The Princess of Wales surprised a lot of people in January when she went solo to the Royal Marsden Hospital and announced that she had been treated for cancer there in 2024, and that she was now in remission. What was also surprising was the timing – Kate went to the hospital on January 14th, the day before With Love, Meghan was originally supposed to be released. As we’ve noted many times, it does feel like Kate has been out and about more than planned this year specifically because the Duchess of Sussex has been much more visible too. In recent months, there definitely seemed to be a thrown-together plan from the Windsors to attack Meghan, even sending Jason Knauf out to give an on-camera interview for no specific reason other than bringing up the stupid “bullying” narrative again.
What was so bizarre to me is that the royal/royalist effort to “derail” or harm Meghan came when she was promoting an easy-breezy cooking/lifestyle show. That’s it – she wasn’t spilling all about the Windsors, she wasn’t throwing Molotov cocktails at Buckingham Palace. She was just cooking for friends on camera, and the Windsors and their media allies were launching a full-scale assault like it was The Oprah Interview Part II. Well, In Touch Weekly claims that the Princess of Wales in particular now realizes that WLM is just harmless fluff and no one should be worried about it.
Is everyone at the palace bingeing Netflix? A source exclusively reveals to In Touch that the royal family is divided over Meghan Markle’s new Netflix show, With Love, Meghan.
While some members of the Firm, like King Charles, Queen Camilla and Prince William, “aren’t watching,” says a source, princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, who have maintained friendships with their cousin Prince Harry, and Meghan, 43, “have been very complimentary and supportive.”
But the most surprising reaction came from Princess Kate Middleton, says the source. “She isn’t making a fuss about it, but there’s a sense of relief that Meghan is putting her energy into something that steers far away from speaking about the family or stirring up controversy,” the source reveals of the princess, who was infamously implicated in an early copy of the Dutch edition of the 2023 book Endgame as one of the royals to allegedly make “racist” comments toward Meghan.
Kate, 43, shares her sister-in-law’s interests in gardening, baking and beekeeping, notes the source, and “from her view this show is harmless and should be seen as a positive thing.”
I said before that I believe King Charles will skip WLM, but Camilla will probably watch it with a stiff drink and a smirk. I also believe William and Kate have already watched the whole series, separately of course, and for completely different reasons. Kate watched it for ideas, fashion inspo and event-planning inspo – I guarantee that Kate will be copy-keening parts of WLM in future engagements. William watched it for other reasons.
As for Kate reportedly thinking that the whole thing was harmless… again, I have to wonder if the Windsors and their media allies understand that they look absolutely bonkers when they launch these attacks on Meghan for a peaceful little entertaining show. If you treat “Meghan cooking crepes” as an existential threat to the monarchy, what does that say about the MONARCHY?
Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.
- The Duchess of Cambridge sits near the Duchess of Sussex as they attend the Westminster Abbey Commonwealth day service. Commonwealth Day has a special significance this year, as 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the modern Commonwealth, with old ties and new links enabling cooperation towards social, political and economic development which is both inclusive and sustainable. The Commonwealth represents a global network of 53 countries and almost 2.4 billion people, a third of the worlds population, of whom 60 percent are under 30 years old. Each year the Commonwealth adopts a theme upon which the Service is based. This years theme A Connected Commonwealth speaks of the practical value and global engagement made possible as a result of cooperation between the culturally diverse and widely dispersed family of nations, who work together in friendship and goodwill. The Commonwealths governments, institutions and people connect at many levels, including through parliaments and universities. They work together to protect the natural environment and the ocean which connects many Commonwealth nations, shore to shore. Cooperation on trade encourages inclusive economic empowerment for all people – particularly women, youth and marginalised communities. The Commonwealths friendly sporting rivalry encourages people to participate in sport for development and peace.
Willie is watching it and is posting on forums how much he hates each episode.
Katie binge-watches it with Carole so they can say their fruit platter is better then Meghan’s.
Camilla drinks a shot every time she sees edible flowers.
Chuck is asking his minions to watch it so they can add more merch to the Duchy Organics line.
I think it’d be easy enough to spot Willy’s sockpuppet accounts on the Aston villa forums 🤣🤣
They are all watching it 😁 I want to see who is going to be the first Windsor in their vegetable garden with their wicker basket 🤣🤣
Willie doth protest too much, me thinks.
Charles is absolutely watching it and I think he might enjoy some parts – the honey, the candle making, the episode with Alice Waters. He’ll never admit that to anyone though lol
KCIII has also found joy, recently!
