Jeff Bezos & Lauren Sanchez scheduled their wedding for Venice, Italy this summer

I’m genuinely astonished by Jeff Bezos’ hard right-wing swing in the past year. Maybe he always leaned towards conservatism, but he decided last year to go all-in on Donald Trump and the MAGA agenda. Bezos installed a high-profile lackey of Rupert Murdoch to dismantle the Washington Post from within, and Bezos even personally shut down WaPo’s endorsement of Kamala Harris last October. Ever since, Bezos has been openly sucking up to the Trumps – apparently, Bezos and Lauren Sanchez even socialize with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner (or at least they did in Aspen just a few months ago). Bezos was one of the billionaires invited to the Trump inauguration, and Sanchez attended too, with her implants jacked up by her visible bra (how f–king tacky). Well, here’s an update: Bezos and Sanchez have finally set the date for their wedding. Both of their marriages imploded with their affair, years ago, and Bezos proposed to Lauren in 2023 with a 20-carat diamond. Their wedding will be in Italy this summer.

Invitations have gone out for Lauren Sánchez and Jeff Bezos’ wedding nearly two years after getting engaged, Page Six has confirmed. The wedding is set to take place in Venice, Italy, sometime over the summer, we’re told.

Reporter Dylan Byers was first to report the news on X Saturday. Reps for the couple did not immediately return Page Six’s request for comment.

Earlier this year, Page Six exclusively revealed there was buzz the couple would wed in June on their $500 million yacht, Koru, off the coast of Italy.

The Amazon founder, 61, proposed to Sánchez in May 2023 after five years of dating. At the time, the couple had been hitting the party circuit at the Cannes Film Festival while staying staying on his $500 million yacht, where he popped the question. Rumors of their engagement were swirling as she was seen with a massive diamond ring on her finger.

In November that year, Sánchez, 55, detailed Bezos’ proposal, telling Vogue that she “blacked out a bit” when he opened the box. “We’re still thinking about the wedding, what it’s going to be. Is it going to be big? Is it going to be overseas? We don’t know yet. We’ve only been engaged five months,” she said at the time. Experts told Page Six that the 20-carat sparkler, which he placed under her pillow, is estimated to be worth a whopping $2.5 million.

[From Page Six]

Many have questioned why a man worth $200 billion-plus would settle down with a 55-year-old woman with too much plastic surgery and absolutely zero class. My only answer is: Lauren has a certain kind of effervescence which I think many men appreciate. I’ve read her interviews and I’ve come away convinced that Bezos loves her because she’s bubbly, positive, an adventurer and because she’s most likely the most sexually exciting woman he’s ever met, to put it politely. That being said, I did wonder if he would ever get around to marrying her. When he divorced Mackenzie (his first wife), she walked away with something like $38 billion. I assume Bezos isn’t eager to repeat that experience… but I’m sure Lauren has signed a prenup. Plus, she genuinely wants to be with HIM and be his wife.

Also: I’m surprised they’re going to Italy. It’s very… Succession Season 3. Why not have the wedding in America? Is it because Trump will have turned America into a sh-thole country by the summer?

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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58 Responses to “Jeff Bezos & Lauren Sanchez scheduled their wedding for Venice, Italy this summer”

  1. Lala11_7 says:

    Two people who deserve each other…(remember her BROTHER blackmailing them😲) and that’s ALL I’MA SAY BOUT DAT!😡

    • Megan says:

      It sounds like they are cosplaying George and Amal Clooney’s wedding. It’s all so creepy.

    • HillaryIsAlwaysRight says:

      Boycott Amazon. Cancel your Prime subscription. April 5 is the next national day of protest. But I think we need to be out on the streets every day. These oligarchs are taking everything away from us, and fast.

      • Me at home says:

        Have already cancelled Prime and my Washington Post subscriptions. Unfortunately I’m already traveling on April 5, wish I could be there.

  2. vs says:

    This is one couple I am surprised by; with Jeff’s intelligence, how can he go from his 1st wife to this woman? So much plastic surgery and she does look quite cheap!
    Anyway, all the best to them! There is enough misery in this world, so I wish them a lot of happiness

    • NoHope says:

      @vs. I think he encourages LS to choose outfits and have procedures that have turned her into his fantasy blow-up doll. LS looks like an evil sex cartoon dark mirror version of M.

      She turns up at events on his arm costumed for a porno with a face like a joker because he likes this. The erotic charge between them has always been palpable.

      I conjecture that is no one around her not connected him, just on her side, to give her a reality check and let her know that the injections and outfits make her terrifying and sad to behold.

      • Libra says:

        She looks and dresses this way because it’s what he wants. He desires the envy of every man (almost) in the room who want their own blow up sex toy.

