me with all that pent up anger at this grift gone sideways lol
@sideeye I feel you are right. I think he hated the “look at me” dress color and her make up artist hates her. I think he is catching on that she really more in love with herself.
It’s almost like he was trolling her knowing she’d snap lol. She really is so full of herself! She seems to forget that we only know about her because she attached herself to him and pretended to be Spanish!
Does she not realize who they actually want to interview is Alec? “When I’m talking you’re not talking!” Incredibly disrespectful and her true self. She can’t keep her self in check like she didn’t get much media training. I can’t help it I’m still an Alec fan due to his movies. This marriage is going down in flames. She can’t stand not being the center of attention.
I was thinking the same thing, that Alec (regardless of whether they had been arguing in the car or not) knows how to behave on the red carpet; whereas Hilaria does not, and she was rude to him. I got the impression that he was actually biting his lips to keep from answering back.
A couple of narcissists narcissist-ing.I like Alec Baldwin as an actor, but he and his wife both seem like pretty terrible human beings. I can only imagine what it’s like with both those egos competing for the spotlight.
Though I agree with others that this could be totally planned “spats” on their part to drum up publicity for their show. Which is so desperate, if true.
And to think. His marriage to Kim bassinger was worse?
I saw a clip of their dumb show- IG maybe? And I died at his hypocrisy. The interviewer asked them to describe each child. For one of the younger ones- a girl, Hilary said something about her being difficult (or something along those lines) and with a straight face, Alec called her out! He was like, that’s a horrible thing to say about your child! She will see this some day. Umm, sir? Did you not call your daughter an f-ing pig on a voicemail that then got blasted everywhere?! Pot… meet kettle. 🤦🏻♀️🫠
Holy Toledo!!! Yeah, I don’t know if they were fighting in the car on the way over, but I bet they were fighting in the car after. I don’t see anything wrong with him saying you’re a winner. I do see something wrong in her telling him no, you’re not talking. It says to me, this is all about me, I am the draw, the show is about me. I wonder if his thinking is, I’ve created a monster that speaks English with a Spanish accent. But yeah, they’re toxic. Wait, was that to draw attention and draw viewers?
Wow, that was profoundly painful to watch.
Ok, my two cents.
I watched the first few episodes of their reality show because I was bored, and I feel for their kids. There’s too many of them for each to get proper attention, Carmen (the oldest) is raising the kids alongside her mom, and she also has a MASSIVE codependency thing going on with “EElaria.”
Alec’s OCD is featured heavily in the show. While Hilaria blames the Rust shooting incident, I think it’s more about Alec trying to salvage ANY type of control in an out of control family situation with a wife who is calling all the shots. Seven kids and all those animals in a NYC apartment? I would die.
I made it to the episode where she forces Alec into couples therapy, after Hilaria basically says she’s tried to get him to commit to it before. She steamrolls him multiple times in front of the therapist. Absolute yikes.
I love Kim Basinger.
Good Lord, she is rude-gross. What an ego.