I think Willi is watching because Meghan is glamorous and he fancies her.. which is I think at the heart of all his issues with her. How can his insignificant , useless little brother who will never be king, get such a gorgeous, glamorous, talented , hard working and frankly sexy woman ? When he can’t… despite the fact he is going to be king some day.
Bingo! Meghan is at the root of Willy’s frustrations. If he did not care about Meghan, he would indifferent instead of lurking on-line and watching her every move.
Hmm. Who’s the source saying Kate sees it as harmless and positive? Kudos for better messaging but its hard to believe after Kate’s whole here’s my free plum recipe competition and here’s my hospital visit that just happened to be the scheduled the day before Meghan’s original premiere date. Maybe she thinks its harmless now but considering how other people are currently going to People and talking about how she has memorable moments v Meghan’s more instagrammable moments, its still just game-playing and jealousy. What’s funny though is that they’re going for a chill and magnanimous vibe here but its kind of ruined by the fact that In touch reminds us that she was outed as one of the royal racists.
Kate is a racist bee. This is just image clean up from the palace. We all know she was worried about Archie’s skin tone and she was caught on camera multiple times being aggressive and mean. No amount of image rehab can clean up what is out there on video.
It’s just funny though bc you sure don’t get reminders from People about Kate being one of the royal racists in what is supposed to be an embiggening piece. But In Touch went there.
@Not a Subject, I will never forget how at the Queen’s funeral, Princess Charlotte turned to Meghan and Meghan smiled. Kate quickly told Charlotte to turn around. That moment and others that day revealed a lot because even if most people had a falling out with an in-law, I would imagine they wouldn’t prevent their child from simply looking at them.
Princess Kate Middleton, says the source. “She isn’t making a fuss about it, but there’s a sense of relief that Meghan is putting her energy into something that steers far away from speaking about the family or stirring up controversy,”
Fuck you.
It’s “harmless” is a backhanded compliment.
If any of this is truly from her she can seriously eff off.
I was scared to type that because my post sometimes disappear😉, but thank you👏🏼.. I echo everything you’ve just posted.
Exactly. That and so her fans can praise her and say she is the “bigger person”.
They don’t need Meghan for controversy, they have Andrew , charging their charities and the government for empty moldy prisons millions of dollars …….
The source doesn’t actually say that Kate said any of the words that are being reported. It looks as if the whole thing has just been made up.
I can believe it’s made up. But there’s a chance its a royal expert from the Uk though making it up. So which expert is out there trying to help the royals out by attempting to make them not look like obsessed weirdos. Even though it did end up coming across as super condescending.
Once a snake, always a snake.
Hmmm…. Two things: one they could be saying this to cast Can’t further out by her seeing the show as harmless when everyone else considers them enemies or two this is just some made up lie to try to make a small repair to her racist self.
Kate is a hypocrite if she even made these statements. Knauf was out and about and the Wails knew, no surprise. He was stirring up trouble. Kate was not mentioned by Meghan since the time that Meghan said the story of her making Kate cry was a fake story. Or words to that effect.
I think Katie hasn’t forgiven them for a couple things:
1. Meghan reviving the Waity Katie stories by mentioning it and correcting the dresses. And also the racial skin slur which was eventually revealed by Piers.
2. Harry in Spare mentioning how his brother was drunk on the day of their wedding.
The second would have hit Katie hard. Here she was, the bride triumphant, bow before me your future queen with titles and tiaras galore…only to find out through Harry’s bestselling book that her husband was drunk and probably did so because he didn’t really want to marry her and he would remember as little as possible of his vows.
It was so strange that Will announced he wouldn’t wear his wedding ring, and that he refused to look at his bride as she walked down the aisle. Harry was whispering to Will how Kate looked while Will steadfastly refused to see her. Red flags galore like Chuck’s “whatever love is.”
Her marriage was dead before it even started. And so here we are, Meghan is loved by her husband and thriving in California. Katie is thin and miserable in Windsor, propping all sorts of falsehoods over her royal life and fairytale marriage.
Don”t forget that Meghan corrected the crying story and revealed that everyone in the family knew it was a lie and that Kate had to apologize to her for it. Meghan called that story a real turning point in the coverage and it was. Of course, its not Meghan’s fault for correcting a story that was clearly planted by them to hurt her. That with Kate being the royal racist, even though she was not named. Everything else came from Harry’s Spare details.
Meghan and Harry tried to have the story corrected (details in Spare) to no avail. If Kate had issued a statement, nothing would have come of it and the entire episode would not be rehashed. Kate’s being “upset” over it his her own fault. Meghan had every right to set the record straight. It all shows what sort of person Kate is, just letting the story stay. She probably thought there would be no consequences for her doing so, but there were.
