Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ‘set a good example’ for her kids

After all of these years, I do enjoy a good “Princess Kate misses Harry” nostalgia piece. I actually do believe that Kate misses her brother-in-law and I also believe she’s probably still incandescent with rage that he married Meghan and moved far, far away, leaving her with the other brother. According to this new report, it seems like Kate is basically the only one in the Windsor clan who worries that they’re actually setting a horrible example of how to handle intra-family disputes.

Kate Middleton is still hoping for a reunion with Prince Harry, according to a source who said she’s “not willing to give up fighting.”

The Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan Markle have been estranged from the royal family for years and have even made a number of explosive allegations against Kate and her husband Prince William. Harry alleged Kate made Meghan cry during one argument and detailed a physical confrontation with William in his memoir Spare. Despite the harsh comments, a source said family is “hugely important” for Kate, including Harry. “So of course she’s still holding out hope that, in time, things can heal,” they added.

The Princess of Wales is aware there would be “challenges” in reuniting with Harry, but that isn’t going to stop her, according to the source. They explained, “She believes that bridges can be rebuilt if there’s willingness on both sides.”

Initially, Kate is believed to have thought that creating space with Harry would have helped the situation with his brother. However, the source told Heat Magazine it’s actually made things worse. To try and fix things, Kate is reportedly “quietly encouraging William” to forgive Harry. The source admitted, “She hasn’t made a whole lot of headway with him, as he’s still very reluctant to trust Harry and Meghan.”

However, Kate won’t give up as she wants to “set a good example for their own kids.” The Prince and Princess of Wales have three children together – Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, nine, and Louis, six. The source continued, “It breaks her heart to imagine something like this happening to them, so she wants to show them that family is worth fighting for.”

The Duke of Sussex is likely to return to the UK soon as part of his ongoing legal battle with the Home Office over a decision to remove his publicly-funded security. It’s unclear if he will reunite with his family during the trip. The source suggested Kate is hopeful Harry will reach out when he’s in the UK. They suggested she is hoping to get the chance to “talk things through” with her brother-in-law.

The source concluded, “She knows that may be a big ask and the challenge is that William and Harry see things so differently, so Kate can’t force anything. She’s doing what she can behind the scenes, but ultimately, it’s up to William and Harry.”

[From The Daily Mirror]

I remember all of that weirdness last year when Kate has disappeared and then stepped back from public life, and there were all of those briefings about how William wouldn’t “allow” Harry to see Kate, and yet William was disappointed that Harry apparently made no move to contact him while Harry was in London twice last year. It was all very bizarre, but I still think it’s a good sign that Harry seems to be grey-rocking William and Kate in particular. It’s driving them crazy, to not know the Sussexes’ moves or have any information on them to give to the tabloids. Anyway, within tabloid narratives, Kate has always been pretty willing to reconcile with Harry. Even sympathetic outlets position her as desperate to get Harry alone or away from Meghan, and she’s never said to be particularly interested in speaking to Meghan. It’s only about Harry. I find that interesting.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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153 Responses to “Princess Kate wants to reconcile with Prince Harry to ‘set a good example’ for her kids”

  1. Carrie says:

    Eeww, stay away from him, stalker!

  2. vs says:

    This is tabloid BS… if this even has a modicum of truth, she is a crazy woman! No way Meghan will let this racist woman near her kids after she purposefully kept her first two kids away from Archie at that polo game… pass and next!

    • Not a Subject says:

      The article mentions the dress fiasco and William punching Harry but conveniently forgets that KKKate was *worried* about the colour of Archie’s skin. Will we forget her casual racism? Puh-lease

    • Jais says:

      Yeah, the polo pictures were the first thing that came to my mind. That was actually a horrible example for the kids, not letting Louis or Charlotte or George even interact with Archie or Meghan. So I wouldn’t believe that Kate is concerned about the example being set, as she’s the one setting terrible examples in churches and on walkabouts. However, like Kaiser said, it’s all about Harry. What if Harry had been alone and holding Archie at the polo match. Would Kate have let the kids approach?

      • Christine says:

        It has always blown my mind that it doesn’t seem to have occurred to William and Kate that they *also* have two sons.

        They’ve made a horrific blueprint for if their sons don’t get along. If I’m Louis, there will never be a moment where I don’t know exactly where I stand in my family. He literally has to hope his brother is a better person than his father. No one is setting aside an inheritance for him a la Diana for Harry.

      • Tessa says:

        And Charlotte. She is actually the spare.

      • Christine says:

        They are already calling Charlotte the living embodiment of QEII. She’s never going to be treated like Harry, whereas Louis already is.

      • Tessa says:

        It is odd that even when baby Charlotte was held by her mother there was insisting she looked like the queen. Charlotte looks more like a middleton and even the ones who see her as the queens double would still treat her as spare and George gets all the attention.

    • Caitlin says:

      Yes, tabloid bs indeed!!!! It’s interesting how credible media like the Guardian or BBC aren’t the ones publishing this crap. The “sources” only speak to the FAil or other tabloids. Interesting.

    • sunnyside up says:

      That was made up by the D Express, Yahoo carried the same story on the same day and included pictures of Kate and Meghan together with the children. The Express omitted the pictures of Kate and Meghan chatting. Yahoo seem to have got rid of the pictures of them together but:-

      • Tessa says:

        George does not go over to aunt Meghan and Archie
        Kate is interacting with Louis and does not go over with him to see Archie

      • Jais says:

        Iirc, the pictures are of them in close proximity and Kate is talking to Louis and smiling towards the camera but there is no picture of conversation with Meghan. It’s likely they said hello or something similar but the overall pics show distance. Kate was not going out of her way to help the new mom or to coo over baby Archie as she does for random babies at photo-ops. To be fair, at that point, Meghan was probably wary too.

      • Nic919 says:

        Kate did not chat with Meghan at all. In fact when Louis is showing interest in Archie she basically diverts his attention with sunglasses laughs for a photo then proceeds to ignore Meghan.

      • Yvette says:

        @Tessa … Actually, I recall seeing a short video of Meghan attending that polo match with Archie. George ‘does’ walk over to see/meet Archie, but Meghan is rocking him close to her body and starring out at Harry playing polo and no where else.

