Tracy Anderson made a very stupid swipe at the Duchess of Sussex

It’s been a minute since we’ve talked about Tracy Anderson. I can’t even believe she’s still around and people are still paying attention to her? Anderson is a longtime personal trainer and sort of disordered-eating advocate/goblin. Tracy’s whole deal is very dated, but then again, I have not paid attention to her in years so maybe she has changed up her gimmicks. Tracy is still aligned with Gwyneth Paltrow and they have various business dealings with each other, enough that Tracy films “recipe videos” for Gwyneth’s Goop brand. This week, Tracy filmed one of those “recipe videos” and she made a not-so-veiled crack about the Duchess of Sussex.

Celebrity fitness trainer Tracy Anderson has seemingly made a thinly veiled crack at Meghan Markle over her decision to film her newly released Netflix show, “With Love, Meghan,” in a rented Montecito, CA, home instead of at her own $14.65 million mansion.

Anderson, 50, made the apparent crack while filming a recipe video for her close friend Gwyneth Paltrow’s wellness brand, Goop, beginning her video by stating: “Hi, I’m Tracy Anderson. Welcome to my actual kitchen.”

The introduction was deemed by many to have been a dig at Markle, 43, who filmed her own series of cooking videos in the kitchen of a property that was used by Netflix as the set of the former “Suits” star’s lifestyle series, despite the fact that the show was billed as an “at home” experience with the Duchess of Sussex.

Markle’s series was largely taped inside an $8 million dwelling that appears to have been leased to serve as a filming location, with many of the episodes focusing on her endeavors in the kitchen, where she is often joined by a celebrity friend. There are many parallels to be drawn between Markle’s series and the clip posted by Anderson, in which the fitness expert puts together a “green goddess crunch salad.”


I was genuinely surprised that had some tea, and I wanted to use them as a source as opposed to the Daily Mail screaming about Tracy’s “BRUTAL SWIPE!” Anyway, I’ve never understood why people have latched onto “Meghan films at a rented home” as some kind of criticism/gotcha/example-of-inauthenticity. It’s always made perfect sense to me – Meghan doesn’t want a film crew in her home, especially when her kids are small. It’s insanely stressful to film this kind of show inside your own home, and plenty of chefs do the same, the film somewhere else or create a set which looks like a personal kitchen. Besides, if you watch WLM closely, you can see that some scenes are filmed outdoors at Meghan’s home. In any case, Tracy has always been an a–hole. You can go through our archives or subscribe to our mailing list for the top 8 stories, there’s more than a decade of assy lore about Tracy.


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.

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62 Responses to “Tracy Anderson made a very stupid swipe at the Duchess of Sussex”

  1. Jan says:

    It looks like bulimia jaw never goes away.

  2. aquarius64 says:

    Another white woman content creator/lifestyle show host bitter that Netflix didn’t offer her a show. There’s no money to be made off losers like her. Next.

    • Caribbean says:

      So, NO OUTCRY OF ‘Apron Gate’ or “Cooking In White” or ‘Salad is Not Her Invention’ for Tracy? AND Tracy’s “Actual Kitchen” for ‘Goop Kitchen?’ All Righty Then.

  3. SunnyDays says:

    I will never understand this criticism of WLM. No one says this about Ina Garten, that Pioneer person, Martha, Jamie Oliver….do people think all of those shows are filmed in their personal homes? No one does that! Meghan is always held to this higher standard and people always behave as if she owes them everything.

    • sevenblue says:

      They are criticizing it because the tabloids made it a point of criticism. People are just parroting what they see online to hate on Meghan, even though it is totally ordinary.

      • jais says:

        That’s what bothers me. The fact that it’s making an easy joke out of a tabloid talking point. So now I know this person reads the tabs and takes what it says about women to heart. And then uses it to mock another woman. She wouldn’t care whether Meghan is in her own kitchen if the tabloids hadn’t written how many articles saying Meghan is so fake and inauthentic just bc she’s not filming in her kitchen.

    • Swaz says:

      These haters are so funny, they hate Meghan but they’re dying to see her kitchen 🤣🤣🤣 Meghan fans don’t even care what kitchen she uses, we just want to see her 🤩

      • 2131Jan says:

        Gotta say, I would *love* to see Meg’s kitchen, but that’s because she has *such* good taste!

