Times: Prince William plans to be a global statesman without all of the global travel

Interestingly, there’s been a flurry of Kensington Palace briefings in recent days. Saturday marked the one-year anniversary of the Princess of Wales’s cancer announcement, and KP marked the occasion by giving an exclusive, sugary briefing to Becky English at the Mail. As it turns out, KP also gave a special briefing to Roya Nikkhah at the Times, but this one is all about Global Statesman Peg and his commitment to never doing a full-scale royal tour ever again. William spent two days in Estonia last week, visiting a British military outpost and highlighting NATO’s commitment to the Baltic states in the wake of Russia’s war with Ukraine. Apparently, the two-day trip was Prince William’s new model for “tours” and foreign trips. He thinks he looks more like a global statesman if he keeps his schedule open enough to always have weekends off, in addition to a good chunk of the work week off too. Some highlights from this Times exclusive:

This is the new “tour” model: When the Prince of Wales recently outlined his approach to the monarchy, he spoke of aiming for “impact” and “trying to do it differently”. With a whistlestop trip to Estonia last week — where he spent less than two days on the ground and was home in time for a weekend with his family — the prince gave another indication of what his “different” approach to monarchy means in practice. Some royal watchers have questioned why the Waleses appear to have moved away from the traditional model of two overseas tours a year — one in the spring and one in the autumn — which the King adhered to for years as the Prince of Wales and has continued with as monarch.

Soft power: For William’s deployment of soft power on the global stage, he will increasingly opt for short foreign trips rather than the traditional lengthier royal tours. A source close to William said: “What you saw last week is a short, impactful trip that showcased an important issue. It’s a model you’re likely to see more of.” William and Kate’s last overseas tour was to Belize, Jamaica and the Bahamas in March 2022, and was beset by controversy and diplomatic hitches.

Why William & Kate won’t go on long tours: The Waleses have prioritised not spending extended time away from Prince George, who is eleven, Princess Charlotte, nine, and Prince Louis, six. The children’s weekends and school holidays are seen as special family time, which the couple try not to let work interrupt.

William loves the word “impact”: While aides would not rule out longer overseas tours for the couple in future, they stressed that William’s vision for “the role that modern monarchy has in diplomacy” and his role as a global statesman is more about that buzzword — “impact” — over endurance. “The idea of the short, sharp trip that has impact is one that works from a storytelling and impact perspective,” said an aide. “He was in Estonia for under 36 hours, one minute he’s sat with the president, the next he’s taking selfies with Estonians [during a walkabout with hundreds of wellwishers], then he’s taking part in a military exercise on the Russian borders. In terms of diplomacy and the role the family has to play, that is an example of what they can deliver.”

No major overseas tours for a while: In November, William is set to travel to Brazil for a few days for his annual Earthshot environmental awards, and to attend the Cop30 climate conference which will be held in the northern city of Belem. He and the Princess of Wales, who is in remission from cancer and is continuing with a gradual return to public life, are not expected to embark on a major overseas tour any time soon.

More global statesmanship without the messy travel: While William is not expected to increase the amount of time he spends abroad on official business, there has been a notable increase in what aides call his “statesmanlike work” since becoming heir to the throne. At every meeting, discussions about geopolitics and a range of world issues were on the agenda. “I think he is more confident and he takes it in his stride,” said the aide. “That role of global statesman is really important for him. When asked, he’s always willing to do what’s needed to support the government and His Majesty.”

[From The Times]

This reads like everyone knows that William is profoundly incapable of doing anything more than this, so they’re trying to work with what little they have. “I was in Estonia for 36 hours, that makes me a global statesman!” Sure, Peg. That being said, it definitely feels like William is telling (and not showing) the press that this is the way it is from now on… and the press isn’t quite sold on it. Thus, Roya’s jabs about the Caribbean Flop Tour of 2022 and “Some royal watchers have questioned why the Waleses appear to have moved away from the traditional model of two overseas tours a year.” This is a disagreement between Charles and William, right? Charles wonders why William can’t get off his ass and commit to traveling at least twice a year for something other than “vacations” and “football.” Oh well – Charles got the heir he deserves.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.