        Kate, sitting on the blanket next to Meghan’s and munching on something, looks once quizzically over her shoulder at Meghanand then back down at her munchies.

        Meghan looked very protective of Archie in the video as I recall and seemed a bit ‘wound up’ to me. In hindsight, knowing everything we now know about how she was treated before Archie’s birth and her state of mind, I bet she was going through some serious sh$t during her postpartum as well. I also bet by then that she didn’t trust anyone in that family except Harry. After the match, the video clip shows Harry walking over to her, she smiles and kisses him, and they immediately walk over to their car to leave.

        But in all fairness, George ‘did’ approach her blanket and seemed puzzled when she didn’t acknowledge him or invite him over to meet Archie. Perhaps it’s more obvious in the video clip than in photos.

      • Tessa says:

        Yvette I saw George standing still near his mother and not going near or even smiling at Archie. I did not see that George was ignored by meghan

    • Hnin says:

      Just another click bait
      Now that the Sussexes are on a winning trajectory they’re going to put more touchy feely stories. Nothing to do with the status quo

    • Yup, Me says:

      Chiming in on the polo pictures thread. I had the exact same thought about Meghan being left off to herself holding Archie, looking hella isolated while Kate and her kids sat nearby.

      These people are strange and insane (whether the Royal family or the delulu royal reporters). Their psycho fantasies that Harry would ever come back to them in any way shape or form when he has clearly and repeatedly stated “Do. Not. Fuck. With. My. Wife.” and “Until you apologize to her, you can kiss my ass (and hers).”

      That includes Kate.

    • Kittenmom says:

      They’re going to push charlotte as the second coming of Diana. No spare treatment for her.

  3. FancyPants says:

    “The source suggested Kate is hopeful Harry will reach out when he’s in the UK”- that’s all she can do (hope!) because she has no idea when Harry will be in the UK or where he will stay, and that is clearly how he wants it to be.

    • Amy Bee says:

      Given what’s going on with Green Card holders it’s unlikely Harry’s going to be in the UK anytime soon.

      • bluhare says:

        Do you think they’d go after Harry? More i think about it, maybe so.

        I’m a legal green card holder as well, and never thought I’d see the day when things are like this.

      • Amy Bee says:

        @Bluhare: IIt’s not about going after Harry, It’s the fact that as far as we know he’s not a US citizen. There are stories of people with Green Cards being stopped from trying to re-enter to the US.

      • FancyPants says:

        I wonder if it’s the same for fabulously wealthy people flying in on private jets into different terminals? Like would Prince Harry go through the same customs procedures as a peasant like me? [sorry, I’ve never traveled internationally if you can’t already tell]

  4. Tessa says:

    So Meghan in keens world came between. Keen and harry. How about keen apologizing to Meghan . Kate. Harry is married and you should stop leaving his wife out of your your peacemaking . What a fake kate is.

    • Chill says:

      My thoughts exactly. Reach out to Meg and apologize. That is what would help.

    • Nic919 says:

      The photos included in this post show Kate staring at Harry in a really obsessed way on multiple occasions.

      Kate did not like having to share male attention.

      • jais says:

        Yeah, I’ve never believed that Kate actually had a thing for Harry. But I’ve always believed that she liked how Harry treated her in front of the cameras. He smiled back at her and made eye contact and she felt like the pictures made her look desirable to the public. Bc William did not and still does not do that for the cameras as much. It’s always been about image and self-esteem. When all of the sudden Harry looked at another woman like that, it was a real hit. When the cameras were not around, they did not spend time together and I don’t think she cared to spend time with him either if there weren’t cameras around. She needed him to smile at her, make eye contact and make her feel pretty. She was using him.

      • Dilettante says:

        Festive glances

    • Lily says:

      She chased away every girlfriend Harry had and she is angry with Meghan her little play did not worked. She looks at Harry like she is in love with him she never looks at Baldie that way.

      • Blogger says:

        Yeah, what kind of woman tells her future SIL, “Windsor men aren’t faithful.”

        I think she said this to Chelsy. So Lazy is happy to be cheated on because she was never Willie’s first choice. And expects others to be as socially ambitious as her.

        What an appalling reflection on Carole. Everything and everyone must be sacrificed for a precious title.

    • Dee(2) says:

      I think she’s angry at Meghan because she probably consoled herself with all of the disrespect that she took, that her time was coming. She was thinking at least you will be higher in the hierarchy than the spares wife. She probably figured that as time went on she would be able to treat Meghan poorly and Meghan would have to dance for scraps of acceptance and public approval coming from her, that the press within run with. Making her the real queen bee indeed.

      Instead Meghan had friends, had a husband that cared about her, and was like let’s get the hell out of here. Something that her family, or friends (if she has them) never did. So she’ll never forgive her. She eventually took away the person physically, and his attention before that, that made it bearable for her to exist within that family. Then she had the audacity to not even stick around and be mistreated by her.

      • jais says:

        Agree so much. There was time spent in their minds about how one day they were going to really put harry and Meghan in their place, once they were king and queen. But then they bounced and that has been stolen from them. So now they make petty comments about jam. It was with both of them but William just as much as Kate if not more so.

      • BeanieBean says:

        @Dee (2): I think you & @Blogger above you have hit on it exactly. Kate can no longer hide from herself that the sh*t she put up with wasn’t worth it.

  5. Tessa says:

    Her flirty glances at harry are creepy

  6. WaterDragon says:

    Oh, no! Not the tired “Kate the Peacemaker” merde again!

  7. somebody says:

    If she wants to set a good example, she should personally apologize to Meghan, Harry and A&L for her racist comments, physical aggression and allowing lies to be spread (if not outright spreading them herself). Otherwise, she can take a seat and hush.

    • Chrissy says:

      This! But we know it would never happen without an entire press corps there to witness it. The Sussexes would never allow that!

  8. aquarius64 says:

    Why write this article? If Kare wants to “set a good example for her kids” the alledged reconciliation would extend to Meghan. They’re making it sound like Kate wants Harry back to be her security back or hopefully become her lover.