      • Nerd says:

        2131Jan the point is that where she films isn’t a game changer for those who actually support her and anyone who is hosting this type of show. I can’t tell you where any other lifestyle or cooking show host has filmed their show because it’s irrelevant. It being beautiful, functional and entertaining doesn’t change based off of who owns the kitchen. The one Meghan filmed in was a beautiful kitchen and nothing is taken away from it just because it isn’t Meghan’s actual kitchen. Any woman taking a swipe at Meghan for not filming in her own kitchen is ignoring the fact that unlike all of them, Meghan’s entire family has had actual threats of harm against them for years. This isn’t something to take lightly and make jokes about. There are people who are in jail for making threats to harm them or worse. No one knows or cares enough about this random white woman to even care if she’s filming in her own kitchen or a mock kitchen in Home Depot. Hers and her families lives haven’t been threatened.

    • Theresa says:

      Everyone one of them is jealous that a biracial woman won the heart of Prince Harry…that is all this is about. The monarchy and the haters in the rr cant stand that she was able to show Harry that he was worth more as a person than his own family ever did.

  4. Ginger says:

    She got dragged and is now backtracking saying she wasn’t take a swipe at Meghan just that she has been gone for a while and is now home.

    • BlueSky says:

      Nobody is going to buy her struggle salad. I’ve seen better salads at the grocery store. She mentioned at least 3 times in the video about where to order it.
      I saw someone on Threads who pointed out that the Goop company has a set kitchen too because she’s been there and she posted a picture of it.

      She was definitely being a shady grifting b@@ch. she still looks like a bobble head doll.

    • Blogger says:


      Another one to file under the “who is this irrelevant person and why should they matter. Not.”

      PS she should have different coloured underwear under that sheer dress.

      • Debbie says:

        The sheer dress with see-through undies is the height of good taste compared to that schizophrenic denim outfit. Is she wearing shorts or long pants? Fashion-wise, she doesn’t know whether she’s afoot or astride.

      • Marley says:

        Ugh. Her style is heinous.

      • WaterDragon says:

        That see-through dress with panties showing is Too Tacky To Be True. Yuck!

    • MY3CENTS says:

      Gone a while? Well to be fair the 90’s were a while ago….

  5. Aimee says:

    There is currently a commercial airing (I can’t recall what it’s for) where a woman is in a kitchen and it looks exactly like a kitchen Giada used to film in. Most of these people do not use their own home kitchen. Get over it.

  6. Roo says:

    Isn’t she the goblin that suggested adult women eat baby food cups as they were the “ideal” calorie count per serving. I’m not taking any nutrition and cooking advice from her.

  7. Eurydice says:

    More swipes from people who never actually watched the show. In several episodes Meghan said outright that she wasn’t filming in her home.

    • windyriver says:

      And in several places, it’s clear she is on her own property, which none of these folks ever mention. The Chick-Inn, of course, but from the conversation with the beekeeper at the beginning of the very first episode (Meghan says they had no bees when the hives were first set up) the beehive is obviously hers. People magazine said they filmed in her garden and orchard, and in the beginning of the Mindy episode, for example, Meghan says the blackberry vines she’s picking from were there when they moved in.

      • Chrissy says:

        Sometimes people just like to bitch. They don’t let facts get in the way of begging for any attention. Bobblehead, indeed!

      • jais says:

        Blackberry vines are not a joke. I planted a few seeds in my Bklyn backyard once and after a few years they took over. Good blackberries but it was a bit of a whoops bc they took over.

  8. DebDowner says:

    I watch a lot of YouTube cooking videos, and the hosts/chefs often say where they are—at home, at a rental, away etc. real fans of cooking shows don’t “care”, but generally are nosy. I think it started in the pandemic when the Bon Appetit chefs all started filming from wherever they could.

  9. jais says:

    Way to come across as petty and jealous, jeez. Mock the woman who lives with very serious security issues after having an entire hate-industry aimed at her for the past 8 years and whose mother-in-law died due to press intrusion for not filming in her real life kitchen. People need to check themselves fr. And if they’ve never mocked another lifestyle host for not using their real kitchen then they need to check themselves again.

  10. Dee(2) says:

    I for the life of me can I understand why this is a ” thing” for anyone, but especially Meghan. Beyond the fact that it’s nothing wrong with wanting the separation of your professional and personal life even if your professional life is you being a lifestyle guru, there are people literally in jail right now for threatening to harm Meghan and her kids. No I’m not filming at home.

    Too many people want to disassociate the uncomfortable realness of the racially motivated violence against Meghan in their criticism, treating her like she’s exactly like Rachael ray, or Gwyneth, or Ina and she’s not. You can’t ignore those factors when you’re looking at decisions that she makes even if she’s working in the same space.

    • North of Boston says:

      Yeah, from my minimal knowledge of security for high profile people, it’s not a great idea to share images that show access points to your house from the inside. Sightlines, vunerable spots, security equip are all something people with bad intents can study and use.