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64 Responses to “Times: Prince William plans to be a global statesman without all of the global travel”

  1. Angie Noguera says:

    i know his looks were snatched away by Di for being such a turd but OMG he looks like Woogie from Theres Something. About Mary!! i expect to see skin lesions or boils soon

  2. ThatGirlThere says:

    Whoa. Those teeth are just…😬

    • Blogger says:

      As I wrote on another thread, Donkey from Shrek.

    • Friendly Crow says:

      On the most basic level – I just don’t understand.

      From a pure vanity point of view- dude should fly to South Korea and get a flipping peel and a solid skin program. Hell. Bring them to the UK.

      I think his jaw is too narrow and he never got an expander which can actually cause a lot of issues – from migraines to dental and more. There is surgery for that. Not like anyone would notice if he disappeared for a couple of weeks.

      The color of his teeth – that’s like three dental appts. He wouldn’t even need to look Hollywood bright. Just shades lighter.

      Slowly dye the beard and hair so it doesn’t look so patchy. Hell. Will he get shit for hair plugs? Probably. …. If he’s sensitive about it who cares? Do it. Wtf.

      Like. Learn to pose. Learn how to have diplomatic conversations. Learn how to work a crowd. Take public speaking lessons. Like dear god. He has the world at his fingertips tips in terms of having access to literally anything – stylist, cosmetic procedures, classes – and this is what he is?!? HOW IS HE ONLY NOW LEARNING ABOUT GEOPOLITICS?!?

      How did he not start learning welsh at 4? With other languages being continually added?

      Part of me is shocked that there was seemingly no care put into preparing him for his future role. History, languages, diplomacy. And the other part is like – they believe they have a divine right so no need to bother. They are gods handcrafted perfection.

      It’s awful.

  3. So he wants to be a global statesman without doing the global work. Well I want to be a chef who only makes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. So Peg likes the word impact……. I’ll just leave that right there.

    • MY3CENTS says:

      He wants to Zoom it in. Zoombassador.

    • Debbie says:

      All of this is reminiscent of Brooklyn Beckham, whose daddy’s money got him work as a “photographer” and “chef” without the talent, tutelage, or experience.

      • jais says:

        But at the end of the day, Brooklyn was never going to be a head of state or king of an entire country living off tax-payer’s money. I just don’t have heat for him in comparison to William. Although Brooklyn is luckier in that his parents clearly do love their kids whereas that’s not the case for William.

  4. Swaz says:

    The Brits have to drink the cool aid, he’s their future incompetent king 👑 Lets work with what we’ve got 😶 can you imagine if their kids were 3 and 5 years old.

    • Elizabeth Regina says:

      Many are refusing to and most see him for what he truly is. That’s why they want Harry back.

  5. Tessa says:

    Lazy Huevo. Families manage to have “special time” and work at the same time. They don’t have the luxury of doing little work and not worrying about money. He looks sinister in that beard. Children also have friends and don’t sit home all day with their parents. And sporting events and other activities.

    • BeanieBean says:

      I’m thinking these kids are getting the Middleton childhood–which means family time, all the time. No outsiders allowed.

      • Blogger says:

        And first cousin marriages with Pippa’s and James’ crew.

        Keeping it in the family.

  6. Harla says:

    It’s interesting watching the British monarchy lose its power globally and fade into irrelevance. 10+ years ago I thought that WandK would actually keep it interesting and glamorous but wow, the last 7 years have shown that they simply don’t have it in them. Now we just get to watch it limp along without purpose or relevance.

    • Blogger says:

      Jealousy does tend to remove the shine. They keep insisting they’re in the learning stage, but learning’s over. Doing – and the lack thereof – has always been the Achilles heel of the Lazies.

      • Harla says:

        Racism didn’t help either. I imagine lots of people look at Kate and Charles and think “you really had concerns about the color of Archie’s skin and how that would look for the royal family”? I know that I do.