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      The point of the article is to highlight how Kate is the “superior” mother, putting her children and kingdom first unlike that hussy with her flower sprinkles and joy filled life that she finances herself by working.

      • Christine says:

        “That hussy with her flower sprinkles” is sending me! Kate was never going to get along with Meghan because she has never understood the power that is in a sisterhood. And the fun, frankly. Her life is so tiny, and filled with nothing and no one.

      • jais says:

        Yep, the hussy with her flower sprinkles is sending me too! Like dang, I aspire to be the hussy with the flower sprinkles fr.

  9. Tessa says:

    I wonder What kates kids think of her lunging at their aunt and her sister in law meghan.

  10. Nic919 says:

    They are trying to erase the fact that Kate started and still has never corrected the fake crying story. And the fact that Kate thought it was fine to practically lunge at meghan in public during a global event.

    Harry will never listen to Kate until she apologizes for her role in the smear campaign.

    • Ginger says:

      Exactly. Harry won’t even look at Kate anymore. It’s clear he is completely done with her and her actions.

  11. Izzy says:

    Meghan never made any kind of explosive allegation about Wonder Wiglet, she simply corrected a lie, and while she was doing so in the interview went out of her way to paint Kate as someone who just made a mistake and owned up to it with flowers and an apology note. Kate could have just taken the win and said something about being relieved the truth was out and how hard it is to correct the mistakes when they aren’t supposed to “complain or explain,” instead she doubled down.

    As for Harry, it is not “unclear if he will reunite with his family during the trip.” He knows they will go out of their way to snub him and leak that information to the media, so he is unlikely to make any more overtures. He has a whole family and life waiting for him back in California.

  12. Tessa says:

    I remember how she made a beeline for harry at Philips funeral and William told her to back off. She is so deluded.

    • Blogger says:

      That was for the photo op.

      And the snub that Harry gave her for one of the services (I now forget which) was also in full view.

      • Nic919 says:

        Red snapper was our truther on the post funeral snub by Harry and William telling her to stay back, which had Eugenie and Sophie, walking a bit behind take notice.

        William was likely also pissed that she had turned his grandfather’s funeral funeral into a fashion shoot.

        Harry snubbed Kate at the queens funeral. To the point that he looked at William to get him to move Kate out of the way as he and Meghan were looking to take their seats.

        Kate clearly doesn’t know how to behave at church events. Add the commonwealth service snubs and it’s like she thinks church is a social party.

      • Zinjazin says:

        It is so wild that Kate thinks that church services and funerals are the proper venue to kick up drama in front of the whole world. Like please, show some respect.

      • Kat says:

        Cathy does not know how to behave in church.She treats a church service as another photo op and nothing else.She used Philip’s funeral and her children’s christenings as a fashion show for herself.The way she behaved towards Meghan at the commonwealth service was disgusting.
        She has no respect at all and what is more she thinks she can get away with it

  13. ML says:

    In my experience, people who really want to reach out to estranged family members usually do so. We keep hearing about how K wants to reach out to H, but by this point, and it always stops there. Has she ever secretly tried to arrange a vacation relatively close to Montecito and included Meghan? We have never heard anything about that. Unless W is too threatening (which may be a possibility here–K might fear repercussions of getting involved), she could easily smooth the way to better relations, but she appears to need help. For instance, she could call out the media for excessive H&M bashing, admit where the media lied when she was wrong, and publicly apologize like a normal person. That would be a good start.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate will never apologize. William did not order Kate to be rude to Meghan. This is all on Kate. Kate made herself clear about her dislike for meghan.

      • Ginger says:

        Yup. From the very beginning she was unwelcoming to Meghan ( Spare told us that) It’s clear Kate thinks SHE is the victim in all of this and will never apologize.

    • Nic919 says:

      William’s issues were always more directly with Harry but it is Kate who went after Meghan and kicked the smear campaign in high gear. Her lie through Camilla tominey started the media attacks and the Kate continued to be passive aggressive with her comments about being grateful to present her babies in public and she also made sure to wear repeats like she never had before whole Meghan was pregnant and unable to wear repeats since it was her first pregnancy.

      Until Kate is public with an apology, she remains a despicable person, no better than the rest of that family.

      • Blogger says:

        Yup, Lazy triggered it all because of her insecurities.

      • jais says:

        Yeah, it’s hard to imagine that Kate and her mom didn’t plant that story. I know Harry recounted how Kate and William blamed the planted lie on Camilla in Spare. But I’d be curious to know who Harry now thinks really planted it. But at the end of the day, the fact that they wouldn’t correct it is shameful enough. They’ll correct stories about hair pieces, botox and more recently Kate’s fashion but wouldn’t correct that story. They never needed to say it was actually Kate who made Meghan cry. They could have just gone on record to say Meghan never made Kate cry. End of story. But they didn’t. Why not? Bc they planted it out of meanness, insecurity and jealousy ? Likely. But either way, imagine they didn’t, which is hard to imagine but at that point, it always should have been corrected bc it was playing into the racist trope of the mean black duchess and the perfect white victim duchess. BUT THEY DIDN’T CORRECT THE RACIST LIE. Which tells you all you need to know.

    • LRB says:

      I have an idea. Kate could send the whole family Easter presents! Not jam though… or honey. But I wonder if they exchange birthday gifts for the children for example… if not it would be a start. Let’s hope the children in time can have a decent cousinly relationship. The Wales children are not going to have a life of plain sailing around the press and having a bolt hole in California might be a good thing for them. I always feel Meghan has a kind heart and would always be kind to the children if they respected her as a person.

  14. Jais says:

    I just think of all those pictures of Meghan alone at the funeral. Of Harry not even making eye contact with Kate when they moved into their seat. If I was Kate, I wouldn’t be holding my breath. I’m sure the Sussexes wish her good health but beyond that, no.

    • Christine says:

      Harry’s face was ice cold. He picked WILLIAM over Kate. Whatever Kate had done, Harry is not getting over it. He preferred to interact with his brother, albeit briefly.

      • Blogger says:

        Lazy is a married in, she has no business in Harry’s life. This is Harry putting her in place. No matter how much Lazy thinks she’s the centre of attention, she’s not the centre in Harry’s life. The narcissism is strong in Lazy.