      The less information people have about your home’s layout, which door or random window leads to which space, how the interior walls are laid out, how you and your loved ones use the space, the better.

      And that’s even before you get to the part where turning your home into a soundstage disrupts you and your family’s life and gives addl people access to your home unnecessarily.

  11. Nedsdag says:

    Who is she? I’ve never heard of this person.

    I don’t get all these so-called experts in the public eye who decide to deride someone they think they know but don’t. Are they doing this for attention or clout? Or perhaps this is envy?

    • Blogger says:

      Attention but they’re finding out it’s a double-edged sword. 😂

    • Hypocrisy says:

      I must have missed her window of relevance because I have no clue who she is either.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      I have no idea who she is, either. And now I can go back to not knowing she exists.

    • Jaded says:

      She’s a GOOP acolyte and had a string of fitness studios and videos with her own branded workouts (the Tracy Anderson Method) which were actually ridiculous because she insisted that exercising your large muscles (think glutes, quads, biceps) was bad because it would bulk you up (wrong). She used very light weights combined with dance cardio and a massively restrictive diet (something like 800 calories a day) to get what she referred to as a “long, lean dancer’s body”) which was a very unhealthy combination. Gwyneth was diagnosed with osteoporosis when she was still in her 30s, that’s how restrictive and dangerous Anderson’s training and diet method was. Fortunately she kind of receded into the background for a long time — guess she misses her 15 minutes of fame and is trying to claw her way back to relevance by dissing Meghan.

  12. Becks1 says:

    So there are a lot of reasons why she wouldn’t film in her home, including that no matter how big her kitchen is, it might not be an ideal set up for filming a cooking show. We can see in WLM how the kitchen opens right up into a big living room area so the crew seems to have plenty of room to maneuver around with the island and stovetop right there.

    This is just such a bad faith criticism when no cooking shows are filmed in someone’s actual home – maybe some YouTube ones, but the ones on tv almost all use sets. Julia Child’s set is in the smithsonian for crying out loud.

    Anyway this is just another hater trying to cloutchase. This is probably the most attention one of her videos has gotten in a while.

  13. More miserable people climbing out from their rocks to try to be relevant and have joined the hate parade. Lots of other people have done shows from kitchens that were not their own. Giada did hers from a rented home for awhile and I believe Valerie Bertinelli did the same until she finally did it from her own kitchen. Seems the only one who is criticized is the biracial woman who dared to marry a white Prince. Meg is not allowed.

  14. Amy Bee says:

    These white women are exhausting. Meghan really makes these women uncomfortable and envious.

  15. ThatGirlThere says:

    Tracy claimed her comment was “no shade”, but let’s be real, she was being shady. If she just meant she was filming at home instead of the Goop kitchen, she could’ve said that. Easy peasy. But instead, she left it vague, which makes you wonder if she was trying to stir up drama.

    She was. Someone with that shady a past is definitely always shady IMO.

  16. Beverley says:

    Washed up, irrelevant white woman says what now?

  17. Whalesnark says:

    Now this piece of work is getting in on the act? Fine, then it’s time to fight fire with fire.

    Protesters should hold up signs reading “Why do you care so much?” every time that a royal, royal-adjacent, or royal apologist does an outing.

    It should be asked of “reporters” and lifestyle commentators why THIS couple draws some much of their energy. Put them on the spot; make them explain why, of all the items that they could discuss, they choose this one repeatedly.

    Make people feel awkward about their snipes and barbs. Point out that they needn’t spend any time thinking about this because it’s none of their affair, so they must be getting something out of it.

    This isn’t a concern for child endangerment e.g. Kanye. It’s not behaviour that may warrant an intervention such as substance abuse. There is no legitimate reason for the attacks, er, *commentary*, so rub their faces in the fact that they are doing it out bitterness, jealousy or to draw attention to themselves.

    Shine a bright light on the bad behaviour, and make them answer for it.

  18. Chaine says:

    I’ve honestly never thought that TV cooking shows were in the actual kitchens of the TV cooks! It in no way affects the authenticity of the food or the show. Particularly with Meghan, I would think there are security concerns that would dissuade her from making too much of the interior of her own home viewable in the public domain.

  19. Whyforthelove says:

    Lady I forgot about says what? Please. Also that pic… with her hair turned into boob decorations… eeewwwwew

  20. blue says:

    Nigela, Ina, Gordon, Giada, et al don’t film in their home kitchens either. Julia Child started in her kitchen but very quickly moved to a studio set.
    Having a film crew in your family kitchen with all the necessary lights & gear would be a nightmare. They’d have to set up & dismantle for every shoot. Lots better to have a place just for filming where they don’t have to rearrange everything to revert to family use, to say nothing of the disruption for the children.