    • Whyforthelove says:

      Charles got the heir he deserves. That is that damn truth

  7. Tn Democrat says:

    You can’t be a global spokesman unless you are willing to travel, are comfortable enough with the public not to throw off ick vibes when dealing with anyone not bourgeois and are self aware enough to realize covering your wee willy in every picture is a bad look and why covering your penis bad look. Willy is bigly jealous of Harry’s ease when interacting with the public and having a bigly tantrum because an accident of birth cannot make him better than Harry at interacting with the public like a normal human.

  8. Eurydice says:

    Bless his heart. Now that H&M are safe and knowing that William won’t be my king, I can find him an endless source of amusement.

    • Harla says:

      Same here!! Watching William, and really all of them, cling to their fading glory while trying desperately to rewrite history is very amusing.

  9. inge says:

    ‘I want to get all the money without doing any of the work. ‘

    • Blogger says:

      Yes, but that’s not going to hold for long.

      If he’s going to Zoom diplomacy, just cut off their public funding. Period.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yes, this is definitely thinking of him and Kate, but I think we’re seeing cracks in that coming through. Becky English made that jab in her article about how they are public figures who are publicly funded (reminiscent of “we pay you pose” in a way) and in this article we’re being reminded of what Charles used to do (and is still doing as king) and what William is refusing to do.

      Even the part about Kate’s cancer – Charles has cancer and we haven’t heard anything about remission or ending treatments for him. And yet he traveled to Australia and has an Italy trip planned.

      The Italy trip is the most interesting to me bc that was mentioned last year as being in the works for William and Kate, and there doesn’t seem to be any reason why a couple who can fly to Mustique for a tropical vacation or the Alps for a skiing vacation cant fly from London to Italy for a few days.

  10. Alicky says:

    He’s working smarter, not harder, you guys!

  11. jais says:

    Okay, so basically he’s not going to travel anywhere really far? Bc it makes no sense to go all the way to somewhere like Australia and stay for only 2 days. I’m assuming he will be in Brazil for longer than 2 days. Anyways, it could be a conflict with Charles but I think it’s more a conflict with the rota. I think a lot them genuinely liked the perks of riding on a plane with the royals and getting paid to travel for work. And now they’re being told that’s not how its going to be anymore. Even with Charles’ last trip, they were told they had to book their own flights and couldn’t ride on the plane which was how it usually went.

    • QuiteContrary says:

      Good news for Australia!

      • jais says:

        Lol, right? Although since Charles just went, there doesn’t seem to be any point in him and Kate going. Iirc, Charles and Camilla didn’t make it to NZ so…sorry NZ, maybe they’ll try and go there! But nah, that sounds like too much effort for them.

  12. Cheryl says:

    We don’t know what kind of cancer Kate had or what the long-term prognosis is. I can very well imagine that she does not want to be away from her children at this stage of their lives for long periods of time for a royal tour, and her health may also not permit it (people do not just “bounce back” from chemo and cancer).

    But that is Kate. Not William. Though I do understand why he might not want to be away from his children for a month or so at a time after knowing how that felt with his parents and seeing the effect on his father from his parents doing that.

    But there is a middle ground. A week away would not be that tough to do every once in a while.

    • Becks1 says:

      Yeah, that’s the thing. No one is asking that he go away for a month. But there’s a middle ground between a two day trip and a week trip.

    • alteya says:

      We don’t know she had cancer, TBH. Too many unanswered questions and fiction going on around it, reminiscent of all her lies about HG.

  13. Amy Bee says:

    The press can’t be happy about this and I suspect they always knew that this was going to be the case. I think it’s part of the reason why they want Harry and his family to return to the UK.

  14. aquarius64 says:

    The future Willaim V has announced his reign will be via Zoom call.

    • Debbie says:

      I suspect, however, that William will want his coronation to be filled with all the old-fashioned pomp, trumpets, fur collars and golden carriages of old, regardless of how “modern” he wants to rule. It will be replete with the Bracelet of Sincerity, the Orb of Doom, the Crown of Colonialism and kisses from the next in line. Oh, and the money he wants access to, I think that will also be in the old way as well, as in the more money, the more better. No, just the “work” will be done using modern, time saving methods.

      • Blogger says:

        Why is the music from “Empire Strikes Back” going through my head imagining Willie’s coronation?