        Harry didn’t mention her in Spare by herself except in the context of his brother or his wife. Nothing about getting to know her. It seemed outside of cameras, Lazy never had a one on one with Harry.

        He also totally omitted Carole. So Carole doesn’t exist in his life because why write about her leaks? He hates leakers to the press. She might not be on Camilla level yet but I bet Harry’s keeping tabs on her.

      • jais says:

        Yeah, he’s done. Whatever cordial or friendly relationship they had is done.That man will not even look at her! Harry is also media savvy enough to know that just glancing in Kate’s direction would be turned into a story about him pining for Kate or some shit and then that’s used to hurt Meghan. Ultimately, I think the Sussexes could give a f-ck what the tabs say but they’re also not giving Kate any ammunition for bullshit cutesy stories.

  15. So Can’t misses Harry and wants to see him again to set an example for her children. She could have set a better example if she had talked to Meg on the polo fields while she was a new mother with Archie but she and her children ignored them. Setting good examples is not in her character. Being a bitch is in her character .

  16. Julia says:

    Harry is not due to give evidence during this judicial review so why would he come to the UK? It would not affect the outcome of the review so wouldn’t be a completely wasted trip. He has not been present in court for any of the other hearings these people are just making it up.

    • Jais says:

      Wishful thinking? At this point Harry has no reason to visit anytime soon. Maybe he will make an appearance at the start of the DM trial but that seems at least a year away, maybe a little less now?

  17. Lauren says:

    It’s written almost like she’s telling Willy “family is worth fighting for” bc he’s done w her. I think Kate thinks if Harry is back – her marriage will be fixed. Not realizing she is the problem. It’s why the press are constantly wanting Harry back but not his wife or kids & apparently Kate owns the press. There is no other reason they would support such a bland pick me as keen.

    • Julia says:

      The press support her because she is all they have got. Having chased away anyone interesting/charismatic. People aren’t interested interested in William, Charles or Camilla.

  18. Tessa says:

    Keen needs to tell will to apologize to harry and for starters start talking about harry and Meghan and their children. Harry is married now keen

  19. Amy Bee says:

    According to Heat…I don’t believe this story. What’s stopping her from picking up the phone and calling Harry? She’s never done it not even when Lili was born. I can believe that this is what the British press wants.

  20. Faraway says:

    Yeah…right! 🙄
    The woman has had the hots for Harry forever. One just has to look at her ogling at Harry in every pic.
    She only wanted William for the throne and thought she had nailed a two-for-one deal after her and Carole’s scheming and plotting but … Meghan appeared.
    Goody two shoes, Saint Catherine will stop at nothing and of course she wants Harry alone. Heaven forbid Meghan should be anywhere near. Then we will see the devil attack again and even more bashing and vilifying of Meghan will ensue. They say don’t put your weapon away just because your enemy smiled. Harry should take note! This woman is scary!

    • Libra says:

      I believe you are right about Harry being HER spare, and Meghan appeared and foiled her plan.

      • Lady Digby says:

        Exactly rather than have a sexy wife that he adores with two lovely children he was supposed to be GRATEFUL for trailing around with a scowling couple to cheer them up?? He was supposed to surrender his own happiness to keep their spirits up in public and be Will’s buffer and Kate’s boyfriend during the years of neglect?!

      • jais says:

        It honestly came across as they never wanted him to get married. Maybe if it was someone they absolutely felt they could control. But they wanted him to be alone long enough that he’d be desperate for their wifey suggestions.

  21. Over it says:

    So I see Kate is still pretending that Harry wife Meghan and their 2 children don’t exist . How can you expect a married man to make peacwith you after all you did to him and especially his wife when you don’t even acknowledge the wrongs you have done and apologize and behave like you know he has a family of his own? Answer- you can’t. This is bs so f Kate

  22. Amy G says:

    I know this is superficial, but seeing these old photos reminds me of how Kate used to look so much healthier and her hair was so much better. I realize we all age — it’s not that. It’s the fact she gets so much done to her face and ends up looking unnatural AND older as a result is odd and sad.

    But if she suddenly cares about being a good role model, she has a lot to think about. I shudder to think what the Keen Kids have picked up about their cousins and aunt and uncle.

    • Blogger says:

      She definitely looked so much healthier when she wasn’t a bitter and twisted jealous woman.

      Harry welcomed her with open arms “never had a sister before.”

      But she couldn’t do the same to his wife.

      Jealousy sucks Lazy!

      • Lady Digby says:

        The photographs last week of Kate before and after marriage should be shown to any ambitious mother who has plans for George, Charlotte and Louis as ideal partners for their offspring. Marrying into front line RF can be hazardous to your health and wellbeing. W and K will be very interfering and over bearing, throw you to the wolves type of in-laws.

      • Cassie says:

        Well said Blogger , losing Harry started her downhill slide .

        She never wanted him to marry anyone .

    • Jay says:

      That was my first (superficial) thought, too! The darker brown hair colour, and particularly the photos where she cut it to a bob, really brightened up her face. Or maybe…she just really comes to life when she’s around Harry, haha.

  23. Tara says:

    Am I the only one who sees behind this the royals’ expectation of Kate to make things right with Harry? And then she’s projecting a bit, because that’s part of the game over there, hoping that Harry will buckle down and set a good example for the kids. I hope he takes it to heart and explains to them that when someone shows you their true colors, you have to believe them!!!

  24. Lady Digby says:

    This is tabloid BS Kate is not now, nor has she ever been interested in anyone else apart from her birth family, children and FK. She lunged at Meghan during a very high profile and tense meeting. Harry and Meghan were rightly appalled. Given the tsunami of nasty coverage of Meg since leaving the UK, she was clearly nervous about how that would translate on this royal walkabout. Kate didn’t t behave with dignity or any grace beforehand.She could have been generous and respectful.No she advances on her in an intimidating way as in you are not welcomed on MY turf. It was appalling to witness and finished any fantasy that this woman is any kind of diploma or peacemaker. She was out for blood. That very public nastiness removed any doubt, from Harry and Meg, that there would be any repproachment with Kate. She’s in their past now.