Kate didn’t even have to issue an official statement. She could easily have issued an indirect denial of the crying story and have her minions print that, as is done with every other story about Kate.
But Kate won’t deny a story she put out there in the first place. Carole made sure of that and had her own digs about Meghan in her one and only interview about three weeks after the same paper carried the fake crying story.
Worse. She leaned on the Tattler to redact things that were mildly unflattering about her, her husband and mother, but the unflattering comments about Meghan, and the fake crying over tights were kept in. She’s not meek, she’s a viper.
“A harmless and positive thing” sounds pretty condescending to me. Also, not her words as in someone else expressed that opinion ~ like Carol.
I don’t know how reliable in touch is for sources, but this could be them realizing that they can’t backtrack in their normal media sources like Page Six. But yes, I do think that they have finally realized and acknowledged after the social media reaction, think pieces about misogynoir, and all the spikes in sales for companies featured on the show that their reaction looks unhinged.
What kills me though is that they always try to frame it as if Meghan is constantly speaking about the Royal Family, constantly giving interviews about engagements when she was a working Royal and what was actually going on behind the scenes. Or like she is consistently writing on substack about how this particular courtier is an asshole, and this particular press secretary is a dick, and she just pays them dust.
They have no reason to” worry” or to ” be happy” that is a simple lifestyle show and she’s not lobbing bombs at the BRF. She hasn’t spoken about you guys in literal years. You want her attention and you don’t have it. And I agree Charles has ostrich syndrome and won’t watch, but Camilla like all the other haters will watch it with a judgemental smirk but deep down seethe with jealousy. And Kate and William? I don’t even want to get into the rationalization their brain’s must do.
God I can’t stand her whatsoever.. the opinion of Waity only matters to her and her racist followers. Only a fool would believe that these shallow idiots aren’t binge watching everything Meghan and Harry do it’s a mental sickness at this point.
Well, well, well, is this part of the New Kate, aka Pseudo Meghan? Neutral colors, lovey-dovey, hugging people, loves gardening and beekeeping and jam, while being her own person, blah, blah, blah. At some point we’ll be treated to A Day With Kate, filmed somewhere leafy, with recipes for a picnic menu.
Kate has some serious brass neck to stage an ascent on the moral high ground in order to compliment Meghan on “moving on” after the years that Kate spent tormenting, trolling, and baiting Meghan with this blend of virtue-signalling, sanctimonious posturing & gatekeeping, all whilst frantically aping every gesture Meghan makes. This woman is so thoroughly second-rate. It’s embarrassing. The current crop of royals could have played it safe, kept their cool, and carried on, amidst Meghan’s introduction into royal circles. But that would have required them to have a regular work ethic, a reliable and competent staff, and a healthy sense of self-respect detached from their coverage in the tabloids. They act like the cast of a reality show in a really run-down try-hard post code. JFC. It’s like a split screen study of what happens in a stale class system vs a dynamic meritocracy. I’m sure Meghan was simply floored, astonished, and in varying stages of disbelief at how mediocre and simultaneously self-aggrandising these people are. Ugh ugh and ugh. Abolish the whole damn show.
Oh yes, Her Royal Graciousness deigns to toss some mild approval Meghan’s way – it’s actually kind of disgusting.
“It’s like a split screen study of what happens in a stale class system vs a dynamic meritocracy.” Well said, ParkRunMum!
The courtiers admitted early on that Meghan was brighter than basically all of the family.
“They act like the cast of a the cast of a reality show in a really run-down try-hard post code”
That’s so accurate and beautifully put!
Cue Kate’s “authentic, organic, heritage, fully home-grown herb garden at Anmer Hall produces Royal Herbs and English Rose (TM) Sprinkles for sale, to support the Royal Foundation (after deductions for overhead & salaries, of course)” in 3, 2, 1 …
oy, she’s a cow. Unfortunately she’s far from harmless.
Kate has never said a gracious thing about another woman and especially not her SIL who she practically took a swing at in public during the mournography.
It was outrageous that nobody in the media called Kate out on that. I never saw such rude behavior acted out publicly by “a royal.”
Imagine if there was video footage of Meghan doing any such thing. There is so much video evidence of Kate failing to act harmless or positive around Meghan.
In fact @Jais we have video footage of Kate advancing upon Meghan in an intimidating fashion. She also tried to block them from gaining entrance to a cathedral pew on another occasion. Will assaulted Harry in private but Kate has no qualms about displaying aggressive moves in public places like the mournography and a cathedral. She’s not generous, and an ally of women who celebrate their achievements. She views all other women except mum as competition.
Yeah, I don’t know what to say but it’s wild that there is video evidence of really terrible behavior but its essentially covered up by a whole country’e media. Whereas Meghan would get pilloried for coughing the wrong way.