      • Soporificat says:

        Yikes! That…seems scarily accurate, and it’s a take I didn’t think of before. As soon as I read it though I thought, yuuuuppp. That is horrifying for real. Also, Billionaires shouldn’t exist. I’m gonna say this as every opportunity. Tax them out of existence!

      • AD says:

        That is until she turns into Jocelyn Wildenstein aka cat woman then he’d want to exchange her. Now she needs to do the most to stay young and attractive.

        But she does need to go easy on the PS. Her mouth says it all. She sounds fun though.

      • PunkyMomma says:

        Since Amazon now owns the Bond franchise, is she supposed to be his Bond girl? Her appearance gives off more of a Jessica Rabbit vibe.

      • Snerak says:

        I refer to her as Jeff Bezos’ emotional support sex doll. He seems completely unable to appear anywhere on earth without her being physically attached to him.

        Can anyone explain how what Bezos is doing with his fiancé is different than what Kanye is doing with his wife? It’s like we are all unwilling participants in their kink displays.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      I think he loves cheep. He loves to show off his sex doll caricature girlfriend. Bleh

    • Josephine says:

      Tons of intelligent men lack confidence, especially confidence when it comes to “landing” a woman. They want partners that they can control and that they genuinely think are beneath them so they always have the upper hand. Not sure if that is the case here. I only know that I am so much happier (and spending less) now that I dumped Amazon. I am tired of supporting scum like this. I care about the fact that he has bent a knee to fascism, but as for his marriage, they are the ones that have to love with each other!

    • Me at home says:

      She may be intelligent, trashy looks aren’t always a good indicator.

    • MMRB says:

      Irregardless of her personal fashion choices that may seem questionable to some of us, lets be honest and recognize.:

      ******She is highly intelligent, educated and runs her own business!!!!!!***********

      Just because she doesn’t wear outfits that we approve of, or is marrying this person, that we all despise. She’s not a bimbo or lacking in skills and talents, and this is important when she’s being being slaughtered by the fashion police.

  3. martha says:

    He’s afraid he’s going to lose the big iCloud contract Amazon has with the government.

  4. Amy Bee says:

    Is Trump invited to the wedding?

    • Blogger says:

      I would suspect he would but he’d probably turn it down.

      Does Italy allow convicted felons into their country?

  5. AlexandraS says:

    My actor (of note) husband is friends with Jeff’s half brother Mark Bezos. The wedding will not be in Venice or anywhere near it. Further south and we have been invited..

    • Peaceful Warrior says:

      If your husband is an “actor of note,” then wth are you doing commenting on here 😅😅

      • Soporificat says:

        There are actually a lot of connected people who comment here. However, what I would to them is: if you are commenting anonymously here, why not just say where the damn wedding is at?? Why the “tease”? It’s stupid, and it makes you sound like a poser.

      • Libra says:

        Maybe she can’t say where exactly. Years ago we received a high profile destination wedding invite( only because she was husband’s cousin and she knew we couldn’t attend) .Instructions included what airport to fly into and when. Ground transportation would then take over. Hotel was arranged for those accepting by RSVP. No actual date,time or place. Guess it’s to avoid press and lookie loos

      • AlexandraS says:

        You DO know that celebrities haunt gossip sites, dont you? 90% of them.

    • Blogger says:

      What does Mark think of Lauren and what are the details of the prenup?

    • Maurice says:

      Can your husband ask Jeff if he’s always been a dick or if it’s a recent life choice, and how much more he intends to sell the rest of us out?

    • Gina says:

      Are they doing the multiple weddings thing because they want several ceremonies or for privacy?

    • Peaceful Warrior says:

      @alexandras maybe, but if they’re legit they don’t comment. You do know VPNs can be traced, right?

      • Bronco says:

        Awww don’t put her off, I want to hear the goss from the wedding. My God it will be tacky as hell and LS will be wearing a white corset with her fake tatas up around her chin.

        JB likely has always been a bag of dicks. He’s now just a bag of dicks who has billions. You can always tell the ones who were bullied as kids and haven’t had any work on themselves, they’re still running the revenge of the nerds playbook. (most of us were bullied as kids, some of us heaps worse, so I’m not giving him an out)

  6. Maja says:

    What people want from a partner, what people consider important in a marriage, can be very different ….

  7. Nanea says:

    Italy in summer.

    What an absolutely great idea. Not only will half of northern Europe have descended to it because of their summer vacations — but it will also be unbearably hot. Unless there’ll be torrential rains.

    Anyway, what a marvellous idea, even if they’re celebrating on their yacht.

  8. Stef says:

    Italy, especially Venice, is crazy hot and humid in the summer. It’s one of the worst time/places to get married! I went to a wedding there last summer and it was very sticky and nothing but complaints from the other guests.