    • Nic919 says:

      Kate benefits from the media trying to make her a passive player in this situation when Kate has instigated a lot of the nastiness, especially against Meghan directly. We can start with the refusal to give Meghan a ride to the stores which had Meghan walking to them and going past the DM office and the tabloids acting like Meghan was looking to be photographed. From there it escalated with the crying story which to this day the British tabloids refuse to say was because of Kate, despite Meghan publicly putting the truth out there. Kate mother also made sure to made digs at Meghan in the only interview she’s ever done.

      Kate physically lunging at Meghan during the walkabout only confirmed just how involved Kate has been in the attacks on Meghan and that incident was impossible to deny. When even William can behave in public, but Kate can’t, that says a lot about her mental state.

      There is no way Harry will ever forgive Kate for this stuff against Meghan. His icing her out at the queens funeral told you what he thinks and it won’t be Uk tabloid stories that change his position.

      • Square2 says:

        Sometimes I wonder what nasty words or unspeakable behaviors KP & BP did to Meghan to make a smiling, radiant Meghan in Germany days earlier became a frightening Meghan in that walkabout. I’ve never seen her so frightening before. It’s really shocking to witness.

    • jais says:

      It’s wild how there are two video angles of how Kate lunged towards Meghan. It was so randomly menacing and you can see that Meghan is shook. And it was buried and never commented on by the BM or the MSM. But imagine for a second, it had been reversed. It would have been played over and over on a loop. It’s hard to watch someone’s behavior be so fully covered up. Honestly, if she had ever been truly held to account maybe she would start acting better, at least in a church.

    • eliza says:

      Where can I find the “lunging’ video?

  25. wolfmamma says:

    I would imagine that Harry’s natural and kindness is a beacon to Kate. And he is quite funny and easy. Lots of folks flock to him. Meghan is warm and kind and loving and it is sad that Kate cannot be open to her as well rather than unkind, cold and calculating. That she misses that a key to being friends with Harry is to embrace Meghan and their love and devotion tells us about Kate’s real motivations/ emotional development of course.

    Invictus Birmingham and anything to do with that might be the next time we see Harry in the UK …

  26. MsBarney says:

    I don’t believe this at all. Catherine is looking forward, not backward.

  27. kelleybelle says:

    Jesus … forgive Harry for what? Being happy, successful, and marrying the love of his life? It’s obvious they’re just embiggening again. What a bunch of BS just because Kate desperately needs some good press for doing and being nothing.

  28. Mslove says:

    I always laugh at the peacemaker puff pieces. They highlight the fact that Chuck and Peg are dysfunctional, delusional, and toxic, unable to mend fences on their own.

    • Blogger says:

      She should be really called Lazy the Shitstirrer. She divided the brothers through her appalling behaviour at the wedding, had her mother brief the press, and spectacularly went along with that empty plane stunt.

      Peacemaker? Yeah, if that’s what you call someone who’d prefer to trigger WW3 than to share the limelight with any other female.

      • jais says:

        Oh yeah, I believe she egged everything on big time. But William had his own issues with Harry. That yes she egged on. But Camilla also did her part in sowing a rift between Charles Harry and William. As John Oliver once said, she’s joining a very cold and emotionally stunted family. He could have just said she was marrying into a viper’s nest.

  29. Tn Democrat says:

    Remember the closing theme of Lamb Chop’s Play Along? This is the song that doesn’t end. Yes, It goes on and on, my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, And they’ll continue singing it just because (endless repeating loop). (RIP Shari Lewis). Lort. That earworm reminds me of this bs narrativd. I can’t believe they are recycling these stories after Keener’s direct nasty treatment of Meghan. In 3, 2, 1 the Willy needs her because he isn’t a proper adult who can manage his temper and Keener can control him stories start again. So much for Willy blocking the horrid Middleton’s from their media shenanigans. Please repeat the stories of the Middleton’s abusing their royal connections and screwing over small business owners when they went bankrupt, how desperetely the Middleton’s stalked Willy to put keener in his path, the Waity Katie/the mattress years and question where the Middleton money actually came from instead.

  30. tamsin says:

    Harry has done nothing that needs William’s forgiveness. Forgiveness is Harry’s to give, and Harry has made clear that it needs to start with an apology to Meghan. In order for anything to happen, Kate and William need to become more aware and better human beings. The real shame is that the children will not likely ever be able to play together or form a bond like Elizabeth’s gaggle of grandchildren. And now, William and Kate’s vendetta against Harry and Meghan has even broken up the bond between the cousins. Not surprising, I guess. The family is headed by a king who broke up his first family and chose his mistress’s family over his own.

    • Tessa says:

      The Sussex children have Spencer cousins to bond with.

      • HeatherC says:

        And Serena’s children, and Mindy’s children, and the children of other close friends. My best “cousins” are the two my (non blood related) godparents have. Relatives are who you are born with, for better or worse, but family….real family…is what you choose based on love and trust.

  31. Eurydice says:

    Bullsh&t, of course. William doesn’t want Harry back and Kate doesn’t want Meghan back.

    I’m trying to remember if there were ever any reports, true or not, of Kate being welcoming towards Meghan. I mean, we’ve heard that Elizabeth assigned someone to help Meghan get acclimated, that Sophie was supposed to show Meghan around, that Camilla had some kind of advice for her, whatever. But Kate? There was something about how Meghan turned down Kate’s offer to introduce her to her designers? I wasn’t very focused on the H&M story at the very beginning, so I don’t recall – but I don’t think there were any reports of pleasant interactions between Kate and Meghan.

    • Blogger says:

      All I can remember from the beginning was how defensive the Middletons were once Meghan came on the scene from Pippa’s wedding onwards.

      Never heard of a welcoming note from Lazy. Only that she expected certain behaviours and deference from Meghan eg wearing formal clothes and expecting an acknowledgment of her title at first meeting, Easter presents etc.

      Lazy was pissed that she became the wife to the heir and Meghan felt sorry for her, instead of bowing to her superior status: “She was going through some things” and never referring to her as the Duchess of Cambridge in the Oprah interview.

      Lazy might be titled but it can’t cover up her lack of talent, accomplishments, isolation and lack of friends. There’s not much to envy Lazy in her gilded cage.