    • Normades says:

      Yes this an actuall show not Meghan with her phone. Also the family has huge security concerns. Normal they wouldn’t want crew in their house

  21. kelleybelle says:

    Another lantern-jawed disaster making fun of Meghan? Who is she? I’ve never heard of her.

    • Jaded says:

      Hey Kelleybelle, I posted this above — she’s a bit of a grifter and hung onto Goop’s coattails for a long time. I don’t think they’re tight anymore…

      She’s a GOOP acolyte and had a string of fitness studios and videos with her own branded workouts (the Tracy Anderson Method) which were actually ridiculous because she insisted that exercising your large muscles (think glutes, quads, biceps) was bad because it would bulk you up (wrong). She used very light weights combined with dance cardio and a massively restrictive diet (something like 800 calories a day) to get what she referred to as a “long, lean dancer’s body”) which was a very unhealthy combination. Gwyneth was diagnosed with osteoporosis when she was still in her 30s, that’s how restrictive and dangerous Anderson’s training and diet method was. Fortunately she kind of receded into the background for a long time — guess she misses her 15 minutes of fame and is trying to claw her way back to relevance by dissing Meghan.

      • kelleybelle says:

        Thank you. Another one just looking for relevance. She even *looks* nasty. I remember the osteoporosis news on Gwyneth.

  22. HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

    She’s a Mean Girl, just like Gwyneth.

  23. Cee says:

    This is so stupid coming from people like her, in the business. I’d understand this point from someone very far removed from the entertainment industry, but someone like her knows this is standard practice. Heck, even some reality shows are not filmed at the cast’s real homes.
    My parents used to receive many requests to use their house as location for ads and shows. They declined all of them, but if this is standard practice in Argentina I bet it is way more common in the US!

  24. L Williams says:

    Ina Garten said it’s best I will never film in my actual kitchen again. I had 80 production people in my house, they used the toilets and backed up my septic system to the point that it failed. Lesson learned.

  25. Zinnia says:

    That last picture in the hot pink – I had that nightgown in baby pink in the early 80’s. It was really comfortable to sleep in.

  26. Tashiro says:

    I find her to be very unattractive. Petty I know but that’s all I’ve got.

  27. Over it says:

    Anyone who looks like they survive on one lettuce leaf a week doesn’t need a kitchen. Go take your starvation anger out on soil you hollowed out twit .

  28. Noor says:

    Not at all surprising that someone allied to Goop made the snarky remarks. Inspite of her noble comments about women supporting each other, Paltrow herself also made a snarky reference about having to face Megan’s security at her gate . Come on. Celebrities know better than to drop unannounced at a neighbour’s gated home

  29. Gabby says:

    Wow Tracy. I never heard of you before today, but it’s always thrilling to learn there is one more bitter c*nt in the world than I thought there was.

    I suppose you thought your ACTUAL KITCHEN comment was witty and clever. In actuality, you are damn lucky to be able to film in your ACTUAL KITCHEN without the security ramifications of putting yourself or your family or your pets in danger from stalkers, haters and papparazzi who would use such footage to do real life harm. That’s a luxury Meghan doesn’t have. But I don’t expect you to be able to figure that out. Enjoy the type of day you deserve.

    • Maja says:

      Malice between women is encouraged by the patriarchy. We women must actively fight against it. Fights between women are a meal ticket for men without culture and real education. Our education systems still seem to promote this form of sick masculinity that views women in a base, primitive way and with the basest instincts. As if that makes men feel good about themselves … Shake your head. Look at them with their grim faces, their ugly movements, their sick feelings, what patriarchy does to men. Sick power, sick relationships, sick bodies and sick feelings.

  30. Dierski says:

    Of all the random, trashy celebs I’ve forgotten about over the years, never would have imagined seeing Tracy Anderson’s name come up again, barely holding onto a sliver of relevancy. 😂

  31. Feebee says:

    Nobody cares if it’s her kitchen or not. She could do a 45 second tap dance on her counter top declaring it her kitchen and people wouldn’t care.

    People criticize Meghan or simply repeat the tabs BS to try and get more people to care about/listen to THEM. #sad.

  32. AC says:

    Who TF is this person ?

  33. Roan Inish says:

    Kaiser I think I know why would be snarky towards Meghan. I recent sold my house and when the broker was describing the data he used to market properties he was listing he said that was owned by Murdoch’s News Corp.

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