There was an article about Kate being rude to Meghan at one of the commonwealth services because they made mention of being rude while wearing a stupid little hat.
But nothing was said about her aggression during the funeral walkabout. Many people noticed it though. It was aired live on news channels and many people picked up on it.
Innocent people don’t feel “relief that Meghan is putting her energy into something that steers far away from speaking about the family or stirring up controversy.”
I love that Kate and the other left-behinds will always have to worry that Meghan might reveal more unpleasant truths about them. They are so damn lucky that Meghan has moved on.
I will go on a limb and say William or Kate won’t watch it. But you know who will? The KP staff, so they can get inspiration on dressing Kate or “work” that William and Kate can do. Don’t be surprised when you see exclusive photos in the Daily Mail of William and Kate hosting a garden party for close friends with a rainbow fruit platter spread, William sporting a light blue button-down shirt with dark pants, and Kate in a spring light blue dress.
Well, you would fall off, they both copy the Sussexes, by watching and reading what they are doing, and repeating it a few weeks/months later.
Even old Chucky copies them.
Nobody likes telly more than William and Kate, they’ve seen it more than once 😆
Whether this is true or not, I’ll just say that Meghan joining the family really did a number on the Royal Family. They’re now unable to do anything without either copying her or checking to see what she does.
Did anyone catch the Duchess barefoot in one of the episodes AND wearing an evil eye bracelet? Remember she met W and K barefoot and cooking dinner. I want to believe she sent a message or Easter egg 🤭
I’m glad that this article made it a point to remind people that Kate was one of the “royal racists”. That is something that should never be forgotten.
The comment attributed to Kate is very patronizing. Meghan said her piece in the Oprah interview and in the documentary. She has not said a word about the Windsors since. It is really irksome that media articles always give the impression that Harry and Meghan are always bad-mouthing the Windsors and they are on tenterhooks fearing what Meghan or Harry will say “next.” It is the BM and the Windsors through their mouthpieces who bash Meghan and Harry daily-THEY should be the ones on tenterhooks, but it must irk the haters that they are too busy to pay attention.
“Kate, 43, shares her sister-in-law’s interests in gardening, baking and beekeeping, notes the source, and “from her view this show is harmless and should be seen as a positive thing.””
Interesting … sounds like this is a trial balloon for Kate to have her own lifestyle show.
Bollocks, Kate isn’t “interested” in anything. Beekeeping, really Kate? The jokes write themselves. I’d be surprised if Kate knew how to scramble an egg.
They are such liars. We saw Kate’s sad flip video. She couldn’t do one simple thing without help.
“sounds like this is a trial balloon for Kate to have her own lifestyle show”. God no! That would be hard work. And Kate is allergic to that! And who would she have as guests, since she doesn’t have friends….?
Meghan rightfully corrected the lie that racist Kate allowed to be used against her during all of her pregnancies. Resulting in Meghan losing a child. Since that much needed interview in 2021 and their docuseries, Meghan has not bothered to mention them. Racist Kate however has used every courtier, media friend and article to attack Meghan and fail miserably at copying everything she wears and does. Kate has not moved on since Meghan showed up on the scene and showed the world how to be royal. No one cares what this racist piece of crap thinks. She’s definitely watching everything Meghan does but she’s doing it separately from William who’s watching Meghan’s every smile, flip of hair and glance.
I wonder what reasons William would be watching. I bet he had the last episode (my favorite) on repeat. Even if Charles doesn’t watch it, someone on his team does. I think it was Shrove Tuesday (pancake day), his food brand posted a crepe making video with their jam, basically what Meghan made on her show. That was not a coincidence. If they consider the show so harmless, why were they going so insane over it and getting every royal adjacent in-law twice removed to comment and complain about it? Why get so angry over nice cookware or cashmere sweaters?
Positive, harmless yet her sisters sister in law goes after Meghan like she kicked her puppy. No one can fool me that she did this on her own and that the middletons have no part in it. There is a chance that kate has no help within her staff who would help with the bashing of Meghan so she uses family and friends (well if she has friends at all, because i did not see any)
They are all watching it. They have probably watched it multiple times and took notes. I would not be surprised if KP hires “friends” for Kate to hang out with and then drop pictures of Girls Night on IG. Does anyone think it’s weird that everyone in the RF has been pictured with friends except Kate. Does the girl have friends? When she broke up with Willy, the reporters wrote that she went clubbing with Pippa and Willy’s friends. Nobody writes about Kate having friends. Even the wicked stepmother has been photographed with friends.
Does anyone really care about how Kate feels about Meghan’s show?
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