      • Eurydice says:

        Yes, I don’t remember even any fake stories or KP propaganda about Kate being welcoming to Meghan.

    • ABritGuest says:

      The tabloids initially claimed Kate was showing Meghan the ropes until the great smear campaign started. I remember Phil Dampier had comments about that & those images of Kate & Meghan attending Wimbledon together in 2018 were used to demonstrate Kate trying to cultivate a sisterly bond. They claimed Meghan was Kate’s guest as if Meghan wasn’t at Wimbledon to see her friend the GOAT Serena Williams like she had attended Wimbledon before she even met Harry

      Even though Rebecca English wrote after spare that Kate never tried with Meghan, she did recently write that Kate & Sophie tried to help Meghan out but were rebuffed 😒

      The press cannot stand that Kate’s treatment of Meghan & Harry’s children has made her look like cold & racist & doesn’t really go with the warm children’s princess that they try to project which is why they spin this peace maker story frequently

      • Blogger says:

        Ah yes, Wimbledon where Pippa was used as a crutch. Meghan looked like the rose between the Middleton thorns.

        But the pretence couldn’t be sustained. And so here we are. Lazy will continue to struggle in her role and expectations as a taxpayer funded public figure.

  32. Rapunzel says:

    I suspect what Kate wants is Harry back to divert her angry husband’s ire from herself.

    Kate/Will never seemed stronger than when they were plotting against H&M. Without Harry to fume at, it’s Kate’s turn to catch the flames, so yeah, I suspect she wants that scapegoat back.

  33. Me at home says:

    Wow, spinning a reconciliation fantasy that doesn’t mention her sister-in-law, niece and nephew. We see you, Kate, you’re the royal racist and you also told the press the post-funeral walkabout with your SIL was the “hardest thing I’ve done in my life.” If Kate actually wants reconciliation with Harry, let alone his family, she needs to apologize publicly for not contradicting the wedding lie, for briefing the press against Meghan, for the empty plane stunt, and so much more. If she doesn’t apologize, then she doesn’t really want reconciliation.

    • Claudia says:

      Yeah, right, Keen the Linchpin of the Monarchy wants now friendship and family amends with the Sussexes.And pigs fly….She is just pissed she can see Harry anymore and that he is smitten with Meghan. I doubt that she and Egg want to bury the hatchett. Such sad figures both of them….also they look so old , like 50 -55 years old

  34. monlette says:

    Total nonsense. If Kate wanted to offer an olive branch she would offer an olive branch. She’s never offered a kind wish directly when the Sussex’s needed one, and very tellingly, they have been awfully silent during her troubled times in return.

    • Hannah says:

      Absolutely. Until I see real life proof as in a family get together with Prince Archie, Princess Lili, The D&DofS and the left behinds, a formal acknowledgement and apology. I believe nothing I read in the gossip rags

    • jais says:

      I believe they put out a statement pretty soon after the bench video in which they wished her a healthy recovery and hoped for her to have privacy as she recovered. Which was lovely. But other than that, no, nothing public.

      • Nerd says:

        That was Harry and Meghan being the genuinely better people in the situation. There were too many times during the time that they were living in the UK that Kate could have been the bigger person. She leaked a lie that Meghan made her cry or at the very least she allowed that lie to be used against Meghan during her pregnancies. Kate said nothing to them when it was revealed that they had lost a child likely due to the media abuse her lie helped create. She lunged at Meghan and then later gave her the cold shoulder at a time the entire family should have been mourning and honoring the Queen. She was one of the two royal racists who had concerns about the skin color of Harry and Meghan’s children and it is proven with this on going narrative that Kate wants to reconcile for herself, William and their kids, while conveniently always omitting all of the biracial family members in these hopes for reconciliation. Kate is just as much a married into this family as Meghan is, yet her actions have always shown that the biracial woman is not welcomed into a family that she also married into.

  35. Maxine Branch says:

    From all I can see from a distance, Harry is happy, Harry is loved, Harry has the family he has always wanted. Meghan has created a beautiful household for him and it shows, from the friends they have cultivated in Monticeto and the lifestyle they have chosen. Harry’s life is good and drama free. This woman needs to focus on her own life and family and leave this family alone.

  36. Lady Digby says:

    Actions speak louder than words. In this Game of Thrones Kate is only focused on securing her own position after a very difficult year. She wants a reconciliation with Wilbur and to be worshipped by him as his true Queen!

  37. MsKrisTalk says:

    This again? Things must be getting really bad over there. I’ve been seeing comments under articles about that family and the people are saying that they don’t believe that Kate had cancer and more “royalists” are siding with Meghan. Some of the commenters are questioning why they continue to write about Harry and Meghan when it’s obvious that the British have NO access to them. The people are angry. This article is an attempt to to soften Kate’s image. Nothing appears to be working. As a reader, I’m questioning why Kate is so focused on Harry not Meghan. Kate needs to make everything right with Meghan before he would do anything. Harry already made it public that his wife deserves an apology. To keep bringing up the same topic and dusting off the same stupid articles is madness. Everything they wished for Meghan and Harry is happening on the Whine-sore family. This attempt to prop up Kate’s popularity isn’t working. I love this for her, her family, and the rf. Harry is no longer is emotional support person and it’s her own fault for being rude to his wife.

    Seeing Meghan happy with her family and friends contrast to Kate’s lack of friends should be an eye opener all the anti-Meghan and Harry people. In my opinion, it reinforces Harry’s version of the collapse of with his brother and SIL. It also reinforces the Sussex Squad narratives that H & M are happy and successful and the rf needs them not the other way around.

  38. Gabby says:

    Kate has always had the hots for Harry and the “cancer” did not kill that. Her problem with Meghan was always sexual jealousy.

    • StarWonderful says:

      I agree! Kate wants Harry all to herself. It’s an incestuous fantasy she and her media minions can’t help themselves from entertaining.

      • Nic919 says:

        I am still not over the Fug Girls writing a book which was basically this weird fantasy scenario.

      • jais says:

        I never read the book. So did the main character end up with the heir or the spare?