    It’s nice to see him stick with her and not go for a 25 year old, so there’s that, I guess…

  9. Sue says:

    Lauren was the originator of MAGA Face, but Kimberly Guilfoyle might come in a close second. Their faces must be terrifying to see in person and close up. (Note: I normally don’t make fun of someone’s physical appearance but these are terrible people who have CHOSEN to look like Jocelyn Wildenstein 2.0 so fair game.)

    • Blogger says:

      Glad I will never come across them.

      Jeff is going through one long midlife crisis and I wonder if anyone is taking any bets how long this marriage will last.

      After the destination wedding, it’s all pretty much downhill for these two unless they both do something silly like go into spouse-swapping with the Kushners or some such.

    • KC says:

      I live in a small midwestern city where we don’t have a lot of rich people so I only ever see these “faces” online or on tv where they are horrifying enough. But one day I was shopping in a very wealthy area nearby and saw some of these people IRL. Their faces were so startling I actually physically recoiled. If this is what I have to do to myself to fit in with the wealthy, I’m so glad I’m a poor working class artist. So gross.

      • Betsy says:

        Yes, encountering one of these in the wild is startling. An acquaintance of mine got her first lip injections recently. I’m sure she thinks it’s subtle, and for now it is, but I know her and I noticed and I wonder how long the slope is down to looking like a caricature.

      • orangeowl says:

        It is startling to encounter these faces in the wild. I’m in Chicago, and I don’t see them very often in my circles but when my kids were in high school, two moms who were friends had obvious plastic surgery and eerily similar faces. I found them a little sad and creepy.

  10. ThatGirlThere says:

    They aren’t so both so unattractive.

  11. Looty says:

    I think they deserve one another, but I personally don’t think the wedding will ever happen. Maybe as a social event then a pre ordained divorce in a few years.

  12. Blogger says:

    @ soporificat I can suggest several locations south of Venice (so clearly Lake Como is off the list because the Clooneys etc)

    – Naples, yacht moored off Mt Vesuvius before it erupts again: free fireworks!
    – Portofino so the pastel colours can complement Lauren’s wedding dress.
    – Firenze at the De Medici palace so Jeff can cosplay Lorenzo.
    – Bologna for the food but the city would be too left wing for them.
    – Sardinia and Sicily are both easily accessible by yacht. I highly recommend the temple at Agrigento because it’s pretty and Lauren strikes me as a Dolce and Gabanna type of gal and if she wasn’t there for their 2019 show she clearly wasn’t a good enough customer to be invited.

    • Bronco says:

      My mind immediately went to somewhere like Morocco or even Tunisia (tho I don’t know what’s happening there these days). Could even be a glam wildlife park somewhere in Africa. They’d fit right in.

  13. OS says:

    These two mangled freaks.

    Especially her. That amount of surgery ought NEVER be socially accepted.

  14. BusyLizzy says:

    She looks awful. Her face matches his soul.

  15. Betsy says:

    May the canals swallow them whole. I’m sure the tides can spit them out somewhere else.

  16. Tn Democrat says:

    Ick. Ick. Ick. Eat the rich. Tax the rich.

  17. Jane says:

    He is just nasty looking. They’re both tacky af. But she no longer looks human. Couldn’t happen to a better creature.

  18. Mandy says:

    How she dresses for these events is so cringe for both of them because you know it’s what he likes. If he was my father I would constantly be embarrassed having to look at her heaving bosom thrust out in everyone’s face. Especially when your mom is so full of class. Double Cringe!

  19. Jaded says:

    God she’s tacky, tacky, tacky — she looks like a Tijuana hooker after a shopping trip to Frederick’s of Hollywood.

    • Chrissy says:

      …and her face now looks like the JOKER’S! I guess self-mutilation is in these days! Sad what some women will do for a man!

  20. Normades says:

    I used to cut them some slack because despite her surgical procedures she had a reputation as an outgoing funny person which he probably liked as a complete geek. And I think she has pilot license and they were both into aviation.
    Since last year. NOPE. They are both trash in my book and I will avoid anything that adds to their pockets. (Amazon that’s easy. Sorry wash po).

  21. Disengaged says:

    A good person would never become a billionaire. Men are predictable – if Lauren were a die hard progressive, he wouldn’t have gone all in MAGA (not shifting blame at all, but I don’t think his actions are rooted in principles). They are both trash and Amazon lost my revenue this year. Hot tip: buy direct from manufacturers – they often throw in free samples and offer discounts that make the item cheaper. Longer to ship, but my nearly $200 in free makeup says it was worth the wait.

  22. Dani says:

    As my mama used to say, there’s a pot for every lid, bless their hearts.

  23. Io says:

    Why does he feel the need to marry again?

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