        Kitty will have the biggest tiara ever and Willie will make those aristos kneel before him 😂

        What a show. And they’ll be delayed for at least an hour and there’ll be a long line to go to the toilet before their Lazinesses turn up.

      • Blueskies says:

        Bracelet of Sincerity. 😂

    • alteya says:

      Featuring an AI-generated WilliamBot.

  15. Lady Digby says:

    When asked, he’s always willing to do what’s needed to!!!
    Are you sure that shouldn’t be “begged, cajoled, threatened” instead of asked because definitely Will has never VOLUNTEERED has he?

  16. Lady Digby says:

    Next in downsizing one’s commitments : giving up being Head of CE and refusing to be next head of CW ( well okeydoke Will, KC won’t be able to persuade them to accept you as head anyway!)
    One doesn’t read and avoids leaky pens out of an abundance of caution so we won’t be doing anything with redboxes other than place empty wine bottles in them!

  17. Beverley says:

    Oh goody! Does this mean that The Other Brother won’t travel to the US?
    Isn’t God good?!?

  18. kelleybelle says:

    Honestly, what a phuquing dork.

  19. Gabby says:

    I will not take them on their word that this visit was impactful. I will need to see some proof of impact. Oh and it needs to be positive impact.

    All I see is Peg dressed up in a costume playing foozball and offering a refrigerator paid for by others. Yes, I realize it’s a uniform for the actual soldiers but for Peg, it’s a costume. He might as well have a plastic jack-o-lantern full of candy in his hand.

    • jais says:

      And how does one measure impact? If there’s a way, I’m going to guess that William will not allow for such measurements. Just to declare that impact was had…despite doing the very least.

  20. MsKrisTalk says:

    Tell you’re lazy without telling us you’re lazy. OMG

    • Lady Digby says:

      Well at least he’s consistent as he’s been briefing since he was first dubbed workshy then, No I won’t be doing that, that or that. I’ll turn up if I feel in the mood to cheer up the poors when I am good and ready and not before! After all when they had a genuine crisis last year and it was show time for FK he took extended leave without any regard for the Firm.he is meant to be deputy head of?

  21. Me at home says:

    So he spent 36 hours “on the ground” in Estonia, and much of that was sleeping and traveling to/from airports and engagements. He spent one night there sleeping, possibly two nights there sleeping, depending on what time of day he arrived. The only “diplomacy” part was a meeting with the Estonian president. The rest–selfies with the peasants and meeting with British troops–was nice but can’t be classified as diplomatic work under any definition. Color me unimpressed.

  22. Penny says:

    It’s a crying shame that with London’s top drama schools, these two couldn’t even be bothered to get some real coaching. Di did get help. Either these two never bothered contacting RADA, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama (yes, speech!) who also coach business executives, or they did get help, and – in a classic case of you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink – they were unteachable! It’s also entitlement of course. “We’re gonna be king and queen anyway, so think we’re subpar or lazy or incompetent? Too bad! We’re your “superiors” so you have to put up with it.” On a more positive side (for them), this could all be a fade out/planned retreat from being news fodder.

    • Me at home says:

      There’s lots of reporting that Kate did get speech training. Now she’s trying so hard to sound “posh” that she’s routinely mocked for her marble-mouth speech about “the aarly years” and such.

  23. Lau says:

    Soon the Champions League will be starting again, he’ll for sure manage to make some time to go to Paris for the PSG game. He must be so overworked.

    • jais says:

      Technically, he’s started working more during the week when he also wants to attend a game. So yeah, in his mind, he actually will be feeling overworked.

  24. MsBarney says:

    Why does anyone in the US care how much William works?

  25. pottymouth pup says:

    he seems to have missed the memo of the purpose of those royal tours and diplomacy

    nothing says you want strong ties with the country you’re, ostensibly, visiting to establish/maintain a relationship with like a quick “look at me” visit with a head of state and little, if any, interest in the country, it’s people or culture

  26. one of the marys says:

    The PR for them reminds me of debate exercises in school. Take all this variety of information and make the case they’re performing really well. Now, take the same information and make the case they’re under performing. It continues to entertain and astonish me

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