  39. Hannah says:

    This is absolutely click bait rage filth. This is never gonna happen. No matter how much or how hard the tabloids try to *manifest* this b.s. Jog on you numpty’s

    • ParkRunMum says:

      This woman is shocking and truly vile. I mean… it’s like watching a horror film that was really well done, like watching Season 2 of the White Lotus. Like, initially, it’s good for a laugh, it’s a little lighthearted drama, peccadillos abound, there are waspish angles to play as you try to imagine the relationships between the main characters. There are pleasant and unpleasant revelations and it becomes a bit of a parlour game, deciphering what went down behind the scenes. It’s like cultural anthropology, for a while anyway: decoding other people’s values, observing their body language and attitudes. But at some point this melodrama was unmasked as something very much more sinister and pathological than a spat between in-laws, or a culture clash between California and England. Once you strip out all the putative pretexts for their breakdown in basic decency — or dignity — Kate and William come across as savagely vengeful, petty, unhinged, obsessive, point-scoring, snobs: racist, sexist, and xenophobic. Hopelessly provincial. Desperate to overcompensate. Hilariously outclassed by their own predicament. Coddled by the institution they are supposed to represent. It’s just….. an epic fail. You almost feel sorry for them. Or you would, if they were not such truly vile people.

      • Whyforthelove says:

        Every part of this is spot on. It starts as an absurd comedy but ends up being the ugliest of tragedies

      • Blogger says:

        Yup. They really like are this generation’s Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

  40. Libra says:

    The whole Meghan made Kate cry was told years ago in a small piece in a tabloid before the wedding. Don’t know how to access it or why it was never cited, but it said, paraphrasing, that Kate and William were visiting Charles and Camilla w hen she was asked how the wedding plans were coming. Kate said it was a very tense day, the fittings were not going well, and everyone was on edge. She said Meghan ended up crying, Kate left with Charlotte, Kate started crying at home telling her mother about it, and the story took off that Meghan made Kate cry. (It looks to me that the finger points at Carole, )( it’s possible that Kate gave her mother the “she made me cry” verson.Both Camilla and Kate know the truth but Kate didn’t want to blame her mother so she said nothing.

    • Afken says:

      Nowhere in any of the stories that made it to the public did it say that Meghan also cried. They only said Kate cried. It wasn’t a tabloid that said it first it was the telegraph and Camilla tominey. (Yes it was Carole, she gave her first ever interview to Camilla too and tominey went to pippas wedding). Nowhere in any story published before Meghan corrected the lie did it say that they both cried. That only came after when people tried to justify Kate not correcting the lie, saying oh perhaps it was both of them. I agree William and Kate didn’t want her mother to get the heat. But they are cowards. Meghan got racial abuse because of that lie. Them trying to spin it now and make Kate the victim is vile.

    • sunnyside up says:

      I remember reading that Kate had made Meghan cry and sent her flowers to apologise, it was only a few weeks later that the Meghan made Kate cry story appeared. If only the original story had been left alone we wouldn’t be discussing it now. It would have been long forgotten,.

      • Blogger says:

        It’s an injustice that has not been rectified by Lazy so this will haunt her and follow her as she long as she continues to ignore it and doesn’t.

        Meghan gave her version to Oprah and it showed how Lazy could have corrected the record anytime. She didn’t. So she too is a snivelling coward like her husband. Her lack of correction speaks to her deficit in character.

        People remember.

    • sevenblue says:

      You remember another version of the story. Since Meghan corrected the lie, the palace sent out many versions of it, so that anyone can choose the version they like. Carole wasn’t included in the original lie. It was headline news, not a small tabloid story. Meghan got turned into the angry black woman making an innocent white woman cry.

      You are also giving Kate no agency, oh her mother did it, what she could do. Harry gave a detailed timeline to the story. The story was made public after H&M did a successful international tour and K&W had a private dinner with Charles & Camilla where this story was discussed before it was made public. From what Harry implied, it was an organized strategy to ruin the reputation of Meghan because she was getting too popular, just like Diana. K&W blamed Camilla for the leak, but I think it was Kate & her mother who organized it, because while it turned Meghan into an evil character, it also made Kate the saint of BRF. If Camilla leaked it, she would find a way to make both of these women look bad. I am sure Charles approved of this, because he had the power to make it go away, instead he just sat there and watched Will’s employees destroy Meghan.

      • Blogger says:

        The die cast was at that dinner.

        That was the version of the Night of the Long Knives for the Sussexes.

        Harry will never forget.

      • Nic919 says:

        That why I think William lied to Harry about telling Camilla. She would never have made Kate look like a victim.

    • sevenblue says:

      Also, why would Kate cry? Harry shared the messages to put an end to this lie in Spare. Meghan was under a lot of pressure with wedding and her father taking money from tabloids. Kate was pressing her about the dresses not being tailored, while Meghan was telling her where the tailor is. Then, Kate was telling Meghan to change all the dresses like it is her wedding?!!? It was totally power play. That is why Meghan cried. There was nothing on those messages to make Kate cry and the tabloids never gave any. After she heard Meghan cried, she apologized and gave her flowers, which is the decent thing to do. Then, she flipped the names and made herself the victim of a black woman. How is this any way understandable to you??

      • jais says:

        It was a power play and I’m guessing Harry called her out on it. Bc how did she even know Meghan cried? Harry must’ve told her. She only sent flowers and an apology card bc she was embarrassed at being called out by Harry. She had to know that demanding Meghan change all the dresses at the last minute was an asshole thing to do but she didn’t care how it affected Meghan until Harry said something. I mean she could’ve cried out of embarrassment at being called out or that combined with the other things she was going through at the time, which Meghan alluded to in Oprah. But at the end of the day, none of those things have anything to do with Meghan or the fact that Kate was essentially the bridesmaid from hell. Minus technically being a bridesmaid

      • Nic919 says:

        I agree that kate would never have sent flowers or apologized had Harry not been aware of the situation.

        This is a woman who is okay almost assaulting Meghan in full public view. At the time she was only looking to have Harry not think bad of her. Following the Oprah interview she knew Harry wasn’t buying her bs.

    • Tessa says:

      Kate is no innocent
      She had no business getting involved in harry and meghans wedding plans. She could have denied the crying story without mentioning her mother I

      • Blogger says:

        She was the ultimate terrible guest at a wedding. Both her and Camz are. Hence, they are rarely invited to other people’s weddings now.

  41. bisynaptic says:

    What is the point of these articles, now?

    • Libra says:

      Click bait=money

    • L4Frimaire says:

      It’s almost like they have nothing left to talk about so bring out the Kate peacemaker wants to connect with Harry again. No mention of the many times Kate publicly snubbed Meghan in front of Harry and how he saw directly how his wife was deteriorating because of these palace sanctioned attacks. What does Kate think she can do? Pretend to cry again? Whatever it is Kate thinks she can do, she would make a point of excluding Meghan and letting everyone know she’s excluding her. Kate needs to get back to her version of work and her life, because Harry doesn’t need her. William is Harry’s problem, still is, and they’re still being shady and spiteful, still attacking Meghan.

      • jais says:

        Yes, they actually have nothing to talk about so regurgitated stories will just keep on keeping on. There’s a lot to talk about but nothing they can actually touch.

  42. QuiteContrary says:

    I don’t believe this nonsense story, but I do believe that one day, the Wales kids will read “Spare” and they will recognize their incandescent father and jealous mother in its pages.

    And both Willy and Kate will have some explaining to do. That may be what Kate fears.

  43. blunt talker says:

    Miss Kate and the others will get nowhere if they don’t respect Harry’s own family-he is a grown man of 40 with a wife and two kids-no respect or acceptance in the royal family is a no go-royal family is too close to the tabloids with their lies and smears-nothing is going to change except the hearts and minds in the royal family.

  44. jferber says:

    IMHO, Kate’s only interest in Harry is carnal. I don’t think Harry ever realized this, being a decent bloke himself. But Willy knew because his mind is right in the gutter with Kate’s. Maybe that’s why Willy hates poor Harry with the heat of a thousand suns.

  45. Darkwing Duck says:

    This story is from Heat Magazine then given minimal credibility laundering by being picked up by The Mirror. Anyone who loves a Kate and Harry reconciliation story should subscribe to Heat, OK, Closer and New (actual tabloids in the US sense) because they basically cycle between that and ‘Meghan’s Fears For The Future’ stories *every week*. That is the context here.

    While the possibility of Kate wanting to set an example by reconciling with Harry, or wanting people to think that is what she thinks, is interesting to discuss the likelihood that Heat’s specific claims about this are accurate are about the same as the stopped clock’s likelihood of telling the correct time, and for the same reason. Their sources close to the Sussexes also tell us every other week that Meghan knows it’s make or break for her since Oprah and the rest of her Hollywood neighbourhood started shunning her, you know?

    • jais says:

      Fair. It is bs. But it’s one of the bs stories that KP used to trot out. In this case though, yeah, beyond being interesting to discuss, I don’t think this is even coming from KP. It feels like a recycled story.

  46. Blogger says:

    But Harry isn’t the heir and I don’t think it is in Lazy to do a Diana and have lovers. That’s what Carole is for – to give her marital advice. I think it would be healthier for Lazy to take one, like Diana though.

    Wasn’t it during the St Andrew’s days that Lazy was known as the go-to mattress for aristos who wanted discretion? That’s why Willie tried her because his mates told him they had already tested Lazy and there had been no leaks to the press?

    Lazy recognises Harry’s kindness – like everyone who meets Harry does – but don’t think the interest is carnal. Certainly not on Harry’s side – Harry’s dated accomplished women who have had careers. Exact opposite to Lazy.

    • Tessa says:

      Charles really .ended the marriage after he got heir and spare from Diana. Diana was 23 . Charles was emotionally abusive to her even with public put downs. Diana did want out. Kate is putting up with it to become queen. Arguably William treats Kate worse than his father treated his mother

      • Blogger says:

        Not sure if Willie does. It appears that way because the main difference is that Diana had powerful and influential friends – like Meghan – who could fight back against the most egregious of nonsense. Katie only has her mother. She can’t fight back against the Cholmonodeleys so she bends.

        Katie bends for the institution and heir constantly.

  47. Red says:

    It’s funny if Kate’s pretending to care about how the ostracism of Harry looks bad when she was one of the prime drivers behind Harry and Meghan leaving. I know from personal experience that the longer family ostracisms go on the less those who are ostracised care about the family that excluded them. It really, really hurts at first but time and distance give perspective and I have no doubt Harry is becoming/has become very aware of how vile and uncaring his family of origin is. I wouldn’t have said that in the early days where it was obvious that he was hurt and mystified by the behaviour of, and wanted to reconcile with, his father and brother. They’re horrible people who treated him badly his whole life. Harry will be just fine without them.

  48. Leesa says:

    Unrelated thought, but she dressed somewhat normally when she first joined the firm. Not sure what happened.

    • Blogger says:

      Keeping up with the upper class Joneses happened.

      Chelsy had the laidback boho style because she was already a rich girl. Same with Jecca. They are both heiresses to landed fortunes. Their style is laidback. Similar to Meghan’s I guess. Once you reach that level of wealth.

      Katie had to dress hard to be like them and to be accepted by that set because she didn’t have her own fortune or dowry to bring to the marriage.

      The Middletons were middle classes with a connection to the gentry, the Goldsmiths working class. They had no land to fall back on hence Carole’s ambitions.

      What I find really curious about Lazy cosplaying Jecca was Willie’s regret. He made that press release confirming he had dated Jecca decades after the fact and once Jecca herself had married. Why did he do that? What was the point? At this point he should have let those sleeping exes lie but I have a feeling it was to provoke Katie – “I loved someone else, you chased her away, you entrapped me and wouldn’t let me go like a limpet.”

      A what if destiny had Willie followed his instinct and his heart. As the courtiers keep mentioning, Jecca is Willie’s Camilla but I think she is happy to be far away from that circus. Who’d want to trade their comfortable privacy and wealth for that fishbowl?


  49. sdb says:

    Another made up tabloid story. William and Kate wanted the limelight for themselves, but resent Harry for no longer being available to do their donkey work. Since he is never going to be that person again, he is of no use to them.

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